Mimi :Under your topic of "good works that others are doing",
is certainly,
John Schmal from your staff.
I had been an ardent Genealogy researcher for years, pre
the advent of the Internet. Then I came upon an Internet posting of
John’s about Zacatecas research.
I immediately sent John a query, and subsequent others, all of which he
responded with such valuable information, to this total stranger.
With such anticipation, I attempted to read the first
film at the Family History Center…and found the beautiful Spanish
Colonial Script that I could not read. I was so disappointed…I
could read the English Script, but not the Spanish.
Subsequently, I received e-mails from John that were
letters of encouragement …not to give up…to stick with it…the
experience would be as if I was learning how to read all over
again….which certainly has evolved. I have found 26 grandparents on my
paternal line, and twice a much on my maternal side.
I would never have progressed without the act of kindness
from John Schmal. In my family book there will certainly be a dedication
to John.
John, mil gracias y abrazos, Helyn Sparkman de Castaneda
Dear Mimi, Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy reading Somos
Primos. Because of your magazine I have met Louis Bermudes from
California. Small world . He was born in Goliad, Texas where his family
are planning a family reunion the same weekend the Alvarez -Angel of
Goliad Descendants are having theirs in April of 2005.
We had a very nice phone conversation the other day and we
both really appreciate all your hard work in getting our Hispanic
Heritage known. We both have learned so much. Keep up the good work and
Have a Merry Christmas.
We hope you will join our reunions next April and enjoy
some good Texan hospitality. Sincerely, Rebecca Alvarez Shokrian becky102842@hotmail.com
What Great Work! Felicidades. Please keep me posted. Cesar crolon@nihpublishing.com
Happy Holidays today, tomorrow and forever! I know this note will
find you active, prosperous and healthy!
I have made a contact with a Hawaii-Rican who wants
me to put in writing the stories of those first US-Hawaii-Rican migrants
of 1900. He has shared a couple of stories, and they are profound, deep
and meaningful to say "poco".
I have always dreamed of getting involved in such a unique and
solemn project. What steps can I take? We have begun to interact
informally, but he is already doing voluntary research on the matter. I
would love to go to these Islands and interview and write and publish.
How can you help? By the way, thanks for publishing my
articles/essays on your site. Do you have a foundation or good contact
in Hawaii? I believe my working-story A Typical Californio got this
person's attention.
Abrazos, Manny Hernandez mannyh32@yahoo.com
Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy and look forward to Somos
Primos. The links are invaluable, the articles interesting. Thank
you so much.
Sandra Ramos O'Briant OBRIANTLEG@aol.com
Beverly Hills, CA.
Just a quick note to say keep me on your email list. I have enjoyed
receiving it since October. Maybe one of these days I will connect with
family from Sonora, Hermosillo, Mexico. can't believe I'm the only one
in the family that is interested in Genealogy. Gerri Mares gmares@san.rr.com
San Diego, CA
Good Afternoon Mimi, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. You are doing a
good job and I am very proud of you.
Francisco Balolong Paras Jr. francisco_b_paras_jr@dot.ca.gov
Dear Mimi: Again as usual, an outstanding monthly
brochure….keeps getting better every month. Thank you for your
and supporting staff presentations. Also, thank you very much for
inserting my family query – it is most appreciated. Saludos, Dennis E.
A. Keesee Bermudez denniskee@cox.net
Mimi: As always, you never cease to amaze me, on your [Somos Primos]
contributions and documention of the history of Hispanics, in
general--and Americans of Color, in particular!!
Many thanks for including me as a contributor of our
American history--I consider it an honor--of the highest degree!! Also,
I forgot I sent you, that quote from President Lincoln--regarding true
American history.
Willis Papillion willis35@earthlink.net
Dear Mimi: This issue is packed with lots of good and interesting
You are really doing a great job!
Best regards, Carlos Vega
Hi Mimi, Somos Primos was fantastic this Dec. 04 issue. You and the
entire board and contributors gave us all such vital, interesting
Spanish information. THANK YOU for a wonderful Christmas gift!
You have no idea how many doors to California History you
all open for me. Please know your dedicated efforts are appreciated by
so many. I truly admire you Mimi! If I can ever help in anyway - please
don't hesitate to ask.
I have a question about the "Orange County Mexican
American Society 20005 Calendar - Images of Orange County,
California" pictured on www.somosprimos.com site. Is the church
featured on calendar's cover Our Lady of Guadalupe - Delhi - Santa Ana?
Sure reminds me of an old picture my Mom has.
Thank you for any details you can give me. I will also call
the number listed below the calendar. You are such a treat!
Rita Avila CASEARCHING@aol.com
Merry Christmas to you. I want to take the time to thank you for your
efforts, a job well done............. all year long. Keep up the good
work, I for one enjoy it.
