MAY 2008 Editor: Mimi Lozano ©2000-8 Dedicated
to Hispanic Heritage and Diversity Issues |
For information on Ruben Salazar, click.
Jovita Idar
Letters to the Editor : Congratulations
for all of your wonderful work. Es increíble.
As you
probably know, Juárez is under a full press by 2.500 soldiers from
the Mexican Army, with tanks, helicopters, you name it. It is
simply wonderful to feel once again the calm and tranquility that used
to charactize this wonderful city, and which has been over-rum by
narco and petty terrorism. Saludos, Lic.
Roberto Camp Thank you so
much for all of your help and information provided.
......................................... Somos Primos Staff: Mimi Lozano, Editor Mercy Bautista Olvera Bill Carmena Lila Guzman Granville Hough John Inclan Galal Kernahan J.V. Martinez Armando Montes Dorinda Moreno Michael Perez Rafael Ojeda Ángel Custodio Rebollo Tony Santiago John P. Schmal Howard Shorr Ted Vincent May Contributors:
Rudy Acuna
Luis Angel Alejo Ruben Alvarez Yolanda Alvarez Dan Arellano Bea Armenta Dever Armando A. Ayala, Ph.D. Mercy Bautista-Olvera Eliud Bonilla Jorge Bonilla Eva Booher Suzanne Brooks Jaime Cader Roberto Calderon, Ph.D. |
Lic. Roberto Camp Terry Cannon Henry P. Casso, Ph.D. Bonnie Chapa Gus Chavez Norberto Franco Cisneros Robin Collins Jack Cowan Grace Dobush Richard Esquivel George Farias Lupe Fisher Lorri Frain Yolanda Edwards-Guerra Don Garate Daisy Wanda Garcia Kay Antoinette Garcia McAnally Mary Garcia Lauro Garza Arzamendi, D.D. Dr. Jaime G. Gomez, MD Rafael Jesús González Richard Gonzales Eddie Grijalva Henry Guzman Villalobos Elsa Herbeck Walter Herbeck Lorraine Hernandez Win Holtzman Granville Hough, Ph.D. John Inclan Galal Kernahan Rick Leal Jaye Lewis Pat Lozano Juan Marinez Debbie Martinez ....................................... ........................................ |
........................................ Lourdes Medrano Magdalena Morales Dorinda Moreno Alva Moore Stevenson Carlos Muńoz, Jr. Ph.D. Rosalio Munoz Patti Navarrette Rafael Ojeda Maria Angeles O'Donnell Olson Felipe de Ortego y Gasca,Ph.D Heather Padilla Yolanda Patino Efrén Paredes, Jr. Jose M. Pena Roberto Perez Guadarrama Federico A. de Jesús, Reid Angel Custodio Rebollo Armando Rendon, Ph.D. José León Robles De La Torre Alfonso Rodriguez Christy Rodriguez Norman Rozeff Steve Rubin Viola Sadler Richard Santillan, Ph.D. John Schmal Dorina Thomas Jan B. Tucker Ricardo Valverde Albert V. Vela, Ph.D. Cris Villasenor Ted
Vincent, Ph.D. |
Board: Bea
Armenta Dever, Gloria Cortinas Oliver, Mimi Lozano Holtzman, Pat
Lozano, Yolanda Magdaleno, Michael Perez, Crispin Rendon, Viola Rodriguez Sadler, John P. Schmal,
Tomas Saenz
"Consider these words written by Abraham Lincoln as part of a
resolution in 1863: "'We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of heaven; we have been preserved these many years in peace and prosperity; we have grown in number, wealth, and power as no other Nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us, and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God who made us. |
Latino Museum Major Step Closer to Reality
Announcement for Director, Smithsonian Latino Center
Not Fair, Emma Tenayuca's Struggle for Justice |
- Today, the United States Senate passed legislation that includes
provisions which could lead to the creation of a National Museum of the
American Latino, and also paves the way for the designation of various
historic sites around the country after the legendary César Chávez. The
Consolidated Natural Resources Act of 2008 (S. 2739), which the Senate
passed today, includes both the Commission to Study the Potential Creation
of the National Museum of American Latino Act of 2007 (S.500/H.R. 512), as
well as the César Estrada Chávez Study Act (S. 327). “I am proud that
Senate Democrats led the way to approve legislation today that honors the
countless contributions of Hispanic Americans to our country,” Senate
Majority Leader Harry Reid said. “By approving a bill that would
eventually honor Latinos with a national museum in Wasington, DC, and that
would pave the way for honoring historical sites related to civil rights
icon César Chávez, the Senate helped bring recognition to the vital
place that Latinos have in our national mosaic.” The Latino museum legislation would establish a Commission to study the potential creation of a national museum in Washington, DC dedicated to the art, culture, and history of Hispanic Americans. The bill passed by voice vote in the House of Representatives on February 6, 2007. It will now head back to the House for final action as part of a larger package of bills. “I believe we must celebrate the diversity
of our Nation and Latinos in general, and César Chávez in particular,
has been a significant part of American history. They have contributed to
nearly every facet of our culture including the arts, business, and served
in our Nation's military with distinction,” said Senator Salazar (D-CO).
“These bills would take the first step in commemorating the rich
contributions of the Latino community to American life, and would honor César
Chávez as one of our nation’s top civil rights leaders.”
César Chávez provision would authorize the Secretary of the U.S.
Department of the Interior to conduct a special resource study of sites
associated with the life of César Estrada Chávez. The study would help
determine whether those sites meet the criteria for being listed on the
National Register of Historic Places or possible designation as national
historic landmarks. The house version is sponsored by Rep. Hilda Solís
(H.R. 359) and was passed in July 2007. This bill is also contained
in the package that will move to the House for final action. “The
contributions of Latinos in this country are innumerable and I am
delighted that we are one step closer to fulfilling the dream of having a
Museum of the American Latino on the national mall and historically
significant places in the life of César Chávez designated as national
landmarks”, said Sen. Robert Menéndez (D-NJ). “These initiatives
acknowledge the major part Latinos have played in weaving our historical
fabric and strengthening our nation.”
Ruben Salazar remembered A biography and columns from the legendary Times columnist. On April 22 2008 the United States Post Offices distributed a block of 20 first -class stamps of American Journalists. Journalist Ruben Salazar was honored to be included as one of the American journalists. The former Times columnist had left his mark long before his death during the 1970 Chicano Moratorium March. As both a columnist and news director of the television station KMEX, Salazar was an important figure in L.A. journalism. The complete article can be viewed at: rubenremembered22apr22,0,1183483.story |
---------------------------------------------- Mexican American journalist to be honored with U.S. postage stamp By Louis Sahagun Los Angeles Times Staff Writer April 22 2008: The U.S. Postal Service will issue a stamp today honoring Los Angeles newsman Ruben Salazar, who, through his reporting and opinion columns during the 1960s, became a provocative voice for a Mexican American community searching for its political and social identity. The complete article can be viewed below or: salazar22apr22,0,7259646.story |
Mexican American
journalist to be honored with U.S. postage stamp |
The U.S. Postal Service will issue a stamp today honoring Los Angeles newsman Ruben Salazar, who, through his reporting and opinion columns during the 1960s, became a provocative voice for a Mexican American community searching for its political and social identity. Among the first Mexican American reporters to work at a mainstream newspaper, Salazar was killed Aug. 29, 1970, struck in the head by a high-velocity tear gas projectile fired by a sheriff's deputy during an anti-Vietnam War demonstration in East Los Angeles. He was 42. Related Content · Remembering Ruben Salazar Salazar stamp · Former editor joins those honoring Salazar · High school senior writes winning Ruben Salazar essay A Times columnist and general manager of KMEX-TV at the time of his death, Salazar quickly became a cultural icon. Awards are granted in his memory, and roads, schools and parks have been named after him. His likeness appears on posters, murals and lithographs, including one by the famous Mexican painter David Alfaro Siqueiros. Folk songs were written about him. FOR THE RECORD: Ruben Salazar: An article in Tuesday's California section about the U.S. Postal Service releasing a stamp in honor of Los Angeles newsman Ruben Salazar reported that he was general manager of KMEX-TV. He was news director. Also, the article quoted restaurateur Lucy Casado, whose husband was good friends with Salazar, as saying that when her husband learned of Salazar's death he had "grabbed a stick and scratched the words 'Ruben Salazar: 8-9-1970'" in wet cement. She actually said "8-29-1970," the date of Salazar's death. In addition, an image that ran on the front page and editorial page showed a Salazar stamp costing 41 cents. The image was of the stamp before a rate hike to 42 cents that takes effect in May. - He is one of five American journalists being honored with stamps. The others are Martha Gellhorn, John Hersey, George Polk and Eric Sevareid. The work and death of the husky man with piercing eyes, wavy black hair and a penchant for Louis Roth suits continue to haunt and inspire people. Among them are a restaurant owner who for half a century has been helping Latinos campaign for political office, a professor writing a book about injustices Mexican Americans have suffered at the hands of law enforcement, a woman trying to separate myths from facts about her famous father, and a continuation high school student trying hard to get back on track. But after 38 years of reminiscing and interpretation, can the true personal, professional and political depths of Salazar's life ever be known? The truth, like everything else about Salazar, is complicated. Born in Juarez, Mexico, he was a political moderate who married a young white woman and lived in a middle-class home with a swimming pool in Orange County. Salazar was especially fond of dining on steak and corn with his wife, Sally, and their three children. Yet, Charlie Ericksen, the founder of Hispanic Link, a Latino news service that publishes a weekly newsletter, recalled, "The husband that Sally knew was so different from the man we knew that it was almost as though he changed uniforms while driving down the freeway on the way home from work. "Sally said he didn't like tequila, he preferred Scotch, and that he didn't like 'that Mexican music,' " he said. "But the Ruben I knew often spent his last dollar on one more song by mariachis. He was mas mexicano than anybody." Ericksen, who was a staffer with the U.S. Civil Rights Commission in 1970, is among those who to this day believe that Salazar's death inside the Silver Dollar bar was not accidental, as determined by the Los Angeles County coroner. Just weeks before he was killed, Ericksen said, "Ruben called our office and said, 'I just want to go on the record with you guys that the police are out to get me; I know they are following me.' " About a year earlier, Salazar had left The Times, though he continued to contribute columns, to become news director for the Spanish-language station KMEX. "We met up with him at a little place on Olvera Street that served great carnitas," Ericksen said. "My boss kidded Ruben about the threats he was getting. 'Ruben,' he told him, 'the community needs a martyr.' " A week later, Salazar was dead. Raul Ruiz, a Chicano Studies professor at Cal State Northridge who was among the marchers in East Los Angeles the day Salazar was killed, has been investigating the incident for nearly four decades. "I'm going to release my own conclusions about what happened in a book to be published later this year," Ruiz said. "It's called 'Silver Dollar Death: The Murder of Ruben Salazar.' " Lucy Casado will never forget the hot and humid evening when the telephone rang at her El Adobe Cafe, a modest Mexican restaurant famous for attracting power brokers and rock stars. On the line was a City Hall insider with bad news for her husband, Frank, now deceased, a political activist and close friend of Salazar's. "I started screaming out loud over and over, 'They've killed him. They killed Ruben Salazar,' " Casado recalled. "Filled with grief and anger, my husband ran outside, grabbed a stick and scratched the words 'Ruben Salazar: 8-9-1970' deep into a square of wet cement on the sidewalk near the entrance." Standing over her husband's markings recently, she shook her head and said, "They'll stay there forever. It's not a Hollywood star, but it is the emblem of a hero." But to Lisa Salazar Johnson, Salazar was simply "Dad." Seated at her kitchen table in Huntington Beach and sorting through a heap of letters, documents and photographs her father collected during assignments in the Dominican Republic, Mexico City, Vietnam and East Los Angeles, she said some of the accolades for the man who died when she was only 9 are puzzling. "People assumed we spoke Spanish at home. We didn't," she said. "And I'll never forget how, when he was lying in an open casket, people kept walking up and laying rosary beads on his hands. A few seconds later, my mother would walk up and take the rosaries away. He wasn't Catholic." Nonetheless, she said, "all this attention 40 years after his death is humbling, and there are still so many unanswered questions, starting with exactly how did he die." At Ruben Salazar High School in the working-class community of Pico Rivera, 12th-grader Janine Perez recently wrestled with a particularly tough assignment. "When my teacher said we had to write an essay about Ruben Salazar, I wasn't very excited," said Janine, one of 250 students at the tiny continuation school surrounded by a 10-foot-high fence. "But after a week of reading about him in a booklet and on the Internet, I thought, 'This man is really interesting. Maybe I can try and write something really good about him.' "I spent a whole night just trying to understand his vision of the world, and what he did with his life," she said. "Then I started writing. It wasn't easy." The essay was still undergoing rewrites when Janine and her mother, Gabriela, were driving along Whittier Boulevard in search of a cake for her older sister's baby shower. At one point, a row of storefronts caught the teenager's eye. "Oh my god! Mom, this is where it happened," she blurted out. "There was a riot going on and a sheriff's deputy shot him." "Who?" her mother asked. "Ruben Salazar," Janine said. "On Aug. 29, 1970." "Wow," her mother said. "You're really getting into this assignment." Janine, who wants to pursue film and video editing and acting, earned high marks for the essay. "This assignment reminded me about how some grown-ups say Mexican Americans can't get serious jobs," she said. "But they don't know me." |
Each September
the University of Texas Medical Branch honors Hector P. Garcia, M.D., a
distinguished School of Medicine alumnus and civil rights champion by
presenting a monetary award to a deserving student.
All full-time UTMB students are invited to submit essays to the
Hector P. Garcia committee. The
winning student will be selected from the pool of applicants who entered the
contest. Dr. Rebecca Saavedra has
prepared an exhibit about the life of Dr. Hector P. Garcia to celebrate the
special occasion in September 2008. For more information, visit the UTMB web site: |
The Eighth Annual Hector P. Garcia
M.D. Awards Ceremony luncheon (click
here to read about the luncheon) was held on Sept.
15 to honor the memory of UTMB alumnus Hector Garcia
and recognize his crusade for civil rights and equal access
to health care for all Texans regardless of race, ethnicity
or financial status. Prior to Dr. Cavazos' presentation, the winner of the Dr. Hector P. Garcia Cultural Competence Award was announced. Students of all four schools were invited to enter the essay contest, as they are each year. The author of the winning essay had to demonstrate an understanding of cultural competence and its relevance to his or her ability to work with, conduct research with and care for a culturally diverse population. Honorable mention essayists were also announced at the event. The winning essay this year was submitted by Christie D. Huynh and was entitled "The Importance of Cultural Competency: A Nursing Student Perspective". Christie is a student in the School of Nursing. Honorable Mention was awarded to Omerine Yembe (School of Medicine) and Tran Cassandra Huynh (School of Medicine). All three essays can be found by clicking on the links below. The Importance of
Cultural Competence: A Nursing Student Perspective Shovel or Syringe:
Cultural Competence, Durban South Africa Dr. Hector Garcia
Cultural Competence Essay Sponsors
| Sent by Gus Chavez
Molina de Pick, who sacrificed and struggled for social, economic and political justice throughout her life, was honored April 1 at UC San Diego’s Cesar Chavez celebration kickoff. She was recognized for her recent $125,000 challenge gift that will endow The Gracia Molina de Pick Endowed Fund for Chicano/a Studies to support the Chicano/a~Latino/a Arts and Humanities minor program in the Division of Arts and Humanities at the University of California, San Diego. The political, cultural and economic importance of Spanish-speaking communities in the United States continues to increase. In California alone, the Latino population is expected to grow to 50 percent of the total state by 2040. Given these trends, UC San Diego created the Chicano/a~Latino/a Arts and Humanities minor program in 2002 to complement all majors by permitting students to gain a wide knowledge of diverse Spanish-speaking and indigenous histories and cultures in a hemispheric and global context. Molina de Pick’s gift will be used to enhance the program, such as bringing renowned scholars and artists to campus for public lectures, performances and exhibits, as well as generating interest and educational opportunities at UC San Diego for Chicano/a and Latino/a youth. "With this generous gift—the first endowed fund for our program—Gracia Molina de Pick continues her life-long activism and unwavering support for Latinas and Latinos in higher education," said Jorge Mariscal, UC San Diego professor of Literature and director of the Chicano/a~Latino/a Arts and Humanities minor program. "Gracia’s generosity should serve as inspiration to others throughout San Diego, motivating them to help students of all backgrounds learn about the history and culture of the fastest growing demographic group in California." A longtime educator and mentor, Molina de Pick first taught at a National City junior high school, where 70 percent of her students were Hispanic and undereducated; as a faculty member at Mesa College, she founded and wrote the curricula for the first associate’s degree in Chicano/a Studies that appeared in the Plan de Aztlan, the 1970 blueprint for higher education for Mexican Americans; at San Diego State University, she taught Peace Corps recruits and soon became an important voice in the Chicano Movement; and at UC San Diego, Molina de Pick was one of the founders and a faculty member for the university’s Third College (now named Thurgood Marshall College). "Martin Luther King said, ‘An injustice to one is an injustice to all.’ It is imperative that we learn to care for one another for our future is intertwined … and Gracia is a human being who cares about people," said UC San Diego alumna Yareli Arizmendi, ’87, ’91 MFA, an actress, writer and producer whose work includes the feature films A Day Without a Mexican and Like Water for Chocolate. "Thanks to her support, the campus can develop holistically rounded human beings with the tools to be empathetic and understanding in a diverse society." Molina de Pick added, "I don’t have a lot of money—but I’m rich in so many other ways. Everything I have, I give to the causes. I hope others will also help in raising the consciousness of the people of our community. The UC San Diego Chicano/a~Latino/a Arts and Humanities minor program is critically important, but it needs to be nourished and it needs resources." Her gift of real property, which provides the seed money for The Gracia Molina de Pick Endowed Fund for Chicano/a Studies, launches a grassroots fundraising effort conducted by her friends, including former students, staff and those she has mentored over the years, who are seeking to raise $125,000 in matching funds. This challenge will culminate March 2009 in a Women’s History Week event that will feature Gloria Steinem as keynote speaker. For more information, please call the UC San Diego Arts and Humanities Office of Development at (858) 534-9097. About
Gracia Molina Enriquez de Pick |
Ayala is a woman of faith. You can see it in the praying-hands pendant she
wears around her neck, the crucifix hanging on her dining-room wall and
the Bible she flips through, looking for the verse that has inspired her. Here it is in 2 Corinthians, these words about how God comforts us so we can comfort others in turn when they're troubled. The Ayalas – Ruth, 63, and her husband, retired California State University, Sacramento, professor Armando, 78 – have known both trouble and comfort over the years. Armando is an amputee who's paralyzed from the chest down, the cumulative result of diabetes, stroke and a spinal tumor. He's been disabled for 19 years. "I
was sitting there thinking, 'What purpose have we had in our life?' "
says Ruth. " 'Why were we given the challenge of care-giving? How can
we help someone else from what we've learned?' "And I realized, maybe
we're supposed to do something related to the war." Specifically,
she wants to help the families of the military's wounded find their way
through the new terrain of their daily lives – to share what she and
Armando have learned over time and to connect one-on-one with the
families. According
to the Department of Defense, through the first half of April, 14,417
service members in Iraq and Afghanistan have been wounded badly enough not
to return to action. "They'll never be the same," says
Ruth, "those who've been injured and those whose injuries we don't
even see." Their
families are expected to adjust and cope and assist as best they can, just
as the Ayalas – whose blended family includes six offspring – had to
after Armando's left leg was amputated. He initially went into the
hospital for knee-replacement surgery. Infection set in. Then came the
strokes and the amputation. "When
I brought him home, I didn't know much about taking care of him,"
says Ruth. "And our daughter was only a year old at the time."
She learned by doing, because what other choice was there? By
1992, Armando was paralyzed, too. He continued working part time until
2003. But with his disability, Ruth found herself in the permanent role of
caregiver to him – and also the sole parent who could string Christmas
lights, run errands and pick up their daughter from school. "It's
very easy to fall into depression," says Armando, a veteran from the
Korean War era. "Especially for the new GIs coming back."
Imagine the turmoil of that initial adjustment, from vitality to new
limitations. Imagine young spouses adjusting, too, to their role as
medical advocate, cheerleader and home nursing provider. "Their
families are at what I consider the acute phase," says Ruth.
"We've had that acute phase at various times over the past 20 years.
You operate differently then. "And then there's the phase of
isolation. I've learned that living with illness means there's not a lot
of predictability in life. You have to be flexible. You never know when
you plan something what will happen. "It's
hard to commit yourself to activities outside the home. "And
then there's the impact on your children." Her eyes fill with
tears. Armando has been in and out of the hospital recently. His illness
continues to be hard on the family. "My husband said to our
daughter, 'I don't know how long I'll be around,' " Ruth says, and
she stops for a moment, too choked up to continue. "And
she said, 'All my life, I've felt that way.' " Of course.
"And I said, 'All your life, you've known exactly where your mom and
dad are, 24-7,' " says Armando. After
he retired from teaching, he continued mentoring students. That's what he
and Ruth would like to do now, too: mentor young families coming to terms
with disability. They want to volunteer, but they don't really know
where to turn. But they have faith that answers will come to them.
'An essential
record of the Chicano movement and an "A very
important and powerful book, documenting American HistoryŠwithout question,
one of the lodestones in reference to the 'movimiento'." --
Luis Valdez, founder of the Chicano Teatro Campesino. "The first
major book on the Chicano movement by one of its leaders, who is also a
first-rate scholar. Youth, Identity, Power is certain to be a
benchmark for all future work on the subject. An importantŠcontribution
to the history of the 1960s, itŠshould be required reading."-
Clayborne Carson, Stanford University In the revised
edition of YOUTH, IDENTITY, POWER (available from at a
discounted price), scholar-activist Carlos Muńoz, Jr extends his
classic study of the 1960s Chicano civil rights movement with a
groundbreaking afterword that brings the imperative of multiracial democracy
to a new level of clarity. This analysis of Chicano thought and
struggle in America bridges the movement's involvement between civil rights,
social progression and the ever-pertinent history of Mexican-American
tensions. Muńoz
chronicles the evolution of the 1960s' Chicano radical leaders from their
student activist precursors of the 1930s, and evaluates how the progress of
their combined labors have formed the many American Latino communities of
today. The contribution of such a necessary study from one of the
influential leaders of the Chicano movement provides for an empowered and
crucial estimation of the struggles confronting the burgeoning Latino
for the conference of the National Association for Chicano and Chicano
Studies, Austin, Texas, March 19-22, 2008.
in Residence, Western New Mexico University; Professor Emeritus of
English, Texas State University System–Sul Ross; Founding Director of
the Chicano Studies Program, University of Texas at El Paso, 1970. |
years ago when I began university teaching after some years as a high
school teacher of French, there was no Chicano Studies. That is, no
Chicano Studies as an organized field of study. To be sure, there were
Mexican American scholars working on various aspects of Mexican
American life and its cultural productions, scholars like Aurelio
Espinosa, Juan Rael, Arturo Campa, Fray Angelico Chaves, George I.
Sanchez, Americo Paredes, and others. Important as this scholarship
was, it emerged amorphously, reflecting
independent intellectual interests rather than a scholarship
reflecting a field of study. This is not to say that some of these
scholars may not have considered their work as part of a field of
study conceptualized as Mexican American Studies.
Despite its lack of an under-pinning,
it was a field of Mexican American Studies, its
constituent parts subsumed as American folklore. This
situation created a critical barrier to the public discussion and
dissemination of information about the presence of Mexican Americans
in the United States and their contributions to American society.
Until 1960 and the emergence of the Chicano Movement, Mexican
Americans were characterized by mainstream
American scholars–principally anthropologists and social
workers–in terms of the queer, the curious, and the quaint.
That is, regarded as a “tribe,” Mexican Americans were
categorized as just another item in the flora and fauna of Americana
in precisely the same way American Indians were categorized. The
Chicano Movement–that wave of concientizacion that came to
bloom among Mexican Americans in the 60's transforming them into
Chicanos– helped to change American perceptions about Mexican
Americans. While Mexican Americans knew much about Anglo Americans,
Anglo Americans knew little about Mexican Americans. From 1848 to
1912–the period of transition for the conquest generation of
Mexicans who became Americans per the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo on
February 2, 1848–Mexican Americans were regarded poorly by the
American public. So
poorly, in fact, that the territories of New Mexico and Arizona were
delayed statehood until their populations were predominantly Anglo
American. In
Two Years Before the Mast, Richard Henry Dana described the
Mexican Americans as “an idle, thriftless people” who could make
nothing for themselves (1959: 9). And in 1852, Colonel Monroe reported
to Washington that “the New Mexicans are thoroughly debased and
totally incapable of self-government, and there is no latent quality
about them that can ever make them respectable. They have more Indian
blood than Spanish, and in some respects are below the Pueblo Indians,
for they are not as honest or as industrious” (Congressional
Globe, 32nd Congress, 2nd Session, January
10, 1853, Appendix, p. 104). Four
years later, W.W.H. Davis, United States Attorney for the Territory of
New Mexico, wrote a propos his experiences with Mexican Americans that
“they possess the cunning and deceit of the Indian, the politeness
and the spirit of revenge of the Spaniard, and the imaginative
temperament and fiery impulses of the moor.” He described them as
smart and quick but lacking the “stability and character and
soundness of intellect that give such vast superiority to the
Anglo-Saxon race over every other people.”
1874, General William Tecumseh Sherman quipped before a committee of
the House of Representatives that Mexico be prevailed upon to take
back the territory of New Mexico (Arnold L. Rodriguez, “New Mexico
in Transition,” New Mexico Historical Review, XXIV, July
1949, 186). And in 1902, Senator Albert
Beveridge of Indiana objected to statehood for the New Mexico
Territory on the grounds that “the majority of people in New Mexico
could speak only [Spanish]. . . . Illiteracy was high, and the arid
conditions of the southwest imposed serious limitations on
agriculture” (Robert W. Larson, New Mexico’s Quest for
Statehood 1846-1912, 1968: 215). Even
after 64 years as Americans, Mexican Americans were considered
foreigners in their own country. Little thought was given to the fact
that Mexican Americans were not immigrants to the United States, that
they were a “territorial minority” cum Americans as a booty of
war, that the border had crossed them. By the 20th century,
mainstream Americans had forgotten that as a consequence of
the U.S.–Mexico War of 1846-1848 Mexico was dismembered,
giving up more than half of its territory to the United States: a
territory now constituting the states of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona,
California, Nevada, Utah, and Colorado, as well as parts of Wyoming,
Kansas, and Oklahoma, a territory larger than France, Spain, and Italy
combined. During
the period of Americanization from 1912 to 1960, Mexican Americans
fared little better despite their efforts to become Americans. During
this period, from 1913 to 1930, more than a million and a half
Mexicans made their way north from Mexico to the United States, owing
to the destabilization of Mexico during its
civil war from 1913 to 1921. This influx of Mexicans to the
United States plus the population
of Mexicans who were part of the conquest generation came to
constitute the primary population of Mexican Americans that has given
rise to their present demographics in 21st century America.
have no definitive count as to the numbers of Mexicans who came with
the dismembered territory. Figures range from a low of 75,000 to
300,000. The dismembered territory was certainly not void of
population, considering the cities that were part of the annexed
territory–San Antonio, El Paso, Santa Fe and the San Luis Valley of
Colorado, Tucson, San Diego, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, San Luis
Obispo, San Francisco, and Pueblo, Colorado, not counting the hundreds
of smaller communities dotting the landscape. The
third factor in the demographic growth of Mexican Americans was the 20
year immigration compact between the United States and Mexico that
brought thousands of Mexican “braceros” (laborers) into the
country between 1942 and 1962. This demographic troika of Mexican
Americans (conquest generation, civil war refugees, and braceros) now
numbers some 30 million, its growth due principally to fertility
abetted certainly by a small but steady annual ingress of immigrants
since 1962. These
30 million Mexican Americans are 66% of the American Hispanic
population. That is, two out of three American Hispanics are Mexican
Americans. These are not undocumented workers; they are American
citizens. But in the current wave of nativist hysteria, American
Hispanics including Mexican Americans are regarded as aliens whose
expedient deportation is desirable in the national interest. As
American citizens, Mexican Americans have been thrown into the mix
with undocumented Hispanic workers not only from Mexico but throughout
Latin America, under the rubric of “illegal immigrants.” This is
“Why Chicano Studies?” Americans need to understand that Mexican
Americans are not a new population. That they have been part of the
American enterprise for 160 years. And this is why after almost 40
years I am still convinced about the need for Chicano Studies.
I joined the English Department at New Mexico State University almost
half a century ago, I was the only Mexican American in the department
and totally clueless about Mexican American Studies, though I had
studied Spanish literature, Mexican literature, and Latin American
literature as well as English literature and American literature. My
parents taught me about Mexico. I knew that a branch of mother’s
family had settled in San Antonio, Texas, in 1731. But about Mexican
Americans in general, I knew nothing except that we had relatives in
Chicago and Pittsburgh (whom we visited often), as well as in Texas. In
my comparative studies classes at the University of Pittsburgh between
1948 and 1952, I learned nothing about Mexican Americans except what I
learned from the long-time Mexican American communities there. But
none of that information spurred my curiosity to learn about the
history of Mexican Americans in the United States. The apodictic value
system of the United States held me firmly in its grip, reinforcing
the mantra that I was an American. Later, I would ask: If I’m an
American, were my ancestors English since our teachers and textbooks
emphasized that a special relationship existed between the United
States and England as the mother country. In a country of E
Pluribus Unum (One out of many), the United States has many mother
countries. The United States is the world. Had Italians in the United
States been subjected to the same kind of indoctrination? Germans in
the United States?
1970 I was recruited to be founding director of the Chicano Studies
Program at the University of Texas at El Paso, first such program in
the state. By this time, I had become conscientized as a Chicano. From
1967 on, I had become identified as a Quinto Sol Writer, that is,
among the first wave of Chicano writers of the Chicano Renaissance
which had its beginning in 1966 with the creation of Quinto Sol
Publications headed by Octavio Romano. By 1970, I had written
extensively about Mexican Americans and their plight in the United
States. In the Fall of 1969 I had taught the first course in Chicano
literature in the country. By 1970, I was finishing up Backgrounds
of Mexican American Literature, first literary history in the
field (University of New Mexico, 1971). In
1969, California had organized the first Chicano Studies Program in
the country. In the following two years many more Chicano Studies
Programs were inaugurated throughout the Hispanic Southwest. But all
was not serene in Aztlan–the name Chicanos chose to identify
the Hispanic Southwest, that territory dismembered from Mexico as a
consequence of the U.S. War with Mexico (1846-1848) and annexed
by the United States per the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo signed
on February 2, 1848. The
Handbook for the organization of Chicano Studies was developed in
California as El Plan de Santa Barbara (The Plan of Santa
Barbara). This was the blueprint we used in developing the Chicano
Studies Program at the University of Texas at El Paso in 1970. Our
guiding principal per the Plan de Santa Barbara was: a Chicano
Studies Program not controlled by Chicanos is not a Chicano Studies
Program. Not
surprisingly, Chicano students, faculty, and community leaders pressed
hard for Chicano control of the Chicano Studies Program at the
University of Texas at El Paso, despite institutional and system
resistance. That resistance was so obstructive, that only a student
takeover of the administration building with the president as hostage
in December of 1971 precipitated the necessary impetus for the
institutionalization of Chicano Studies. Reluctantly,
the intransigence of the university turned to half-hearted support for
Chicano Studies. Our aim was to embed Chicano Studies courses in as
many departments as we could. Our recruitment efforts were effective,
bringing to the UT El Paso campus Chicano luminaries like Rodolfo de
la Garza in Political Science, Donald Castro in English, Hector
Serrano in Theater, and Tomas Arciniega in Education. We increased the
number of Chicano faculty substantially, but still nowhere near a
percentage reflecting our numbers in the American population or our
numbers in El Paso–a community more than 75 percent mejicano at the
than half the students at the University of Texas at El Paso in 1970
were mejicanos, but Mexican American visibility on campus was
restricted to the maintenance workers, janitors, and gardeners. Our
objectives for Chicano Studies were twofold: not only would Chicano
Studies help us to enlighten both Chicanos and non-Chicanos about who
we were, but Chicano Studies would enable us to promote our visibility
beyond maintenance workers, janitors, and gardeners. Moreover, Chicano
Studies would provide the missing pieces of American history anent
Mexican Americans. Chicano Studies would show Americans the rich
heritage of Mexican Americans and the splendor of their indigenous
past. This was one way to bring Chicanos into the consciousness of the
American mainstream, though Chicano Studies was not explicitly a
mainstream venue. Chicano Studies was the alternative to the
mainstream. That was Octavio Romano’s argument in the editorial of
the first issue of El Grito in 1967. Since the American
mainstream rejected Chicanos, Chicanos would establish their own
institutions and outlets for their cultural productions. Chicano
achievement was not predicated on the approval of the mainstream.
While Chicanos wanted to be in the mainstream they would not be brown
copies of whites in the mainstream. Now,
almost forty years later, looking back on the progress and evolution
of Chicano Studies Five
decades later Chicanos are still invisible to the American mainstream,
although a number of Chicano writers have made their way into that
mainstream. Despite Chicano nationalism, there is a wave of Chicanos
who desperately seek approval of the white mainstream which
progressively validates Chicanos who most reflect its values. In the
background, however, silent running, are those diehard Chicano venues
like Arte Publico Press and The Bilingual Review Press which continue
to nurture the aspirations of Chicano writers still marginalized by
mainstream presses. In
1968 the absence of minority writers in anthologies of American
literature, especially those anthologies used in colleges and
universities, was so exacerbated that the minority caucuses of the
National Council of Teachers of English banded together as the NCTE
Task Force on Racism and Bias in the Teaching of English, issuing a
blistering report entitled Searching for America which
detailed just how bad the situation was. Along with Carlota Cardenas
Dwyer and Jose Carrasco, I was a founding member of that Task Force.
The NCTE Report included the piece on “Chicanos and American
Literature” by Jose Carrasco and me, later reprinted in The Wiley
Reader. In
1970 I sent a piece on “Chicano Poetry: Roots and Writers” to
Richard Ohman then editor of College English. He returned the
manuscript with a note saying he didn’t think the article would be
of much interest to the readers of College English, besides he
was already considering a piece on Chicano literature for an upcoming
issue of College English. The
piece turned out to be an essay on Chicano literature by a
non-Chicano. The following year I presented “Chicano Poetry: Roots
and Writers” at the First National Symposium on Chicano Literature
organized by Ed Simmen at Pan American University in Edinberg,
Texas, and published as part of the proceedings along with the
presentations of Tomas Rivera and Jose Reyna. In 1972 the piece was
reprinted in Southwestern American Literature. In the meantime,
I finished my work on Backgrounds of Mexican American Literature (University
of New Mexico, 1971), first study in the field. By
1971 the Modern Language Association had sanctioned a Chicano Caucus,
as had the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese.
It appeared that the Chicano voice was gaining in volume. It also
appeared that conceptions of Chicanos were changing. Helping that
change along was establishment of La Luz magazine in Denver in
1972, the first Hispanic public affairs magazine in English, organized
by Dan Valdes as Publisher and me as Associate Publisher. Over the ten
years of my tenure with La Luz we published dozens of pieces by
Chicanos in various genres. In 1973 Washington Square Press brought
out my anthology of We Are Chicanos which included many of the
early luminaries of the Chicano Renaissance.
there was headway in making the Chicano presence in American society
more visible, Chicano venues began to shrink as that visibility gave
more prominence to Chicanos who became more attractive to mainstream
purveyors. By the 1990's Chicano venues for literary production had
dwindled to a handful from what had been hundreds of ephemeral
“garage presses” intent on promoting the jinetes of Chicano
literature. By the 1990's there had not been a dramatic integration of
Chicano perspectives into the academic disciplines. The dozens of
Chicano Studies programs (including those that were departments)
dwindled as well to a few, although today there are two doctoral
programs in Chicano Studies. Nevertheless, since the 1990's there has
been a retreat from using Chicano Studies as a disciplinary anchor
for promulgating the story of Chicanos in America. Chicano
Studies has become a subset of Hispanic Studies and Latino Studies,
seemingly more palatable terms than Chicano Studies much the way the
term Latin American became a more palatable term than Mexican American
when the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) was
organized in Corpus Christi, Texas,
in 1929. The term
Chicano has been lost in the lexicon of Hispanicity and Latinismo.
More attention seems to be paid now to members of Hispanic groups in
the United States with minimal population numbers compared to the 30
million Mexican Americans currently in the U.S. population (not
counting the purported numbers of undocumented Mexicans in the
country). Of the 45 million American Hispanics counted in the Census,
two-thirds of them (66 percent) are Mexican Americans. The
sub-alternization of Chicanos in Hispanic Studies emphasizes
the point: Why Chicano Studies? Why? Because Chicano Studies is
being cut off a medio grito, aborting its premise and promise.
This does not mean, of course, that the study of Chicanos cannot go on
without academic programs of Chicano Studies. But rooted in an
academic setting of respect and encouragement, Chicano Studies
provides the ground and lens
from and through which to illuminate the historical processes that
have brought Chicanos to this point in American history. These are the
same heuristic considerations that under gird other disciplines. However,
suspicions about the ideological agenda of Chicano Studies have wormed
their way into the debate
over Chicano Studies, raising questions about objectivity, questions
Chicanos raised in the 660'6 and 70's about the institutional
disciplines that did not include the presence of Chicanos in their
purview. This does not diminish the value of continuing the
constructing a Chicano narrative; it just interposes inhibitions to
that construction. The
Chicano Studies programs at the University of Texas at El Paso and at
California State University at Northridge have endured because of
their academic rigor and the passion of their faculty. This is not to
say that other Chicano Studies programs lack rigor and a passionate
faculty. Whether a Chicano Studies program should be disciplinary or
interdisciplinary remains a question of academic inquiry. My concern
is: without Chicano Studies in the academy, who will advocate for
Chicanos therein? In the current public debate over immigration we see
the growing hostility towards Chicanos who are perceived as part of
the undocumented hordes of Mexicans invading the United States as Lou
Dobbs and CNN characterize the situation. The
immigration debate avers the proposition that Americans, by and large,
know little about Chicanos other than what they learn about them
through public media. Everywhere today, Chicanos are being
assailed by nativists and jingoists who see them as progeny of
“black” Spaniards and savage Indians. Chicano Studies becomes,
therefore, the instrument through which Americans can come to see
Chicanos in their own right rather than through the normative view of
mainstream Americans. For
the past 39 years I’ve taught Chicano literature to undergraduates,
Master’s students, and doctoral candidates. Most of these students
have been Chicanos. The students we also want to reach are are
non-Chicanos. But they have not signed up for Chicano Studies courses
in numbers to suggest that we are reaching them with our story. This
is also why we need to keep and strengthen Chicano Studies. Last
semester (Fall 2007) I taught on-line the introductory graduate course
to Chicano Studies which is part of our Interdisciplinary Master’s
Program. All the graduate students were Chicanos. This indicates the
work the Chicano Faculty Caucus has to do in promoting to all our
students, especially non Chicanos, the Chicano courses in our
embryonic Chicano Studies Program. Como
una hija querida, tenemos que defender Chicano Studies porque si no,
perderemos nuestro futuro. That’s too important a future to lose,
too exacting a price to pay. This is the exact moment of history for
Chicanos to rise to the occasion. Inaction begets failure. Now, more
than ever we must band together in common cause. Chicano Studies
deserves no less. |
Armando Morales Presente! |
Compas, Armando Morales passed away, the oppressed of this world are less safe, of course he inspired and mentored many more to speak truth to power. I only worked close with him for half a year or so. Summer of 1970 through Winter of 1971 when the administration of injustice in this country was out to destroy the Chicano and other progressive movements. I was chair of the Chicano Moratorium Committee. We worked on a serious attempt to begin dismantling racist practices of the LAPD and Sheriffs. Mando documented the institutional and out right racism of the LAPD and Sheriffs from their own manuals and statistics and from broader health and psychological measures, and historical truth. He helped us develop a program of reform, something like the Christopher Commission only Chicana/o derived, its in his book Ando Sangrando. Thousands and thousands of Raza were marching to push for such changes, scores of infiltrators were injected into the movement to take it off a non violent path. We had a meeting with the LA 22, the corporate and social elite, with other Chicano spokespeople. Senator Cranston presided. Otis Chandler was there, Cardinal McIntyre, others I hadn't met nor seen since. Different concerns were raised. Abe Tapia of Mapa wanted funds for Alex Garcias State Senate campaign, Julian Nava wanted more textbooks (he wrote some), Bob Gandera called them putos. Armando, Ramses Noriega and I presented the changes we wanted in the Sheriffs and LAPD and if the departments resisted we wanted Davis and Pitchess out! Others had other concerns. The final speaker was Rep Ed Roybal, he strongly argued that police brutality was the biggest issue when he grew up, when he first ran for office, and still was in 1970. We may have been storming heaven, but thousands of us were. Armando stuck with us. After the momentum was undercut and subsided he went ahead publishing his book that speaks to issues and facts that few historians of Chicano studies touch on today. A few years later new Mayor Tom Bradley nominated Mando for the Police Commission!. The city council squashed it saying he did not live in the city. Hell much of the force was recruited from the South and most lived outside the city and still do. Mando was one of our great movimiento scholars who put their research on the picket line, their asses too, Ralph Guzman was another. His heart was with the people, like the words from Gorrioncillo Pecho Amarillo about the yellow sparrow whose nest was ravaged and was calling desparately for its mate, "no mas al verte ya estoy llorando, ando sangrando igual que tu!, just seeing you there I start crying, I am bleeding just like you. I can hear him playing it right now. Ando sangrando. Rosalio Munoz Obituary: Armando Torres Morales, DSW September 18, 1932 - March 12, 2008 After a long bout with cancer, Dr. Armando Morales passed away on March 12 at his home in Stevenson Ranch with his wife and family by his bedside. Armando, the son of Lupe and Robert Morales, was born and raised in East Los Angeles. His mother served on the US Commission on Aging under President Jimmy Carter, and his father was a founding member of the East Los Angeles Community Service Organization. The Morales family was instrumental in the campaign to elect Edward Roybal to the LA City Council in 1949, which marked the birth of Latino politics in California. Following graduation from Roosevelt High School, Armando served in the military during the Korean War. His upbringing and experiences as a young man inspired his future as a scholar and social activist whose focus was helping the disenfranchised from all walks of life. Dr. Morales achieved the rank of Professor IX, the highest level attainable, Professor of Great Distinction in Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences at the Neuropsychiatric Institute & Hospital, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. He was appointed to the faculty in 1971 following his graduation from the USC School of Social Work where he earned his Master's degree and became the first Latino in the nation to earn a Doctorate degree in social work. In 1966, he co-founded the first community mental health clinic for Latinos in the nation in East Los Angeles. In 1972 he established the first "store front" satellite outpatient mental health program in California for Latino veterans as a consultant to the Veterans Administration. From 1977 to 1990, he founded and directed the first psychiatric clinic created to serve Spanish-speaking patients at the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute. It was the first of its kind ever established in the entire U.C. medical system. His textbook, Social Work: A Profession of Many Faces, 2006 (with co-author Bradford W. Sheafor), now in its eleventh edition, enjoys the distinction of being the longest surviving major textbook in the history of social work since it's original publication in 1977 and has been used by more than 150,000 students. He is also the author of Ando Sangrando (I am Bleeding): A Study of Mexican American Police Conflict, a book considered one of the seminal works of the Chicano political movement. He was co-editor of The Psychosocial Development of Minority Group Children (Brunner/Mazel). He published nearly 90 articles, chapters, and papers on the subjects of mental health, police-community relations, social work, urban riots, homicide, suicide, filicide, gang violence, homicide intervention and prevention, and the assessment and treatment of female and male juvenile and adult offenders. From 1975 through 1977, Armando was the President of the Board of Directors of the Western Center of Law and Poverty in Los Angeles, and while there, was a primary architect behind the landmark legal case "Serrano vs. Priest." As a mental health consultant to parole officers and psychotherapist to parolees beginning in 1977, Dr. Morales provided over 12,000 treatment sessions to Latino, non-Hispanic white, African American and Asian American gang members and their families through his affiliation with the California Youth Authority. As an expert Superior Court witness, he testified in 40 criminal cases in California, Florida, Oregon, and Washington, including the controversial 1993 Reginald Denny beating trial in Los Angeles. Dr. Morales was also called upon as a consultant to US Senators, Congressmen, State Legislators, and Los Angeles City Councilmen. From 1979 to 2000, Dr. Morales served as Director of the Clinical Social Work Department and Director of the Clinical Internship Training Program at the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute. Outside of UCLA, beginning in 1971, he presented 429 lectures, workshops, and 85 keynote addresses at professional conferences throughout the United States, Mexico, and Spain. A devoted family man, Armando leaves behind his wife, Dr. Cynthia Torres Morales, daughter Christina Mia, 13, two adult sons from his first marriage, Rolando and Gary, daughter-in-law Soo, 3-year old twin grandsons Vincent and Rocco, a large extended family, and many friends. He loved being a father and took special joy in his daily interaction with Christina. Active in her school and extracurricular endeavors, he was also the quintessential homework coach who took pride in her every accomplishment. Throughout his life, Armando was an avid athlete. During his service in the Air Force in Korea, he trained as a boxer and was the undefeated Far East Air Force Bantam Weight Champion in 1952 and 1953. He was an excellent hurdler, runner, cyclist, and skater. Music was also a lifelong passion for Armando. He mastered the classical guitar, composed music, and in later life learned to play the keyboard. He performed at the Troubadour in West Hollywood as well as the Ice House in Pasadena. He especially loved to perform for friends and family. Just before he died, Armando came close to finishing his last book, a humorous memoir of his life, closely edited by his son Rolando. Armando Morales embodied the true essence of a Renaissance Man, defined as one who sought to develop skills in all areas of knowledge, in physical development, in social accomplishments, and in the arts. He will be deeply missed by all whose lives he touched. FUNERAL SERVICES will be held at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, 555 West Temple Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012 on Wednesday, March 26, 2008 at 9:30 am. Armando requested that any DONATIONS given in his honor be made to Homeboy Industries, 130 West Bruno Street, Los Angeles CA 90012. Located in Boyle Heights, the neighborhood in which Armando was raised, Homeboy Industries was founded by Father Gregory Boyle in response to the civil unrest in Los Angeles to create businesses that provide training, work experience, and above all, the opportunity for rival gang members to work side by side. "Nothing stops a bullet like a job." Make your check out to Homeboy Industries and include a note saying the donation is made in honor of Dr. Armando Morales. You will receive a Tax ID number to use for tax deduction purposes. Source: Rosalio Munoz Rudy Acuna < Sunday, 23 Mar 2008 |
The Smithsonian Latino Center was established in 1997 to ensure that Latino contributions to art, science and the humanities are highlighted, understood and advanced through the development and support of public programs, scholarly research, museum collections and educational opportunities at the Smithsonian Institution as well as affiliated organizations across the United States and around the world. Over the past decade, the Center has been the catalyst for hundreds of Latino-themed projects, from museum exhibitions to live arts performances, research, virtual galleries, traveling exhibitions, additions to the Institution*s collections and educational programming for both museum professionals and the public. The Center leverages its federal appropriation with an active fundraising program, proceeds from annual events and the expertise and loaned artifacts from Smithsonian museums. New partnerships with major organizations throughout the hemisphere, promise high levels of international collaboration on new exhibitions, research and programming. The Smithsonian Institution is the world*s largest museum and research complex comprising 19 museums, 9 research centers and over 150 affiliate museums. Last year the Institution welcomed over 23 million visitors. Millions more experience the Smithsonian through a wide range of outreach initiatives including educational programs, traveling exhibits, research collaborations and digital media productions. The Latino Center reports to the Under Secretary for History, Art and Culture and has a strong, active Advisory Board. To review the Center*s website go to Roberto Calderon, Ph.D. |
by Robert Calderon, Ph.D.
