Somos Primos DECEMBER 2009 Editor: Mimi Lozano ©2000-9 Dedicated
to Hispanic Heritage and Diversity Issues
November 19, 2009
Rick Leal, President of the Hispanic Medal of Honor Society with
at the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
Click for more information.
[]Tempus Fugit, congratulations for your first decade
God bless you and America, Best wishes
Jaime Gómez-González, M.D., 148 Newcastle Drive Jupiter, Florida 33458-3021 Felicidades Mimi, eres un tesoro.. Connie Vasquez
[]I love reading Somos Primos every month.
It is so informative and well done.
Thank You. Elida Vela Barrera Vom Baur []Congratulations Mimi!
[]Mimi, Thanks again for all you do.
You are one of the greatest assets that we descendants have in telling our
great story. One of these days, mainstream citizens of the U.S. will |
Board: Bea
Armenta Dever, Gloria Cortinas Oliver, Mimi Lozano Holtzman, Pat
Lozano, |
United in our Spanish Surnames Connections Short Bios of José Antonio López , Mimi Lozano, Jose M. Pena Letter and distribution of paper, United in our Spanish Surnames Connections Creating Mexican American Identities: Multiple Voices, Shared Dreams A Daughter's Perspective by Daisy Wanda Garcia Hispanics Breaking Barriers, Part XII by Mercy Bautista-Olvera Ensign Manuel Gonzalez, Navy pilot, first American WWII fatality First Texas Latina Supreme Court Justice, Judge Eva M. Guzman, a Wise Latina Mental Menudo, Los Angeles Group Repatriation Video on YouTube Task force for the Creation of a National Museum for the Latino Community |
Introduction. Our
objective is to initiate a historic call to unite all those with
Spanish-Surnames in the United States.
While the Spanish surname identifies our lineage as
historically connected to Spain, countless of us have Anglo, Irish,
German, French, Italian, and many other non-Hispanic names and
bloodlines. In short, we
are a very large, inclusive assembly of U.S. citizens.
As will be evident in the contents below, it is critical that
we now unify under one umbrella and confront the many wrongs committed
historically and currently against our group.
This document identifies present problems, their scope, the
need for unity, and goals. 2.
a. Background. Recent
events have turned the once-civil discourse of illegal immigration
into a nasty combative issue. In
short, it seems that all Spanish-surnamed Americans in the U.S. have
become easy targets for politicians, contentious talk radio hosts, TV
commentators, and vigilante groups.
Fed by ignorance or ingrained biases, they are unwilling to
accept the fact that not all citizens who speak Spanish are recent
arrivals. They
conveniently ignore the historical migrations of other ethnic groups
into this country, including their own ancestors.
Oversimplifying the debate, they conveniently lump all
Spanish-surnamed people together.
Sadly, they are encouraged by our perceived passive nature and
inability to speak with one voice.
b. Political. The
Judge Sotomayor Supreme Court nomination issue, its debate in the
senate hearings, and the media discussions show that most Anglo
American politicians take Hispanic citizens for granted.
For instance, it was disappointing to hear two Senators from a
state with significant Spanish-surnamed constituents mockingly suggest
that they were not concerned about a Hispanic voter backlash if they
voted against the highly qualified nominee.
Both implied that the Hispanics in their state don’t count in
such things and most do not bother to vote.
That dismissive attitude is the ultimate insult to this
specific group of citizens who have been deprived of their civil
rights in their state for generations.
Not realizing their potential power in getting things done,
this “class apart” has yet to present a coordinated front to fight
common challenges.
c. Educational. Similar
to the political issue above, school boards and state governments for
generations perceive that Spanish-surnamed citizens are below normal
in intelligence and are not interested in the educational system.
For example, in Texas, where Spanish-surnamed citizens comprise
nearly 40% of the population and whose ancestors gave birth to the
state, the educational status quo is disgraceful.
d. Social Justice. Since
the 1950s, our government has invited several ethnic groups arriving
from other countries with open arms, especially if they demonstrated a
hatred for communism. Sadly,
only several Spanish-speaking groups have been so privileged.
Thus, feeling welcome has made their transition into mainstream
U.S. society much easier. As
such, guided by helpful media coverage, the general public tends to
receive these select minorities with sympathy and compassion.
In contrast, the more recent groups most of whom speak Spanish
and who are seeking freedom not from communism, but from famine and
poverty, are not so well received.
It is important to note that the nation’s conscience is at
issue here. The poem by
Emma Lazarus at the Statue of Liberty that has welcomed millions of
European immigrants does not mention communism
as a reason to enter this country.
It does invite all “tired,
poor, huddled masses, homeless, and wretched refuse” which more
aptly describe the plight of the “illegal” immigrant.
b. The illegal immigration issue has turned ugly.
Politicians, news pundits, and many others in the U.S. use it
as their favorite scapegoat.
Influenced by often vitriolic attacks repeated again and again
on television, a number of Hispanic men within the recent past have
been viciously beaten to death because they spoke Spanish and/or
because they “looked” like illegal aliens.
Hispanic women have been separated from their babies at birth,
because they spoke an Indian dialect and were thus declared unfit to
care for their children. Integral
families have been divided. U.S.
born children, who hardly speak Spanish, are summarily sent to other
countries because their parents are deported.
Very recently, workers at a hotel in the Southwest were
directed to “Anglicize” their Spanish names and to stop speaking
Spanish. The unpleasant
acts occur in a part of the U.S. that was first settled by Spanish
Mexican pioneers and possesses its distinct Hispanic and Indian
culture. Dozens of
Hispanic drivers in Dallas, Texas, have been given citations because
they didn’t speak English. Millions
of tax dollars are being paid to build a questionable wall on our
southern border. The list
of examples of blatant discrimination continues to grow.
c. Other Factors. The
following critical issues are at the breaking point within the
Hispanic community: school
dropout rates, childhood obesity, teen pregnancy, drug abuse, and
gangs. 3.
Reasons to Unite.
a. Ask ten Spanish-surnamed U.S. citizens today to explain
their roots and you’re liable to get at least ten different
responses. The individual
answer displays a deep pride in our most precious possession; our
individual heritage. The
answers run the gamut. Among
the most used terms are these: Hispanic (or Hispano), Latino, Chicano,
Mexican-American, Latin-American, and various other hyphenated
Americans from different countries in “America”. Names include Argentinean, Bolivian, Chilean, Columbian,
Cuban, Dominican, Filipino, Honduran, Panamanian, Peruvian, Puerto
Rican, Salvadorian, and Venezuelan.
list goes on. Our racial
differences are just as varied and just as complex.
These include the blending of Caucasian, Mongolian (Amerindian,
Native American), Black, and Asian bloodlines.
b. As a group, we are descendants of people who came to this
country through different paths; as the first pioneers (1600s to 1848)
from Texas to California, the greatest majority having both European
and indigenous blood. Others
came as immigrants from Mexico after 1848.
In fact, Spanish-surnamed U.S. citizens with a Mexico
connection are by the far the largest sub-group of all.
In addition, many of those who come from the various countries
in Central and South America and the Caribbean also possess the same
Spanish and indigenous bloodlines as those in New Spain.
Other Hispanics (Latinos) came to this country when they
married U.S. citizens. Still,
the “land of opportunity” continues to beckon those whose survival
needs are so dire that they are willing to risk death to enter the
country illegally looking for a better life.
c. Whichever way we arrived, “Spanish-surnamed Americans”
are oddly enough bonded by our heritage.
We all have Spanish names, but as in the “coat of many
colors”, our individual cultures are unique and our appearance
differs significantly from one “Hispanic” or “Latino” to
another. As a
result, the impressive tonic that runs through our veins adds yet more
taste and body to the compelling soup.
While it is by nature a robust mixture, it has a certain
fragile trait that tends to bring out the individuality of each group.
In a nutshell, that is what
presents a dilemma to our apparently homogeneous group.
That is the reason why we are unable today to “speak with one
voice” on issues of common impact to all Spanish-surnamed citizens
throughout the nation. That
is why we need a united front.
d. Here is another sobering wake-up call.
Some Anglos in Texas are venting their anger today at illegal
immigration, the Supreme Court nominee, and President Obama, the first
Black President. They join
vigilante-type “Tea Parties” and stoke their paranoia by wildly
screaming in coded phrases that they “want their country back” or
that they want the “real” America back.
Several of these same Anglos are now inciting cessation.
Such mob mentality can easily trigger a dormant anti-Mexican
hysteria from California to Texas.
Unprovoked hatred toward Spanish Mexican people in the
Southwest has already been clearly demonstrated after the 1836 - 1848
era. Reminders of the
repulsive intolerance are still felt today.
That is why the majority of Spanish Americans are perennially
entrapped in the lowest socio-economic, political, and educational
rungs in the ladder. It is
this aspect that many other sister Hispanic groups who arrived later
are unaware of. As to
seceding from the Union, Latinos have always been faithful, patriotic
U.S. citizens. They have
shed too much red, white, and blue blood on the battlefield in the name of all
their fellow Americans. We
are in the Union to stay! Our
only hope is that we can begin to re-educate the general public
regarding the long-standing presence of Spanish-surnamed people in the
U.S., especially the Southwest. 4.
Projected Goals. As
a united family with common bonds, Spanish-surnamed citizens have to
assume a direct role in mapping our future.
We must establish clear improvement goals, such as:
a. Raise the self-esteem of our youth;
b. Establish a clearinghouse to educate
Spanish-surnamed citizens on issues that impact their lives and
encourage them to vote in great numbers, regardless of political
c. Motivate Spanish-surnamed students to stay in school,
graduate from high school and college and become productive members of
U.S. society; while not a cure-all, it’s clear that if we
concentrate on educating Latino children and employing adult Latinos
today, we’ll avoid future increases in crime, while at the same time
reduce the jail population;
d. Improve the housing, health, and the civil rights of Spanish
Americans citizens throughout the U.S.A,
e. Let the media know immediately when their articles and news
stories contain errors or project negative images of Hispanics.
Let our elected representatives know that the only solution to
the illegal immigration problem is immigration reform.
Above all, take every opportunity to educate others about
Hispanics’ significant contributions in U.S. history.
If we don’t act, no one else is going to do it for us!
f. Continue to be proud of our individual roots of regional and
country of origin.
Summary. In
sum, the illegal immigration has released an unwarranted attack on the
Hispanic population in this country that must be confronted
immediately. While the
issue is considered a “Mexican” problem, the violence is aimed
directly at all citizens who “look” Mexican.
We must stop this knee-jerk reaction.
The need to educate those who are unfamiliar with the long
history of Hispanics in the U.S. is obvious.
a. There will be those who will accuse us of being unpatriotic,
but as mentioned above, the patriotism of Hispanics is beyond
reproach. We must stick
together and do the right thing for the right reasons.
b. On the other hand, there will be those within the
non-Mexican Hispanic community who believe that the rage is only
directed at illegal Mexican immigrants and so there’s no reason for
them to be concerned since it doesn’t affect them or their families.
They should be reminded
that Hispanic men have
been attacked and murdered because
they looked Latino.
c. We must begin to speak with one voice.
The time to de-emphasize our regional or country-of-origin
pride and reconcile our differences is now.
d. The task ahead will be difficult and risky.
To start, we will need to come up with a system heavily reliant
on the internet and the public media to identify, process, and educate
our people on those national, regional, state, or local issues that
affect them. Likewise, we
must convince the general public that they can be part of the
solution. They must no
longer stand idly by while violence is directed daily at their fellow
e. Equally important is the need to educate
non-Spanish-surnamed citizens of our unique makeup.
With a united front, we will be better able to solve common
problems, participate in forming shared goals, and defend ourselves
from the anti-Hispanic sentiments and violence that is now being waged
against all things Hispanic. 6.
Bottom Line: The
need is urgent. The time
has come for us to join our voices, hearts, and minds together, and
begin to methodically attack the growing intolerance against Hispanic
citizens once and for all. A
coordinated effort by social agencies, churches, schools, business,
and citizens is necessary. A
concerted media system providing timely information heavily dependent
on the internet, the printed media, and radio/television is a must.
The question is how do we get there from here?
There is no time to build a new infra-structure to get the word
out. We must rely on
current organizations that are already involved in seeking social
justice, respect, acceptance and positive visibility for
Spanish-speaking citizens. As
a minimum, we need to do the following things:
a. Develop a timely two-way system to clearly identify
significant issues.
b. Develop a method to clearly describe the issue (what
happened and why it is important).
c. Classify the issue (such as local, state, regional, or
d. Develop an equally quick way to inform the particular
community so that they can respond in the most effective manner.
e. Recommend ways that they can address the issue, such as,
letter-writing and/or phone call/email campaigns to elected
representatives, TV networks and stations, radio stations, newspapers,
and community leaders, and
f. Identify need to attend meetings, hearings, marches,
rallies, etc, in support of or against pertinent issues affecting the
national Spanish-speaking community. IMPORTANT
Whatever approach we use, it must be with the goal of building
respect for the history and contributions of our Spanish-surnamed
ancestors. We should each
(l) become actively involved in our local community, and (2) do
everything in our power to help eliminate the ignorance, suspicion and
distrust that many have of all things Hispanic. RECOMMENDATION:
That all who read this paper will commit themselves to influence any
organization to which they belong, increasing their group’s
understanding of the constant and continual contributions of
Spanish-surnamed citizens and non-citizens to the welfare of the U.S. JOSE ANTONIO LOPEZ
Mr. José Antonio (Joe) López was born and
raised in Laredo, Texas. USAF Veteran. Served over 37 years in
military/Federal Service. When he retired on January 1, 2000, he held a
senior civilian management position at the U.S. Air Education/Training
Command, Randolph AFB, TX. He is a direct descendant of Don Javier
Uribe, one of the earliest families that settled in what is now South
Texas in 1750. He is married to the former Cordelia Jean “Cordy”
Dancause of Laredo. He and
his wife reside in Universal City, TX. They
have one daughter, Brenda Jo. Mr. López has college degrees from Laredo Jr. College and
Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos, TX. He
earned a Master’s Degree in Education. He
is the author of two books: “The
Last Knight (Don Bernardo Gutierrez de Lara Uribe, A Texas Hero)”, and
“Nights of Wailing, Days of Pain (Life in 1920s South Texas)”.
He presently conducts presentations throughout South Texas to
teach students about the Spanish Mexican roots of Texas.
His hobbies are many; they include writing, jogging, and
gardening. He volunteers in
his community. (
) oOo Short Bio (Mimi Lozano) Ms.
Mimi Lozano was born in San Antonio, Texas.
Her family moved to California where she spent her formative
years and received her education. She
received a bachelor’s degree in science and a Masters in
Public and Recreation Administration from UCLA. She is married to Win
Holtzman. They reside in California and have two married children: a son, Aury
(M.D.), and daughter Tawn (Esq.) and six grandchildren. She earned her California Teaching certification, (K-12). Using
puppetry as the media, she produced/directed/mounted Hispanic folktales
puppet plays as a teaching tool. She earned Spanish, special ESL
and bilingual training certification, and was an Oral Language
Specialist on three federal projects. She co-founded the Society of Hispanic Historical and Ancestral
Research (SHHAR) in Orange County, CA, a recognized non-profit,
all-volunteer organization whose purpose is helping Hispanics and
Latinos research their family history.
From 1990 to 2000, Lozano served as the newsletter
editor of Somos Primos for the organization. Ms. Lozano helped form the Hispanic Heritage Committee of Orange
County. In 1999, she became
a member of the Pepperdine University's Hispanic Council of Orange
County. In 2005, she helped organize a Hispanic heritage
conference at the National Archives and Records Administration in
Washington, DC and on the same year, was on the U.S. Army
planning committee for the Pentagon’s celebration of
Hispanic Heritage Month. (
). oOo Short Bio (José
M. Peña) Mr.
José M. (Chema) Peña was born and raised in Laredo, Texas.
USAF Veteran. As
Foreign Service Officer with the U.S. Agency for International
Development, Peña was the first Mexican American to be Deputy Regional
Inspector General and Acting Regional Inspector General
and served in many world-wide assignments.
After he retired, he worked as an International Financial
Consultant in several Latin American and Middle Eastern
He also served as a Health
Project Director in Guatemala; Consultant with the Organization of
American States; specialist in internal auditing, programmatic, and
financial studies, evaluate analysis, systems studies and special
reviews. He is a graduate of
the University of Texas. He
holds two professional certificates and many awards.
is married to his wife, Pauline, and they
had four children:
Jose M, IV, Jerry, Linda (now deceased), and Melissa.
For the last several years, Mr. Peña has devoted his life to teaching
others about the fascinating beginnings of Texas history.
He is the author of the book, “Inherit the Dust from the Four
Winds of Revilla”. The
book offers an insightful look at the 250-year historical perspective on
the ancient city of Guerrero Viejo on the Lower Rio Grande, its people,
and detailed discussion of land grants. (Email: )
Iliad By
way of introduction, I am José Antonio López.
I retired as a federal employee in 2000 having served a total of
over thirty-seven years of military and federal service.
As others within our Spanish-surnamed community in the U.S., I am
concerned about the current negative U.S. media attention directed at
Hispanics. Together with the
key assistance of Ms. Mimi Lozano, Editor of the Internet Periodical,
Somos Primos, and Mr. José M. Peña, a Retired Foreign Services
Officer, we have developed a concept paper (Encl 1).
It addresses and discusses issues of vital importance to all U.S.
Spanish-surnamed citizens. It
also recommends specific actions that are needed immediately to avoid
those issues from causing further damage.
need for unity is urgent. These
days, one cannot pick up a newspaper, tune in to the radio, or watch a
television news program without bearing witness to the incessant
negative reporting. The
sometimes bitter attacks against illegal immigrants have spilled over to
all Hispanics in the country. The
situation seems to be worsening. While
such attacks may not be an orchestrated effort, the perceived passive
reaction from the Hispanic (Latino) community to these assaults may be
encouraging the blitz against our people.
Somehow, we need to energize interest within the community and
defend ourselves. An
educated public is a strong public.
the three of us realize that achieving unity among the many diverse
Spanish-affiliated groups will be difficult, we are steadfast in our
belief that it can and must be done.
That is the purpose of our paper.
get the word out, we are asking a number of nationally-known
organizations to help alert and inform the Spanish-speaking people that
they serve. That is the
reason that you are getting a copy of this letter.
A maximum effort to reach every Spanish-surnamed household in the
country is our goal.
closing, we believe our paper makes a strong case for unity in these
troubled times for the Spanish-surnamed U.S. community.
Regardless of our individual diversity, a strong union will make
us into a true family. Hopefully,
you will help us make that possible.
If you have any questions, my phone number is AC 210.945.2503.
My email address is
. Very Respectfully,
Enclosures |
Editor: Joe Lopez personally
signed and sent the paper with the above cover letter to each of the
organizations listed under the “National Hispanic Leadership Agenda”
email listed in an email received from Juan and Diana Marinez. He
also sent copies to the U.S. Hispanic Congressional Caucus, the Texas
House Mexican American Legislative Caucus, to the U.S. Conference of
Catholic Bishops, Department of Hispanic Affairs, and each of the
Texas Hispanic Genealogy and History Societies. The total was
about 40 addressees. Joe writes: "Now, let’s see what happens. Although the mailings represent an “end”, it’s actually a beginning of our truly grass-roots effort. We started with a blank sheet of paper and ended up with a cogent, well-built paper. To those who may say that we are “tilting at windmills”, we respond that at least we got up and got into the action." This fruitful collaboration of three Tejanos, started with me congratulating Joe Lopez on his wonderful website at which I applauded in the November issue. The contact started a series of emails between the three of us, which finally jelled into the concept paper of United in our Spanish Surnames Connections. I hope the New Year, the new decade, will bring about the national unity of those that carry a Spanish surname in their personal and family heritage. Please share the paper with any organization that you belong to, family groups, historical and genealogical societies. We Hispanics with Southwest heritage have been so successful at assimilation, that we've become invisible. Let us make ourselves known, by our own words and deeds. Let us make it clear that we are proud Americans.
Voices, Shared Dreams The
has never been a written history of Mexican immigration to Although
the exhibit tells a local immigrant story, it is one of great national
significance, touching on issues such as the rights and dignity of
workers, as seen in the 1962 strike of Campbell Soup Company’s
mushroom farm workers. The importance of faith and family, social
justice, the preservation and celebration of culture, and the importance
of the oral tradition in a culture that is not dependent on the written
word are all evident in the exhibit. By
packaging this history in a traveling format, the Museum hopes to share
the community's story of diversity with other communities to expand
cultural understanding. Viewers are invited to rethink issues of
immigration, identity formation and the ways local history is presented. This
is a highly relevant subject for study and presentation to the broadest
audience as Mexicans in Creating
Mexican American Identities: Multiple Voices, Shared Dreams
is currently on display at the
By Daisy Wanda Garcia |
is the end of the year. Moreover, it is during this most holy of
celebrations that we assess where we are now by reviewing the
accomplishments of the past year. One of my dreams is to publish
these articles about my father and family in a book. Since January
2007 until now, I have written one article each month for Somos Primos
about my father, Dr. Hector P. Garcia. The articles total 40 in
numbers. When the articles are ready to become a book, I believe
that inspiration will guide me and the right people and opportunities
will present themselves to help in this effort. I wish all of the
Somos Primos readers many blessings this season. Recently,
a friend inquired about the private family life of the Hector and Wanda
Garcia family. She wanted to
know about my parents through my eyes. After much reflection, this
is my belief. To me our family life was like any middle
class family. The truth is that my family was my only frame
of reference and I have no other comparison. Going
to church on Sundays, Catholic schools, education and studying were part
of the realities of the Garcia family life. Holidays were important to
us and we created our own family rituals appropriate to each
holiday. We enjoyed joining our extended family, my aunt, Dr. Cleo
and the uncles and aunts to celebrate the holidays as well. For
fifty years, we celebrated the holidays with family and friends in
Corpus Christi, Texas. While
my father was alive, I was fortunate to be in the company of men like LBJ,
Ralph Yarborough, Lloyd
Bentsen Jr., and Bill Clinton.
Also, I was propelled in the front seat of the Hispanic Civil
Rights movement because of my father. I met the giants of the
movement Vicente Jimenez, Cris Aldrete, Gus Garcia, Dr. George I.
Sanchez and Bob Sanchez. These men met with my father at our house on
Ohio Street discussing strategy. School desegregation, school testing,
organizing AGIF chapters were daily topics of conversation at our
house. I thought all this activity was what the average person
experienced. I
was fortunate to arrive on the scene early just after the end of WWII.
I like to refer to myself as the first born of the Garcia family instead
of the eldest. Perhaps it is a bit of vanity on my part. I
was born in Naples Italy. My earliest memories of Italy were of a loving
grandmother Aida great aunt Michelina and my mother’s siblings,
Peppino, Manrico and Ruggero, surrounding me. They spent much
time pointing to the light fixture and calling it “la fiamma”, the
flame, to entertain me. The military transported the war brides in ships to the USA in
the 1940’s. So, Mama and I crossed the ocean together -
destination, USA. I have vague memories of the voyage
from Italy to the USA. I remember the nurses in their uniforms
standing along the side of the ships cabin. I was confused and
lonely after being the center of attention in my grandmother’s
house. Mama
and I arrived in Corpus Christi, Texas
to find my father in a hospital room. We arrived in a strange
culture. Papa had experienced a bad bout of kidney
disease. Mama and I lived with Papa’s brother J.A. Garcia
Eventually, Papa was released from the hospital. We moved out of
uncle J.A.’s house to an apartment on Agnes Street owned by the Lozano
family. Henry and Rosita Lozano, Carmen Lozano, Tina, and Celso
Guzman, the Leo Durans became our family’s first friends in Corpus
Christi. Mama and I spent the evenings on the fire escape at
the apartment waiting for Papa to return home.
It was at this apartment house the Lozano family befriended
us. Maxwell Dunne, owner of an ambulance service kept referring
patients to Papa. Papa also worked with the VA treating
veterans. This is how Papa built up his medical practice and
learned how the VA denied the veteran’s their benefits. Papa did
not have a car so he rode the bus. At times, he would take me on
the bus. Later Papa bought a Frazier, so he took me on house
calls. This was my first exposure to poverty. I saw families
crammed into small one-room shacks. Papa would treat them, waive
his fees and give them the medicines. Time
passed. The Garcia family moved into a house located at 634 Ohio Street.
We welcomed a brother Hector Garcia Jr. into the fold. Henry
and his wife Rosita kept me while Mama recuperated in the hospital. I
was two years old and happy to have a brother to boss around. We
socialized with the Lozano and Guzman families. Carmen Lozano was
Mama’s best friend. Mama enjoyed preparing dinners for her friends in
her new house. Later
Papa’s sister Cleo and then brother Xico lived with us. Papa
enjoyed traveling to Mexico on
vacations. Papa would pack us in his car and we would drive south
to Mexico. By now, he had upgraded to a Mercury automobile, one of those
white and orange models. We would drive to a resort called Taninul in Ciudad
Valles, Mexico. I remember how long the trips were; the
mountains so tall that clouds covered their tips. Sometimes we drove
through the clouds that rested on the road. During that era, roads
went up the mountains instead of through them. One evening on one of our
trips, Papa came across an accident. A car had slammed into the side of
the mountain. He stopped the car and went to assist the occupants.
There was a man and woman. The woman was hurt. I remember seeing
blood on her arms and she was groaning in pain. We drove to the
nearest town with a hospital. Papa went in to treat the woman
while Mama and I waited in the car for what seemed a long time.
After Papa emerged from the hospital, his comment was that they had few
medical supplies in the hospital. Eventually the mountain trips
took their toll on the Mercury, because it malfunctioned while we were
on the mountains. Papa burned out the motor trying to negotiate
the mountains and get us to safety.
be continued:
Part XII Mercy
This article is the 12th in a series “Hispanics Breaking Barriers” presenting the contributions
of Hispanics in Joe
Garcia: Director
of the Office of Economic Impact and Diversity in the Energy Department
(Confirmed October 21, 2009) Colonel
Felix C. Vargas Jr.:
Chairman, U.S.
Advisory Committee on Veterans Business Affairs (Appointed) Elizabeth
Chief of Staff for the Rafael
Borras: Under
Secretary for Management in the Department of Homeland Security
(Nominated) Sara
Manzano-Diaz: Director
of the Women's Bureau in the Department of Labor (Nominated)
Garcia has been confirmed to serve as Director of the Office of Economic
Impact and Diversity in the Energy Department. He is the first Joe
Garcia was born on October 12, 1963 in In
1983, Joe Garcia graduated from Also
in 1992, the late Governor Lawton Chiles appointed Garcia to the Florida
Public Service Commission where he fought for lower utility bills for
the people of In
2001, Garcia was named as the Executive Director of the Cuban American
National Foundation, where he served as a tireless proponent of freedom
and improved human rights conditions in In
2004, Garcia was named executive Vice President and Director of the
Hispanic Project for New Democratic Network (NDN) the Garcia
has more than 20 years experience in the fields of Energy, Foreign
Policy, and Human Rights. Garcia extended his career-long advocacy for
the rights of immigrants to a national level working with members of
Congress to bring about comprehensive immigration reform.
Felix C. Vargas Jr. Felix
C. Vargas Jr., graduated in 1967, from the Colonel
Vargas served in the Vietnam War as a U.S. Army Ranger and Special
Forces Officer. He
also served as a career Foreign Service Officer in the U.S. Department
of State. He served as a Political Officer in six countries, During
1995-1997, Colonel Vargas served as the U.S. Political Advisor to the
NATO Commander in MIND-North ( equivalent
to Major General in the U.S. Armed Forces. He advised NATO commanders on
political developments with the presence and operations of the historic
NATO-led playing a key role in starting up economic reconstruction and
freedom of movement by civilians displaced by the war. Colonel
Vargas has held senior positions in the State Department, In
May 2001, Colonel Felix C. Vargas retired after 30-years of service in
the U.S. Army Reserve, at the rank of Colonel. He served in many command
and staff positions in Colonel
Felix C. Vargas is a leader in the U.S. Military Veteran Community,
based in “I
welcome the opportunity to continue working with you in my new capacity
to serve the interests of all our uniformed services, especially those
brave men and women who serve in harm's way and our Veterans.” The
meetings will focus on the issues of Access to Capital and Education and
Training. All our meetings are open to the public. Again, I
consider it an honor to work with you.” Colonel Felix C. Vargas
A. Montoya Elizabeth
Ann (Liz) Montoya has served as the Chief of Staff for the U.S. Office
of Personnel Management since April of 2009 in the Obama’s
administration. Montoya plays a critical role in helping manage the
Nation’s Human Resources agenda. Montoya served on the Obama-Biden
Presidential Transition Team as an Advisor to the Department of Energy
review team. Montoya
has two adult children, David Montoya Jr., who owns a small business,
Manzano Strategies, in Montoya
earned a Masters Degree in Public Administration from In
1992, Montoya joined in the Clinton White House as member of the
Personnel Transition Team. She served from 1994 to 1997 as the Associate
Director of Presidential Personnel and Special Assistant to the
President in the White House Office. In 1997, she became Deputy Chief of
Staff under Energy Secretary Federico Peña at the U.S. Department of
Energy. Montoya’s
corporate experience began in 2001 with Resource Consultants, Inc.,
where she served as the Director of Federal Programs. Among her Chief
responsibilities were leading client outreach programs and coordinating
business development. In
2005, Montoya joined the Los Alamos Alliance, where she opened
storefront offices in Los Alamos and Montoya's
more recent private industry experience was with Sealaska Corporation,
an Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act Corporation that is owned by more
than 17,500 tribal shareholders. She served as Senior Advisor to the
Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer in the areas of
Human Resources, Corporate Strategic planning and Program Development.
During her tenure with the corporation, Montoya designed a human
resources comprehensive review of Sealaska's nine subsidiaries to affect
a consistent human resources process throughout the organization. She
also did private consulting in business development with small
businesses in the southwest. “I
am proud to announce the appointment of Liz Montoya. I am counting on
Liz to help identify and implement the best in human resources
management practices throughout government.”
Director of Office of Personnel John Berry said. In
the November 9, 2009 issue of Hispanic Business Magazine, Elizabeth A.
Montoya is named one of the100 Most Influential Hispanics.
Borras Rafael
Borras currently serves as a Vice President and Office Manager of
Construction Services, for the United Research Services (URS)
Corporation, a global engineering firm. He is nominated to serve in
Under Secretary for Management in the Department of Homeland Security. Borras
began his public sector career in 1982-1985 he served with the Metro
Dade County Government, Florida, serving in the Office of the Borras
has served in the International City/County in Management Association,
and as Deputy City Manager and Commissioner of Human Services for the
City of New Rochelle, New York. He served as Deputy Assistant Secretary
of the Commerce Department, where he was responsible for the
department’s finances, personnel, IT, acquisition and grants,
including 375 employees and a $3.8 billion budget. Borras
has more than 25 years of experience in Budget and Financial Management,
Procurement and Human Service, Information Technology, and Security
Offices, preparing him well for overseeing the department’s finance,
human capital. "In
his new role, Rafael will lead efforts to promote and establish greater
efficiency and transparency while playing an integral role in unifying
the Department and its many components," Department of Homeland
Security Secretary Napolitano said.
Manzano-Diaz Sara
Manzano-Diaz, currently an Ambassador for the United States Hispanic
Advocacy Association (USHAA); is an advisor on a host of issues
influencing Latinos has been nominated as Director of the Women’s
Bureau Department of Labor. Sara
Manzano-Diaz was born and raised in Sara
Manzano-Diaz earned a Bachelors Degree in Public Relations and
Communications from Manzano-Diaz
has served as an Assistant Attorney General in She
has served as Co-Chair of the Forum of Executive Women’s Mentoring
Committee, which mentors young professional women as they begin their
careers, she has also participated in “Madrinas,” a program that
provides mentors for at-risk Latina girls to encourage them to finish
high school and attend college. Manzano-Diaz
was responsible for protecting the health, safety, and welfare of the
public by overseeing the licensure of approximately 1 million
professionals. She is also a member of Gov. Rendell’s STEM Initiative
Team that supports the development of Science, Technology, Engineering
and Mathematics Education and Workforce development programs.
Previously, she served as Deputy General Counsel for Civil Rights and
Litigation at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development,
where she enforced Fair Housing, Civil Rights, and Anti-Discrimination
Laws. While at HUD, she implemented a compliance agreement against the
largest public housing authority in the country that resulted in the
creation of 9,000 disabled housing units in accordance with the
Americans with Disabilities Act. Luis
J. Diaz the President of USHAA & CEO stated, "We rejoice at the
appointment of our esteemed colleague to this important position. Sara
is a talented and committed professional that will serve our
country well.” Manzano-Diaz
has more than 25 years of federal, state, and judicial experience,
including 16 years in Senior Management. Governor Edward G. Rendell
appointed her as Deputy Secretary for Regulatory Programs at the
Pennsylvania Department of State, and thereby making her the
highest-ranking *Updates
from Previous Articles* Arturo
Assistant Secretary for Ignacia
Assistant Attorney General for Environment and Natural Resources
in the Justice Department (Confirmed November 5, 2009)
On Sunday, December 7th, 1941 the Japanese launched a surprise attack against the U.S. Forces stationed at Pearl Harbor , Hawaii By planning this attack on a Sunday, the Japanese commander Admiral Nagumo, hoped to catch the entire fleet in port. As luck would have it, the Aircraft Carriers and one of the Battleships were not in port. (The USS Enterprise was returning from Wake Island , where it had just delivered some aircraft. The USS Lexington was ferrying aircraft to Midway, and the USS Saratoga and USS Colorado were undergoing repairs in the United States ) Jose M. Pena Ensign Manuel Gonzalez, a Navy pilot from the aircraft carrier the USS Enterprise. If you Google the USS Enterprise you will find that information buried in the details. The fact is also recorded in the book “Everything You Wanted to Know About World War II”. Also, it is detailed in websites on the Pearl Harbor attack. Hon. Fredrick Aguirre, Esq.