Élida Vela Barrera, Muñiz de Vom Baur
Stories for Chicken Soup for the Genealogist's
I'm looking for stories for Chicken Soup for the Genealogist's Soul. As
the author of this upcoming work, I'm searching for inspirational and
touching stories of genealogists who:
o Overcame terrible obstacles to find
elusive ancestral lines
o Came to understand their heritage &
can express how this understanding affected them
o Found reconciliation in their families
through sharing their research
o Made new connections with extended family
o Experienced deep emotional reactions to
information they have gathered.
If you know of individuals with appropriate stories for the book, please
have them contact me, either by email ddeford@ordinarypeoplecanwin.com
or phone at 402-968-7372
Thanks, David DeFord dwdeford@yahoo.com
For a very beautiful and touching photo stream of our military, go to:
Sent by Analía (Ana) Montalvo anaetal@gmail.com
Thousand Oaks, CA
and Janete Vargas jamagna@yahoo.com
Los Angeles, CA
Recent communication between Jose Santiago and Editor,
entitled Correction:
January 26: Jose Santiago
This site is very nice, however I would like to clarify the term latino,
a latino or latin person is a person who has some latin root, that is
related to the roman empire, Spanish, French, Italian, Romanian or
Portuguese. The latin people of latin America are latins because of the
European conquistadores, if you think it well you will find out that the
people from quebec are latinos as well.
January 26: Mimi:
Yes . . . Latin American is called Latin American because of the
southern Europeans who colonized. That is why it seems a paradox
to have young Chicanos prefer the term Latino, instead of Hispanic since
they reject the term Hispanic because of its European root. A bit mixed
up. . . . they prefer Latino to stress their indigenous lines when
Latin goes back to the Latin language from Europe. . . I would surely
include the French, but I don't think that the French would. Hum m
m m . . . . we'll just keep trying to help . .
January 27: Jose Santiago
Gracias for your answers, I ENCOURAGE you to keep up your excellent
work, I am from Puerto Rico and I most surely prefer my indigenous and
African roots, however without the European I am not what I am.
San Juan, Puerto Rico 1556 Ave
Ponce de Leon, Apt 702, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 00909
Dear Mimi,
Thank you for the love and dedication you have shared through your work
in all things Hispanic. You have opened the door to historical
accuracy in various aspects of Hispanic life, history, culture,
religion, etc. The fruit of the many hours you have put into this life's
work has benefited thousands of people and many generations.
God bless you, Mimi, and have a wonderful and joy-filled New Year.
Sincerely, Cristina McCoy ccgm@satx.rr.com
San Antonio, Texas
I hope you and your husband and family have a blessed New Year!
The new Somos Primos is a dream!!!! I find something new and
useful in every issue. You are such a blessing, not only to me but
to the rest of us trying to find our roots and listen to the voices of
our ancestors.
Love, and hugs, Marge Vallazza teacozygran@kc.rr.com
Dear Mr. Inclan,
I searched in the family tree of Don Juan Perez de Onate and that of his
wife's. I had such a good time looking...I am descended from him
and so many others in that tree...actually, through my dad's
grandmother, Ma. Francisca Saldivar who was born in Jerez, Zacatecas.
This ancestress of mine was descended from sooooo many conquistadores,
pobladeros, virreyes, etc. Thank you for sharing your data with us.
Sincerely, Marge Vallazza
Que tal, Me gusto mucho su pagina, contiene mucha
informacion y eleva el orgullo. Me tranporta y me estimula a investigar
mas sobre mis raices, mis origenes y mis costumbres.
Saludos, Gilberto Padilla
Mimi, I
applaud your latest issue and also offer congratulations on your
forthcoming participation on presenting Hispanic historical items of
interest in Washington D.C. You are making waves in opening the
hearts and minds to our many Hispanic contributions. Keep up the
good work.
Have a happy and sane 2005. Dennis
EA Keesee Bermudez denniskee@cox.net
Dear Mimi, Happy New Year!
Just a quick note to let you and your staff know that I truly appreciate
receiving the monthly newsletter, Somos Primos.
It was with great sadness yesterday that I read the announcement
regarding the passing of a very dear friend, Victoria Duarte Cordova.
I met Victoria over ten years ago at a meeting with Los Californianos in
Oceanside. We chatted that evening and discovered that we had both lived
in Pacoima, in the beautiful San Fernando Valley! As a child, Victoria
had known members of my mother's Romero and Tapia families residing in
Pacoima. Victoria gave us the old photographs of our people. As I
recall, she also knew Bert Colima, the boxer. Bert (my grandfather's
nephew) was a Romero but took his mother's name, Colima, for
professional reasons. All this information that Victoria shared with us
was very comforting to my mother, and it validated some of my mother's
family history.