Baseball Reliquary’s Collaborative Project on Mexican-American
Baseball |
The Baseball Reliquary’s collaborative project with the John F. Kennedy Memorial Library at California State University, Los Angeles on Mexican-American baseball has earned a distinguished national award for the California Council for the Humanities (CCH). The CCH provided a grant for Mexican-American Baseball in Los Angeles: From the Barrios to the Big Leagues as part of its California Story Fund, a grant program specifically designed to bring grassroots community stories to wider audiences and make them part of the larger California story. The CCH was awarded the 2007 Schwartz Prize on November 3, 2007 at the National Humanities Conference in Williamsburg, Virginia. The prize, given annually by the Federation of State Humanities Councils, is one of two awards for excellence in public programming presented each year in the United States and its territories. In October 2005, the Baseball Reliquary received a $5,000 grant from the CCH to begin its multi-faceted and comprehensive examination of Mexican-American baseball in partnership with the John F. Kennedy Memorial Library at California State University, Los Angeles. The project included a major exhibition at the library and oral history documentation conducted by Cal State LA students. The exhibition has subsequently toured throughout Southern California over the last two years. In nominating the project for the Schwartz Prize, the CCH noted that “Mexican-American Baseball in Los Angeles: From the Barrios to the Big Leagues had an extraordinary impact on a large, underserved California community, forged new and enduring ties between community members and participating academic institutions, used the humanities to explore a previously overlooked piece of the American story, attracted unprecedented audience members, and developed a life of its own, so that the project continues to prosper well after Council funding has ended.” |
“I am
excited that our project has been selected for this prestigious award,”
said the Baseball Reliquary’s Executive Director, Terry Cannon, who
collaborated with Cal State LA personnel and a group of advisors in
developing the project and who was on hand at the Huntington Library in
San Marino, California on December 13, 2007 when the Reliquary was
formally presented the Schwartz Prize by James Quay, Executive Director of
the CCH. “Hopefully the prize will allow us to continue to build and
expand the project, particularly in terms of establishing a
Mexican-American baseball archive at Cal State LA’s John F. Kennedy
Memorial Library as a major resource for students, scholars, and the
community at large.” Others associated with the project who were in
attendance and spoke at the December 13 award presentation included Cesar
Caballero, current University Librarian at California State University,
San Bernardino (and Acting University Librarian at Cal State LA during the
initial phase of the project in 2005 and 2006); Francisco Balderrama,
Professor of Chicano Studies and History at Cal State LA, who taught the
classes which conducted the oral histories; Al Padilla, former East Los
Angeles ballplayer and coach, who was interviewed as part of the project;
and Alice Kawakami, current University Librarian at Cal State LA. A statement issued by the panel of Schwartz Prize judges commended the Baseball Reliquary project as one “whose strong humanities focus both told the story of an overlooked chapter of Mexican-American history and forged new and lasting connections between underserved audiences and academic institutions. The judges highlighted the way in which this project used familiar humanities activities, such as the collecting of oral histories, exhibitions, and lectures in order to bring to life in an original and compelling manner the nearly forgotten story of the once-flourishing culture of Mexican-American amateur and semi-professional baseball teams. The collaborative approach of this project, one which created ties between local colleges and community members, including many who had never before been on campus, resulted in an experience of exceptional quality and lasting significance.” Since the inaugural exhibition for Mexican-American Baseball in Los Angeles: From the Barrios to the Big Leagues at Cal State LA in the spring of 2006, it has traveled to the Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Library & Learning Resource Center, the Institute for Socio-Economic Justice & Progressive Community Development (Brawley, California), and the Pomona Public Library. The Schwartz Prize is made possible by former Federation of State Humanities Councils board member Martin Schwartz and his wife, Helen, who established an endowment fund in the 1980s to recognize outstanding public humanities programs. For additional information on Mexican-American Baseball in Los Angeles: From the Barrios to the Big Leagues, contact Terry Cannon, Executive Director of the Baseball Reliquary, at P.O. Box 1850, Monrovia, CA 91017; by phone at (626) 791-7647; or by e-mail at |
National Public Radio story on Guy Gabaldon aired Absolut vodka pulls ad showing California in Mexico Tejano Declaration of Independence Saving Private Jose: Midwestern Mexican American World War II |
Guy's Family and Friends, Our hero lives today all over America thanks to National Public Radio and a beautiful story by Richard Gonzales. Here is the link to the radio broadcast and article on NPR: or just click on (it's right on the front page). Please enjoy this story and some more important breaks to come, including ASSOCIATED PRESS. The completed film, EAST L.A. MARINE: THE UNTOLD TRUE STORY OF GUY GABALDON will be released nationally on DVD next month. Here's hoping that we can finally get the attention for Guy he deserves!! Peace, Steve Rubin |
vodka pulls ad showing California in Mexico |
| Apr 7, Yahoo The distillers of Sweden's Absolut vodka have withdrawn an advertisement run in Mexico that angered many U.S. citizens by idealizing an early 19th century map showing chunks of the United States as Mexican. The billboard ad has the slogan "In an Absolut World" slapped over a pre-1848 map showing California, Arizona and other U.S. states as Mexican territory. Those states were carved out of what had been Mexican lands until that year. Although it was not shown in the United States, U.S. media outlets picked up on the ad, and after a barrage of complaints, Absolut's maker said on Sunday the ad campaign would cease. Defending the campaign last week, Absolut maker Vin & Spirit said the ad was created "with a Mexican sensibility" and was not meant for the U.S. market. "In no way was this meant to offend or disparage, nor does it advocate an altering of borders, nor does it lend support to any anti-American sentiment, nor does it reflect immigration issues," a spokeswoman wrote on Absolut's Web site. "Instead, it hearkens to a time which the population of Mexico may feel was more ideal," she wrote. Absolut's blog cite has received more than a thousand comments since the ad campaign was launched a few weeks ago, with many calling for boycotts of the Swedish company. "I have poured the remainder of my Absolut bottles down the sink," one blogger wrote. A war between Mexico and the United States from 1846 to 1848 started with Mexico's refusal to recognize the U.S. annexation of Texas and ended with the occupation of Mexico City by U.S. troops. At the end, Mexico ceded nearly half of its territory to the United States, forming the states of California, Nevada, Utah and parts of Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico and Wyoming. Mexicans remain sensitive about the loss and the location of the border. At the same time, the United States is fortifying barriers to keep out undocumented Mexican migrants. Some Mexicans use the term "Reconquista" (reconquest) to refer to the growing presence in California of Mexican migrants and their descendants. France's Pernod Ricard is taking over Absolut vodka, one of the world's top-selling spirit brands, after buying Vin & Spirit from the Swedish government at the end of March. (Reporting by Noel Randewich, editing by Philip Barbara) |
Hispanic US Statistics | |
As 2005, the
Hispanic population in the continental U.S. was more than 42 million, or 14%
of the total population. An additional 3.9 million Hispanics were residing
in Puerto Rico. It is projected that Latinos will account for more than one
in four Americans by 2050. ·
50% of the
Hispanic population is under age 25. ·
85% of
Hispanics under 18 were born in the United States. ·
Latino buying
power is more than $736 billion. ·
By 2010, it is
expected that Hispanics will have more than $1 trillion in disposable
income. ·
The U.S. Latino population remits billions of
dollars to Latin America: $45.8 billion in 2004. (Sources: U.S.
Census Bureau and University of Georgia’s Selig Center for Economic
The hugely successful Tejano Declaration of Independence in front of the Spanish Governors Palace in downtown San Antonio April 6th 2008. Mexican dignitaries from Mexico arriving by limo. Mexican dignitaries included ; Lic Olga Elizondo Guerra Presidenta Municipal Constitucional de Nueva Cuidad Cuerrero, Arturo Angel Martinez Juarez Secretary of Tourism;Lic. BladimarMartinez Ruiz, Sub-Secretary of Education, Tamaulipas. Of course we had our own dignitaries. Maclovio Perez from WOAI T.V. personality; Dr Jesus de la Teja, the official Historian for the State of Texas; Dr Andres Tijerina, History Professor and Author;and Mr Robert H. Thonhoff, Historian and Author. Dan Arellano The sender has included tags, so you can do more with these photos. Download Photoshop (R) Album Starter Edition-Free!
SAVING PRIVATE JOSE: MIDWESTERN MEXICAN AMERICAN MEN DURING WORLD WAR II by Richard Santillan, Ph.D. California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Page19 RICHARD SANTILLAN Fall 2001 Over the years, several movies have been produced highlighting the contributions of American servicemen during World War II. With rare exceptions, most of these films ignore the major contributions of Mexican Americans2. Mexican Americans have clearly distinguished themselves during combat, erasing any lingering doubts about their loyalty to the United States. It is estimated that nearly 500,000 Mexican Americans served during World War II. Mexican American women also played a major role both on the home front and in the military.3 Wartime has been a mixture of both immeasurable pain and unforeseen opportunities for the Mexican American community. Many Mexican American men have either been killed or seriously wounded on foreign battlefields, and families have suffered physical separation from their loved ones too many times. Yet, wartime has provided Mexican Americans the opportunity to become U.S. citizens, purchase new homes, attend college, acquire new voting rights, and learn leadership skills. The G.I. Bill, for example, allowed Mexican Americans to attend college and learn skilled jobs, as well as break the cycle of housing discrimination by purchasing federally-owned homes outside their segregated community. All of these opportunities triggered a new wave of political activism beginning in 1946. Mexican Americans from throughout the United States served in World War II, enlisted in all branches of the military and fought with relentless tenacity in major campaigns around the globe.4 For the Midwest Mexican American community, wartime has especially been a mingled time of intense family love, ranging from military moments of glory, to deepest loss of love ones. Over the years, the Midwest Mexican American community has paid tribute to the women and men who served their nation both in peacetime and wartime. This article is an attempt to portray, in part at least, the indomitable fighting spirit of the Mexican American soldier and the numerous ways in which the Mexican American community has remembered its heroes. Introduction World War II provided an opportunity for a second generation of Midwest Mexican men to fight in the defense of their country. These young Mexican American servicemen distinguished themselves by their grace and courage in World War II and brought increased respect and pride to their communities. These men were not martyrs but ordinary mortal beings responding to a noble cause. For patriotic Mexican American men living in isolated rural communities during World War II, there were no local recruiting stations, so they collected money from their family and friends for the bus or train fare to get to the nearest big city to enlist. They enlisted in Detroit, Chicago, Des Moines, St. Louis, Toledo, Gary, Milwaukee, Bethlehem, Kansas City, Omaha, St. Paul, and East Chicago. Thousands of young men of Mexican descent and a handful of women enlisted or were drafted into all the branches of the military. Most Midwest Mexican communities saw nearly all of their young men serving overseas during the war years. Many families also had nearly all their older daughters working in defense plants. Almost all the homes in the Mexican American communities had stars posted on their windows, indicating the number of men and women from that particular household who were serving in the armed forces. Military enlistment became socially contagious as young Mexican Page 20 American men saw their close friends joining the Army, Navy, and Marines; so they too wanted to be part of the national military effort. A few of them even lied about their age because they wanted a chance to defend the United States. As an added inducement, the United States government offered U.S. citizenship to all legal residents serving in the military, and some Mexican-born men wanted to take advantage of this policy. Language diversity was obvious among Mexican American service personnel in the camps. There were Mexican Americans who were monolingual in English, monolingual in Spanish, and bilingual. There were regional dialects, including Calo, southwestern Mexican American slang. Moreover, Mexican Americans shared similar stories about discrimination. They were surprised that discrimination was so widespread against them no matter where they lived, and they vowed with all their heart that they would return and positively change their community for themselves and for the next generation. This contact between Mexican Americans from throughout the nation was very significant in the history of the Midwest community because it instilled the notion that the Mexican people were a national ethnic group, transcending their local neighborhoods. For the majority of Midwest Mexican Americans, their world became bigger as they did their basic training in such states as Texas, California, New Jersey, Washington, Maine, Florida, Utah, Mississippi, Alabama, and North Carolina. Longtime friendships between Mexican Americans from various geographical regions would continue after the war and have immense political implications on the post-World War II civil rights movement. Most Mexican American servicemen, having finished basic training, returned home briefly to visit their families and friends before being shipped overseas for combat duty. After an emotional farewell in the morning to family members and friends, young, war-bound servicemen and servicewomen would be driven typically to the bus or train depot, where another tearful scene would take place between family members and close friends. Some Mexican American couples also decided to marry before the men left. It was simply a case of love triumphing over the harsh reality that some of these brides could quickly find themselves widowed.5 After a final good-bye, the young men would leave by bus or train to the west or east coasts, where a ship or airplane would be waiting to take them to battle. These men saw themselves as honor bound to prove their courage and loyalty on the fiercest battlegrounds. On the ships, they attended church services, wrote letters to their loved ones, and played Mexican music with their guitars. Most of them had never been on a ship before, let alone in a foreign country. Invariably, some Mexican Americans became very homesick or seasick or both. It took weeks for them to arrive at their final destinations. The Battlefield Between 1941 and 1945, Midwest Mexican American servicemen upheld the rich tradition of defending the nation as they spanned the globe and fought in North Africa, the Pacific, the Mediterranean, the Philippines, Sicily and Italy, Normandy, Burma, the Ardennes, and Central Europe—the toughest of the tough battles. They served as Seabees, combat engineers, anti-aircraft gunners, artillery men, Coast Guard sailors, infantry, military policemen, medics, cooks, bakers, signal corpsmen, pilots, navigators, and special services personnel. Paul Monzon from North Platte, Nebraska, for instance, was a Navy guard in Brazil protecting the U.S. Embassy. Louis Sanchez of Dodge City, Kansas joined the Army Corps of Engineers. In June of 1943, Louis was 20 years old when the war called him. He learned to build bridges, and found out very quickly that the Marines don’t land first—the engineers do. He noted that due to their bilingual abilities and their Hispanic surnames, several of the Mexican American soldiers were treated very well by the local European villagers.6 His wife’s two brothers were killed in the war. Page 21 SAVING PRIVATE JOSE: MIDWESTERN MEXICAN AMERICAN Augustine Rocha from Kansas City, Missouri stated that many Mexican American men saw action very quickly. During World War II, he saw action on D-Day and at the Battle of the Bulge: I left Camp Shanks, New York as an infantry replacement on Friday, May 13, 1944 and landed in Liverpool, England in time for the invasion of Normandy on June 6, 1944. Crossing the short distance between England and France took all night and part of the next day. We were on an English ship and faced murderous fire from the German Air Force.7 Many Midwest Mexican Americans fought at the D-Day invasion. Robert Vasquez from Kansas City fought with the Second Infantry Division from Normandy to central Europe and earned five battle stars.8 Paul Ybarra of Wellington, Kansas landed on Omaha Beach on DDay as part of a reinforcement unit for the first waves that had taken heavy losses. He said that as they landed, they saw countless bodies either floating in the water or covering the entire beach. Mr. Ybarra said there was no time to stop because of the intense firepower by the Germans. A few days later, they met deadly fire from the enemy and, in the confusion, American planes accidentally killed most of the men in his unit. Because his unit was almost depleted, Mr. Ybarra served as the head scout, a position designed to draw fire from the enemy in order to pinpoint their location. Mr. Ybarra was seriously wounded and spent nearly a month in the hospital. For his actions, Mr. Ybarra won the Purple Heart with cluster, the Bronze Star with cluster, and the Gallantry in Battle Medal. After his recovery, he went back to the front lines and was wounded again while coming to the aid of a wounded comrade. He was sent back to the hospital for 30 more days. Mr. Ybarra also had two brothers who served in World War II, and he noted that his parents were extremely proud to have three silver stars posted on their window. In 1994, France presented Mr. Ybarra and other American veterans a medal commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Normandy invasion.9 Mexican American soldiers also fought in the Pacific campaign. Leonard Mejia was born in Kansas City, Kansas in 1920. He was a switchboard operator in the South Pacific and served with the First Marine Division that successfully assaulted Japanese strongholds in Tulagi, Gavutu, Tanamlogo, Florida, Guadacanal, and the British Solomon Islands. In one critical battle, he volunteered to aid another man in laying out two telephone lines across nearly 300 yards of open terrain where enemy 75mm and 105mm shells were landing. Mr. Mejia later helped in the evacuation of several wounded men. Because of his brave deeds, he won several medals, including the Bronze Star. Cirilio
Artega, who was born in Wichita, Kansas in 1924, was assigned as a scout
in Okinawa. His main duty was also to draw fire from Japanese snipers in
order to pinpoint their locations. He said that he survived only because
the Japanese snipers, instead of killing him, waited until the main units
were in place before firing. Mr. Artega had two brothers who served in the
Pacific— Louis who fought in New Guinea and Luzon and Robert who was
wounded on his birthday on September 10, 1942.10 Many Mexican Americans served in the air war during World War II. Joseph L. Belman, who was born in Lockport, Illinois in 1924, was drafted into the Army in 1943 and was trained as a gunner. He completed 35 combat missions on a B-17 Flying Fortress. Mr. Belman’s job was to make sure the bombs were secured and dropped in good order. He added that there were many close calls as several of his planes were seriously damaged during the bombings over Germany. Mr. Belman noted that his bombing missions included most of [Page 22] Germany. As a result of his military record, he received 5 oak leaf clusters to the Air Medal and three battle stars to the European Ribbon. His crew won two Distinguished Unit Citations. Mr. Belman returned to the United States in April of 1945 and was discharged in October of the same year.12 There is also the story of Charles “Chuck” Garcia from Omaha, Nebraska. Mr. Garcia was born in Jackson City, Nebraska in 1921. After graduating from high school in 1940, he married and moved to East Chicago, Indiana, looking for work at Inland Steel Company. In 1943, he reported to the military and trained as an aircraft engine mechanic. He was assigned to the 839th Bomb Squadron, 487th Bomb Group, 3rd Bomb Division, 8th Air Force, and sent to England. During his overseas tour, he flew 35 missions and was award several medals, including the Air Medal with three oak leaf clusters, four Bronze Battle Stars, and the Distinguished Flying Cross. Mr. Garcia returned to the U.S. with rank of Staff Sgt., and helped train new pilots and combat crews. He later had five sons who served in Vietnam with one being killed in action.13 There is also the unparalleled story of Santor “Smiling Sandy” Sanchez, born in Joliet, Illinois, and raised by his grandmother. During the Depression he worked for the Civilian Conservation Corps after high school. At the age of 18, Mr. Sanchez enlisted in the Army Air Force and was trained as a gunner on a B-17 Flying Fortress bomber. He flew many bombing missions, sometimes two on the same day, between the fall of 1943 and the spring of 1944. He was entitled to stop after flying 25 missions but volunteered to fly until he had flown 44 missions. He flew more combat missions than any other American flyer. During his missions, he shot down half a dozen Nazi fighter planes and received a chest full of ribbons and medals, including the Distinguished Flying Cross, Silver Star, Soldier’s Medal, and Air Medal with 10 oak leaf clusters. The Solder’s Medal was won for his bravery when he jumped inside a runaway airplane and saved it from crashing into a hanger. The 8th Air Force had even named a flying fortress the “Smilin Sandy Sanchez” with the hero’s caricature painted on the fuselage. He was the first American flyer to be honored with such a tribute. After his combat tour of duty, he was stationed in the United States and then decided to return to the front lines and flew an additional 22 missions for a grand total of 66. Mr. Sanchez’s last letter home to his grandmother arrived on March 13, 1945. Two days later, his plane was lost over Germany. Four of the crew bailed out and became prisoners of war. In October of 1945, Mr. Sanchez was officially declared dead. His body was never recovered.14 Mexican American served with the Tank Corps as well. Alfred Serrato of Chanute, Kansas, served under General George Patton with the 3rd Army Tank Corps. Mr. Serrato was in constant combat for nearly 37 days as a tank rifleman-scout before he was seriously wounded. In 1993, he received his belated Purple Heart-fifty years after being shot.15 Pete Zamorano of Wichita, Kansas also served with the 3rd Army Tank Corps under the command of General George Patton. Mr. Zamorano landed on Omaha Beach one month after D-Day, his unit driving deeper and deeper into Europe against intensified German resistance. In one fierce battle, his tank was hit. As Mr. Zamorano climbed out of the tank he was wounded. In another bloody battle, he saved the life of another soldier whose tank had been seriously damaged. For his wartime deeds, Mr. Zamorano received several medals, including one bronze star with cluster and the Purple Heart with cluster. In 1996, the mayor of Saint Lo, France presented medals to the American men who had liberated his town, including Mr. Zamorano.16 As a result of their railroad background in civilian life, many Mexican American men worked on the railroads during their war years. Carlos Saenz of Peabody, Kansas, was [Page 23] assigned to the 729th Railroad Battalion, Company A. He landed on Omaha Beach, two weeks after D-Day, to build railroad lines to continue the fight deeper and faster into Europe.17 Overseas, Mexican American sometimes ran into friends or met soldiers from other units and asked how their friends from back home were doing. Pete Zamorano of Wichita, Kansas, remembered seeing his friend Paul Flores in France, who was coming back from the front lines with his unit. When they met, they gave each other an abrazo, an embrace. Mr. Zamorano said they talked a while and then stared at each other one more time, not knowing whether they might see each other alive again. Sometimes, Mexican American soldiers gave handwritten messages to other soldiers to personally deliver to their friends. Needless to say, it was devastating when Mexican American solders learned second-hand that a hometown friend had been killed or taken prisoner.18 Mexican Americans Killed in Action The Midwest Mexican American community suffered terrible casualties and heart wrenching deaths. The savagery of war took its heartbroken toll on families, especially mothers and wives. Tragedy so overpowering, shocking, and deeply painful. Several Mexican American men lost their lives in World War II, both on the battlefield and in military accidents at home. As the war dragged on, many of the silver stars on the windows of grief-stricken residences were replaced by gold ones-indicating family members killed in action. Black wreaths were placed on the doors of Mexican homes. Nearly every Mexican community in the Midwest lost sons in World War II. Ironically, when they brought home the bodies, the caskets, which were draped with both the Mexican and American flags, sometimes had to be carried to the church because the streets in the segregated Mexican communities were not paved and the rain-soaked mud prevented the hearse from driving to the church.19 Several Fort Madison, Iowa, Mexican Americans were decorated with honor. Two of them killed in the South Pacific Theater. Twenty-four Mexican American soldiers from the greater Kansas City area were killed in action between l941 and l945. The city of St. Louis, Missouri was home to five Mexican American men who died in battle, while the town of Chanute, Kansas had four of its young Mexican men killed in World War II. Teresa Moreno of Kansas City, Kansas sadly recalled that: "My father was killed in World War II. He had four brothers in the service with him. I was only four years old when he died. His brothers took his loss very hard and never fully recovered emotionally from his death."20 To be a five-star family during World War II was considered an American honor. But it also meant that the chances of having a son killed was extremely high according to several people who lost brothers. Some of the people who suffered losses were Guadalupe Sandoval and Lucy (Manzano) Moreno of Sterling, Illinois, and Mike Valente of Rock Falls, Illinois. 21 Mr. Sandoval had two brothers who served in World War II and one was lost in action. Mrs. Moreno was born in Arizona in 1930. Her brother Tom was killed in action in 1944. She recalled the gold star that was posted on the house indicating her brother had been killed in action. Her two sisters worked in war-related industries. Mr. Valiente was born in Sterling in 1922. He and his brother Louis served in World War II. His brother was killed at the Battle of the Bulge. Mr. Valente’s sisters Alice and Helen worked in a munitions plant while his wife JoAnn worked at a local steel mill. The Mexican communities in East Chicago and Gary, Indiana, together lost 14 young Mexican Americans while Milwaukee lost four, and St. Joseph, Missouri, lost two. And many others were lost from Mexican American communities throughout the Midwest. Page
24 Other Mexican American brothers made the supreme sacrifice. Petra Rodriguez of Dodge City, Kansas discussed the sacrifices of her brothers during the war: Robert, a member of the l0th Army Infantry, was killed in France on July 2l, l944....he was cut down in fierce fighting that followed the invasion of Normandy. Rudy, a member of the 9th Engineers, was wounded on July 4, l944, recovered, and was sent back to the front lines. He died on December 3l, l944, in the Battle of the Bulge. Mike, another brother, served as a member of the 3rd Armored Division. He was injured, but survived shrapnel injuries to his legs.23 Ila Plasencia of Des Moines, Iowa lost two brothers during the war and said: "One of my brothers died in the Philippines. He survived the Death March but died in a prison camp. Another brother was killed during pilot training here in the states. Their deaths stunned the entire Mexican community of Des Moines. We also lost Ray Martinez from nearby Newton, Iowa."24 The
Mexican community in Davenport, Iowa, lost two brothers, Ralph Vasquez of
the U.S. Army infantry and his brother Albert, U.S. Army airborne. Silvis,
Illinois lost brothers Frank and Joseph Sandoval, ten months apart; Frank
was killed on the Burma Road, while his brother Joseph died in Germany.
Their brother, Tony Sandoval, observed that his brothers’ deaths were
not in vain and, instead, opened the doors of opportunity after the war.
25 Besides those killed in action, there were many stories of fate and luck. One such person is Alfredo R. Lopez of Wichita, Kansas. Mr. Lopez graduated from bombardier school as a 2nd Lt. and was assigned to a light bomber group, the only Mexican American among a B-17 crew of ten. He said he prayed a lot and carried the Medal of Our Lady of Guadalupe around his neck. His first bombing run was over France hitting German installations. His plane also dropped supplies over Russia to aid the Polish underground’s war of resistance against the Nazis. One day, Mr. Lopez substituted for another bombardier who could not join his crew during a bombing operation. In return, the substitute took Mr. Lopez’s place the next day on Mr. Lopez’s plane. As fate would have it, Mr. Lopez plane was shot down and several crew members were killed including the substitute bombardier. Mr. Lopez eventually made 31 combat flights, the last one bombing oil refineries deep in Germany. Mr. Lopez retired from the Air Force as a major in 1979.27 Page 25 Mexican American Prisoners of War Other unsung heroes included a small group of courageous Mexican American men held as prisoners of war. These included Rupert Lona of Kansas City, Missouri; Joseph Artega, Benny Rodriguez, and Salvador Chavez of Topeka, Kansas; Luis Paredes and Joe Gomez of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Eddie Graham of Hutchinson, Kansas, Antonio “Tony” Gonzales of Deerfield, Kansas; Manuel Robles of Garden City, Kansas; and Joe Lopez of Davenport, Iowa.28 Gonzales died in a POW camp. Other POW’s from Kansas and Missouri included Ted Pantoja, Moses Lopez, Gene Martinez, Tony Espinoza, Augustin Mora, and Tony Rivera. John Sanchez was taken prisoner when Corregidor fell to the Japanese. He remained a prisoner of war for two years after which the War Department reported him as missing in action and presumably killed.29 Lt. Trinidad O. Rios, a former resident of North Platte and Scottsbluff, Nebraska was also captured by the enemy. He was held as a POW from March of 1944 until May of 1945. He was awarded the Air Medal.30 Nick Hernandez of Wichita, Kansas, was a prisoner of war for nearly three years after he was captured in Italy.31 Another Death March POW was David Chapa of St. Paul, Minnesota. Simon Velasquez, also from St. Paul, was a German POW and was interned in the infamous Stalag 17.32 A Mexican American POW from Topeka, Kansas, vividly remembered his time as a German prisoner: "We were found by the Germans and taken prisoners. We traveled first by truck and later by train to a prison camp in Germany. This camp held 3,500 military prisoners from many nations. Our living conditions were terrible, with no heat, poor clothing, and little to eat. We had to sleep three abreast on wooden bunks." We were liberated on April l5, l945, by the English after five months of detainment. We had a feeling of great joy as we ran toward the gates to meet our liberators.33 World War II Honors Mexican Americans distinguished themselves as brave defenders of democracy on the battlefield during World War II. Nationwide, 250,000 Mexican Americans suffered casualties while demonstrating their sheer bravery and fortitude.34 These battle wounds included bullet and shrapnel wounds, blown-off limbs, malaria, burns, frostbite, and the emotional and psychological horrors of war including shellshock. The vast majority of wounded Mexican American servicemen returned to the states on hospital ships. Hospital wards in the United States were filled with Mexican American soldiers waiting for the long period of convalescence. Mike Morado of Kansas City spent barely two months in France but still suffers from nightmares, trapped by the horrors of war. He was a scout behind German lines in eastern France. His job was to draw fire from the Germans and, thus, expose their positions. He also gathered intelligence from French citizens regarding German positions. Mr. Morado was wounded. He earned the Combat Infantryman’s Badge, and the Bronze Star. Forty years later, he returned to France to visit the site where he had been shot so long ago.35 Many Mexican men were wounded more than once. On April 16, 1942, Nick Castillo from St. Paul, Minnesota, was drafted into the army at Gibbong, Minnesota. Mr. Castillo was assigned to the Second Division which later participated in the D-Day invasion in Normandy on June 6, 1944. Shortly after the landing, Mr. Castillo was wounded. Several weeks later, he was wounded again. The second time was much more serious and he was returned to his parents in St. Paul.36 Page
26 Overall, Midwest Mexican Americans have won at least five Congressional Medals of Honor in various wars. Pvt. Manuel Perez, who was born in Oklahoma City and lived in Chicago before the war, was one of the soldiers who won the Medal of Honor. He volunteered for the airborne infantry and was assigned to Company A, 511 Parachute Infantry of the 11th Airborne. Pvt. Perez distinguished himself twice in combat, on February l3 and March l4, 1945. Perez killed 18 Japanese single handily during these assaults, and perhaps more than 75 counting those who had been killed by his grenades: It was on March 14 while on patrol in enemy territory that he was killed. Facing heavy rifle and machine-gun fire, Perez immediately volunteered to protect the withdrawal of the other men in his patrol. He was mortally wounded while exchanging fire with the enemy.40 Every year, the Mexican American G.I. Forum of Oklahoma City places a wreath at the grave site of Manuel Perez Jr. Sgt. Veto R. Bertoledo of Decatur, Illinois, also won the Congressional Medal of Honor during World War II. He killed 40 Germans in Hatten, France on January 9 and 10, 1945 while serving with the 42nd Division.41 In addition to the Congressional Medal of Honor, several Mexican Americans earned the Silver Star or the Bronze Star, given for valor. According to Lando Valendez of Des Moines, Iowa: "On July 1, 1944, in Shubert, France, three other G.I.’s and myself captured a German bunker and took 47 prisoners. On July 12, 1944, I was wounded. I was also part of the American forces that liberated the concentration camp of Dachau, and I couldn’t believe the horrors we discovered. I later received the Silver and Bronze Stars and the Purple Heart."42 All
of the Mexican American men and women interviewed for this article vividly
remembered where they were and what they were doing when they heard the
news that the long ordeal of war had finally ended. Needless to say, there
were many tears of bittersweet joy. Charles Garcia of Omaha,
Nebraska distinctly recalled that: Page
27 Summary The year 2000 marked the 55th anniversary of the end of World War II which has rekindled renewed appreciation from the Mexican American community for the women and men who safeguarded our nation during this troublesome time. As a result, several Midwest Mexican American communities have held celebrations and other special tributes to the people who defended this country so gallantly over a half century ago. For example, a banquet was held in Kansas City, Missouri honoring World War II veterans. The 1994 fiesta in Newton, Kansas was also dedicated to the contributions of Mexican American women and men during World War II.45 The local museum in Newton hosted a photo exhibit highlighting the impressive war record of Mexican American servicemen as well as Mexican American defense workers. North Platte, Nebraska saluted its veterans in 1990 with the theme “From the Beet Fields to the Battlefields.” World War II was a bittersweet experience for Mexican American men in the Midwest. Mexican American soldiers returning from overseas were discriminated against in education, employment, housing, the legal system, voting rights and public accommodations. The war caused great physical and emotional trauma for thousands of Mexican men and their families. Yet, World War II marked a political and social turning point, as returning Mexican American servicemen were now determined to win, once and for all, their civil rights. Thus, after all their sacrifices, they would assert, along with Mexican American women, their right to full American citizenship at home. In 1945, the entire Mexican community was rejoicing and looking forward to a brighter future. 1This article is an excerpt from an unpublished manuscript titled, “Cuentos y Encuentros: An Oral History of Mexicans in the Midwestern United States, 1900-1979.” Many of the individuals cited are now deceased. This article is dedicated to their memory and wartime contributions. 2World War II movies which have generally ignored Mexican Americans include The Longest Day, Back to Battan, Steel Helmet, To Hell and Back, The Flying Tigers, The Best Years of Our Lives, Iwo Jima, Saving Private Ryan, Halls of Montezuma, The Guns of Navaro,and the Thin Red Line. Rare exceptions after the 1940's included Giant, The Guy Galderban Story, and The Dirty Dozen. As a result of the Good Neighbor Policy in the 1940's, Hollywood did make a handful of films depicting Mexican American Servicemen including: Air Force, The Human Comedy, Battle Ground, Objective Burma, Medal for Benny, Battan, and Guadalcanal Diary. In recent years, independent Chicano filmmakers have released a handful of movies depicting the role of the Mexican American servicemen during World War II, including Memories of Hell, The Men of Company E, and Hero Street. 3Santillan, Richard (1989 and 1995) “Rosita the Riveter: Midwest Mexican American Women During World War II, 1941-1945,” Perspectives in Mexican American Studies, Mexicans In The Midwest, Vol. 2, and “Midwestern Mexican American Women and the Struggle for Gender Equality: A Historical Overview, 1920s-1960s,” Perspectives in Mexican American Studies: Mexican American Women, Changing Images, Vol. 5, Mexican American Studies and Research Center, The University of Arizona, Tucson. 4Lopez, David A, (1998). Saving Private Aztlan: Preserving The History of Latino Service In Wartime. Unpublished paper, 1998, p. 1, author’s files. 5Gomez, Hazel (personal communication, September 11, 1994), Topeka, Kansas. 6Rhoads, Paula (1998) “Former Mayor A Walking History Book,” Dodge City Daily Globe, 1992. Back home from the war, Louie Sanchez followed in his father’s footsteps by working for the railroad because he figured it would be a lifetime job. But as diesel engines replaced steam locomotives, which required less people for service between stops, the railroad companies began dismissing workers. Two months short of 10 years and a pension, the railroad terminated Louie from a job he had worked “ten days a week” as a result of double shifts every other day. 7Rocha, Augustine (Augie) (personal comunication, February 19, 1987) Kansas City, Missouri. 8Martinez, Ricardo L. (written communication January 2, 1999) Kansas City, Missouri. 9Ybarra, Paul (personal communication September 4, 1998) Wellington, Kansas. 10Artega, Cirilo (personal communication September 15, 1998) Wichita, Kansas. 11Cuellar, Russ (personal communication September 16, 1998) Newton, Kansas. 12Belman, Joseph L. (written communication April 2, 1998) Lockport, Illinois. 13Garcia, Charles (personal communication, author’s files) Omaha, Nebraska. Also see the G.I. Forumeer, March/April, 1995, p. 9. 14Whiteside, John 1992, February 13 and 1994, August 30) Joliet Herald-News entitled “Sandy Sanchez was a real hero and he was one of our own,” and “Sandy Sanchez—tough times couldn’t stop him,” . Also Feldman, March ( 1993, November 4) “Honors sought for Hispanic war hero Sanchez,” Joliet Herald News. 15Butcher, Stu (1993, November 27) “Local Vet Surprised With Medal,” The Chanute Tribute. 16Zamorano, Pete (personal communication September 15, 1998), Wichita, Kansas. 17(1994, June 1) “D-Day: Marion County was Represented: Veterans Share Stories of Campaign,” Marion County Record, author’s files. 18Zamorano, Pete (personal communication September 15, 1998) Wichita, Kansas. 19 Terronez, Joe (personal communication June 21 and 25, 1986), Silvis, Illinois. Mr.Terronez noted that Vicente Ximenes, who served as Executive Director of the Mexican American Affairs Office during the Johnson Administration, led the federal effort to support the renaming of 2nd Street to Hero Street in Silvis, Illinois. On October 31, 1971 Hero Street was dedicated with the help of both major political parties. The two Sandoval families of Silvis, Illinois, for example, sent thirteen boys to both World War II and Korea. Three of the young men were killed in combat. 20Moreno, Teresa (personal communication February 28, 1987) Kansas City, Kansas. 21Sandoval, Guadalupe (personal communication May 27, 1987), Sterling, Illinois; Valiente, Mike (personal communication March 24, 1987) Rock Falls, Illinois; and Moreno, Lucy (Manzano) (personal communication May 27, 1987) Sterling, Illinois. 22Rangel, Ray (personal communication February 13, 1987) Topeka, Kansas. 23Rodriguez, Petra (personal communication June 24, 1988) Dodge City, Kansas. Ms. Rodriguez was born in 1904. The small city of Chanute, Kansas, lost four men including Phillip Gutierrez, an outstanding baseball player. 24Plasencia, Ila (personal communication June 17, 1987) Des Moines, Iowa. Also Rodriguez Cipriana (personal communication January 13, 1987) Garden City, Kansas. Njila, Manuel (personal communication April 25, 1987) Aurora, Illinois. His brother Jesse was killed in the South Pacific while another brother Porfilio was wounded. A younger brother, Robert, was wounded in Vietnam. Also killed during the war was Joe Hernandez of Davenport, Iowa. Pete Macias (written communication April 4, 1998) Davenport, Iowa. 25Sandoval, Tanilo (Tony) (personal correspondence June 21, 1986) East Moline, Illinois. 26Terronez, Joe (personal communication June 25, 1986) Silvis, Illinois. Also Martinez, Vallentin (personal communication May 18, 1987) East Chicago, Indiana, and Garcia, Manuel (personal communication March 23, 1987) Sterling, Illinois. 27Lopez, Alfredo R. (personal communication September 15, 1998) Wichita, Kansas. 28Lona Jr., Wesley H.(personal communication June 5, 1987), Kansas City, Missouri. Also Rodriguez, Cipriana (personal communication January 13, 1987) Garden City, Kansas. 29Rocha, Augustine (Augie) (written communication February 7, 1996) Kansas City, Missouri. 30Laguna, Albert (written communication January 11, 1999) San Jose, California. 31Zamorano, Pete (personal communication September 16, 1998) Wichita, Kansas. 32Coates, Nicha (personal communication 1998) St. Paul, Minnesota. Two other Mexican American soldiers from St. Paul, Nick Castillo and Conrad Vega, fought at the Battle of the Bulge. 33Topeka’s 55th Anniversary issue, author’s files. The Mexican community of Topeka lost several men in World War II. 34Limbert, Claudia (1978, June 15) Invisible People: The Mexican Community In Newton, Kansas, A Research Paper Presented to the Department of History, Bethel College, North Newton, Kansas, p. 43. Martinez, Robert (personal communication, April 4, 1998) Davenport, Iowa. 35Dos Mundos, (1989, October 15-18), p. 14, author’s files. 36Ramirez, Joan E. (1998, March), “Nicolas Castillo ‘El Rey Del Corrido’ The Life and Times Of A Man And His Music,” La Voz, , p. 9. 37North Platte Telegraph, (1993, April 3) author’s files. 38Avila, Henry (1997) "The Mexican American Community In Garden City, 1900-1950," Kansas History: A Journal of the Central Plains, Vol. 20, No. 1. 39Vasquez, Robert (written communication 1998), East Chicago, Indiana, author’s files. 40Morin, Raul (1966) Among the Valiant: Mexican Americans in World War and Korea, Borden Publishing Company, Alhambra, California, p. 2l6. See Torres, Ruben (1991, February), “The Legion Remembers Manuel Perez,” American Legion Magazine. Other publications focusing on the contributions of Mexicans during World War II include Allsup, Carl (1982), The American G.I. Forum: Origins and Evolution, The University of Texas Press; Austin, Ramos, Henry A.J. (1982), A People Forgotten, A Dream Pursued: The History of the G.I. Forum 1948-1972, American G.I. Forum, Washington, D.C.; and U.S. Defense Department (1984), Hispanics In American Defense, U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense, Pentagon. 41Ibid., p. l67. Also,Amaro, Candelario (personal communication January 21, 1987) Dodge City, Kansas. Mr. Amaro served in the Pacific during the war and became very active with the post-war civil rights movement. Dominguez, Linda (written communication July 29, 1994) Gary, Indiana. 42Valendez, Lando (personal communication) Des Moines, Iowa. Also Boyos, John G. (personal communication March 7, 1987) Chanute, Kansas. Mr. Boyos won the Bronze Star in the Pacific. 43Garcia, Charles (Chuck) (personal communication June 2, 1987) Omaha, Nebraska. Also,Zuniga, Manuel (personal communication June 5, 1987) Kansas City, Kansas. Mr. Zuniga was born in Mexico in 1913 and fought in World War II between 1942-1945. 44Moreno, Sam (personal communication May 27, 1987) Sterling, Illinois. 45Olais, Ray (telephone communication) Newton, Kansas, author’s files. Sent by Albert V. Vela,
Defend the Honor: Time Magazine 100 Most Influential People of 2007 Memorial Day Celebrations, May 30th Veterans Day National Committee Seeks Artist for Poster Competition Smithsonian Develops Photo Initiative |
Please remind
our Latino Folks to show up at the main stream local towns and cities Memorial
Day Sent by Juan Marinez |
artists, graphic designers and photographers! Dean Stoline, Assistant Director National Legislative Commission The Veterans Day National Committee is seeking submissions for the 2008 national Veterans Day poster. The poster is distributed to more than 110,000 schools nationwide, military installations around the world, and to federal agencies in the nation's capital. It also graces the cover of the official program booklet for the Veter-ans Day ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery. The committee will convene in May 2008 to review all submissions and select a finalist. The final poster must be 18"x24" at 300 dots per inch, but please scale down submissions to 9"xl2" and sub-mit electronic versions as jpg images or PDF files via e-mail to: Alternatively, send copies of artwork or a CD with artwork files to: Department of Veterans Affairs (002C). 810 Vermont Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20420. Please do not send originals. The deadline for submissions is May 1,2008. To view Vet-erans Day posters from previous years, please visit and click on "Poster Gallery." Submissions should include sufficient information to demonstrate that the image is the work of the artist and is not copyrighted material (i.e. photos and concepts). The Committee may select a particular submis-sion but ask the artist to make modifications to the original design. Additional changes may be required prior to printing. Sent by Dr. Granville Hough California Legionnaire March/April 2008 Vol. 78, No. 4 |
The Smithsonian Institution possesses more than 13 million images in 19 museums and 700 collections. It's been difficult for researchers—and even curators—to know where to find all the images related to a particular topic. The Smithsonian Photography Initiative aims to change all that by making the institution's massive collection accessible to public. You're invited to get involved! Assistant editor Grace Dobush tells you how. |
Mendez Family Bookshelf tells story of inclusion States aim to help military families Texas Educators split over teaching English Basics Outstanding Migrant Students To Be Recognized |
FOUNTAIN VALLEY – The books on the Mendez Family Bookshelf in Los Amigos High School's library have a few stories to tell. Individually, they tell the stories of people from different ethnic, religious and social groups. Collectively, they tell the story of the campus Human Relations Club's effort to remind students of the landmark Mendez v. Westminster decision, which desegregated California schools, and to recognize the number of diverse voices that make up the Fountain Valley campus' own student body. The bookshelf and the case are
"about inclusivity. Where are we in our history books?" said
Maricela Jauregui of Orange County Human Relations, which guides the high
school's Human Relations Club. While inspired by the Mendez
v. Westminster decision, which has its 61st anniversary Monday, the
approximately 100 books that sit on the shelf aren't just about the case
that paved the way for the Brown v. Board of Education ruling that
desegregated schools across the nation. Each book on the shelf was
chosen with the diversity of the student body in mind, featuring stories
of people from different religious and ethnic backgrounds, as well as
books about the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community. Even though a lot of the books
are fiction, they are "true" stories in the sense that people
can relate to them, said club member Pedro Hernandez, a junior. "I wanted to make sure if there were students like me that wanted to read about a certain thing that they have three or four books that they could look at," Hernandez said. Members of the club began the
Mendez Family Book Campaign, which provided books for the shelf, in the
2006-07 school year after a club retreat. According to Jauregui, students on the trip were asked to put together a poem by picking out a favorite line from a variety of books that they hadn't necessarily seen before. "There was this kind of
look in their faces to see books written about Filipinos, Chicanos,
different religions, different ethnicities. … You could see them relate
directly to these books," Jauregui said. The club would build on this
idea of inclusion within literature and the Mendez case's message of
inclusion on campus to create the bookshelf. The students compiled a list
of books they wanted and then asked members of the community for monetary
donations or for the books themselves. The bookcase was finally unveiled
during the school's Open Mic Night event about a year ago. Former Human Relations Club
member Rebeca Guerrero said that by putting the bookshelf together she
just wanted to give peers an opportunity to find themselves. A "lot
of them can say they know who they are, but a lot of them really don't
know," said Guerrero, who is now a freshman at Santa Ana College. For their efforts, the club
was recognized by O.C. Human Relations as an outstanding school during an
awards banquet last year. Contact the
or 714-445-6604 About
Mendez v. Westminster 1946:A Los Angeles
judge rules in favor of Mendez and his co-plaintiffs, stating that school
segregation was an unconstitutional denial of equal protection. The
district appeals the decision. 1947:In response to the
case, the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals orders an end to segregation
in California schools. 1954:The U.S. Supreme
Court outlaws the "separate but equal" doctrine with its
decision in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka. The Mendez case is
cited by NAACP lawyer and future Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall. |
(The “Corrected” August 1, 1947, U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal “Westminster School District v. Mendez” opinion was so flawed it could not serve as a legal precedent to close de facto “Mexican” schools anywhere.)