Judge Eva M. Guzman A
Wise By
Eva M. Guzman On
October 8, 2009, Eva
Martinez-Guzman was born in 1961 in Eva
was 13 years old when she began working nights in a drapery factory to
help her family. In
1979, she graduated from Guzman
practiced Family and Civil Law for ten years before she was
appointed as a Harris County Family Court judge by then-governor
George Bush in 1999 to the 309th District Court, a family law bench. In
2001, Governor Rick Perry appointed Guzman to Judge
Guzman has received solid marks in judicial polls, she is an elected
member of the American Law Institute, a former board member of the
Garland Walker American Inns of Court, and she has been an adjunct
faculty member of the University of Houston Law Center. She taught Civil
Trial Advocacy this fall at the The
Hispanic National Bar Association honored Guzman as “Latina Judge of
the Year.” She has been named “Appellate Judge of the Year” by
various groups during the course of her career. She has also been named
Appellate Judge of the Year by P.O.L.I.C.E. Inc. and the Houston Police
Officers Union. In addition, the Mexican American Bar Association of
Texas Foundation named Guzman “2009 Judge of the Year.” Judge
Guzman is an elected member of the American Law Institute and an
appointed member of the Supreme Court of Texas Advisory Committee. She
is a Senior Fellow of the American Leadership Forum Class XXII, and a
Fellow of the The
Governor Perry states “Justice Guzman is known throughout legal
circles as a strict constructionist with an unmatched work ethic, and
has demonstrated a proven record of sound jurisprudence.” Perry
further adds, “I am proud to appoint this principled, conservative
judge as the first Hispanic woman on the Supreme Court of Texas.” “I
am honored by this appointment and am grateful for the confidence
Governor Perry has shown in me,” Judge Guzman said. “It has been a
privilege to serve the citizens of this region over the last decade, and
I look forward to serving all In
an interview, Judge Guzman stated, “There are days that you dream of
all of your life and days you will remember for the rest of your life,
today is both." “One of my passions throughout my career
has been education. I hope I am a role model and can inspire Latino kids
and all kids to dream big, work hard and make good choices,” Judge
Guzman said. “I
congratulate Justice Guzman on this historic appointment, and I am
confident that her service to the state of opportunities
to serve our beloved state with great pride and distinction as well.” Roger
Townsend, a partner in the Texas
Supreme Court Justice David Medina, who was a law school classmate of
Judge Guzman's, says she’ll be a welcome addition to the court. “I
think it’s awesome, it’s exciting... she obviously has a tremendous
amount of experience on an appellate court and a breadth of knowledge.
She has analyzed every type of issue that we have analyzed before.” In
MENTAL MENUDO, Los Angeles Group |
![]() Mimi, This is for your achives. We call this group The Mental Menudo" A bunch of artist, writers & scientist get together informally about once a month to discuss art, science, education and social topics. Here is the last photo we took recently. The meeting is open and held at each others home. Front row, kneeling and sitting, Jose (NFI) professor Cal St. LA, Mario Trillo, Artist/Photographer, Diane Velarde-Hernandez, Ret. educator, crafter, Gilbert "Magu" Lujan, Artist, Angel Guerrero, Artist, Michael Sedano, Ret.Educator, Writer, Blog author (www.readraza) Naiche Lujan (son of Magu) evironmentalist, Artist, TOP ROW: Daniel Cano, professor, author, Paul Martinez,Artist, Andres Montoya, Artist, Mario Guerrero, educator, software developer, Manuel Urrutia, UCLA professor/ researcher in Physics and Serg Hernandez, Artist. photo taken by: Gil Ortiz |
Excellent REPATRIATION VIDEO . . I was not aware that it was happening all
over the United States, not just California and Texas. I
did not realize that it started as early as 1936, and .
as late as 2 years ago, the expulsion of U.S. citizens.
11 minutes, 40 second Introduced by California State
Senator Dune
Mimi, As
I was reading about the appointees on the president’s task force for
the creation of a national museum for the Latino I suddenly had a
flash-back about the documentary of Ken Burns and the lack of the
contributions of Mexican Americans.. Had it
not been for Maggie Rivas-Rodriguez and Gus Chavez there would have
been no Mexican Americans in his documentary. The majority of Latinos
in this country are Mexican Americans but where I come from we call
ourselves Tejanos. I
can think of a lot of other people that would have been better
qualified, and with all due respect to the members that were selected,
Andres Tijerina Ph.D. comes to mind. Dr Tijerina
is an author and historian that teaches A
recent e-mail sent to me describes how a student whose parents had
emigrated from The
Tejano contribution to this country goes
back to 1776 when the then governor of Spanish Louisiana, Bernardo de
Galvez, of whom In
1860 during the American civil war approximately 9000 Tejanos
would fight, half for the During
WWII the population of the During
the war in Now
do you honestly think that any of these appointees know or care of the
history of Mexican Americans. Well, only
time will tell. Right
now in Dan
Now these weren’t your ordinary flags at some exhibit in a convention to get the passerby’s attention; the flags represented here were American Flags, surrounded by military flags from the entire Department of Defense. Being a retired Army Veteran myself, this caught my attention right away as I waited anxiously taking the escalator up to the second floor. My pace quickened once on level ground where I noticed two more flags strategically placed and these flags were the POW/MIA (Prisoner of War/Missing in Action). My eyes were wide-open as I entered this exhibit with perfect lighting while all resting on a magnificent red carpet. |
This display deserves the red carpet treatment as it holds all the flags I mentioned, with vintage uniforms dating back from the Civil War all the way to the Vietnam War. There were also billboards celebrating Latino heroes such as Presidential Medal of Freedom Award winner like Dr. Hector P. Garcia and former POW/MIA Commander Everett Alvarez.
The second billboard for the Legacy of Valor is the tribute to all the “Hispanic Medal of Honor Recipients”. This billboard at that time has pictures of all 42 Medal of Honor awardees, with the conflict they were in, their name, and date of action and place of birth. The criteria for the Medal of Honor are as follows: Bestowed on a member of the United States Armed Forces who distinguishes themselves “conspicuously by gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of their own life and beyond the call of duty while engaged in an action against an enemy of the United States.” (Due to the nature of its criteria, the medal is often awarded posthumously)
I learned about the Aztec Eagles and Fighter
Squadron 201 and the men of the Mexican Expeditionary Air Force.
The elite unit of pilots flew combat missions during World War
Two in order to free Luzon from the Japanese with the American 581st
Fighter Group. The Eagles flew over 60
missions, dropped 1038 bombs and fired over a million rounds of live
ammo. In all, the 201st squadron
accumulated 1290 hours of combat missions during the last six months
of the war. I was even able to meet the producer/director of the
documentary “The Aztec Eagles Last Flight” Mr. Victor Mancilla who
completed the film in 2006. Now let me tell you my brain is on overload now, but I can’t get enough of this great history lesson as it has magnetically pulled me in and did not let me go….nor did I want to leave. Leaving was definitely not a choice after I notice this man sitting in a chair by one of the displays and especially after I take another look and notice that he is actually wearing the Medal of Honor around his neck which is much scarred. Later I know why he has these scars on his neck and face which cause him to speak in a very low meaningful tone because of the hand to hand combat he encountered with the North Koreans as he ran out of ammunition and fought to stay alive. Hopefully as you are reading this I hope I was able to relay the feelings that I was going through, and this is only the beginning, because I was in complete “awe”. I was blown away! I was on the verge of tears! It was truly heartfelt and this Exhibit hit me right in my soul. I was surrounded by heroes and I was honored. While still at the exhibit, I had a conversation with Mr. Rick Leal, the President of the Hispanic Medal of Honor Society, who made this display what it is today and is still adding to it. Assisted by Rick Cochrane, these men who I now call “The Ricks” have paid meticulous attention to the details especially honoring “The Lost, but not Forgotten” which is the POW/MIA memorial off to one of the corners in this remarkable display.
I introduced myself to Mr. Leal by saying “Hello sir, my name is Tomas Turréy and I’m from the Veterans Hospital in Palo Alto, California where I am the Program Manager for Hispanic Heritage and I must commend you on such a wonderful display here.” His response was “Thank you very much; it is truly an honor just to be part of this display.” |
This was a tremendous start to my visit at the NCLR, which made my day and basically the entire conference. Both Mr. Leal and I had tremendous dialogue as we exchanged business cards and I could not wait to get back to California so I could start the planning of this event for Hispanic Heritage Month. I waited about a week after the conference to
contact Mr. Leal which was probably one of the longest weeks of my
life as I was so excited to plan the arrival of this exhibit to our
HealthCare System. The first conversation I had
with Mr. Leal was bittersweet as he was in the process of planning an
event with San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsome to have the exhibit at
City Hall. I made it a point to congratulate him
and wish him the best of luck with the Mayor as it would make some
great headlines for this exhibit to be in Downtown San Francisco. Mr. Leal called me back and informed me that they
were indeed having the Exhibit in San Francisco, but he really wanted
to bring the exhibit to the Veterans Hospital in Palo Alto either
before or after the City Hall event. Well, as you
can imagine I was very excited and now all we had to do was work out
the details. |
Our first presentation was on the afternoon of October 8th in which the staff of the hospital was able to attend including staff from Menlo Park and numerous patients from both Palo Alto and Menlo Park. This would be the most heartfelt ceremony of both days as Vets entered the auditorium and overcome with tears as they were touched by the stories of these great men as Mr. Leal was able to personalize a tour for out PTSD patients. There were Doctors on hand to provide some personal counseling to those Vets who needed it as they left the auditorium for a few minutes, but insisted on returning back to their groups quickly as possible.
The “Fiesta” began with a blessing from one
of our VA Chaplains, Father James Stump, Heliana Ramirez, when after her poem she introduced me and I had to summarize everything that I have written up to this point in just five minutes. Then I had the great pleasure of introducing our Director of the Hospital, Ms. Elizabeth (Lisa) Joyce Freeman. Ms. Freeman offered some great words to me, the committee for Hispanic Heritage, the exhibit and most importantly Mr. Rick Leal and his staff for bringing together the Hispanic Medal of Honor Society. She then introduced Mr. Leal and he escorted her over to the POW/MIA table to light the symbolic candle. |
The comments were overflowing after the
presentation from everyone as they were in complete admiration.
This exhibit has a special way of overcoming people with
emotion and this was the case on this particular afternoon.
We then began to get ready for our evening presentation as we
were going to present the exhibit to our Recreation Therapy and Blind
Rehab patients. The evening presentation was going
to be even more special as we were going to have Troop 66, our local
Boy Scouts who were going to present the colors and lead us in the
Pledge of Allegiance. During this presentation we
were able to highlight some scenes from the “The Aztec Eagles Last
Flight” introduced by producer/director Victor Mancilla.
We started breaking down the exhibit later that
day to get it ready for shipment to San Francisco City Hall and there
was a silence among us as this showing came to an end. I
would like to think the silence was an appreciation for each other and
a tremendous amount of respect for the men who have fallen in defense
of the freedom for this great country. What I
marvel most is how they did it, they knew what the mission was and
they were going to accomplish it no matter the cost. They
didn’t leave anybody behind and if they had to do it again, they
would not hesitate! Godspeed gentlemen… |
Heritage Committee of the Palo Alto Veteran's Medical Center |
Thomas Turrey Program Manager Palo Alto Medical Center 3801 Miranda Ave. Bldg. 4 Palo Alto,CA 94304 650-493-5000, X63059 Cell: 408-242-4188 |
Rick Leal President HMHS 2128 Market Street San Francisco, CA 94ll4 415-487-7888 Cell: 415-310-0138
2010 the Legacy of Valor is scheduled to exhibit at:
Col. (Ret) Ernest A. Montemayor: Father of Hispanic Heritage
Month May 22, 1928 - July 16, 2009 Michael Kabotie: Famed Hopi artist 1942 to October 23, 2009 Armando Ayala, Ph.D.: Creative and Tireless Educator August 16, 1929 to October 26, 2009 Bidal Aguero: Newspaper Publisher and Civil Rights Leader July 23, 1949 to November 3, 2009 Rodrigo Escobar Restrepop: Columbian Historian and Genealogist José Cisneros: Iconic World-class El Paso artist 1910 to November 14, 2009 Ramiro Cortez Gonzalez: A Saginaw, Michigan Mexican-American pillar January 5, 1946 to November 17, 2009 Private First Class Alejandro R. Ruiz: Medal of Honor Recipient June 26, 1923 - November 20, 2009 |
Col. (Ret) Ernest A. Montemayor |
With his mother's permission, he volunteered in the Navy. He eventually served in the U.S. Navy, Army and Air force where he advanced through every rank from Private to Colonel (Mustang) during the periods of World War II, Korea and the Vietnam Wars. While in the service he continued to pursue his role in helping Hispanics to understand our historical presence. Although, he was not a member of the the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormon), he served as a weekly volunteer for seven years in an LDS Family History Center while on duty in Washington, D.C.. It was while he was stationed in Washington, D.C. that he conceived of the idea to push for congressional recognition of the historical contributions of Hispanics. With the help of long-time friend Gilbert Coronado, also an officer in the military, and a Tejano stationed in D.C.. the two started the process and persisted. In 1968 Ernesto wrote a book "Yo Solo" about Spanish General Bernardo de Galvez actions in support of the American Revolution. It was distributed at a reception following the passing of the Proclamation declaring Hispanic Heritage week. Twenty years later in 1988, the week was extended to a month of observation. Although the proclamation was passed 40 years ago, it has been slow in finally reaching the level of public visibility observed this year. After retirement, Col. Montemayor returned to San Antonio and focused his energies full time history and genealogy. In 1990, he married the former Estela Ramirez in 1990. It was in San Antonio that I met Ernie, Ernesto, Montie for the second time. I had communicated with him when I first started my family history research, in the early 1980s. A cousin, Dena Chapa Rupert sent me an article about Hispanic family history researchers, George Ryskamp, Lyman Platt, Cleotilde Garcia, M.D. (Dr. Hector P. Garcia's sister), and Ernie. I tracked each of them down, and communicated with each, including Ernie. We met in Riverside, CA in the mid 1980s at a Hispanic Family History Conference organized by George Ryskamp, an attorney devoted to Hispanic research. We stayed in touch, as Ernie promoted the concept of our ancestor's earliest colonization in the Americas, and I began to understand the importance of validating our historic presence, I felt a kinship with his vision and drive. Soon after Ernie and Estela's marriage, I was in San Antonio
and was invited to their home. It is difficult to describe
the library that Ernie had compiled. There were books all over,
not only in the house and every hallway, but his entire garage,
every wall, top to bottom. Not only were the shelves filled,
but in the middle of the garage were storage units with books and
thousands of hand-written index cards. He could track and retrieve
any bit of information that he needed. Twenty years
later, I am still awed by his commitment and dedication to make
our history known. He surely prepared himself for the task. He is survived by his wife of 18 ½ years,
Estela, his daughter Rosalinda Chaney (Dean), his sons Miguel
(Beverly), and Diego Duran (from a previous marriage) and his
brother Arthur (Julie). He has four grandchildren and seven
great-grandchildren. He was Interned July 20th in Fort
Sam Houston National Cemetery.
![]() "Michael Kabotie has been an active participant at the Museum of Indian Arts & Culture's Native Treasures Indian Arts Festival for the past five years," stated Shelby Tisdale, director of MIAC. "His wide range of work, from silver jewelry and kachina carvings to his large-scale colorful paintings, draw on the Hopi traditions he grew up with ... I will always remember his warm smile, his subtle way of teasing, his contagious sense of humor, and his gentle way of teaching the world about Hopi art and culture." Son of artist Fred Kabotie (1900-1986), who was self-taught and among the very first students at the Santa Fe Indian School during the 1920s, Michael Kabotie was multi-talented in sculpture, painting, printmaking, and metalwork, as well as a writer and poet. In 1979, his book of poems, Migration Tears: Poems About Transitions, was published by the University of California/American Indian Studies. Kabotie was a founding member of Artists Hopid (1973-1978), an organization dedicated to innovative interpretations of traditional Hopi art forms. In 2003, he was cited as an Arizona Living Treasure by the Arizona Indian Living Treasures Awards, Inc.; and just this year, he was the featured artist for the Heard Museum Guild Indian Fair & Market in Phoenix. "Michael was a quiet man, with a deep respect for the traditions of his Hopi culture," said Heard Museum director Frank Goodyear, Jr. in a statement. "He made powerful images drawn from Hopi artistic traditions that are testimonies to his own creative excellence. His death leaves us deeply saddened." Kabotie was born on the Second Mesa on the Hopi Reservation and was raised in the village of Shungopavi. He graduated from Haskell Indian School in Lawrence, Kan. In 1967, according to his Web site, he underwent his Hopi manhood initiation into the Wuwutsim Society and was given his Hopi name, Lomawywesa, or Walking in Harmony. Kabotie's work is represented in many public and private collections, including the Heard Museum, Museum of Humankind (London), and the Gallery Calumet-Neuzzinger (Germany). Contact Douglas Fairfield at 986-3048 or Sent by
Please receive this sad news conveyed in this form. On behalf
of the
Ayala family and close friends we would like for you to know that our
dear Armando was recently taken peacefully in his sleep. Known
affectionately for his passionate e-mails as Dr. and
with his Laredo nickname as "El Hueso", he has been a
friend to all
Bidal Aguero Newspaper Publisher and Civil Rights Leader
Print Looses A Leader With the Passing Of Bidal Aguero Sent by Editor of LPNnews, Kirk Whisler LPN News is a news service with a variety of articles for Hispanic newspapers and magazines. All of the articles are free.LPN News es un servicio de noticias que proporciona varios artículos para las publicaciones hispanas. Todos los artículos son gratuitos. Bidal Aguero, the award winning publisher of the oldest Hispanic owned newspaper in Texas and a Lubbock civil rights leader, passed away on Tuesday, November 3, 2009. Bidal Aguero was the founder of El Editor and had been publisher since 1977. El Editor serves the West Texas Communities of Lubbock and Midland. His publication won numerous editorial awards from the National Association of Hispanic Publications, an association that he was a proud and active member of. Bidal Aguero was born on July 23, 1949, on the Goodnight Farm. His parents, Ignacio and Eulalia Aguero, were from around Karnes City, Texas. His grandfather was originally from the San Antonio area, while his grandmother came from Mexico. The Agueros were originally migrant workers from the Temple and Tyler area, following the cotton crop around Texas, before settling on the Goodnight farm. Neither of them received much education, with Mrs. Aguero reaching the third grade. The family later moved to Lubbock, where they settled in the Guadalupe neighborhood area. Bidal's father started working for the city's sanitation department. As a youth, Bidal experienced racial discrimination of the kind common to Texas in the 1950s and 1960s. Mexican Americans were banned from entering theaters, restaurants, and swimming pools. Even drinking fountains were off-limits, as fountains existed for whites and blacks, but none for Mexican Americans. Teachers often could not speak the language of the Mexican American students, so it was rare for students to graduate from high school. Bidal attended school at North University Elementary School in Lubbock (present day Mahon Elementary). He later attended Matthews Junior High School and Lubbock High School. While at Matthews, Bidal won an election in the school band, but the band director gave the office to an Anglo student. After being advised by his high school counselor to join the army or to be a mechanic, Bidal began attending classes at Texas Technological College (later Texas Tech University) in the fall of 1967. While there, he became active in college activities, joining a Mexican American student organization called Los Tertullianos. He became vice-president in 1970, and president in 1971. Los Tertullianos organized gatherings and seminars to encourage Mexican American students to be more active. Bidal Aguero himself became more of an activist as a result of the 1970 Lubbock tornado. He volunteered as an emergency worker in the aftermath of the tornado. During this time, he observed that while the downtown and Lubbock Country Club areas received assistance, the Guadalupe neighborhood areas were neglected in terms of receiving relief. As a result, he left Los Tertullianos since they were more a social club. Instead, Aguero helped to found MECHA at Texas Tech, which was more activist. Aguero graduated from Texas Tech in December 1972, with a B.A. in music education. After working for Learn-Education Talent Search for seven months, he helped found COMA (Commerciantes Organizacion Mexicano Americano), the Mexican-American Chamber of Commerce, in 1972. However, when Aguero left for the University of Wisconsin, COMA collapsed. Aguero returned with his Master's degree in December 1974, and started COMA up again in 1976. Aguero was also heavily involved in local politics. He joined La Raza Unida Party and ran for local offices such as county commissioner. He participated in organizing protests for injustices done against Mexican Americans. Aguero was one of those who filed a lawsuit against the Lubbock Independent School District to change its method of electing school trustees. He traveled to the Middle East to meet with members of the Palestine Liberation Organization. After the end of the Raza Unida, he joined the Democratic Party. Aguero worked in numerous local social service organizations such as Defensa, Inc., Chicanos Unidos-Campensions, and Llano Estacado Farmworkers of Tejas to help such groups as migrant workers. He also worked closely with governmental groups such as the South Plains Association of Governments, the State of Texas, and the City of Lubbock. Bidal went into journalism more out of a desire to help facilitate community change than out of seeing it as a career. He was the author of several books, plays and screen plays including Pancho Claus (both the book and the play); La Muerte de una abelita; The Wondrous Santa Suit,and The West Texas Old Fashion Baptism (screenplay). An achieve of his work and writings is at Texas Tech University in their Southwest Special Collections Library. His favorite hobbies were fishing and watching the Dallas Cowboys. |
Fecha: 2 de noviembre de 2009 En este fin de semana, murió en la ciudad de Medellín, Don Rodrigo Escobar Restrepo, persona que dedicó toda su vida a la investigación genealógica, siendo, posiblemente, quien mejor conocia las raíces y los primeros descendientes de los conquistaroes y de las personas que poblaron la región de Antioquia. Sus investigaciones quearon consignadas en la serie que sobe los apellidos antioqueños publicó el periódico El Colombiano, entre 2003 y 2005. Tambien es valioso sus comentarios y notas con que ilustró la publicación de las "Genealogías de Salamina" obra editada por el extinto Instituto Colombiana de Cultura Hispánica. Para todas las personas que nos gustan las genealogías es una verdadera pérdida. Acompañamos a sus familiares y amigos en esta pérdida y elevamos oraciones al Altísimo por su paz y tranquilidad eterna. Luis Alvaro Gallo Martínez Received from B. Samuel Sanchez Garcia Cel. (81) 1667-2480 "Haz tu Arbol Genealogico...El Arbol mas Hermoso de la Creacion" Por medio de la historia familiar descubrimos el árbol más hermoso de la creación: nuestro árbol genealógico. Sus numerosas raíces se remontan a la historia y sus ramas se extienden a través de la eternidad. La historia familiar es la expresión extensiva del amor eterno; nace de la abnegación y provee la oportunidad de asegurarse para siempre una unidad familiar”. (Élder J. Richard Clarke, Liahona julio de 1989, pág.69) |
José Cisneros: Iconic El Paso artist dies |
“Ramiro was a Vietnam veteran who served in the U.S. Marine Corp and was a proud member of the American Legion Post #500 and the 40 and 8 Society. Some other organizations that were dear to him were the Lions Club, LULAC, Kiwanis Club, and the G.I. Forum”. Ramiro's passion of culture, history, life and serving the community were just part of being Ramiro; always doing the best. His academic background, broad and arcane knowledge, leadership skills, and wide diverse interests made Ramiro be a model for all of us. Yes, he will be missed. View Ramiro's photo and obit: Gonzalez, Ramiro Cortez loving husband, father, grandfather and brother passed away on Tuesday, November 17, 2009. Age 63 years. He was born to the late J. Refugio and Maria Cortez Gonzalez in Saginaw on January 5, 1946. He is survived by Maria Estefana Gonzalez; his wife of 41 years. Surviving six children: Laura (Pete) Acosta, Enrique Gonzalez, Marisa Gonzalez, Silvia (Saul) Gonzalez, Cristina (Trevan) Gonzalez, and Armando Gonzalez; three brothers: Manuel (Nancy) Gonzalez, Gerardo (Helen) Gonzalez and Arturo (Irene) Gonzalez; one sister, Ana Espinoza. His in-laws loved him as a brother and he is survived by Lupe (Gerardo) Gonzalez, Clara Trevino, Maria Helen (Jose) Saucedo, Steve (Margarita) Gonzalez and Juan Gonzalez. Ramiro was a loving uncle to 43 nieces and nephews and was a doting grandfather to his six grandchildren. He was predeceased by his brother Gilberto Gonzalez. Ramiro was a Vietnam veteran who served in the U.S. Marine Corp and was a proud member of the American Legion Post #500 and the 40 and 8 Society. Some other organizations that were dear to him were the Lions Club, LULAC, Kiwanis Club, and the G.I. Forum. From a young age Ramiro was constantly active in community affairs and concerned for the welfare of the community at large. One of his proudest achievements was the establishment of the annual LULAC scholarship fund in 1979. He was an avid historian and compiled much of the research of the early Mexican Americans in Saginaw. Ramiro received degrees from Delta College, WMU and U of M where he did his doctoral work. His passion for community involvement and education was evident in his career path. He worked as a director of bilingual teaching training and as Executive Director of SER Jobs for Progress. He served on many boards and committees on a local, state and national level including: Buena Vista Township Trustee, Michigan State Board of Nursing and National LULAC Education Service Centers. Ramiro was an energetic, humorous and a hands-on leader. He will truly be missed. His funeral was held November 20, 2009, burial is at the Mt. Olivet Cemetery. To share your thoughts and memories with Ramiro’s family go to Sent by Leo Romo |
Private First
Class Alejandro R. Ruiz
By: Tony (The Marine) Santiago
On November 20,
2009, we lost one of our heroes, Alejandro
R. Ruiz. Ruiz was a Private First Class in the United States Army who
was awarded the Medal of Honor, the United States' highest military
decoration, for his actions on in Battle of Okinawa in the Ryukyu
Islands during World War II. May he rest in peace.
Early years On April 28, 1945,
PFC Ruiz's unit was pinned down by machine gun fire coming from a
camouflaged Japanese pillbox and was unable to advance to its assigned
objective. Ruiz, on his own
initiative, charged the pillbox under a hail of machine gun fire. On his
second attempt, he was able to neutralize the pillbox by killing all of
its occupants. For his
actions he was awarded the Medal of Honor. On June 26, 1946, President
Harry S. Truman presented Ruiz with the Medal of Honor in a ceremony
held at the White House . ALEJANDRO R. RUIZ ''Private First Class, U.S. Army, 165th Infantry, 27th
Infantry Division
Place and date: ''Okinawa, Ryukyu Islands, April 28, 1945
Born: ''June 26, 1923, Loving, New Mexico
Citation: When his unit was
stopped by a skillfully camouflaged enemy pillbox, he displayed
conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty.
His squad, suddenly brought under a hail of machinegun fire and a
vicious grenade attack, was pinned down. Jumping to his feet, Pfc. Ruiz
seized an automatic rifle and lunged through the flying grenades and
rifle and automatic fire for the top of the emplacement. When an enemy
soldier charged him, his rifle jammed. Undaunted, Pfc. Ruiz whirled on
his assailant and clubbed him down. Then he ran back through bullets and
grenades, seized more ammunition and another automatic rifle, and again
made for the pillbox. Enemy fire now was concentrated on him, but he
charged on, miraculously reaching the position, and in plain view he
climbed to the top. Leaping from one opening to another, he sent burst
after burst into the pillbox, killing 12 of the enemy and completely
destroying the position. Pfc. Ruiz's heroic conduct, in the face of
overwhelming odds, saved the lives of many comrades and eliminated an
obstacle that long would have checked his unit's advance. Ruiz resided in
Visalia, California and actively participated in activities honoring
Medal of Honor recipients. On November 20, 2009, Ruiz passed away. The
town of Visalia has honored Ruiz by naming the "Alejandro R. Ruiz
Sr. Park" after him, located at North Burke Street and Buena Vista
Street. Awards and
recognitions Among PFC Alejandro
R. Ruiz' decorations and medals were the following:
Badges: Thank you to Pedro
Olivares for also notifying your editor. |
Querida Mimi.
A continuacion te acompaño la informacion que he recibido de CARLOS
MARTIN HERRERA DE LA GARZA, en la que me informa del fallecimiento
de su madre y en ello encontrras todos los datos incluso el nombre
de la señora y su edad.
Yo recuerdo que hace no mucho tiempo publico en Somos Primos un
estudio sobre el apellido De la Garza en la población mexicana de
Creo que con todo puedes hacer una pequena nota sobre este tema
y quedarás perfectamente.
Un besito,
Angel Custodio
Esto es lo que me dijo Carlos:
Estimado Amigo Ángel Custodio:
Agradezco de todo corazón los detalles de amor que tienes para mi y pido disculpas a la autoridad de tu prestancia por mi inconstancia de no seguir el ritmo de tu presencia. la semana pasada falleció mi madre que como todas las de nosotros han sido lo máximo y no termino de llorar porque no hay manera que explique de donde viene el amor genuino del ser que nos dió la vida La familia DE LA GARZA en Burgos,Tamaulipas preciende del último basión, al menos en este pueblo, de un persona que con su caracter daba continuidad a la tradición genética que caracteriza y da identidad a una raza de la especie humana que es ejemplo para la vocación de una mujer con tanto sentido de responsabilidad y compromiso ante su reproducción.
Carlos Martín was a frequent submitter of outstanding historical
and family history information. Below is a listing of his articles
published in Somos Primos, from January 2004 to July 2008. I am glad to
be able to point to Carlos Martin Herrera de la Garza valuable
historical contributions to understanding the Hispanic presence in
Mexico. | Tabla 1 Salidas de emigrantes extremeños, Decenio Personas, 1509-1519
María de Jesús de la Garza de la Garza. |
Few Latinos in leadership positions at California nonprofits Land of Day Laborers, Farm Workers and Guest Workers Immigrants in the Military, Eight Years After 9/11 I Speak Spanish: Sorry About That by Pilar Marrero Migrant Memories Surround the Days of the Dead Intolerance, poor conditions scaring off migrant workers |
While Latinos make up more than a third of California's population, they are the least represented ethnic or racial group in nonprofit organizations throughout the state, according to a new report released today. In the first study of its kind, the Urban Institute said Latinos lagged significantly behind whites, Asians and blacks in nonprofit leadership and employment. "When you look at the Latino proportion of your state, there's still a lot of work to do," said lead researcher Carol de Vita, a demographer at the research institute based in Washington, D.C. Her team looked strictly at the numbers and not the causes and effects of Latino under-representation. "I don't think anyone has figured out what's going on." The researchers' numbers look like this: While people of color are already the majority in California, they hold little more than a quarter of executive or board positions. Latinos, at 36 percent of the state's population, hold 6 percent of executive director positions and 9 percent of board seats. Asian-Americans, the state's second-largest minority at 12 percent, are also underrepresented, but less dramatically at 7.6 percent of board members. n The percentage of African-American board members — 6.2 percent — is about the same size as their share of the state population. If there's good news, De Vita said, it's that California's nonprofits are more culturally diverse than the national average. For example, 28 percent of board members in California are minorities, compared with 14 percent for the nation. The findings were old and frustrating news for Carmen Castellano, a Latina philanthropist. Vindication: "I'm glad there's a study now that vindicates what we've been saying for a long time," she said. "It's a shame and needs to be corrected." She and her husband, Alcario Castellano, became very popular after winning the richest single-ticket lottery in state history — $141 million in 2001. When they set up a charitable foundation for Latino education, art and leadership programs, they decided not to give any money to nonprofits with no Latinos on their boards. "They need that to have some cultural competence," Carmen Castellano said, "an awareness of the problems of the Latino community, a knowledge of the culture. How would you know what appeals to them and what would work for them?" Three of the nonprofits the couple initially rejected were local heavyweights: Tech Museum of Innovation, Children's Discovery Museum and the Cinequest film festival. Of these, the Children's Discovery Museum still doesn't have a single Latino on its board of trustees. "That's right, and I will say it's not for lack of trying," said Executive Director Marilee Jennings. "We have not been successful." While the trustees include Vietnamese- and Indo-Americans, she explained, the museum has been unable to recruit well-connected Latinos who can raise $25,000 a year, a goal for all board members. A few blocks away, the Tech Museum of Innovation has added a Latino board member, and museum President Peter Friess is searching for more. He said the Tech wants its board and staff to reflect California's racial and ethnic diversity and recently invited 60 Latinos from Apple, Hewlett-Packard and other high-tech companies to help hammer out a recruitment plan. Why the delay? Why did it take so long? Friess said for a long time the Tech's highest priority was also a desperate one, raising enough money to stay open and limit taxpayer subsidies. After first denying a grant to Cinequest, the Castellanos wrote a $10,000 check after the film festival board added two Latinos. De Vita of the Urban Institute made some personal observations about why Latino numbers are low: stiff competition for top Latino candidates and a reluctance to accept second choices, high fundraising requirements and relatively low numbers of Latino college students preparing for nonprofit careers. "I don't think there's complacency," De Vita said. "In many cases, they just don't know who to ask. They just aren't familiar with the community." Patricia Gardner, director of the Silicon Valley Council of Nonprofits, pointed to another possibility. She said most big charitable foundations are in the habit of writing big checks to large, established charities "that serve communities of color but aren't run by people of color." Gardner was also an adviser to the Urban Institute on the study. "When small nonprofits run by Latinos aren't getting the grants, then you're going to have these low numbers because they won't be able to grow," Gardner said. Contact Joe Rodriguez at 408-920-5767. Sent by Juan Ramos
![]() Police in north county towns have started cruising by day labor sites in plainclothes, pretending to be contractors offering workers jobs, and then citing them and turning them over to immigration agents, even those with green cards. Many community organizations are protesting this practice. Francisco Villa operates a lunch truck that visits the areas where migrant day laborers live on hillsides and under trees. Villa hands out leaflets advising workers of their rights and letting them know that they can find help from California Rural Legal Assistance. Across the street from Villa's truck, Zaragosa Brito and Andres Roman Diaz, two migrants from Arcelia, Guerrero, sit next to a fence where workers look for day labor, or get rides to the fields for farm work. The men sleep out in the open in the field behind the fence, and have worked on a local strawberry ranch, Rancho Diablo, for many years. |
A few miles away, farm workers harvest marjoram and basil at Herb Thyme Farms in Oceanside. Harvesting marjoram means using a short knife that requires workers to work bend over double. Years of this labor can cause permanent damage to the spine. |
![]() |
Immigrants in the Military, Eight Years After 9/11 |
In time for Veterans Day, the Immigration Policy Center (IPC) is releasing a report entitled Essential to the Fight: Immigrants in the Military, Eight Years After 9/11. The author, Lieutenant Colonel Margaret Stock, is an attorney and Associate Professor at West Point. The report highlights the critical role immigrants are playing in today's military, noting "Without the contributions of immigrants, the military could not meet its recruiting goals and could not fill its need for foreign-language translators, interpreters and cultural experts." From the report: "Immigrants have been eligible to enlist in the U.S. military since the Revolutionary War and have served in times of war with great distinction. Many have won the Congressional Medal of Honor, this nation's highest military decoration. It has long been an American tradition that service in the armed forces can lead to U.S. citizenship. As of June 30, 2009, there were 114,601 foreign-born individuals serving in the armed forces, representing 7.91 percent of the 1.4 million military personnel on active duty. In Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 alone, 10,505 members of the military were naturalized. Naturalizations of immigrants in the military are at their highest during times of war. " To view the report in it entirety see: Essential to the Fight: Immigrants in the Military, Eight Years After 9/11: in_the_Military_-_Stock_110909.pdf Kirk Whisler
I Speak Spanish: Sorry About That by Pilar Marrero |
The issue of language and cultural identity continues to cause a
stir in some corners of this country. In Dallas, the police chief announced that they were investigating
39 traffic violations issued to drivers for the sole reason that
they did not speak English. The fine was 204 dollars. At least six
cops were involved in this type of ticketing over the span of three
years, so the problem cannot be attributed to the obsession of one
eager officer.
There is no law that says that it is illegal not to speak English
(though, of course, it is highly recommended to do so), so Dallas
officials did the right thing in bringing this problem to light as
soon as they were aware of it and launching an investigation to try
to figure out why it happened.
In Taos, New Mexico, another curious incident of a similar nature
took place. An entrepreneurial hotelier purchased a rundown little
inn with the intention of renovating and reviving it, and in the
process he made a series of changes in the hotel's personnel
management policies. As a part of these changes, he ordered some of
his employees to Anglicize their Hispanic-sounding names. And so
Martín became Martin, Marcos turned into Mark etc.
According to the hotel's manager, Larry Whitten, the employees that
deal with customers at the front desk and over the phones should
have names that average folks can understand and pronounce.
Whitten told a local paper that his order to change the names had
"nothing to do with racism, just a desire to satisfy my guests,
because people calling from all over America don't know the Spanish
accents or the Spanish culture or the Spanish anything."
I had a good laugh when I came across this ridiculous statement. In
what world does Mr. Whitten live? The people of the United States,
according to him, don't know that there is such a thing as Latino
culture and that many Latinos live right here in this very country?
Really? Who are these people that are so unaware?
I understand, of course, that it can be a bit inconvenient when
someone has a thick accent and you can't understand their English.
I've called customer service many times and been put through to a
kid in India that I can barely understand. All the same, I try to
pick up on what he's saying, and I ask him to repeat himself if
there's something I don't catch, because someone named Siddhartha
has a right to work just the same as everybody else.
But these communication issues aside, a person's name is, well, an
extremely personal thing. If my name is Pilar, how should I disguise
it to better accommodate these people to whom Mr. Whitten refers, to
these people who live in a parallel universe where all names come
from the British Isles? Maybe I should change it to something like
Pailar? Would that help anybody out?
Nonsense. If I have to interact with clients or work as an effective
journalist, I must try hard to speak the best English I can and make
myself clearly understood, but I shouldn't have to change my name;
my name is part of my culture and my very identity.
It's obvious that in both the case of the Dallas police ticket
frenzy and the debacle with the Taos hotel manager that the
controversies were fueled, if not by overt racism, then at least by
misguided attitudes and actions. What is strange to me is that the
two kerfuffles took place in the Southwest, in Texas and New Mexico,
and not in more homogenous states like Kansas or Idaho.
At any rate, as far as we Hispanics, Latinos, Latin Americans and
Chicanos go, all these and all other possible identities that can be
derived from the people of the world who speak Spanish or are
bilingual have always been a part of this country, and this is true
now more so than ever.
Translation: Ryan Croken. Ryan Croken is a freelance writer and
editor based in Chicago. His essays and book reviews have appeared
in The Philadelphia Inquirer, Z Magazine and
He can be reached at
Sent by Dorinda Moreno
For Don Ines Antonio Resendiz, it was the winds of fate that whisked the young Mexican farmer to the United States. Like other residents of the small town of Cerrito in the Costa Grande region of Guerrero state, Resendiz’s livelihood was shattered when Hurricane Tara tore a path of destruction in November 1961. Stripped of crops and jobs, some residents found relief in the Bracero Program of contract labor between Mexico and the United States. Now 79 years old, Resendiz recently sat down with a Mexican reporter to tell his story. Recruited through the office of the municipal president, Resendiz and other willing hands were sent to the cotton and tomato fields of Hidalgo, Texas, where they earned one dollar per hour in eight-hour daily shifts. The jobs were assigned as renewable, 45-day contracts. Resendiz recalled a hierarchy of labor selection in Texas, with workers from northern Mexico picked first and farm hands from Guerrero and Oaxaca selected last. Decades after his bracero experience, Resendiz, received a social support payment from the Mexican government worth about $3,500. But like many other ex-braceros, the coconut grower does not consider the amount fair compensation for money that was supposed to be saved and returned to braceros upon their return to Mexico. “I think it is difficult that the government would pay us the $10,000 that was sent to us from the United States,” Resendiz asserted. “The government is lying and doesn’t like to lose.” Of the four men from Cerrito who enrolled in the Bracero Program, only Resendiz is left to recount his migrant memories to a new generation. Other former braceros from the neighboring towns of Tetitlan, Tenexpa, Nuxco, and San Pedro came home, Resendiz said, but some who decided to stay in the United States “still haven’t returned.” Across the US-Mexico borderlands, the list grows of migrants who made their way to El Norte and never came back home. And some will never see their families again. With the Bracero Program a fading memory, many of today’s migrants undertake risky journeys without papers, even amidst the worst economic downturn to hit the US since the 1930s. In the Paso del Norte border corridor, people of faith and human rights activists celebrate the traditional Days of the Dead celebration on November 1 and 2 by remembering migrants who died while trying to cross the border. In El Paso, Texas, crosses with the names of perished migrants were posted this past weekend on the new border wall that divides the city from Mexico. As is customary, a mass in memory of migrants was scheduled for the fence between Rancho Anapra on the northwest edge of Ciudad Juarez and neighboring Sunland Park, New Mexico. A growing tradition in the United States, Days of the Dead altars are now dedicated to migrants in different cities. At the well-attended annual celebration held at the West Side Community Center in Albuquerque, New Mexico, an altar this year contained the stories of deceased migrants. Viewed by crowds, the commemoration sat alongside another altar of photos erected in memory of the 11 women found murdered on the city’s outskirts last February as well as many others who are still missing from the Duke City. According to El Diario de El Paso, the Mexican Consulate in El Paso has registered the deaths of 11 migrants in the El Paso sector during 2009. Nine of the victims were found in the deadly American Canal, while two were recovered in the nearby desert. Of the 11 victims, three remain unidentified. All men, the identified victims were from the Mexican states of Chihuahua, Baja California Sur, Jalisco, San Luis Potosi, and Veracruz. Located in central Mexico and considered the third spot for migrant expulsion in the country, the state of Guanajuato is another place where the memories of deceased migrants strike popular resonance on Days of the Dead festivities, a time when Mexican families gather in cemeteries to honor those who have passed on to another world. According to the state government agency Guanajuato Communities Abroad, 969 people from Guanajuato have died in the United States since 2006. The death toll includes 155 people who perished between the months of January and October of this year. Of the 2009 victims, six died while trying to cross the border, 26 succumbed to automobile accidents, 13 were slain in violent incidents, and 51 passed away from illnesses including heart disease, cancer, strokes, diabetes, and respiratory problems. Returning the bodies of loved ones home is a costly and time-consuming endeavor, with funeral costs alone ranging from three to five thousand dollars. Yet leaving the remains of the deceased north of the border is an unthinkable act for many families. “The consolation is giving them burials here,” said Luis Vargas, Guanajuato state undersecretary of social development. “The people’s traditions are sacred- they want to have them in a community cemetery.” Sources: El Diario de Juarez/El Universal, November 1, 2009. El Diario de El Paso, October 31 and November 1, 2009. Articles by Lorena Figueroa and Guadalupe Felix. La Jornada, (Guerrero edition), October 31, 2009. Article by Rodolfo Valadez. Frontera NorteSur (FNS): on-line, U.S.-Mexico border news Center for Latin American and Border Studies New Mexico State University Las Cruces,New Mexico For a free electronic subscription email: fnsnews@nmsu.ed Sent by Dorinda Moreno Walter Herbeck |
Karen Bouffard / Detroit News Lansing Bureau |
Lansing -- On a crisp September day, Noralba Perez and her
3-year-old daughter, Alondra, were warm and comfortable inside a
two-bedroom mobile home adjoining an apple orchard at Glenn Lacross
Farms in Cedar, near Traverse City.
The handful of trailers in the small migrant labor camp are dated
and worn. But there are new cupboards inside, it's clean, everything
works, and Perez has hung pretty flowered sheets on the windows.
Little Alondra watched children's programs on TV while her mother
talked to visitors.
"You have all you need," Perez said in Spanish as local
migrant advocate Luke Altman translated. Before he leaves, he hands
Perez a Spanish-language brochure about free vocational training
they can receive through the nonprofit he works for, Telamon Corp.
Lacross and his son, Ben, work hard to keep each of several
migrant camps on their property up to code. But a series of Michigan
Civil Rights Commission hearings held this summer revealed life is
not so pleasant for workers who live in many of Michigan's migrant
labor camps.
The commission heard testimony from scores of migrants who are among
the 90,000 who flood the state annually to plant, pick fruit and
help pack and process produce. The commission plans to report its
finding at the Dec. 14 commission meeting, spokesman Harold Core
The hearings were prompted by complaints about cramped and
unsanitary conditions at migrant camps, and increasing intolerance
of migrants in local communities -- factors which could have
long-term economic repercussions, according to Core.
Like the Perez family, many migrants return each year, either from
Mexico or from other states. But conditions in camps have worsened
as cutbacks at the state Department of Agriculture have reduced the
number of sanitarians available to do inspections -- and as
anti-immigration fervor has reached fever pitch in some communities.
Some farmers are worried migrants will hesitate to return if things
don't improve.
"If conditions slide too far, we will no longer be able to
attract migrants to the state to do farm work," Core said.
"We want to make sure we're able to attract people here. If
people don't like the conditions here they'll stop coming and then
farmers won't be able to do the work.
"Farmers have been saying the number of migrants coming to the
states are dwindling."
Many migrants are afraid to complain, out of fear of repercussions
from their employers or the community, advocates say.
Abel Sanchez, regional manager of Telamon Corp. and president of the
Northwestern Michigan Migrant Resource Council, said intolerance is
growing in Michigan communities.
"The State Police and county sheriff departments are doing
racial profiling, and stopping them almost once a week,"
Sanchez said. "(Migrants) don't feel comfortable in this area
when they go to the grocery store or to their kids' school."
Sent by Juan Marinez |
A Reflection of the Changing |
There was a high degree of consistency by Latino key informants interviewees regarding the lack of cohesiveness among Latino leaders in Trenton. The comments in this area were numerous. The following highlight some of the issues presented: “ We have a scattered and divisive leadership and no vehicle by which people can come together effectively.” “There is so much talent and we have so much to offer—but it’s frustrating that we can’t get it together. There are a lot of people out there that don’t get involved because of the same frustration.” “Latinos aren’t really coming together at a county level or even at a city level. ‘One of our weaknesses is that we are growing in numbers but not in leadership.’” “Just within the last few years, I have seen 7 different organizations started to address Latino issues and they never get off the ground.” “The development of leadership is a very important issue—most don't have developed skills. We are mostly self-taught and OJT.” “One of the problems that we’re having with certain leadership in Trenton is they do not have the mentality of cultivating leadership.” “We need to forget regional, geographic, national differences to be able to work together and as "Latinos" for common goals. There’s a lot of dissension between the Puerto Ricans, Guatemalans and Mexicans and other Latinos.” “In the Latino community there are divisions even within the Latino subgroups. There divisions pending of what city they came from in their country of origin. There is a great need to bring the Latino community together because despite the differences many of the basic needs are the same.”Among the Latino key informants interviewed, there was overwhelming agreement on the need for a Leadership Development Program that could develop leadership at all community levels (current and future leadership) and that would bring current leadership to the table to resolve differences and look at the development of a common agenda. If the Latino community of Mercer is to move forward, its crisis of leadership must be addressed. The need to build skills and build cohesion is critical. For the community to progress, leadership must be defined in its broadest terms—from the block level, to the community, city and county levels. These may include building the leadership skills of parents to be better advocates within the educational system, local community people who want to address issues such as crime and trash, merchants who want to organize, to persons who want to serve on boards, commissions and even run for political office. While many communities have leadership programs such as Leadership Trenton, the kind of Leadership program needed for the ongoing development of Latino leadership is very different in content and curriculum.4.1. A Latino Leadership Development Model Todos nos equivocamos pero solo los sabios lo reconocen. Everyone makes mistakes but only the wise learn from them. Three years ago in Reading, PA, a study of the Latino population described it in terms very similar to those that describe Trenton today. Survey respondents indicated that Reading Latinos “generally lacked an understanding of the political process, lacked awareness of their power, did not have visible leaders and role models. The current leadership is seen as fragmented, with Latino groups and leaders seen as lacking unity and cohesion.” The study found that “Throughout the history of Latinos in Reading and Berks, Latino leaders and leadership efforts have come and gone. While some progress has been made there exists no community infrastructure that maintains and builds on past efforts of Latinos. The individuals who have emerged as community leaders over the years were a combination of grassroots and professional individuals who, for the most part, had little organizational, leadership and political experience or training.”3In response to this need the Hispanic Center of Reading and Berks joined with the Center for Community Leadership and established the Berks Hispanic Leadership Institute. The curriculum design took into consideration the specific needs and cultural perspectives of the population. This first class brought together many local Latino leaders and other grassroots and professional individuals. The group was diverse in terms of educational background, age and Latino subgroups. The program developed skills relating to becoming a more effective community, organizational and project leaders and dealt with community divisions and cultural barriers that affected their success as leaders. It helped create a level of understanding among the various Latino subgroups. In addition, each participant was required to develop and implement a project addressing an issue of concern in the community. Beginning in Fall 2001, the group met one Saturday a month for eight hours. In May 2003 the institute’s first graduating class received certificates at the Hispanic Center’s annual banquet. Among the graduates were people of Puerto Rican, Dominican, Colombian, Mexican descent, and an African-American woman interested in working with the Latino population. The projects implemented by program participants included: Ø Domingo Jimenez and Ricardo Saad — Worked with local schools to get children involved in sportsto improve their academics. Ø Rev. Virgenmina Ortiz and Rev. Edgardo Rivera — Encouraged Latino clergy to get involved incommunity issues. Ø Isamac Torres-Figueroa — Directed a voter registration drive in Reading.Ø Jose Serrano Ayala — Founded American Legion Post 872, "The Borrinqueneers."Ø Mary L. Rivera — Working to form local partnership with La Raza, a national Latino advocacyorganization. Ø Josephine Torres-Boykins — Founded a business, A Small Business World.Ø Juanita Morales-Kremer — Participated in a youth outreach program.Ø Sunilda D. Tejada — Ran a class to help immigrants deal with the Bureau of Citizenship andImmigration Services, formerly the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Ø Norma I. Montanez — Started a Parent Teacher Organization at Thomas Ford Elementary School.Ø Swithen Ortiz — Served as a consultant on local political campaigns.Ø Yvette Santiago — Conducted a comprehensive study on why more Latinos do not vote.In addition, a group of students worked together to form the Organization for Latino Advocacy to promote Latino issues in Berks County: Raquel Lopez, Miguel Lopez, Logan S. Smith Jr., Maria E. Candelaria, Eliana J. Serrano, Yvonne L. Stroman, Luz M. Tassone, Margarita M. Caicedo, Guadalupe Rivera Rosalind Rodriguez.The outcome of the Berks Hispanic Leadership Institute with a program consisting of 8 hours a month and a major community project include:Please go to the website and read the study's outcome. The recommendations would be adaptable to any location. Sent by George F. Haskins, Editor
Walmart Reaching Out to Latinos |
![]() Walmart is trying really hard to win the Latino dollar. Last year,
Walmart was the number
3 advertiser in Spanish-Language Media in the U.S. Earlier this
year they started opening
‘Supermercados de Walmart’, stores with a “new
lay-out, signing and product assortment designed to make them even
more relevant to local Hispanic customers.” And just in time for
Dia de los
Muertos, the
Lady de Guadalupe coffin:
Dr. Rodolfo AcuÑa Awarded MALDEF Lifetime achievement award
Becas/Scholarships for Latinos, regardless of status
Art seeks to do justice to courts' history
Dr. Rodolfo AcuÑa Awarded MALDEF Lifetime achievement award |
![]() Dr. Rodolfo Acuña, Founder and Professor Emeritus of the Department of Chicano/a Studies was awarded the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund Lifetime Achievement Award at its 35th Annual MALDEF Awards Gala on Thursday, November 12, 2009. This award was the latest of many such honors bestowed upon Dr. Acuña throughout the country and throughout his career. Dr. Acuña was selected as one of the “100 Most Influential Educators of the 20th Century,” by Black Issues In Higher Education in part because of his scholar-activist approach. Last year, Dr. Acuña was honored with the National Hispanic Institute, Lifetime Achievement Award, in Austin, Texas, 2008. Congratulations Rudy!! Thanks once again for the tremendous work you do in keeping us all in communication. Saludos, Gabriel
Gutiérrez, Ph.D. Sent by Roberto Calderon, Ph.D. |
The American Society of Hispanic Economists (ASHE)—a member of the Allied Social Science Association—is a professional
association of economists and other social scientists who are concerned with the under-representation of Hispanic
Americans in the economics profession and with the lack of research generated on Hispanic American economic and policy
issues. Our primary goals include: |
paintings reflecting significant Orange County cases adorn
The paintings are big, bold and unsigned -- each one newly hung on the walls of the recently opened courthouse as a testament to Orange County's history and promise. The largest is a mural depicting Westminster vs. Mendez, the 1947 ruling originating in Orange County that put an end to segregated schools for Mexican children. It was painted by students from Otto A. Fischer School, which serves residents of juvenile hall. The collaborative art at the new 4th District Court of Appeal building in Santa Ana was shown this week at a ceremony honoring those who helped bring to fruition the project involving students and courthouse officials. At the reception, Sylvia Mendez, one of the three Mendez children depicted in the mural, met with Andrew K., the 18-year-old artist who helped design it. In the mural, the Mendezes -- mother, father and three children -- stand proud, their gazes unflinching as they straddle the line between a well-kept school for whites and a deteriorating one for Mexicans. "You made my mom look so beautiful," Mendez told the young artist. "Can you imagine?" she said of the artwork. "In an appellate court here in Orange County? This is awesome." ![]() Sylvia Mendez stands next to the painting depicting the historic case involving her family that put an end to segregated schools for Mexican children. The young man in a gray T-shirt and jeans smiled and shook her hand. "Thank you," he said, then took a spot next to the mural so his parents and others could snap photographs. The works are the product of a prolonged effort by appellate Justice Eileen Moore, who three years ago was charged with acquiring art for the courthouse -- without a budget. She tried getting donated art but was stymied by possible conflicts of interest with high-profile donors. Later, she tried a court-sponsored art contest that yielded just three entries. Then Moore approached the Orange County Department of Education. Working together, she and education officials developed a program that would have students create art based on issues raised and resolved in Orange County courts over the years. Moore chose 50 cases that were then narrowed down and divided among schools. One case was chosen specifically to tap into the talents of a young graffiti artist at the Fischer school. A 2007 case, In re Alexander L., involved a defendant who was convicted of three acts of vandalism by graffiti for the benefit of a criminal street gang. The Court of Appeal affirmed the conviction but reversed the finding that the vandalism was committed for the benefit of a gang. On canvas the case becomes a striking splash of bright blues, yellows and reds. Someone sprays the word "Graffiti" on a brick wall. The words "vandalize," "trespass," "time" and "regret" run in paint down steps and into a gutter. It may not be the most historically significant case in the bunch -- which include those of a homeless Vietnam veteran arrested for sleeping in a public area and of two men who sued the Angels over a Mother's Day giveaway -- but for Christian B., 17, the self-described former graffiti artist who helped design the work, the case and resulting artwork are powerful. The piece symbolizes the good and bad of graffiti, he said. The painting itself makes the writing on the wall look beautiful. But the message, he said, is that in the end it is all washed away. For Moore, who invested a lot of her own time in this project, the courthouse art is about tearing down the wall between the community and the court. "People don't usually come to court unless they get some bad news by way of a lawsuit," she said. "I think what these paintings mean is people will be coming to court because they feel part of the community and they want to come to see" the artwork, she said. Sent by Ricardo Valverde |
November 20, 2009 Progress
Report To: Friends
of the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures
It has been
five weeks since I held an informational meeting on campus to inform
students and other interested parties about the possibility of a
moratorium being placed on the Spanish B.A. and M.A. programs in the
Department of Modern Languages and Literatures at The meeting
was followed by a petition drive, along with a great deal of media
attention—television, radio, newspapers, Más magazine, blogs—and a flurry of letters addressed to CSUB President
Mitchell. It also created a great deal of discussion and debate far
beyond our campus, about the whole issue of program elimination. Last week,
the CSU faculty union (California Faculty Association) asked Dr. Joanne
Schmidt and me to attend the CSU Board of Trustees meeting in To
paraphrase my talk, I began by reminding them that I told them
about how quickly and fervently people circulated our petition; in one
week, we got 1393 signatures, to be exact. I told them that the petition
drive taught me that the people who signed the petition—farm workers,
gardeners, waiters, maids, the most humble of people, truly value
education, and we should learn from them. I concluded
by telling them that a program such as our Spanish program could be
easily dismantled by next year. But, it has taken the 40 years of this
university’s existence to grow from 0 Spanish majors to 100 majors. If
it takes forty years to rebuild the program, that will put us in
the year 2050! After the
talk in the boardroom (we were only allowed two and a half minutes), I
spoke at the CFA rally outside, giving them a slightly longer version of
the earlier talk. As for the
current status of our program, Dr. Edwin Sasaki, Interim Dean of
Humanities and Social Sciences, called an emergency meeting with our
department on Tuesday, October 27. At the
meeting, Dr. Sasaki berated us for saying that he had announced a
moratorium on the Spanish B.A. and M.A. programs, as well as faculty
cuts. He stated that he had merely asked all departments to suggest
solutions to the budget crisis. We were all we were all shocked by his
demeanor, but we were respectful of the dignity of the centuries-old
title of dean, and we did not contradict him. However,
when he announced his departure from our meeting, I informed him that I
wanted the department to remain for a few minutes. We then agreed that
his behavior was hostile, rude, patronizing, and generally unbecoming of
a dean. More importantly, we agreed that I had not made up the term
“moratorium,” that I had not conceived of the idea of a moratorium,
nor had I misrepresented any other statement that he had made during our
October 6 meeting with him, including his statement that we would “end
up being a one-man department in a few years.” Yet, in a
meeting with a group of department chairs on the following day, he
stated that no programs would be cut next year, and that no tenured or
tenure-track faculty would be laid off. As of this
date, then, it appears that our B.A. program will not be cut next
year—i.e. no “moratorium.” However, the dean is pressuring us to
suspend the M.A. program. We may be able to convince him that we can
continue the program by keeping the number of graduate courses offered
to one per quarter (M.A. students can also count up to four 400-level
undergraduate courses toward the M.A). We plan to remind him that the
nearest graduate programs are Northridge, Yesterday
we submitted our proposals for programmatic reductions to the dean, but
he insists that there will be “work force reductions,” and that we
have to tell him what we would like to do. Although we know which of our
colleagues have to be cut, if cuts must be made, there are established
contractual procedures based on the seniority system, and it is the duty
of administrators to implement the policies. Again, I am
truly grateful for your support. It was lightning fast. José
R. Reyna, Ph.D.
Lorenzo and the Pirate by Lila and Rick Guzman Anywhere, but L.A. by Daniel Olivas Origins of LULAC: No Mexicans, Women, or Dogs Allowed by Cynthia E. Orozco Rebellion in Chiapas: An Historical Reader by Mark L. Grover Gardeners of Identity, Basques in the San Francisco Bay Area by Pedro J. Ojarzabal Suzanna by Irene Blea To the Line of Fire Mexican Texans and War I by Jose A. Ramirez Lost Architecture of the Rio Grande Borderlands by W. Eugene George Latino History and Culture, An Encyclopedia by Leonard, D. J., & Lugo-Lugo, C. R. Historia de Alhaurín de la Torre en la Edad Moderna, por José Manuel de Molina Bautista Go to California for: Gardeners of Identity: Basques in San Francisco Bay Area by Pedro J. Oiarzabal. |
Hello, everyone. I'd like to do a little shameless self-promotion, if I may. "Lorenzo and the Pirate" is now available for pre-order. (Right in time for Christmas shopping, too.) Lorenzo is off on his next adventure! This time, he sails the high seas with pirates. It is 1779. Eighteen-year-old Lorenzo Bannister boards a pirate ship to give medical aid and amputates the captain s leg to save his life. The British attack and sink the pirate ship, marooning Lorenzo and an amnesiac pirate on a deserted island. Endorsed by Wesley Odom, Pensacola SAR, Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico, and our own Mimi Lozano. To order from the publisher, go to: The book is also available from and other booksellers. If you would like autographed/personalized copies, order directly from the authors at 2201 Double Creek Drive, Suite 5001, Round Rock, Texas 78664. Lila Guzman, Ph.D. Lorenzo and the Pirate by Lila and Rick Guzman |
Origins of LULAC: No Mexicans, Women, or Dogs Allowed Book on the origins of LULAC by Cynthia E. Orozco, Ph.D. ![]() Chair, History & Humanities Dept. ENMU-Ruidoso 709 Mechem Drive Ruidoso, NM 88345 (575) 257-2120 ext.383 - Main Campus # (575) 257-9409 - Fax Published by Austin: University of Texas Press, Nov. 2009 Sent by Roberto Calderon, Ph.D.
Rebellion in Chiapas: An Historical Reader
![]() From Library Journal Few events in the past ten years have focused the interest of the world on Mexico like the unrest in the southern state of Chiapas. The revolutionary activities of the Zapatista Army for National Liberation have drawn attention to a 500-year struggle between the majority Mayan population and the Spanish and Mexican rulers of the region. Womack, a professor of Latin American history at Harvard and a prominent historian of 20th-century Mexico, has brought together a collection of readings and documents that illuminate this difficult and important struggle. Though some of the sources date from the 16th century, this collection concerns primarily the most recent conflict. Of great value is a 74-page introductory essay by Womack that traces the history of the conflict. This volume will be a welcome addition to most college and research libraries as well as many large public libraries. Mark L. Grover, Brigham Young Univ. Lib., Provo, UT Copyright 1999 Reed Business Information, Inc.
![]() After 27 years of writing university textbooks Dr. Blea's first historical novel: Suzanna Title: Suzanna Setting: Northern New Mexico Subject: 12 yr. old Hispanic is married off to an older man by her grandparents, has two children, must decide what to do with the children if she runs away. Pre-ordered by emailing or Dr. Blea lectures via contract on the subjects of writing and New Mexico history and cultures. Please note that Dr. Irene Blea has a new email address. Visit her on Facebook or on MySpace. |
To the Line of Fire Mexican Texans and War I Publisher:
Texas A&M Press
Lost Architecture of the Rio Grande Borderlands by W. Eugene George![]() Text below from Barnes and Noble website: Mexican settlers first came to the valley of the Rio Grande to establish their ranchos in the 1750s. Two centuries later the Great River, dammed in an international effort by the U.S. and Mexican governments to provide flood control and a more dependable water supply, inundated twelve settlements that had been built there. Under the waters of the new Falcón Reservoir lay homes, businesses, churches, and cemeteries abandoned by residents on both sides of the river when the floods of 1953 filled the 115,000-acre area two years ahead of schedule. The Smithsonian Institution, the National Park Service, and the University of Texas at Austin conducted an initial survey of the communities lost to the Falcón Reservoir, but these studies were never completed or fully reported. When architect W. Eugene George came to the area in the 1960s, he found a way of life waiting to be preserved in words, photographs, and drawings. Two subsequent recessions of the reservoir—in 1983-86 and again in 1996-98—gave George new access to one of the settlements, Guerrero Viejo in Mexico. Unfortunately, the receding lake waters also made the village accessible to looters. George's work, then, was crucial in documenting the indigenous architecture of these villages, both as it existed prior to the flooding and as it remained before it was despoiled by vandals' hands. Lost Architecture of the Rio Grande Borderlands combines George's original 1975 Texas Historical Commission report with the information he gleaned during the two low-water periods. This handsome, extended photographic essay casts new light on the architecture and lives of the people of the Texas-Mexico borderlands. BiographyAfter a distinguished career in academe and historic preservation, W. Eugene George became the inaugural Mary Ann Blocker Castleberry Endowed Professor of Architecture at the University of Texas at San Antonio. He lives in Austin and maintains an active architectural practice.
![]() I am pleased to inform you about a new book that I thought you might like to know about: Leonard, D. J., and Lugo-Lugo, C. R. (2010). Latino History and Culture, An Encyclopedia. New York: M.E. Sharpe, Inc. I was privileged to be involved as a writer on the project, but I'm recommending it more because, in reading through, it strikes me as a comprehensive, accurate, and valuable resource, with a decided social justice and community-oriented bent. Saludos, Susana Rinderle Burque, Nuevo México sjrinderle@HOTMAIL.COM |
![]() |
Extraído del libro
"Historia de Alhaurín de la
CAPÍTULO VII. ALHAURINOS EN LUISIANA 1. Introducción 2. Preliminares del viaje 2.1 Familia Garrido-Maldonado 2.2 Familia Villatoro-Gómez 3. El viaje 4. La fundación de Nueva Iberia 5. Francisco Bouligny 6. Nueva Iberia hoy en día Historia de Alhaurín de la Torre en la Edad Moderna, 1489-1812. Por José Manuel de Molina Bautista. 1. Introducción El siglo XVIII fue en cuanto a relaciones internacionales como el siglo XVII, con frecuentes guerras, aunque en este caso eran relativamente más cortas y el enemigo principal ya no era Francia, sino Inglaterra. En una de aquellas alianzas borbónicas contra los ingleses se desarrolló la llamada Guerra de los Siete Años, finalizada por la Paz de París de 1763. En este tratado España cedió Florida a Inglaterra. Los franceses, que liquidaban sus posesiones en América del Norte puesto que habían cedido el Canadá a los ingleses, compensaron a España con la entrega de la Luisiana, un territorio que se extendía a lo largo del río Mississipi desde Nueva Orleáns hasta San Luis. Así España se encontró con una vasta región que tenía que poblar cuando aún no había sido capaz de extender su dominio eficaz en otras regiones americanas como la Alta California o Tejas. Para ello y también para ofrecer algún tipo de resistencia a los ingleses, que controlaban la orilla izquierda del Mississipi en la llamada Florida Occidental, el rey Carlos III acogió positivamente la propuesta de los acadianos, colonos franceses expulsados del Canadá y reunidos en Francia, para que se les facilitara el transporte hasta Luisiana, para lo que fletaría distintos barcos que a lo largo de 1785 llevarán a estos pobladores hasta Nueva Orleáns. For more on this topic:
Bianca Collins, Professional Actress Santa Cruz River Band Photo: Shopping in preparation for tamale making Mezcla: Art & Writing from the Tumblewords Project Los Texas Wranglers and Los T-Birds Sacramento boy wins Mexican art contest Trailer of documentary: The Rose, A Sense of Place, |
Her interest in acting began when she was three
years old and saw her older brother auditioning for a community theatre
production of Rogers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella.