One “Mexican” school that continued long after the Mendez
decision was in Montebello, California. One of Orange County’s
outstanding scholars and authors, Alejandro Morales, entered its
Kindergarten in 1950. He went
through Primary Grades there. Having
to sing “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” at Christmastime did heavy
damage to his Third Grade male ego.
You can read what it was like in his 1988 fictional
semi-autobiographical work, THE BRICK PEOPLE (Arte Publico Press,
University of Houston, 300 pp.) The Montebello School District operated
the school within the Simons Brickyard (where a whole community of workers
and their families lived.)
Simons bricks rebuilt San Francisco after the 1906 Earthquake.
Its bricks went into the construction of UCLA’s Royce Hall, Walt
Disney Studios, parts of the Uniroyal Plant, thousands of homes and
commercial buildings. Behind
its walls was a company town not only with homes for workers families but
a store, a post office and an all-Mexican school.
Here is another example. If you look at a map of Orange County,
California, school districts, you might notice three in southern Anaheim.
They bear names of once heavily promoted “cities” that never
jelled—Magnolia, Savanna and Centralia.
The town of Savanna was laid
out on the North end of the Stearns tract in 1869 with appropriate
reservations for church, school and clubhouse, but at least one party,
filled with enthusiasm by the boom literature of the San Francisco agents
arrived to find himself and one coyote the sole citizens. (CITY-MAKERS
by Remi Nadeau, Trans-Anglo Books, Los Angeles, 1965, page 24)
Magnolia offers an especially interesting case. The city-less name
was attached
to two K-6 schools (Magnolia #1 and Magnolia #2) when post-World
II tract housing spread across the land.
Opened August 13, 1929, Magnolia #2 (aka the “Mexican” school)
was located at 10861 Garza Street in the Colonia Independencia barrio. PTA
Activist Gloria Lopez lived at 10874 Garza Street.
By 1956, surging enrollment at Magnolia #1 forced double-session
operations. . .with triple-sessioning under consideration.
Gloria pointed out there were empty rooms in Magnolia #2.
Why not use them?
The next board meeting was a shock.
There were only three other Colonia mothers with her when 300 Anglo
parents took turns expressing dismay their children would be forced to go
to school in the midst of the Colonia’s poor housing, bad streets,
outhouses, open ditches, farm animals. . .
That brutal meeting transformed Gloria, the Colonia and the
Magnolia School District. Out
of her tears at home that night came an unstoppable woman, and a Colonia
to be proud of with an integrated new school nearby.
Here, from school
district archives, is what happened on January 10, 1957 (10 years AFTER
the “Westminster v. Mendez” San Francisco U.S. Ninth Circuit Court
“Corrected” Opinion)—Pupils
of both sessions, with the exception of kindergartners, went to Magnolia
#2 School (the “Mexican” school) in the morning, gathered their books
and marched with their teachers to the new school. Leading the parade of
teachers, mothers and Principal Melvin Miller were PTA President Mrs.
Charles Ralston and PTA First Vice President Mrs. John (Gloria) Lopez. As
the children arrived at the school, they lined up in front of the
Administration Building, where a short flag ceremony was held.
Sixth Grade Teachers Mr. Brown and Mr. Austin were first to lead
their students to their classrooms. The
PTA meeting of January 15, 1957, was conducted at the newly opened school
in Room K-2. PTA Board
Members presented the Principal a pair of specially decorated roller
skates to facilitate his commuting problems at school. . . And
what was (and is) the name of this then brand-new school at 1411 South
Gilbert Avenue, Anaheim? A
letter from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine arrived in
June: It was kind of you to write
me of my membership in your PTA. It
may be that I will visit near Anaheim in the next year or so.
If I do, I shall certainly try to see for myself the honor you have
bestowed. Sincerely, Jonas E. Salk, M.D. This
is how the “Mexican” School in the Colonia was closed, and its
children joined “Anglo” children in a brand-new school named for the
medical hero, who defeated polio (infantile paralysis). But
there is more. Gloria Lopez
became one of the most effective Latina community leaders in Orange County
history. The County Board of
Supervisors and its Department Managers soon became very aware of her.
Sewers were installed in the Colonia, streets were paved and
(gentle yet persistent) code enforcement brought to bear.
A new church and community center were built. Before
her death from cancer in 2004, Gloria
Lopez had been PTA President at two different schools, and (by
Supervisorial appointment) on the Orange County Human Relations and
Juvenile Justice Commissions, Chairperson
of the Orange County Community Development Council and Secretary of the
Colonia Water Company. From
a field of 70 candidates, the U.S. Census Bureau chose her to promote the
1980 count in Orange County. (Postcript:
Is there anything like an Orange County “Mexican School” serving
something like a self-contained community today? Yes. Oak View Elementary
is 1.5 miles seaward from Golden West College in Huntington Beach. Its
reported 2006-2007 enrollment was 98.2% Hispanic (770 of 784 pupils). Ten
years earlier, it was 99.3% Hispanic (682 of 687 pupils). Nevertheless, it
still bore signs in Vietnamese identifying the district office decades
after it had absorbed a wave of Vietnamese boys and girls for a few years.
TOPEKA, KAN. Kansas and Kentucky are the first states to approve a compact that will make it easier for children of military families to change schools The compact seeks to provide flexibility for the 1.5 million children of military families in the U.S. They attend an estimated six to nine school systems between kindergarten and graduation on average, and differing educational requirements in different states often add to their burden. The compact, which would become operational with adoption by 10 states, is intended to prevent children of military families from needlessly repeating courses or being denied access to extracurricular activities. It would provide alternative coursework options for districts that do not waive graduation requirements for students. States would work to create standards of practice, including the transfer of records, course placement and graduation requirements. |
Texas educators split over teaching English basics |
inability of many Texas students to write and speak good English is like a
dreadful disease requiring aggressive treatment, say some education
advocates who want to use different teaching approaches. Social
conservatives on the State Board of Education, influenced in part by a
retired teacher, are backing a new curriculum that increases the focus on
basics, including grammar. They've met
fierce resistance from teachers and educators who warn this emphasis will
prepare students for the 1950s, not the 21st century, and embarrass Texas in
the process. They fear the
state's proposed new standards for reading and English language arts
contradict established research and will only make things worse. "The
results will be bloody," predicted one of those language experts,
former English professor Joyce Armstrong Carroll. A fight over
the board's perceived exclusion of Hispanic experts from development of the
curriculum has overshadowed this larger struggle. A public
comment period on the proposed curriculum will end May 18, and the 15-member
board is to take final action on May 22. If approved, it will guide how the
state's 4.7 million public schoolchildren learn English and reading over the
next decade. Much of the
debate focuses on grammar and reading comprehension. The controversy is
being fanned, in part, by Donna Garner, a retired English and Spanish
teacher in Hewitt. Garner writes education-related e-mails and contributes
to My Students must
learn precise communication skills, and grammar requirements must be spelled
out with explicit language, she argues. "We have a
disease in Texas — our students do not know how to write and speak English
well," Garner said. "We need to treat the disease aggressively. "The
skills need to build upon each other as the student progresses from one
grade level to the next. Learning the basics of the English language will
provide students with a strong foundation upon which to write sophisticated
papers and upon which to base clear communication," she said. The integration
of grammar with writing has been taught in Texas for the past 15 years
without much success, Garner said, citing statistics showing half of Texas
college freshmen are in need of remedial education, compared to only 28
percent nationally. Teachers,
parents and employers are appalled by the lack of speaking and writing
skills, she said. Ignoring research But some
experts warn of dire consequences of teaching grammar separately from
writing and skimping on reading comprehension. Standardized
tests like TAKS and the SAT don't examine grammar skills in isolation —
they test comprehension, said Carroll, a former professor of English and
writing at McMurry University, author and co-director of Abydos Learning
International in Texas. Carroll was
part of a professional educators' coalition that offered input during the
three-year process of writing standards for the state's proposed English
curriculum. Some coalition
members take a dim view of State Board of Education Chairman Don McLeroy, a
Bryan dentist, and board member David Bradley of Beaumont, who have helped
lead the push for a back-to-basics approach. "Would
anyone believe that the coalition's research is bogus, but a dentist from
Bryan is right ... and a man without a degree from Beaumont is right?"
Carroll said. Bradley says he
and McLeroy "are eminently qualified because, first of all, we're
parents, we're businesspeople and we're taxpayers." Many parents,
he said, complain that the current curriculum standards are "so
confusing, so vague, so mushy that nobody can understand them, so we have
this industry to help people interpret and explain and develop strategies
and techniques to teach this mush." The proposed
standards ignore at least 50 years of research on grammar instruction,
counters Kylene Beers of The Woodlands, president-elect of the National
Council of Teachers of English and a senior reading adviser to secondary
schools in the Reading Writing Project at Teachers College at Columbia
University. People who
yearn for a return to the basics usually attended school in the 1950s, and
by the end of that decade only 20 percent of the best paying jobs required
at least some college, she said, in contrast to today's figure of 56
percent. "When we
talk about getting back to the basics in literacy education, the first thing
that smart people have to do is to realize that literacy demands have
shifted. What's basic now isn't the same as what was basic when middle-aged
adults of today were in school," she said. Both sides view
the fight over reading comprehension as bigger than the one over grammar. "They have
renamed 'whole language' as comprehension. It's down to the classic debate
of phonics versus whole language," Bradley said. Keeping it professional Decades of
research into how children learn shows that drilling the basics does not
achieve desired results, said Alana Morris, language arts program director
of the Aldine school district and president of the Coalition of Reading and
English Supervisors of Texas. "If you
drill the basics on handouts and worksheets, then that's where kids will be
able to apply them," she said. "The bottom line is that drilling
doesn't transfer into solid writing." Teaching
grammar is important, "but we want to teach it clearly so that kids can
actually transfer it into their writing," Morris said. "Teaching
grammar in drills makes no sense, whatsoever, to them." The proposal
calls for students to learn how to infer the importance of a setting in a
story in one grade level, visualize the setting in the next grade and then
summarizing the setting two grade levels later, she said. "It's the
most ludicrous thing I have ever seen in my entire life," Morris said.
"Each year with higher level text you should learn how to draw
inferences, how to ask questions, how to synthesize information, how to
summarize." Teachers will
remain professional if the State Board of Education approves the pending
document, Morris said. "Teachers
are not the type that will march on Austin," she said, adding that
experienced teachers will simply ignore the new English textbooks.
March 25, 2008
AUSTIN, Texas —
High school migrant students from across the state will be recognized at a
special ceremony at 11:30 a.m. on March 31 during the annual Migrant Student
Recognition Ceremony at The University of Texas at Austin. The ceremony in
the ballroom of the Texas Union will honor Texas students who have completed
distance learning courses through the university's Migrant
Student Graduation Enhancement Program in the Division
of Continuing Education. The program provides learning tools,
services, courses, computer equipment and software applications that enable
migrant students to meet or exceed requirements for high school graduation. “The focus of
the ceremony is on these accomplished students. The theme will be the new César
Chávez statue located on the West Mall in the heart of the university’s
campus,” said Dr. Judy C. Ashcroft, dean of continuing and innovative
education. “The statue is an ideal symbol for migrant students since César Chávez
devoted his life to improving the living conditions of farm workers. Its
presence on the university campus conveys the message that migrant students
belong on a college campus.” Forty exemplary
migrant students featured in the 2008 Exemplary Migrant Student publication will
be recognized at the ceremony that will be held on the birthday of César
Two of the featured students will be named as “Students of the Year.” They
and three other exemplary migrant students will each receive a $2,000 college
scholarship from ExxonMobil. The checks will be presented by Rosendo Cruz,
program officer for education and diversity at ExxonMobil. “It is an honor
to recognize these high school migrant students for overcoming the difficulties
of their migrant lifestyle and for achieving academic excellence and leadership
roles in their schools and communities,” said Ashcroft, who will give the
welcoming remarks for the event. “I value the opportunity to encourage these
outstanding students to continue their educations beyond high school and to
invite them to apply for admission to The University of Texas at Austin.” Dr. Felipe
associate dean of continuing education and K-16 education, will preside at the
event. Senior Associate Dean of Students Margarita M. Arellano, the project
director for the César Chávez statue unveiling event in October 2007, will
deliver the keynote address. About 150 migrant
students, 30 parents and 40 educators from 23 school districts, including
Alpine, Bastrop, Brackett, Brownsville, Donna, Eagle Pass, Edinburg, El Paso,
Fabens, Fort Worth, Goose Creek, Harlingen, La Joya, Lamesa, Mission, Plains,
Pharr-San Juan-Alamo, Roma, Santa Maria, Sharyland, Taylor, Uvalde and Weslaco
will attend the ceremony. More than 100 guests from The University of Texas at
Austin, the Texas Education Agency and the Texas Legislature also will attend
the event that features a performance by the UT Ballet Folklórico. Texas has the
second-largest migrant education program and the largest interstate migrant
student population in the nation. Students and their families migrate annually
from Texas to 48 other states to work in agricultural and other seasonal jobs. Since it was begun
more than two decades ago, the Migrant Student Graduation Enhancement Program
has enrolled more than 21,000 students in its mission to increase the graduation
rate of high school migrant students in Texas. With funding from the Texas
Education Agency and gifts from the Beaumont Foundation of America, ExxonMobil,
the John G. and Marie Stella Kenedy Memorial Foundation and the Microsoft
Corporation, the program helps Texas migrant students earn high school credits
through distance learning courses that meet Texas curriculum requirements. For more
information, contact: Robert
D. Meckel, Office of Public Affairs, 512-475-7847; Peggy
Wimberley, K-16 Education Center, Continuing and Innovative
Education, 512-471-6037; Kevin
Wier, Continuing and Innovative Education, 512-471-2731. Related Stories: Office
of Public Affairs
Board of Education Ignoring Needs of Hispanic Students, School Superintendent threatened Over Pledge of Allegiance in Spanish |
By Joey Gomez
School Superintendent Threatened over By Matthew Rothschild,
The Pledge of Allegiance is creating an
uproar in a high school in southern Wisconsin. Not the Pledge itself, but the
language it's recited in. On top of that, Fjelstad invokes the
First Amendment to the Constitution. "Government should never mandate
that the Pledge or the National Anthem be said in one language," he says. Sent by Dr. Carlos Munoz, Jr. |
Heights," First English Speaking Hispanic TV Soap Opera National Poetry Month/Mes nacional de la poesía La Peńa presents two young singer-songwriters Meeting Favianna Rodriguez Jose Simon, Musician Dies |
Chan Add Films is proud to announce, the first English speaking
Hispanic soap opera in the history of television, “Hacienda Heights.”
This provocative, groundbreaking new television show, takes the popular
format of the traditional Telenovela introducing a profound experience to
the audience. This majestic venture was brought to life by Executive
Producer/CEO Mr. Desmond Gumbs and directed by Emmy Award winning
Actor/Director Mr. Tom Eplin. The story fantastically portrays the trials and tribulations
of the families in the unwavering city of “Hacienda Heights.” The
conflicts that arise between the political, the wealthy and the working
middle class families are universal and extremely current in today’s
world. “Hacienda Heights” intriguing stories are filled with love,
struggle, mystery, vengeance and the pursuit for happiness. “Hacienda
Heights” seductive characters will enrapture you from its premier
episode! Take a sneak peek of this invigorating and tantalizing show at or View our amazing cast and see the
excitement that will explode Daytime TV on fire Monday, May 5 Cinco de
Mayo Desmond Gumbs
CEO Oakland, CA
In celebration
of National Poetry Month, a gift for you, poets all, who share in my work.
El poeta dice sus versos
peńascos livianos como suspiros.
Allí quedan
ni más ni menos encantados
otro poeta -
tú, lector
que descifras
estas letras.
The poet says his verses
boulders light as sighs.
There they remain
no more no less enchanted
by another poet -
you, reader
who deciphers
these letters.
Diaz, El Hueso from Mexico Fernandito
Ferrer from Puerto Rico
Fernandito Ferrer has been a
young pioneer among the new breed of singer-songwriters in Puerto Rico. He
first appeared on stage in 1997 and has since made himself known throughout
the island, the Caribbean, the US and Mexico.
"The voice of the individual artist may seem perhaps of no more
LATIN ROCK INC is sad to
report the passing of one of Latin Rock's legendary members, Jose Simon, bass player of the group
was held in high esteem and was a true member of the Classic Latin Rock
scene. Later in his career he became a stand-up comedian, one of the first of Latin heritage. He continued to entertain audiences and became a fixture on stages across the country. It was 1975,comedian Jose Simon had a dream. Barbra Streisand did it. A number of rock 'n' roll bands had done it, too. Even the symphony gave it a go. Free outdoor concerts were becoming more commonplace in music. So, why not one featuring comedians? A free outdoor performance in the City that is considered the cradle of civilization for comedy would be a great way for local comedians to say thank you to their fans. It took a few years and a lot of cooperation from a lot of people to make it happen, but since 1981 more than 500 of the world's funniest comedians have performed free-of-charge for over a half-million people at Comedy Day. It started in the Golden Gate Park Music Concourse (affectionately known as the Band Shell), moved to the Polo Fields in 1986 to accommodate larger crowds and, for the past few years, has found a home in Sharon Meadow. San Francisco's professional comedy community joins together each year to produce the five-hour show. The Punch Line, Cobb's Comedy Club, SF Sketchfest, Pepperbelly's, and Jose Simon (founder of Comedy Day) each produced an hour-long, highly entertaining set. Kentara
The invention "Polyimide Foams" (AR-16615-1 and LAR-16615-2), by inventors Roberto Cano, Brian Jensen, and Erik Weiser (all from LaRC), and Juan Vazquez (PolyuMac TechnoCore, Inc.) has been granted U.S. Patent No. 6.956.066. The invention significantly reduces costs and increases production rates of durable polyimide foam materials. The products provide excellent insulation for sound, cryogenics, heat, or cold. Sent by Debbie Martinez HEP@NASA LaRC e-Newsletter - APRIL 2008 |
Military & Law Enforcement Heroes |
Fueling the Beast by Henry Godines Latinos/Latinas
- Ultimate sacrifice, Part IV |
" Brig.General Robert Cardenas USAF ret. is an amazing individual who still lives in San Diego. He was in
charge of the X-1 project as a Major. The X-1 is the manned rocket plane
that broke the sound barrier for the first time. The legendary Big. General
Chuck Yeager was the pilot. That event took place in 1947 at what is now
Edwards Air Force base California. I even did a painting and made prints of a
scene prior to that historic event (see attachment) Robert Cardenas is shown
at extreme left then it's Chuck Yeager and Jack Ridley. Below
is an introduction to a fascinating website dedicated to Brig.General
Cardenas. Do check it out. You can click to a marvelous
collection of photos and read about Brig. General Cardenas military career
and the history of US flight testing . Cardenas was sent to Kelly Field, Texas to become a flight instructor, then onto Twentynine Palms, California to establish the U.S. Army Airforces glider training school and followed this by becoming a Flight Test Officer and then Director of Flight Test Unit, Experimental Engineering Laboratory, Wright Field Ohio. Cardenas next assignment was to the 44th Bomb Group (known as the flying 8-balls) and arrived in England on January 4th, 1944. Based at Shipdam, Norfolk, Cardenas flew his first mission on January 21st in B-24H “Southern Comfort”. On March 18th, 1944 (on his twentieth mission) whilst flying as command pilot aboard B-24J “Sack Artists” the aircraft in which Cardenas was flying was badly damaged by anti-aircraft fire and enemy fighters. The target was the Manzell Air Armaments plant at Freidrichshafen, Germany. The right wing of the aircraft had been badly damaged after a shell had gone through setting both the right engines ablaze. Cardenas had been injured when a piece of flak pierced his helmet causing a head wound, yet still Cardenas pressed home the attack. The pilot, Lt. Lacombe turned and headed for Switzerland as it was clear to Cardenas and the crew of the B-24 that they would not make it back to base, and would have to bail out. After bail out, the aircraft exploded and the remains crashed into Fehraltdorf, Switzerland. Cardenas landed on the shore of Lake Constance (on the German side) and swam to the Swiss shore of the lakeside. After contacting the local resistance, Cardenas made his way into France prior to D-day and the French Resistance arranged for Cardenas to get back to England. Upon his return to the United States, Cardenas was assigned to the Flight Test Division at Wright Field and became a test pilot after graduating from the Flight Performance School. Cardenas flew the Messerchmitt ME-262 and the Arado 234 bomber to test,evaluate and gather data on the captured German jets and tested the Douglas XB-42 Mixmaster and the jet powered version, the XB-43. Major Cardenas was assigned as the chief test pilot of the bomber division and would fly all the new prototypes over the next four years.
– Ultimate – Sacrifice By Mercy Bautista-Olvera In the coming months this series
“Latinos/Latinas Ultimate Sacrifice” will present the stories and
contributions of heroes who have sacrificed their lives for
Mendoza, a 2002 graduate of
was a real patriot," his father said. "But the pain I'm
feeling right now is indescribable. He loved, served his country, died
for his country but I wish I had him back."
He had served 10 years in the Navy after serving four years in
the Marine Corps. He attended Baez's younger brother, Marine Staff Sgt. Roger Baez, who stationed
Cpl. Carlos Pineda was born in
Lance Cpl. Sergio H. Escobar, 18 of Sergio
was born in "He changed a lot," his stepfather said. "He was
real nice, the way he would talk to me with a lot of respect; he paid
more attention to his younger siblings. He left a special request with
his family in case he died. "If I ever die, I want you to take me
in one of those classic cars, like a Chevy Impala."
He met with Army recruiters in high school, and in 2000, the year
he graduated from El Rancho High School, his mom agreed to sign the
papers allowing him to join the military. Mora traveled around the nation and the world, he met his wife in Although he saw the violence in Just over a week later, on Oct. 19, 23-year-old Mora called home to
tell his wife he was safe and not to worry. Hours later, his patrol
vehicle was hit by indirect fire in At
El Rancho High School in
was a straight A’ student at He married his sweetheart Candy in 2001, the year Gudino graduated
from After holding down three jobs, he joined the Army in 2003, to the
surprise of his older brother Victor, who described him as a "big
teddy bear." "He was a strong person said his brother Victor,
"He liked what he was doing. He never seemed scared about
Marcelino "Ronnie" Corniel's wedding was less than a
month away when a mortar attack claimed his life. The date had been set
and his return home from He died on New Year's Eve in 2005, five days before his planned
departure from Marcelino “Ronnie” was a Corniel served in
1st Lt. Oscar Jimenez,
34 of Oscar
Jimenez grew up in
Isela graduated from
Salas graduated from Rudy’s' mother, Elida Salas, clutched close her love ones and
wept when her son was given full military honors at the cemetery, which
included a ceremony in front of a glittering lake and a 21-gun salute,
following a recorded rendition of "Taps.". Marine
Cpl. Rudy Salas platoon commander, Chief Warrant Officer 2 Richard
Ortega, who was still in Special thanks to Alan Lessig,
Director of Photography, for the website, “Military
Times, Honor the Fallen” ( for granting
permission to reproduce photos for this article.
War Heroes:
First Hispanic woman Commandant |
Contres grew up in Spangler,
Pennsylvania where she received her primary and secondary education. Her
grandfather Jesus Contreras, was a Mexican
national who immigrated to the United States as a teenager. After migrating,
he worked on the railroads,
mines, and a paper mill. He eventually settled in York,
Pennsylvania and shortened his name to Jess Contres. She was born to Mr.
and Mrs. John Contres who had six children, two daughters and four sons.
Contres, at a young age, decided that she wanted to become a teacher. Upon her
graduation from Ebensburg's
Bishop Carroll High School in 1973, she enrolled in Slippery
Rock University in Pennsylvania and in 1977 she earned her Bachelor of
Science Degree in Health Education with an emphasis in Sports Medicine.[1]
Contres returned to her high school alma mater as a substitute teacher. She
was teaching high school during the day and coaching the girl's basketball
team during the evenings, as well as Athletic Trianing during other sports
seasons. On one occasion she visited a friend at a United
States Marine Corps base and was impressed with the institution's
discipline. In 1980, she spoke to a Navy recruiter and became aware of the
educational and travel opportunities which the Navy offered. Contres decided
to enlist for four years of military service.[2] |
On May 6, 2004 became the first Puerto Rican to become an astronaut candidate and on February 10th, 2006 the first to complete the training. |
PERSONAL DATA: Born in 1967 in Inglewood, California and raised in Anaheim, California where his parents Ralph and Elsie still reside. Enjoys outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, mountain biking, kayaking, and scuba diving. Also enjoys reading, especially science fiction. EDUCATION:
Esperanza High School, Anaheim, California, 1985 ORGANIZATIONS: International Technology
Education Association and Florida Association of Science Teachers. EXPERIENCE: United States Marine Corps, Reserves. Worked as a hydro-geologist in Los Angeles, California. Primarily worked on Superfund sites and was involved the assessment and remediation of groundwater contaminants. Spent 2 years in the United States Peace Corps as an Environmental Education Awareness Promoter in the Dominican Republic. Served as the Island Manager of the Caribbean Marine Research Center at Lee Stocking Island in the Exumas, Bahamas. Shoreline Revegetation Coordinator in Vero Beach, Florida, planning, designing, and implementing a mangrove revegetation project. One year of high school experience at Melbourne High School, Florida and four years of middle school experience as a math and science teacher at Dunnellon Middle School, Florida. NASA EXPERIENCE: Selected as a Mission Specialist by NASA in May 2004. In February 2006 he completed Astronaut Candidate Training that included scientific and technical briefings, intensive instruction in Shuttle and International Space Station systems, physiological training, T-38 flight training, and water and wilderness survival training. Upon completion of his training, Acaba was assigned to the Hardware Integration Team in the Space Station Branch working technical issues with European Space Agency ( ESA) hardware. Currently he is assigned as a mission specialist on the STS-119 mission, targeted for launch in the winter of 2008. The flight will deliver the final pair of power-generating solar array wings and truss element to the International Space Station.
Hispanic Military Heroes
with non-Hispanic surnames
One of the discoveries
which I have made during my years of research is the fact that many of our
heroes were Hispanics with non-Hispanic surnames. There are various
historical factors which may have contributed to this phenomenal .
Therefore, I will indulge into some of the historical events which
occurred in the past and which can give us an idea as to why there are
many Hispanics with non-Hispanic surnames. Wild
Field Marshal Alejandro O'Reilly
“The Father of the Puerto Rican Militia”
The Spanish Royal Decree of Graces of 1815 The Spanish Royal
Decree of Graces of 1815 is a legal order approved by the Spanish Crown in
the early half of the 19th Century to encourage Spaniards and
later Europeans of non-Spanish origin to settle and populate the colonies
of Puerto Rico and Cuba. In the 19th Century
the Spanish Empire had lost all of its territories in the Americas with
the exception of Cuba and Puerto Rico.
These two possessions, however, were demanding more autonomy and
had pro-independence movements. Realizing
that it was in danger of losing its two remaining territories, the Spanish
Crown revived the Royal Decree of Graces of 1815.
This time the decree was printed in three languages Spanish,
English and French with the intention of attracting Europeans of
non-Spanish origin, with the hope that the independence movements would
lose their popularity and strength with the arrival of new settlers.
Free land was offered to those who wanted to populate the islands
with the condition that they swear their loyalty to the Spanish Crown and
allegiance to the Roman Catholic Church. These
conditions led to a massive European immigration to the Americas.
Hundreds of Corsicans, Italians, French, Irish and Germans,
attracted by the offers of free land by the Spanish Crown, moved to the
colonies of Cuba and Puerto Rico and accepted the conditions stated.
As soon as these settlers swore their loyalty to the Spanish Crown
and their allegiance to the Roman Catholic Church, they were given a
"Letter of Domicile". After
five years, the settlers were granted a "Letter of
Naturalization" that made them Spanish subjects.
In an effort to attract non-Catholic Europeans, the Spanish Courts
passed a law in 1870, granting the right of religious freedom to all those
who wished to worship another religion other than the Catholic. The new
settlers eventually intermarried with the natives and hence we have
Hispanics with French, German, Corsican, Italian and Irish surnames from
the Caribbean region. There are many Anglo
Americans who have intermarried with Hispanics while serving in the Armed
Forces of the United States. Let’s take a look at some of the military
conflicts in which the United States has been involved with the intention
of expanding it’s territory and military strength. First of all a series
of U.S. military incursions into Florida led Spain to cede it and other
Gulf Coast territory in 1819. The country annexed the Republic of Texas in
1845. The U.S. victory in the Mexican-American War resulted in the 1848
cession of California and much of the present-day American Southwest.
Victory in the Spanish-American War in 1898 demonstrated that the United
States was a major world power and resulted in the annexation of Puerto
Rico, Guam and the Philippines. From
1903 to 1979 the Panama Canal Zone territory was controlled by the United
States, which had built and financed the canal's construction. The United
States military interventions during the 1930’s into Central and South
America in the so called '''Banana Wars'''
(an unofficial term). Most of what is now our country belonged to
Spain and/ or Mexico. It was
not uncommon that the new settlers, mostly male, would intermarry with
Hispanic women in the new
territories. In some cases Anglo soldiers would marry the native women of
the countries where they were stationed, such as Puerto Rico and the
Panama Canal Zone. There are also many
Hispanics in the United States who have intermarried with non-Hispanics.
We are all familiar with the prejudice and discrimination which Hispanics
have been subject to in our nation. During the 1940’s there were signs
in restaurants which stated “We do not serve Mexicans” and in the East
Coast “No Dogs nor Puerto Ricans Allowed”. We know about the lynching
of African-Americans, but little is mentioned that the same thing happened
to Mexican-Americans. In Arizona, Mexicans were not allowed the use of
public swimming pools except on Thursdays because they were cleaned on
Fridays. Hispanics have always
been stereotyped as lazy
people by the non-Hispanic population. Therefore, it should be to no
surprise that Hispanics with non-Hispanic surnames would rather hide their
Hispanic heritage or in some cases those who had Hispanic surnames change
them into non-Hispanic sounding names in order to get ahead. Hollywood is a perfect
example of what I am talking about. Do you know who Raquel Tejada,
Margarita Carmen Cansino and Ramón Gerardo Antonio Estevez
are? How about if I told you that they are
Raquel Welch, Rita Hayworth and Martin Sheen in that order? Now,
there were some who despite the fact that they changed or
“Americanized” their names, were always cast in stereotyped roles
because of their physical features. Among them we have
Enrique Tomas Delgado, Jr. = Henry Darrow - Manolito in The High
Chaparral and Antonio Rodolfo Quinn Oaxaca = Anthony Quinn who despite the
fact that he used his “Irish” surname was mostly cast as a Native
American. This was also true in sports. Victor Pellot became Vic Power.
The sports establishment tried to do the same to Roberto Clemente. They
wanted him to change his name to “Bob Walker” but, he was proud of his
heritage and did not permit it. The same goes for the
military. Many of our heroes with non-Hispanic surnames were told that if
they wanted to get ahead in the military, they should hide their Hispanic
heritage. David Bennes
Barkley, our only recipient of the Medal of Honor in World War I ,
enlisted in the Army using his Anglo father's surname in order to avoid
being segregated into a non-combat unit. In my conversations with a
Hispanic Rear Admiral, I was
told that his father encouraged him to hide his Hispanic heritage. The
Hispanic Rear Admiral in question, however is proud of his Hispanic
heritage and embraces it. We have five Medal of Honor recipients with
non-Hispanic surnames, they are: David B. Barkley, Lucian Adams, Miguel
Keith, Elmelindo Rodriques Smith and Humbert Roque Versace.
Here I will present you with some Hispanic heroes with non-Hispanic
surnames, whose heritage may have gone unknown if not for some serious
Rear Admiral Frederick Lois Riefkohl
By: Tony (The Marine) Santiago
Rear Admiral Frederick Lois Riefkohl Rear Admiral
Frederick Lois Riefkohl (February
27, 1889–September 1969), a native of Maunabo, Puerto Rico, was an
officer in the United States Navy and the first Puerto Rican to graduate
from the United States Naval Academy to be awarded the Navy Cross. The
Navy Cross is the second highest medal, after the Medal of Honor, that can
be awarded by the U.S. Navy for heroism or distinguished service. He was a
World War I Navy Cross recipient who served as Captain of the USS Vicennes
during World War II.
Early years Born and raised in the
town of Maunabo, Riefkohl was the son of Luis Riefkohl and Julia Jaimieson.
His older brother was Rudolph Riefkohl, a Colonel in the United States
Army Corps of Engineers, who was the first Puerto Rican to receive a
"tombstone promotion" of Brigadier General after his death,
which technically made him the
first Hispanic brigadier general in the United States Army. After he
graduated from high school, Riefkohl received an appointment on July 5,
1907, from Beekman Winthrop, the U.S. appointed governor of Puerto Rico
from 1904 to 1907, to attend the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland
In 1911, he became the first Puerto Rican to graduate from the Academy. During World War I,
Lieutenant Riefkohl served as Commander of the Armed Guard of the USS
Philadelphia and on August 2, 1917 he was awarded the Navy Cross for
engaging an enemy submarine. The Navy Cross is the second highest medal
that can be awarded by the U.S. Navy and are awarded to members of the
U.S. Navy or U.S. Marine Corps for heroism or distinguished service.
Navy Cross citation
Riefkohl, Frederick L.
Lieutenant, U.S. Navy
Citation: “The Navy Cross is
awarded to Lieutenant Frederick L. Riefkohl, U.S. Navy, for distinguished
service in the line of his profession as Commander of the Armed Guard of
the U.S.S. Philadelphia, and in an engagement with an enemy submarine. On
August 2, 1917, a periscope was sighted, and then a torpedo passed under
the stern of the ship. A shot was fired, which struck close to the
submarine, which then disappeared.”
World War II
Vincennes On August 9, 1942, the
Northern Force which consisted of the USS Vincennes, USS Quincy and the
USS Astoria, found themselves just off Guadalcanal. Riefkohl commanded
this force. Rear Admiral Victor A. Crutchley, the commander of the
Northern Force left with his flagship HMAS Australia to meet with the top
brass without notifying Riefkohl. Japanese Admiral
Mikawa and his navy decided to make a surprise attack on the American
ships. He first destroyed an Australian cruiser, then the USS Chicago
before going after the USS Vincennes. Riefkohl was summoned up to the
bridge and believed that a minor skirmish was taking place with some ship.
When the Japanese ships turned on their searchlights, Riefkohl mistook
them for the American ships from the Southern Force and asked them over
the radio to turn off their lights because enemy vessels might be near.
The Japanese answered the message with a fusillade of shells and
torpedoes. Riefkohl ordered a
starboard turn, but torpedoes hit and exploded, destroying both engine
rooms. The USS Vincennes fired back and may have hit the Kinugasa, a
Japanese cruiser. The Vincennes received 85 direct hits and Riefkohl
ordered his men to abandon ship. The sailors manned the life rafts and the
Vincennes rolled over and went down with 342 men still aboard. Riefkohl
was presented a Purple Heart Medal for the wounds which he received. Rear Admiral Riefkohl
wrote in an epitaph: "The magnificent Vincennes, which we were all so
proud of, and which I had the honor to command since April 23, 1941,
rolled over and then sank at about 0250, August 9, 1942, about 2˝ miles
[5 km] east of Savo Island . . .[sic] Solomons Group, in some 500 fathoms
[900 m] of water." Rear Admiral Frederick
Lois Riefkohl died in Brevard County, Florida in 1969 and was buried with
full military honors in the United States Naval Academy Cemetery of
Columbarium. He was married to Louisa Gibson Riefkohl (1902–1974) and
didn't have any offspring. Awards and
recognitions Among Rear Admiral
Frederick Lois Riefkohl's decorations and medals were the following:
By: Tony (The Marine) Santiago
Colonel Virgil R. Miller Colonel Virgil
Rasmuss Miller (November 11,
1900-August 5, 1968), was a United States Army officer who served as
Regimental Commander of the 442d Regimental Combat Team, a unit which was
composed of "Nisei" (second generation Americans of Japanese
descent), during World War II. He led the 442nd in its rescue of the Lost
Texas Battalion of the 36th Infantry Division, in the forests of the
Vosges Mountains in northeastern France. Miller was born in San
German, Puerto Rico, which is located on the western coast of the island.
In 1915, his family moved to San Juan the Capitol of the island
when his father Dr. Paul Gerard Miller, was appointed Commissioner of
Education, position which the senior Miller held until 1921.
Miller and his siblings received their secondary education at El
Caribe High School in San Juan. During World War I, he served in the
Puerto Rico Home Guard, a local militia. In 1920, he received an
appointment to the United States Military Academy at West Point from
Arthur Yager (1858 – 1941), who served as Governor of Puerto Rico from
1913 to 1921.
Military career Miller graduated from
the U.S. Military Academy and was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the
infantry in 1924. He married Ann McGoughran the following year and in 1926
returned to Puerto Rico where he served with Puerto Rico's 65th Infantry
Regiment. In 1940, he was transferred to Hawaii, where he served with 21st
Infantry Brigade and 24th Infantry Division stationed on the island of
O’ahu at Schofield Barracks.
World War II
Col. Vigil R. Miller (Bottom Row, third from L to R)
in 1945 442nd Regimental Staff Photo On December 7, 1941,
the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and the United States entered the war.
In June 1943, Miller was named Executive Officer of the 442nd Regimental
Combat Team. The team included the 442d Infantry Regiment, the 522d Field
Artillery Battalion, the 232d Combat Engineer Company, the 206th Army
Ground Forces Band and the 100th Infantry Battalion from Hawaii's National
Guard. The unit was mostly composed of Nisei, second generation Americans
of Japanese ancestry who were drafted into service. Some of these men had
family members who were still interned in Japanese American internment
On October 26, the
442nd launched its attack and at times had to engage in hand to hand
combat at a terrible cost of men and material. The 442nd Combat Team was
badly battered and without reinforcements, however they were committed to
their mission of reaching the 1st Battalion, 141st Infantry of the 36th
Division which became known as the "Lost Battalion". Finally, on
October 30, after five days of combat, the Combat Team made contact and
rescued the men of the "Lost Battalion". The 442nd, according to
its commander, Lt. Col. Miller, had lost approximately three times more
men (over 800 casualties) than the 211 that were eventually saved. Because
of intense German attacks, there was little time to celebrate the rescue
together. The 442nd were ordered to pursue the Germans and the "Lost
Battalion" men were given a hot meal and put on the lines again.
442nd Regimental Commander Colonel Charles W. Pence, was replaced by Lt.
Col. Miller who was promoted to Colonel. In January 5, 1945, Miller was
named Commanding Officer of Puerto Rico's 65th Infantry Regiment but, he
declined the assignment on January 17, on account that he preferred to
continue with the 442nd Combat Team.
The Po Valley Campaign Field Marshall Albert
Kesselring had directed the construction of fortifications, drilled out of
solid rock and reinforced with concrete, in the rugged mountains of the
Apennines. The German stronghold, contained machine gun nests which
produced deadly interlocking fire upon the Allied forces. On April 5,
1945, Col Miller, and 3rd Battalion Commander, Lt Col Alfred A. Pursall
planned a pincers attack at dawn with the surprise element of an all-night
climb of a 3,000 foot mountain face in the dark with full fighting gear,
to get in position for an assault. At the dawn of April
6, Millers men proceeded on their advance, however the explosions of
landmines alerted the Germans and a fierce battle followed. The Gothic
Line was cracked after a full day of fighting and by the end of the day
the last ridge link, Mount Cerreta, finally fell. Miller then led the
442nd in the capture of Mt. Fologorito, Massa, a German Naval Base at La
Spezia (where they captured a submarine) and Turin. Col. Miller
relinquished his command of the 442nd on June 1945. Among the many
decorations which Miller's 442nd Regimental Combat Team and its members
earned were: 21 Medals of Honor, 52 Distinguished Service Crosses
(including 19 Distinguished Service Crosses which were upgraded to Medals
of Honor in June 2000),1 Distinguished Service Medal, 560 Silver Stars
(plus 28 Oak Leaf Clusters for a second award) and 7 Presidential Unit
Citations (5 earned in one month). Thus, the 422nd is the most decorated
unit in U.S. military history. At a memorial service
held on May 6, 1945 for the men of the 442nd RCT, Col. Miller was quoted
as saying: "The sacrifice
made by our comrades was great. We must not fail them in the fight that
continues, in the fight that will be with us even when peace comes. Your
task will be the harder and more arduous one, for it will extend over a
longer time."
Later years Miller served in Italy
until 1947 and served as an Infantry advisor in Turkey. He was a Professor
of Military Science and Tactics at Pennsylvania State College, Lehigh
University and the University of Michigan. Miller retired form the
military in 1954 and as a civilian became a Research Associate at MIT,
position which he held until his retirement in 1963. Col. Virgil R. Miller
died on August 5, 1968 at Ann Arbor, Michigan. He was buried with full
military honors at Arlington National Cemetery. The Honor Guard carried
the 422nd Regimental Colors which was sent by 442nd Regiment from
Schofield Barracks, Hawaii with the assistance of Senator Daniel K. Inouye.
He was survived by his widow Ann, two sons William and Richard and his
daughter Julia. Awards and
decorations: Among Col. Millers
military awards and decorations are the following: Badges:
By: Tony (The Marine) Santiago
Major General Terry de la Mesa Allen, Sr. Major General Terry
de la Mesa Allen, Sr. (April 1,
1888 - September 12, 1969) was a United States Army officer who was
featured on the cover of Time magazine during World War II. He was a World
War I veteran who during World War II was the commanding general of the
First Infantry Division in North Africa and Sicily, and later the
commander of the 104th Infantry Division.
Early years Allen was born in Fort
Douglas, Utah to Col. Samuel Allen and Consuelo "Conchita"
Alvarez de la Mesa. Allen's family had a long line of military tradition.
Besides his father, Allen's maternal grandfather was Colonel Carlos de la
Mesa, a Spanish national who fought at Gettysburg for the Union Army in
the Spanish Company of the "Garibaldi Guard" of the 39th New
York State Volunteers, during the American Civil War. Allen grew up in
various military bases because of his father's military career and in
1907, received an appointment to the United States Military Academy (West
Point) in New York.
Military career There were certain
factors which affected Allen's performance at West Point and which would
led up to his eventual dismissal from said military institution. One of
them was that he began to stutter and soon fell behind in his classes.
Another was that he was held back a grade in his second year because he
failed mathematics. Finally, he failed an ordnance and gunnery course.
Allen enrolled and
attended the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. and earned
a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1912. He joined the Army once more and after
passing the competitive Army officers exam, was commissioned a Second
Lieutenant and assigned to Fort Meyer in Virginia. In 1913, he was
reassigned to the 14th Cavalry at Eagle Pass, Texas and served there until
1917. During this time he pursued and captured ammunition smugglers and
served on border duty. He was promoted twice, the first on July 1, 1916,
to First Lieutenant and the second on May 15, 1917 when he was promoted to
Captain. World War I On June 7, 1918, a
year and two months after the United States declared war against Germany
and entered the World War I, Allen was sent to France and assigned to the
315th Ammunition Train. Allen showed up at a school for infantry officers
the day before a class graduation. When the commandant of the school began
to hand out certificates to the graduates, Allen lined up with them. When
confronted with him the commandant said "I don't remember you in this
class." "I'm Allen-why don't you?" was the reply. Without
further due, Allen was given the
certificate and became a temporary Major. Allen was assigned to
the 3rd Battalion, 358th Infantry Regiment, 90th Division which he led
into battle at St. Mihiel and Aincreville. During one battle Allen
received a bullet through his jaw and mouth and as a result of the wound
never stuttered again. He was awarded a Silver Star and a Purple Heart
Medal for his actions. Allen remained with the American Expeditionary
Forces in France until the Armistice with Germany . He then served with
the Army of Occupation in Germany until 1920 when he returned to the
United States. Pre World War II After Allen returned
to the United States, his temporary rank of Major was reverted to Captain
until July 1, 1920 when he was fully promoted to Major. He served in Camp
Travis and later in Fort McIntosh, both located in Texas. In 1922, Allen
was assigned to the 61st Cavalry Division, at New York City. He continued to take
military related courses, among them: an advanced course in Cavalry
School, Fort Riley, Kansas; a two year program at Fort Leavenworth's
Command & General Staff School; a
course in the Infantry School at Fort Benning and an interim course in
infantry command with other divisions. In 1928, he married Mary Frances
Robinson of El Paso, Texas with whom in 1929 he had a son, Terry de la
Mesa Allen, Jr. On August 1, 1935, Allen was promoted to Lieutenant
Colonel and became an instructor at the Cavalry School at Fort Riley in
Kansas. He wrote and published ''"Reconnaissance by horse cavalry
regiments and smaller units"'' in 1939. On October 1, 1940, General
George Marshall promoted him to Brigadier General (without ever holding
the rank of Colonel) and in 1942, he was promoted to Major General and
given command of the 1st Infantry Division. World War II
MG Allen addressing his troops In 1942, the 1st
Infantry Division was sent to Britain where they underwent further combat
training, which included training in amphibious warfare. The division
participated in the invasion of North Africa under the command of General
George S. Patton. The division landed in Oran, Algeria on November 8,
1942, as part of Operation Torch. Elements of the division then took part
in combat at Maktar, Medjez el Bab, Kasserine Pass, Gafsa, El Guettar, Béja,
and Mateur, from January 21, 1943 to
May 9, 1943, helping secure Tunisia. In July, 1943, the division supported
other units in the invasion of Sicily and took part in Operation Husky. Allen and his second
in command Brigadier General Theodore Roosevelt Jr. (son of former U.S.
President Theodore Roosevelt) distinguished themselves as combat leaders.
However, General Patton was critical of both Allen and Roosevelt and asked
General Dwight D. Eisenhower permission to relieve both Allen and
Roosevelt of their commands on the theory of rotation of command. On
August 7, 1943, Allen was relieved of his command by Major General
Clarence R. Huebner and on August 9, 1943 he was featured on the cover of
Time Magazine. Allen was reassigned
to command the 104th Infantry Division, known as '''Timberwolf
Division'''. Some 34,000 men served with the division under Allen's
command and fought for 195 consecutive days after landing in France on
September 7, 1944. The division's first action came in October of 1944
during the taking of Achtmaal and Zundert in Holland.
It then participated in the Battle of the Bulge, advanced through
the Siegfried line and across the Inde River into Cologne, and it helped
complete the encirclement of the Ruhr pocket.
Finally, it made a 350-mile sweep to the Mulde River in the heart
of Germany. The division which became renowned for its night fighting
prowess, was deactivated in June 1946 upon its return to the United States
at the end of the war.
Later years Military awards and
recognitions Among Major General
Terry de la Mesa Allen, Sr.'s military awards and recognitions are the
following: Honorable Order of the
Bath - United Kingdom *"Terrible Terry
Allen: Combat General of World War II - The Life of an American
Soldier" by Gerald Astor; Publisher: Presidio Press; 1 edition (April
1 2003); ISBN-10: 0891417605; ISBN-13: 978-0891417606
of the |
Cattle Drive from Texas to Louisiana to be Commemorated Valley Forge Workshop Commission Spanish Patriots of Peru During the American Revolutionary War, Part 6 (continued with surnames beginning with D and E) |
cattle were requested by the Spanish governor of Louisiana, Bernardo de
Galvez, who was preparing to start a military campaign against British
forces in Louisiana, Alabama and Florida, in support of Generals George
Rogers Clark and George Washington and the American War of Independence.
Galvez had already served as a significant source of war materials for the
American forces in the West and to Washington. The
Spanish governor of Texas, Cabello, carried out the request and the first
trail herd was gathered from mission ranches and private ranches in the
San Antonio and La Bahia (Goliad) area and set out in August of 1779 in
what was the first cattle drive in American History. Over the next two
years more than 12,000 head of Texas longhorns were trailed to the Spanish
forces as they won battles against the British forces at Manchac and Baton
Rouge, Mobile, and Pensacola. Galvez knew that well feed troops always
fought better and his use of Texas cattle, as a “traveling
commissary”, proved to be decisive against the well trained and equipped
British forces. This
defeat of the British forces in the Gulf Coast area prevented them from
going North in support of Cornwallis at Yorktown and other eastern battle
sites. The
2009 Commemoration is being sponsored, among others, by the Granaderos y
Damas de Galvez (since 1975 telling the story of Galvez) and the Texas
Connection To The American Revolution Association (TCARA). Those
groups are looking for members of The Texas Longhorn Breeders Association
who are willing to supply a few longhorn cattle to recreate this historic
1779 cattle drive (in short reenactments). Tentative dates are August 1,
2009 in San Antonio area; August 2, 2009 in Goliad and August 8, 2009 in
Nacogdoches with later dates in Louisiana. Contact
point is Jack Cowan, Executive Director of TCARA at TCARAHO@AOL.COM or
(210) 651-4709.
One of the many programs sponsored by the Department of California to benefit life in California is the Valley Forge Workshop. Valley Forge was the winter quarters of George Washington's army in the Winter of 1777-1778 west of Philadelphia. Hosting the workshop is the Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge that v»ds founded in 1949, and its first chair-man was Dwight D. Elsenhower. The Foundation was formed to honor patriotism and good citizenship. The Foundation hosts a number of one-week seminars for elementary and secondary educators of which the Department of California is one of the sponsors. The location of this organization is located next to Valley Forge National Park. Teachers who attend are provided with tuition, lodging, meals, park admissions, and bus transportation. The cost is $1,000.00, which the sponsoring Post in California provides. Air-fare, around $400.00, is provided by the teacher attending. During the week, there are classes on the American Revolution given by re-enactors, trips to various Revolutionary battlefields, historic houses from the 1770s, Washington Crossing, and the historic center of Philadelphia, which includes Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell. One of the highlights on the Freedoms Foundation campus is the Medal of Honor Grove where all of the states have a memorial with the names of all who have won the Medal of Honor from that state. Posts throughout California should make a real effort to recruit either 4th or 5th grade teachers to attend this worth-while educational experience. Sent by Dr. Granville Hough California Legionnaire March/April 2008 Vol. 78, No. 4 |
and Compiled by Granville Hough, Ph.D. |
Bartolomé Dapelo.
Lt, Mil Discip Cab Ferreńafe, 1797.
Leg 7287:XIV:25. José Darcourt.
Lt de Granaderos Inf Real de Lima, 1800.
Leg 7288:XXII:42. José Antonio Darcourt y
Tudela. Cadet, Inf Real de Lima,
1800. Leg 7288:XXII:138. André Amador Davalos.
Lt, Mil Discip Dragones de Acari y Chala, 1796.
Leg 7286:I:14. Esteban Davila.
Alf, Mil Pardos Libres de Lim, 1796.
Leg 7286:XII:63. Felipe Sancho Davila.
Lt Col, Mil Prov Urbanas Dragones de Carabayllo, 1797.
Leg 7287:VII:3. Francisco Paula Davila.
Cadet, Mil Urbanas Inf de Moquegua, 1797.
Leg 7287:XXVI:45. Gregorio Davila.
Lt, Mil Espańolas Cab de Luya y Chillaos, prov. De Chachapoya, 1792.
Leg 7284:XX:10. José Davila.
SubLt de Granaderos, Mil Prov Discip Inf de Arequipa, 1800.
Leg 7288:I:60. Juan Davila.
Capt, Mil Discip Dragones de Lima, 1790.
Leg 7283:IX:40. Pascual Davila.
Capt de la 8th Comp Mil Espańolas Cab de Luya y Chillaos,
Prov de Chachapoya, 1792. Leg
7284:XX:2. Julián Delgadillo.
Sgt, Mil Prov Urbanas Dragones de Quispicanchi, Cuzco, 1798.
Leg 7286:XX:30. Andrés Delgado.
Capt, Momandante Mil Discip Cab Ferreńafe, 1797.
Leg 7287:XIV:11. Bartolomé Delgado.
Porta-guión, Mil Prov Urbanas Dragones de Quispicanchi, Cuzco, 1798.
Leg 7286:XX:25. Francisco Delgado.
Sgt, Mil Prov Urbanas Dragones de Chota, 1797.
Leg 7287:XIII:39. Hermenegildo Delgado.
Capt, Mil Prov Urbanas Dragones de Quispicanchi, Cuzco, 1798.
Leg 7286:XX:5. José Delgado.
Sgt, Mil Discip Inf Espańola de Lima, 1792.
Leg 7284:VIII:46. Ramón Delgado.
Alf, Mil Prov Urbanas de Dragones de Quispicanchi, Cuzco, 1798.
Leg 7286:XX:24. Francisco Delgado y
Barriga. Sgt, Mil Prov Discip
Inf de Arequipa, 1800. Leg
7288:I:78. Juan Delicado.
Sgt, Inf Real de Lima, 1796. Leg
7287:XXIV:83. Jorge manuel Deza.
Alf, Mil Urbanas Cab San pablo de Chalaquez, 1798.
Leg 7287:XI:31. Antonio Diaz.
Sgt, Mil Discip Cab de Ferreńafe, 1797.
Leg 7287:XIV:49. Antonio Diaz.
Sgt, Mil Prov Urbanas de inf de Urubamba, 1797.
Leg 7287:XXXVIII:35. Atanasio Diaz.
Capt, Mil Discip Cab Trujillo, Perú, 1797.
Leg 7287:XXXVI:4. Bernardino Diaz.
Alf, Mil Prov Urbanas de Dragones de Celendin, Partido de Cajamarca,
1797. Leg 7287:IX:21. Félix Diaz.
Lt, Mil Discip Cab San Pablo de Chalaquez, 1798.
Leg 7287:XI:12. Filiberto Diaz.
Capt de Granaderos, Mil Prov Discip de Inf de Castro, Chiloe, 1800.
Leg 7288:IX:23. Gregorio Diaz.
Porta-guión, Mil Urbanas de Dragones de Palma, Partido de Jauja,
1800. Leg 7288:XXI:24. Ignacio Diaz.
Capt, Mil Prov Discip de Inf de Castro, Chiloe, 1800.
Leg 7288:IX:9&11. Isidro Dliaz.
Sgt de Granaderos, Mil Prov Urbanas de Dragones de Celendin, Partido
de Cajamarca, 1797. Leg
7287:IX:39. Jenaro Diaz.
Sgt de la 5th Comp, Mil Prov de Dragones de Celendin,
Partido de Cajamarca, 1797. Leg
7287:IX:31. José Diaz.
Sgt 1st, de Granaderos, Comp sueltas de Inf Espańolas de
Mil Discip de Immemorial del Rey, Lima, 1794.
Leg 7285:IV:5. Juan de la Cruz.
Alf, Mil Prov Urbanas de Dragones de Celendin, Partido de Cajamarca,
1797. Leg 7287:IX:26. Juan Manuel Diaz.
SubLt, Mil Urbanas Inf Moyobamba, 1797.
Leg 7287:XXIX:25. Matías Diaz.
Lt, Mil Urbanas de Cab de San Pablo de Chalaquez, 1798.
Leg 7287:XI:16. Matías Diaz.
Lt, Comp Sueltas de Inf y Cab de Morenos Libres de Lima, 1800.
Leg 7288:XXVI:2. Pedro Diaz.
Capt, 1st Comp suelta Inf Discip de San Carlos de
Guapilacuy, Chiloe, 1800. Leg
7288:VIII:1. Ramón Diaz.
SubLt, Mil Discip Inf de Lambayeque, 1797.
Leg 7287:XXII:44. Agustin Diaz de Aguayo y
Palazuelo. Col, Mil Prov de
Dragones de Caraveli, 1797. Leg
7287:VIII:1. José Diaz de Arellano.
Capt, Mil Discip de Inf Espańola de Lima, 1800.
Leg 7288:XXIII:25. Paulino Diaz de Leon.
Porta-guión, Mil Prov de Dragones de Chota, 1793.
Leg 7284:XXVI:4. Félix Magallan.
Lt, 7th Comp, Mil Urbanas Inf de Moyobamba, 1797.
Leg 7287:XXIX:15. Gabriel Diaz de Sandi.
Alf, Mil Urbanas Cab San Pablo de Chalaquez, 1798.
Leg 7287:XI:38. Manuel Diaz de Sandi.
Capt, Mil Urbanas Comp San Pablo de Chalaquez, 1792.
Leg 7284:XVIII:14. Antonio Diaz de Soria.
Capt, Inf del Real Asiento de Paucartambo, 1798.
Leg 7286:XIX:12. Felipe Diaz de la Torre.
Col, Mil Prov de Cab de Huanta, 1798.
Leg 7286:XVII:36. Vicente Diaz Valdivieso.
Lt, Mil Dragones prov de las fronteras de Tarma, 1800.
Leg 7288:XXIX:12. José Diez Canseco.
Capt, Mil Urbanas Inf de Moquegua, 1797.
Leg 7287:XXVI:8. Francisco Dominguez. ?Garzón?
Sgt, Mil de Pardos Libres de Lima, 1792.
Leg 7284:XII:15. José Dominguez.
SubLt, Mil Prov Discip de Inf de Castro, Chiloe, 1800.
Leg 7288:IX:64. Manuel Dominguez.
Sgt, Inf Real de Lima, 1790. Leg
7283:VIII:99. Nicolás Dominguez.
Sgt, Mil Urbanas de Cab de los territorios Huancabamba y Chalaco,
Piura, 1797. Leg 7287:XXXIV:14. José Donaire.
SubLt de banderas, Mil Prov Urbanas Inf de Huanta, 1800.
Leg 7288:XVIII:34. José Eduardo Donaire.
Capt de Granaderos, Mil Prov Urbanas Inf de Huanta, 1800.
Leg 7288:XVIII:7. Mateo Donaire.
Sgt, Inf Real de Lima, 1800. Leg
7288:XXII:90. José Antonio Donaires.
Capt, Mil Cab del Partido de Santa, 1799.
Leg 7286:XXIII:2. Manel Dongo.
Alf, Mil Prov Discip de Dragones de Caraveli, 1796.
Leg 7287:VIII:29. Antonio Donoso.
Lt Col, Mil de Pardos Libres de Lima, 1800.
Leg 7288:XXV:15. Manuel Andrea Doria.
Capt de Granaderos, Mil Prov urbanas de Inf de Huánuco, 1796.
Leg 7286:V:8. Pedro Dueńas.
Sgt, Mil Prov de Cab de Cuzco, 1797.
Leg 7287:X:37. Francisco Dulanto.
Capt, Mil Discip Caab de Arnero de Chancay, 1800.
Leg 7288:III:10. Pedro Dulanto.
Sgt, Mil Discip de Cab de Huaura, 1797.
Leg 7287:XIX:22. Manuel Duque.
Lt, Mil Urbanas de Dragones de Palma, Partido de Juaja, 1800.
Leg 7288:XXI:13. Diego Duran.
SubLt, Mil Urbanas Inf de Huancavelica, 1800.
Leg 7288:XVI:16. Felipe Duran.
Lt, Mil Prov Urbanas Inf de Cajamarca, 1797.
Leg 7287:IV:13. Juan Esteban Duran.
Sgt Mayor, Mil Prov Urbanas Inf de Huánuco, 1796.
Leg 7286:V:3. Juan de Eceta y Ceballos.
Cadet, Inf, Real de Lima, 1800. Leg
7288:XXII:129. Francisco Echarri.
Sgt, Bn Prov Mil Pardos Libres de Lima, 1794.
Leg 7285:VI:11. Gregorio Echave.
Alf, Dragones Prov de las fronteras de Tarma, 1800.
Leg 7288:XXIX:33. Miguel Echave.
Ayudante Mayor, Dragones Prov de las fronteras de Tarma, 1800.
Leg 7288:XXIX:13. Pedro Echave y Mollinedo.
Col, Mil Prov Cab de Cuzco, 1797.
Leg 7287:X:2. Ramón Echaverria.
Sgt de la 3rd Comp Mil Prov Discip Inf de Arequipa, 1792.
Leg 7284:III:69. Pedro Antonio Echegoyen.
Capt, Mil Prov Urbanas Cab de Huanuco, 1797.
Leg 7286:VI:8. Juan Echevarria.
Lt, Mil Dragones Prov de las fronteras de tarma, 1800.
Leg 7288:XXIX:20. Juan de Echevarria.
Col, Mil Prov Cab de Huamalies, 1800.
Leg 7288:XVII:1. Pedro de Echevarria.
Capt de Carabineros, Mil Prov Discip Cab de Arequipa, 1797.
Leg 7287:II:9. Felipe de Echeverria.
Lt, Mil Discip de Cab de Ica, 1800.
Leg 7288:XX:19. José de Echeverria.
Sgt, Mil Discip Dragones de Lima, 1794.
Leg 7285:VII:58. Agustin José Egusquiza.
Capt, Mil Cab del partido de Santa, 1792. Leg 7284:XXIII:3. Antonio de Elejalde.
Lt, Comp sueltas Mil Discip, Inf de Ica, 1800.
Leg 7288:XIX:10. Manuel Elguero.
Cadet, Mil Urbanas Inf de Huancavelica, 1800.
Leg 7288:XVI:27. Victorino Elgueta.
Sgt, Mil Prov Discip Inf de Castro, Chiloe, 1800.
Leg 7288:IX:96. Gregorio de Elizares.
Capt, Mil Prov Urbanas Inf de Huanta, 1800.
Leg 7288:XVIII:10. Manuel de Elizares.
Capt, Mil Prov Urbanas Inf de Huanta, 1800.
Leg 7288:XVIII:14. José de Elizundi.
Alf, Mil Discip Dragones de Lima, 1796.
Leg 7286:XI:40. Juan Antonio Encalada.
Sgt de Granaderos, Comp sueltas Inf Espańola Mil Discip de
Immemorial del Rey, 1796. Leg
7286:VII:4. Domingo Enciso.
SubLt, Mil Prov Urbanas Inf de Huanta, 1800.
Leg 7288:XVIII:45. Baltasar Erazu.
Capt, Mil Discip Dragones de Lima, 1796.
Leg 7286:XI:21. José Ermosin.
Alf, Mil Prov Discip de Cab del Valle de Chincha, 1795.
Leg 7285:XIV:29. José Antonio de Errea.
Capt grad Lt Col de Milicia, Mil Discip de Dragones de Lima, 1800.
Leg 7288:XXIV:14. Juan Fermin de Errea.
Lt Col, Mil Discip Prov Cab de Arequipa, 1797.
Leg 7287:II:3. (Also listed as Juan Fermin de Erredo.) José María Errea y
Fuente. Cadet, Mil Prov Discip
de Cab de Arequipa, 1797. Leg
7287:II:66. José
Escalante. Cadet, Mil Prov
Urbanas de Dragones de Chota, 1797. Leg
7287:XIII:58. Agustin Escalante y
Barba. Alf, Mil Prov de Dragones
de Chota, 1797. Leg
7287:XIII:37. Diego Escobar.
Capt, grad Lt Col, Inf Real de Lima, 1800.
Leg 7288:XXII:17. José Escobar.
SubLt, Inf Real de Lima, 1788. Leg
7283:II:79. José Luis Escobar.
Lt, Mil Discip de Dragones de Arica, 1800.
Leg 7288:II:24. Pedro Manuel Escobar.
Alf Mil Discip de Dragones de Lima, 1800.
Leg 7288:XXIV:58. José Escobar y Fuente.
Cadet, Mil Discip Dragones de Lima, 1800.
Leg 7288:XXIV:76. Antonio Escobedo.
Ayudante Mayor, Mil Prov Discip Inf de San Miguel de Piura, 1800.
Leg 7286:XXV:13. Bartolomé Escobedo.
Sgt, Mil Discip Urbanas de inf de Calca, 1797.
Leg 7287:V:19. Matías Escobedo.
SubLt, Mil Prov Urbanas de Inf de Calca, 1797.
Leg 7287:V:17, bis. José María Espejo.
Lt, Bn Prov de Mil de Pardos Libres de Lima, 1796.
Leg 7286:XII:34. Juan Manuel Espejo.
Cadet, Inf Real de Lima, 1793. Leg
7284:IX:108. Antonio Espiel.
Capt, Mil Prov Discip Cab de Arequipa, 1797.
Leg 7287:II:12. Miguel Espinach.
Lt Col, Mil Prov Urbanas Inf San Antonio de Cajamarca, 1797.
Leg 7287:III:1. Pablo Espinach.
Lt Col, Mil Prov Urbanas Dragones de Huambos, partido de Cajamarca,
1797. Leg 7287:XVII:2. Ambrosio Espinosa.
Porta-estandarte, Mil Prov Urbanas Cab de Huanuco, 1797.
Leg 7286:VI:23. Baltasar Espinosa.
Sgt, Escuadrones Cab Mil Urbanas de los territoros de Huancabamba y
Chalaco, Piura, 1797. Leg
7187:XXXIV:17. Bernardino Espinosa.
Capt, Bn Prov Mil de Pardos Libres de Lima, 1796.
Leg 7286:XII:21. Bernardo Espinosa.
Sgt, Mil Prov Discip de Dragones de Caraveli, 1796.
Leg 7287:VIII:35. Francisco Espinosa.
SubLt de Fusileros, Comp sueltas Inf Mil Discip de Imemorial del Rey,
Lima. 1792.
Leg 7284:VII:5. Francisco Espinosa.
Lt, grad Capt, Mil Urbanas Inf de Andahuaylas, 1799.
Leg 7286:XXII:14. Gabriel Espinosa.
Sgt de Fusileros, Mil Prov Urbanas Inf de Cajamarca, 1797.
Leg 7287:IV:31. Juan Espinosa.
Sgt, Mil Dragones Prov de las fronteras de Tarma, 1800.
Leg 7288:XXIX:41. Miguel de Espinosa.
Lt, Mil Prov Urbanas Inf de Urubamba, 1797.
Leg 7287:XXXVIII:21. Pablo Espinosa.
Lt, Mil Prov urbanas Inf de Abancay, 1793.
Leg 7284:II:14. Gregorio Javier Espinosa
de los Monteros. Capt,
Comandante, Mil Discip Dragones del pueblo de Amotape, Piura, 1795.
Leg 7285:XXIII:2. Luis Espinosa de los
Monteros. Sgt, Mil Prov Discip
Cab de Cuzco, 1792. Leg
7284:XVII:30. José Espircuela.
Sgt, Mil Discip Cab de Huaura, 1797.
Leg 7287:XIX:21. Alejo Estacio.
Lt, Bn Prov Mil Discip Inf Espańola de Lima, 1800.
Leg7288:XXIII:30. Manuel Esteban.
Capt, grad Lt Col, Inf Real de Lima, 1800.
Leg 7288:XXII:20. Tomás Esteban.
Sgt, Inf, Real de Lima, 1796. Leg
7287:XXIV:92. Narciso Estela.
Sgt, Mil Prov Urbanas Cab de Huanuco, 1797.
Leg 7286:VI:32. Pedro Estela.
Ayudante Mayor, Mil Prov Discip Inf de Lambayeque, 1797.
Leg 7287:XXII:10. José María Estella.
Cadet, Inf Real de Lima, 1800. Leg
7288:XXII:127. José Nicolás de
Estella. Cadet, Inf Real de
Lima, 1800. Leg 7288:XXII:142. Manuel Estella.
Capt, Inf Real de Lima, 1800. Leg
7288:XXII:24. Rafael Esteva y Ilach.
Capt Comandante, Mil Prov Urbanas Dragones de Celendin, partido de
Cajamarca, 1797. Leg 7287:IX:3. Félix Estrada.
Porta-estandarte, Mil Prov Discip Cab del valle de Chincha, 1797.
Leg 7287:XII:29. Fermin Estrada.
Porta-estandarte, Mil Prov Discip Cab del valle de Chincha, 1797.
Leg 7287:XII:28. Mariano de Estrada y
Aguilar. Sgt, Mil Discip Inf de
Cuzco, 1800. Leg 7286:XXIV:39. Ramón Estrella y
Villarruel. SubLt de Bandera,
Mil Prov Discip inf de Sam Miguel de Piura, 1800.
Leg 7286:XXV:25. Miguel Estremiana.
SubLt, Inf Real de Lima, 1788. Leg
7283:II:66. Juan Pedro Ezleburu.
Capt, Mil urbanas Inf de Moquegua, 1792.
Leg 7284:XXIV:10. José Manuel Ezquerre.
Lt, Mil Discip de Pardos y Morenos Inf de Lambayeque, 1797.
Leg 7287:XXIII:7. (to be continued.)
Ice Cream and
Chorizo, 1933 by Mimi Lozano The Balance of Take-Aways by Norberto Franco Cisneros The Sweet memories of Sharon Brooks |
Strange food cravings of pregnant women all over the world are a well documented. Whether it's devouring a whole bottle of peanut butter at a sitting (my Mom), or munching on lettuce leaves (my daughter), it seems to be a very personal matter. Added to personal yearnings, are undoubtedly cultural influences. In the Mexican culture, if a pregnant woman has an 'antojito', a craving, the family must satisfy it. If not, the baby may be born with a deformity of some kind. Two incidents stand out concerning this belief. One, when my Mom was carrying me. And one, when I was carrying my first born. My Mom, not used to being catered to by my dad, I'm sure enjoyed her season of special attention. One afternoon, hot, pregnant with me, she happened to see a neighbor lady pass her window eating a vanilla ice cream cone. She dwelled on the ice cream cone, savoring thoughts of its milky sweetness. San Antonio's August humidity intensified the desire. A cold vanilla ice cream cone crowded other thoughts out of her mind. How good it would taste. How perfect. That night, when my Dad came home. Mom said, "Ne gustaria una nieve." I want ice cream. "Una cona de nieve, de vanilla." "A vanilla ice cream cone." She explained she'd been thinking about it since the early afternoon when a neighbor passed her window eating a vanilla ice cream cone. Mom sais, she just had to have one. All the stores in the 1930s used to close about six. There were no 24-hour stores at that time. It was well passed six. It was late. Although angry with the in-convenience, cultural beliefs kicked in. Dad left, determined to get the ice cream cone for her. He drove to the neighborhood pharmacy. They used to serve ice cream cones regularly at pharmacies. I think only Thrifty Pharmacy still does these days. Maleness to the rescue, Dad pounded loudly on the storefront, shook the collapsible metal gate front and yelled up to the pharmacist who lived above the store, "Open up. Open-up. I want to buy an ice cream cone." The half-asleep pharmacist must have thought, "It must be a drunk or a lunatic." Finally a light went on, leaning out the winow, he saw my dad, pounding and yelling at the top of his lungs, "My wife is pregnant and she wants an ice cream cone." Dad was finally able to convince the storeowner to open up and sell him one single vanilla ice cream cone. Perhaps the pharmacist considered the dire consequences of not fulfilling her craving, or perhaps he just wanted to get back to sleep. Melting, sticky, dripping, Dad brought Mom her "antojito'. Mom said, "It was the best ice cream cone she ever tasted." The next day Dad spoke to the neighbor lady, warning her not to walk by the house eating anything, anymore. Instead, Mom said instead the neighbor would bring her whatever treat she was enjoying, candy, cookies, or ice cream. I would never have known about the belief, or the incident, except for an occasion which involved me. In 1957, my husband accepted his first teaching job in the town of Weaverville, a mountain town in the middle of Trinity National Forest. We lived literally in a log cabin on the north side of a mountain. It was beautiful, deer strolling by our window. Joyfully, I got pregnant and decided to treat myself to the expense of a long distance call. I called my Mom in Los Angeles. Excitedly, I told her I was expecting. In our conversation I casually mentioned the limited fare at the small town grocery store. "I can not buy tortillas or chorizo". [Chorizo is a very spicy, hot pork sausage that is usually scrambled in with eggs.] "How I would love some chorizo," We spoke some more and then hung up. I thought no more about our conversation. Mail was not delivered to your home in Weaverville. You were responsible to pick it up your own mail at the small rural post office. Not expecting any mail of consequence, perhaps more than a week went by before I went in to check my mailbox. I walked in and noticed that the postmaster assistant's whispered some thing to the postmaster. Neither said anything, but looked at me with the most curious expressions. Puzzled, I walked over to my mailbox. As I opened the mailbox, the spicy scent of chorizo overwhelmed me. Surprised, pleased, amused, I glanced at the postmasters, still looking at me. Mom had satisfied my "antojito.' I knew without opening the package. The familiar grease in the sausage had gone through the wrappings. It was chorizo. "Thank goodness you came," the postmaster said in relief. "The odor was really getting to us," "We've been smelling it all week." "All week," I thought sadly, "it's probably gone bad by now." At first hopeful that I could now satisfy a craving which I had shelved, my disappointment was intense. Outside the post office, I slowly opened the package. Sniffing, expecting the worse, I found surprisingly, the chorizo smelled fine. Gratefully, the week or more waiting in the post office box had not affected the chorizo. Stopping off at the small grocery store for eggs, I rushed home and cooked my chorizo. I guess the combination of the cold mountain air and unheated post office acted as an excellent preservative, because the chorizo was absolutely delicious. I called to thank Mom for her thoughtfulness. The very day we spoke she explained she had rushed out, bought, packaged, and mailed the chorizo. Mom certainly wasn't taking any chances with anything being wrong with her grandchild. I had an antojito and it was her responsibility to fill it. Postnote: In the process of preparing the Bea Armenta Dever story, Bea shared my little cuento with Mario Lopez, Jr. of Carmelita Chorizo. I had told Bea that I was pretty sure that the chorizo that I received and relished was a Carmelita Chorizo. At that time, the company was located on Carmelita and Michigan, close to Soto St. Mom was living in that area. Mario explained a possibility for the preserved sausage. He stated that Carmelita used to use a natural casing to package the chorizo sausages. The sausages would keep indefinitely wrapped in that material, without refrigeration. Unfortunately, the USDA banned the use of the natural casing. Mario was not sure when that change took place, sometime after WWII. My special chorizo experience was in the late 1950s. It is possible that the natural casing was still in use. It might not have been the cold of the minimally heated mountain post office which had kept the chorizo from spoiling, it might have been the product itself. By the way, I usually have a Carmelita sausage in my refrigerator . . like right now. |
Mimi, as usual, YOU did a marvelous
editing OUR conversation; it was an HONOR to be included in the same issue
with my "TOCAYO" and long-time "COLEGA" , Armando
Rodriguez, who was instrumental in our "VIP" program in being
successful from when he was here in the Ca. State Dept of Ed. to the
"HALLS of WASH. D.C. Steve Arvizu & I used our "CARE PACKAGE" (Tortillas, Chorizo, Queso Blanco & a large can of Chiles Jalapenos en escabeche,) as our "CALLING CARD" . It was a "CALL HIM NOW" message to his secretary; no matter where or with whom he was! I had sent him an apologetic e-mail, letting him know that WE couldn't be with him on this "HONORARY" memorial celebration, but that we will see him @ his home in "The Box, "ca. (El Cajon, Ca.) LOL Como siempre, con RESPETO y CARINO, se firma su humilde seguro servidor, Dr. Armando A. Ayala Lecturer EMERITUS 2003 Ca. State Univ.-Sacramento Multilingual/Multicultural Ed. Dept. College of Education "Ora es cuando EL CHILE le da
savor al caldo"! |
Give me love and I’ll give you affection Give me affection and I'll give you compassion Give me compassion and I'll give you caring Give me caring and I'll give you charity Give me charity and I'll give you loyalty Give me loyalty and I'll give you truth Give me truth and I'll give you a child Give me a child and I'll give you life Give me war and I'll take it all away. |
The Sweet memories of Sharon Brooks |
[Suzanne, sharing with Mimi Lozano of 'Somos Primos' for
her consideration and hopeful publication of this delightful exchange. I
remember brushing me teeth with baking soda, and thank my Tia Aurora, (isn't
that another sign?!), who taught me how to iron shirts, and use starch (we
also used it for making atole), and embroidering. tia aurora is mid 80's and
as sharp as a tack! and, makes the best tamale's ever, no doubt... So whenever I
see store brand plum jam in a grocery store, I think of my grandmother, whom
we called "Marba" in collective imitation of my hard of hearing
cousin, Paul, who couldn't pronounce "Mother" as she was called by
his own mother and her sisters. I also think of Marba when I see baking soda
which she used to brush her teeth and as deodorant and which my cousins
and I thought of as old fashioned. How she would have laughed to see all the
toothpastes and deodorants today containing baking soda. How this reminds me
of the superior knowledge that elders can have, those we often see as less
educated, less scientific than ourselves. She didn't need our approval
and resisted our calls for modernization without acrimony. She just said,
"Do what you want to do and I will do what I want to do."