She insisted on asking the director for permission to sing on stage,
the director obliged, and she auditioned with “Fwinkle Fwinkle Little
Star” (she couldn’t pronounce her T’s yet).
No role for a three year old, they wrote one in and she was hooked.
Three years later, she was sitting next to Paul Simon as he
taught her a song that was to be part of the Broadway production of The
Capeman. The following year she was cast in the Broadway
Production of Annie, then
toured the United States and Canada with the show for about nine months.
Her father, an officer in the Navy at the time, was transferred
to Pt. Mugu, CA so she moved to Southern California and started her
career in television. She taped national commercials, guest starred in
episodics, and then co-starred in Disney’s television movie, Tiger Cruise, as “Tina Torres.”
She worked with the producer of Tiger
Cruise again when she co-starred in the 2008 MTV television movie, American
Mall. In November of
this year, she was a guest star in House
and is currently taping a new TeenNick episodic, Gigantic,
in which she will be the recurring character, “Lulu.” And, lest we forget to mention…she’s also attending USC full-time! Originally accepted into the theatre department at USC, she’s now a junior, majoring in sociology and minoring in screenwriting. Sent by proud Mom, Anita Palacios Collins
![]() The Santa Cruz River Band is a beloved musical group from Tucson, Arizona. The band was formed in the late 1980s by musician Teodoro "Ted" Ramirez as a way to celebrate and present an authentic view of the Southwest. Ted had observed that many important contributions made by Indigenous people, Mexicans, Asians, and some European people were rarely recognized or celebrated. He sought to make the Santa Cruz River Band a cultural bridge that would span this obvious gap, using authentic music, poetry, oral history, stories, and legends from the American Southwest. In 2002, Ramirez teamed up with Michael J. Ronstadt. These two beloved troubadours now form the core of the Santa Cruz River Band, joined by a number of recognized Southwest backing musicians. The group performs songs in many languages including English, Spanish, Welsh, and American Indian languages. They tour year-round in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Europe, offering an authentic representation of Southwestern music and culture and presenting their stories in a positive way to audiences of all ages. Ted and Michael both have deep roots in the Southwest. Ted is an eighth-generation Arizonan; his family arrived in the area in 1752, during the Spanish period of Tucson's history. Michael is a member of a prestigious Southwestern musical family that most notably includes his sister Linda Ronstadt. Their family has been in Tucson since the late 1800s.
Among the Ruins” is a philosophical piece about the mystery and
wonder of the natural world. The piece was inspired by an observation
in Indanapolis, Indiana, during the year Dr. Ortego was a Lilly Fellow
for Community Leadership. An
accomplished writer of various genres (prose, poetry, fiction, drama,
song), Dr. Ortego was identified in 1971 as “a brilliant new talent
in fiction” with publication of his short story “The Coming of
Zamora” in The Chicano: From Caricature to Self-Portrait,
Mentor Books: New American Library). His
academic career spans almost six decades and a staggering output of
published and performed works. His scholarly interests include works
on Chaucer, Shakespeare, Milton, Johnson, Words-worth, Browning,
Melville, Steinbeck, et al. His work The Stamp of One
Defect: A Study of Hamlet (1966) is considered one of the most
provocative in a century of Hamlet inquiry.
Sent by Julian Fernandez
![]() Juan Misael Gonzalez-Montañez, a shy 8-year-old who loves to draw, has won his family of six its first-ever computer.
Juan, a third-grader at the Smythe Academy in North Sacramento, was one of 15 top winners in an international art competition sponsored by the Mexican government. His award-winning crayon and watercolor picture shows the first flag of Mexican independence containing the image of La Virgen de Guadalupe, an important national and religious symbol in Mexico. The flag was raised by Father Miguel Hidalgo on Sept. 15, 1810. Sent by Dorinda Moreno
Trailer of documentary: The Rose, A Sense of Place |
The Rose, A Sense of Place, Trailer of documentary, Rose Marine Theater in Fort Worth Sent by Roberto
R. Calderón, Ph.D.
Troncoso: Why is Texas Library Association ignoring
Latino authors? José Martí Publishing Awards |
We encourage support of SOMOS en escrito, as an avenue for writers, poets, and novelists to share their creativeness. The website edited by Armando Rendon, Esq is at: |
Troncoso: Why is Texas Library
Association ignoring Latino authors? |, November 4, 2009 Sergio Troncoso was a featured writer at the Texas Book Festival in Austin this past weekend. (Photo: RGG/Steve Taylor) AUSTIN, Nov. 3 - An award-winning author who was born and raised in Ysleta, Texas, and who now lives in New York wants to know what the Texas Library Association has against Latino writers. ![]() While walking through the exhibitor tents he came across the Texas Library Association’s booth. He picked up the TLA’s list of recommended books for young adults. He was shocked to find only three books out of 68 on the list were either written by a Latino author or were about Latinos. “It was shocking to me to see only three books by Latino authors or about Latino subjects. This is in a state where if we are not the majority in student population we are pretty close to it. I thought it was terrible,” Troncoso told the Guardian. To read the list Troncoso is referring go to: Troncoso said he needs to find out how the TLA list is compiled.
“Our community right now has great young adult writers, Benjamin
Saenz, for example, who has published two young adults novels to great
acclaim and won major awards for them. Then there is Victor Martinez,
author of Parrot in the Oven, which won the National Book Award for
young adult fiction. There are so many names out there,” Troncoso
said. |
The National Association of Hispanic Publications' |
![]() The National Association of Hispanic Publications' José Martí Publishing Awards have grown over the past 23 years to be the most important awards for Hispanic newspapers, magazines, and now websites.
The 68 individual categories are broken down in six categories:
Overall Excellence Awards
Outstanding Editorial Section Awards Editorial Writing Awards Design Awards Photo & Cartoon Awards Marketing Awards Awards Deadline: Must be postmarked by December 24, 2009 The 2010 NAHP Convention in Albuquerque, NM For more information please phone Abraham Larrando, 760-434-7474 x171 or Kirk Whisler, 760-434-1223.
Send a Christmas greeting to Our Men After 58-year search, former Marine finds heroic Hispanic pilot by Sara Puig Laas Retired General Sanchez talks on patriotism in Southern California Images of Valor: U.S. Latinos and Latinas of World War II, traveling exhibition The Enemy Within: the story of Supercop Joe Sanchez, by Tony Santiago |
Say THANKS in support of our troops.
An easy way to show you care. Send one or a dozen postcards. No
cost: |
Release via Somos Primos
Rights |
It was a story in three parts: a fierce battle; a long quest to find a mysterious, unknown pilot; and finally, a chance to say, “Thank You” to that hero, Marine pilot Edward Ochoa — who grew up in Laredo. THE BATTLE It was April 23, 1951, and Hixon was a machine gunner in Charlie Company, 7th Marines. They were assigned to hold a position called Objective 44, about 1,000 yards northeast of Horseshoe Ridge. It was a narrow saddle of land connecting two ridges that had a deep valley between them. When the battle started the day before, there had been 235 Marines in Charlie Company. It was the biggest fight since the war began in June of 1950, and the enemy — thousands of troops from the communist People’s Republic of China — had attacked in waves all night. By the light of occasional flares, the Marines could see Chinese machine guns on the opposite ridge just thirty yards away. The Americans fired in the dark toward the smell of approaching enemy soldiers. “The Chinese soldiers’ diet contained a lot of garlic,” says Hixon. “We learned to tell how close they were and when to shoot.” When daylight came, enemy bodies lay as close as three feet away. By then, some Marines had been sent to guard the left flank; the rest were dead or wounded. Of the original 235, only 42 were left to face the hordes of Communist troops. The odds of surviving the day were small to none. The Marines’ 5th Regiment was supposed to be on the right flank, however, and Hixon walked along the ridge to look for them. Then, about 8 a.m., he heard the plane. It was the unmistakable sound of an F4-U Corsair, flying up the valley toward the saddle on the left. “I stood at the top of the ridge and waved my Browning Automatic Rifle,” says Hixon. “The Corsair was just a few yards away, level with me. The pilot was wearing a helmet, but his goggles were pushed up, and we made eye contact. When he passed, he gave me a ‘thumbs up’ and smiled. He was the most beautiful sight I had ever seen in my 22 years of living.” Hixon continues, “The pilot flew to the saddle connecting the two ridges, pulled the Corsair almost straight up, and dived toward the Chinese. The plane had three machine guns in each wing. By his second run, we could tell he had only 50-caliber ammo — no bombs, rockets, or napalm. The Marine pilot made one strafing run after another. After he ran out of ammo he made three more runs. He flew so low to the ground that we couldn’t see him, but we could hear the Chinese screaming.” The Marine pilot’s daring and bravery had saved 42 Marines by buying them precious time to regroup. “Without that Corsair pilot, we would never have made it out alive,” says Hixon. THE QUEST After his honorable discharge from the Marine Corps in March of 1953, Buddy HIxon began to build a life in Kentucky. He married Lou, and they reared three daughters. But the memory of the Corsair pilot stayed in his mind like a photograph in an album. As he watched his girls grow up, he would think about how blessed he was to be there for them — and how he longed to say, “Thank You” in person to the Marine pilot whose smiling face still haunted him. Hixon scoured history books, Leatherneck Magazine, and Marine Corps records. He attended Marine reunions, always asking, always searching for clues that could lead him to the mystery pilot. From one book, Hixon learned that the Marine Corsair VMF-214 Black Sheep Squadron had flown from the USS Sicily in support of 7th Marines. In 2008, Hixon had a stroke of good luck. At a Marine reunion he met Philadelphia University Professor Bob Wagner, former crewmember in a Korean Conflict Antisubmarine Squadron. Wagner helped him locate a source for the April 23 Deck Logs of the escort carrier USS Sicily. But the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) reported that the Black Sheep Squadron was not on the USS Sicily at the time. Thankfully, it was “bad news, good news.” The NARA also sent along a Historical Diary stating that the squadron had been based at the time in Pusan, Korea. The log listed all flights the squadron made on April 23, 1951. Working with Hixon’s maps, coordinates, a spreadsheet, and the Historical Diary, Wagner and Hixon determined that only three sorties came near Objective 44 ridge on April 23. One flight was not launched until 11:30 a.m. Too late. Another would have arrived about 6:15 a.m. Too early. The third would have been in the area at 8:03 and had the closest coordinates. Right time, right place. At long last, Hixon could read his pilot’s name: Major Ochoa, Commanding Officer of Squadron VMF-214. More research turned up his first name: Edward. But where, among 300 million Americans, could Edward Ochoa be? Searching the internet produced hundreds of Edward Ochoas. Then Col. Walter Ford, publisher of Leatherneck Magazine, suggested Hixon call its Airwing Section. “We have a record of him,” the pleasant female voice said, “but Col. Ochoa has not contacted the Marine Corps Association since 1996.” Hixon was trembling as he wrote down the information. Now 80, he had to wait a whole day to calm his emotions before he could take the next step. On March 28, 2009, after 58 years of searching, Hixon picked up his phone and dialed Col. Edward Ochoa’s number in Harbor City, California. SAYING THANK
YOU A woman’s voice answered. Hixon asked, “Is this the home of Edward Ochoa and was he a pilot during the Korean War?” “Yes,” she said, “but my husband passed away last year on September 11, 2008.” For Hixon, it was a bittersweet moment. He had finally found his hero, but it was six months too late to thank him in person. Hixon shared his story with Edward Ochoa’s widow, Lisa. In turn, Lisa told him that Ed Ochoa was originally from Laredo, born in 1920. He was one of eight brothers, and six of them — Louis, Albert, Fred, Ed, Peter and Rod — served in WWII. Ed and his three youngest brothers — Rod, Art, and Richard — also saw military duty during the Korean Conflict. After active duty, Ed Ochoa remained with the Marine Reserves, eventually retiring as a full colonel. Edward Ochoa was an honor graduate of Martin High School’s first class in 1937. He earned an engineering degree from the University of Texas after World War II and put it to work for Douglas Aircraft as a Safety Engineer and Crash Analyst in California. In 1969, he married Lisa Rodriguez and helped rear her two children, Leon Rodriguez and Marlyn Rodriguez Dinon. When Hixon finally hung up the phone at his home in Kentucky, he decided that he would still keep his promise to say, “Thank you” in person. In August, 2009, he and Lou and their daughter Kelly traveled to California for an emotional reunion with Ed Ochoa’s family at the home of his nephew Phil Ochoa, also formerly of Laredo. Hixon recounted the events of April 23, 1951 for twenty-one assembled members of the Ochoa family. The group included Richard Ochoa of El Paso, the last surviving Ochoa brother. Although his relatives knew that Ed Ochoa had been awarded a Distinguished Flying Cross during WWII, none of them were aware of his heroic efforts on that April day in Korea. Buddy Hixon told them, “I regret that my long search ended without being able to thank Col. Ochoa in person for saving the lives of 42 Marines so long ago.” “Don’t worry,” said stepson Leon Rodriguez. “My dad was a Marine to the end. I know what he would have said: ‘I was just doing my job.’ ” Hixon thinks Edward Ochoa did much more. At a Marine reunion in Buffalo, New York in September, Hixon found four more of the forty-two Marines whose lives were saved by Ochoa at Objective 44 in Korea. They are working on a recommendation to the Commandant of the Marine Corps that a Medal of Honor be awarded posthumously to Col. Ochoa for his exceptional valor. Hixon says, “I know it will be difficult, but we feel we must pursue it. There are recipients who saved a few; Edward Ochoa saved 42 of his fellow Marines from almost certain death.” - 30 -
![]() A few decades later, Sanchez had worked his way to becoming a three-star lieutenant general in the U.S. Army, commanding nearly 180,000 personnel from 36 different countries during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Students, veterans and ROTC members listened intently on Thursday as Sanchez talked about his rise through the military and the glass ceilings he encountered because of his race. He also lectured them on leadership, stressing the importance of treating everyone with respect and, especially, always doing the right thing. Leadership, he stressed, is "about values, common sense and taking care of people. "You have to trust your instincts, because they're right," he told his audience. "Never leave the moral high ground. You're going to be tested immediately upon stating your service to the country or a profession. … Be ready to stand any heat that will come at you for doing what is right. You can't falter." Sanchez said he got some of that heat when he notified Pentagon brass that some soldiers needed more training before they shipped out to Iraq. But he felt much better when his troops arrived in the Middle East a month later. He retired in 2006 after he was replaced following the Abu Ghraib prisoner-abuse scandal. The San Antonio resident has made headlines for criticizing the handling of the Iraq war, calling it "flawed." Sanchez, 58, now frequently tours the country, signing books and speaking to veterans' groups, among others. When he travels, airport security guards often recognize him, many of them having served in the military under his command. Sanchez's parents are Mexican-American and all four of his grandparents were from Mexico. He grew up in an area he described as "98 percent Hispanic," joking the "five gringos" who graduated high school with him spoke Spanish perfectly. That's why, he said, it was a jolt to join the military governed by a "lily-white" command. Sanchez is one of three Latinos to earn the rank of lieutenant general in the U.S. Army. At one point in his career, one of Sanchez's commanders admitted that he didn't want Sanchez on his staff because he hadn't had good experiences with Latinos. Sanchez said he was proud to have changed the commander's mind. ROTC Cadet Susan Mejia - a Latina herself - came to hear the general speak. "You don't see a lot of Hispanic officers in the Army," she said. She smiled as she clutched Sanchez's book, "Wiser in Battle: A Soldier's Story," about the retired general's 33-year military career. Inside the book, in large, bold strokes, Sanchez inscribed: "Thank you for your willingness to answer the call of duty." "We have that responsibility. … It's a duty," Sanchez said later, to "help wherever we can. If you can change one life or encourage one person to continue their education, it makes a difference." Sanchez was the man in charge in December 2003 when soldiers found former dictator Saddam Hussein hiding in a one-man shelter. After following lead after lead, "you're not quite sure you've done it," Sanchez recalled. He described how Hussein was flown into Baghdad in the middle of the night, then placed in a holding cell with a one-way window. Military crews followed procedures rehearsed weeks before to ensure Hussein's Geneva Convention rights were honored, Sanchez said. Hussein's onetime lieutenants - including his captured second-in-command Tariq Aziz - were paraded in front of the cell and asked to identify him. Within hours, DNA tests conclusively identified the man with the unkempt beard. "He was incredulous when we brought him in," Sanchez said of the laterexecuted dictator. "He said, 'Do you know who I am? I'm the president of Iraq. Why are you treating me this way?' " Sanchez came to Fullerton at the request of Orange County Superior Court Judge Frederick P. Aguirre, who wanted the retired general to spend a few days at the Cal State Fullerton campus. Aguirre is involved with Latino Advocates for Education, a group that for years has held ceremonies honoring Latino veterans. The organization sponsored Sanchez's trip to Fullerton. The general did not charge for the speeches he gave. "In my opinion, he's the equivalent of Colin Powell," Aguirre said. "Here's a Mexican-American the country should honor and recognize for his achievements and patriotism." Sanchez will deliver the keynote address at the 13th annual Veterans Day celebration at Cal State Fullerton. The event begins at 10 a.m. today in the Titan Student Union, 800 N. State College Blvd. CONTACT THE WRITER: 7 1 4-704-3796 or |
Images of Valor: U.S. Latinos and Latinas of World War II, traveling exhibition |
"Images of Valor: U.S. Latinos and Latinas of WW II," a
traveling exhibit from Texas Humanities in Austin which is based
on the U.S. Latino and Latina WWII Oral History Project. The
exhibit includes photographs of Latino and Latina WWII veterans
taken during and after the war, as well as oral histories and
reflections of their experiences. The exhibit conveys
the stories of men and women whose contributions to the war effort
and to society were unfortunately under-appreciated at the time. For more information: Email: U.S. Latino & Latina WWII Oral History Project School of Journalism University of Texas at Austin 1 University Station A1000 Austin, TX 78712 Telephone: 512.471.1924
The Enemy Within the story of
Supercop Joe Sanchez By: Tony (The
Marine) Santiago
The majority of the police officers
who serve our cities, towns and counties are good law abiding men and
women that we can look up to, as heroes. However, we also often hear in
the evening news about the police officers who believe that they are
above the law and are witnesses all to the abuses that some of them
commit against the defenseless illegal immigrant or the petty
criminal who is unarmed and surrenders, expecting simply to be read his
Miranda rights and hauled off to the nearest county jail, upon viewing
the televised videos presented in the news. Yet, many of these officers
are seldom charged for their crimes and often the only punishment that
those who are accused receive is a minor and limited suspension from
their jobs. I am sure that
you as I, have asked
yourself, why is it that some of these officers who are so cruel can get
away with the things that they do. Well they do get away with it,
however that is not the worst of it, the most amazing thing of all is
that there are many corrupt officers within the police forces who are
associated with the worst criminal elements known to society and the
fact that they are officers
of the law makes them worse then your common street criminal. In many
cases the corruption and criminal acts committed by these officers are
known by other fellow officers, who would rather keep quite and look the
other way instead of doing something about it. There is a code of
silence within the police force similar to the Mafia “Omerta”, known
as the “Blue Wall of silence” or the “Blue Code of Silence“. A
police officer who reports the criminal acts of another officer is
considered a traitor by his fellow officers and often has to go through
hell as a result of his honest acts. I recently had the honor and
pleasure of making the acquaintance of a highly decorated former NYPD
police officer who had the guts to do the right thing, even though it
meant the end of the career which he so much loved. That man is Jose
“Joe” Sanchez Picon. Sanchez discovered the corrupt activities of
his Captain and Lieutenant and he refused to be dragged down to their
level. Instead he decided to do something about it, only to be betrayed
by his own Department of Internal Affairs, who instead of taking action
against his superiors helped to frame him of criminal acts which he did
not commit. Sanchez was acquitted, but lost his job. He wrote two great
books about the events that happened to him. He also tells of the many
good cops he worked with, be they white, Latinos and blacks he doesn’t
discriminate. I highly recommend the books and hope that someday one of
our Latino movie producers will make a film of them. You can purchase
the books at They are “Latin Blues, A Tale of Police
Omerta From The NYPD", ISBN
1601790007 and "True Blue: A Tale of the Enemy
Within", ISBN
978-1-60179-012-5 . Here is the biography which I wrote
in Wikipedia about Joe Sanchez, enjoy:
By Tony (The Marine) Santiago
Joe Sánchez Sanchez (birth name: Jose Manuel Sánchez
Picon) a native of Santurce, Puerto Rico, was one of five siblings born
to Jose Sánchez and Clotilde Picon. In the early 1950s his parents
migrated to New York City in search of a better life and settled in
Manhattan. Sánchez' parents divorced and his mother remarried and the
family moved to the South Bronx. There Sanchez received his primary and
secondary education. Sanchez decided that he would enlist in the United
States Armed Forces upon his graduation from Theodore Roosevelt High
Military service Sánchez attempted to enlist, but
was not accepted by any of the four military branches. He then signed up
for the selective service and in 1965, Sánchez was drafted into the
United States Army, at the age of 18. On January 16, 1967, his twentieth
birthday, he found himself with Company D, 2nd Battalion, 7th Cavalry of
the 1st Air Cavalry Division (Mobile) (after being transferred from A
Company, 5/7) deployed near the village of Phantiet in South Vietnam. On
that day, his unit was engaged in a firefight with the Viet Cong. Sánchez
and three of his comrades were seriously wounded by the shrapnel of an
enemy grenade during that firefight. Sanchez was awarded the Army
Commendation and Purple Heart Medals. After he recovered from his
wounds, he was discharged from the Army and he returned to New York.
There he met a young girl by the name of Lorraine Pfaus whom he married.
He worked in various jobs among them as a Taxi and Ambulance driver. In
various occasions Sánchez applied to become a police officer in the New
York Police Department, but was not accepted. He then opted to apply to
take the entrance examination as a police candidate in the New York Port
Authority and was accepted. Sánchez served in the NYPA from January
1971-October 1973, during which time Sánchez discovered that his
application for the NYPD had not been accepted once more because of a
technicality. He opted to take his case before the board and was finally
accepted as a police candidate in the NYPD.
New York Police Department Sánchez graduated from the New York
Police Academy after six months of training and was assigned to the 90th
Precinct in Brooklyn. The 90th Precinct is located in northern Brooklyn
in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn. It is primarily a residential
and commercial area consisting of factories, warehouses, one and two
family private homes as well as numerous apartment buildings. The five
primary commercial strips are Graham Avenue, Grand Street, Lee Avenue,
Havemeyer Street and Broadway. During
his years as a police officer, he learned that there were good police
officers and as well as corrupt ones. He also noticed that the illegal
acts committed by some of his fellow officers were often ignored and
seldom reported by others, including some of his superiors who believed
in a code of silence known amongst them as the "Blue Wall of
silence" in which reporting another officer's errors, misconduct,
or crimes is regarded as a betrayal. He served in various precincts
before being transferred to the 30th Precinct. The 30th Precinct is
primarily residential, containing a commercial area on Broadway. The
neighborhoods in the precinct are known as Hamilton Heights, Sugar Hill
and West Harlem. Sánchez discovered that his
Lieutenant was receiving payments and sexual favors in exchange for
protection by accident, after he gave a routine traffic summons to the
brother of a powerful businessman. The businessman cited him to his
office and asked if he would be interested in providing protection for
his drivers, same as his (Sánchez') Lieutenant and Captain were doing,
and made a monetary offer to Sánchez. He reported the situation to
Internal Affairs Division, who in turn "wired" him, which in
this case means that he was connected to a recording device, with the
supposed intention of gathering proof of his accusations. Unknown to Sánchez
was the fact that those who wired him were friends of his Lieutenant. Sánchez
returned to the businessman and gathered enough information to implicate
his Lieutenant and Captain on corruption charges, however upon learning
of the situation his Lieutenant had him transferred to another precinct. It 1983, Sánchez participated in a
drug bust which ended his career as a police officer. In October of
1983, Sánchez was framed by some members of the police force involving
the drug bust and was indicted by a Special and Extraordinary Grand Jury
in Manhattan for one count of Burglary in the First Degree; one count of
Grand Larceny in the first Degree; one count of Grand Larceny in the
second Degree; six counts of Grand larceny in the Third Degree; and, one
count of assault in the Third Degree. The witnesses against Sánchez
were drug dealers involved in the drug bust who were promised to have
their indictments dropped if they agreed to testify against him. After a
lengthily trial, he was exonerated of the charges and applied for
reinstatement in the NYPD. In 1988, after an administrative
"snafu" sent his appeal for reinstatement to two different
Supreme Court justices, one ruled that he be rehired and the other
upheld his dismissal. The latter prevailed.
Corrections officer Sánchez worked for Holmes Security
as a night supervisor for 3 years, until he started to work as a letter
carrier in Haverstraw, New York. In 1989, he joined the New York State
Department of Corrections who welcomed him on the job. As a corrections
officer he came into contact with many of the inmates he once arrested
as a police officer in Washington Heights. He first worked at Sing Sing
Correctional Facility, a maximum security prison
in the Village of Ossining, Town of Ossining, New York. There he
was assaulted and one inmate tried to set him up on false allegations
that he had mistreated him. The Department of Corrections knew what was
going on and supported him. Sánchez,
purchased a house in Catskill, New York, and transferred to Coxsackie
State Prison. While at Coxsackie State Prison, he was involved in many
dangerous situations involving fights between inmates. There was one
particular incident, which almost cost him his life, he came to the aid
of an inmate which was being stabbed by another. None of the other
correction officers, who witnessed what was going on, came to his aid
until it was almost over. This experience led him to consider
Later years Sánchez, retired and moved with his
family to Florida. He continues to be active in various organizations,
among them the North East Florida NYPD 10-13 Chapter; the Latino
Officers Association Florida; the Purple Heart Chapter 0808, Flagler
County Flagler Beach, Fl., the First Cavalry Division Association; 5/7
Cavalry Association, the 7th Cavalry Association and the Association of
Retired Hispanic Police (ARHP) NYPD in New York. He is quoted as saying: "What I tell young cops I come
in contact with... they have one of the greatest jobs in the world, and
to stay honest, for once you lose a job for being dishonest, it will
stay with you until you die"
Written works Sánchez together with Mo Dhania is
the author of the following books: *"Latin Blues, A Tale of Police
Omerta From The NYPD", Publisher: The Old Kings Road Press (2006),
ISBN 1601790007 *"True Blue: A Tale of the
Enemy Within", Publisher: Old King Road Press, ISBN
978-1-60179-012-5 Military decorations
SAR President General Ed Butler Sends Letter to the Texas Education
Agency Annual Order of Granaderos y Damas de Galvez Conference Flags used by Spanish military forces in America Genealogical Repot on George Washington's Ancestry by John inclan |
SAR President General Ed Butler |
Compatriots, Today (11/23)I sent the following message to the Texas Education Agency at I encourage each member of the TXSSAR to go online and file your complaint. Pass this on to all members of the TXSSAR Fraternally, Ed Butler
Dear Text book Committee,
TCARA Members:
Judge Butler was among the first of the Sons of the American
Revolution to support a resolution to help sponsor TCARA, made
while I was President of the San Antonio SAR Chapter. He also
pledged his support to extend the "Texas and Galvez story"
throughout the SAR while campaigning for National President of SAR and
he is keeping that pledge. We owe a debt of gratitude to Judge Butler
for his National effort toward reviving this forgotten but
extremely important Texan and American history. Please take
advantage of this opportunity to let the Texas Education Agency know
that you support the inclusion of the Texas and Galvez contribution to
American Independence.
Jack Cowan
Annual Order of Granaderos y Damas de Galvez Conference |
Robert Flores, Treasurer and RoseMarie Lapenta, Secretary of the
Granaderos de Galvez Founding Chapter of San Antonio hosted the
Annual Order of Granaderos y Damas de Galvez Conference held
September 19-20th at the Historic Menger Hotel in San Antonio, established in
1859 |
Robert Garcia and Yolanda Kirkpatrick, members of Los Bexarenos Genealogical Society in San Antonio display books primarily printed by Paso de la Conquista on Spanish Colonial and early Tejano history. Jack Cowen, on the far right was founder of the Texas Connection the American Revolution, and Governor of the San Antonio Chapter of the Granaderos.. |
Information sent by Roland Nuñez Salazar
Member - Houston Chapter
Order of Granaderos y Damas de Gálvez
(Cell) 281 220-7153
And Joel Escamilla, Governor Texas Chapters of the Granaderos de Galvez
Flags used by Spanish military forces in America |
An image of this flag exists in the Spanish Archivo General de Indias, in the city of Seville. It is a battalion flag of the Regimiento de Infanteria de Luisiana 1779-1781. This was the flag used by this regiment, commanded by Bernardo de Gálvez, at the battle of Pensacola on May 8th 1781, where the Spanish Army defeated the British one. José Carlos Alegría, 16 July 2000 I suppose this may shed some additional light on the origin of the state flags of Florida and Alabama. This white square flag features the traditional red burgundy cross used by the Spanish army, cornered by four identical coats-of-arms, and over all the latin writing Honor et Fidélitas, meaning Honour and Loyalty. José Carlos Alegría, 6 September 2000 Source: |
GEORGE WASHINGTON, 1ST PRESIDENT OF THE USA, was born on 22 Feb 1732, Westmoreland County, Virginia; d. 14 Dec 1799, Mount Vernon, Virginia; m. MARTHA DANDRIDGE CUSTIS, 06 Jan 1759, at the Custis Plantation New Kent county, Virginia; b. 02 Jun 1731, New Kent County, Virginia; d. 22 May 1802, Mount Vernon, Virginia. George was the son of Captain AGUSTINE WASHINGTON & MARY BALL . Captain Agustine was the son of MAJOR LAWRENCE WASHINGTON & MILDRED WARNER (daughter of AGUSTINE WARNER II and MILDRED READE. . Note: Mr. & Mrs. Agustine Warner II are ancestors of the current Queen of England, Elizabeth II. Mildred Reade, (above) was the daughter of Colonel George Reade and Elizabeth Martiau. Col. George Reade was the son of Robert Reade and Mildred Windebank Mildred Windebank was the daughter of Francis Dymoke. Francis Dymoke was the daughter of Edward Dymoke, 16th Lord of Schrivelsby and Lady Anne Tailboy. Lord Dymoke was the son of Robert Dymoke, 15th Lord of Schrivelsh and Lady Jane Sparrow. Lord Robert was the son of Thomas Dymoke, 14th Lord of Schrivelsh and Lady Margaret de Welles. Margaret de Welles was the Daughter of Lionel de Welles, 6th Baron Welles and Baroness Jane Waterton. Baron Lionel was the son of Sir Eon de Welles and Lady Maude de Greystroke. Sir Eon de Welles was the son of John de Welles, 5th Baron Welles and Baroness Margaret de Mowbray. Margaret de Mowbray was the daughter of John de Mowbray, 4th Baron Mowbray and Baroness Elizabeth de Segrave. Elizabeth de Segrave was the daughter of John de Sebrave, 4th Lord of Segrave and Margaret, Duchess of Norfork. Margaret was the daughter of Thomas de Brotherton, 1st Earl of Norfork and Lady Alice Hayes. Thomas was the son of Edward I, King of England, (descendent of El Cid) and his 2nd wife, Marguerite of France, Queen Consort of England. Major Lawrence was the son of COL. JOHN WASHINGTON & ANN POPE 1658, (daughter of NATHANIEL POPE and LUCY) John Washington was the son of Reverend LAWRENCE WASHINGTON & AMPHYLIS TWIGDON. .Rev. Lawrence was the son of MARGARET BUTLER & LAWRENCE WASHINGTON. Margaret Butler was the daughter of WILLIAM BUTLER & MARGARET GREEKE. William was the son of MARGARET SUTTON & JOHN BUTLER. . Margaret was the daughter of Sir JOHN SUTTON & Lady CHARROL SUTTON. Sir John was the son of Lady JOYCE de TIPTOFT & Sir EDMUND SUTTON. Lady Joyce was the daughter of Lady JOYCE CHERLETON & JOHN DE TIPTOFT, 1ST BARON of TIPTOFT.. Lady Joyce Cherleton was the daughter of EDWARD CHERLETON, 5TH BARON OF CHERETON & Lady ELEANOR HOLAND, (daughter of Sir THOMAS de HOLAND and Lady ALICE FITZALAN). Note ELEANOR HOLAND was a descendent of King Edward I of England by his second marriage. Her father Thomas de Holand, 2nd Earl of Kent m Lady Alice FitzAlan. He was the son of Lady Joan Plantagenet, Princess of Wales m Thomas Holand, 6th Earl of Kent. She was the daughter of Edmund of Woodstock, 3rd Earl of Kent m. Lady Margaret Wake. He was the son of Edward I, King of England 2st wife, Marguerite of France, Queen Consort of England. Baron Edward Cherleton was the son of Lady JOAN de STAFFORD & JOHN CHERLETON, 2ND BARON OF CHERLETON 1360. He died 13 Jul 1374. Sources: |
Un Apellido: Garcia by Angel Custodio
Rebollo |
apellido García es, según el Instituto Nacional de Estadística, el
mas extendido por nuestro País, pues lo tienen como primer apellido
l.466.204 personas y como segundo, 1.491.212. Como dato
complementario, diremos que son 83.024 los que se apellidan, García y
García. En la provincia de Huelva, son 14.547 habitantes los que lo
llevan como primero y 14.398, como segundo y los que sus dos apellidos
son García, lo poseen solo 580. El
origen de este apellido parte del nombre propio “García”, pero hay
dudas de donde procede, unos creen que es de origen vasco, de las zonas
de Hartze y Hortza, pues
Menéndez Pidal dice en uno de sus escritos que el nombre vasco García
es ya citado en el año 789 en Castilla, donde al parecer lo introdujo
la reina Jimena de León, antes princesa Navarra, quien llamó a uno de
sus hijos con el nombre de García. Ante
la invasión árabe, hubo muchas familias de la zona norte del País que
nos ocupa, que huyeran en desbandada y los niños quedaron olvidados
hasta de sus nombres. Fue
entonces cuando muchos de ellos eligieron el García, tanto que se llegó
a decir que “Quien no tenía nombre, García se ponía” La
proliferación fue muy grande y hay García no solo en España, porque
está muy extendido por toda América. Tengo referencias
de una familia en Chile, apellidada García, que es originaria de
Cartagena y con una gran descendencia. Los
árabes también utilizaron este nombre, y tenemos a Abu Amir Ahmad Inb
García, poeta que sirvió el Emir de la Taifa de Denia y otro Ibn García,
también poeta y escritor en prosa, procedente del Califato de Córdoba. Pero
no solo personas se denominan García: En México, existe una población,
que se llama García, a la que recuerdo haber mencionado hace unos años. Y como colofón a los García, tenemos el escrito clásico que se estudia actualmente en todas las escuelas comerciales y de mercadotecnia, titulado “Mensaje a García”, que lo escribió Herbert Hubbert en 1899, cuando necesitando un pequeño articulo para publicarlo en su revista local, decidió dar forma a una discusión que había tenido con su hijo sobre un héroe en la guerra de Cuba, entre España y los Estados Unidos. De este escrito se han publicado más de cuarenta millones de ejemplares.