Having known me for a while, I think you will understand how much I see that I
have modeled myself after her. I have found, after all, that I now like
plum jam too. Just the thought of it makes me smile to myself. Romaine lettuce
reminds me of you. Though I like it with Caesar dressing, I can never remember
the dressing you like. But whenever I see it, wherever I see it, I am reminded
of a very happy day that Harry and I spent with you and Alan at your house. In
my mind's eye, I see you carefully separating and washing and drying the
leaves. I recall too observing the desperately needed indigenous connection
that you and Alan made for Harry. You touched him in a way that he needed and
gave him respite from the society surrounding and drowning him. He was/is more
than his addictions. He was smart with a kind of innocence that refreshed
those around him but was only visible when he was sober. Before that evening,
I don't think I had ever seen you in a domestic activity like cooking and then
as now, I can't imagine you doing this or other domestic chores with any
regularity. Of course, this may reflect my distaste for such work after years
of related enslavement, as a teen in hot, humid summers, ironing shirts for
youngish white businessmen who dropped them off washed and dry and left them
for me and my cousins, Joyce and Buffy, to starch and iron. At one point in
time, I recall that we used an iron that was heated by sitting it on a hot
stove! I sometimes think that this was a snapshot of the lives of countless
slaves in years past. Hot, sweating till it ran down faces and bodies, taking
turns to get the job done, and yet we were not sad. We were happy to be
earning money that we could spend as we wished for school clothes and movies
and 45 records. And we ironed, barefoot and in shorts, singing and dancing and
talking and gossiping. I was the youngest of the three. Buffy had two
daughters, years apart. The father of the first was named Bobby. I remember
that she really loved him and he eventually abandoned her. Her parents had
divorced when she was young and had given her and her 2 brothers (Frank and
Paul) to Marba, my grandmother, to raise, while they went on with their lives
with other spouses and other children. She would later go to prison for a time
as an arsonist. Her oldest daughter committed suicide with a gun while living
in the apartment next door to Buffy who was by this time outed as a lesbian.
Buffy and her brother, Frank, were put into the "Special Class" at
Media School where they had 4 recesses a day, worked in the cafeteria, learned
to make potholders and Christmas tree ornaments and when 16 years old, were
moved to the 9th grade and encouraged to drop out, which they both did. Buffy,
at least, learned to read at about 7th grade level. Frank, who is dyslexic,
never did. Paul, their brother, was sent to Pennsylvania School for the Deaf
where, although he and family already knew he was gay, met and later met
and married Roma who was deaf with a family history of schizophrenia, for
which she was later hospitalized for 25 years. Paul and Roma had 2 sons, Paul
and Daryl, my godsons, whom I raised. Joyce's mother died of multiple
sclerosis when she was 15. Her father used to beat her mother for
staggering from the MS as she walked. Joyce married an abusive man,
had 3 children, divorced, married an alcoholic, divorced and so on. She has
some shaking condition of her own which looks like MS but she says it isn't.
Her daughter married an abusive football player; divorced and is married to a
doctor. Her oldest son became a dentist who married, was abusive, lived beyond
his means and cut off his thumb to collect insurance, then was turned in by
his wife and sent to prison. I think he now pumps gas at a station his brother
took over while he was in prison. What does this have to do with my
grandmother? For many years, all of us cousins spent the summers together with
her. She walked a lot because she never had a car and there was little public
transit. So we all learned to walk a lot. She had an artistic side--all of us
do too, without exception, though in different genres. She was tolerant of all
religions and at the same time committed to her own. Religious bigotry is
unknown to us. She took in people of every ethnic group and made friends of
people in all groups. This tradition has continued in the family. I could cite
other examples of the influence she had in the lives of so many who seem
like a dysfunctional group, even to us. She lived to be 97. Her mother had the
gift of clairvoyance and other visionary attributes. My mother has a little of
this. I have more. What is the
connection of all of this with you? It is that in your preparation for that
meal, as you made little comments about your favorite foods, including Romaine
lettuce, I was drawn to the many little connectors that we have and the myriad
kinds of activities in which we have been engaged which not only give us the
strength and persistence needed to survive, but make survival more than a
chore. It is the handed down knowledge and ability of creating jazz from an
amalgamation of slave songs and forgotten African melodies and rhythms. It is
making the cast off bones of pigs given to slaves as the least amount of meat
on which to survive turned into the savory ribs that rank about the world's
most popular delicacies. It is delicious dandelion greens and berries and
other wild foods that were foraged and made into satisfying and sweet moments
in lives full of challenges and troubles and grief. Had we the time, I don't
know how long we might sit and talk before running out of something to say. We
have never had enough time and, I suspect, never will have enough. We always
run out of time before the conversation ends. When I see you in my mind's eye,
washing lettuce and talking and reflect on Harry and Alan and I sitting and
watching you and listening and joining in, I feel connected to you. It doesn't
matter what was being talked about. I don't remember that. I do know that we
were all comfy and cozy and safe and that we understood each other in the ways
that matter. We still do. Even though Harry's addictions have cost him much of
his health and each of us has had to face medical and other difficulties,
nonetheless we live with the knowledge that we are part of a family--the most
meaningful kind of family, with roots back to the most ancient times. When
thought of in that way, we can see the equality among us. Each of us knows quite
a bit about our ancestors and have carried their spirits with us in everything
we do, though we don't usually speak of it. These are the most powerful of
connections. I believe it is this ancestor force and spirit that triumphed in
Alan's remarkable movement back from the edge of death. It is what impels me
to write this to you this morning after eating Romaine lettuce for breakfast.
There is something we must be meant to do. Meanwhile, I delight in thinking of
you and the many happy moments I have had with you through the years. You
bring me joy. Suzanne
Seven years after the battle at Puebla in 1862, Vicente Riva Palacio devoted an editorial in his Mexico City newspaper "La Orquesta" to the significance for the nation of that event. The army of Arch-Duke Maximilian of Austria, funded by Emperor Napoleon III of France, had met unexpected resistence from Mexican fighters and was repulsed. Most of the defenders were hastily recruited from the streets of Puebla and Mexico City. Twenty-nine year old Riva Palacio had helped in the recruiting, fought in the battle, and wrote afterward to his father of the excitement in the chase of the retreating French/Austrian army. The reference in the editorial to December 2, is to the day that Napoleon I declared himself Emperor in 1804, and Napoleon III chose the same day in 1852.
"Cinco de Mayo" by Vicente Riva Palacio |
The nation has its days of glory, breaks from painful memories and sad
Mexico counts the 5th of May among these days, when the great Mexican family forgets its days of pains and sadness to loose itself in celebration of the memory of an immortal triumph, the commemoration of a great and heroic deed. The destiny of the nation had been decided on the fine desk top of the grand merchant of European politics. Napoleon was convinced his entrance would be a ball game, as certain as it would be lucrative, and the grandest achievement of his reign, yet attempted with a haste and flippancy, as if it wasn’t going to put two peoples in battle, as if this enterprise would not cost rivers of blood, as if his adversaries would not balance the power and wealth of France through their heroics, determination, love of the patria, and by the most complete and profound disdain for death. There are men who are indifferent to the fate of the people they govern, there are men elevated to power on the misfortune of their people, who sacrifice them to their ambition, to their pride, or to their capriciousness. There are men that appear destined to be the whip on the people, and that never the less, by the grand designs of Providence, are no more than the crucible that inspires the patriotism and grandeur of nations, and all the tyrannies, whatever has been their investment, and their pretext that they invoke through law to exercise despotisms, whichever has been the mask with which they hide or pretend to hide their true face, whichever would have been the epoch in which they appear, always, the people take from their terrible reign lessons that are never forgotten, and that drive humanity toward progress, and that are, to say it clearly, are the light houses that mark the rocky shores that appear in the march of the people Napoleon had sent Mexico the seed of tyranny, that was planted here by his marshals and watered with the blood of martyrs to the nation, but instead of germinating as was hoped, the man of the 2nd December produced a tree of liberty. The fifth of May was the prologue to the grand story of the second war of independence. (The two wars Riva Palacio refers to were: 1810-1821 against Spain, and the one begun in 1862 that lasted until 1867).
patria tiene sus días de gloria, escentos de penosos recuerdos, y de
tristes consideraciones.
The Family Secret of Dr. Hector P. Garcia Ignacio Seguín Zaragoza, Mexican General, Cinco de Mayo Hero Hispanic Roots, Genealogists Uncover Royal Blood Lines |
Left to right, Padre Jose Antonio Garcia |
are a lost people. We are lost to ourselves. We do not know our origins. We
do not know who we are and where we are going.
We do not have a history and a people without a history have
nothing.” The
history of Mexican Americans in Northeastern Mexico and South Texas was lost
for many reasons. In Texas, the main reason was that Mexico lost the war for
independence. For this reason, Spaniards/ Mexicans are portrayed as villains
or their contributions are not included in Texas textbooks. This
practice called Damnatio
memoriae means literally “damnation of memory”, in the
sense of
erased from memory.
Thus, few Texas students know about
the roles of Spaniards/Mexicans in Texas, that Mexicans fought on both sides
at the Alamo or about the Hispanic Civil Rights movement. During the August
23, 2002 state textbook review process, a tearful Lucy Camarillo confronted
the board about the omission in the Texas school textbooks of the overt
discrimination Mexican Americans faced until the 1960’s. The board was
indifferent to her pleas.[ii] Dr.
Hector spent a lot of time researching the history of the Mexican American
in Texas. One summer, my Papa taught me the history of Mexico. Later, he
recruited me into the historical research process as well. When I was a
student at the University of Texas @Austin, my papa asked me to research the
lives of some of the “movers and shakers” in Texas history.
What I found startling was that all of these men adopted Spanish
names when they moved to Texas. Many married Mexican women, became Mexican
citizens and tried to blend within the Mexican culture. The Texas History
books neglected to mention this information! Dr.
Cleo Garcia, my aunt was the family historian.
Dr. Cleo devoted much of her time to the uncovering of the past.
She traveled in Mexico, Spain and the United States to recover
Mexican and American history. Dr. Cleo was an accomplished historian and
wrote ten books and two articles about her research. In 1986, she
participated in the founding of the Spanish American Genealogical
Association (SAGA). In 1990,
United States Senator, Lloyd Bentsen, presented Dr. Cleo with a document
from the 101st Congress, honoring my aunt as a “Re-discoverer of Texas.”
Garcia family had its origins in Galicia, in Northern Spain.
1492, the Catholic Monarchs Ferdinand and Isabella issued an order expelling
all Jews from Spain. The day
following the order, Christopher Columbus set sail upon his voyage to the
New World. [iv]
The Garcia ancestors were on some of the voyages that came to the New World.
1739, King Phillip V of Spain issued a royal decree for the colonization of
the coast along the Gulf of Mexico. The
viceroy of New Spain appointed Captain Jose de Escandon to explore and
colonize a new province named Nuevo Santander in South Texas. Escandon
brought in families already established in northern Mexico from the states
of Nuevo Leon and Coahuila. One
family headed by Captain Blas Maria de la Garza Falcon lived in New Spain
since 1550-fifty-eight years after Columbus discovered American.
De la Garza Falcon was instrumental in developing the new province,
Nuevo Santander that included present day South Texas.[v]
Ten settlers from Camargo joined the expedition.
Among them were Rafael Garcia and Matias Garcia. These Garcia family
ancestors were among the forty colonial families de la Garza Falcon brought
to settle Nuevo Santander. The crown bequeathed land grants in Nuevo
Santander to the Garcias as a reward for their participation in the Escandon
mission. The
Mexican Inquisition forced Sephardic Jews to flee Mexico and relocate in
Texas, New Mexico and Southern Colorado. Like many other Jews in Mexico, the
Garcias were anxious to flee Mexico because of the Catholic Inquisition.[vi]
Nuevo Santander was ideal because of the proximity to the Garcia land
grant near the border town of Camargo, Tamaulipas, Mexico.
Antonio Garcia, my grandfather kept the family heritage a secret.
None of the Garcia siblings knew they were Jewish, until Dr. Cleo
stumbled on the “Family Secret” while conducting genealogical research
on the Garcia family. Perhaps
the “Family Secret” would explain my grandfather’s strong
anti-clerical sentiments. Even Dr. Hector would remark he did not understand
why his father felt that way. I can only speculate on Grandfather’s
reasons. In
1985, Juan Jose Gussoni, Honorable Vice Council of Spain presented my father
with a framed facsimile of the Garcia coat of arms depicting the family
motto and a letter. He captured
the spirit of my father in two short sentences, Dr. Garcia con su liderazgo y forma de actuar ha hecho realidad la divisa
de los Garcias. Ya que yo no
conozco a nadie que con justicia y verdad pueda decir o considerarse
superior a usted en su labor en favor de los americanos de origen hispano.
Dr. Garcia, with your leadership and actions, you have made the Standard
(coat of arms) of the Garcias a reality.
Truthfully, I do not know anyone who might be considered superior to
you in your work on behalf of Americans of Hispanic origins. I
never knew if the knowledge of his Jewish roots affected Dr. Hector. In any
case, he focused on his mission for Hispanic Civil Rights.
Dr. Hector set high standards for himself because he constantly
challenged himself to be the best he could be. De
Garcia Nadie Diga Arriba [i]
February 1, 1990, University of Texas @ Austin.
Left to Right, Picture of Dr. Hector's aunts and Uncles Odon, Jose (father) Abel (Amador Garcia's father)
Antonio, Moises, Albina, Francisca, Clotilde, Jeusra, Rosita,
Grandmother (center) Antonia Garcia Valverde |
The Descendents of Captain Miguel G. Zaragoza Generation No. 1
was born Abt. 1807 in Veracruz, New Spain (Mexico), and died in Matamoros,
Tamaulipas, Mexico?. He married MARIA-DE-JESUS
SEGUIN-MARTINEZ 05 Jul 1826 in San Fernando, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas,
born Abt. 1810 in San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas, and died in Matamoros,
Tamaulipas, Mexico?. Notes for MARIA-DE-JESUS
Md Farmer Children of MIGUEL ZARAGOZA
No. 2 2.
FLORES 06 Jan 1859
in La Capilla de Santiago, Graytown, Wilson County, Texas. She was born
1841. Notes for MARIA-CONCEPCION
FLORES is: 3.
was born 24 Mar 1829 in La Bahia, Goliad County, Texas, and died 08 Sep 1862
in Puebla, Mexico. He married RAFAELA PADILLA-DE-LA-GARZA 21 Jan 1857
in Sagrario Metropolitano, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, daughter of JOSE-MARIA
DE-LA-GARZA. She was born 01 Nov 1836 in Nuestra Sra de Guadalupe, Salinas
Victoria, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, and died in Puebla, Mexico?. Notes for GENERAL IGNACIO
ZARAGOZA-SEGUIN: Ignacio Zaragoza Seguin,
(1829-1862). Militar. Héroe Nacional. Nació en la Bahía del Espíritu
Santo. En Matamoros, Tamaulipas a fines de 1836 hace su instrucción
primaria y después en Monterrey cursa estudios de preparatoria en el
Seminario. En 1846, al iniciarse la Guerra de Intervención Americana, pidió
su ingreso al ejército para batirse contra el enemigo, pero no logró su
incorporación. En 1850 regresa a Monterrey con su padre quien obtuvo el
retiro del ejército; trabaja como empleado de comercio y en 1853 sienta
plaza en la Guardia Nacional del Estado de nuevo León iniciando su carrera
militar; en 1855 tenía el grado de capitán y el 30 de mayo de dicho ańo
secundó los Planes de Ayutla y de Lampazos desde Ciudad Victoria marchando
hacia Monterrey para ponerse a las órdenes de Vidaurri con 113 hombres de
tropa y algunos oficiales; participó en la ocupación de Saltillo en 1855 y
obtuvo el grado de coronel después de la derrota del gobierno de Santa
Anna, y al sobrevenir la Guerra de Reforma a fines de 1857 Zaragoza
permanece fiel al bando liberal destacando en diversas acciones en Silao,
Guadalajara y Calpulalpan, ascendiendo en 1860 al grado de general. En 1861
fue ministro de Guerra y Marina en el Gobierno del presidente Benito Juárez,
cargo al que renunció para tomar el mando de una división frente a la
Intervención Francesa que se iniciaba, participando en la Batalla de
Acultzingo del 28 de abril de 1862, siendo nombrado días después por el
Presidente Juárez, Comandante en Jefe del Ejército de Oriente en
substitución de José López Uraga y con ese cargo dirigió la defensa de
la ciudad de Puebla obteniendo la famosa victoria del cinco de mayo. El 8 de
septiembre del mismo ańo, víctima de tifo, murió en su cuartel general en
Puebla. Zaragoza no sólo pasó a la historia como héroe nacional sino
también como reorganizador del Ejército Mexicano. Se le declaró Benemérito
de la Patria. (Arroyo Llano, Rodolfo: Ignacio Zaragoza, Monterrey 1962; Ramírez
Fentanes, Luis: Zaragoza, Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional. México, 1962;
E. D. M., T. 12, 1130 y 1131). Captain Ignacio Seguín
Zaragoza, Mexican general and hero of Cinco de Mayo, was born on March 24,
1829, at Bahía del Espíritu Santo, Goliad in the state of Texas. He was
the second son of Don Miguel G. Zaragoza of Veracruz, Mexico, and Dona María
de Jesús Seguín of Bexar, who was a relative of Juan José Erasmo Seguín.
With Mexico's defeat in the Texas Revolution, Miguel Zaragoza, an
infantryman, moved his family from Goliad to Matamoros, where Ignacio
attended the school of San Juan. The elder Zaragoza was transferred to
Monterrey in 1844, and Ignacio entered a seminary there. Initially he wanted
to be a lawyer and priest. By 1846 he realized that he did not have a strong
vocation and left. When the United States invaded Mexico, he volunteered to
serve as a cadet in the Mexican army but was rejected. He entered the
mercantile business for a short time, and in 1853, he joined the National
Guard of Nuevo León with the rank of sergeant, this began a brilliant
military career, with the high point of which was the Battle of Puebla. When
his regiment was incorporated into the Mexican army, he was promoted to
captain. Source:From the books, Juan
Cortina and the Texas-Mexico Frontier by Jerry D. Thompson. Children of IGNACIO ZARAGOZA-SEGUIN and RAFAELA PADILLA-DE-LA-GARZA are:
![]() |
They are the Kin of the Kings. Some Hispanics in Texas and Northern Mexico are becoming increasingly aware of the little known fact that
their ancestors, who settled in the New World, had close family ties to the royal
houses of Europe linked directly through kinship to Spanish and Portuguese royalty.
Hispanic genealogists in the United States and Mexico have recently
been uncovering blue blood among their forebears who not only made major
contributions to the colonization of Latin America but to the United States as
well. |
Research into the Spanish discovery, conquest, and colonization of the Americas has shown that the early persons who arrived to take over the government of the newly conquered lands were personally appointed and authorized to emigrate by King Charles V of Spain who also was Charles I, Holy Roman Emperor. |
After the amazing conquest of Mexico, the king feared that Hernán Cortés would assume independent power and establish himself ruler of the newly conquered territory. Moving quickly to stem this possibility Charles V sent as officials only members of his family, his court, or noble families known and loyal to him. |
The first four royal officers to arrive were Tesorero
(treasurer) Alonso de Estrada, Contador (accountant) Rodrigo de
Albornoz, Veedor ( inspector) Pedro Almindez Chirinos, and Factor
(business agent) Gonzalo de Salazar. Estrada and Salazar had been members of the king's court and many
others like them followed. Cortés, although given great praise, credit, and
rewards for his achievements, found himself slowly divested of any real
authority. Joel René Escobar y Sáenz from Pharr, Texas has published a book
titled Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar (El Cid Campeador) & his Descendants (The
First 23 Generations) and The Civilizations of Spain (McAllen, Texas
2004, 1st Ed., privately published). |
Diaz de Vivar, known more familiarly as "El Cid," was the invincible knight and warrior who fought for his Castilian Kings, Sancho II, and Alfonso VI, and is considered unequivocally Spain's greatest National Hero. El Cid's seed spread to the kingdoms of Navarre, Leon, Castile, Asturias, Aragon and Portugal, extending later to the countries of England, France, Germany and Sicily. |
Escobar notes that with the emigration of Diego de Guevara y de
Tovar to Mexico City (c.1530-1535), El Cid's line passed to the New World.
With the marriage of Joseph de Trevińo de Quintanilla and Leonor Ayala
Valverde the line came to Nuevo Leon in Northern Mexico. Another connection to royal lines can be found in the ancestry of
Josefa de la Garza, mother of Tomás Sánchez, who founded Laredo, Texas in
1755. Copyright 2005 By George
Farias, M.B.A. (Editor's Note: Author George Farias and Colonel E.A.
Montemayor Sent by John Inclan
May 1-30 Fire in the Morning Exhibition May 2 Mariachi Divas, OC Pavilion, Downtown Santa Ana May 17 Rancho Days Fiesta, Heritage Hills Historical Park May 17 2nd Annual Southern California Barrio History Symposium May 24 Searching for Indigenous Roots in Mexico, SHHAR Quarterly May 24 United Mexican American Veterans Association Annual Picnic Sacrificing Our Pennies, Nickels, and Dimes for the War Westminster LULAC Council #3017 Awards Seven Scholarships Santa Ana Historical Preservation Society, New books |
The reception for “Fire in the
Morning,” the pictorial exhibit of Mexican Americans of Orange County, is
May 1, 2008. The display will remain at UC Irvine for one month.
May 02, 2008 |
Heritage Hill Historial Park to celebrate the colorful history of Saddleback
Valley. There will be entertainment and activities for the whole
family including crafts, pinatas, and historical music. You will also
have a chance to churn butter and taste freshly baked tortillas. $4
adults; $3 children (3-12) Entertainment includes the storytelling of Adrienne McMillan and Frances Rios, musician. For more information, go to |
Golden West College, Student Center 15744 Golden West Street, Huntington Beach 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM Free Admission Community and academic historians will speak on the history and challenges facing Mexican American barrios, colonias and campos. Public is invited and welcomed. No host lunch & live entertainment Free parking on the east side of the campus adjacent to Gothard Street The Student Center is in the middle of the campus. Campus map: For information contact The Orange County Mexican American Historical Society 714/415-8626 or 714/447-1026
SHHAR Society
of Hispanic Historical & Ancestral Research Quarterly
Meeting Date: Saturday, May 24, 2008 |
If your family comes from México and you have always wondered what
tribes lived where your ancestors lived, this presentation will
enlighten, educate and entertain. Utilizing a 40-page Power Point
Presentation, John Schmal will discuss many aspects of Indigenous
Mexico, including the inter-relationships of the Uto-Aztecan
John is an historian and a genealogist who specializes in tracing
lineages in Mexico , Puerto
Rico, and the 11:00-12:00
: Sharing and
SHHAR is a non-profit, non-dues organization with
family history research and networking as its prime focus. Everyone is
welcomed. |
Yesterday, Appreciating Today, Inspiring Tomorrow” U.
M. A. V. A.
Welcome…. Please join UMAVA
in celebrating a family day in the park.
The event will feature guest speakers, entertainment, music, games for the
children, Veteran networking, socializing with friends and family, and of
course a BBQ.
You may bring your favorite main dish or salad to share (but do not feel
obligated). UMAVA will provide
non-alcoholic drinks, water, hamburgers, hot dogs, condiments, potato
chips and dessert. Bring your
sun block, sunglasses and be ready to enjoy !
- picnic tables & benches will be available - *Nelida Yanez (714) 721-6141 *Joe Yanez (714) 323-0006 *Cecilia (714) 478-2918
Non-profit organization Tax
identification number: 27-0143834.
Sent by Eddie Grijalva
I came across this bit of my past history and I thought it would be nice to
share In
1942 when we moved from El Toro to Santa Ana, my father had to find a school
for my younger brother (Butch) and me to attend. Two blocks from our new house
in Santa Ana, was a school, but we were denied the opportunity of attending
because our
skin was brown. You
see in our innocence, we did not know what that ugly word PREJUDICE meant. Su
Our council
scholarship committee met on Tuesday, April 22, 08 at the ABRAZAR Community
and Learning Center. Gloria Reyes our member and Director of ABRAZAR hosted
the meeting. She provided sandwiches and beverages from Paul’s Deli. Thank
you Gloria the sandwiches were delicious and really appreciated. The committee
members present were: Nora Barajas, Lupe Fisher, Mimi Lozano, Gloria Reyes
and Cris Villasenor. We received
over 30 applications this year. Not all were from our area. We pulled those
within the Huntington Beach Union High School District area and reviewed
those first. We then awarded seven. Each student will receive just under
$700. The remaining applications will go on to another CA LULAC Foundation
for consideration. Our 2008
student recipients are: LULAC Council
#3017 |
With the first two Santa Ana history books such a success for Arcadia Publishing, they asked us to create another. Long-time native Roberta Reed volunteered to create a new volume of vintage photos from the 1940s to present day. For the last 8 or so months, she has culled through hundreds of photos - scanning, processing, and writing about 200+ images. She accessed private family collections, photos from the County Archives and the Society's own digital collection. She was helped in her efforts by her husband Nathan, and local historians Rob Richardson, Phil Brigandi, and Chris Jepsen. The 120+ page book is now at the printers and will be released in late July or early August. We'll provide advance information for members as soon as we have the final details. Logan Barrio History Documented Santa Ana Historical Preservation Society member Mary Garcia completed her book on the history and families of Santa Ana's Logan Barrio and the Society published the book late last year - in time for the annual Logan Reunion. The book has been very well received and Mary has been invited to a variety of events to speak as author of the book. The book includes over 80 vintage family and neighborhood photos as well as stories and Preservation Society remembrances of many of the early families of the neighborhood. The book's publication is very timely as it reminded us of the historical importance of the Logan Barrio particularly when the City of Santa Ana was working on a "Renaissance Plan" to improve the area. You can buy a copy of the book for $14 (tax included) and $3 for mailing. Santa Ana Historical Preservation Society 120 Civic Center Dr. W. Santa Ana, CA 92701-7505 |
In the October issue of 2007, SHHAR Board member Bea
Armenta Dever shared the story of the Los Angeles Baseball exhibit,
"Mexican-American Baseball in Los Angeles: From the Barrios to the
Big Leagues." Along with gathering data and stories about our
ancestors' life, it is a joy to fit them into the fabric of the community
in which they lived. Her story featured her Dad and brothers playing
baseball with the Carmelita Chorizeros baseball team.
Proudly displayed in the offices of Carmelita is this "Golden Age of
Community Baseball in East Los Angeles" resolution adopted by the
Council of the City of Los Angeles on September 21, 2007. |
Over fifty years ago a dynamic optimist and enterprising young man founded, almost at the same time a factory. home and baseball team. His name was Mario Lopez Sr. He had three dreams: to establish a business, a family, and to organize a baseball team. He loved work. children and baseball team. When he established his small chorizo factory, 'Carmelita' he selected young people like himself, people with dreams and commitment to their community. Mario "s Baseball team went on to win 19 city championships. With his wife Julieta at his side they raised a family of 5 children. Mario Lopez sr. passed away on October 3 1966. but his accomplishments did not die with him. His factory, children, grandchildren and baseball team have kept his legacy alive. Today his enterprise operates under the management of his three sons 'Carmelita Chorizo Company' The heir of name and character. Mario Lopez Jr., has taken an active participation in the business since 1957 after 3 years of military service. Carlos joined the company in 1958 just after graduating from Garfield high school. Frank, the youngest of Lopez clan, joined the company in 1968 after serving in the Vietnam war with the united states marine corp. Carmelita chorizo today sponsors several teams of boys and girls in baseball soccer, basketball and golf and is also proud sponsor of the Marjachi heritage society. For more on Carmelita Chorizo, go to: For a personal chorizo story by your editor and one by Dr. Armando Ayala, click to CUENTOS: |
"Mexican-American Baseball in Los Angeles:
THE TENTH INNING, a major survey featuring highlights of Baseball Reliquary exhibitions has been presented over the last ten years (1999-2008) at libraries, galleries, and community centers throughout Southern California. A small portion of "Mexican-American Baseball in Los Angeles: From the Barrios to the Big Leagues" will be at the Pasadena Central Library from July 1-July 31, 2008. The Pasadena Central Library is located
at 285 E. Walnut Street, Pasadena, CA. Library hours are
Monday-Thursday, 9:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 9:00 a.m.-6:00
p.m.; and Sunday, 1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. For further information, phone
(626) 791-7647; for directions, phone (626) 744-4066. Terry
Cannon For more on the Golden Age of Community
Baseball in East Los Angeles, click to CULTURE. |
of the oldest avenues in Los Angeles, Olvera Street is a traditional
Mexican marketplace that was opened in the 1930s. Olvera Street, also
known as El Pueblo de Los Angeles Historical Monument, it has hosted
presidents, dignitaries, movie stars and visitors from around the world.
April 19th, a city-wide celebration was held, free to the public. Olvera Street E-newsletter
Sent by |
of Olvera Street
When socialite Christine Sterling walked through the Plaza and Olvera
Street in 1926 she was shocked by the dilapidated condition of the oldest
part of the city, and started a campaign to save it. Mrs.
Sterling envisioned a colorful Mexican marketplace and culutral center.
With funding provided by six influential men and publicity from the Los
Angeles Times, she started a corporation to revitalize Olvera Street. |
II |
Music & spoken word by: Commissioned
by Kathy Gallegos, Director of Avenue 50 Studio, This
event is the second of four Inspiration House PoetryChoir events honoring
healthy and ethical cultural dialogue between the African and Latino
communities, at one of Latino LA's most important independent galleries. Using the Inspiration House PoetryChoir format, poets read their work while master musicians improvise musical responses to the poetry, blending words, intonations, audience responses, and dynamic silence into a sonic tapestry that's entrancing and exhilarating. The Black/Brown Dialogues are supported in part by the Ford Foundation, JP Morgan Chase, the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts and Southwest Airlines through a grant from the NALAC Fund for the Arts For
information contact: Marisela Norte
May 3, 2008 |
Fiesta of the Spanish Horse: Is an evening of magnificent
entertainment to celebrate the heritage of the Spanish Horse and it's travels
from Spain & Portugal through South American, into Mexico and finally into
California. This event will feature Andalusians, Lusitanos, Peruvian Paso,
Paso Fino, and other Beautiful Spanish Bred Horses, Roping, Trick Riding,
Drill Teams, Latin and Mariachi Music, Dancers, Venders, Food and 10th
Anniversary Surprises. |
A partial list of 2008's special entertainment, NOT in show order. USC Mascot "Traveler" Members of the USC Marching Band Medieval Times Ballet de Mexico Aztec Folklorico Dancers Pena Andaluza en California Mariachi Orgullo The Music of Aconcagua Andalusian and Lusitano Horse Exhibitions Peruvian Paso Horse Exhibitions Paso Fino Horse Exhibitions Parade of Cancer Survivors Parade of Stallions Mario Fernandez RANCHERAS DE LA VILLA ESCARAMUZA Stunt & Trick Riding Presented by Tad Griffith Longline and Riding Exhibitions Charro Riding Exhibitions Rancho Jiminez Parade of Spanish Influence Vaughan Smith Equine Services Ruben Haro AND MUCH MUCH MORE |
Sponsorship, Ad, Vendor, Horse Show, or Exhibition information,
socios y amigos de la Peńa Andaluza, Este
ańo estaremos de nuevo y por quinto ańo representando nuestra cultura en la
Fiesta del Caballo Espańol que se celebra todos los ańos en la ciudad de
Burbank, California. Desde
el primer ańo de nuestra participación, iniciamos las gestiónes para que
los organizadores de este gran evento reconocieran la importancia de
invitar y dar una mención especial a nuestro Consulado General en Los Ángeles.
Hace tres ańos nuestro Cónsul General fue invitado y desde entonces fue creciendo
el interés de los organizadores por la participación consular de nuestro país. Desde
hace dos ańos nuestro Cónsul General Excmo. Sr. D. Inocencio Arias asiste
acompańado de su esposa el día de la Extravaganza que se celebra el
primer sábado de mayo y son recibidos y mencionados con todo los honores. Por
nuestra parte, gracias a la aportación de la Oficina de Turismo de Espańa
en Los Ángels y Turismo de Andalucía, participamos con un bonito
"stand" cultural en el que nuestras banderas de Espańa y Andalucía
ondean bien alto y en el que se reparten gran número de folletos informativos
de todas las regiones espańolas. Nuestro grupo flamenco participa en la
representación folclórica y lo pasamos estupendamente a pesar del
madrugón y el largo viaje desde San Diego donde residimos la mayoría de los
que participamos en este fabuloso evento. Es
un gran orgullo para nosotros haber sido los promotores de la presencia espańola
y por supuesto andaluza en este gran evento que recomendamos a todos. Pueden
encontrar más información en Fiesta of the Spanish Horse, Burbank,
California. Charo Monge R. Information sent by Maria Angeles O'Donnell Olson
"Phantom Sightings: Art After the Chicano Movement" | |
Marketing 101
UNDERSTAND the history and culture of southern California and much of the
southwest of the United States, it is necessary to understand the Mexican
heritage which underlies and supports it. Matt Garcia's book is a strong
contribution to bringing that heritage alive in economic, cultural, and
human terms. In his discussion of the citrus industry of southern
California, Garcia, half-Mexican and half-Anglo himself, brings to light
an often hidden world of Mexican immigration and labour in the area's
once-premier industry, the growing and harvesting of citrus crops in areas
now pimpled with tract housing. Chicano cultural development is mixed with
the study of community-building to show how the physical layout of Greater
Los Angeles — a landscape of Chicano barrios, suburbs, and strip malls
— developed. Garcia, who teaches ethnic studies and history at the University of Oregon, discusses the racism that led white growers to select workers they believed more easily exploited, immigrant Mexicans and Asians, and the deliberate segmentation of the work force by race, language, gender, generation, and citizenship to combat unionization. While discussing strikes, boycotts, and political organizing as responses to exploitation, Garcia also looks at the alternative cultural expressions that challenged the discrimination which permeated the Los Angeles area. While his seeming digression into the worlds of little theater and dance halls may not seem immediately relevant to his discussion, a blended, and therefore more complete, history emerges, one that sees people not just from the viewpoint of their economic roles, but from their artistic and playful sides as well. With that approach the reader sees a world of human beings, not just statistics. The highly-profitable southern California citrus industry began in the 1870s, promoted by state and local governments and by the economically dominant Southern Pacific Railroad, creating townships where citrus groves often came right to the doorsteps of the growers' homes, melding urban and rural landscapes. By the early 1900s crops were worked by Chinese, Sikh, Japanese, Mexican, Filipino, and white employees on farms averaging 10 to 30 acres in size. Despite ethnic and wage differences, workers attempted to organize but were thwarted in 1919 when alleged organizers were physically removed from the area by white growers, one of numerous vigilante anti-union actions in the citrus groves. After World War I growers began favoring immigrant Mexican workers for the year-round (as opposed to seasonal) labour required. Company towns or segregated labour camps were built. Fear of Filipino intermarriage with whites spurred the shift to Mexican labour, and by 1940 the 22,000 Mexican men working in the orchards represented almost 100 per cent of the labour force. In the 1920s a state Commission of Immigration and Housing began pressuring growers to provide more decent housing, aided by local white educators and social workers whose Americanization programs were not readily accepted by the growing numbers of Mexicans. Workers resisted employer efforts to control their physical space by establishing colonias, communities which were Mexican-centered, some of which grew into large and complex communities on the edges of Southern California's citrus suburbs. Immigration restrictions were favored by white growers, except for their Mexican work force, which caused debate in Congress on how best to protect a "white man's country." Growers argued that they did not have much use for Mexicans, but "we take him because there is nothing else available." With the advent of the Great Depression, however, government visa policies effectively cut off Mexican immigration into the United States. Both the American and Mexican governments supported repatriation of Mexicans to their native country. But those who stayed participated in union battles during the Depression decade and began shaping a culture independent of their immigrant parents. The Padua Hills Theater in Claremont, founded in 1931 and surviving into the 1970s, drew white audiences to Mexican-themed plays with Mexican performers, bridging a cultural gap and bringing awareness of Mexican-American social conditions to a larger community. That continued in later years with the growth of dance halls and concert venues for traditional Mexican music and an emerging Mexican-influenced rock and roll. That expansion into the larger, Anglo community led to the development of social and political organizations to combat de facto segregation. Passage of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) in 1935 excluded agricultural workers from union organizing protections and employers continued to resist employee organization, often with violence. World War II, which brought stability to unions organized into the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), saw the birth of the bracero guest worker program, which lasted from 1942 through 1964. Mexican contract workers were brought into the United States to plant and harvest, and many Mexican women were hired in packinghouses, creating a new women's work culture. Packinghouse workers were covered by the NLRA, but employer-imposed divisions of the workforce combined with fear of losing the best jobs — however low-paid and dangerous — they ever had kept unions out. Tensions developed between Mexican nationals and Mexican-Americans, leading to the murder of a bracero in 1952 which stirred their communities into heated discussion and led Mexico to recall some 500 contract workers from southern California. The end of the bracero program in 1964 opened the floodgates of illegal immigration, which is an issue on the front pages today. Matt Garcia does an excellent job of interpreting the past, including the recent past and the anti-immigrant backlash in California. Exploring the issues of illegal immigration may be beyond the scope of his book, but demands addressing. The Mexican-American community itself, Garcia notes, is divided on the issue. A larger perspective would have been useful. In a simplified nutshell, Mexico has large oil reserves, and in the 1970s borrowed heavily in an effort to enter the First World. Oil prices dropped, however, and Mexico found itself deeply in debt. The World Bank and International Monetary Fund agreed to lend Mexico the money to pay the interest on what it owed, in exchange for creating an "investment-friendly" climate — reduced government services, opposition to free trade unions, low wages, non-enforcement of environmental laws, and the like. Hundreds of American-owned factories known as maquiladoras opened on the other side of the border, and employed large numbers of young women. Unemployed young men sought work where they could find it, mainly by crossing the border illegally, and often at great risk (some 2,000 migrants have died in southern Arizona's deserts over the last decade) into the United States. Jobs await them from employers looking for cheap and docile labour, even though hiring undocumented workers is illegal. The problem of "illegal aliens" in the United States is a creation of the US's own policies and employer greed. And immigrants have always been useful scapegoats when the economy is awry, especially if they are darker and speak a foreign language. A World of Its Own urges us to look beyond a world of our own to see how race and class play out not just in Greater Los Angeles, but in the larger world. Albert Vetere Lannon Matt
Garcia, Ph.D. Associate
Geographies of
Latinidad: Mapping Latina/o Studies for the Twenty-First Century, co-edited
volume with Professor Angharad Valdivia, Institute of Communication
Research, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign (forthcoming 2006, Duke
University Press) |
On Monday, May 5th, beginning at 9 A. M. in Rancho Cucamonga, at the corner of
Arrow highway and Grove street, a memorial service and pilgrimage march will
be held in memory of deceased day laborer leader Fernando Pedraza. In
taking up the dream that Pedraza had been working for before he died, the
marchers will present hundreds of petitions at city hall for a day labor
center in Rancho Cucamonga. Sent by Roberto Calderon,
Hello All,
I just wanted to be sure you knew about the upcoming event for my dad, Dionicio Morales. It is the dedication of the Dionicio Morales Transit Center (his park). It will take place Saturday, May 10th from 3:00-4:00 p.m. Supervisor Gloria Molina and MAOF will be sponsoring this event. East Los Angeles Civic Center 4801 East Third Street Los Angeles, CA 90022 Magdalena Morales, President Dionicio Morales Foundation "Pride in Heritage Project" (323) 225-4241 |
of Valor, May 16- June 1, San Jose Mexican Heritage Center May 4th Cinco de Mayo Festival and Parade in San Jose, CA. |
May 16 to June 1st San Jose Mexican Heritage Center |
Rick Leal's 50 foot display, honoring Hispanic Medal of Honor recipients and members of all the Armed Forces will be available for viewing between May 16 and June 1st. The Legacy of Valor will be featured at the 4- day National Council of La Raza conference in San Diego, July 12-15. | |
The mission of the Mexican Heritage Plaza of San Jose is to affirm,
celebrate and preserve the rich cultural heritage of the Mexican community
and showcase multicultural arts within the region and nationally. MHC was
founded by a group of San José's Mexican-American community leaders led by
then-Vice Mayor Blanca Alvarado (now a Santa Clara County Supervisor) and
Fernando Zazueta, a prominent local attorney. Their original goal was to
develop the city's first Mexican cultural garden. That vision grew into a
55,000 square-foot cultural center that serves as a vibrant resource for
cultural programming and education. Built in association with the San Jose
Redevelopment Agency, it is one of the largest Latino cultural centers in
the nation.
To learn more about the Mexican Heritage Plaza, visit |
Here is the invitation from Lily Castillo-Speed of the UC
Berkeley Ethnic Studies Library for the Thursday, May 8, Author Reading
by Armando Rodriguez.
A review of the book is at the following link:
~ May UDPATE ~
known as “BA”, was the most intelligent and brave soul that I have ever
had the privilege to share my life with. He had strength in everything that
he did and was exceptionally proud of who he was and his Spanish heritage.
He had a light that you could never dim and a presence that could not be
ignored. But most of all…he was my friend.
BA left us unexpectedly and too soon, we shared his wonderful life
and his spirit will remain with us forever. If there is such a thing as a
soul-mate, he became mine.
God had created the horse, He spoke to the magnificent creature: ‘I have
made thee unlike any other. All
the treasures of this Earth lie between thine eyes’.”
“Never thank yourself. Always
thank the horses for the happiness and the joy we experience through
unparalleled…Begotes was our friend and partner.
He shared his life with thousands of people in the 24 years of his
life with us. He traveled throughout the state to Fairs and historic events
so that people may see, touch and connect with our historical western
history, and the legacy of our American Mustang.
guarded the mares and foals that were out in pasture when they were in
mountain lion and coyote country and he was the role model, mentor and
friend to our foals while they grew up through adolescence. How fortunate
they were to have such a great companion and protector. The
absence of Begotes is a loss in our days and emptiness in our hearts…we
miss him greatly. For those who
had the great fortune to have shared his life we appreciate that you had the
opportunity to have known the wonderful ‘spirit’ of our equine partner,
eternal friend and the Heritage
he represented. To our boys: I will
remember you and all of the things that we’ve gone through, there is so
much I could say but words get in the way. When I need to find you I’ll
just close my eyes, for you’ll never be that far from me… I love you
very exciting updates ~
In the beginning of
April, we were invited to a royal event in
King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia visited the
![]() |
Recently, we were also quite delighted to meet a new and special friend – Miles Dean. This school teacher and executive director of the American group, ‘Black Heritage Riders, rode over 6000 miles from |
Dean and his partner Sankofa |
As for our current situation: The beauty of spring is so undeniable, it amazes me every year just as much if not more than the year before. The colorful wildflowers in their pinks and blues, purples and yellows, it just make me smile every time I lay eyes on them. Unfortunately, due to the drought, the beautiful yellow flowers are the toxic “fiddle-neck” and they are taking over our pasture. So we need to hire some help to come out and aid us in pulling all of these lethal plants so our horses can be safe from the fatal liver damage that this noxious weed causes them when consumed . We refuse to use poison on the property out of our love and respect for nature, so if you can spare even just one dollar to help with the cost of the labor it will take to keep these horses safe, you would be helping priceless lives. And to make donations even easier, we now have PAYPAL on our website: You can also still send your tax-deductible and much appreciated donations to: Heritage
Discovery Center THANK
Watsonville Register-Pajaronian, April 4, 2008 Luis
Alejo, an activist lawyer who's worked on causes ranging from education to
immigration, has won the California Democratic Party's 2008 John F.
Kennedy, Jr. Award for Outstanding Public Service. The
award, which honors one man and one woman statewide, was presented to
Alejo on Saturday at the California State Democratic Convention in San
Jose. The
award was established in 2000 to honor the spirit of Kennedy, who
encouraged young people from all walks of life to get involved in public
service and to engage with the important issues of the day. To
qualify for the award, nominees had to have displayed outstanding
leadership qualities in service to others and have made a substantive
difference in the lives of Californians in their communities. Luis
Angel Alejo |
Saturday May 3,
2008. 7:30pm: Conversation with Artists. 8:30pm: Performance. $10 before
7:30pm, $12 dr. At La Peńa 3105 Shattuck Ave. Berkeley. The
California's Mexican Music Series is a multi-part series of music from
Mexico's five distinctive geographic regions. Jose Cuellar, Ph.D. (a.k.a. Dr.
Loco), noted Xicano musician and SFSU professor, will host the events,
engaging the featured artists in lively panel discussions followed by
exceptional evenings of música mexicana! |
Marquez Cuellar |
Marquez Cuellar, a longtime Roseville resident who championed the rights of
farm workers and started one of the area's first bilingual newspapers, died
Saturday. He was 80. "He told me to become involved in politics and be involved in my culture and be a part of community service because that's what he was all about," family friend and Roseville City School District board member Rene Aguilera said. "I looked up to him and will totally miss him." Mr. Cuellar was born in 1927 to Francisco and Maria Cuellar in El Paso, Texas, and was the oldest of four children. After his parents separated when he was a teenager, Mr. Cuellar moved to Roseville with his mother, his sister Dora and his brother Roberto. He worked for an ice plant before taking a job repairing box cars for the Pacific Fruit Exchange. A U.S. Army veteran, Mr. Cuellar met and married a Roseville woman named Velia Alice Ojeda. The couple had a son and a daughter. His children were still in school when Mr. Cuellar decided to complete his high school diploma. It was while he was going to night school in 1967 that he became involved in the Chicano civil rights movement and began writing letters to the editor. "He wrote about how we're Americans, but we're Mexican Americans," his son, Rudy Cuellar Jr., said. "He got a lot of flak for that. I would get pressure from some of the kids at school, who'd say, 'What's wrong with your dad?' But he wasn't breaking windows. He was just expressing himself. "People didn't understand. Everybody wanted to just assimilate, and so did we. But he was saying it's important to understand what's happened in the process." Mr. Cuellar soon began working with the Placer County Democratic Committee, and was a vocal supporter of labor leader Cesar Chavez, collecting canned food to take to striking farm workers in the Central Valley. Mr. Cuellar helped found the Mexican American Political Association of Roseville and was instrumental in bringing Chavez and Sacramento artist, educator and writer Jose Montoya to Roseville. "They spoke to people, usually small crowds, but nonetheless it was exposure that people didn't get," said his son, an artist who was affiliated with the Royal Chicano Air Force. Eventually, his father's activism got him in trouble with his employer and he was forced to retire while he was still in his 40s. "He was an agitator," said the son. "I remember hearing one man say he was being a 'Kenmore.' " The loss of his job, however, led Mr. Cuellar to a new career in journalism. He started a bilingual newspaper called El Progreso, where he worked as editor, reporter and photographer covering politics and local events such as Mexican Flag Day. "At that time, I was also a journalist and so I'd give him rides, or he'd give me rides to events," said Aguilera. "His favorite line was, 'Make sure you document every event, because once you document it you have it for life.' " Aguilera said Mr. Cuellar took photographs everywhere he went and wanted to compile some of his collection into a book. Mr. Cuellar also remained a political activist, leading the campaign to elect Gilbert Duran to the Roseville City Council. "He taught me a lot," Aguilera said. "He made a big difference in a lot of people's lives not only politically, but making them aware of their culture." From
Rene Aguilera 916-532-5998, Sent by Richard
May 4th Cinco de Mayo Festival and Parade in San Jose, CA. |
Location: Guadalupe River Park - Discovery Meadows Time: 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Please contact Pamela Harter, Latino Campaign coordinator, for more details. E-mail: |
11 am, Saturday 17, 2008 |
Kino's Memory Politicized Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail Eloisa Carrasco Baca Dies May 3, Antologia de un Charro, Cinco de Mayo Celebration Forty-niners in the Valley |
In a Tucson artist's painting of Father Eusebio Francisco Kino, the Jesuit missionary forcefully emerges from the past to confront modern-day maladies of an international border that didn't exist in his day. Kino, who died nearly three centuries ago, is depicted next to indigenous people as he encounters a Mexican illegal border-crosser, a Border Patrol agent and a member of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps. In Miguel Grijalva's oil painting, guns are dropped at the sight of Kino, one of Southern Arizona's most recognized historical figures. In real life, the artist knows that when it comes to the U.S.-Mexican border, things are more complicated. "The missions Father Kino founded are still going strong on both sides of the border," Grijalva said. "But the border is just falling apart, it's falling out of control." Amid the annual May celebration that honors the priest in his final resting place of Magdalena de Kino, Sonora, the memory of the priest is being increasingly politicized. In last year's festival, Kino was portrayed as an illegal entrant in handcuffs. This week, Grijalva will unveil his painting during the Magdalena event. Meanwhile, in Tucson, a Carmelite priest and a group of retired educators and other professionals are working with Sonora residents to establish an educational center somewhere near the border, in part to promote Kino's legacy in the same vein. "We are all hungry for a figure that says, 'There are no borders, we are one people,' " Father Vicente Lopez said in his Midtown home. Although the tolerance of illegal immigration among people of faith is nothing new, the elevation of Kino as standard bearer has only recently flourished. And it is taking place as the Vatican considers the Italian-born missionary for sainthood. Lopez said some may criticize Kino, who started or founded more than 20 missions in what is now Southern Arizona and Northern Sonora, for spreading Christianity to Indians of the Pimeria Alta. But he said the missionary did so while respecting their language and identity. Following Kino's example of respect for indigenous people and for convivencia - living together - can go a long way toward addressing border-related problems that are magnified by anti-immigrant attitudes on the part of lawmakers and newcomers who don't know the area's history, Lopez said. "That's not the real story of the border," the Tucson priest said. "The real story is that we've lived together and that we've depended upon one another, and that we have shared family values, shared family blood lines. We are not all illegal, or undocumented. Some of us have been here for centuries." Just like Kino advocated in the late 1600s and early 1700s, Lopez said, people on both sides of the border and all sides of the illegal-immigration debate must look for ways to coexist peacefully. But Minuteman President Chris Simcox said the chaos surrounding the border cannot be solved merely by disarming his group and entering into a dialogue. "If I came face-to-face with Jesus I wouldn't drop my gun," he said, adding that the Minuteman volunteers who patrol the border for illegal activity choose to arm themselves for protection. Regardless of what supporters of illegal immigration do, Simcox said his group would continue its work in Arizona. "Our mission is to bring order to the border . . . faith or any deity is not going to solve this issue." Meanwhile, the founder of Mothers Against Illegal Aliens said that as a Christian, she is offended by the use of Kino's name to encourage people to sneak into the country illegally. "Those people, what they're doing is using a religious icon to benefit their cause, and it's shameful," Michelle Dallacroce said. The Rev. Robin Hoover, leader of Humane Borders, which operates water stations in the desert for illegal entrants, said he isn't intimately familiar with Kino's work. But he said Kino's legacy could be effective in drawing attention to border and immigration matters. "It's a perfect scenario - give the people something to identify with," Hoover said. Contact reporter Lourdes Medrano at |
Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail -
During the first two weeks of After flying to Barcelona and From Orreaga it is only a short Number
36 Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail January 2008
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by Dorinda
Moreno |
Saturday, May 3, 2008, 8pm Albuquerque New México, Journal Theatre
It led to the largest migration in US history. It led to the admission of California into the Union in September 9,1850, only a short period after this Mexico territory was transferred to the United States by the Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo in February 1848. It led to San Francisco growing from a small backwater settlement into a full-blown city. It changed the direction of our nation. It was the discovery of gold at Sutter's mill in Coloma, east of Sacramento, on January 24, 1848. Subsequent overblown, exaggerated newspaper publicity fueled the gold rush. The first major East Coast paper to do so was the New York Herald of August 19,1848. When expansionist-minded President James Polk mentioned it in his speech to Congress on December 5, 1848, he put the imprint of veracity on it. He stated " The accounts of the abundance of gold in that territory are of such extraordinary character as would scarcely command belief were they not corroborated by authentic reports of officers in public service." The number of individuals who traveled to California over the next few years ranges up to 300,000, about half to two-thirds of them being American. In 1849 alone 85,000 migrated to the territory, 40,000 by ship, 15,000 via Mexico, and 30,000 on trails across the continent. This latter route entailed a journey of at least 2,200 mile west from Independence or St. Joseph, Missouri. The first major trek from Missouri began in May 1849. From the East Coast a sea voyage around Cape Horn at the southern tip of South America could take up to eight months and cost between $600 and $1,200 depending on accommodations. A shorter route was to voyage to the east coast of the Panama Isthmus, boat 75 miles up the Chagres River then traverse the 25 jungle miles to Panama City by mules. From here, and often after a considerable delay, it was another ocean crossing, this time to San Francisco or even a port to the south. This journey encompassed five months. In the year 1850 the Panama trip was taken by about 13,800 individuals; the Cape Horn one by 11,700. Passage through Nicaragua was also taken by some. These and other routes exposed the traveler to myriad diseases. These included dysentery, cholera, typhoid, malaria, yellow fever, and scurvy among others. For the adventurers the loss of life was considerable. The American overland trails were equally as hazardous. The major ones were the Oregon/California Trail that approached Salt Lake City at one point, a southern offshoot from this leading through Death Valley; the Santa Fe and Old Spanish Trails as approaches to Southern California; and the Gila River route via Santa Fe or El Paso and also leading to Southern California. It was through Mexico that yet other alternatives were offered. The most popular route here was to journey by sea to Veracruz then go overland to Mexico City, Guadalajara, and on to a west coast Mexico port to catch a ship north to California. What few Valleyites know is that one of the routes selected by some 49ers was through the Valley, on to Monterrey, Saltillo, Buena Vista, and west across the Sierra Madre Occidental Mountains to the seaport at Mazatlan. Numerous 49ers kept diaries or later wrote reminiscences of their experiences. One that touches on the Valley itself is the journal maintained by John Woodhouse Audubon, son of the naturalist and artist John James Audubon, and an artist and wildlife collector in his own right. He was born November 30, 1812 in Kentucky. In 1837 at age 25 he had visited Texas with his father for collection purposes and returned to do so alone in 1845-46. With the gold rush gaining momentum, American fortune seekers soon began to organize into companies in order to better attack the many challenges that they would face. Adventures put up their own funds, and other investors, banking on prospects for good returns, also put up money for the companies. Those that would migrate were mostly formed into military-type groups, since logistics and discipline would be required for a successful venture. John Woodhouse Audubon joined a company that was financed primarily by his friends of the Kingsland family. This company, organized for mutual defense and assistance, was to be led by Col. Henry L. Webb. He was a veteran of the Mexican American War who had joined the Illinois volunteers and rose to command a regiment. It was his supposed knowledge of Mexico that led the company to take a route through this country. Audubon signed on 1/3/49 and his agreement induced others to follow. He was to be second in command of the organization. He contracted to remain with the party for one year. It would benefit from his extensive "knowledge of a backwoodsman's life" and he would have the flexibility to pursue specimens of birds and mammals and draw from nature. He was 36 years old when he left New York, 2/8/49, for the expedition. The company supplied everything except personal belongings and a horse. Each man was later to repay the initial expenses through his gold earnings. It embarked with 80 men from New York and joined with others from the Philadelphia area. The total number was about 98. They took with them $27,000 in cash. All the potential prospectors collected at Cairo, Illinois and embarked down the Mississippi River to New Orleans. They took with them, as they were later to find out, poorly made wagons manufactured in Cincinnati. The elapsed time from NY was 10 days. Once in New Orleans the party made important purchases. They ordered horse and mule shoes, bacon, flour, bags, tools, and ammunition. They then boarded the Globe for passage to Brazos Island and the Valley. This 461 ton propeller-driven vessel usually plied between Galveston and Brazos Santiago. Once offshore in South Texas, the first of many problems to plague the company ensued. The weather was uncooperative, and the ship had to stand offshore for four days before it could risk crossing the shallows above the sand bar in Brazos Santiago Passage. Once ashore the party rode their horses to Brownsville, arriving March 8, with only having had a hard-boiled egg for a mid-day repast. Major Benjamin William Brice commanded Fort Brown at the time. Audubon was not impressed by Brownsville. He noted that many of the houses had been constructed by a Mr. McGown, that they were good, but simple. He reflected on the abundance of drinking houses and billiard parlors. Mentioned were the two ferryboats plying on hawsers between Brownsville and Matamoras and the thriving business of smuggling. Col. Webb came up the Rio Grande to Brownsville on the small sidewheeler Mentoria, owned by Miflin Kenedy. It had been built in Alabama in 1845 for the US Quartermaster Department. Webb was unhappy when the purchases of a few barrels of rice in town cost him twice the price asked in New Orleans. The company boarded the Corvette commandeered by Captain O'Daniel. This medium-sized sidewheeler had been built in 1846 and was owned by the US Quartermaster Department. Just north of Brownsville the ship struck and became mired on a bar. This, of course, was not unusual, for the Rio Grande was notorious for its erratic flow levels. Once again underway Audubon recorded that the river was "erratic" and the ranchos along it "forlorn." He was not impressed by the jacals, rank reed growth, scant trees, except for "musquit" and willow though hackberry further back looked better. The company wanted to go as far as Roma for their start would be across the river at Mier, Mexico. The river waters were low however and the steamboat captain did not want to chance getting hung up on a bar. The company was set ashore on the Mexico side opposite Camp Ringgold at Rio Grande City. The men encountered difficulties in unloading the supplies across the mud and sand adjacent to the solid land. Immediately the shirkers and goldbricks among the company became evident. Temperatures in the high 90s did not help matters. The company later met with Major Joseph Hatch La Motte, who, like the other soldiers stationed at the camp, lived in a tent. Others at the camp who would befriend the party were Captains McCown and Deas,and Lieutenants Caldwell, Hazzard, and Hayne. Once the party was established, Col. Webb took off for Camargo and then on to China about 50 miles from the Rio Grande on the Rio San Juan. His goal was to purchase mules. It was on 3/15/49 that J. Booth Lambert became the first fatality of the company. He was a victim of cholera. He was buried at the (Clay) Davis' Rancho about ˝ mile above Camp Ringgold. The company doctor, John B. Trask, contended that in his northern practice he had never seen the likes of the symptoms exhibited here. This disease caused consternation when three more men came down with it. Cholera was spread in water and food through poor sanitation. The waters of the Rio Grande were likely the source of the infection. With the arrival of the steamer Tom McKinney, operated by her master Captain Miller, any who wished to leave for Roma were given the opportunity for the $100 fee Audubon was to pay for all. When the steamboat later came back downstream it carried 18-20 men who now opted to return to New Orleans. The cause of cholera, a bacterial disease, were not known at the time, so the poor remedies offered by Dr. Campbell, who served at the camp, were largely ineffective. These included the use of calomel lotion, external mustard packs, opium for pain, camphor, and brandy stimulants. These did nothing for the extreme dehydration and loss of bodily minerals and salts that were the cause of death. Audubon had been entrusted with the company funds and was storing them in his saddle bags. Dr. Campbell's recommended that Audubon place them in the hands of a man named White for safekeeping. White was the barkeeper at the Armstrong Hotel in Rio Grande City. Audubon did so. When Audubon wished to use some of the money a few days later, White claimed that he knew nothing about any money. A magistrate was contacted but did little. When word of this reached the company, the men were incensed and threatened to hang White. After they persisted in pursuing this option, White admitted the thief and promised to recover the money in return for being freed. Once back with him in the bush where the loot was buried, the company found nothing, for White's accomplice, a man named Hughes, had removed it. With the help of Don Francisco, father-in-law of Clay Davis, Hughes was located and apprehended. $3,500 of the $14,500 was recovered at this time and returned to Audubon. Other suspects in the thievery became known, but they had left for Mexico where it would be impossible to bring them to justice. In the interim 52 members of the company, twenty of whom were too ill to move, had become ill with cholera. A total of ten men of the original company were eventually to die. Party members did not want to associate whatsoever with any sick individuals, but Dr. Kearney of Rio Grande City did so. His extreme devotion to duty during this period led to his death. By this time many had fled to Roma and then across the river to Mier. On March 21 Col. Webb contracted the disease as did Audubon. Both were to survive. Two days later $4,000 more of the stolen funds was returned at Roma. The balance of $7,000 was never found. Once in Mier, 21 of the company's party agreed to go on, but Audubon was not one of them. Dissenters awaited a steamboat in Rio Grande City to take the party back downstream to Brownsville. It was delayed for whatever reason. Chaffing at the bit the party rejected any further command under Col. Webb. That was just as well for he communicated just then that he was too ill to continue to lead the expedition. In the interim Audubon had been entreated to take the lead of the party. He then consented to do so. By a month later he had put the affairs in order, moved the 20 miles from Camp Ringgold to Mier, and returned a proportionate share of the money and provisions to Webb and the members who would head home. On April 28 a new start was made. Now fifty men all told commenced the arduous, adventurous odyssey west. This group included two cooks, two teamsters, two servants, and some loosely committed to the company. At Roma the company took the main road to Chihuahua State via Monterrey. At Parras, west of Monterrey, one man accidentally shot himself in the ankle. He left the party with his cousin to return east. The number of travelers at this point had grown to 57 men and 157 mules and horse. It reached the town of Hidalgo de Parral on June 18. Here cholera took another victim. Audubon himself suffered two separate attacks but survived. At Parral the group left any roads. It followed the Conchos River in the Santa Cruz Valley then the Verde River finally taking off across the Sierra Madre Mountains to Sonora Province. Audubon made pencil sketches of some of this terrain. Once on the western slopes, towns and provisions were few and far between. After the town of Altar (about 65 miles southwest of present-day Nogales) was reached on 9/9 they entered a desert before reaching the Gila River and the line of General Stephen Kearny's march through New Mexico to California during the Mexican American War. The desert areas they traversed provided scant food and water for humans as well as the pack mules. It proved to be the most trying passage of the journey. It is the same area where today illegal immigrants in Arizona perish. The passage through the Gila Valley to the Colorado River was also treacherous. When San Diego was finally reached, eleven embarked by ship to San Francisco. Forty of the company continued the overland trek with the mules and equipment first to Los Angeles then on to Northern California. Naturally by the time of their arrival, most of the productive gold mines and placer areas had been claimed or mostly cleared of their treasures. One unusual footnote is that although this company's venture proved an utter failure, most of those that undertook it repaid the Kingslands. This was even the case for families of five of the men who died on the journey. Audubon's journal ends abruptly when he apparently
receives a communications drawing him home. Audubon was to return home an
old, sad, and broken man. He was to die 2/18/1862 at age 49. His legacy
lives on in his art work represented in the Metropolitan Museum of Art,
the National Gallery of Art, the Joslyn Art Museum in Omaha Nebraska, 57
works in other museums and galleries, and more in private collections.
Many of John Woodhouse Audubon's work may be viewed on "Google
Images". Not only did he have a talent for art, but he showed strong
character in his leadership abilities. Mexico and American place names in order reached on
John Woodhouse Audubon's journey
to the California gold fields. Those without asterisks have either
disappeared with time, are too small to show up on current maps, or had
their names changed. |
In Mexico: Mier* Monterrey* Saltillo* Parras * El Paso Alamito Mapini (town & district)* La Cadena* Pantilla La Zarca Cerro Gordo Rio Florida (it flows north into the Conchos)* El Valle (Bia Valle) Parral (Hidalgo de Parral)* Santa Cruz Valley Concepcion Verde River* Paso Chapadaro (if we knew where this was it may be the clue to the mountain passage) Gabilana Santa Borgia Pitochi |
Cerro Prieto Concepcion Jesus Maria (just south of Lake Presa Adolfo Lopez Mateus, north of Culiacan)* Paragarto Trinidad Soyopa* Rio Yaqui (flows south)* Ures* Altar* Pimos Valley (may be in US already) United States Gila River* Pimos Indians Yuma Indians Cook's Well San Felipe Creek Santa Isabella Santa Marie San Diego Mission San Diego* Los Angeles* * Located on maps |
from Costa Chica share an ancient ethnic heritage Diego Mendez, Persona de color 8th Annual Garifuna Festival A good day to remember ‘Yellow Rose of Texas' |
from Costa Chica share an ancient |
Maribel Silva, Francisca Dominguez and Vanessa Zorrosa support the Costa Chica soccer team from Pasadena, made up mostly of Mexicans with cultural and racial histories going back hundreds of years to the Spanish conquistadors and the African slave trade. |
players are agile and swift. And they've quickly earned the respect and
admiration of opponents who at first didn't know what to make of their
talented adversaries.
school, he has been stung by teasing and occasional racial epithets. He
doesn't mind the taunts of friends. He can give just as much as he takes.
It's the taunts of strangers that hurt.
Sent by Dorinda Moreno, Mercy Bautista Olvera, Carlos Munoz,Jr. Ph.D., Alva Moore Stevenson and Yolanda Edwards-Guerra African
Mexicans & Father Glyn Jemmott
la conquista de América, entre los espańoles fueron personas de color, los
que se denominan entre los historiadores, los conquistadores moros. Para
comprender esto, hemos de aclarar que antiguamente la palabra “moro” significaba: “alguien de tez morena o de raza negra,
originario de Marruecos o Mauritania” Entre estos hombres que emprendieron
la gran aventura, se encuentra DIEGO MENDEZ, Diego
Méndez, era un “moro” que había nacido alrededor de 1470 y vivía en
Castilla, desde donde fue con su padre a Portugal, para trabajar en casa del
Conde de Penamacor, quién lo educó con sus hijos. Posteriormente, a partir
de 1484, acompańó al conde por Francia, Inglaterra, Noruega y Dinamarca,
regresando a Barcelona donde permaneció hasta la muerte del conde en 1484. En
1502, Méndez participó como escribano
de la Armada Sus
amplios conocimientos lingüísticos y la confianza que tenía en él el Rey
Fernando El Católico, le unieron a Cristóbal Colón en su cuarto viaje,
siendo el criado y hombre de confianza del Almirante en toda la singladura. Cuando
la expedición colombina navegaba rumbo a La Espańola,
encallaron en Jamaica, en la actual bahía de Santa Ana, quedando
los barcos prácticamente inservibles para la navegación. Unos
historiadores dicen que Colón propuso a Diego Méndez que fuera a La Espańola
para comprar un nuevo barco y otros que, fue Méndez el que se ofreció al
Almirante para realizar tal aventura. Hubo
dos tentativas, la primera fue solo Méndez y fracasó, y en la segunda
salieron dos canoas, cada una con seis espańoles y diez indios, una mandada
por nuestro hombre y la otra por Bartolomé Fiesco. Después de tres días
de viaje, recalaron en una isleta cercana a La Espańola y desde allí
fueron a informar al gobernador Nicolás de Ovando, que no tenía ninguna
simpatía por Cristóbal Colón y tras leer la carta que le llevaba Méndez,
en la que pedía autorización para comprar una nave, hizo encarcelar por
siete meses a los dos enviados del Almirante. Cuando
fueron puestos en libertad, se las arreglaron para a bordo de una carabela
fletada por Méndez, llegar hasta Jamaica, donde Colón había tenido
problemas con un motín que hubo a bordo y que logró sofocar. Una vez que
subieron las provisiones a bordo, la nave zarpó para Espańa, a donde
llegaron el 7 de noviembre de 1504. En
1508, fue condecorado por el rey Fernando, como caballero de las espuelas
doradas, en un acto celebrado en Fuente de Cantos, en Extremadura (Espańa). Siguió
fiel a la familia Colón y en 1509 pasó de nuevo a Indias como secretario y
contador del segundo almirante Diego Colón, quien al ańo siguiente le
concedió una encomienda de ochenta indios. En
1517, Diego Méndez se casó con la espańola Francisca de Ribera y tuvieron
dos hijos. En el ańo de sus nupcias, viajó a Flandes, donde estaba Carlos
V, para resolver ciertos asuntos de la familia Colón. Ya
en 1522 alcanzó uno de sus sueńos; ser alguacil mayor de La Espańola o
sea la mayor autoridad judicial
de la isla. Posteriormente
regresó a Espańa y murió el 8 de diciembre de 1536 en Valladolid.
California LULAC Civil Rights Commission
Tribes Clash over remains at Huntington Beach, California homes site Abstract:
Aztecs devised sophisticated arithmetic system |
Clash over remains at The Juaneno and the Gabrielino-Tongya By Cindy Carcamo, OC Register, March 31, 2008
BEACH – Two tribes that lay claim to an ancient burial ground and
village on the Bolsa Chica Mesa are fighting over what should happen to
their ancestors' remains, adding yet another layer of complexity to plans
for a residential community to be built on the site. It's
believed that the Gabrielino-Tongva and Juaneńo Band of Mission Indians
once shared the land where archaeologists discovered 174 ancient American
Indian remains, half of them unearthed in the past 19 months. Human
remains can mean whole sets or a fragment belonging to a person. Archaeologists
excavated the remains and artifacts from the ancient cemetery over the
past 30 years to make way for Brightwater Hearthside Homes. The 300-home
project broke ground in June 2006 after gaining state approval. Half
of the human remains and artifacts they found have been reburied. However,
the 87 remains that have yet to be reburied have become a source of
contention for representatives of both tribes. Gabrielino
and Juaneńo leaders – appointed by the state's Native American Heritage
Commission as most likely descendants for the site – are at odds as to
whether their ancestors' remains should be DNA tested. In addition, the
two groups disagree about whether some artifacts should be
publicly displayed and where. Archaeologist
Nancy Wiley of Scientific Resource Surveys Inc. said the developer spent
$15 million excavating the site – exceeding the amount spent on any
other single site in the county and possibly in Southern California. "The
amount of archaeological work is unrivaled," Wiley wrote in a Nov. 5
memo. She is paid by the developer for her services. Since
the 1970s, activists and tribal members have pushed for preservation of
the site that they said belonged to an ancient Indian village. After
a flurry of lawsuits and heated disputes over a plan to build more than
300 homes on the site, developer Hearthside Homes won permission to build
as long as any discovered remains were reinterred elsewhere in the area. Joyce
Perry, cultural resources director for one faction of the Juaneńo Band of
Mission Indians, said the group opposes DNA testing. "It's
against our spiritual beliefs," said Perry, who has worked as a
monitor on the site. She
said she and the Juaneńos' most likely descendent, David Belardes, have
made their desire clear to the developer. Perry said Hearthside has sided
with them on the issue. The
developer has a reburial agreement with Belardes' group, not the
Gabrielinos, said Ed Mountford, Hearthside Homes senior vice president. He
wouldn't give further details, saying they were confidential and sacred
for the tribes. Anthony
Morales, the most likely descendant for the Gabrielino-Tongva, said the
issue has not been resolved. He said testing is needed to show there are
living people today whose DNA matches the ancestry in that area from
thousands of years ago. "That's
more Gabrielino territory and there are probably more Gabrielino
ancestry" on the site, he said. "I
don't know but maybe it's not to their best interest to find out if there
are any living Juaneńos that they can identify to the village,'' he said.
"They may not be Juaneńos." One
of the only things both groups agree on is that non-funerary artifacts
should be given to the county to be displayed for a period of time in 2010
at the Old Orange County Courthouse in Santa Ana. Still,
the tribes disagree on what artifacts to display. Morales
said he's against the public display of ceremonial or funerary artifacts
buried with his ancestors. "It's
disrespectful," he said. "It's definitely not right to display a
ceremonial item. That's sacred. That needs to be buried back with the
person." Morales
said some nonceremonial items, such as metates – stones used for
grinding – would be acceptable. Perry
said items buried with the ancestors will be reburied. Exactly what will
be displayed has yet to be defined, she added. "The
whole site is terribly significant, so one could argue everything is
ceremonial and one could argue that everything isn't," Perry said. The
Juaneńos' most likely descendant has suggested the artifacts be displayed
at the tribe's Blas Aguilar Adobe in San Juan Capistrano. Ultimately, the
developer decides what happens to everything found on his property, said
Dave Singleton, program analyst with the Native American Heritage
Commission. Contact
the writer:
714-445-6688 or
| |
Sent by Viola Sadler
TEXAS BAND OF KICKAPOO ACT, Public Law 97-429 [H.R. 4496] January 8, 1983, Sec. 2 (a) Congress finds that the Texas Band of Kickapoo Indians is a subgroup of the Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma; that many years ago, the Band was forced to migrate from its ancestral lands to what is now the State of Texas and the Nation of Mexico. The Kickapoo Nation are entitled to freely pass and repass over the International border separating the United States and Mexico. CALIFORNIA ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 60--RELATIVE TO THE KUMEYAAY NATION. The Kumeyaay Nation has occupied and traversed the southern California and Baja California region from the Pacific Ocean to the desert approximately 75 miles north and 75 miles south of the International border separating the United States and Mexico for thousands of years; and.... This Joint Resolution Number 60 of September 16, 2002, allowed the Baja Kumeyaay Nation to pass and repass across the International border separating (North America) the United States and Mexico. The Jay Treaty of November 19, 1794, between the United States and Canada, in Article 3, of this treaty, it states " It is agreed that it shall at all Times be free to His Majesty's Subjects, and to the Citizens of the United States, and also to the Indians dwelling on either side of the said Boundary line freely to pass and repass," also in Article 28 of this treaty, it states "It is agreed that the first Ten Articles of this treaty shall be permanent" (Jay's Treaty, is named after the first United States Supreme Court Chief Justice John Jay.) Mexico, United States, and Canada, are in the present-day North American Continent, today the Indigenous Nations from Mexico, United States, and Canada, have a right to freely pass and repass over the International borders separating their ancestral lands. In 1993, the President and CEO of Aztecs of North America, Inc., was the legal adviser of the Abenaki Nation in Swanton, Vermont. The President of Aztecs of North America, Inc., has 30 years knowledge of American Indian law, federal law, and International law. By: Henry Guzman Villalobos (Aztec Native American Indian) President and CEO, Aztecs of North America, Inc., A California Non-Profit Corporation, P.O. Box 325, Hayward, California 94543-0325 U.S.A., Voice:(510) 582-3880, cc: Native American Nations, United Nations, The Honorable Thelton E. Henderson, Senior Judge, United States District Court, San Francisco, California, Media, General Public, United States Congress, United States Senate, Mr. Olin C. Jones, Director of Office of Native American Affairs in the Office of the California Attorney General, California Assembly, California Senate. |
Aztecs of North America, Inc., a Native American Indian educational organization, was founded in 2002 for the purposes of rebuilding the Aztec Nation, and to educate the world about the Ancient Aztec culture, history, and language. The Ancient Homeland of the Aztecs, is the present-day Great Salt Lake, Utah, many centuries ago, the Aztec Native Americans embarked on their sacred journey to the southern part of present-day North America now called Mexico. Thousands of years ago, the Ancient Anasazi of the present-day State of Utah, were a Nahuatl speaking people like the Aztecs. The Aztecs are the descendants of the Ancient Anasazi Native Americans. Nahuatl belongs to the Uto-Aztecan (Shoshone) North American Indian languages of the United States of America and Mexico. Some of the other Native American Nations that belong to the Uto-Aztecan (Shoshone) languages are the Utes, Hopi, Nahuatl, Mexica, Shoshone, Yaqui, Pima, Tohono O' Odham (Papago), Comanche, Pueblos, Cahuilla, Serrano, Cupeno, Luiseno, Paiute, Mono, Gabrielino, Pipil, Tarahumara, Cora, Huichol, Tepehuan, Mayo, Opata, Tubar, and many other Native American Nations of the United States and Mexico. The Uto-Aztecan (Shoshone) languages are also found in the States of California, Oregon, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Wyoming, and south to El Salvador, and Nicaragua. As we are aware, the language of the Aztecs is called Nahuatl, some words in Nahuatl are Aztekatl=Aztec, Cualli Tonalli=Good Day, Nochipa=Always, Atl=Water, Metztli=Moon, Mexikah=Mexica/Mexican, Tlazokamati=Thank You, Tamalli=Tamale, Tochtli=Rabbit, Chapollin=Grasshopper, Nantli=Mother, Wey=Ancient, Nika=I am, Nikpia=I Have, Chimalli=Shield, Amoxtli=Book, Xochitl=Flower, Tlakameh=People, Pantli=Flag, Michin=Fish, Mazatl=Deer, Tototl=Bird, Kwalli Tlanextli=Good Morning, Amotleinika=Your Welcome, Tomawak=Fat, Mexiko=Mexico, Tekolotl=Owl, Awitl=Aunt, Azkatl=Ant, Moztla=Tomorrow, Yalwa=Yesterday, Chilli=Chile, Yowalli=Night, Kolli=Grandfather, Kakalli=Crow, Achtopa=First, Kema, Nitlatoa Nawatl=Yes, I Speak Nahuatl, and much more. (The President and CEO of Aztecs of North America, Inc., can also speak Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, and German.) Today, there are millions of Aztec Native Americans on this continent, and as the original inhabitants, we are the caretakers of this sacred continent, and we must preserve our Indigenous culture, history, and language. Today, the Aztec Native Americans from the United States of America are entitled to land, monetary, medical, and educational benefits from the United States Government. The President of Aztecs of North America, Inc., has 30 years knowledge of American Indian law, federal law, and International law. By: Henry Guzman Villalobos (Aztec Native American Indian) President and CEO, Aztecs of North America, Inc., A California Non-Profit Corporation, P.O. Box 325, Hayward, California 94543-0325 U.S.A., Voice:(510) 582-3880, cc: President of the United States of America, United States Congress, United States Senate, United Nations, Native American Nations, Media, General Public. |
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, Feb. 2, 1848, Guaranteed United States citizenship to Mexican citizens in California and recognition of their land titles. Indigenous Californians were citizens in Mexican and Spanish Law. their absolute title to the State of California was clear...and acknowledged by the United States. In this statement... (Article 8, citizenship and retention of land rights) On March 10, 1848, the United States Senate ratified the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, and at that time, it deleted Article 10 guaranteeing the protection of Indigenous Mexican land grants. "ARTICLE X, All grants of land made by the Mexican government or by the competent authorities, in territories previously appertaining to Mexico, and remaining for the future within the limits of the United States, shall be respected as valid." (Source: Center For Land Grant Studies) The Indigenous Mexican people of present-day Mexico, have been traveling across their ancestral lands without any borders for thousands of years. For many years, the Indigenous Mexicans from Mexico crossed easily between the Mexican Republic and the United States of America, because the Indigenous Mexicans were known to United States border agents and secured inexpensive border crossing cards. Today, the Mexican government and the United States government are bound by International law to acknowledge the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo; February 2, 1848. The Indigenous Mexican people are the original inhabitants of the present-day North American Continent, and have the right to pass and repass across the International border separating (North America) Mexico and the United States. Today, the President and CEO of Aztecs of North America, Inc., can prove in federal court that the Indigenous Mexicans are from the North American Continent. The President of Aztecs of North America, Inc., has 30 years knowledge of International law, American Indian law, and federal law. By: Henry Guzman Villalobos (Aztec Native American Indian) President and CEO, Aztecs of North America, Inc., A California Non-Profit Corporation, P.O. Box 325, Hayward, California 94543-0325 U.S.A., Voice: (510) 582-3880, cc: Native American Nations, United Nations, United States Congress, United States Senate, Media, General Public. Information concerning the Aztec Native American Indian
was forwarded by
Jews & the Mexican Inquisition by Richard G. Santos Judy Frankel, singer of Sephardic music, dies Judy Frankel, San Francisco’s Ladino chanteuse, dies at 65 Judy Frankel, the Ladino Songstress, 65 years En La Mar, Song sung by Judy Frankel |
by |
The Franciscan
missionaries who arrived at the recently established Kingdom of New Spain in
1524, were vested with inquisitorial power to rid the land of practicing Jews,
New Christians [commonly called conversos], Moors, witches, heretics, and
descendants of people penanced by the Spanish Tribunals of the Inquisition.
Royal decrees had repeatedly been issued barring the migration of these groups
to the New World. "The prohibited people," as they were called,
managed through diverse and novel means to migrate nonetheless. The
Franciscan's major concern, like that of Hernan Cortes and the Mexico City
Council, were the foul-mouthed, lusty, promiscuous, blaspheming conquistadores
who seemed to take God's name in vain with every breath they took. The
"prohibited people" were generally ignored. In mid 1527, the
Franciscan transferred their inquisitorial power and on-going investigations
to the Dominican Order. On October 17, 1527, the Dominicans held the first
Auto de Fe in North America. The Auto featured over two dozen blasphemers and
four Crypto Jews. Two were converted to Catholicism and released. Conquistador
Hernando Alonso and recently arrived colonist Gregorio Morales,. however, were
burned at the stake for being unrepentant Crypto Jews. Inquisitorial power
soon passed to the recently created Archdiocese of New Spain at Mexico City.
Although a small number of Crypto Jews were tried, penanced and converted by
the Apostolic Inquisition, Bishop Juan de Zumarraga seemed more concerned with
blasphemers, bigamists and pagan Indians resisting conversion to Spanish
Catholicism. Ordered
established in 1569, the Holy Office of the Inquisition of New Spain was
seated in Mexico City in 1571. Its first Auto de Fe held February 28, 1574,
featured one Crypto Jew and twenty-seven bigamists, six blasphemers, three
Protestants, six French pirates and eighteen British pirates. The six
Frenchmen and one British pirate were burned at the stake. Although a
handful of Crypto Jews were tried and penanced before 1589, the halcyon years
of the Mexican Inquisition began with the trial of the Carvajal y de la Cueva
- Rodriguez de Matos family and their Crypto Judaic community featured in the
Autos de Fe of 1590 through 1596. They were followed by the Autos de Fe of the
"Portuguese Conspiracy" held 1646 through 1650, in which many
families had ties to the Crypto Judaic community of the Carvajal y de la Cueva
Family. The individual trials afforded great insights into the religious
beliefs and practices of the Crypto Judaic community as a whole [such as
expecting the birth of the Messiah in Mexico City]. Also revealed in the Autos
were the survivalist skills of the Crypto Jews, who, under duress,
understandably lied about everything and everyone. Hence, the many
reconciliations and conversions to Catholicism were proven not to have been
seriously or sincerely accepted by the Crypto Jews who remained faithful to
the "Law of Moses". Crypto Jews
continued to be penanced by the Inquisition for the remainder of the Spanish
colonial period. The majority of inquisitorial cases dealt with the original
causes which had led to its establishment. That is, the punishment of witches,
blasphemers, bigamists, and sexually active priests and missionaries. The last
concentrated activity of the Holy Office of the “The Inquisition” of the
Vice regency of New Spain occurred during the 1810 through 1821 Mexican War of
Independence from Spain. Mexican Independence brought an end to the Holy
Office of the Inquisition of New Spain, but not to the memory (or descendants)
of its victims who had Sanctified His Name in the torture chamber and flames
of religious intolerance. NOTE: THE 1000
Editor: I've included 2 articles on Judy Frankel because each revealed different aspects of the Sephardic community. |
Frankel, |
by Joe Eskenazi, San Francisco staff writer, March 28,
2008![]() Twenty-one years ago, Frankel told this newspaper that it would have been easy for her to pick up Ladino-language songs from books. But it was more important to make a personal connection with a real person — and learn exactly how to pronounce Ladino in his or her regional accent. Frankel, a singer who embraced the traditional Spanish-Jewish tongue of Ladino as if it were her own, died March 19 in her San Francisco home from colon cancer. She was 65 years old. “She saved this music — not single-handedly and certainly not all of it,” longtime friend Bonnie Burt said. “But what she collected from these people would have been lost without her. It was a mission: She had to gather and preserve.” Burt, a documentary filmmaker, produced the 1989 film “Trees Cry for Rain,” about Turkish Sephardi women. The documentarian hadn’t planned on a singer dropping by and learning a song in her interview subject’s home, but it made for great footage. Frankel’s singing ended up providing the film’s soundtrack, and one of her performances served as its emotional conclusion. Frankel, incidentally, was of Ashkenazi heritage. It was only after singing before Ladino-speaking seniors in the 1980s that her passion for the music was ignited — to the point where she traveled throughout Europe and lived in Israel for months on end researching Ladino music and Crypto-Jewish culture. “We shared a deep and abiding interest in Judeo-Spanish, in secret or hidden Jews. Judy traveled all over the world collecting songs,” Burt said. “There’s something about the music, the poetry and the sound that is so very appealing and heartfelt. It’s not easy to put into words, but it’s a connection we both felt.” Frankel’s musical talent blossomed early; younger cousin Ellen Geisler remembered seders at the family’s Boston home in which a pre-teen Frankel sang and played guitar. She was a professional performer by age 13, singing at weddings, bar mitzvahs and on the radio and TV. Originally gravitating toward rock and jazz, her tenor voice was more suited to folk music, and it was in pursuit of club gigs that she moved to the Bay Area from Hawaii with her then-husband in the 1960s. She was a regular at numerous Bay Area temples, old-age homes and hospitals, but her career shifted into another gear when she began focusing on Ladino songs. She released four CDs, wrote a book on Ladino music and sang in Israel and across Europe; she even serenaded Portuguese President Mario Soares at a concert in Portugal. Frankel was a private person — Geisler predicted many people would be surprised to hear of her death as she kept most of her problems to herself — but she opened up on stage. Friends and fans recalled her as a captivating performer, one who always made certain to exhaustively explain who had taught her the songs she performed. On stage or in life, Frankel didn’t seem to crave the limelight. A typical story came from Burt: Several years ago, she received a dazzling necklace from Frankel for her birthday. It was only recently that she learned — second-hand — that Frankel didn’t buy her that necklace. She made it. Frankel didn’t stop to dwell on her own accomplishments, and she certainly didn’t dwell on her obstacles. More than 20 years ago, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She beat it, and never stopped collecting and learning Ladino songs. “I don’t have time to be sick,” she told this newspaper at the time. “There are bigger-than-life things to work on that just carry you away.” Judy Frankel, an only child, did not have any children. Her cousins and friends believe donations to any of the following charities would have pleased her: The Susan B. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, P.O. Box 650309, Dallas, Texas 75265; The Osher Center for Integrated Medicine at U.C. San Francisco, 513 Parnassus Ave., S.F, 94143; The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, P.O. Box 90988, Washington, D.C. 20090; The S.F. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 2500 16th St., S.F., 94103. |
Frankel, the Ladino Songstress, |
These articles were sent by Jaime Cader,
who writes: |
En la mar hay una torre.