Editor: I had to share this
information about FRANK GARCIA, a restaurateur in Southern
California. Although dealing with health issues, for 23 years
Frank Garcia, owner of La Casa Garcia, at 531 W. Chapman Ave in Anaheim,
California has been serving a free Thanksgiving meal, all with the help
of family and friends. Volunteers the first year were 200; volunteers expected this year is 1,500. People served the first year were 3,000; people expected this year is 15,000. For more information, go to The January issue of Somos Primos will include the complete story. P.S. I have Garcia paternal and maternal grandmothers.
Part 1 of 2 - THE EARLY YEARS: When Pánfilo Narváez and Álvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca landed on Texas soil in 1528, they paved the way for other explorers. One such adventurer and historian was an Italian named Juan Bautista Chapa (1631-1695), an Italian whose original surname was "Schiapapría" or "Chiapapría." He later changed it to "Chapa," perhaps so people in the New World could pronounce it better. He was born to Bartolomé Schiapapría and Bastestina Badi in la Villa de Arbisola, in Genoa, Italy. He had two brothers, Nicolás and Franco. Nicolás became a religious brother in Spain, and Franco passed away early in life, leaving Juan Bautista the sole heir to his parents’ land. This he donated to an uncle named Juan Schiapapría, and then set sail for New Spain. He arrived in Monterrey during the last few weeks in the year 1650. Many other Italians had arrived in the "Nuevo Reino de León" during those early years of conquest and colonization, and we have evidence of such names and surnames as Cavassos, Cavassoni (Cavazos); Juseppe Cantú (Cantú); Treminio (Treviño). These and other Italians became prominent players in the affairs of Nuevo León during the 17th Century. After Juan Bautista Chapa arrived in the Kingdom of Nuevo León, he served as secretary to the cabildo (city) of Cadereyta, Nuevo León. He also served as secretary to Capt. Alonso de León, who later became known as the Explorer of Texas. He also served under de León in various skirmishes against the Indians of the area, and in de León’s attempt to oust the French from Texas in 1686. Upon his arrival in Nuevo León, he was granted land to build his home and raise cattle. In the year 1653, he married Doña Beatriz Treviño de Olivares, daughter of the prominent and wealthy Juan de Olivares, an eminent Nuevo León soldier, miner and property owner who resided in what is now known as the Villa de Marín. Juan Bautista Chapa traveled in high places within the politics of the times in Nuevo León. He served various governors and other distinguished administrators, was secretary to Gov. Don Martín de Zavala, Lt. Governor Don Roque V. de Buitrago, and Gov. Don León de Alza, all of which gave him access and allowed him to participate in many areas of government businesses. He also was administrator of the estate of Gov. Don Nicolás de Azcárraga, with whom he enjoyed an excellent friendship. In 1686, the Viceroy Marqués de la Laguna organized one of several expeditions into Texas in which Chapa served as secretary to Captain Alonso de León, with whom he had developed a strong friendship during his years in Cadereyta. Capt. de León later was named governor and captain of Coahuila, and we know that Chapa followed him as his personal secretary. Chapa also participated in the second and third expeditions into Texas, and in one of his chronicles he admits to having reached the river they called Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. He also chronicled that he participated in the discovery of the Bahía de Espíritu Santo. Part 2 of 2 – The Later Years. November 1, 2009 Italian settler to Nuevo León Juan Bautista Chapa (1631-1695) was a highly cultured individual now considered to be the author, along with Alonso de León and Fernando Sánchez de Zamora, of the Historia de Nuevo León: con noticias sobre Coahuila, Tamaulipas, Texas y Nuevo México - 1690 (The History of Nuevo León (Northern México): With Information on Coahuila, Tamaulipas, Texas and New Mexico – 1690. This vast literature includes information on the journeys and incidents, along with descriptions of the area now known as Texas and is a valuable piece of history that indicates and supports how vast was the adventure these explorers and historians accomplished. In it he informs the reader how he and Capt. Alonso de León would deposit, along any lake or river, male and female animals that were left behind so they could wander and eventually reproduce, creating by these acts a large number of wild horses, sheep and other species later found and identified by later explorers and settlers of Texas. He and his wife, Doña Beatriz Treviño de Olivares, had four sons, Nicolás, Juan Bautista, Gaspar and José María, and two daughters, Doña María and Doña Juana. All of his sons served in the military. Cuervo de Valdés, then governor of Nuevo León, bestowed on Chapa a great amount of land that connected to well-known municipalities such as General Treviño, Parás and Agualeguas. José María Chapa, his son, was the founder of the municipality of General Treviño, a fact that reveals the prominence and important service Juan Bautista Chapa provided the Spanish Crown throughout his long years in Nuevo León. In 1688 he served as attorney general for the city of Monterrey, and throughout his years of service to Nuevo León , Coahuila and Texas, he was never considered a foreigner in his adopted land. Brownsville native Dr. Lino García Jr. is Professor Emeritus of Spanish Literature at UTPA. He can be reached at (956) 383-3441, or by email at Sent by Eddie Garcia
Dinero isn't Dinner by Margarita B. Velez Amarillo Had a Snowstorm by Viola Rodriguez Sadler |
B. Velez |
Mispronounced words and different accents punctuate our conversation, and make life interesting. Whenever I hear a slip of the tongue, it reminds me of my own experiences, and makes me smile. It’s also a good way to start a conversation.
Mama’s only sister speaks English with a pronounced accent.
Tia Luz is a petite
shy woman who boosts my ego, and brings joy to my life.
A favorite memory is from the day when she was visiting, and I
sauntered in wearing a bright yellow dress.
up, Tía Luz exclaimed, “Ay
mija, que bonita te ves en jello.”
The vision of me
squiggling in lemon gelatin made me smile.
But, I knew that her compliment meant that I looked good in the
“yellow” dress. Another
time she said, “Margie es muy
esmart.” Her words
are etched in my mind, and still give me encouragement.
My friend, Mike lived in “Perdone
que la embaracé,
Mike said with
confidence. The mother
gasped in horror, and the young lady stiffened as fat tears spilled from
her blazing eyes. In trying
to apologize for embarrassing the girl, Mike instead had apologized
getting her pregnant! It
took a lot of diplomacy on his father’s part to explain Mike’s faux
Tía Ester was riding
the bus when a seatmate asked for the time.
Tía was about to tell her it was 8:30, but didn’t know the
English word for half past the hour.
Silently she remembered that “media”
means “stocking” and “half” in Spanish.
My aunt declared, “It’s eight and stocking.”
Her companion looked perplexed.
Tía Ester had picked
the wrong word. My aunt
extended her wrist, and let the woman read the time for herself.
She remembers her companion’s warm smile of understanding.
As a young boy, my father was working for a non-Spanish speaker.
Papa was learning to speak English, but didn’t yet know the
word for money. When he
went to ask for his pay, Papa struggled for the term, but couldn’t
come up with it. “Dinero…dinner…”
He decided to anglicize the word and said, “I want my dinner.” The kindly woman brought him a sandwich. Papa ate it, and asked for his “dinner” again. The woman brought him another sandwich. Papa polished off the second serving with much less enthusiasm, and asked for his “dinner” again. The confused woman questioned him about his insatiable hunger. Papa was frustrated but undaunted. He decided not to say “dinner” again. In Spanish he requested “mi dinero” and rubbed his thumb over his fingers in the familiar gesture meaning money. Finally the woman’s face lit up, and she rushed for her purse. Papa chuckled when he told how the woman hurriedly paid him, and sent him on his way. At a PTA installation ceremony in front of a large crowd, I once said, “leadersheep” instead of leadership. When snickers rose from the audience, my face turned red. Looking at the crowd I hesitated, and then remembered my father’s experience. I cleared my throat, smiled, pronounced the word properly, and went on with my speech.
Laughing at our mistakes helps us to overcome embarrassment, and
we can learn from the experience. Sometimes
if I stumble with “ch” and “sh,” and mispronounce “share” or
“Stories from the Barrio and Other ‘Hoods” by Margarita B. Velez.
Margarita Velez an author from Editor: Sometimes "the taco slips out with me too. Overall, what I have observed is a feeling of inadequacy on my part in pronouncing new words. During a conversation, I know the word which would best describe what I am trying to convey, but I not sure of the pronunciation, so I opt for another word in public. At home, I ask!!
Hubby brought to my attention today (March 28, 2009) that Amarillo had
a blizzard this week-end. The snowstorm brought more than 10 inches of
snow to parts of the Texas panhandle. You can see a slide show of the
snow storm at the newspaper
This brought some memories of how I got to Amarillo to begin my teaching career in the first place. I was fresh out of the University of Texas with a life-time teaching credential and a bachelor’s degree in Education with a major in English and minor in Spanish. The education recruiters who came to Austin that summer of 1962 were looking for native speakers to teach foreign languages. I don’t remember going to too many interviews, but I had narrowed my choices to either Deer Park of Dallas or Amarillo, way up north in the Texas panhandle. Somehow the Amarillo job sounded more exotic since it was so far from home. In the months before going to Amarillo I had to buy a car and find my way to that far off city. The farthest north I had driven was San Antonio. I had driven to Laredo and even to Monterrey, Mexico, but I was going to drive into unknown territory. That sounded both scary and exciting to this sheltered, naïve girl. I knew that Tío Miguel had been to northern Texas, so I asked his advice on how to get to Amarillo. He gave me some instructions, although I do not remember just what he said. Mom was to be my navigator and little brother was along to give moral support. I guess we had a map of Texas with us, but I mainly remembered the sequence of towns we were to cross on the way to Amarillo. I don’t remember the number designations of the highways where we traveled. I remember that most of the towns had directional signs to either the next town or toward a larger city. I mainly guided myself by watching for those signs. My mom was not the best navigator (I can say that now that she is no longer here to deny it). At that time the highways were mainly two lanes. The lanes were divided by a single white line, but sometimes there was also the yellow line. The yellow line was sometimes solid, sometimes broken and sometimes on one side of the white line and other times on the other side of the white line. I quickly figured out that the yellow line was to guide the driver when it was safe to pass, especially in the hill country. It took us pretty much the whole day to get to Amarillo. We had packed food, and stopped only to get gas and the potty stops were only at gas stations in those days. There were no fast food places yet, and no rest areas--how did we do it, then? When we got to Amarillo we went to the school district office, and the school secretary helped us find a place to stay. It was a small rental apartment in the back of a house in the north side of town. All three of us slept there for a couple of nights. While Mom and brother were still with me we found the local Woolworth and bought a couple of plates, forks, spoons, and I don’t remember what else. I might have even bought a skillet or pan. Then it was time for them to leave. I drove Mom and brother to the Greyhound (or was it Trailways?) bus station. I stayed there until it was time for their bus to depart for Robstown. That’s when it really hit me! I was alone in a strange city, starting a position I was not experienced with, and I had to rely on no one but me! I watched the bus pulling out of the depot and waved at my kid brother who was sitting by the window. I was trying to control my emotion of the moment, but when I saw my eight-year old brother crying as he waved good-bye, I began to cry, too. I walked to my car, sat there, and, knowing there was no reason for inhibition, just bawled out loud. I did not stay in that apartment that was behind a house. When we had our teacher orientation the next day, the French teacher and I decided we should share rent on an apartment. When I went to pick up my things at the first apartment, I paid the lady for the couple of nights and settled for my teaching assignment at Tascosa High School. I think she might have asked for $10 for both nights. And that brings me back to the snowstorm in Amarillo. Four or five months after the school year began I experienced my first snow. I recall the morning after we'd had a snowfall in the evening. I went from window to window to window in our small apartment. I was in awe of the beauty of that white blanket. It was a joyful new experience for me. Yes, this year was when I experienced a lot of firsts. Snow was just one.
Networking Strategies for Family History Research |
Wreckage due to the Long Beach 1933 earthquake.
photos are at
. First American posted them in celebration of its own 120th
birthday, and the 120th anniversary of the creation of |
Presentation by John P. Schmal |
John P. Schmal, historian, genealogist, author presented an outstanding study
on the History and Heritage of Indigenous Mexico, viewed from the
perspective of language. Schmal's presentation was enhanced with a
power point presentation: "Indigenous Mexico: An Introduction to Mexico's Remarkable Diversity".
El Instituto Nacional de Lenguas Indígenas (INALI) recognizes 364 language variants in México.
You may view the entire presentation
Dec 5th: Eugene A. Obregon Congressional Medal of Honor
Memorial Monument Tikkun Olam - To Repair the World by George Yepes |
You’re Invited, December 5th, 2009 ![]() For any additional questions on event sponsorship or to RSVP, please contact or (213) 236-3751.
LOS ANGELES - City crews last week began digging at El Pueblo Memorial to Pay Tribute to East L.A. Native and Other
War Heroes by Richard Guzmán Published: Friday, October 30, 2009 ![]() a special tribute on a man from East Los Angeles. On Monday, Oct. 26, earth movers began excavating a three-foot deep, 30-foot long trench at Father Serra Park, at the corner of Los Angeles and Alameda Streets, across the street from Olvera Street. The memorial, called the Wall of Honor, will contain the names of all Congressional Medal of Honor recipients since the award’s creation by President Abraham Lincoln in 1862. About 3,000 names will be inscribed. The wall is part of the Eugene A. Obregon Congressional Medal of Honor Memorial Monument. In addition to recognizing Obregon, who saved a fellow soldier during the Korean War, it will also honor the 40 Latino recipients of the medal, said William Douglas Lansford, a WWII and Korean War veteran and founder of the Eugene A. Obregon CMH Memorial Foundation, the monument builders. The wall will be unveiled in December. Lansford said the final piece of the memorial will be a 20-foot tall structure. Bronze figures will depict Obregon and a fellow soldier, Bert M. Johnson. Question of Approvals: Obregon was a 19-year-old Marine who, in a battle against a North Korean platoon, saved the life of Johnson before being shot and killed himself. He received the Medal of Honor posthumously. Lansford said he hopes the larger part of the memorial will open next ear. However, that timeline may be ambitious, said Cynthia Ruiz, president of the city’s Board of Public Works, who has worked with the nonprofit to facilitate the process. While the foundation has been working on the memorial for more than 10 years, it still needs to raise the bulk of the $1 million for the final phase of the project. Only about $60,000 has been secured, paying for the wall and some flags that have been erected. Although work has begun, some have questioned whether the project has received the proper approvals. In a letter to Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, Jean Bruce Poole and Frank Damon, co-presidents of the El Pueblo Park Association, an organization formed in 1982 to promote El Pueblo, said the project apparently has not received a green light from the department’s Board of Commissioners. They also asked if an Environmental Impact Report was prepared and if the project meets conditions set forth by the California Environmental Quality Act. Ruiz said the current phase of construction is allowed, and that the future, larger memorial will require an EIR. “The final phase is a much bigger footprint,” she said. The Obregon Foundation has gone before the commission several times, and received approval for the project about eight years ago, she said. Officials with El Pueblo did not return calls for comment. David Louie, a member of the board of commissioners, would only say that the project has not received a final approval from the commission. Worth the Wait: Lansford, who watched as the digging started last week, said building the monument has been a long and difficult task, but is well worth it to honor men who fought for their country. “We’ve been working on this for years… and are going to get this done because they need to be recognized for their sacrifices,” he said. “People should understand that Latinos have contributed substantially, including their lives and limbs, to the welfare of this country.” Huizar, whose 14th District includes El Pueblo, is a strong supporter of the monument. “It’s easy for us in our day-to-day lives to forget the sacrifices that brave men and women have made to protect our freedoms as Americans,” he said via email. “This memorial will be a physical reminder of those sacrifices and a tribute to true heroes of our society.” Even before the monument, Obregon’s achievements earned him several honors. He was the first Marine to have a ship in the Navy named after him; the SS Pfc. Eugene A. Obregon, which transports supplies for the military. Heroic Actions: A July 2001 issue of Leatherneck Magazine of the Marines provides the details of Obregon’s heroic actions. While serving as an ammunition carrier for a machine gun squad, Obregon saw fellow Marine Johnson get shot. He ran to his aid and tried to pull him to safety while firing back at Korean troops with a pistol. As Korean troops approached, he picked up Johnson’s machine gun. As he positioned his body to shield Johnson’s, he began to fire again. When he ran out of bullets Obregon pulled a grenade and threw it at the enemy. At that point he was shot and killed. According to the article, before Obregon died, other Marines at the scene said they saw him say something to Johnson. After Johnson regained his health, he said that Obregon told him, “‘Bert, if we’re going down, we’ll go down fighting like Marines.’” Contact Richard Guzmán at Sent by Mercy Bautista Olvera |
Tikkun Olam - To Repair the World
Gardeners of Identity: Basques in San Francisco Bay Area |
![]() Reno, NV — November 5, 2009 — The Center for Basque Studies is proud to announce the publication of Gardeners of Identity: Basques in San Francisco Bay Area by Pedro J. Oiarzabal. The book uses historical archive research and voluminous interviews to trace the history of San Francisco’s Basque population from the city’s prehistory to the present. The publication of Gardeners of Identity: Basques in the San Francisco Bay Area (ISBN 978-1-877802-88-1, 368 pages, illustrations, $29.95) is the fourth in the Center for Basque Studies’ Migration and Diaspora Studies series. The Center, at the University of Nevada, Reno, is the world’s foremost publisher of Basque-related topics in the English language. For more information or to order review copies of Gardeners of Identity, contact: Daniel Montero, Center for Basque Studies Publications Coordinator at the University of Nevada, Reno ( Phone: +1-775-682-5587 Sincerely, Pedro J. Oiarzabal, PhD Euskalidentity Kultur Elkartea Check my profile hub @
A Cuban family's lucky ticket - to California |
Richard Arche's grandfather won $56,000 in the Irish Sweepstakes, and a start here. By RICHARD ARCHE, The Orange County Register, Thursday, September 17, 2009 My family came to California thanks to my grandfather and a winning Irish Sweepstakes ticket he had bought in 1964. Before the Cuban Revolution of the late 1950s, my grandfather's family had long owned and operated a successful sugar refinery in Cuba. Richard Arche, right, with his wife, Rene, left, and daughter, Richelle, center. Richard Arche, son of Cuban immigrants, was born in Miami. Photo: courtesy of Richard Arche. My grandfather told me that his father's customers had included Joseph Kennedy, President John F. Kennedy's father. Arche´ family legend had it that the Kennedys were using the sugar for a bootlegging operation. My grandfather had also told me that his customers also included the Bacardi family, who used the sugar for their rum. The Arché family's sugar refinery and operation were taken over by Castro after he rose to power. Many members of our family came to the United States in the late 1950s and early 1960s, including my grandfather, Carlos (Charles); grandmother, Maria; my father, mother, and brother; and my father's three brothers and their families. Like many refugees, they all left Cuba with little more than a change of clothes. I am the first member of my family to be born in the United States. I was born in Miami in September 1959, the second of three children born to Henry and Haydee Arché. My older brother, Enrique, was born in Havana before the family fled to the United States; my younger sister Gina was also born in Miami. Although the family had been financially secure in Cuba, they were struggling to get by in the United States. However, my grandfather still liked to bet on the horses, and in 1964 one of his wagers resulted in a payoff that would better the lives of the whole family. He had bought a $3 Irish Sweepstakes ticket from a woman who had been selling them door-to-door. His horse, Lionhearted, finished second in the derby at Dublin, resulting in a $56,000 payoff. He learned of the windfall via a telegram from Dublin. Although at the time it was illegal per U.S. laws to receive sweepstakes or lottery winnings via the mail, and possessing a sweeps ticket was a misdemeanor in Florida, my grandfather risked a potential jail term or penalty and cashed in his ticket. He was even highlighted in a front-page article in the Miami Herald's Sunday, June 28, 1964 issue. My grandfather's $3 wager proved to be the jump-start to security in their newly adopted country for the entire Arché family. My grandfather eventually moved himself and my grandmother, along with my immediate family and another aunt and uncle, to Los Angeles, where he invested his winnings (minus what he owed to the IRS) in real estate. While my grandparents never achieved the same level of financial security they had enjoyed in Cuba, they were comfortable here in California. My grandfather died in 1977, and my grandmother outlived him by almost 15 years, during which time she was able to enjoy traveling around the world thanks to how my grandfather had invested his winnings. Her proudest moment, nevertheless, was the day she achieved her U.S. citizenship, and she was forever grateful to the United States for the new opportunities she and my grandfather had been given. As for my parents and siblings, our lives in California can be credited to that single $3 wager on the Irish Sweepstakes — without it, we probably would never have left Florida. Sent by Ron Gonzales |
It has been awhile since I have sent out a message to the "Juana Briones Heritage Foundation" list . As many of you will know, the Foundation is no longer in existence. Unable to raise the funds necessary to purchase the Juana Briones House, and the house facing court ordered demolition, the foundation used its modest funds to establish a state historical marker near Juana's home. Thinking that the house would be no more after 2007, we measured, drew and photographed every inch of it in May of 2007. There have been some interesting and significant developments in the cause of saving from demolition the oldest dwelling in the Mid Peninsula (Palo Alto, Stanford, Los Altos, Menlo Park). 1. The house, though neglected and imprisoned, remains, and there is no immediate prospect of demolition. 2. The house stands because a small group of people provided the money to retain the services of a leading preservationist attorney, Susan Brant-Hawley, and her efforts have convinced the court that the building cannot be demolished without going through appropriate Environmental review. You might wish to give a present to Juana, by sending a contribution to the Brandt-Hawley Law Group at POB 1659, Glen Ellen, CA 95442. Mark it Juana Briones. 3. Jeanne McDonnell's scholarly work, "Juana Briones of 19th Century California," has been published and is available in most public libraries and through the University of Arizona Press. One of her greatest achievements was the discovery was a true photograph of Juana Briones which had lain in the Bolinas archive for all these years. Thank you Jeanne. 4. The community of concern regarding Juana's Casa continues to grow. Professor Al Camarillo does not let this issue die. He knows that this house it is of great symbolic and actual significance to the history of Spanish speaking people in California. Though his offices and those of the Stanford Archivist, a collection of original documents and ephemera of the efforts to save the Juana Briones House is in process of being established. It is this writer’s hope that the University will be the ultimate savior of this house. It is only logical that a great University would act to preserve the historical legacy of its geographical setting. 5. We continue to make alliances with Historical Preservationists, Chicano activists, Feminist and Progressive political movements. We have held public demonstrations and will continue to do so though out the coming year. Specifically we propose a festive demonstration in support of La Casa de Juana on the weekend of her birthday, March 12, 2010. Put Sunday, March 14th on your calendar. It will be held at the Juana Briones Park, on Arastradero Rd, Palo Alto. Join us for a joyous occasion with Mariachi, dancing, singing and cake. 6.
Some among us are trying to contact wealthy people
who live in the Mid-Peninsula with the hope that some of
them would see the historic opportunity to make a lasting
contribution to the history of our region, by funding the
salvation of La Casa de Juana Briones. A
few of us have been meeting informally and we will meet
again, Saturday December 12. I you wish to attend, please
contact me and I will provide details. Clark
Mestizo Institute of Culture & Arts in Salt Lake City |
There's an amazing development taking place at the moment -- a
cross-country bike-ride by Terry Hurst of Salt Lake City to raise
money to purchase a building for $5 million dollars. The money will go
towards the Mestizo Institute of Culture & Arts in SLC.
Terry and his wife Ruby Chacon operate Mestizo in SLC since 2003.
Hurst has thus far biked some 1200 miles and is currently in the state
of Washington. They have raised a little more than $12,000 at the
moment. Please read the following story and followup. The story will
take you to a website to show you how you can contribute.
The website for the story is:
The website for the bike-ride is:
Miles for Mestizo: Artist and writer pedals for $5 million goal By Ben Fulton Salt Lake City writer Terry Hurst is 1,200 miles into the first leg of his bicycle tour to raise funds for a community arts and culture center on Salt Lake City's west side.
Hurst, who is co-founder of Mestizo Institute of Culture & Arts
along with his wife, artist Ruby Chacón, knows how much money he
needs to raise, even if at certain times he doesn't know where he is.
"I'm in some small town right now," he said from his cell
phone this week from Tenino, Wash. "I'm just trying to find a
sign telling me where I am."
Pretty humble words coming from someone trying to pull off the
Herculean task of raising $5 million for land, building design and
Here's the fundraising plan: bike the nation, befriend the masses and
generate publicity sufficient enough for 5 million people to purchase
one pixel each on
The more pixels that you purchase, the more advertising space you
receive. Bulk pixel purchases can receive custom promotional spots.
The single largest purchase will win a custom painting by Chacón.
Donna Davies, a grant writer for the University of California at Davis
and friend of Chacón, is donating her skills to the effort. She's
impressed that Hurst's effort is not your usual cross-country
fundraiser. Instead, as she terms it, he's drawing a
"philosophically aligned network" of people to the cause.
"This is a very balls-out effort," said Davies, who is
helping the Salt Lake biker arrange for lodging and food. "It
builds this mosaic of friends for the arts throughout the
Hurst and Chacón have raised $12,000, with $4,990,000 to go. At this
rate, the 43-year-old Salt Lake City artist will be on his bicycle at
least another 43 years. What seems an impossible long-term goal is
made more manageable, he says, by the notion that the price of one
pixel is just a dollar. Then again, that requires reaching millions of
people through a simple bike ride.
"The naysayers could be right that we'll never raise this
money," Hurst said. "But I think we're better off living in
a world acting and believing that our idea is right, as opposed to
theirs, where nothing is possible."
Hurst and Chacón established the nonprofit Mestizo Institute in 2003,
then in June 2008 anchored its activities at their Mestizo
Coffeehouse, 631 W. North Temple, Salt Lake City.
The nonprofit's various programs, which include art lessons and
activities for youth, have caught on so quickly that the institute has
already outgrown the space, Chacón said. A dedicated facility has
always been a part of the couple's long-term vision for the institute.
"Except for places sponsoring sports and recreation, there really
hasn't been a space of gathering west of [Salt Lake City's] railroad
tracks for a long time," Chacón said.
Hurst, who holds a bachelor's degree in literature and master's in
film from the University of Utah, doesn't need incredulous stares,
cynics' remarks or other buzz killers. He started his fundraising
journey Sept. 20 with 50 Facebook friends. Now he has 800 such
Given time, Hurst's litany of inspired phrases buttressing his effort
might be just as long.
He mocks pessimists: "Every once in a while people have to do
something to show other people that anything is possible. Apathy helps
no one."
He employs humility: "If I can do this, anyone can do this."
He channels campaign slogans: "We are the people we've been
waiting for, and we don't have to wait for other people to do this
when we can do it ourselves."
Once, or if, the community center becomes reality, Davies thinks it
could be a national working model for minority and low-income youth
projects centered on art.
After Seattle and Vancouver, British Columbia, Hurst plans to head
south to San Diego, then east and all the way down the Florida
peninsula to Miami. After that he'll hit the East Coast -- all the
locations it takes until the money is raised, one Internet pixel at a
Before this pilgrimage, back home in Salt Lake City he rarely biked.
He's now lost more than 10 pounds, and he misses his wife and their
17-year-old son.
"The hardest part is being away from my family and people I
love," he said. "I'm a very social person. This has been the
most solitude I've had in years."
Thanks & Sincerely
Roberto Dr. Cintli Rodriguez Column of the Americas PO BOX 85476 Tucson, AZ 85754
2009 De Colores Leadership Award Recipients |
Law Professor Laura Gomez among 2009 De Colores Leadership Award Recipients Laura Gomez, professor, Law and American Studies, received the Leadership Award in Writing at the De Colores’ 17th annual Hispanic Culture Festival. De Colores recognized 12 individuals and one organization for contributing to improving New Mexico communities with their leadership and talents. One UNM partnership and three UNM students were among those honored. Gomez has lectured widely and published numerous articles, book chapters, and op-ed commentaries, as well as two books focusing on the intersection of law, politics and social stratification of the disenfranchised. In Misconceiving Mothers: Legislators, Prosecutors and the Politics of Prenatal Drug Exposure (1997), she documented the career of the “crack baby”/”crack mother” social problem in the media and public policy. In her 2007 book, Manifest Destinies: The Making of the Mexican American Race, she examines how law and racial ideology intersected to create new racial groups and to re-structure the turn-of-the-twentieth century racial order in the Southwest and the nation. A UNM community partner, Celebra la Ciencia, also received an award, the Leadership Award in Education. Celebra la Ciencia began eight years ago as a community project to bring science awareness to Latino families through a series of community festivals. It has created bilingual science family events at various science centers and museums throughout Albuquerque. Celebra la Ciencia community partners include the Albuquerque Public Schools, ENLACE New Mexico, STEM Education Outreach Programs at UNM and New Mexico MESA. Student Leadership Awards were presented to three college and one high school student: Damien Flores: College Leadership Award Flores is a UNM senior, majoring in English. Other awards he has earned include the 2008 Lena Todd Award for creative non-fiction from the UNM English Department; “Poet of the Year” in 2007 and 2008 by the NM Hispano Entertainer’s Association; the 2008 and 2009 ABQ-Slams City Champion. He was a member of four ABQ Poetry Slam Teams as well as the ‘06 & ‘08 National Champion UNM Slam Teams. He has written two books, “A Novena of Mud” and “El Cuento de Juana Henrieta.” His work has been anthologized in numerous national publications and is currently Poet-in-Residence at Albuquerque High School. Andrea Robles: College Leadership Award Robles is a UNM junior pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Nursing. An Albuquerque High School graduate, Andrea has returned to her school as an ENLACE Mentor to inspire and assist students in realizing their potential for higher education. As a first generation college student, she has made the Dean’s List at UNM and has served as a cheer coach for girls age six and under. Andrea is not only a mentor to students, but also a genuine role model for those around her. Jessica Martinez: College Leadership Award Martinez is a sophomore at UNM double majoring in Political Science and Spanish with an emphasis in International Relations. Jessica has been the National Youth President of the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) for three years. She is the youngest member on LULAC’s National Board. She is a member and past council president of LULAC Youth Council 53 and has also previously held the position of New Mexico LULAC Youth State Director. She has been a statewide, local and national youth leader. Recently, Martinez was ranked number 10 on the list of Top Latinos Under the Age of 25. De Colores Inc. is an all-volunteer organization that celebrates Latino culture, achievements and leadership each year during National Hispanic Heritage Month. De Colores will be announcing student scholarship and cash award essay and poster art winners in November. This year’s De Colores sponsors included APS, UNM, Intel, Youth Development, Inc, and the Atrisco Heritage Foundation. Media Contact: Carolyn Gonzales, (505) 277-5920; e-mail:
Cherokee Nation Cherokee Legend of the Cherokee Indian youth's rite of Passage? National American Indian Heritage Month Resources What's Your Tribe? Find out through DNA Mexico's full-blooded Indigenous people Cahokia Mound Savages? Who knew? Coleccion de Lenguas Indigenas Biblioteca Boy's recovery from flesh-eating bacteria could lead to Indian saint canonization Role of women in pre-Columbian Native American societies. |
Editor: A really enjoyed this site. Not only do you hear
beautiful, peace music, but a very clear narrator invites the reader to
an understanding of the Cherokee history, culture and philosophy of
unity and brotherhood. Included is information on Chief Rogers, History Library, Religion, Storytelling, Music/Art Events, Prophecy,
Cherokee Medicine, Photo Galleries, Learn the Cherokee Language, and Media Articles.
Sent by John Inclan
National American Indian Heritage Month Resources | Sent by Rafael Ojeda
I know nothing about the company, but it is FASCINATING what is being
done. Do check it out.
Sample DNA Tribes Results:
your genetic ancestry is quick
and easy with our home DNA testing kit.
DNA is collected by lightly brushing inside your cheek and then
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Hispanic Sent by Carlos Munoz,
Mexico's full-blooded Indigenous people |
On 11/7/09, Henry Villalobos <>
Today, Mexico has more traditional full-blooded Indigenous (Native Americans) people than any other country in the Americas. In Mexico, there are over 20 million full-blooded Native people, and they are aware that they are needed in the United States to work in the hot fields to put food on the tables of all of the Americans. Most Americans are not aware that full-blooded Native people from Mexico are working in the hot fields in California. Today, the Native people from Mexico are called "Mexicans", "Hispanic", "Immigrants", etc. It is unfair to put those labels on full-blooded Indigenous people from North America Mexico. Most of the Native people working in the fields do not speak Spanish nor English, they only speak their Native languages. (In 1984, I told some Native people from Mexico, that they are Native Americans, and also showed them the Map to prove that Mexico is North America.) Some of the full-blooded Native people who are working in the fields are the Mixteca, Amuzgo, Zapotec, Yaqui, Cocopa, Pima, Opata. In 1995, Daniel Nazaroff, who owns 130 acres of vineyards near Madera, said "Before I used to just have Mexicans (Mixed-Bloods) here." "Then, slowly, it changed and now just about all of them are from Oaxaca. You hear them talking and you realize, that's not Mexican they're speaking." (In 1984, my Mixteca brothers told me that I will always have a home in Oaxaca.) Today, the office of the California Attorney General and the U.S.Government needs to investigate the U.F.W. and the treatment of the full-blooded Native people who work in those hot fields in California. By: Henry Guzman Villalobos (Azteca-Mexica-Yaqui Native American) President and C.E.O., of Aztecs of North America, Inc., A California Non-Profit Corporation, (510) 247-9553, (510) 690-5748,
Sent by Dorinda Moreno, Fuerza Mundial |
There was an interesting article in Salon on August 6 about a new book
called Cahokia: Ancient America's Great City on the Mississippi by an
archaeologist named Timothy Pauketat.
According to Pauketat, Cahokia wasn't just a random collection of
mounds but, rather, at least in the twelfth century, a city of 20,000
people, the largest in what is now the United States. (It would take
600 years for another U.S. city to surpass it. That would be colonial
Philadelphia.) Its suburbs, of sorts, stretched across the river, a
nice twist on the modern St. Louis/East St. Louis divide.
About two-thirds of Cahokia's original 120 mounds still exist. Earlier
archaeologists hypothesized that such an impressive city could not
possibly have been built by Native Americans - the most obvious
candidates - and must have been constructed by a mysterious,
now-defunct tribe of people of European or African origin known as the
"Mound Builders" or even visitors from outer space. (This
was a popular theory about Mayan and Incan ruins as well.)
But Pauketat has definitive proof that the ancient Cahokians were
indeed human beings, in the form of Mound 72.
Some archaeologists might pussyfoot around this question more than
Pauketat does, but it also seems clear that political and religious
power in Cahokia revolved around another ancient tradition. Cahokians
performed human sacrifice, as part of some kind of theatrical,
community-wide ceremony, on a startlingly large scale unknown in North
America above the valley of Mexico. Simultaneous burials of as many as
53 young women (quite possibly selected for their beauty) have been
uncovered beneath Cahokia's mounds, and in some cases victims were
evidently clubbed to death on the edge of a burial pit, and then fell
into it. A few of them weren't dead yet when they went into the pit -
skeletons have been found with their phalanges, or finger bones,
digging into the layer of sand beneath them.
These women, Pauketat hypothesizes, came from mostly female agrarian
villages surrounding Cahokia. (Which raises even more questions, most
notably: Where did all the men go?) Further investigation into the
contents of Mound 72 revealed more corpses, 250 in all, including some
men. At the very top of the pile were two men, one wrapped in a beaded
cloak in the shape of a thunderbird. It's not clear exactly who he
was, but all signs point to him being a Very Important Cahokian and
that the other bodies were somehow related to him and his cohort.
- Aimee Levitt
Coleccion de Lenguas Indigenas Biblioteca | Editor: Site in Spanish which includes a whole collection of essays and data on indigenous languages. I was not able to capture an example, but do check it out. So much information. Sent by Estela Lopez Perez
Cherokee Legend Do you know the legend of the Cherokee Indian youth's rite of Passage? |
His father takes him into the forest, blindfolds him an leaves him alone. He is required to sit on a stump the whole night and not remove the blindfold until the rays of the morning sun shine through it. He cannot cry out for help to anyone. Once he survives the night, he is a MAN. He cannot tell the other boys of this experience, because each lad must come into manhood on his own. ![]() The boy is naturally terrified. He can hear all kinds of noises. Wild beasts must surely be all around him . Maybe even some human might do him harm. The wind blew the grass and earth, and shook his stump, but he sat stoically, never removing the blindfold. It would be the only way he could become a man! Finally, after a horrific night the sun appeared and he removed his blindfold.
Boy's recovery from flesh-eating bacteria |
Finkbonner family prayed when Jake had flesh-eating bacteria KIE RELYEA Last updated: October 11th, 2009 07:15 AM (PDT) FERNDALE - His face was scarred by the flesh-eating bacteria that had invaded his body, her face by smallpox that killed her immediate family. They are both American Indians and both Catholics. And if the Vatican decrees that Jake Finkbonner's survival is a miracle that can be attributed to Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha's help, they also will be bound by the canonization of the first American Indian saint in the Catholic Church. Elsa Finkbonner certainly believes her 9-year-old son's victory over necrotizing fasciitis is miraculous. "There is no doubt in my mind that he is a miracle. He had everything going against him. There was a whole grocery list of things that should have happened against him, and he defied all of them," said Finkbonner, a Sandy Point resident. What the Vatican will decide is whether Jake's recovery is a miracle that is beyond the explanation of medicine and that can be attributed to the intercession on his behalf by Blessed Kateri, who was born to an Algonquin mother and Mohawk father in 1656 near what is today Auriesville, N.Y. When she was 4, smallpox killed her parents and her brother, scarred her face and damaged her eyesight. She was baptized into the faith in 1676, a conversion that led to persecution by tribal members, according to reports. In 1679, she took a vow of chastity. She died on April 17, 1680, near what is today Montreal, Canada, and eyewitnesses claimed that her scars disappeared soon after. Known as the Lily of the Mohawks, she was beatified by Pope John Paul II in 1980, becoming the first American Indian to be so honored. More than three centuries after her death, Jake was fighting for his life after falling and bumping his mouth in the closing moments of a basketball game on Feb. 11, 2006. Necrotizing fasciitis, or Strep A, invaded his body and bloodstream through that small cut, and the aggressive bacteria raced across his cheeks, eyelids, scalp and chest as doctors worked desperately to stop its spread. To save him, each day they surgically removed his damaged flesh. And every day for two weeks, they put the boy, who was then in kindergarten, in a hyperbaric chamber at Virginia Mason Medical Center in Seattle to deliver oxygen to his body to help quell the infection's progression. As Jake laid near death, the Rev. Tim Sauer advised his mom and dad, Donny, to pray to Blessed Kateri, who is the patroness for American Indians, for her intercession. That is akin to asking Blessed Kateri to pray to God to perform a miracle on Jake's behalf. The boy is of Lummi descent. Sauer was at that time pastor of three Catholic churches in Whatcom County: St. Joseph in Ferndale, where he baptized Jake and where the deeply faithful Finkbonners attend, St. Anne in Blaine and St. Joachim on the Lummi Reservation. Parishioners also were urged to ask Blessed Kateri for her help. Some months after Jake recovered in 2006, Sauer sent a letter to the Archbishop in Seattle about a possible miraculous occurrence. "Basically, I just put it in their hands," said Sauer, who is now the pastor at St. Bridget Church in Seattle. "His survival ... was an extraordinary event." St. Bridget is five minutes from Seattle Children's hospital, where Jake spent nine weeks and Sauer spent much time with the Finkbonners during those terrible days when doctors prepared the family several times for the boy's impending death. But he survived, though he bears the scars from that vicious battle. They are on his face and neck, across his scalp from ear to ear, and across his chest from shoulder to shoulder. Although he has undergone 27 surgeries and more are on the way, the fourth-grader at Assumption Catholic School in Bellingham is otherwise healthy. Since Sauer wrote the letter, investigators from the Catholic Church have interviewed people including the priest, Jake's family and others who testified that they prayed for her intercession. Elsa Finkbonner submitted information in 2006 about what happened to her son, along with requests for his medical records that were sent along. She also informed Jake's doctors of the process. The family was interviewed on numerous occasions starting in 2007. Sauer said he submitted testimony four times, twice in writing and twice orally. Sauer said there isn't much he's allowed to say about the process, which the Catholic Church keeps confidential to protect against undue influence. Representatives from the Archdiocese of Seattle could not be reached for comment despite repeated attempts. Sauer said the investigation has concluded and the information sent to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints in Rome. Blessed Kateri needs one more miracle that can be attributed to her intercession to be declared a saint. Neither Finkbonner nor Sauer know when the Vatican will make that decision. In an Aug. 13 Canwest News Service story, Monsignor Paul Lenz said that evidence of a miracle, gathered over two years, was sent to Rome in July. Lenz did not say what the miracle was, though stories in Catholic publications dating back to 2006 note that Jake's survival and recovery would be presented as evidence in Blessed Kateri's canonization process. If she is declared a saint, it means that she will be among those who stand before the presence of God and who serve as examples for Catholics, according to Sauer. "They're the heroes, if you will, of the church and its history, for us to look up to and emulate. They are people who lived their Christian faith in an exemplary way, which is what a saint is, that ought to be mediated on and imitated," he said. "We do not worship them. They do not replace God or Jesus," Sauer added. No matter the decision, the Finkbonners said they already have their answer. "Whether they attribute his healing to Blessed Kateri or not, that's up to the church, that's up to the Vatican," Elsa Finkbonner said. "But it doesn't take anybody to tell Donny and I what happened to him was, in fact, a miracle." Originally published: October 9th, 2009 05:14 PM (PDT) |
Role of women in
pre-Columbian Native American societies. |
Rarely do Pre-Columbian studies or texts focus much attention or detail on the role of Women in Ancient America: their role in society; their labors; their place in family...This site will mainly focus on societies right before the arrival of the Europeans - Aztec, Mayan, Andean (Inka and others), and briefly North America. It will focus on women's role in the Maya and Aztec civilizations of Mesoamerica, the Inca culture from South America, and North American in generals -- Sent by Juan Marinez
Mysterious ruins may help explain Mayan collapse U. of Michigan to Review Policies on Returning Indian Remains |
Mysterious ruins may help explain Mayan collapse |
What's this? By Dan Vergano, USA TODAY Ringing two abandoned pyramids are nine palaces "frozen in time" that may help unravel the mystery of the ancient Maya, reports an archaeological team. Hidden in the hilly jungle, the ancient site of Kiuic (KIE-yuk) was one of dozens of ancient Maya centers abandoned in the Puuc region of Mexico's Yucatan about 10 centuries ago. The latest discoveries from the site may capture the moment of departure.
"The people just walked away and left everything in place,"
says archaeologist George Bey of Millsaps College in Jackson Miss.,
co-director of the Labna-Kiuic Regional Archaeological Project.
"Until now, we had little evidence from the actual moment of
abandonment, it's a frozen moment in time."
The ancient, or "classic" Maya were part of a Central
American civilization best known for stepped pyramids, beautiful
carvings and murals and the widespread abandonment of cities around
900 A.D. in southern Mexico, Guatemala, Belize and El Salvador. They
headed for the northern Yucatan, where Spanish conquistadors met their
descendants in the 1500s (6 million modern Maya still live in Central
America today).
Past work by the team, led by Bey and Tomas Gallareta of Mexico's
National Institute of Archaeology and History, shows the Maya had
inhabited the Puuc region since 500 B.C. So why they headed for the
coast with their brethren is just part of the mystery of the Maya
New clues may come from Kiuic, where the archaeologists explored two
pyramids and, most intriguingly, plantation palaces on the ridges
ringing the center. Of particular interst: a hilltop complex nicknamed
"Stairway to Heaven" by Gallareta (that's "Escalera al
Cieloa" for Spanish-speaking Led Zeppelin fans) because of a long
staircase leading from Kiuic to a central plaza nearly a mile away.
Both the pyramids and the palaces look like latter-day additions to
Kiuic, built in the 9th century, just as Maya centers farther south
were being abandoned. "The influx of wealth (at Kiuic) may spring
from immigration," Bey says, as Maya headed north. One pyramid
was built atop what was originally a palace, allowing the rulers of
Kiuic to simultaneously celebrate their forebears and move to fancier
digs in the hills.
When the team started exploring the hilltop palaces, five vaulted
homes to the south of the hilltop plaza and four to the north, the
archaeologists found tools, stone knives and axes, corn-grinder stones
called metates (muh-TAH-taze) and pots still sitting in place.
"It was completely unexpected," Bey says. "It looks
like they just turned the metates on their sides and left things
waiting for them to come back."
"Their finds look very interesting and promising," says
archaeologist Takeshi Inomata of the University of Arizona, who is not
part of the project. "If it indeed represents rapid abandonment,
it provides important implications about the social circumstance at
that time and promises detailed data on the way people lived."
Inomata is part of a team exploring Aguateca, an abandoned Maya center
in Guatemala renowned for its preservation. "I should add that
the identification of rapid abandonment is not easy. There are other
types of deposits — particularly ritual deposits — that result in
very similar kinds of artifact assemblages," Inomata cautions, by
Bey and colleagues presented some of their findings earlier this year
at the Society for American Archaeology meeting in Atlanta. The team
hopes to publish its results and dig further at Kiuic to prove their
finding of rapid abandonment there. "I think you could compare it
to Pompeii, where people locked their doors and fled, taking some
things but leaving others," Bey says.
So far, what drove people to leave the site remains a mystery, as it
is for the rest of the ancient Maya. The only sign of warfare is a
collection of spear points found in the central plaza of Kiuic. There
are signs that construction halted there — a stucco-floored plaza
sits half-complete, for example. "Drought seems more likely, that
would halt construction," Bey says.
Having climbed the "Stairway to Heaven" a few times, Bey can
answer one minor mystery, however. Why weren't the palace sites looted
as so many other Maya sites have been? "The hills are a good
climb," he says. "People just didn't bother to climb the
hills to search the rooms."
By David N. Goodman |
Sephardic Cuba, Your Family Tree Exiles of the Heart: Two Sephardic Women from Egypt Share of Loss & Connections DNA Research of Dr. Wesley Sutton: No “Crypto-Jews” in New Mexico The Jewish Genealogy Blog |
Sephardic Cuba, Your Family Tree |
Lots of information by webmaster Gustavo del Toro who was born in Guantanamo, Cuba and immigrated to the USA in 1976. |
DNA: No “Crypto-Jews” in New Mexico
DNA: No “Crypto-Jews” in NM: Dr. Wesley Sutton, whose
advanced degrees are in Molecular Biology and Physical Anthropology,
visited Albuquerque in August, ’09. He presented his already
published findings of his DNA project regarding the Y (male)
chromosome of “Spanish Americans.” His article, “Toward
Resolution of the Debate Regarding Purported Crypto-Jews in a
Spanish-American Population: Evidence from the Y Chromosome,”
was published in the professional journal, ANNALS OF HUMAN BIOLOGY,
Jan.-Feb., 2006.
As some readers might know, the Y chromosome is found only in males
(and contains some 600 markers). Dr. Sutton’s scientific
investigation was intended to compare the DNA of the Y (male)
chromosome found in “Spanish American” (their choice of ethnic
labels) males (139 of them) around New Mexico and southern
Colorado with the DNA of males from (European) Iberia (Spain and
Portugal). Here is a synopsis of his findings:
Spanish American males: 66.2% of the sample population had the
(European ancestry) M9 marker; 9.8% had the (Middle East
ancestry) M304 marker, and 6.8% had the (North African ancestry) M123
marker. Interestingly, only 2.2% of the sample population showed
Native American ancestry (though it must be pointed out the Y
chromosome is only about five percent of the genome).
European Spanish and Portuguese males: 64.6% of the sample
population had the (European ancestry) M9 marker; 10.3% had the
(Middle East ancestry) M304 marker, and 13.5% had the (North African
ancestry) M123 marker.
As is readily apparent, Spanish-American males have about the same
proportion of European ancestry as their Spanish and Portuguese
counterparts. Spaniards (European) had a higher proportion of North
African ancestry but about the same Middle Eastern ancestry as
Jews are originally a people from the Middle East but there is no
“Jewish marker” to identify them so they are necessarily part of
the Middle East grouping. Middle East countries include Syria, Jordan,
Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq, Iran, and now Israel (said to be the
original Jewish homeland). Spanish Americans showed a 9.8% ancestry
from the Middle East, an area that includes all of the above mentioned
countries. It is logical to assume the 9.8% Middle East ancestry
proportion could be spread around all the countries named above. It
would not be logical to assume the entire percentage came solely from
the Jewish homeland. Indeed, ancestry might very well be more Arabic
than Jewish.
Dr. Sutton concludes: For all markers investigated,
Spanish-American males are statistically highly different from Jewish
populations. DNA proves Spanish-American males from New Mexico and
Southern Colorado have no significant tie to “crypto-Jew”
With the “crypto-Jew” myth exploded, it would be interesting for
Chicano Studies departments at the university level to test Hispano
DNA for Native American ancestry. Many Chicano Studies departments
have operated under the premise that “Hispanics are more Indian than
Spanish” and it would be interesting to see what DNA shows. It might
also be worthwhile to identify and test the “genízaro” (de-tribalized
Indian; acculturated Native American) population, if it can be
isolated enough for testing.
This story may have general implications for those of Jewish ancestry,
and particularly those with Hispanic and/or known Converso or
Sephardic ancestry.
While researching a a recent posting on genealogy and health issues
for the Genealogy Blog, this 2004 New York Times
article popped up.
In 1598, Joyce Gonzalez’s great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather followed the famous conquistador Juan de Oñate from Spain to Mexico, then north on the Camino Real, the Royal Road to Santa Fe.
Mary Ann Chavez and her brother, above, are among the family members
who suffer from oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy. In the 1800s, one
of Mary Ann Chavez’s distant relatives, possibly a French fur
trapper and trader from Quebec, also made his way into northern New
Mexico. Mrs. Chavez and Mrs. Gonzalez, though not related, share a
Hispanic heritage and a fascination with genealogy.
They also share the burden of having forebears with genetic diseases
that, like the remote mountain villages in this region, have remained
largely hidden from medical diagnosis and treatment. Now, thanks to
the efforts of patient advocates and the work of a clinic here at the
University of New Mexico Medical School, these illnesses are finally
being confronted and studied.
“We call it the family curse,” said Mrs. Chavez, 73, “and you
don’t know you’ve got it until you’re 40 or 50 when your eyelids
start to droop, and you begin to have trouble swallowing and get
muscle weakness.”
The illness is called oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy, or OPMD, and
the largest group of Americans affected are Hispanics living in
northern New Mexico. They are descendants of the wandering
French-Canadian or, perhaps, early Spanish colonists. Mrs. Chavez’s
son, her brother and innumerable aunts, uncles and cousins have all
inherited the disease.
The family names referenced in the article are confirmed Sephardic
names, listed in Pere Bonnin's Sangre Judia and on Oñate
himself is considered to be of Converso ancestry, according to
researchers, and most of the settlers in his expeditions were of
similar background.
Considering that the geographical area covering this genetic disorder
is northern New Mexico, where there is a very high percentage of the
familias viejos ("old families"), it is possible that there
is a Jewish element to this. I'm also wondering if southern Colorado,
also a hotbed of Converso ancestry, has a population with this
condition as well.
The fact that it has been found in Spain, Israel, France and England -
all destinations populated by Sephardim and Conversos leads me to
these suppositions. Tracing the Tribe is trying to find more
information and will post when it is discovered.
Meanwhile, this is a fascinating story. Aren't newspaper archives
wonderful resources? I'm amazed that I haven't seen this story before.
If either of these conditions sound familiar or you know people who
may have these symptoms, checking with a doctor seems a reasonable
The genetic mutation OPMD was first identified by Canadian researchers
in Quebec, which has the largest OPMD population in North America. The
defective gene is thought to have been introduced by three French
sisters who came to Canada in 1648. It is now found in 29 countries,
in addition to those listed above.
Mrs. Gonzalez’s disease is cavernous angioma, also called CCM, for
cerebral cavernous malformation. It is caused by abnormal blood
vessels that form raspberrylike clusters in the brain and spinal cord.
If these angiomas bleed or press against structures in the central
nervous system, they can produce seizures, neurological deficits,
hemorrhages and headaches.
Cavernous angiomas occur sporadically in the general population, but
20 percent are inheritable, and the disease is found at a much higher
rate in Mexican-American families, particularly in northern New
Mexico. Like OPMD, it is an autosomal dominant disease, meaning that
each child of an affected parent has a 50 percent chance of inheriting
According to the story, the gene CCM1 seems to be found only in Mexican-Americans. Gonzalez persuaded nine relatives to undergo genetic testing; five tested positive for the CCM1 gene and all had angiomas in their brainstems.
“The Hispanic families that have lived here for 300 or 400 years —
we’re practically all cousins,” she said. That led her to trace
the genealogies of four other Hispanic families with histories of
cerebral cavernous malformation. She held a complex genealogical chart
whose five converging family trees pointed to Gerónimo Márquez, the
16th-century patriarch of her family. “He could be the guy that
brought it for all of us,” she said.
A volunteer support group, Angioma Alliance, is headed by Dr. Connie Lee who estimates that tens of thousands of Hispanics carry the CCM1 gene. For CCM patients, genetic testing and MRI tests have improved diagnosis and monitoring, with treatments including medication for seizures and headaches, and neurosurgery for angiomas that can be accessed.
For those with OPMD, treatments include so-called sling procedures in
which the eyelid is drawn up to a normal position and suspended from a
muscle in the forehead. Swallowing difficulties may be treated with
esophageal dilation, or Botox injections to relax the swallowing
Another physician from the University of New Mexico Medical School is
quoted and says that because Mexican-Americans live all over the US,
health professionals and patients - especially those in the Southwest
- need to be aware of symptoms such as seizures, recurrent headaches
or strokelike symptoms, and individuals need to tell their doctors
about angiomas or cavernous malformation. In the case of OPMD, she
says that droopy eyelids and swallowing trouble may be more than just
a family trait.
If these symptoms are in your family, check with your doctor.
Google Blogs Alert for: Hispanic genealogy
Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage
Project National Association of Chicana and Chicano Studies Conference New Opera about José Antonio Navarro, Friends of Casa Navarro Tejano Land Grant Movement Memories of the art of sheep Carding A Link to the Past—Historian Harbert Davenport by Norman Rozeff Recommendations by Jose M. Pena for Texas State School System Hosted the 5th Annual Tejano Vigil in The Alamo Shrine The Broader Picture of the Battle at the Medina by Richard G. Santos
Why was the Battle of Medina fought? by Joe Lopez
The Hispanic History of Texas Project recovers, preserves, disseminates and studies documents related to the participation in and contributions of Hispanics to the history of Texas. With funding from The Houston Endowment, the project is pleased to offer support for research in this field. Scholars and advanced graduate students are encouraged to apply for a stipend of up to $4,500 for research work in one of the following areas: 1) · Identification, location, recovery and/or study of Hispanic texts documents, books, periodicals, archives, photos, etc. produced before 1960 and relating to the over-all project mission. 2) · Bibliographic indexing and cataloging of data. 3) · Study of recovered Hispanic primary documents, manuscripts, publications, or other source(s). 4) · Identification, evaluation, acquisition, classification and preservation of archival materials in private, public and/or institutional collections that meet the aforementioned criteria. Rebeca Reyes Assistant to the Director Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage Project University of Houston § 256 Cullen Performance Hall § Houston, Texas 77204-2006 (713) 743-3128 § (713) 743-3142 Fax E-mail: |
The year 2010 marks the 40th anniversary of the formal establishment of Mexican American Studies in the academy in Texas. Since the early 1970s, many approaches have been developed and employed in the field of Chicana and Chicano Studies, some focusing on political economy, others on cultural studies, some focusing on the specificity of the Tejano experience, others focusing on how Texas fits into the larger experience of Mexican Americans in the United States and linkages to Mexico and Latin America. Chicana and Chicano Studies in Texas has drawn from many intellectual approaches and fields, and struggled to expand the definition of the academy, activism, and intellectual life. The goal of the 2010 NACCS-Tejas Foco Regional Conference is to examine questions around a "Texas School" of Chicana and Chicano Studies. We invite scholars of Chicana and Chicano Studies, members of NACCS, and the general public to submit proposals for papers, panels, or performances that engage the question of whether there is (or is not) a Texas-based approach to Chicana and Chicano Studies. Submissions may look at the past, present, and future of Chicana and Chicano Studies in Texas to outline such a "Texas School" of thought or may call into question the very idea of such a proposition. The conference will also consider whether there is more than one school of thought within Texas. Proposals for papers, panels, or performances should include a 250-word abstract (maximum length) and must include full contact information. Paper proposals can come from individuals or co-authors. Panel proposals must list all participants who have agreed to serve on the panel. Performance proposals must provide technical requirements. The deadline for submissions is January 8, 2010. Proposals must be submitted by e-mail attachment: Luis Guevara at For more information regarding this event or other CMAS programming, please call 512-471-4557 or visit the CMAS website at |
Friends of Casa Navarro
Preserving the Past and Protecting the Future |
In 1841, José Antonio Navarro was imprisoned and sentenced to death in Mexico City. He was later sent to the brutal dungeon prison at San Juan de Ulúa in Vera Cruz. This was one of the most dreaded prisons in the world, a prison of “a living death” from which no one left alive! DID YOU KNOW??? A Navarro Opera is being written about Navarro’s imprisonment. It will be a children’s opera that travels to elementary schools. This is an Opera in the Schools program developed by the San Antonio Opera Guild and UTSA Lyric Theater. The Friends are partners in this innovative program! To support this project - contact: Sylvia Navarro Tillotson:; (972) 841-1018
Casa Navarro. dedicated to enhancing the profile, legacy, and
accomplishments of Jose Antonio Navarro and to support the operation
and maintenance of the Casa Navarro State Historic Site in San
Antonio, TX. Casa Navarro Historic Site is open to the public
every Wednesday through Sunday, 10AM to 4PM. For Weddings, Receptions,
and any Private Events, contact Jose Zapata, 210-226-4801.
Tejano Land Grant Movement |
We Are The Sleeping Giant Wake Up Now Before Your Legacy Is Lost
Forever |
Memories of the art of sheep carding |
Ernesto: Your e-mail really brought some fond memories, especially the art of Carding. Like yourself, I remember my mother patiently using those long forgotten "Cardas" to card the wool. Just like you say, after carding the wool and cleaning it, my mother and sisters would hand-sew blankets with different designs. I think my blanket is somewhere in the many unopened boxes I still have. Where did that art and skill go? It certainly seems like it is very much in use in the country where the movie was taken? Thanks for the memories. Jose M. Thanks, Israel. Here is another good article by Givens of the Corpus Christi Caller-Times.
was born at the right time and in the right state, and was therefore
perfectly situated to record the history of Texas pioneers and much
more. Of course, there was
one other element necessary. Was he interested and capable of doing so?
He was and, if you excuse the pun, the rest is history. Harbert Davenport was born in Eastland, Texas on October 19, 1882. Olney, Texas in 1904 saw his marriage to Elizabeth Pettit, a Missouri native. They were to have two sons, Harbert Jr. and Wortham. They moved several times before, in 1908, Harbert received his LL.B from the University of Texas. After practicing in Anahuac, the family took up permanent residency in Brownsville in the year 1912. Here Harbert became a law associate of Judge James B. Wells, Jr. Wells, of course, was the county's most famous and accomplished attorney and the longtime " political boss" of Cameron County too. Davenport
was an early Woodrow Wilson supporter and knew something of Valley
politics because he had written "a detailed account of the
Independent party's resort to election fraud in the 1912 Brownsville
election, their misuse of the city police force and their effort to
gerrymander the election precincts of Cameron County." In 1915 the infamous Plan of San Diego had become common knowledge in the Valley. While viewing a dance Pablo Falcon, a deputy constable working for the Brownsville government, was shot and killed. Davenport later characterized it as "the raiders' first victim." Harbert prided himself on his close connections with the Tejanos in Brownsville and rural Cameron County. He later wrote to his sometime law partner, J.T. Canales, that had Falcon not been murdered he "would have undoubtedly warned me of the trouble brought about by the Plan of San Diego." When the Pizana Ranch attack by authorities took place in August 1915 they, in a justification effort, tried to portray it as a major skirmish however a critical Davenport claimed the incident didn't even deserve the term "fight'. Davenport was more grounded in the realities of the situation. He would later record: "During these troubles, one good citizen—a lawyer who held high places in the judiciary of Texas—suggested to me that we ought to compel all Mexicans resident on the Border to go across the river until the troubles were over, and then go out and shoot all that were left. The mere fact that a larger proportion of those he proposed to exile were born here and were the children of parents who were born here, and that they would be no safer on the Mexican side of the river than he or any member of his family, simply did not register." In
World War I he had served
as a second lieutenant in the army air corps. Upon his return he set up
his own law practice. A thorough researcher and investigator he became
"recognized as an authority on southwestern land and water law and
on Spanish and Mexican law as applied to Texas." He had already
commenced documenting history with his "History of the Supreme
Court of Texas" in 1917. Unlike his former associate Wells, Harbert
was not one to become engaged in seeking
political power. In 1918 he authored (with Jim Wells) the first of numerous articles he would submit to the Southwestern Historical Quarterly. It was titled The First Europeans in Texas 1528-1536. During 1923 he went on to edit the SWJ article on the expedition of Panfilo de Narvaez. This
journal is published by the Texas State Historical Association.
Davenport was to become a fellow of the association in 1929 and serve as
its president 1939-42. With his scholarly background he was a natural to
serve as a Brownsville School Board member 1924-32. In the 1920s Davenport operated a satellite office in Harlingen together with J.T. Canales. It was on the second floor of the Water District office, Jackson at Commerce. In the decade to follow he used his legal skills to represent the Good Government League of Hidalgo County in an effort to break the boss rule in that county. Who better then to write about a political power, this time in Cameron County? Davenport did so in 1933 with his "The Life of James B. Wells." In 1950 he would add to the subject with an oral history interview. When
in 1949 he composed "Notes on Early Steam-boating on the Rio
Grande" for the SWQ he was the first to detail this neglected
subject. This
same decade saw him conduct in-depth research on Fannin's command and
the men of Goliad, the 1836 campaign there, and the massacre. He was
later honored by being asked to present the address at the dedication of
the Texas War of Independence monument at La Bahia, Goliad. After
the age of 60 Davenport seems to have found the time and energy to
increase his history work. Together with his associate J.T. Canales,
Davenport, concerned about retaining the important water rights of the
Valley, generated in 1949 "The Texas Law of Flowing Water with
Special Reference to Irrigation from the Lower Rio Grande." He
followed this up in 1953 with "Development of the Texas Laws of
Water." Other
contributions made by Davenport include these articles: Angel of
Goliad (Panchita Alavez); Santa Anna; Prisoner of
Mata—The Ladies Lojero; Conference on the Revolution of Mexico
1810-1943; General Jose Maria Jesus Carabajal; and Analysis
of Porciones 80 and 81. In researching his classic book The King
Ranch, Tom Lea used Davenport as a confirmation and clarification
source. For many years Harbert contributed to civic organizations of the area and as a veteran was active in the American Legion. After a long and productive life Harbert Davenport died at age 74 on February 23, 1957. He is buried in the Buena Vista Cemetery, Brownsville. His wife Elizabeth also had taken up history causes and made contributions to the Brownsville community. She was to die in 1965 at age 82 and be buried alongside her husband. The Valley was fortunate to have both contribute much to preserving and explaining our heritage.
Recommendations by Jose M. Pena for Texas State School System |
for asking me to provide my ideas related to text and reference
books that you should be recommending for the Texas School System.
I have modified the list with books recommended by Joe Lopez. We
hope the following ideas and reasons will help:
1. Texas Books -- either text or reference books -- should
include histories of the time when the 23 original settlements
were established by Jose de Escandon and when the Land Grants
(both Porciones and Large Land Grants) were awarded. There
are multiple reasons why this history is important; one
principal one is that many land grants and porciones
originated there and were later transferred to Texas after the
U.S./Mexican War. Here are some books that delve into
these areas:
(a) New Guide To Spanish &Mexican
Land Grants in South Texas by Texas General Land Office
(b) Inherit the Dust From the Four Winds of Revilla by Jose M.
(c) Our Catholic Heritage, 7 Volumes
(d) Jose Escandon and the Founding of Nuevo Santander
(e) Jose Escandon, Colonoizer of Nuevo Santander
(f) The Kingdom of Zapata
(g) This one has a long title by Florence Johnson Scott:
Historical Heritage of the Lower Rio
Grande: A Historical Record of Spanish Exploration, Subjugation, and Colonization of the Rio Grande Valley........etc.