En la torre hay una ventana.
En la ventana hay una hija
Que a los marineros llama.
Dame la mano, palomba,
Para subir a tu nido.
Maldicha que durme sola.
Vengo a durmir contigo.
Si la mar era de leche,
Yo me haria un pexcador.
Pexcaria mis dolores
Con palavricas d'amor.
Si la mar era de leche,
Los barquitos de canela,
Yo me mancharia entera
Por salvar la mi bandiera.
As sung to Judy Frankel by Isaac Sevi who grew up in Salonica, Greece.
The letter "x" in the above song is pronounced like the "sh"
in the word shell. The letters and musical notation for this song
are found on pages 18 and 19 of the book "Sephardic Songs in
Judeo-Spanish" by Judy Frankel. It comes with a CD recording
of the songs. The photograph on the cover of the song book is
of Selma Levi Mizrahi from the island of Rhodes, circa 1936.
Sara Levi told me an anecdote about Judy Frankel. Among Frankel's
circle of friends was Victor Perera, a Sephardi author from
Guatemala. He wrote the book "The Cross and The Pear
Tree -A Sephardic Journey" among other books. Some time
before he died, he was in a coma and Frankel went to visit him.
She sang a song to him and the nurse noticed that he had a positive
reaction, so she asked Frankel to come back the next day. Frankel
did and this time as she sang tears came from Perera's eyes. Afterwards
his health improved before he eventually passed away.
(A note for Mimi Lozano: The words "haria," "pexcaria,"
and "mancharia" above all have accent marks on the letter
"i." I'm not that computer savy so I could not put
in the accent marks. Surely if I would have used a Word
document it could be done, but I'm not sure how to do this. In any
case, Judy Frankel used a more standard kind of Spanish spelling for
writing the words to the songs. In addition there are Sephardim
that spell Spanish words more like they are in regular Spanish.
For example they will spell the word "querida" instead of
"kerida", the later being how Turkish Sephardim write it.
Jaime Cader)
Flags Over Texas Guerrero
Viejo, Inherit the Dust from the 4 Winds of Revilla |
flags over Texas? Jeorge
Zarazua |
Tejano historian Dan Arrellano is on a personal crusade to change what he claims is one of the biggest misconceptions in the state — one that continues to be taught in classrooms. There were
not six national flags flown over Texas. There were seven. The forgotten seventh
flag, Arrellano says, was a solid green one, hoisted here in San Antonio in
April 1813 declaring the first Republic of Texas. It was a
short-lived republic, Arrellano concedes. It lasted only four months and was
quashed at the Battle of Medina, a bloody clash between the new Republic and
Spanish Royalists that until recent years had, itself, gone almost forgotten. Today,
Arrellano and other Texas historians will gather in front of the Spanish
Governor's Palace downtown to raise awareness of the seventh flag and the first
incarnation of the Texas Republic. The event will include a reenactment of the
Tejano Declaration of Independence that Jose Bernardo Gutierrez de Lara,
president of the fledging republic, proclaimed 195 years ago — on April 6,
1813. Dan Arellano, second from the left. |
![]() |
But for
Arrellano, who laments the fact that so many places — including the state
Capitol — fly only six flags, the issue is much deeper. "It's
political," he said, adding the state repeatedly fails to recognize the
contributions of Tejanos, or Hispanic Texans, in its history. De la Teja
concedes the state could do a better job in teaching its history to its
students — something he plans to work on as the state's historian. He is
slated to speak at today's anniversary events. "The few
words that I have will be why we have to do a better job of teaching this
part of history to students," he said, adding that doing so will give
students a better perspective of the historical events that followed,
leading up to the battle of the Alamo and the Texas Revolution. Arrellano
hopes one day Gutierrez's name will ring predominantly in the state's
history classrooms. He said Sunday's event will be the first time San
Antonio has recognized an anniversary of Gutierrez's Tejano Declaration of
Independence. Gutierrez, a
blacksmith and merchant, was a Mexican revolutionary who set out to free
Texas from Spain after a priest in Dolores, Mexico, rang his church bell on
Sept. 16, 1810, calling for a revolt to Spanish rule — a day now
celebrated as Diez y Seis de Septiembre. Even though
Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla was eventually captured and executed in
August 1811, Gutierrez continued on his quest, traveling to Texas and on to
Washington, D.C., where he is said to have received the unofficial support
of Secretary of State James Monroe. |
Robert H.
Thonhoff, a Karnes County historian, said some researchers believe the color
green was chosen for the flag of the First Texas Republic because it was the
only color of cloth available when Gutierrez began his expedition into Texas to
overthrow the Spanish governor. By that time, Gutierrez had joined forces with
Lt. Augustus William Magee, who had formed the Republican Army of the North.
Other historians believe the green color was chosen because Magee was of Irish
descent. Under that
flag, which was initially a battle flag, Thonhoff said the Gutierrez-Magee
expedition was able to win battles against Spanish forces in Nacogdoches and
Goliad, where Magee suspiciously died in the Presidio La Bahia. Some believe he
was poisoned. The
Republican Army continued, defeating the last Spanish Royalist army in the state
at the Battle of Rosillo on March 28, 1813. Spanish
Governor Manuel Maria de Salcedo and his envoy displayed a white flag of truce
as Gutierrez and his victorious Republican Army approached San Antonio on April
1, 1813. Arrellano
said Mexican dignitaries from Gutierrez's hometown of Guerrero in the Mexican
state of Tamaulipas have been invited to participate in the reenactment of the
declaration of independence. Thonhoff
offers another possible explanation as to why so many have forgotten the green
flag of the First Texas Republic. "So
disastrous was the Battle of Medina that a battlefield has been forgotten and
lost, a Republic of Texas has been forgotten, a green flag has been forgotten,
and a first Texas Revolution has been forgotten," he said. "People
just didn't talk about it." |
Three-day 29th
Hispanic Genealogy Conference will be held on August 28 to August 31st in
Nacogdoches, Texas. .
Here is the web-site. Please visit it and don't forget to make
your hotel and conference reservations early:
Elsa Herbeck |
Jovita Idar |
It was a tumultuous time for Mexicans in
Texas when Jovita Idar became a forever to be remembered "Heroine of
La Raza." This was a period in our history when the Mexican
Revolution was raging and the Texas Rangers, or "los rinches",
were routinely lynching Mexican-Americans and Mexican children, women and
men who were crossing the border to seek refuge from the revolution. Jovita Idar was
born in Laredo, Texas in 1885 to Nicasio Clemente and Jovita Vivero and
was one of eight children. In 1903 at the age of 18 years she earned a
teaching certificate from the Holding Institute in Laredo and taught in a
small school but the conditions in which she had to teach Mexican children
so frustrated her that she decided to join her two brothers as a writer
for her father's newspaper "La Cronica." She believed that by
becoming a journalist and an activist she would be more effective in
changing the deplorable conditions that existed in the public schools for
Mexican children. During this time, Mexican school children were
completely segregated and, in many occasions, totally excluded. Throughout 1910
and 1911 she wrote weekly articles that called for equal educational
treatment and exposed the extreme discrimination against Mexican children
in the public schools. In addition, Jovita Idar started writing about the
atrocities being committed by the Texas Rangers against Mexicans. She
wrote about the lynching and hanging of a Mexican child in Thorndale,
Texas by the Texas Ranchers and the brutal burning at the stake of 20 year
old Antonio Rodriguez in Rocksprings, Texas. Of Antonio Rodriguez, she
wrote, "The crowd cheered when the flames engulfed his contorted
body. They did not even turn away at the smell of his burning flesh and I
wondered if they even knew his name. There are so many dead that sometimes
I can't remember all their names." The intolerable
racism and brutality against Mexicans in South Texas made Jovita Idar to
take bolder actions. In 1911 her newspaper, La Cronica, called for the
formation of "La Gran Liga Mexicanista de Beneficencia y Proteccion"
in order for the community to work together "en virtud de los lazos
de sangre que nos unen." In the same year "La Liga"
sponsored the "Primer Congreso Mexicanista" and adopted the
motto "Por La Raza y Para La Raza" and its primary mission was
the protection of Mexican-Americans against the racist and brutal actions
of "los rinches" and Anglos. Her actions were both courageous
and extremely dangerous. From the
"Primer Congreso Mexicanista" also came the formation of the
first feminist organization called "Liga Femenil Mexicanista."
Jovita Idar and other women formed their own schools and allowed poor
Mexican children to attend for free. The organization also provided free
food and clothing for the needy in the community. The organization met at
Jovita Idar's parents home and La Cronica published the organization's
news and fund raising activities. As the Mexican
revolutionary class struggle across the border grew increasingly more
turbulent, the repression of the Texas Rangers and Anglos against
Mexican-Americans and Mexican refugees became increasingly more violent.
The Anglos feared that the revolutionary fervor in Mexico would spread to
Texas. In 1913 Jovita Idar started writing articles in favor of the
revolutionary forces of Francisco Villa and crossed the border to serve as
a nurse in the Cruz Blanca on the side of General Villa. This attracted
the attention of the federal government and the Texas Rangers. When she
returned to Laredo in 1914 and wrote an article critical of Woodrow
Wilson's deployment of troops to the border, the infamous Texas Rangers
came to Laredo to destroy Jovita Idar's printing presses. Texas Rangers
Hicks, Ramsey, Chamberlain and another, who's name is not known, came up
to the door and found Jovita Idar blocking the entrance with her hands
firmly grasping the frame and feet planted on the threshold. "Los
rinches" asked her to move out of the way but Jovita Idar stood her
ground. A crowd gathered to witness the spectacle. In one of the greatest
moments of bravery by a Mexican-American woman, "los rinches"
backed down and left town. The newspaper, the voice of La Raza, was safe
for a while, but only for a short while because the cowardly Texas Rangers
came back in the stealth of night and with sledgehammers broke open the
doors and with heavy blows smashed the presses, the linotype machines, the
ink containers and the wooden table with the the lines of types. The
destruction of the "little newspaper" as they called it was
complete. They had silenced a strong and effective voice for political and
social justice for Mexican-Americans in South Texas. In 1917 at the
age of 32 years Jovita Idar married Bartolo Juarez and both moved to safer
territory in San Antonio, Texas. Mrs. Jovita Idar-Juarez did not stop her
activism in married life but went on to organize "El Club Democrata"
within the Democratic Party to politically empower the Mexican-American
community. In 1920 she founded a free bilingual kindergarten school and
continued her work as a writer and educator until her death in 1946 at the
age of 61 years. She and her husband had no children.
Blackaller, noted historian and archivist and the Director of the Archivo
Historico de Monclova, Coahuila, Mexico, will speak to us in Spanish on the
archives and records available for research in
Monclova. This was a very important outpost and stopping point on the Camino
Real and many of the early settlers either were stationed there or lived
there with their families. Mr. Blackaller has shown his interest in Los
Bexarenos and has already helped to make some records available to us. We
urge your attendance at this event which will include a power point
presentation. C. JUAN FELIPE BLACKALLER GRANADA, nació en Monclova, Coahuila en el ańo de 1939.Descendiente de JOHN BLACKALLER un Ingeniero Inglés que llegó a Monclova en 1826 para instalar la primera despepitadora de algodón y molino de trigo, se quedó a radicar en la ciudad y fundó una dinastía que ahora se extiende por muchas ciudades de México y de Estados Unidos incluyendo la ciudad de San Antonio.También descendiente del LIC. POLICARPO VELARDE, distinguido monclovense del Siglo XIX y miembro de una familia que llegó a estas tierras por el ańo 1780. Participa activamente en casi todas las actividades históricas de la Región y ha escrito y publicado más de 150 artículos sobre historia tanto Regional como de México. Note: The Los Bexareńos Library at the Casa Navarro Historical Site is now closed due to relocation. The Library will be closed until a new location can be found. We will announce any change in status. Help for the beginning genealogists. The Society assists individuals in getting started with genealogical research through beginner's workshops. Beginners also receive assistance from the more experienced members of the Society. Currently we are offering assistance by appointment only and on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month between the hours of 10:00am and 2:00pm at the following location: The San Antonio Genealogical & Historical Society 911 Melissa Drive, San Antonio, TX 78213 Contact one of the following individuals by email or phone to schedule an appointment: Dennis Moreno 210-647-5607 Yolanda Patino 210-434-3530 |
Tejanos and Texians: Texas, along with prominent State of Texas and San Antonio community
leaders This
Center will aim to champion the lives of Texas’ first pioneers and
accurately recapture our Hispanic heritage in Texas. A wide array of
programs will be shared to help accomplish the mission and goals of the
Center, while reaching out to all Texans to highlight the many
contributions of our historic Hispanic community. We
are asking for a show of support at this event to insure that this Center
moves forward towards fruition. An initial board of directors and corps of
supporters will be recruited to embrace the creation of this first-ever
Hispanic Heritage Center. We will be seeking your input on the proposed
project and fielding questions. Everyone will benefit and have access to
its community services and resources. All Texans will be asked to
contribute to the development of the proposed Hispanic Heritage Center of
Texas. Viva
Tejano Texas! |
Key Stakeholders Commissioner
Tommy Adkisson, County of Bexar
| This is from the Express news and we had a huge crowd. Dan Arellano |
Main Plaza Redevelopment Project provides for the development of a master
plan for Plaza de las Islas, the historical center of downtown, as well as
landscape design and construction plans and documents for the
redevelopment of the area as a pedestrian plaza. This work will improve
drainage, pedestrian accessibility,
ADA accessibility, and reinforce the historical nature of the plaza.
Museum Foundation of Hebbronville hosted a public meeting at the First
National Bank Bryan B. Gonzalez Community Room. Sent by Walter Herbeck
ALBERTO GONZALO (1889-1962).
Alberto Gonzalo Garcia, physician, was born in Zacatecas, Mexico, on
February 11, 1889, the son of Manuel and Fernanda (Herrera) Garcia. His
early schooling was interrupted by the deaths of two of his sisters and
by the fact that the family moved frequently. By 1898 they were back in
Zacatecas, where they met two Seventh-day Adventist missionaries from
the United States, a Mr. and Mrs. Blakely. Alberto expressed a desire to
go to the United States to learn to be a missionary, and through the
efforts of the Blakelys, Dr. John Harvey Kellogg of Battle Creek,
Michigan, heard of Alberto and invited him and his sister, Isabel, to
the United States. The Kelloggs did not have any children of their own
but adopted forty-two children from all over the world. With the consent
of Alberto's parents, he and Isabel were also adopted by the Kelloggs.<?xml:namespace
prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" / In
1898 Alberto and Isabel came to the United States and were placed in the
Haskell Home, an orphan asylum and boarding school. They started in
kindergarten to learn English, and by the spring of 1902 Alberto had
finished the work of seven grades. In 1903 he went to live in the home
of Dr. Kellogg. On June 27, 1906, Garcia received a diploma from Battle
Creek College, and on June 14, 1910, he graduated from the American
Medical Missionary College in Battle Creek with a doctor of medicine
degree. He then served under Dr. Levi Salmans, a friend of Dr. Kellogg,
as an intern missionary physician at the Good Samaritan Hospital in
Guanajuato, Mexico. When Garcia finished his internship in May 1911, he
became company doctor for the Los Angeles Mining Company in the state of
Chihuahua. After six months he joined the La Reforma Unit of the M.
Guggenheim and Sons Mining Company of New York. At this time he also had
a private practice near Cuatro Cienegas, Coahuila. On December 6, 1911,
in New Orleans, Garcia married Eva Carrillo y Gallardo (see
GARCÍA, EVA CARRILLO DE), whom he had met in Battle Creek. Garcia
resigned his position with the La Reforma Unit in June 1912 to
concentrate on his private practice, but the unrest of the Mexican
encouraged him to return to the United States. He received his second
M.D. degree from the Tulane University Medical School in New Orleans in
1914 and then took a position with the American Sugar Refining Company
at La Ceiba, Honduras. The following year he moved to Piedras Negras,
Coahuila, Mexico. He left Mexico permanently in 1915 to settle in
Austin, Texas, where he was the first Mexican American to set up a
medical practice. He attended classes in the University of Texas School
of Journalism, and in 1920-21 he and his wife published La Vanguardia,
one of Austin's first Spanish-language newspapers. Garcia used the paper
to discuss the social and political concerns of Mexican Americansqv
and to encouraged them to participate in local affairs. He became a
naturalized citizen in 1921 and encouraged others to acquire citizenship
and exercise the right to vote. He helped establish Obreros Mexicanos, a
workers' group, and the local chapter of the Comisión Honoríficas
which represented Mexican nationals in the United States. Issues of La
Vanguardia can be found in the Austin Public Library, the Austin
History Center,qv
and the Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collectionqv
at the University of Texas. Garcia also contributed occasional articles
to New Age magazine, the Dallas Journal, the Austin American,
and the Austin Statesman. Garcia
was active in Austin's civic affairs. He became a leader in efforts to
improve Brackenridge Hospital,qv
where he was a staff member. He supported the building of the city
library and advocated better educational opportunities for Mexican
Americans. He was also active on behalf of the American Red Cross. He
was an honorary staff member at Holy Cross Hospital and a member of the
American Medical Association, the Travis County Medical Association, and
the Texas Medical Association.qv
Affiliated with the Free and Accepted Masons, he held the thirty-second
degree in the Scottish Rite and high degrees in the York Rite and
belonged to the Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, Ben
Hur Temple. He was a Democrat and a Methodist. Garcia died in Austin on
September 22, 1962, and was survived by his wife, five daughters, and
two sons. In a letter addressed to Rev. Roberto Escamillo, Judge James
W. McClendonqv
wrote the following: "Dr. Garcia's life of virtue and devoted
service to his fellow man was a benediction to all with whom he came in
Encyclopedia of American Biography. Jeanette H. Flachmeier, Pioneer
Austin Notables (2 vols., Austin, 1975, 1980). Vertical Files,
Barker Texas History Center, University of Texas at Austin.
Source: In
1920 Alberto, in collaboration with Eva, published the first
Spanish-language newspaper published in Austin, La Vanguardia.
Eva also participated in health-education drives such as the ones
seeking to prevent tuberculosis. She was an elder at University
Methodist Church and was active with women's groups there. She helped
found the second Mexican Methodist church in Austin, Emmanuel Methodist.
She organized parties for graduating students and also worked with youth
and collaborated with the city probation officer and juvenile agencies
to turn boys and girls from delinquency. In the late 1920s or early
1930s she taught Spanish to students from Austin Military Academy. She
was also active in many clubs, including the League of Women Voters of
Garcia was a founding member and president of Ladies LULACqv
in Austin in the late 1930s. She worked to desegregate movie theaters
and swimming pools. Because the racially segregated schools were
inferior, she fought for better schools. She and her husband encouraged
others to buy property, vote, pay the poll tax, and defend their rights.
She died on September 26, 1979, and was buried in Capital Memorial Park.
Eva Garcia's name and picture were included in a pictorial display at
the Capitolqv
to mark National Women's History Month in March 1989. This display,
sponsored by the Austin Commission for Women, was given to the city of
Austin as a gift for 150th anniversary of its founding. BIBLIOGRAPHY:
Austin American-Statesman, September 28, 1979. Encyclopedia of
American Biography. Jeanette H. Flachmeier, Pioneer Austin
Notables (2 vols., Austin, 1975, 1980). Vertical Files, Austin
History Center. Cynthia
E. Orozco
In his Journal recounting his experiences as a Forty-niner, John Woodhouse Audubon notes briefly his encounters with the dark, handsome (Henry) Clay Davis. Who was this gentleman and what was he doing in the sparsely populated Lower Rio Grande Valley in the year 1849? Davis was the son of Theodore A. Davis and Ida Lund. He was undoubtedly named after Kentucky's famed statesman and orator, Henry Clay, said by John F. Kennedy to be one of the five greatest US Senators. Like Kentuckian before him he was adventurous and by the 1833 (another source says 1839) had arrived in Texas. In December 1842 he was to become involved in the ill-fated Mier Expedition. Out of a party of 261 that crossed into Mexico on an ill-advised retaliatory mission, 30 Texans were killed or wounded in this south-of-the border skirmish before an offer to surrender to Mexican forces was accepted by the Texans. While Mexican losses were 600 killed and 200 wounded, the Texans simply had run out of supplies. Later, in attempting to escape, 176 Texans were captured, and 17 were executed in the infamous Black Bean Episode. It wasn't until September 16, 1844 that the remaining prisoners were released by Santa Anna. Clay Davis was among them. After the Texas Revolution he migrated to Camargo. Here he would encounter his future wife. Her family owned and operated family the Carnestolendas Ranch on the north side of the river about twenty miles south of Roma. It also ranched on the south side of the river. The name is taken from a three week pre-Lent Carnival period where it is customary to "leave the meat" in the second weekly period. Blas Maria de la Garza Falcon, early explorer and colonizer under Jose de Escandon, established the ranch in 1752 and in a legal document of 1755 deposited in Camargo attested to running cattle on it at a location called Carnestolendas Hill. In time the property, Porcion 80, would come into the hands of a descendent, Francisco Antonio de la Garza Martinez, who was to die in1821. Francisco was to have a son Teodoro de la Garza who would marry Maria Antonia Garza. One of their nine children was Maria Hilaria de la Garza. It was this attractive young lady whom Clay Davis was to marry on 3/24/46. Theodoro, grantee of the "El Alazan" tract in Hidalgo County, had died in October 1843. An historian from Camargo clarifies how the ranch came into Clay's hands. He relates that "it was a precondition to marriage that allowed Henry to lay claim to the land" and that "He and Hilaria would oversee the vast parcel of land on both sides of the river." It was however the north side on which Henry and Hilaria would concentrate and manage for many years until his death. The marriage arrangement was not unusual for the period. "The property rights of women during the nineteen century were dependent on their marital status. Once women married their property rights were governed by English common law, which required that the property women took into marriage, or acquired subsequently, be legally absorbed by their husbands." A marital separation, regardless of who initiated it, would often leave a woman destitute, but property could be reclaimed if widowhood was the case. This structure began to change with passage of laws in England in 1882. In the US changes were piecemeal state by state from 1860 in New York. Southern states were among the last to incorporate women's property rights into their laws. After 4/18/46 Nueces County had been established when it was divided from San Patricio County. Davis was appointed as District 4 Judge in the new county. He was to serve in Gen. Zachary Taylor's army in 1846 when the Mexican American War commenced. It was during the Mexican American War, 1846-1848, that steamboats began to ply the Rio Grande in order to re-supply military camps as far north as Laredo, when water levels allowed. The area near the ranch took on the name Davis' Landing, probably because it was less of a tongue twister than the original name. It was also called Rancho Davis. Activities picked up sharply when, on 10/26/1848, two US Army companies under Bvt. Maj. Joseph H. LaMotte arrived to establish a post. Davis leased 33 acres along the river to the government. The military base was initially called The Post at Davis Landing. It was then named Camp Ringgold, in honor of the first US officer killed in the Mexican American War, this being at the Battle of Palo Alto. When Audubon visited there in March 1849 this is how he referred to it. It changed again to Ringgold Barracks, and in 1878 when the Davis heirs sold 350 acres total at the site to the US government it was renamed Fort Ringgold. The establishment of the military base just to the south was to ensure the growth of the nascent community that Davis laid out in 1847. Clay designed the city with broad, straight streets and a courthouse, somewhat resembling those in Austin, and it had a road directly to the river. Though Davis' efforts and those of others, Starr County was organized and Rio Grande City named its county seat on 8/18/48. Clay was chosen as the county's first county clerk. A post office was authorized for it in 1849. This same year in August, Davis with three other partners opened a wagon route to facilitate freighting between Corpus Christi, Laredo, Rio Grande City, and Mier. Assisting Davis in laying out the city's design was Captain Forbes N. Britton, a US Military Academy graduate, veteran of the Mexican American War, and responsible for relocating Texas Indian tribes. Britton would go on to a distinguished business and political career centered in Corpus Christi where his house, constructed in 1850, remains the oldest home in the city. In 1850 Britton had resigned from the army. In 1852 with others he formed a company to build a railroad from Corpus Christi to El Paso. The Texas Western Railroad Company laid no track. In 1857 he joined with Clay Davis, Brownsville founder Charles Stillman and Frederick Belden, the brother of another of its founders (Samuel Belden), and others to establish the Western Artesian Well Co. Britton, then a Texas legislator, introduced a bill granting rights to the company to drill wells along major roads in a vast area from the Nueces River to the Rio Grande, west to Laredo and San Antonio. Ostensibly these would "promote internal improvements." The bill apparently went nowhere. Davis' adventures were not over yet. In December 1859 he joined with John S. Ford's Ranger detachment, which together with Major Heintzelman's US troops, engaged the tumultuous Juan Cortina. In a battle between Rio Grande City and Roma on 12/27/59, Cortina and his forces were defeated and fled across the river. His subsequent guerilla actions north of the river greatly depopulated the area over time. Clay and Maria were to have six offspring—three daughters and three sons. These were Louisiana, Rosa, Magie N., George W., Theodore A. and Edward Downey. Edward Downey Davis, and his wife Lucilla Pena, were prolific in that they had nine children. Davis descendents continue to live in the Rio Grande City area and Mission.
American Heritage Bookshop is dedicated to promoting awareness of the history
of South Texas and Northern Mexico and it's inhabitants. Currently my
books deal mainly with Hispanics who fought in the U.S. Civil War
and Black Confederates who served the Confederacy. In the future I
hope to provide more books on Hispanic History and Genealogy. |
1493, Spain
had maintained a number of missions throughout New
Spain (Mexico
and portions of what today are the Southwestern
States) in order to facilitate colonization of these lands.
The East
Texas missions were a direct response to fear of French
encroachment when the remains of La
Salle's Fort
Saint Louis were discovered near Matagorda
Bay in 1689. Following
government policy, Franciscan
missionaries sought to make life within mission communities closely
resemble that of Spanish villages and Spanish culture. In order to
become Spanish citizens and productive inhabitants, native Americans
learned vocational skills. As plows,
farm implements, and gear for horses,
and mules
fell into disrepair, blacksmithing
skills soon became indispensable. Weaving
skills were needed to help clothe the inhabitants. As buildings became
more elaborate, mission occupants learned masonry
and carpentry
under the direction of craftsmen contracted by the missionaries. In
the closely supervised setting of the mission the Indians were expected
to mature in Christianity and Spanish political and economic practices
until they would no longer require special mission status. Then their
communities could be incorporated as such into ordinary colonial
society. This transition from official mission status to ordinary
Spanish society, when it occurred in an official manner, was called
"secularization." In this official transaction, the mission's
communal properties were privatized, the direction of civil life became
a purely secular affair, and the direction of church life was
transferred from the missionary religious orders to the Catholic
diocesan church. Although colonial law specified no precise time for
this transition to take effect, increasing pressure for the
secularization of most missions developed in the last decades of the
eighteenth century. This
mission system was developed in response to the often very detrimental
results of leaving the Hispanic control of relations with Indians on the
expanding frontier to overly enterprising civilians and soldiers. This
had resulted too often in the abuse and even enslavement of the Indians
and a heightening of antagonism. In
the end, the mission system was not politically strong enough to protect
the Indians against the growing power of ranchers and other business
interests that sought control over mission lands and the manpower
represented by the Indians. In the first few years of the new Republic
of Mexico-between 1824 and 1830-all the missions still operating in
Texas were officially secularized, with the sole exception of those in
the El Paso district, which were turned over to diocesan pastors only in
1852. (see The Texas Handbook On line: Spanish Missions.)
University of Notre Dame Archives, 1798
Feb. 5 Plans for New anthology on Mexicans/Chicanos in Chicago and the Midwest Lansing Community College WWII Museum expanding Historical facts and tidbits on Louisiana |
Duga, Miguel to Bishop (Luis Penalver y Cardenas) Duga, a native and resident of the parish of Our Lady of the Ascension of LaFourche, wishes to marry Magdalena Babin, of the same parish, but is prevented by the impediment of consanguinity. Duga is the son of Francisco Duga and Margarita Babin, daughter of Ana Teriot and Juan Babin, son of Juan Babin and Margarita Como. Magdalena Babin is the daughter of Anastacia Landry and Amant Babin, son of Margarita Landry and Germin Babin, son of Juan Babin and Margarita Como. His fiancee has no mother and her father is poor and has seven children aged from three to 16 years. She would be exposed to the unhappiness which Acadians always have in marrying with the French whose lax customs do not suit those of the Acadians as children of the Holy Faith they profess, and he could not marry his fiancee or any other Acadian because all on that shore are related, or he would face the necessity of marrying a creole from which there would be neither spiritual nor temporal advantage. Father (Isidro) Quintero states at the beginning of the document that (Duga) appeared but did not know how to sign. D. (Spanish) Sent by Bill Carmena
The purpose of this book is to record
the social, cultural, political, literary experience of Chicanos/Mexicans
from their own voice and perspective. This anthology will provide writers
and scholars with first hand experience and perspective of Mexicans in
Chicago and the Midwest. This anthology will provide
Mexicans/Chicanos with the opportunity to explore the presence of Mexicans
in Chicago and the Midwest from the end of the XIXth century to today.
The writings will allow the reader to view the experience of workers in
the railroads, the mills, and the activism of Mexicans in the sixties and
seventies to the immigration marches in the XX1st centuries. These
writings will give a new perspective of the presence and contributions of
Mexicans in Chicago and the Midwest. It will examine the hardships,
the struggles and triumphs of Chicanos/Mexicans and how their struggle has
changed their perspective of life, politics, activism, education, and
gender roles. We are accepting submissions in the forms of essay, poetry,
short story, oral histories/testimonies, and autobiographies. Sent by Robert Calderon, Ph.D.
Lansing Community College | |
Another reminder please attend the up-coming Cinco de Mayo event
here in Lansing at the Lansing Community College the organizer are making a
special effort to celebrating and honor our Latino/a Veterans. Please come; will you please take a few minutes to call the contact
person Herminia Ortega at 517-483-1587 or Sara Holguin at 517-483-9803
confirming your attendance. Please pass on to those who you know that might
be interested in attending.. At the LUCERO website address below; When you click the site then
scroll down and you will see the invitation and program. The invitation and flyer are on the LCC
web page;
Sent by Juan Marinez
San Diego Union Tribune April 20, 2008
call for an advanced format theater and a restaurant-entertainment venue
dubbed the “Stage Door Canteen” to be constructed across the street from
the popular museum. The expansion will include seven buildings on six acres. The
250-seat theater will present a signature film being developed in cooperation
with Tom Hanks. What is being called a 4-D theater will provide a
“multi-sensory experience,” Mueller said. The
museum, called the D-Day Museum when it opened June 6, 2000, was designated by
Congress as the official World War II Museum for the country in 2004 and
subsequently changed its name. The
museum, at 945 Magazine St., was closed for three months following Hurricane
Katrina in 2005. It hosted about 300,000 visitors a year before Katrina; it's
now seeing about 60 percent of that number, Mueller said. The
museum is hosting a special exhibition called “Real to Reel: Hollywood and
World War II” through Aug. 31, with artifacts, images, movie posters and
audiovisuals “from a time when Hollywood glamour merged with military
grit,” as the museum's promotional material for the exhibit put it. Details
or (877) 813-3329. Sent by Gus Chavez
3. Louisiana was
named in honor of King Louis XIV. 11. Since 1835 the New Orleans & Carrolliton Line is the
oldest street railway line still in operation.
42. Notations on the original plats of survey for the area that is now Ville Platte stated that surveyors had to use pirogues and flat boats to properly do their work. 43. Because Covington is in a region referred to as the Ozone Belt, it has long been known for its clean air and water. 44. Gueydan is known as the "Duck Capital of America" in recognition of its abundance of waterfowl. 45. Mamou bills itself as "The Cajun Music Capital of the World." Mamou musicians, in particular the musicians who have perform at Fred's Lounge have been a major force in expanding the audience for Cajun music far beyond Southwest Louisiana. 46. The Harvey Canal Locks near Westwego connect the Mississippi River to the Harvey Canal. Back in the 1800s the locks served as ferries to transport railroad cars from one side of the canal to the other. Workers would then reunite the railroad cars on land. This service may have sparked the name of the town. According to one local folk tale, trainmen would shout "West We Go" as the railroad cars were reconnected and pulled out of the station. 47. Church Point boasts the designation "The Buggy Capital of the World". A festival celebrates this designation annually on the first weekend in June. 48. The Creole House in French Settlement was built of cypress wood. It is typical of the dwellings built in the late 1800's because cypress was so plentiful in the surrounding swamps. 49. Fort Polk was established in 1941 and named in honor of the Right Reverend Leonidas Polk, the first Episcopal Bishop of the Diocese of Louisiana. On March 12, 1993, Fort Polk officially became the home of the Joint Readiness Training Center. 50. Pineville is home to a one of a kind museum called the Old Town Hall Museum. It is the only museum in the entire state of Louisiana dedicated to municipal government.
WHERE: University of Richmond in Richmond, VA July 16-19, 2008 &
George Mason University August 6-9, 2008. Students participate in a four days, three nights college campus experience where they attend workshops stressing academic achievement, career choices, community service and civic responsibility. Six key workshops: Hispanic Heroes, Issues to Action, Realizing the College Dream; Foundations for Personal Success; and Team Building. Scholarship competitions in Speech, Talent, Essay and Art ranging from $500 to $2000. A total of $14K in scholarships awarded. POC: Douglas M. Garcia, Assistant Secretary of Education, Office of the Governor at (804)786-1151 - Sent by Debbie Martinez HEP@NASA LaRC e-Newsletter - APRIL 2008 |
del Centenario de Torreón, Coahila Conmemora
los 300 ańos de la fundación de la Ciudad de Chihuahua |
un libro pequeńo, pero de contenido fecundo de una vida de trabajo y éxitos
ha sido la de don Ramón Iriarte Maisterrena, que se desempeńó como
presidente del Patronato de las Fiestas del Centenario de la ciudad de
Torreón 1907-2007. Nuestro personaje nació en Tepic, Nayarit el día 26
de agosto de 1934, siendo hijo de don Ramón Iriarte Enecoiz y de dońa
Consuelo Maisterrena, ambos originarios de Espańa. Él llegó al Puerto
de Veracruz el ańo de 1918, procedente de las Provincias Vascongadas de
Navarra y ella, también de esos lugares vino con su padre don Fermín
Maisterrena. |
![]() |
Presentación del libro dedicado a don Ramón Iriarte Maisterrena, el uno de abril del actual, en el Museo de la Revolución de esta ciudad. Autor del libro: Julio César Félix. |
sus padres lo enviaron a Los Ángeles, California, U.S.A., donde lo
inscribieron en el internado de la Escuela Preparatoria “Villanova”,
de donde regresó a Torreón cuando tenía 18 ańos, debido a que su seńor
padre sufrió un infarto y él vino a encargarse de los negocios
familiares, y donde siguió aprendiendo “en la Universidad de su
padre”, o sea sus enseńanzas para tener éxito en los negocios, primero
agrícolas en la siembra del algodón y después en el campo lechero según
narra el libro en su página 19, que dice: “Desde
el ańo 63 –explica don Ramón- en el negocio familiar fuimos
productores, socios, accionistas y consejeros, y por un periodo de tiempo,
presidente del Grupo LALA. La empresa ha sido también, para él, una gran
escuela. Pertenecer a este grupo desde hace 44 ańos lo llena de orgullo.
Y convivir y compartir experiencias con gente como Salvador Álvarez, Jesús
Villarreal, Florentino Rivero y el ingeniero Eduardo Tricio, ha sido muy
positivo y valioso”. En
su matrimonio con la seńora Jossie Reynoard, procreó un hijo que a los
18 ańos falleció en un accidente. Tres hijas que viven: Lorena, Maricela
y Jossie, con las que tiene nietos. Le
gustan los deportes, el futbol, el beisbol y muchos más. Promotor de los
maratones LALA. En las actividades culturales, participa en muchas. Forma
parte del Patronato de la Camerata de Coahuila, miembros del consejo del
Museo Arocena y presidente del Patronato del Centenario de Torreón,
presidente del consejo del Coliseo Lagunero, promotor del “Salón Astronómico”.
Presidente de asociaciones ganaderas. Coinversionista del hotel Camino
Real. Fundador de la arrendadora LEAST, presidente de GEMEX, del Grupo
RODA, etc., etc. Es
un ser humano que ama a su familia, que convive con sus amigos, que da la
mano al necesitado y convive con la gente de todas las esferas sociales,
de ideas positivas, emprendedo y triunfador, pero sobre todo de
sensibilidad humanitaria que sirve a la comunidad donde vive y es feliz. Sent by Mercy Bautista-Olvera |
The city government has given us the date of April 29th to have a
gospel outreach for 1200 school children. The event will be held in a
baseball field so that I can present the gospel freely. We will give every
school child, a Spanish Bible, a salvation tract, a bag with filled
with school supplies, candy and toys, a pony ride and other fun activities
are planned. The government will provide a loud speaker system for me to
address the multitude. Families will accompany the children so 2,000
people are expected! Your prayers and help in this remarkable opportunity are
welcome! Rev. Larry Garza, D.D.
and his wife Linda Olsen Garza are founders of Heavenly Vision Ministries,
a Christian humanitarian aid non- profit corporation. Previous to this he
worked for Exxon and she worked on the NASA space station project. Their
adventures have taken them to 47 nations of the globe. Lauro is the ninth
generation of Spanish land grantees born in Starr County, Texas. Three of
his four family lines are descended from the founders of the cities of
Monterrey, Camargo, Mier, Mexico as well as Los Saenz, and Rio Grande
City, Texas. Lauro’s great uncle was General Arzamendi who died in
combat in 1914 and his direct 3x great grandfather was also General
Arzamendi who served in Mexican army in the early 1800’s. Lauro is also
the great-grandson of Major Enrique Barrera who died valiantly in the
Mexican Revolution as a Constituitionalist. Lauro
Garza has completely traveled the Old Silk Road and its many side trails
in Asia retracing the steps of Marco Polo including 2,600 miles across
China by four wheel drive in 1996. Rev.
Lauro Garza, D.D. has appeared on Bill O’Reilly Fox news as an expert on
Islam and Middle Eastern affairs, he is the published author of “The
Destruction of the Veil of Islam”, and he has spoken on over 30 FM
Stations across the USA. The
Houston Genealogical Society has become a passion for Mr. Garza, and he
has just returned from a research mission to the libraries of Bilbao,
Spain. Lauro and Linda’s most current project is documenting the
ancestry of the Arzamendi and Olsen lines. Mailing
address; C/O
Box 421 Dickinson,
TX 77539 Office
832-492-1821 Secretary Marie Carriker Web: Email;
We can all look forward to some interesting articles from Larry, he
writes: I
would love to submit articles with book references to your upcoming issues
as I do not want this information lost! God greatly helped as everyone
thought I should go to Sevilla but it turned out the reference materials
were Northern Spain. In all my interaction with Hispanic genealogists and
historians none knew of the information I have acquired. I had so much
grace on my life! I told my wife I am going to ask them to photocopy these
reference works on the Hispano American families that settled Nuevo
Santander, she thought because of their age and condition that they would
deny me. Amazingly the head librarian came back with the decision to allow
me to copy all the works I had selected at the time. Historical
research produces answers which bring more questions! I need to return to
Spain to follow up the new information I have received. Lauro
Garza Arzamendi
Joe: As you know, I
recently heard your lecture covering subject book. Also, I have now
finished reading the book itself. I just wanted to tell you that I enjoyed
both your book and your lecture very much. You have a most easy way
of delivering your lecture and the same goes for the book. You are
an excellent writer and the book is indeed easy to read. The
life of this hero -- Don Bernardo Gutierrez de Lara -- had to be
told in the manner that you did. Born in Revilla, Don Bernardo, a
Creole, was exactly in-step with Father Miguel Hidalgo in raising the
alarm to the economic and social injustice that Spain was committing and
in wanting Mexico to become an independent country. Your book
clearly shows the greatness of this man as he was both instrumental in establishing
a temporary Independent Republic of Texas and later on in helping Mexico
gain its independence from Spain. Just like you put it, he was
a true visionary, courageous, gallant, a great warrior, a fabulous
diplomat, and a great revolutionary -- he probably was the
Last Knight. You did a great
job. Congratulations. If anyone is interested in getting this
book, please contact Jose Lopez at
Consejo del Tricentenario de la Ciudad de Chihuahua, A.C. y el
Municipio de Chihuahua a través de su Instituto de Cultura, en
colaboración con el Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, Convocan
al Concurso para la composición de la obra musical insignia que Conmemora los
300 ańos de la fundación de la ciudad, con el propósito de dotar a la
ciudad de una obra musical sinfónica, reflejo del espíritu festivo de la
celebración. Este
acontecimiento es de gran trascendencia para Chihuahua y para todos los que
vivimos aquí, por tan razón le solicitamos
apoyo para promover esta convocatoria con los Mexicanos compositores
y músicos radicados
en el extranjero.
Generation No. 1 1.
Jan 1811 in Cienega de Flores, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. He married MARIA-CLAUDIA
TREVINO-GONZALEZ 06 Feb 1833 in Nuestra Sra de Guadalupe, Salinas Victoria, Nuevo
Leon, Mexico, daughter of JOSE-JOAQUIN TREVINO and MARIA-GERTRUDIS GONZALEZ. She was born 10 Nov 1816 in Nuestra Sra de Guadalupe, Salinas
Victoria, Mexico. Children of FRANCISCO-JAVIER
are: i.
MARIA-ENEMECIA6 QUIROGA-TREVINO, b. 08 Nov 1835, Nuestra Sra de
Guadalupe, Salinas Victoria, Mexico. ii.
SIMON QUIROGA-TREVINO, b. 05 Nov 1837, Nuestra Sra de Guadalupe, Salinas
Victoria, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Notes
provided by Yolanda Cantu Gomez. iii.
MARIA-DE-LORETO QUIROGA-TREVINO, b. 16 Dec 1846, Nuestra Sra de Guadalupe,
Salinas Victoria, Mexico.