2. The text and Reference books need to discuss the historical
efforts being made between 1810 and 1821 in the South West.
They are interrelated. Mexico was trying to become
independent from Spain. Texas was trying to become
independent from the central government of Mexico. During this
period, Jose Bernardo Gutierrez de Lara proclaimed the first
April 6, 1813 Constitution of Texas, the Battle of
Medina took place, and Mexico became independent.
Books that come to mind:
(a) Dan Arellano's Book on the Battle of Medina
(b) Joe Lopez Book on Jose Bernardo Gutierrez de Lara
(c) My book, Inherit the Dust from the Four Winds of Revilla
(d) The Development of Early Mexican Land Policy By Ricki
3. Text and Reference Books need to also delve into battles of
the Alamo, San Jacinto, and the 1836 decision by Texas to secede
from Mexico. The Texas Constitution of 1836
-- and particularly General Provision 8 is important. Also
important is the legal difference of border recognition -- Mexico
recognized the Nueces as its border and Texas (and U.S.)
recognized the Rio Grande.
My book, deals with those.
Some of Andres Tijerina deal in this area
4. The U.S. and Mexican War of 1846 to 1848
is essential and Text and Reference Books must discuss the
(a) The unprovoked invasion by the U.S. against territorial
grounds of Mexico --
(b) The negotiations and signing of The Original
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo for following reasons:
(i) First, the condition in
which the Treaty was signed; for instance, the treaty was signed
under duress while the U.S. had all its forces surrounding and inside Mexico City.
(ii) Second, Mexico was
represented by an Interim President -- Santa Anna had already fled
to Colombia.
(iii) Third, the Interim Mexican
Government did a decent job of negotiating the First Unedited
Treaty of Guadalupe including Article VIII and Article X.
(c) The issuance of the Second (and edited)
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo now becomes relevant because:
Once Mexico and the U.S. had negotiated and approved the Original
Treaty of Guadalupe, President Polk and the U.S. Senate changed
and modified the terms of a negotiated treaty unilaterally.
In fact, President Polk and the U.S. Senate changed Article VIII and
Eliminated a most important Article X dealing with Land Grants.
In sum, this is the reason why the original -- and the edited
-- Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo must be presented in two parts.
(d) Once Mexico saw the modified version of the Treaty of
Guadalupe, Mexico did not like the changes that were being imposed.
This is why Mexico and the U.S. Signed the Protocolo de
Queretaro. But, guess what, President Polk did not
show the Protocolo de Queretaro to the U.S. At a later date,
the Senate discovered the "Secret" Protocolo de Queretaro
and there was a political mess in the U.S.
At least two books get into that:
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo: A Legacy of Conflict by Richard
Griswold del Castillo
My Book: Inherit the Dust From the Four Winds of Revilla
5. The Creation of the Miller and Border Commission
and effects on Land Grants. Two books:
New Guide to Spanish and Mexican Land Grants in South Texas by the
Texas General Land Office
My Book: Inherit the Dust....
6. The Text and Reference Books need to discuss
the Mexican Revolution, the confiscation of lands on both
sides of the border ( Mexico confiscated land of rich U.S.
Hacendandos and many land grants within Texas had been stolen,
confiscated, etc. Books need to include discussion on The
Bucarelli Agreements, because:
Both countries recognized their role in confiscating and
seizing land grants on both sides of the border. As a result
of the Bucarelli Agreements, the U.S. recognized
the Post Revolution Government of Alvaro Obregon and commissions
were set up to sort out the debts of each country. Two
Books deal with that subject:
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo: A Legacy of Conflict by Richard
Griswold del Castillo
My Book: Inherit the Dust From the Four Winds of Revilla
7. The period when Lazaro Cardenas was President of
Mexico needs to be taught. This is when Mexico
confiscated the Oil Companies using the provisions of Article 26 of
the Mexican Constitution of 1917. The U.S. broke
diplomatic relations with Mexico.
book deals with that era.
8. When Manuel Avila Camacho became President of Mexico, World
War II loomed close by. The U.S. and Mexico signed the
1941 Treaty on Final Settlement of Certain Claims.
This 1941 Treaty is extremely important because under its terms,
Mexico and the U.S. agreed to exchange all land grant debts and
Mexico agreed to pay the U.S. $40 million. In other words, the
U.S. agreed to pay all debts owed by Mexico for the confiscation of
land from the U.S. Hacendados and the Oil Companies. In turn,
Mexico agreed to pay the U.S. $40 million and pay all 433 claims (totalling
$193 Million) emanating from land grants confiscated, stolen, etc
within Texas.
The U.S. paid its debt to U.S. Citizens within 8 years. Mexico
has never paid its debt.
The U.S. Courts have heard the case of the Associacion de
Reclamantes at least twice.
As far as I know, only my book covers the 1941 Treaty of Final
Settlement of Certain Claims and the Court case against Mexico.
9. Issues related to Mineral Rights -- as they relate to Land
Grants and Porciones that were confiscated and stolen -- are
extremely hard to address. I am still trying to do some
research on this subject. But, to my knowledge, four
documents merely touch on the subject and I have not seen court
(a) The Texas Constitution of 1866
(b) The Amended Texas Constitution of 1869
(c) The Amended Texas Constitution of 1876
(d) New Guide to Spanish &
Mexican Land Grants in South Texas by Texas General Land Office
Sylvia, this is it for now. If you need any more information
or clarification, please let me know. I hope this is a helpful
summation of things that should be included in the curriculum in the
State of Texas.
If anyone else wants to add to this list, please feel free and send
it to Sylvia Garcia
copy to me. Thanks.
My cousin/friend, Joe Lopez, recommends the following books:
Quote: Sylvia, I vote the straight ballot on Chema’s
outstanding lineup and comments. I have some write-in
candidates for books, though:
(2) Chipman’s Book, “Explorers and Settlers
of Spanish Texas” (3) Thonhoff’s Book, “The Texas Connection
with the American Revolution” (4) Tijerina’s Book, “Tejano Empire” (5) Tijerina’s Book, “Tejanos and Texas
under the Mexican Flag, 1821-1836
M. Pena
| |
(San Antonio, Texas) September 8, 2009 -
Texas, a San Antonio-based research, publishing and
communications firm, in conjunction with the Alamo Legacy &
Missions Association (ALMA), a San Antonio-based, non-profit
organization that provides living history reenactments to educate youth
and adults about Texas history, are proud to announce today that they will
host the 5th Annual Tejano Vigil inside the Alamo shrine on Saturday,
Sept. 12, 2009 beginning at 7:00pm.
This very solemn and reverential ceremony continues to grow in size and circumstance. Past speakers include Gen. Alfred A. Valenzuela, LTG Charles G. Rodriguez, State Rep. Joe Farias and Chief Justice Alma L. Lopez. Created to bring awareness of Tejano settlers' contributions to Texas history to the public. The Tejano Vigil is just one of the many projects developed and promoted by Texas in celebration of Tejano Heritage Month, the month of September, as designated this year by the honorable Gov. Rick Perry. "We are proud to once again hold this event inside one of the most sacred landmarks in our state, the Alamo Shrine," says Rudi R. Rodriguez, Founder
of Texas "The sacrifices made by our Tejano ancestors
during the fight for independence should never be forgotten. This
event and the partnerships that it has fostered will go a long
way in making sure that this history and their legacies will be
remembered for generations to come."
The Tejano Vigil is just one of many events taking place throughout
the State of Texas in honor of Tejano Heritage Month. Texas and its Tejano Heritage Month Partner the Alamo Legacy
& Missions Association (ALMA) are proud to have collaborated
this year with the Alamo, EPI Electrical Enclosures Inc. and the
Daughters of the Republic of Texas on this year's Tejano Vigil.
Please see attached Fact Sheet for additional information
on the Tejano Vigil.
About is a San Antonio-based research
and publishing company dedicated to bringing awareness of Tejano
history to the public by designing and developing print
materials, electronic media and historical exhibits that tell the
stories of the state's first pioneers.
More information about including a calendar of the
month's celebratory events can be found at
or by calling 210.673.3584.
Viva Tejano Texas!!!
By Richard G. Santos |
It is very simple to state, without a shadow of a doubt that on August
18, 1813 a Spanish Military force under the command of Brigadier
General Joaquin de Arredondo defeated a same size so-called
“rebel” force. Although the exact site of the first and main
encounter is unknown, it is known it occurred along the Camino Real de
Laredo north of present day Pleasanton, near Lemming, south of Bexar
County and the Medina River. It is also known that as the “rebels”
fled from the battle site they were chased and cut down by the
Spaniards in numerous encounters. It is also known that many of the
“rebels” who returned to their homes and families at San Fernando
de Bexar (now San Antonio) were arrested and executed. It is also
known that many “rebels” did not stop at Bexar but were fleeing
toward Louisiana via Nacogdoches and that Spanish Colonel Ignacio
Elizondo executed all he captured. Finally, it is also known that
Antonio Lopez de Santa Anan was a young cadet in the Spanish force.
There is no question about these facts, although unfortunately, the
propaganda of history and culture has blurred and outright overcame
the truth with ignorance, prejudices and misconceptions.
Much to the chagrin of the misinformed, Rev. Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla
never favored, supported or declared independence from Spain. The
Grito de Dolores through which he initiated the uprising on September
16, 1810 made that point loud and clear. It said “Viva Fernando VII,
Viva America, Viva La Religion”. That is, “Long Live (Spanish
King) Fernando VII, Lone Live America, Lone Live (The Roman Catholic)
Religion.” The Native American volunteers in his rebel force added
“Muerte a los Gachupinos” (death to the European-born Spaniards).
Fellow rebel Ignacio Rayon and the Allende brothers were among the
first to break away from Hidalgo because they favored independence
from Spain.
Meanwhile, mulatto priest Jose Maria Morelos y Pavon did not join the
Hidalgo uprising and started his own pro-independence uprising AFTER
the execution of Hidalgo. Finally, in his confession (a hand written
copy of which is on file at San Fernando Cathedral in San Antonio,
Texas), Hidalgo urged his followers to lay down their arms and remain
loyal to Spanish King Fernando VII. Other copies of the signed
confession can be found at numerous Mexican archival collections.
Enter the City Council of San Antonio. Although Texas Governor Salcedo
tried to suppress any and all information regarding the Hidalgo
Uprising, it did not take long for traveling merchants and the riders
of the postal cordillera to spread the news. Consequently, by December
1810, the City Council was secretly plotting the overthrow of the
Spanish Governor of Texas. Militia Captain Juan Bautista de las Casas
was encouraged and authorized by the City Council to arrest Governor
Salcedo so that San Antonio could be seen as neutral and not involved
with either side. The overthrow occurred January 22, 1811. However,
their choice of de las Casas backfired as he promoted himself to
“generalismo” and contacted pro-Hidalgo rebel Mariano Jimenez at
Tamaulipas pledging the support and assistance of Texas. The City
Council quickly moved to remove de las Casas and accomplished this in
March of the same year. Not knowing what position to take, the City
Council sent emissaries (spies, really) to the Spanish forces and the
Hidalgo forces. Much to their surprise, they discovered the Hidalgo
uprising was not doing well. More important, the Aldama brothers
arrived at San Antonio saying they were on their way to the United
States to negotiate the selling of Texas in exchange for funds, arms,
munitions and provisions. In the trial of de las Casas, it was
recorded the Aldama brothers wore brightly colored “French
uniforms” which further alarmed and disgusted the indecisive
residents of San Antonio and its City Council. Consequently, the City
Council contacted pro-Spanish royalists in Coahuila and arranged the
ambush at Norias de Bajan that resulted in the capture and eventual
execution of Hidalgo.
Enter Jose Bernardo Maximilian Gutierrez de Lara. Following the
capture of Hidalgo and his senior staff officers, Gutierrez de Lara
made his way to Washington D.C. Without documentation or portfolio, he
introduced himself as a follower and emissary of Hidalgo. He was
quickly told that the “U.S. Government does not interfere with the
internal affairs of a foreign friendly nation”. However, he was
advised to go to New Orleans and meet with businessman William Shaler.
He was assured Shaler would help him get volunteers, weapons,
munitions and provisions. What he was not told was that Shaler at that
time was the head of the U. S. Secret Service (forerunner of the CIA).
With Shaler’s benevolent assistance, Gutierrez de Lara formed the
Republican Army of the North but had to share command with U. S.
volunteer Augustus Magee. The Republican Army invaded Texas via
Nacogdoches in November1812. It was while laying siege to Goliad early
the next year that Magee reportedly committed suicide. Shaler and many
U.S. volunteers suspected foul play. The Republican Army then marched
towards Bexar and defeated a small Spanish force at the end of March
1813 along the Camino Real del Espiritu Santo (Goliad) at some unknown
site near the Rosillo Creek in Bexar County.
The victorious Republican Army entered Bexar on April1, 1813 and
accepted the surrender of Texas and Bexar. Governor Salcedo and the
City Council were jailed at the abandoned mission San Antonio de
Valero (now known as The Alamo).
On April 6, 1813, Jose Bernardo Gutierrez de Lara declared Texas
“free, sovereign and independent from European Spain and all other
foreign powers”.
It was the phrase “all other foreign powers” that alienated Shaler
as the U.S. quickly sought to replace Gutierrez de Lara with someone
willing to sell or surrender Texas to the U.S. The government chose
Jose Alvarez de Toledo a supposed Spanish-born rebel residing in
Baltimore. In the meantime, the Republican Army defeated a royalist
force from Coahuila commanded by Colonel Ignacio Elizondo in June 1813
that was approaching Bexar from the west via the Camino Real de los
Tejas. It was at that time that under the urging of Shaler, the U. S.
volunteers demanded they be allowed to elect the commanding officer.
They elected Alvarez de Toledo and Gutierrez de Lara retreated to New
Orleans. It is interesting to note that up to that time, the
Republican Army composed of Native Americans, U.S. volunteers; Tejanos,
Tamaulipecos and Coahuilences had acted in unison without ethnic
divisions. One of Alvarez de Toledo’s first acts upon assuming
command was to divide the army along ethnic lines.
It was this ethnically divided Republican Army of the North that
battled the Spanish force under General Arredondo in what became known
as the Battle at the Medina on August 18, 1813. The Spaniards won and
whatever number of rebels survived managed to get to New Orleans where
they joined the U.S. Army under the command of General Andrew Jackson.
Many thus participated in the famous Battle of New Orleans.
Thereafter, many moved to Galveston Island where they joined the force
of the French pirate but also a U.S. and Spanish double agent Jean
Lafitte. It was at Galveston Island that many joined Spanish-born
Francisco Xavier Mina in the invasion of the Port of Tampico. The
rebels were quickly defeated as if the Spaniards had previous
knowledge of the planned invasion. Only a handful of Tejano rebels
managed to make their way back to Texas and Louisiana but did not
return until after Mexico gained its independence in 1821. In the
meantime, supposed rebel Jose Alvarez de Toledo who had replaced
Gutierrez de Lara by choice of the United States returned to Spain. He
received a pension for life for loyal services to the Crown!
And so it is that the broader and well documented facts, regarding the
Battle at the Medina, have remained unknown and unappreciated! Myth,
legends, political propaganda, prejudices and ignorance has suppressed
the truth.
Zavala County Sentinel …………… 26-27 August 2009
school child in Texas knows about the deaths of 189 men at the 1836
Battle of the Alamo, but the 1813 Battle of Medina, where more than 800
Tejanos from Bexar died for the same principles of equality, freedom,
liberty and justice for all, is all but forgotten. The
Texas Historical Commission calls it the greatest battle ever fought on
Texas soil. More Texas patriots died there than in all the 1836 battles
combined. And it happened on this date 196 years ago. Why
was the Battle of Medina fought? The spark that led to Texas
independence began on Sept. 16, 1810, when Don Bernardo Gutierrez de
Lara answered Father Miguel Hidalgo’s call for independence from
Spanish colonial rule. So
impressed was the warrior priest, he appointed Don Bernardo as a
lieutenant colonel in the Mexican Republican Army. Knowing Tejanos were
fiercely independent, Hidalgo also named Don Bernardo as the chief
general of the Army of the North (Texas Army). After
building his army with Tejanos, Native Americans and Anglo volunteers,
Don Bernardo quickly won five battles and occupied the regional capital
of San Fernando (San Antonio). He became president of the First Republic
of Texas and on April 6, 1813, signed Texas’ first Declaration of
Independence. Don
Bernardo’s hope of complete victory over Spanish forces vanished
quickly when he was betrayed by members of his military staff. Due to
that and his taking responsibility for the brutal killing of the Spanish
governor and some of his officers, Don Bernardo was relieved of command
and forced into exile in Louisiana. Under
a different commander, the Tejano Army was outmaneuvered at the Battle
of Medina by an experienced Spanish general on a hot August afternoon.
The Tejanos were encircled and defeated about 20 miles south of San
Antonio, bringing an end to the First Republic of Texas. As
a warning to future rebels, the Spaniards left the Tejanos’ bodies on
the battlefield where they stayed for nearly nine years. In 1821, after
Mexico’s independence from Spain, the bones were gathered by a
military escort and buried. No
one knows exactly where the mass grave is located, nor the exact
location of the battle. These forgotten patriots first showed the way to
Texas liberty, yet their sacrifice is rarely mentioned in mainstream
Texas history books. So,
pause today for a moment and remember. Look to the south and imagine the
battle action within earshot of San Antonio. Listen for the distant
sound of bugles, bullets, cannon fire, cavalry charges, and the agony of
the first brave defenders of Texas independence, our Tejano ancestors. Joe Lopez is a local author and speaker on early Texas history (
History of the Cajuns: Canary Island Settlers of Louisiana Canary Islanders Heritage Society of Louisiana, established in 1996 Festival invites attendees to discover aspects of Hispanic culture in Lorain History of Louisiana by Charles Gayarréa Louisiana State Archives Diocese of Baton Rouge |
History of the Cajuns: Canary Island Settlers of Louisiana |
![]() Since the late 1600s, Spain had encouraged the Canary Islanders to move to the Caribbean colonies. After Spain acquired Louisiana in 1762, it recognized the need to populate the territory. When the Revolutionary War brought the English in conflict with the American colonies, Spain recognized the danger from possible English hostilities in Louisiana. On August 15, 1777, Spain ordered a second battalion be formed in Louisiana. It looked to the Canary Islands for 700 recruits. It tried to get married recruits so that they could not only defend the area, but also populate it. [Din, p. 15] The recruits were required to be from 17 to 36 years old, healthy, without vices, and at least 5' 1/2" tall. Butchers, gypsies, mulattoes, and executioners were not permited to sign up. Though it wasn't in a written agreement, they understand that they were going to stay in Louisiana permanently. The recruits were to receive 45 reales upon signing up and 45 more upon arrival in New Orleans. They also got 1/2 peso a day while waiting to leave. People were also paid for finding these recruits; in fact, they were paid according to the height of the recruits. The payment was: 15 reales if at least 5' 1/2", 30 reales if at least 5' 2", and 45 reales if at least 5' 3". [Din, p. 16] Five of the island sent recruits to Louisiana: Tenerife (about 45%), Gran Canaria (almost 40%), Gomera, La Palma, and Lanzarote. The 700 recruits brought their families, bringing the total number of immigrants to 2,373. The following ships brought the Islenos to Louisiana: Santisimo Sacramento - 264 passengers - departed July 10, 1778 La Victoria - 292 passengers - departed October 22, 1778 San Ignacio de Loyola - 423 passengers - departed October 29, 1778 San Juan Nepomuceno - 202 passengers - departed December 9, 1778 Santa Faz - 406 passengers - departed February 17, 1779 El Sagrado Corazon de Jesus - 423 passengers - June 5, 1779 Another ship with the last group of 100 recruits (and their families) were delayed because of the war between England and Spain. They had to stay over in Cuba for the duration, where a number of them died. They finally arrived in 1783 The St. Bernard (LA) USGenWeb site has a page with the ship lists of the Canary Island immigrants. Passenger lists of the ships bringing the Canary Islanders can be found in Din's The Canary Islanders of Louisiana (available from LSU Press). When they arrived, they primarily settled in four areas: Valenzuela, Nueva Iberia, Galveztown, and Terre-aux-Boeuf (San Bernards de Galvez). The history of these areas is included on the site. Sent by Bill Carmena
Canary Islanders Heritage Society of Louisiana, established in 1996 |
Where are the Canary Islands? The Canary Islands are an archipelago of seven islands, covering 2,808 square miles, and constituting an autonomous region and two provinces of Spain. They are located in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of northwest Africa, about a hundred miles west of Morocco. Tenerife, La Palma, La Gomera, and El Hierro islands are part of the Santa Cruz de Tenerife province. Gran Canaria, Lanzarote, and Fuerteventura are part of Las Palmas province. The islands are of volcanic origin and rise to 12,162 feet at Mt. Teide, the highest point in Spain. About 1.6 million people live in the Canaries. With their warm climate and fine beaches, the Canaries are a popular tourist center.
Who were the Canary Islanders who came to Lower Louisiana in the 18th
The history of the Canary Islanders in Spanish Colonial Louisiana began in 1778 when 700 men were recruited to increase the size of the Louisiana Regiment. The Spanish Crown had held Louisiana since 1762, and foresaw the possibility of an invasion by Great Britain. Spain looked to the Canary Islands for the recruits. They initially tried to get single men, but ultimately settled for married recruits so that they could defend the area and also populate it. These recruits had to be “17 to 36 years old, healthy, without vices, and more than five feet tall”. In fact, recruiters were paid extra for every half-inch their recruits stood over five feet. Though it wasn’t in a written agreement, these men understood that they would be staying in Louisiana permanently. By the summer of 1779, 352 families and 100 single men had arrived in the Louisiana Territory where Governor Bernardo de Galvez settled them in four locations he considered to be major invasion routes planned by the enemy: Barataria (57), Valenzuela (113), Galveztown (114) and San Bernardo (68). The married men were formed into militia units led by Galvez in his conquest and occupation of British territory on the lower Mississippi River. By these actions Spain supported the Americans in their revolution against Great Britain, Spain’s historical enemy. At the end of 1783, a total of 2,363 men, women, and children from the Canary Islands had been sent to Colonial Louisiana. Living conditions were difficult in a flat, wet, undeveloped land vastly different from their volcanic homeland. Over two hundred years have passed since the arrival of the Canary Islanders in Louisiana. Today their Hispanic surnames still abound in Louisiana as well as in other states, and their scattered descendants still treasure the unique heritage of their ancestors from the Canary Islands. Meetings are held at 11:00 a.m. on the 2nd Saturday of the month at the Louisiana State Archives Building on Essen Lane unless otherwise notified. Membership in the Society is only $15/year. Please join us! Phone (225) 755-0422 Email: Website: Sent by Bill Carmena
Festival invites attendees to discover aspects of Hispanic culture
in Lorain |
LORAIN, Ohio — Last year, in an effort to ramp up awareness of
National Hispanic Heritage Month, members of the Latino community
staged the first ever Latino Fest at Lorain’s Lakeview Park. In its infancy, organizers weren’t expecting a big turnout. But boy,
were they surprised.
“We were a little bit surprised with the tremendous turnout,” said
Richard Romero, one of the organizers. “We thought maybe a few
hundred people would come. We had thousands show up.”
He expects the same for this year’s festival, noon to 8 p.m. Sunday
at Lakeview.
e says the festival is a celebration of Hispanic culture, music, food
and art. It’s held as part of a month long period honoring Hispanic
heritage, designated from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15.
On Sunday, Latin soul singer Justo Saborit is the feature act, with
performances at 3 and 6 p.m. Also performing are two of Lorain’s own
dance troupes, Alma de Mexico and Raices Latinas, as well as La Isla
del Encanto, Mariachi Mexico and Voices de la Calle from the Cleveland
Also on display will be photography by Joseph Carrion and examples of
Mexican and Puerto Rican artwork.
Food — Puerto Rican pastelillos, rice and beans and roast pork
sandwiches, and Mexican tacos and burritos — will be available for
purchase from the Puerto Rican Home and Mexican Mutual Club.
The festival is as much for non-Latinos as for Mexicans, Puerto Ricans
and other Hispanic groups, Romero said. Besides food and
entertainment, festival attendees can pick up a little information
about the contributions Hispanics have made here in the United States.
“We put together a program booklet,” Romero said. “It’s a
‘Did you know?’ of highlights of Hispanic history.”
Among those highlights? Hispanics have won more congressional medals
of honor than any other ethnic group, Romero said.
“There’s some famous movie stars people would have never guessed
are Hispanic,” such as Rita Hayworth and TV’s “Wonder Woman”
Lynda Carter, Romero said.
“You tell people, and they say, ‘Wow, I didn’t know that,’ ”
he said.
Cesar Chavez, one of the greatest labor leaders in the country, was
Mexican American, Romero said.
He worked hard to make sure people were being treated fairly.”
Another big hero to a lot of Puerto Ricans is baseball player Roberto
Clemente. He’s remembered less for his playing than for what he did
in the off season, Romero said.
“He started baseball camps and sent food to people in poorer
countries,” Romero said. Clemente died in an airplane crash as he
was taking food to victims of an earthquake in Nicaragua.
National Hispanic History Month itself has an interesting story,
according to Romero.
The observance was first authorized as a week by President Lyndon B.
Johnson in 1968 and was changed to month-long celebration in 1988. It
starts in the middle of the month because Sept. 15 marks the
independence day for five Latin American countries — Costa Rica, El
Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. Mexico celebrates its
independence Sept. 16, and Chile, Sept. 18.
“We want to take the time to recognize our culture and the
contributions we make,” said Romero, who wears a number of hats,
most of them relating to his Puerto Rican culture. He’s vice
president of the Ohio Commission on Hispanic-Latino Affairs, CEO of
the Lorain County Multicultural Business Center and president of the
Latino Media Network.
He’s been to Puerto Rico more than a dozen times, most recently for
his brother Robert’s wedding in July.
Joel Arrendondo, Lorain City Council president as well as president of
Mexican Mutual, called the festival “a long time coming.”
“We’ve had the Hispanic Heritage Month for a number of years, and
thanks to Richard Romero and (festival coordinator) Mary Santiago, we
were able to get this off the ground last year,” he said. “It was
very well received. The performances and the venue were great, and the
community at large came out, not just the Hispanic community.”
Romero agreed. Attendance is “a big mix of people, and that’s how I want it,”
he said. “It’s an event where Latinos and non-Latinos can enjoy
each other’s company and share their pride.”
Natalie Rodriquez, who was crowned queen of the 2008 International
Festival, went to last year’s Latino Fest and is looking forward to
“Having the opportunity to celebrate my Mexican culture is very
important to me and my family,” she said. “The International
Festival gives Lorain a chance to celebrate the multitude of cultures
here, and the Latino Fest gives the Hispanic community of Lorain a
chance to celebrate. It’s full of great entertainment and of course
all the great food that comes from the Hispanic culture.”
Romero agreed.
“What I hope they walk away is a sense of what a beautiful culture
the Hispanic community has to offer,” Romero said. “The music, the
colors, the costumes — it’s good food, good music, good people,
and it’s alive and well in Lorain County.”
Contact Rona Proudfoot at 329-7124 or
History of Louisiana by Charles Gayarréa |
History of Louisiana by Charles Gayarréa in the edition published by William J. Widdleton, New York, 1867. The text is in the public domain
Louisiana's history is as diverse as the ingredients that comprise the gumbo for which she is so well known. ![]() Through war, scandal, political intrigue, and economic uncertainty, Louisiana has evolved from a backwater colonial outpost to become a modern, prosperous state, whose blend of European romanticism and American pragmatism make her the most unique of these fifty United States. The Louisiana State Archives, a division of the Louisiana Secretary of State's office, is mandated to identify, to collect, to preserve, to maintain, and to make available those records and artifacts that enhance our endeavors to understand the dynamics and nuances of our state's remarkable history. Created by the State Legislature in 1956 as the official repository for the state's historical records, the State Archives has called many places home since its conception. The "first" State Archives was located in Peabody Hall at LSU, a dilapidated structure slated for demolition by the State Fire Marshal's office. This was home for the state's official records until 1966 when the State Archives relocated to a former warehouse on Choctaw Boulevard in the industrial section of Baton Rouge. This facility was likewise not suitable for the proper preservation of the state's documentary heritage. In the early 1980's, following an extensive lobbying campaign, the legislature funded construction of a new State Archives building on Essen Lane. In August, 1987, this state of the art facility was officially opened. Designed by architect John Desmond, the building has been hailed as one of the foremost archival facilities in the nation. Sent by Bill Carmena
The Department of the Archives of the Diocese of Baton Rouge is the repository of the sacramental records of the Catholic churches within the diocesan territory. Civil parishes included in the Diocese are: Ascension, Assumption, East Baton Rouge, East Feliciana, Iberville, Livingston, Pointe Coupée, St. Helena, St. James, Tangipahoa, West Baton Rouge and West Feliciana. The Department has published abstracts of its holdings of sacramental records. To date Volumes 1a through 22 have been published and are available for purchase. These books contain records of baptisms, marriages and burials dating back to the early records of the Parish of St. Charles-aux-Mines, Grand Pré in Acadia (1707-1748). There are many records of the Louisiana colonial period including those of St. Francis of Pointe Coupée (1722-1769). Volumes 1a through 22 contain all extant records from throughout the diocesan territory through 1900. In each volume the abstracts are listed in alphabetical order by surname. Volume 1b is the first volume to contain records of those without surnames. Sent by Bill Carmena
Alegre Research |
Acatzingo, Puebla Baptismal Font Personajes en la Historia de Mexico por Jose Leon Robles De La Torre Manuel Gómez Pedraza and Valentin Gomez Farias The Genealogy of Mexico Baseball Historian: o Béisbol La Sociedad de Genealogía de Marín, Nuevo León, México |
Acatzingo, Puebla Baptismal Font |
![]() Girded with battlements, this formidable 16th century "fortress" church of San Juan Evangelista boasts one of the finest and most intriguing sculpted baptismal fonts in Mexico. Set prominently in the middle of the nave instead of in the baptistry, and rimmed by the Franciscan knotted cord, the font stands atop a stylized, feathered base, possibly of pre hispanic origin. The date 1574, or 4 Rabbit, is inscribed on the base in Aztec pictorial glyphs. The town coat of arms, also portrayed in indigenous style, is emblazoned on the other side, incorporating eagles or ducks, and reeds - a reference to Acatzingo's place name: Where Reeds Grow. Painted at one time, the basin is boldly sculpted with winged Angels of the Apocalypse who seem ready to take flight. Flanking a relief of the Sacrament, the angels point upward to the Latin words of the Benediction of Baptism inscribed around the rim, the beginning and end of which are visible. Exploring Colonial
The Genealogy of Mexico |
Editor: Amazing website for researching Mexican heritage, compiled
with valuable information and sources for additional study. I strongly
suggest that you GO, GO, GO to it!!
La Sociedad de Genealogía de Marín, Nuevo León, México |
La Sociedad de Genealogía de Marín, Nuevo León, México esta buscando a todos los descendientes de las familias originarias de Marín. Nos encantaría ponernos en contacto con cualquier persona interesada en conocer sus raíces, y desde luego les
agradec... eríamos cualquier información que puedan proporcionarnos sobre sus familiares, ya que queremos volver a crear una base de datos de la genealogía de nuestros ancestros y sus descendientes. Hace ya dos años que falleció nuestro querido primo y amigo, José González. En honor a él y atendiendo a sus deseos, queremos continuar con el trabajo que el inició con tanta ilusión y
esfuerzo. On August 8, 2009 a group us met in Marin and discussed the possibility of re-creating the database of the Genealogy of Marin's ancestors and descendants. Back in 1999 the work was started with numerous genealogists and families contributing their family trees and photos to this project. We want to repeat this endeavor. All interested parties should contact us with their information. Two years ago we lost our primo/friend Jose Gonzalez. We want to continue the work he started. Marin-Nuevo-Leon-Mexico/113476444718
Cuban, with a detour in Mission Viejo Association of Puerto Ricans in San Antonio, Texas General Santa Anna in Saint Thomas By Aimery Caron Contacts For Caribbean researchers Digital Library of the Caribbean |
Cuban, with a detour in Mission Viejo |
of Puerto Ricans in San Antonio”
or “APRISA” |
Do you live in or near San Antonio, Texas? We invite you to join us for Puerto Rican Mixers almost every month. Also, you can join our new Organization by the name “Association of Puerto Ricans in San Antonio” or “APRISA” for short.
or call Migdalia at 210-497-5559.
Do you live in or near San Antonio, Texas? We invite you to join us for Puerto Rican Mixers almost every month. Also, you can join our new Organization by the name Association of Puerto Ricans in San Antonio” or “APRISA” for short. I love being Puerto Rican… and you? Have you ever stopped to think whether or not your are proud to be Puerto Rican? What is it that makes that so special? What are your reasons to have that “Orgullo Boricua”? Read what others have said and share with us your own reasons. I love being Puerto here. . . Orgullo Boricua We invite you to join our “BoricuaFirst page” on Facebook. Please click on the banner. is a website dedicated to all things Puerto Rican… We hope you visit us and enjoy the contents. We are also looking for Boricuas that would like to contribute to the site with articles, refranes, etc. Our email is Please visit us... Trivia Boricua The first Mother’s Day in Puerto Rico was celebrated in Yauco in 1915…
When Puerto Rico hosted the Miss Universe contest
in 1972, it was the first country from Latin America to host this
Do you know other trivia from Puerto Rico?