Rico in the American Century: A History Since 1898 Beautiful Me(s): Finding our Revolutionary Selves in Black Cuba Roberto Clemente, PBS's award-winning American Experience. NASA Hispanics in the NEWS [Boricuas en NASA] New video invitations for the San Juan, Puerto Rico, April 25-27 event La Guarida . . . Movie Becomes Hit in Havana |
Puerto Rico in the American Century: A History Since 1898, by César J. Ayala and Rafael Bernabe |
![]() Source:
Beautiful Me(s): Finding our Revolutionary Selves in Black Cuba, | |
The documentary, Beautiful Me(s): Finding our Revolutionary
Selves in Black Cuba, was screened at the Riverside International
Film Festival in Riverside, California on April
15. The story is the true story of a diverse group of underdog
students who travel from the ivy league to the rebel state of Cuba. The
group discovers the close affinity Cuban people feel with Africans and
African Americans and their commitment to ending racial injustice. You
can check out a clip from the film on YouTube at Source: Co-producer Kiana Green Sent by Alma Stevenson Moore |
Friends & Supporters, We are very pleased to announce the premiere of our first production, Roberto Clemente, for PBS's award-winning history series, American Experience. Roberto Clemente was not the first Latino to play in the majors, but he was the first Latino star to have a clear and lasting impact on the game of baseball. As an outspoken and at times controversial player, he helped to shatter stereotypes about Latinos and paved the way for the next generation of Latin American and Caribbean ballplayers. In an era before players had handlers and press agents, Clemente was a bona fide humanitarian and activist. "If you have the chance to make things better for people coming behind you, and you don't," he famously said, "You are wasting your time on earth." Roberto Clemente features interviews with Pulitzer Prize-winning authors David Maraniss (Clemente) and George F. Will (Men at Work: The Craft of Baseball) as well as journalist and author Juan Gonzalez (Harvest of Empire), Vera Clemente, Baseball Hall of Famer Orlando Cepeda, and former teammates. Golden Globe Award-winning actor Jimmy Smits (The West Wing, NYPD Blue) narrates. Sent by Carlos Munoz, Jr. Ph.D. From Quiet Pictures 18 Bridge Street, 2J Brooklyn, NY 11201 |
This month in “El Nuevo Dia”, one of Puerto Rico’s daily newspaper, there was an article entitled “La invasion boricua en la NASA”, “The boricua invasion at NASA”. Boricua is derived from Borinquen, the name the native indians had for Puerto Rico. So anyone from the island is referred as a “boricua”. Here are some of the highlights from the article: - Over 181 Puerto Ricans working at NASA, most in high ranking jobs - 75% of those are engineers mostly from the University of PR at Mayagüez - Joseph Acabá, a teacher, will be the first Puerto Rican astronaut - Half a dozen Puerto Ricans are SESers - Orlando Figueroa, Pedro Rodríguez, Miguel Rodríguez, Olga González-Sanabria, Gilberto Colón, Moserrate Román - A number of Puerto Ricans are leaving the island looking for work in the US; this has been going on for the last 30 years - Highlight of Gilberto Colon and his wife who also works at NASA GSFC - Highlight and picture of the GSFC Puerto Rican community - Highlight of Olga and her career - Highlight of Miguel Rodríguez and how he came from “El Colegio”, UPR at Mayagüez in 1975; when asked if a Puerto Rican will ever be the NASA Administrator, his answer was: “Of course” The main graphic shows the number of Puerto Ricans at each of the NASA centers with highlights of the 6 SESers and Joseph Acaba, the first Puerto Rican astronaut. SOURCE: boricua_en_la_nasa/388005 ˇFelicidades Boricuas! Sent by Debbie Martinez HEP@NASA LaRC e-Newsletter - APRIL 2008 |
In Spanish: |
. . . Movie Becomes Hit In Havana by The Associated Press April 8, 2008 |
Diners trek up a curving staircase of white cracked marble, past a
decapitated statue of a robed woman, and along a broad landing
crisscrossed with lines of drying laundry to reach the weathered wooden
door opening into one of the most memorable dining experiences in
communist Cuba. Inside
is La Guarida, Havana's best known paladar, or private restaurant, and its
exquisite Nuevo Latino offerings available nowhere else in the city.
There's a tuna steak grilled with sugar cane, a grouper fillet cooked with
orange sauce, rabbit lasagna, pork medallions with a mango glaze, and
spinach crepes stuffed with chicken and drowned in a creamy mushroom
sauce. Three
rooms on the third floor of a weathered mansion in rundown Centro Habana,
the apartment was the setting for ``Fresa y Chocolate'' (``Strawberry and
Chocolate''), a 1994 Cuban film about a friendship that blossoms between
two men _ one gay and one straight _ despite their different lifestyles
and politics. In the movie, the older gay man Diego refers to his
apartment as ``la guarida,'' or ``the den.'' ``I
especially like La Guarida,'' says Beverly Cox, an American cookbook
author who traveled to Havana twice in recent years to visit the paladars
and other Havana eateries for her luscious cookbook, ``Eating Cuban.''
``When you ring that bell, you step into another world.'' Hundreds
of the private home restaurants opened up after they were legalized by
Fidel Castro's government in the mid 1990s amid severe economic crisis.
Significantly fewer have survived the strict rules they operate under now,
including high taxes and a prohibition on beef and premium seafood such as
lobster and shrimp, which are reserved for export and state-run
restaurants catering to foreigners. But
with new President Raul Castro lifting consumer and economic restrictions
in recent weeks, rumors are rampant that he will soon allow more Cubans to
become self-employed and operate private businesses. ``The
tourist industry needs better services. The paladars are almost gone. The
government shut them down,'' said Carmelo Mesa-Lago, Cuba economics expert
and professor emeritus at the University of Pittsburgh. ``What Cuban
economists and I are expecting is that there will be some return to the
situation before 2003,'' when Fidel clamped down on self-employment. Government
inspectors currently check the paladars occasionally to ensure that the
owner's license is current, that they are paying their taxes, and they are
not violating any health codes or other regulations. Paladar employees are
required to be family members. The
restrictions on certain foods, along with regular shortages of other ones,
often force paladar chefs into minimalist rethinking of their menu. If
there is no cream for the pumpkin soup, they'll create a less rich version
with milk. If there is no spinach for the salad, they'll substitute Swiss
chard. Run
inside the homes of their owners, paladars typically serve filleted fish,
pork or chicken, and occasionally sheep and rabbit, with most entrees
costing $12 to $15. With drinks and sides, a meal for two runs about $60. La
Guarida's owner, the 39-year-old Enrique Nunez del Valle, estimates there
are about 80 paladars of varying quality and type still operating in
Havana. Nunez
and his wife, Odeysis, sat one recent afternoon at a table surrounding by
the old movie posters, timeworn candelabras and the other shabby bohemian
items she collected to decorate the premises. Nunez
grew up in the large apartment in a crowded, economically depressed
neighborhood of once-fashionable homes now stripped of paint and crumbling
from decades of disrepair. In
1993, at the height of the economic crisis caused by the Soviet Union's
collapse, Cuba's cinema institute asked to rent the Nunez family apartment
as the setting for the movie. The institute didn't offer much _ 40 pesos a
day, or about $4 at the time. But the deal came with free breakfast, lunch
and dinner daily during a time of severe shortages. After
the film was released, foreigners occasionally found their way to the
Nunez apartment and asked to look inside. Some suggested he open a private
restaurant there under a new government initiative to create new kinds of
income during financial hardship. Nunez
got a license and opened the restaurant in 1996. But popularity came
slowly. ``We
spent afternoons playing dominoes on the balcony for months, waiting for
people to come,'' Nunez recalled. But when he hosted an exhibit by Cuban
photographer Korda, famed for taking an iconic image of revolutionary
Ernesto ``Che'' Guevara, La Guardia suddenly became a sensation. Since
then, Queen Sofia of Spain and American actor Jack Nicholson have dined
there. It now even has its own Web page. Traveling
here twice with food photographer Martin Jacobs, Cox visited La Guarida
and numerous other paladars for her cookbook, which includes 120 recipes
from kitchens around Havana. They also visited state-run restaurants and
private homes, sampling dishes, collecting recipes, talking with cooks. Because
the decades-old embargo and travel restrictions bar most Americans from
traveling here, they came with a U.S. license as consultants for an
American food company. ``We just immersed ourselves in the food,'' she
said. Cox
said she was impressed by Cuban chefs' resourcefulness in a country
plagued by frequent shortages, making ``the best of what they have, using
pure, clean flavors and practicing simplicity in number of ingredients.'' Most
paladars have menus far less sophisticated than La Guarida's _ with the
most common dishes being basic chicken, pork or fish dishes. But all have
an overabundance of ambiance. ``The
paladars are magical places, stylish and eclectic,'' Cox said. At
La Esperanza paladar in Havana's leafy Miramar neighborhood, guests sip
minty mojito cocktails waiting for their table in overstuffed sofa and
chairs in the living of the restaurant owner's family home, decorated with
weathered statues of popular Catholic saints, old white-and-black family
photographs, and other eclectic bric-a-brac. La
Esperanza's tables are set with mismatched porcelain china and silverware.
The house specialty is a 1950s-era dish of tender pork stewed in a popular
malt soft drink. Also on the menu is a spicy Thai-style chicken dish, and
a simple grilled fish filet. Visitors
to the Cocina de Liliam paladar, where former U.S. President Jimmy Carter
ate during his May 2002 Cuba trip, sit on a patio surrounded by lush ferns
and a trio of burbling fountains as they munch crunchy fritters of a root
vegetable called malanga. And
at Cactus de 33, Fernando Barral, retired psychologist and former comrade
of ``Che'' Guevara, displays Cold War-era mementos including a Communist
Party newspaper clipping of him interviewing U.S. POW John McCain, now the
presumptive Republican U.S. presidential candidate, during a 1970 trip to
Vietnam for research on the North Vietnamese. At
Cactus de 33, guests dine on juicy grilled chicken breasts accompanied by
white rice and black beans as they sit on the front porch of the huge
white mansion, surrounded by towering cactus plants. ``There
is a lot of creativity,'' Cox said. ``I don't think it is a mistake that a
place that has created such great artists and dancers and musicians has
also created such great cooks.''
Sent by Dorina Moreno
Girl Power! Women outnumber men in new Spanish cabinet Lope de Olano (ca.1480 - ca. 1543) |
Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero smiles during a
press conference to announce his Cabinet at the Monloa Palace in
Madrid. Photo: AP Although Zapatero opted for
continuity, he also created an Equality Ministry, headed by a woman,
Bibiana Aido, 31. At his inaugural news conference, Zapatero said she is
the youngest minister Spain has had.
The love story
of Spanish painter Julio Romero de Torres and his famous model. Wonderful
power-point presentation!! From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation,
Julio Romero de
Torres ( November 9, 1874
– May 10, 1930
) was a Spanish painter. He was born and
he died in Córdoba, Spain, where he lived most of his life. As the son
of well known painter Rafael Romero Barros, director of Córdoba's Museo
Provincial de Bellas Artes, Julio began his training at the Escuela de Bellas
Artes from the age 10. The Museum
of Julio Romero de Torres at his former residence in Córdoba
houses examples of his works, as well as works by Francisco
Zurbarán, Alejo Fernández, Antonio
del Castillo and Valdés Leal. Some of his important works at the museum
include Amor místico y amor profano, El Poema de Córdoba, Marta
y María, La saeta, Cante hondo, La consagración de la
copla, Carmen, and La chiquita piconera. Julio Romero De
Torres was born on November 9th 1874 in Córdoba Spain. His father was the
famous painter Rafael Romero Barros and his mother was Rosario de Torres
Delgado. Julio learned about art from his father who was the director, curator
and founder of Córdoba's Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes and an
impressionist painter. He took an interest in it at a young and started
studying art at the Escuela de Bellas Artes when he was 10. He went to Madrid
to work and study when he was older in 1906. He also traveled all over Europe
to study and he picked up a symbolist style that would become what he is most
well known for. He spent most of his life living in Córboda and Madrid and
both places had influences on his paintings. He combined many different styles
when he painted because he had many different influences including realism,
which was a popular style around the world at that time and impressionism,
which he picked up from living in Córdoba and from his father. While living
in Córdoba he became part of the late 19th century intellectual movement that
was based on the Royal Academy of Science, Arts and Literature. Julio Romero
also won many awards in his lifetime. In 1895 he won an honorable mention at
the National Exhibition and later won third place in 1899 and 1904. When the
war broke out in 1914 Julio Romero fought for the allies as a pilot. After the
war in 1916 he became a professor of Clothing Design in the School of fine
arts in Madrid. In 1922 he traveled to The Argentine Republic with his brother
Enrique. He later got sick and returned to Córdoba to recover. His condition
continued to deteriorate until he entered a state of delirium. He died on May
10th 1930 at the age of 55. Sent by Jose M. Pena
Discovered Santa Catalina Island, Old Providence
Lope de Olano was born in Azkoitia, a small village in Gipuzkoa,
Euskadi, North of Spain. His
father Juan de Olano was major of town. His
older brother Sebastian was knighted by the the Catholic Kings of Spain.
A niece of St. Ignacio of Loyola, -founder of the Society of Jesus- was
married to one of Lope de Olano's brother. Lope de Olano was one of the pilots coming to the New World
with Columbus III voyage in 1498. He
lived in Hispaniola for several years. In
1509 he was named second in command of Diego de Nicuesa, Governor of Castilla
de Oro, (Panama).
Nicuesa's fleet sailed to
Cartagena to join Alonso de Ojeda and to
take revenge from the dead of Juan de la Cosa. Sailing from Cartagena to Castilla de Oro, the fleet was left
in Belen. Nicuesa and Olano's ships were victims of a hurricane.
Nicuesa was shipwreck in a desert island near the cost. Olanos' sailing
boat with a crew of 30, was taken to the North, discovering
accidentallySanta Catalina on November 25, 1510, later Providence, named to
thank the Lord for saving their lives. It
is possible that on the 30th of November, the day of the saint,
he discovered and named San Andres Island. Nicuesa was marooned for about four months.
Three or four sailors rowed to the base in Belen and as soon as they
arrived, Captain Lope de Olano sent his ship with food to rescue the Governor.
As he arrived, he charged Olano with treason
and ordered to behead him. Other
Captains begged for Olanos'life and he
was spared but remained in chains and
was given the task to crunch maize between two stones as was the costume of
natives. Nicuesa left the area and went to take his office, he was not
accepted and he was obliged to sail in an old ship that never reached port.
Olano was rescued by some other Basques and the new Governor ordered
him to found a new city name Acla in February of 1516.
Acla is remembered because it was the place that Balboa, after
discovering the Pacific Ocean, was
judged and beheaded. Nicuesa, and latter
historians have desecrated Captain Olano's name.
This is an error that has to be amended.
Olano's ship was taken by the fury of the winds, and the currents of
the sea of a severe hurricane (a native world meaning a severe torment).
He was no traitor, but the
victim of a violent nature phenomenon
and therefore we have to rewrite history 500 years after the facts occurred.
Dr. Jaime G. Gomez, MD
en Odiel Información, Huelva, el 15 de abril del 2008 Ángel Custodio Rebollo ( |
los espańoles, después de la gran aventura del 3 de agosto de 1492,
empezaron a volver de América, surgieron
las más increíbles leyendas que contaban los que habían regresado.
Describían animales y plantas que no se conocían por aquí, pero
aderezadas con una gran dosis de fantasía y egolatría. Hubo
algunos, como Ponce de León, que influido por lo que le habían dicho fue
a un lugar donde “estaba la fuente de la eterna juventud” y lo que
descubrió fue La Florida en 1512, pero del “agua milagrosa que
convertiría en joven a un anciano, nada de nada” Lo
peor fue que muchos vinieron haciendo alarde de lo que traían, como le
ocurrió al ayamontino Rodrigo de Jerez
había descubierto que los nativos quemaban una planta haciendo cilindros
con ella, y expulsaban humo por su boca. Eso hizo que se corriera la voz
de que era un” brujo” y rápidamente lo encarcelara la Inquisición. También
hubo una expedición de 1527, en la que fueron muchos onubenses, dirigida
por Pánfilo de Narváez, y que partieron con unas seiscientas personas y
de la que, por muy diversas circunstancias solo volvieron cuatro, uno de
ellos el Capitán Dorantes, de Gibraleón. Pero
el gran mito fue el oro, porque todos los que volvían decían que haber
hablado con un nativo y que le había dicho que existía un pueblo que tenían
los tejados con tejas de oro, otros, como el mito de Eldorado; decían que anualmente en un poblado se cubría de
oro todo el cuerpo del gran cacique. Lo
bueno que tenían todas estas expediciones, eran los descubrimientos que
hacían para llegar a los lugares donde decían se hallaban los tesoros,
por lo que considero que aquellas jornadas no se hicieron en inútilmente.
Historia y Genealogia de la Familia
Bonilla, Melendez, Galvis The Three Chicarones,' Edward, Joseph and John Farias Canary Islands Spanish Military Recruitment papers Ysidor M. Sanchez, recipient of France's Knight Legion of Honor Mis Apellidos Maternos Venezolanos Paraguaneros |
Felipa F, Yorba Farias, sons. She was daughter of O. Vicente Yorba and Marianna F. Peralta, daughter of Rafael Peralta. Orange
Co. CA born on the 'Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana Landgrant' given to Jose
Antonio Yorba Family and Peralta Family. This is a picture of my Uncles, we had many fun fiesta's
dancing to their music. They sang beautiful Spanish songs. I can still hear my
Grandma Felipa singing the 'Spanish Cavaleer ' as they sang along with her. Great memories of the past! She lived to be 97 years old and
has a daughter, Phoebe Farias Scott, still alive and will be 99 on April 24,
2008. Thanks, Eva. |
Possible sources of
Recruitment papers of our ancestors .l Sent by
Bill Camera
Ysidor M. Sanchez, recipient of France's Knight of the Legion of Honor medal |
Jose, California WWII veteran, Ysidor M. Sanchez, Post 809, is another
recipient of France's Knight of the Legion of Honor medal. This
prestigious French distinction is awarded to individuals by the French
Government in recognition for participation in the liberation of France
during the Second World War. GET PHOTO Sent by Dr. Granville Hough California Legionnaire March/April 2008 Vol. 78, No. 4 |
Mis Apellidos Maternos Venezolanos Paraguaneros |
En efecto entre Mis Apellidos Maternos Venezolanos Paraguaneros
hay: Guadarrama, García, Lugo, Blanchard, Millano, Ocando,... de
Jadacaquiva, Guanadito, Los Taques, Punto Fijo, Pueblo Nuevo,.... En el Estado Falcón, Península de Paraguaná, Venezuela...
podemos encontrar a los Descendientes de los Apellidos: García de
Quevedo, Aldama, Quevedo, Irausquín, Falcón, Lores, Millano, Enrich,
Enrich-Quevedo, García-Fleming, Brett Lugo, Brett Irausquín, Lugo-Irausquín,
Díaz Borges, Díaz Guanipa, Zea, Primera, Valles, Querales, Arcaya, Sánchez,
Álvarez, Sánchez Fonseca, Suárez, Acosta, Ruiz, Guadarrama, López,
Bello, Martínez, Olazábal, Zavala, Guardia, Sierralta, Marín, Villa,
Villanueva, Eljuri, Díaz-Sánchez, Díaz, Díaz Guanipa, Guanipa, Ortuńez,
Escobar-Guadarrama, Colina, Gómez, González, García, Laclé, Sánchez Sánchez,
Sánchez Díaz, Arias, Villanueva García, Reyes, Salima Smith,
Salima-Salima, Eljuri-Salima, Acosta-Sanquiz, Martínez, Primera-Primera,
Sierralta-Davalillo, Ruiz, Ruiz Méndez, Ramírez, Jiménez-González,
Jiménez-Bracho, Villa-Bustillo, Lugo-Valdez, Bermúdez, Zavarce-Primera,
Acosta Cotis, Salima-Irigoyen, Weffer, Cuauro, Bracho-Sierra, Galicia,
Sira, Puyosa, Granadillo, Molina, Zárraga, Chirinos, Valbuena, Aular,
Quero, Fresser-Sierra, Marín-Sánchez, Welman, Valles-Adames, Zea García,
Rodríguez, Naveda-Lugo, Blanchard, Goitia, Jiménez, Ávila, Colina,
Luque, Gutiérrez Sira, Navas, Contín, García-Ocando, Ocando-Lugo,
Tremont, Cossi-González, Millano-Ocando, Ocando Enrich, Laguna, Rivero-Laguna,
Jordán, Magrini, Aldama-Arias, Ocando-Aldama, Magrini-Ocando,
Ocando-Faria, Jordán-Irausquín, Bracho-Chirinos, Amaya, Reyes Aldama
Valdez-Gotopo, Gotopo, Valdez-Sánchez, Aldama-Hidalgo, Lugo-Lugo,
Lugo-Arcaya,... ( Información sacada del Libro: Los Taques Geografía
Humana, Ing. Elec. Ramiro Jesús Díaz, Cronista Municipal de Los Taques,
Prólogo: Guillermo de León Calles, 2003 ) Roberto José Pérez Guadarrama ( Hijo de: Roger José Pérez
Pérez ( Pampán, Trujillo, Venezuela ) y Gladys María Guadarrama
García, Nieto de: Asisclo José Guadarrama Millano y Carmen Elena García
Lugo, Bisnieto de : Valentín del Carmen Guadarrama Valdez y Josefa
Millano Ocando, Eliseo García Blanchard y Filomena Lugo Blanchard,
Tataranieto de: Custodio Guadarrama y Carmen Valdez Goitía, Trinidad
Millano y Vicenta Ocando, José Concepción García y Mónica Blanchard,
Jesús María Lugo y Mónica Blanchard, Nieto 4to de: Josefa María
Guadarrama, Justo Valdez Davalillo y Felipa Goitía, Silveria García,
Juana Blanchard, Nieto 5to de: Juan José Díaz de Valdez y María
del Carmen Davalillo, Nieto 6to de: José Alejandro Díaz de Valdez (
Oviedo, Asturia, Espańa ) y
Beatriz García de Quevedo, Agustín García de Quevedo de Manzanedo y
Bracamonte, Beatriz Bracho y Barrameda, Nieto 7tm de: Don Juan García
de Quevedo y Dońa María Manzanedo y Bracamonte, ... ) 04143403359
to that song, millions of people know there was a War of 1812 although
hardly any know what that war was about. If
you ask anyone on the street, in what war was our “National Anthem” written, you will probably get a blank stare.
Ask them who set fire to Washington, D.C. and a Republican will most
likely answer, Hillary and Bill Clinton, while a Democrat will probably
say George W. Bush. I
believe the reason for this lack of knowledge, not just about the War of
1812, but all history, is that history is capsulated and taught as a
statistical course – names, dates and places. But history is not math as
2+2 rarely equals 4 in history and history isn’t grammar as there are no
rules about nouns, verbs, commas and periods. History is life, it’s a
“run-on” sentence with no period in site. When you capsulate history
it gets taken out of context and loses its truth in favor of quick answers
to complex questions. Even
the name of this war is a statistic – 1812. Other wars have a name –
the French and Indian War – the Revolutionary War – the Civil War has
several names – but not the War of 1812. Its given only a date. If
you can find someone who knows anything about the War of 1812, and ask
them the cause, they will probably say the shanghaiing of American sailors
by the British. They will probably also say that the Battle of New Orleans
was a meaningless battle fought after the peace treaty was signed. In fact
most teachers will probably tell you that the whole War of 1812 was
meaningless as no land changed hands, nor anything of value was
accomplished. True,
the British did shanghai American Sailors but that practice had been going
on by all countries even before the American Revolution. In fact, it was
rare that a ship returned to its homeport with its original crew. And
there were naval fights over sailors long before 1812. As
for the Battle of New Orleans being fought after the treaty, one only has
to read that so called treaty to see that it specifically stated that, “All
hostilities both by sea and land shall cease as soon as this Treaty shall
have been ratified by both parties as hereinafter mentioned”. This
“ratification” was not
accomplished until February 16, 1815, over a month after the Battle of New
Orleans was over and almost two months after it started. So
what exactly was the cause and effect of the War of 1812? To answer that
question, we must go back to 1789 and the French Revolution, which in no
way resembled the American Revolution. It was little more than a stepping
stone for Napoleon Bonaparte to declare himself ruler of France, which he
did in 1799. He wasted no time coercing Spanish King Carlos IV into
relinquishing the Louisiana Territory to France in 1800 and he followed
that with the invasion of Spain and Portugal in 1807. He had no trouble
causing King Carlos to abdicate in favor of an even weaker King Ferdinand
and soon replaced him with Brother Joseph Bonaparte in 1808. Spain quickly
fell into civil pandemonium and the Spanish government ceased to exist,
leaving all Spanish colonies, American and otherwise without Spanish
control or support. To
help bring the war into better focus, I want to read a few lines
from a letter written by William Shaler to Secretary of State Monroe on
August 18, 1812 which I obtained from the University of California’s “Pacific Historical Review”. The letter was recently discovered
in the archives of the State Department where it had been hidden all these
years. First
a little information about William Shaler. He was a trade ship captain and
sailed both oceans and had extensive knowledge of current events of the
time. He was a U.S. Special Agent to Mexico in 1810 and assisted in the
Gutierrez – Magee expedition to
establish the First Republic of Texas. He most probably was in Natchitohes
waiting the outcome when he wrote this letter. “I
have ever believed that common justice on the part of England, and a due
appreciation of the political importance of the United States would
prevent war with them; I am confident that she will severely feel its
effects; I believe that the declaration of War by us, will restore her to
her senses; and that a ministry such as may be formed in England will be desirous of restoring harmony
between two states that seem destined by Providence to be the guardians of
the liberties of mankind. I therefore humbly submit to the reflections of
the wise, the following outlines of a plan for a general pacification. England
alone in this Old World seems to rise in the majesty of her strength & oppose
an insurmountable barrier to the destructive ambition of Napoleon. England
alone in the eyes of every reflecting man is the sole dike between him and
universal dominion at least in Europe. But England under the control of an
infatuated ministry and an imbecile prince makes an abuse of the
advantages of her situation; and instead of being a consolation and a
blessing to mankind she violates in the most wanton manner the sovereign
rights of other states: the same rights that she pretends to be herself
contending for, and renders her influence even more abhorrible than that
of France. In this state of things what can be done? What should be the
policy of the U.S.? Their rights are trampled on, and their feelings
insulted by both England and France: they have almost equal cause of war
with both of those unjust powers. A union with the latter would probably
be the ruin of the former, which would leave them in the necessity of
subscribing unconditionally to the plans of France, or to engage in war
with her single-handed. But
it appears that if England were governed by wise councils, that a
coalition might be formed with the American confederation that would
insure the safety of both states, and leave France not only in possession
of her power but under it beneficial to the World. As the independence of
European Spain is absolutely unattainable, it should be abandoned as such:
all treaties having that object in view should be considered as null. The
Spanish and Portuguese colonies in America contain an active population of
more than twelve millions of souls besides Indians; those countries abound
in provisions; timber; every species of raw material; and the precious
metals: their soil, climates sea coasts, bays and harbors, seem to mark
them as destined by nature to favor the greatest development of human
industry if they were freed from the shackles of barbarism and ignorance,
and under the influence of wise and patriotic governments. The Union in
friendship of England and the U.S. and consequent action in concert of
those two powers would cause discord to cease in those fine countries;
would give the people full liberty to choose and organize such forms of
government as best suit their manners, habits, and local circumstances;
and finally to unite them in a grand confederation on principles best
calculated to insure their own happiness and the peace of the world. This
confederation should be formed on principles that remove forever every
political jealousy. England may have a fair claim to such indemnities as
shall give complete security to her possessions in the East and West
Indies; and the U.S. require the same for the security and future peace of
the Union. It is therefore presumed that a treaty formed on the following
basis would attain and secure the objects desired. Viz. Article
3'. The remaining Spanish
provinces on the Continent of America shall be united into Sovereign
independent States, under such forms of government as their respective
inhabitants shall elect, and their independence be forever guaranteed by
the contracting parties. To
the cession of the Floridas no objection is foreseen The
Islands of Puerto Rico and Santo Domingo, considered as colonies, are of
incalculable importance. The
Philippine Islands are necessary to the security of the British Empire in
the East: besides their importance as territorial possessions of the
greatest value, they will give to G.B. the command of a most important
commerce with Mexico, Peru, and Chile. The only objection foreseen to this
cession is, that it can be obtained without our consent. It may be
objected that these cessions are made at the expense of the Spanish
monarchy, the ally of England, but in reply it may be observed that this
arrangement is predicated on the necessary conquest of Spain & Portugal, where those portions of territory
however valuable they may be, must be regarded as a derelict: they belong
to no one, unless it be to the conqueror of the Peninsula. The Continental
Spanish provinces have no interest in claiming them, or the means of
supporting their claims if they had the interest. Those
provinces which by this arrangement are created into independent states,
will undoubtedly be the greatest gainers, as by it they will acquire a
powerful and competent guarantee for their independence, and every
obstacle is removed to the formation of regular governments, which if they
have common sense, will secure their national prosperity & happiness. Finally this arrangement secures to the
U.S. their natural boundaries, and the entire
command of the navigation of all their great rivers: and it is believed
that it would place the confederate States in entire independence of
France and oblige her to conclude a general peace on principles consistent
with the future safety and independence of all parties.” We can now, more clearly see what was in Napoleon’s
mind and the actions that put the United States in harms way. The
military mind can quickly see Napoleon’s strategy. The money pot of the
world at that time was Central and South America producing 95% of all the
silver and 75% of all the lumber in the world both needed to finance
Napoleon’s war and build ships to compete with the British navy who,
incidentally also coveted Spanish America. Taking Spain gave Napoleon 75%
of North America (everything West of the Mississippi), all of Central and
South America and the very real probability of conquering a fledging
United States after his European campaign. After all, he already had a
large army in Haiti, which would soon be free to invade the United States.
Or so he believed and our government surmised. Napoleon
and England both knew the key to defeating the United States was control
of the Mississippi River, which
was controlled at New Orleans. The object of any military strategy is to
surround the enemy and isolate its support, thus strangling it into
submission. Britain tried to do this during the American Revolution by
attacking Spanish Louisiana but thanks to Spanish General Bernardo de
Galvez, the unsung hero of the American Revolution, Britain lost the
battle for the Mississippi River, control of New Orleans, and along with
it, the American Revolution. But
Napoleon had a better plan. He stole Louisiana from Spain, sold it to the
United States and thus eliminated any foreign power from having an
interest in or coming to the defense of the United States. And at the same
time Napoleon used the money from the sale to help finance his European
war. It should be remembered that European countries didn’t buy land
– if they wanted it, they took it and treaties meant little more than a
“time out” to regroup and redefine strategies. But
the war in Europe didn’t go well for Napoleon and he soon felt the need
to distract Britain from interfering with his European plans. The trade
wars between Britain, the United States and France offered a timely
solution. It was almost too easy. He would simply take advantage of the
United States’ “Macon Bill”
and allow the United States free trade which would almost certainly force
Britain to go to war with the United States or the United States to
declare war on Britain. While
he was successful in bringing the United States into the war, he failed to
win the war in Europe. Now it was Britain’s turn to take care of the old
business of its belligerent American colonies. As an extra bonus there was
the added prize of all the land West of the Mississippi River as well as
Central and South America, now that Spain was out of the race. But
Britain need manpower to tackle America, and in 1814 negotiated the
release of 14,000 British soldiers from France which Britain quickly
rearmed and deployed to the coast of Louisiana for the death blow of the
United States. Like France, Britain believed the United States too weak to
defend the Mississippi, without Spain’s help. With both Spain and
France out of the picture, Britain felt a repeat of the disastrous defeat
she met on the Mississippi during the American Revolution, would be very
unlikely. To help belay American concern, Britain offered the false
security of the “Treaty of
Ghent” knowing full well the most important battle of the War, the
battle that would determine the course of the United States was set to
take place at New Orleans. It
should be pointed out that a major sticking point in the negotiations of “Ghent”
was England’s right to full access of the Mississippi River. This was
not resolved and England, so as not to bring undue attention to the matter
and expose the pending attract on New Orleans, agreed to “negotiate”
the matter at a later date. Britain
didn’t reckon on America’s knight in wooden armor, Old Hickory -
General Andrew Jackson. Once Jackson was sent on a mission, there was no
calling him back. The British landed an advance party of 1600 to probe New
Orleans on December 23, 1814 which was rebuffed by the Americans. The
British responded with a force of 10,000 outnumbering the ragtag and
untrained American civilian soldiers by over two to one. But the
brilliance of Jackson’s defense was a killing zone that so
decimated the British that England came to its senses and finally accepted
the United States as equal “guardians
of the liberties of mankind” just as William Shaler had predicted in
his letter to Monroe in 1812. 1)
U.S. land size quadrupled in size eventually all the way to the Pacific
Ocean and south to the Gulf of Mexico and the Rio Grande, encompassing all
the land left “derelict” by
Spain. 2)
the United States as a major World Power capable of defending itself with
out any foreign power. 3)
building of a world class Navy. Building the Fulton – the first steam
driven battleship in the world as well as inventing the torpedo. 4)
the war, the U.S. was primarily, an agriculture trading country, but with
the interruptions in trade, came the need for manufacturing and thus the
start of the industrial revolution in America. 5)
war planted the seeds of the Monroe Doctrine as well as Manifest Destiny. Napoleon
Bonaparte is quoted as saying, “History
is a myth that gentlemen chose to believe” and he has been proven
right in many cases.
your glasses to the War of 1812 and remember it long, I opened with a song and will close with
one, a verse from our “National Anthem” "And this be our motto: 'In God is our trust.'
Sought for Identifying Little Known Mexican Records Social Explorer adds Census Maps and Data from 1790 to 1930 Naturalization Records in the US Citizenship and Immigration Services |
Volunteers Sought for Identifying Little Known Mexican Records |
As you know the Genealogical
Society of Utah, FamilySearch has microfilmed most of the available church and
civil records for Now, we
are trying to create a list of municipal and historical archive inventories to
help us identify other records of genealogical value and where they can be
found. Records such as census, wills, probate, immigration records, indexed
protocolos and notary records once identified could be added to our resources. Maybe we can add these to our
collection. If you know of a municipal or historical inventory or if you know of
a collection with genealogical value that would be helpful to others, please let
us know. Thanks for your help. Send
your information to Marina Ruth Gomez Schirmacher at:
1790: US government
establishes uniform naturalization rules for white males 21 and older;
children of naturalized citizens
get automatic citizenship
Click on Education and Resources, then Genealogy
By Randolph E. Schmid, AP Science Writer, Mar 31, 2008 |
![]() The discovery "was a complete shock," said Mark Aldenderfer, an anthropologist at the University of Arizona. "It was not expected in the least," he said in a telephone interview. "It's always fun to find something and go, 'Wow, what is that doing here?'"
Photo: National Academy of Sciences... Someone, though, had the time and knowledge to make this ornament, which he speculates is a sign of importance. "These folks are obtaining this by their effort, accumulating more wealth and using objects for prestige," Aldenderfer said. It says: "Pay attention to me, I'm successful." There is no evidence at the site that shows how it was made, he said. But it looks like a nugget of native raw gold, which occurs near the area, was pounded flat in a stone mortar and pestle. Then the gold was probably wrapped around a piece of wood and pounded until it was folded into a tube, he said. The researchers restrung the necklace, alternating nine small gold tubes with a series of round stones, identified as either greenstone or turquoise, with holes in them that were found in the same grave. The next oldest gold ornaments found in this hemisphere, also located in Peru but farther north, date to about 600 years later than this necklace, Aldenderfer said. Scott Raymond, an archaeologist at the University of Calgary, Canada, said the date of the necklace is "remarkably early for that region to have something of that order." He said he had not previously seen any substantial evidence from that period of the kind of ceremonialism that developed later. The oldest previously known worked gold was found in highland Peru and dated to about 3,500 years ago, said Raymond, who was not part of the research team. Heather Lechtman of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology called the design "very interesting for such a very early piece of jewelry." Lechtman, who was not part of the research team, said it was not surprising that early people used gold because it is available in that area and easy to work. The research was funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation and the University of Missouri.
Noah's Ark The Autograph From the Chaplain Take Me Back to the Sixties |
A contractor by trade, Huibers built the ark of cedar and pine - Biblical Scholars debate exactly what the wood used by Noah would have been. Huibers did the work mostly with his own hands, using modern tools and with occasional help from his son Roy. Construction began in May 2005. | |
Sent by Bonnie Chapa
It was June of 1968, and I was fleeing for my life, carrying my
two-month-old, baby daughter. My brother had managed to scrape
together enough money for a first class ticket on an airplane traveling
from Atlanta to Detroit. My first marriage had become too dangerous,
and as I flew home to be with my family, I felt very agitated. Anything,
God, I silently prayed. Anything to break the monotony of my
own tortured thoughts. At that moment, my baby bobbed over toward a smoker, a bit of drool dripping from her chin. As she studied him with wide-eyed wonder, she let out an enormous belch, right in his face! It was all I could do to keep from laughing! The man gave a disgusted grunt, and stepping over us, he retreated down the isle into the back of the plane. I never saw him again. Behind me, across the isle, I heard someone laughing. Turning to look at him, I saw a man with a beet red face, nearly helpless with amusement. Our eyes locked, and we both cracked up. "Out of the mouths of babes!" Said my conspirator, with a wicked twinkle in his eye. We laughed for some time, and then we began to visit. He was heading home to visit his parents in Detroit, Michigan. My daughter and I were also on our way home to stay with my parents, who lived just southwest of Detroit. "What a beautiful child," he said, gazing at my little girl, with her soft dark curls and her big brown eyes. I agreed. Something about this man was vaguely familiar, but I just couldn’t place him. We talked. He was warm, kind, and funny. I was pensive from time to time, but it was a relief to have a kindred soul to distract me from my troubles. I introduced myself, and he told me that his friends called him "Chuck." As we were visiting, I just could not get out of my mind, that I knew this man from somewhere. I certainly knew no one who traveled first class, and it would have been unlikely that we had ever met. He was traveling from Los Angeles. I was traveling from the south, and we had no similar points of reference, except Atlanta. His voice was mesmerizing. It was so familiar. Strong and evenly tempered. Where had I heard that voice? All of a sudden, I knew him! I was sitting a cross from a very famous man. Charlton Heston! I couldn’t believe it, and we were talking like we were old friends! Should I tell him that I recognized him? What could I say?! "I just loved you in The Ten Commandments?!" How stupid would that sound? Tell him that he was the famous Charlton Heston? I don’t think so. I was pretty certain that he knew exactly who he was. I didn’t think that he needed me to inform him. And breaking into his privacy, to ask for an autograph, was simply not going to happen. So, I never said a word. He was charming and kind. He held my little girl, and he played he typical baby games, speaking to her in a warm and coaxing way. She crowed in his face and giggled. I don’t remember what we talked about. Ordinary things. We visited for three and a half hours. I didn’t tell him that I was fleeing for my life, and he never told me that he was a famous movie star. All too soon our trip was over. The plane landed and we both got our carry-ons. Mine was a diaper bag. His was something more Samsonite. He gathered his things, and I picked up my infant daughter. He left the plane to be greeted by the press and cameras. I left to obscurity. We both hugged our families, and my last sight of him was to see him smile and nod his head at me, as he began to answer questions from someone holding a microphone. I smiled back, and we parted forever. I didn’t watch the news. I didn’t see the interview. I don’t know the rest of his story. I did tell my parents, who doubted that the man was famous. After all, on the plane we were simply two travelers, passing time. Somehow, this event was a pivotal point in my life. I had respected the privacy of a famous man, simply because I could. After eleven months of married hell, he had made me feel, well, normal. Now, that he has passed-on, I remember a man who gave me my first glimpse into a normal life, one where humor and kindness saved the day. Mr. Heston could have been aloof and superior, but somehow I don’t think that was a part of his character. Often in the tumultuous days of my bitter divorce, I would think of that very famous man, who touched my life with so much grace. Now, nearly forty years later, it occurs to me, how blessed I am, that I did not invade the privacy of that famous man. He gave me a precious memory, and, by the way, he did give me his autograph. He wrote his autograph upon my life! Jaye Lewis Write Jaye and let her know your thoughts on her story! |
CHAPLAIN Paul C. Rodriguez Department Chaplain |
I want to thank all of those who helped with the Four Chaplains service
this year. I hope that you found solace in the Four Chaplains Story of these
great heroes. I want to especially thank the Department Auxiliary for all
their help with the reception. It was very nice with the participation of
Legion, Auxiliary, Sons of the American Legion and the American Legion
Riders. This year the Four Chaplains Service was dedicated to Rev. Romeis.
He was responsible for 42 years of performing the Department Four Chaplains
Service in San Francisco. A casket flag was presented to his wife, Maria,
in recognition of his selflessness and commitment to The American Legion. This year I have been talking about the Service To God and Country. The power of Prayer is vital to our relationship to each other and your God. I would like to talk about prayer for couples. Sharing your prayer with your spouse can change the way you look at life. This very personal and intimate time can strengthen your commitment to each other. Take the time each day to share with your partner in life. Let God be your guide. Let Him lead you closer to Him. Here is a story I was given and wanted to share with you. Shared by Caroline Koveleski, Past National Chaplain: Great answer from the Judge: In Florida, an atheist became incensed over the celebration of Easter and Passover holidays. He decided to contact his lawyer about the discrimination inflicted on atheists by the constant celebrations afforded to Christians and Jews with all their holidays while atheists had no holiday to celebrate. The case was brought before a judge. After listening to the long passionate presentation by the lawyer, the judge banged his gavel and declared, "Case dismissed!" The lawyer immediately stood and objected to the ruling and said, "Your Honor, how can you possibly dismiss this case? The Christians have Christmas, Easter and many other observances. Jews have Passover, Yom Kippur and Hanukkah...yet my client and all other atheists have no such holiday! The judge leaned forward in his chair and simply said, "Obviously your client is too confused to even know about, much less celebrate, his own atheists' holiday!" The lawyer pompously said, "Your Honor, we are unaware of any such holiday for atheists. Just when might that holiday be. Your Honor?" The judge said, "Well it comes every year on exactly the same date - April 1 st! Since our calendar sets April 1st as 'April Fools Day,' consider that Psalm 14:1 states, 'The fool says in his heart, there is no God.' Thus, in my opinion, if your client says there is no God, then by scripture, he is a fool, and April 1st is his holiday! Now have a good day and get out of my courtroom!!" Atheists had no holiday to celebrate. Sent by Dr. Granville Hough California Legionnaire, March/April 2008, Vol. 78, No. 4 |
Take Me Back to the Sixties |
very good presentations of the sixties. It is very well done. Just click
on the link, turn on sound, and sit back and enjoy the memories.
Great photos and facts. |