Share them with us and read more on our website. Puerto Rico
What is your favorite “refran”?
Remember those that our parents and “abuelos” used to say?
“Mas vale pajaro en mano que cientos volando”; “El que no
tiene dinga, tiene mandinga”; :Todo lo prieto no es morcilla”...
To view some of our “refranes y dichos” please click here.
Puerto Rican food is delicious. Regardless of
what is your favorite one: Arroz con Habichuelas, Mofongo, Arroz con
Gandules, Chuletas de Cerdo, Sancocho, Lechón asado, etc. We
are looking for the best Puerto Rican Restaurant in the whole World.
Some of the suggestions so far are: La Bombonera in San Juan, Big
Ed in Long Beach and La Marginal in San Antonio. So what do
you think? What is the best? Let us know by emailing us
at Puerto Rican Restaurant
Throughout his storied career, Mexican General Antonio López de Santa Anna (1794-1876) had many opportunities to flaunt his presence in the Caribbean. These opportunities, however, unlike his flamboyant soldiering, originated in disgrace and humiliation, as Santa Anna sought refuge in the Caribbean archipelago not once, not twice but on five separate occasions of political exile. True to his penchant for drama and hyperbole, Santa Anna’s exiles spanned a 22-year period as turbulent as any in Mexican history. Cuba, Jamaica, the coastal city of Carthagena, Colombia, the island of Santo Domingo (now the Dominican Republic) and the Bahamas were major destinations and safe harbors for Santa Anna during his frequent banishments. Curiously, though, few outside the Caribbean recall that Santa Anna also considered St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, his home during his fourth exile from 1858 to 1866 when the island was still part of the Danish West Indies.1 Santa Anna’s main residence burned down in 1986, but its site perches on a hill overlooking picturesque Charlotte Amalie harbor in St. Thomas, and today it has a guest house still known to locals and visitors as “Villa Santana.” This article, “General Santa Anna in Saint Thomas” by Aimery Caron, reveals new information about the Caribbean life and lifestyle of the ill-fated General and, using original sources, describes where and how he made his home in St. Thomas for eight years. About the Author: Aimery Caron is a Caribbean historian with special interests in the U.S. Virgin Islands and the French West Indies. Born in France, he relocated to St. Thomas in the 1950s with his parents and has made the island his home ever since. Dr. Caron served as French Consul for the U.S. Virgin Islands for 17 years, and retired from the University of the Virgin Islands as Professor emeritus (chemistry). He has translated, authored and published several monographs on Caribbean history, is proud to be a long-standing member of L’Associété d’Histoire de la Guadeloupe, is a founding member of the nonprofit Caribbean Genealogy Library in St. Thomas ( and continues to actively serve as a member of its Board of Directors and volunteer librarian. ______________________________________ 1 The Danish West Indies (St. Thomas, St. John and St. Croix and their surrounding cays and lesser islands) were sold by Denmark to the United States in 1917 for $25 million. Today this island group remains an unincorporated U.S. Territory. The U.S. Virgin Islands is located in the Caribbean Sea approximately 60 miles east of Puerto Rico and about 1,100 miles southeast of Miami, Florida Link to the article:
The link to Caribbean Genealogy Library's web site home page is:
Sent by Susan Laura Lugo
Contacts For Caribbean researchers: |
CARIBBEAN GENEALOGY LIBRARY Al Cohen’s Plaza, Raphune Hill Bldg 3, Bay 603 St Thomas, VI 00804-0366 340-714-2136 Newsletter online Susan Laura Lugo, C.A. Territorial Coordinator for Archives Government of the Virgin Islands DPNR/Division of Libraries, Archives and Museums 5424 Store Tvaer Gade St. Thomas, VI 00802-6947 340-774-2362 |
Digital Library of the Caribbean |
Collections include newspapers, photographs, archives of Caribbean leaders and governments, official historical documents, and historic and contemporary maps. Future collections will feature numeric data for local ecosystems, oral and popular histories, travel accounts, literature, and musical expressions. The study of Caribbean culture is incomplete without an understanding of the various languages spoken in the region. dLOC is committed to building a collection of resources for teachers and students of Caribbean linguistics.
An interesting, searchable website.
For example, search for the word "canarias"...
mañana, leía un artículo que decía que los Templarios, los
Caballeros de la Orden del Temple, iban y venían a América, en el
siglo XIII, como hoy lo hacemos nosotros en el puente aéreo de Madrid a
Barcelona, aunque ahora vamos y volvemos en el día.. La verdad es que,
está de moda y se ha hablado tanto, últimamente, sobre los Templarios,
que me he visto obligado a repasar su historia, aun cuando sea a grandes
rasgos y parcialmente. Todo
empezó, cuando en 1118 el francés Hugo de Payne, caballero con una
gran formación cristiana y hábil en el manejo de las armas, decidió
liderar a otros caballeros para crear un grupo que protegiese a los
peregrinos que eran asaltados cuando iban camino de Jerusalén. Fundaron
la Orden de los Caballeros del Templo de Jerusalén, pronto contaron con
el apoyo del rey Balduino I de Jerusalem y posteriormente con el
reconocimiento de la Iglesia. Fueron adquiriendo un poder que los hacia
disponer de grandes cantidades de dinero, lo que hacia muy apetitosos
para las coronas reinantes en Europa, ya que ellos les facilitaban los
prestamos, lo que permitía a los caballeros del Templo influir en los
gobiernos de las naciones e incluso en la Iglesia. Dicen
algunos historiadores, que los Templarios salían desde el puerto de La
Rochelle con sus naves rumbo a América, en el siglo XII y XIII, y
regresaban cargados de plata, en cantidades tan grandes que superaban la
producción de este metal en Europa, en aquellos tiempos. También, Jacques de Mathieu, historiador residente en Argentina, afirma que en mapas franceses de 1865 se detalla la existencia de un fuerte en la Patagonia, en la zona de Rio Negro, que asegura perteneció a los Templarios. Pero
todo acabó cuando Felipe IV de Francia, consiguió que el Papa Clemente,
que debía el pontificado al apoyo del monarca, diera una orden para que
la Inquisición arrestase al Gran Comandante
Jacques de Molay y 140 caballeros, que posteriormente fueron
quemados públicamente, sometiéndolos antes a un secuestro real
de sus bienes, que era lo que Felipe perseguía. La Orden Templaria, fue suprimida por el Papa Clemente V en 1312, aunque algunos países dieron acogida a quienes lo quisieron, refundándola con diferentes nombres; en Portugal fue la Orden de Cristo, en Finlandia la de San Andrés y en España, la de Montesa, aunque muchos se refugiaron en los Hospitalarios. Ángel Custodio Rebollo
El Dia de los Muertos celebrated in Germany Asunto: Fallecimiento de Don Rodrigo Escobar Restrepop International Men's Global Website Emigracion Forzosa, El Winnipeg por Angel Custodio Rebollo Monumento al zancudo caído, "único en el mundo" Luis Xavier Grisanti // Venezuela Canaria Homenaje a Don Pedro Grases |
El Dia de los Muertos celebrated
in Germany |
Editor: So interesting . Here is information about El Dia de los Muertos celebrated in Germany. Estimada Dorinda, Estaremos recordando como cada año a los queridos amigos y familiares que se encaminaron al Mictlan.Con el permiso del señor dador de la vida, daremos nuestras ofrendas a todos los que en vida nos acompañaron. Desde Berlín donde ya tenemos esta tradición fundada por el alma conquistadora de Rodrigo Ortega, acompañaremos en nuestros recuerdos a todos los que sean adelantado al viaje eterno. Esta ofrenda dedicada a la gente de teatro y de las artes como fue Humberto Proaño, Atahualpa del Chopo, Mariano Leyva, Andrés Segura, José Guadalupe Salcedo, Enrique Buenaventura, Augusto Boal, Jorge Reyes, Mercedes Sosa y muchos mas que en la larga lista los estaremos recordando con cariño. Para todos ellos flor y canto desde Berlín. Te mando muchos saludos Mario. Che 10/30/09, Mario Vazquez Sent by Dorinda Moreno
On November 19th an International Men's Day was held.
International Men's Day global website.
International Men's Day began on November 19th 1999 in Trinidad and
Tobago and was supported by the United Nations. The event received
wide support from men's groups in USA, Europe, Africa, Asia, and the
Caribbean. Speaking on behalf of UNESCO, Ms. Ingeborg Breines,
Director of Women and Culture of Peace said, “This is an excellent
idea and would give some gender balance.” She added that her
organisation was looking forward to cooperating with organisers of IMD.
Objectives of International Men's Day include a focus on men's and
boy's health, improving gender relations, promoting gender equality,
and highlighting positive male role models. It is an occasion for men
to highlight discrimination against them and to celebrate their
achievements and contributions, in particular for their contributions
to community, family, marriage, and child care. The November IMD is a
significant date as it interfaces the popular 'Movember' charity event
and also with Universal Children's Day on Nov 20 with which IMD forms
a 48 hour celebration of men and children respectively, and of the
special relationships they share.
The ability to sacrifice your needs on behalf of others is fundamental
to manhood as is honour. Manhood rites of passage the world over
recognise the importance of sacrifice in the development of Manhood.
Men make sacrifices everyday in their place of work, in their role as
husbands and fathers, for their families, for their friends, for their
communities and for their nation. International Men’s Day is an
opportunity for people everywhere of goodwill to appreciate and
celebrate the men in their lives and the contribution they make to
society for the greater good of all.
During the past ten years methods of commemorating International Men's
Day have included public seminars, classroom activities at schools,
radio and television programs, Church observances, and peaceful
displays and marches. The manner of observing this annual day is
optional; any organizations are welcome to host their own events and
any appropriate forums can be used. Early pioneers of IMD reminded
that the day is not intended to compete against International Woman's
Day, but is for the purpose of highlighting men's experiences. Each
year a different theme is highlighted, such as peace in 2002, men’s
health in 2003, sacrifice in 2008, and positive male role models in
2009. In consultation with organizers from other nations the following
broad objectives of IMD are observed:
Celebrate manhood and the wonderful positive and valuable
contributions our men, young men, and boys make to our communities and
to our societies
Promote and Support gender equality, encouraging men to address responsibly and positively the challenges facing them in society. Demonstrate strength of character and courage in meeting the challenges that men face in society and in contributing to building stronger and better communities, where people can be safe and grow to reach their full potential. Highlighting positive male role models, not just movie stars and sports men but everyday, working class men who are living decent, honest lives. International Men's Day is celebrated in Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, Australia, India, United States, New Zealand, Pakistan, Haiti, Singapore, Malta, South Africa, China, and the United Kingdom. Join us on November 19 in celebrating the contribution men make to those around them, to their family and friends, their work place and the community, the nations and the world.
Sent Diane A. Sears, Managing Editor for IN SEARCH OF FATHERHOOD |
A principios del pasado mes de septiembre, la Presidenta de Chile, Michelle Bachelet encabezó los actos conmemorativos de la llegada a Valparaíso en 1939 del barco “Winnipeg”, con 2365 españoles que victimas de la guerra civil tuvieron que salir precipitadamente de España. Pero el problema es que después de huir de España, tuvieron que hacerlo además de Francia, por el temor a que estallase la guerra mundial, algo que también sucedió. El gobierno chileno, había designado como cónsul especial al poeta y escritor Pablo Neruda y este con los pocos medios económicos que tenía fletó un barco de solo 5.000 toneladas, que como carguero hacia viajes a Äfrica con mercancías, el viejo “Winnipeg” y con él enviaron a los 2365 refugiados que salieron del puerto de Trompeloup, en Francia. El gobierno de Chile había autorizado el viaje, pero con la condición que solo embarcasen expatriados de profesiones que fueran necesarias en ese momento en Chile, como pescadores, agricultores, carpinteros, fontaneros y de otras profesiones, pero evitando que fueran intelectuales o políticos, que pudieran crear algún conflicto diplomático. Pablo Neruda dirigió personalmente el embarque y a los pasajeros, al entrar en el Winnipeg les entregaron una colchoneta, una almohada, una manta y un neceser de higiene personal. A los niños les dieron también una libreta y lápices de colores, para entretenimiento durante el viaje. Aunque había muy pocos medios y la organización hubo que hacerla precipitadamente, todo estuvo muy organizado y los refugiados comprendieron todos los problemas que un barco viejo y pequeño, que iba muy sobrecargado, les daría durante la travesía. Sabemos que los pasajeros venían de todas las regiones españolas, pero al ir con un pasaporte colectivo solo se conservan los nombres, pero no el lugar de procedencia de cada uno. Todos fueron muy bien acogidos por el gobierno y la población chilena y actualmente muchos de ellos y sus descendientes están integrados en Chile. Para quien quiera consultar los nombres de los 2365 refugiados del Winnipeg, existe la página web, “,” atendida por el hijo de uno de los españoles que iba en el barco de la esperanza. Ángel Custodio Rebollo
(Publicado en Odiel Información de Huelva en octubre)
Monumento al zancudo caído, "único en el mundo" |
Artículo publicado el: 04/11/09 Diario El Carabobeño Historia y Tradición: Monumento al zancudo caído, "único en el mundo" Eumenes Fuguet Borregales (*) En la población de Morón, capital del municipio Juan José Mora del estado Carabobo, se encuentra el "Monumento al zancudo caído", construido en 1955 por iniciativa del Club de Leones de Valencia, recordando que en ese sitio se inició el 2 de diciembre de 1945, la titánica lucha contra el paludismo, considerada la principal causa de muerte en el país. Recordemos que María Teresa Rodríguez del Toro, la joven esposa del futuro Libertador, fallece el 22 de enero de 1803 de fiebre amarilla. Bolívar con Rafael Urdaneta y el prócer neogranadino Atanasio Girardot, tienen que suspender el sitio a la fortaleza de Puerto Cabello iniciado el 17 de agosto de 1813 hasta mediados de septiembre, debido a las muertes por la fiebre amarilla; Páez tuvo que retirar el cerco en Puerto Cabello el 26 de mayo de 1823 y movilizarse a Valencia, porque su ejército "estaba siendo diezmado por la peste de calenturas, degenerado en vomito prieto". Acción que reinicia el 7 de octubre hasta lograr la rendición del general Sebastián de la Calzada el 8 de noviembre, último combate de la guerra de independencia. Antes de la lucha contra el paludismo la esperanza de vida del venezolano estaba en los cuarenta y siete años, mejorando considerablemente a partir de 1950 al llegar casi los sesenta; es importante resaltar que desde 1962 en Venezuela no se registra ni una sola defunción por paludismo, es uno de los males traídos al Nuevo Mundo por los europeos o por los negros esclavos a partir de 1528. Fue el eminente doctor trujillano Arnoldo Gabaldón (1909-1990), quien viene a obtener los primeros éxitos en este combate contra el paludismo que ocasionaba no menos de diez mil muertes al año; convierte a Venezuela en el primer país en organizar una campaña a escala nacional contra la malaria con resultados por demás exitosos. El Dr. Gabaldón inicia en 1936 la estrategia para erradicar este mal del país, como fundador de la Dirección Especial de Malariología adscrita al ministerio de Sanidad y Asistencia Social; igualmente funda en Maracay la Escuela de Malariología y Saneamiento Ambiental, donde se han capacitado hasta la presente fecha innumerables profesionales malariólogos nacionales y extranjeros. Gracias a las investigaciones y coordinaciones realizadas por el Dr. Gabaldón, relacionadas con el la lucha antimalárica, el Congreso Nacional sanciona en 1936 la Ley de Defensa contra el Paludismo. En 1944 se traslada a Washington como participante de la V Conferencia Panamericana de Directores Nacionales de Sanidad, se relaciona con el general James Simmons, quien le informa de un polvillo blanco empleado con fines militares y que ligado con kerosén, ofrecía un buen efecto sobre el trasmisor del paludismo; el polvo sería el D.D.T (Dicloro-Difenil-Tricloetano). Gabaldón realiza las diligencias necesarias para traer al país el referido componente ansioso de utilizarlo en la lucha antimalárica., a tal fin los entes gubernamentales y estadales brindan el apoyo necesario; el Presidente (gobernador) de Carabobo era el Dr. Enrique Tejera. El distinguido doctor valenciano Pedro Rafael Guerra Méndez (1866-1946), adelantó campañas antimaláricas y en sus escritos sobre el paludismo, se refería como el principal agente de mortalidad en Carabobo. El profesor Alexis Coello Cronista Oficial del municipio Juan José Mora, en su excelente obra "Morón auge y caída del Paludismo en Venezuela", patrocinado por la ilustre Cámara Municipal, editado en 2005, nos ilustra con gran acierto en forma didáctica y documental, sobre el flagelo que sufrió el país a causa del zancudo transmisor del paludismo y pormenores de la lucha iniciada en Morón, por ser la zona con un elevado índice de mortalidad; vecina a Puerto Cabello donde el eminente Dr. Gabaldón ejercía la medicina antes de 1936, conocedor del aspecto sanitario de la región costera. El 2 de diciembre de 1945, inicia en forma experimental su labor, utilizando el D.D.T en un rancho propiedad de Melecio Castillo, empleando un pequeño ejército de rociadores o dedetizadores con su característico uniforme gris y casco de aluminio en forma de hongo, que pronto se desplazarían en mulas, a pie o en vehículos rústicos. Recorrieron gran parte del territorio nacional, fumigando casa por casa, caseríos, aldeas, pueblos y ciudades; marcando cada casa rociada; dignos del permanente agradecimiento nacional; algunos de ellos fallecieron en cumplimiento de su loable actividad. Acompañaron a Gabaldón en el histórico primer rociado distinguidas personalidades del área gubernamental y sanitaristas. El Dr. Gabaldón logró ganar la gran batalla del siglo XX, esta vez contra el paludismo. El inédito monumento al "zancudo caído" colocado donde estaba el primer rancho rociado, es de metal colocado yacente sobre una base de piedra redonda. (*) Gral. de Bgda. Sent by Roberto Pérez Guadarrama
Luis Xavier Grisanti // Venezuela CanariaRe: Venezuela Canaria, Diario El Universal, Viernes 14 de Agosto de 2.009
No menos importantes fueron los herreros, artesanos, campesinos...
Los venezolanos no hemos ponderado en toda su magnitud la gran
contribución que han realizado los inmigrantes de las Islas Canarias
al desarrollo social, económico y cultural del país. Como un aporte
fundamental al conocimiento de la hermandad canario-venezolana, el
profesor de Historia de América de la Universidad de La Laguna,
Manuel Hernández González, acaba de publicar una obra esencial de
601 páginas intitulada Los canarios en
la Venezuela colonial
1670-1810 (bid&co. Editor), para cuyo bautizo visitó nuestro
La obra del profesor Hernández es un estudio erudito sobre el rol determinante que jugaron los miles de hombres y mujeres isleños en la fundación de pueblos y en la formación misma del gentilicio venezolano, no sólo por su aporte a la Independencia, sino por su mística de trabajo y su dedicación al cultivo de la tierra y al progreso productivo. El auge agropecuario (cacao, añil, ganado, café, trigo, etc.) que formó la generación de los libertadores tuvo un altísimo componente canario. Entre los firmantes del Acta de Independencia, 17 eran hijos de canarios, 5 nietos y un nacional isleño. Hijos o nietos de canarios fueron Francisco de Miranda, José María Vargas, Andrés Bello, José Félix Ribas, Carlos Soublette, Luis López Méndez, Miguel José Sanz y León Febres Cordero, entre otros. No menos importantes fueron los miles de herreros, artesanos, campesinos, arrieros, pulperos, mercaderes, bodegueros, canastilleros, abogados, médicos y presbíteros que desde Perijá a la Península de Paria y desde Guayana y los Llanos a los Valles del Tuy y Coro, dieron lo mejor de sí para configurar una cultura nacional aderezada al trabajo fecundo, el bien común, la solidaridad y la libertad.
Sent by Roberto Pérez Guadarrama
publicado el: 16/09/09 |
El 17 de septiembre se conmemora el primer centenario del natalicio del doctor Pedro Grases, de dilatada y beneficiosa trayectoria en investigación documental, bibliográfica e histórica; sus aportes a la filología que permitió ahondar el legado "bellista" y la docencia, logran enaltecer aún más su preclaro nombre. Con este venezolano-catalán nacido en Villafranca del Penedés, provincia de Barcelona-España, se cumple el viejo axioma de que: "nadie es profeta en su tierra". A los dieciséis años escribe en periódicos y revistas de su región natal. Luego de obtener doctorado en Filosofía y Letras y Derecho; ejerce en Barcelona el profesorado de estas materias y el idioma árabe entre 1931 y 1936. Amenazas de muerte y la guerra civil española, obligan su exilio en Francia. De allí decide dirigirse a Venezuela en busca de nuevos horizontes, zarpa en el navío Simón Bolívar de bandera holandesa; llega a La Guaira el 17 de agosto de 1937 acompañado de su extraordinaria esposa Doña Asunción Galofre, su compañera durante toda la vida por casi setenta años, y de sus pequeños hijos Pedro Juan y José Pablo; en Caracas nacieron María Asunción y Manuel. Su vida venezolana se inicia en Maracay con familiares de su esposa, y al residenciarse en Caracas se dedica al comercio con la firma Bloohm; al conocer al Dr. Ernesto López Ministro de Educación, éste lo invita a dar clases de gramática y literatura en los liceos Fermín Toro y Andrés Bello, clases que alternaba en el Colegio América. El recién fundado Instituto Pedagógico Nacional lo recibe para ejercer la docencia y a emplear nuevas ideas en el Liceo de Aplicación. Para profundizar sus investigaciones sobre grandes personajes militares y civiles de hispanoamérica, recorre bibliotecas nacionales, archivos, el Palacio de las Academias y las principales bibliotecas del mundo; con fructífero resultado logra rescatar y divulgar al continente americano, la egregia personalidad de Don Andrés Bello a quien califica como "el humanista de América"; a Don Simón Rodríguez también logra elevar su sitial. En la Universidad Central de Venezuela, funda la Escuela de Humanidades de la U.C.V y su Escuela de Bibliotecología. Concluidos sus estudios por una beca otorgada por la Fundación Rockefeller y profesorados en Norteamérica en 1946, le proponen quedarse como profesor titular de la prestigiosa universidad de Harvard, apetitosa oferta que rechaza para regresar al país que lo encandiló para siempre por su paisaje físico y humano, que lo adoptó como su hijo al nacionalizarlo en los años cincuenta. Su casa con el nombre de Villafranca Nro 9 ubicada en la urbanización La Castellana donde vivió por más de cincuenta años, convertida en un centro obligado de tertulia los sábados por parte de estudiantes, profesores, académicos e intelectuales de la época, ávidos por actualizar los conocimientos humanísticos. Don Pedro realizó interesantes estudios y escritos sobre la imprenta en nuestro país, de allí su obra "Orígenes de la Imprenta en Venezuela", y su ensayo sobre Valentín Espinal a quien consideraba el mejor impresor del siglo XIX. La erudición y tantas obras le permiten ingresar como Individuo de Número de la Academia Nacional de la Lengua y de la Academia Nacional de la Historia; designado igualmente académico de corporaciones intelectuales de América y Europa. En vida fue el máximo conocedor de Andrés Bello en América, de allí que no se podía separar el binomio Grases-Bello; Grases Investigó con entusiasmo los archivos del Libertador, Sucre; Urdaneta, Roscio, Juan Vicente González, Baralt y Fermín Toro entre tantos personajes de la Venezuela heroica y republicana. Tuvo la suerte y honra en 1975 de tener acceso en Inglaterra y traer a Venezuela, el DOCUMENTO ORIGINAL MANUSCRITO LEIDO POR BOLÍVAR EN EL CONGRESO DE ANGOSTURA EL 15 de FEBRERO DE 1819; escrito por el capitán Jacinto Martel secretario y amanuense del Libertador; celosamente guardado en casa de descendientes del coronel y comerciante James Hamilton, quien lo había traducido al inglés y entregado a familiares antes de morir en Angostura en 1840. Documento considerado la máxima pieza de los escritos del Padre de la Patria; las hojas tenían las observaciones y correcciones realizadas por el abogado Manuel Palacio Fajardo (1784-1819). Don Pedro fue Director y Asesor de la Casa de Bello fundada bajo su tutela, ubicada al lado del Ministerio de Educación. Profesor titular de las universidades Andrés Bello y Metropolitana. Fue Secretario de la Comisión de las obras completas de Bello presidida por el Dr. Caldera. Junto al sacerdote Pedro Pablo Barnola se dedicó a fondo en analizar las negociaciones de los dos Tratados firmados el 26 de noviembre de 1820 en Santa Ana por Bolívar y Morillo; poseía gran capacidad analítica para comparar documentos que esclarecen los hechos. Funda en el 2002 la "Fundación Grases" presidida por María su hija y Carlos Maldonado Bourgoin, ilustre historiador y crítico de Arte. Su valiosa biblioteca fue donada en vida a la Universidad Metropolitana. Formador de insignes educadores, con una envidiable cosecha epistolar de cuarenta mil cartas escritas de su puño y letra, más de dos mil entradas bibliohemerográficas y una producción de ciento setenta y nueve libros y folletos, fallece en Caracas el 15 de agosto del 2004. Cuanta deuda tenemos con su legado resumido en la brillante ejecutoria docente e investigativa, ingente en dimensión y espiritualidad. El Amherst College en EE.UU. instituyó en 1983 el prestigioso "Premio Pedro Grases de Excelencia en Hispanismo". Uslar Pietri dijo: La historia de la investigación en el país se divide en antes y después de Grases". En palabras del Dr. Guillermo orón:"Es Pedro Grases el primer bibliógrafo venezolano del siglo XX". Don Pedro Grases.Honrar.honra. Gral. de bgda Artículo enviado desde la página web del Diario El Carabobeño Sent by Roberto Perez Guadarrama
New home page for The Joy of Helping Family Researchers on the Internet Archivo General de India in Seville, Spain Paying for assistance in family research Finding Your Immigrant Ancestors in Passenger Arrival Records The Crowley Imaging Company |
New home page for |
The Joy of Helping Family Researchers on the Internet |
7/8/2009 Hi Somos Primos I'm searching for Maximiliano Hernandez who was a doctor in New York in the late 50s early 60s. I'm also interested in finding family members. Please email me back if Somos Primos can help me finding information. God Bless . . . *Arlene* ======== 7/8/2009 Hi . . we don't really focus on current connections, but historical ones. Let me suggest that you check the white pages website. Click here: Free People Search | WhitePages Also, you could contact the New York State Medical Board. You might want to look at old telephone directories. Many libraries maintain old city telephone directories. Best wishes . . Mimi ============== On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 5:11 PM, <> wrote: This is a search in the Record Pilot of the LDS Church. There were 12 hits and the parents names are included for Maximiliano Hernandez in San Luis Potosi. Luis%20Potosi%2C%20San%20Luis%20Potosi%2C%20Mexico;placeId =3954053;surname=Hernandez;searchId=28013096721623560000; givenName=Maximiliano;searchType=standard;p=recordResults If this doesn't help, I would do the same search, but in Monterrey, Mexico. Good luck . . . Mimi ============== In a message dated 7/9/2009 6:15:23 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes: You're the best..I'll always remember you. Thank you so much for your help. I'll let you know if I find him :) *Arlene* ================ On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 7:52 PM, <> wrote: Hi Arlene . . There are Family History Centers all over the world. They are staffed with volunteers. They can help you in your research. Use of the centers are FREE. You can locate a center close to you by going to the home page Look about in the middle of the page in the middle. Enter your state and then scroll down to the city. They usually include a phone number. I've added your email to receive notification when the new issue of Somos Primos is available online. It is a service that will help keep us connected. If you prefer not to be notified, just let me know. Best wishes . . . Mimi ============= My search is over...I found Maximiliano Hernandez MD... He passed away 9 years ago :( However I found my 4 brothers and 2 sisters!!! and all this time I was told I had no siblings....God is great!!! Thank you Again for your help and kindness *Arlene* |
Archivo General de India in Seville, Spain |
Power Point on 'The mother Load" of New World Genealogy sent to me by my friend Jesse in Madrid . Wish they had all this technology available when I was there in 1962 . Enjoy . Bill Carmena
Editor: I am frequently asked for recommendations by family
researchers seeking professional help. The following websites
were sent to me. I do not know anything about their services
and costs.
Whether it’s around the corner or across the country, relocating to a new home is a memorable event in our lives. There are always trials and tribulations that come with moving, but when we compare it to what many of our immigrant ancestors went through, not being able to find the can opener for a few weeks pales in comparison. For many, leaving home meant saying goodbye to family members, knowing that they would never see some of them again. In some cases, parents left their children for extended periods to get established in their new home and raise the necessary funds to send for them. Embarking on a sometimes hazardous voyage, moving to a foreign land, and beginning life anew requires a special kind of courage. Passenger arrival records are highly valued by family historians not only for the information they may include, but also for what they represent–that decision by an immigrant to leave the old world behind and thus, set a new course for themselves and their descendants. The trick is in locating the records. Here are some tips to help find the arrival record for your immigrant ancestor. Search Multiple Ports of Entry Many a search has been thrown by the inherited story that an ancestor came through Ellis Island. While close to 22 million immigrants did pass through the famous immigration station, many arrived through other U.S. ports, and through Canada, which was often a cheaper route. Some may have even entered the U.S. more than once. Janos Szucs arrived in the U.S. twice, once through Baltimore in July of 1902, and then again in October of that same year, through Ellis Island. This is a good reminder not to overlook other matches once you do locate an ancestor. You may find that he or she made several trips too. You can search all of the passenger arrival records that are available at through the Immigration Collection page |
Frederick, MD - The Crowley Company announces the expansion of the firm's imaging services department with the opening of a 32,000 SF digital and analog conversion facility in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The new branch, second to the 20,000 SF conversion bureau in the company's Frederick headquarters, comes on the heels of a multi-year agreement with NA Publishing, Inc. The agreement allows Crowley the exclusive rights to perform microfilm/microform services for periodicals on behalf of NA Publishing, Inc. Additional imaging services offered include: microfilm scanning, microfiche scanning. aperture card scanning, processing, mounting, duplicating, e-beaming, converting, distributing as required. Estimates are that the company will process nearly 30 million pages, 150,000 reels and millions of individual images over the life of the contract, which is open for annual renewal following original contract completion. As part of the agreement, Joe Mills, NA Publishing's executive vice president of manufacturing and operations, will be employed by The Crowley Company and direct the Ann Arbor operations. "I've experienced Crowley's rich history and solid reputation as both a customer and vendor and look forward to being on the inside," says Mills. "Crowley is one of the few companies able to span the necessary bridges between technology and conversion from both a hardware and software perspective. My background and commitment to this market dovetails with the company's growth plans and will smooth any transition of services between NA Publishing, Inc. and Crowley." "As an industry," states Christopher Crowley, The Crowley Company president, "the micrographics market is consolidating. Firms having in-house departments that are not the core business are finding it economically and technologically feasible to outsource. Southeast Michigan is a hub of publishing activity. With our digitizing services in Maryland operating at full bore, this investment puts us in a position for immediate and future growth. It allows us to take advantage of a qualified work force that has suffered reductions in recent years and to expand services to our existing customers already in the area."
The Crowley Company will transfer 40 employees from NA Publishing,
Inc.'s current micrographics/imaging department to staff the new
facility and perform digital and analog image conversions.
About The Crowley Company: Incorporated in 1981, The Crowley Company is a world-leader in digital and analog film technologies. Headquartered in Frederick, Maryland with manufacturing divisions (Mekel, Extek Microsystems and HF Processor brands) in Compton and San Dimas, California, The Crowley Company provides an extensive number of digital document and film conversion services to the publishing, commercial, government and archive sectors and also manufactures, distributes and services high-speed microfilm, microfiche, aperture card, book and document scanners, microfilm duplicators, film processors and micrographics equipment. About NA Publishing Headquartered in Ann Arbor, Michigan, NA Publishing, Inc. was established in 2009 and comprises established businesses acquired from National Archive Publishing Company. The company specializes in preservation, custom publishing and other services that enhance and ensure access to scholarly information. Primary customers include: libraries, universities, students, professors and others who need access to quality information. The Crowley Company 5111 Pegasus Court, Suite M Frederick, MD 21704 240.215.0224
November 2009 More
free online records for The
states of Texas, Ohio, and Iowa were added to the U.S. 1920 Census at FamilySearch’s
Record Search pilot. Spanish researchers will enjoy new civil
registration images for the provinces of Cadiz, Granada, Malaga, Spain,
from 1837–1870. Over
500,000 new digital images were added to the Brazil Catholic Church
Records Collection. These birth, marriage, and death records are from
the states of Bahia, Menas Gerais, Paraná, Pará, Pernambuco, and Sao
Paolo. Over 400,000 Massachusetts marriage records were added for the
period 1906 to 1915, and Catholic baptismal records were added for the
Distrito Federal of Mexico. See
the chart below for a list of all the newly added collections. These
collections can be searched for free at the
Record Search pilot (click Search Records, and then click Record
Search pilot). None
of this would be possible without the great contributions of many online
FamilySearch volunteers. These individuals donate the time and talent
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Thank you!
12/30/2009 04:49 PM