All my best, and with sincere gratitude,
Lorri Ruiz Frain lorrilocks@earthlink.net
Hello I just saw your page of the genealogy of Don
Juan Galindo Morales and I found one of my ancestors, Geronimo Zertuche
Galindo. I am very interested in any more information about him and don
Juan de Zertuche's ancestors, if you have any. Geronimo had a son named
Jose Francisco Salvador, and he is the great grandfather of my great
granDfather, Manuel Zertuche Narro. I am very interested in finding out
who was the first Zertuche in Mexico that is my ancestor and where he
came from, so if you could provide some information I would be more than
grateful. I have my line of descendance from Geronimo Zertuche to me,
and to my brother's soon to be grandchild, so that would make a lot of
generations if you are interested on the info. I would really appreciate
your reply.
Eduardo Zertuche V.
+ (844) 419-1245 cel.
eduardo@zertuche.org ezertuche@gmail.com
Dear Ms. Lozano,
As you know, I am a Los Angeles-based writer doing research on local
history and folklore. A short time ago I contacted you in the hopes of
overcoming some "brick walls"
I had encountered in researching Early California families,
specifically the Felizes, Verdugos and Sanchezes who figure
prominently in this city's Spanish-Mexican heritage.
Although I am not a SHHAR member, nor descended from any of California's
Hispanic families, you eagerly responded, placing me in touch with Cindy
LoBuglio and Johanna DeSoto. Both have been immensely helpful in sharing
information, as well as suggesting new sources and areas for research
that I never knew existed. Among other things, Johanna was able to
locate an important, obscure article on the Feliz Ranch, and Cindy was
able to point me toward collections of relevant documents and an old
book with a citation that is proving equally important to my study. My
"detective work" is now moving forward again.
To me, this is a lesson in how vital networking is to this sort of
research. It is great to be able to turn to people who are not only
knowledgeable, but enthusiastic about helping others. I hope I may be
able to return the favor some day.
Again, thank you., Michael Imlay
Professional Writer/Consultant
PR/MarCom, Editorial and Features for New and Traditional Media
E-mail: meimlay@sbcglobal.net
Website: www.meimlay.com
Mimi: this is getting better and better and probably
by now a full time job. You and your staff are to be highly
complimented on a “Job well Done”. Keep up the good work.
Saludos, Dennis denniskee@cox.net
OBRIANTLEG: Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy
and look forward to Somos Primos. The links are invaluable, the articles
interesting. Thank you so much.
Good Morning My Friend,
How are you? Many, many thanks for the latest edition of Somos
Primos! I love what you are doing! Don't stop! Keep it
Best regards, Diane Sears 3/2/2005 bsi-international@earthlink.net
Dear Mimi:
I have had a recent change of address and do not want to lose your
monthly letters. The information that you provide is priceless and
I use it all the time.
My old address was jjskern@pacbell.net
please correct that to: taktag@gmail.com
Thank you for all this wonderful newletter.
Kern Sandoval
MAY 2005
On a personal note. I cannot thank you enough for all that you and your
staff do for the Hispanic / Latino community. Believe me, I was ever so
touched when I read the article about the San Gabriel Indians by
Victoria Duarte Cordova in your April 2005 newsletter. No doubt,
Victoria would be so pleased with you and she definitely would be happy
to have her long, long years of research finally published and made
public. Vicky often told me that she was doing the research for the
young people, but she never seemed to have a date of completion for this
project. We all are so proud of Vicky.
Thanks for making my day, Mimi.
All my best, always, Lorri
Lorraine Frain lorrilocks@earthlink.net
I have been on your mailing list for almost three years and I think it
is time to send you a belated thank you for all those wonderful stories
about our ancestors and our culture. My wife and I were introduced
to your mail list by a high school classmate from Laredo, TX who now
lives in San Antonio, Walter Herbeck.
I look forward to your monthly email.
Brigido H. Mireles
Round Rock, Texas
I so enjoy reading all the articles on the great contributions of
our Hispanic forefathers. It is just so informative. Keep up the good
work! A friend from San Antonio Texas,
Becky Shokrian,
a direct descendant of the Angel of Goliad.
Dear Mr Inclan,
I read the family tree of Don Juan Galindo and wife , excellent
work. You have save me hundreds of hours of
research . I would like to see a continuation of item # 66
,specifically on Maria Dolores Bermea Galindo and her
descendant's. Thank You Bro.
Javier Trevino ( ja_trevino@yahoo.com
Hi Mimi, I'm so glad you
liked it! I really enjoyed doing the article and talking to all the
women. While I was writing, I decided to begin a little genealogy
research of my own, and I found much to my surprise that some members
of my dad's family had been in the U.S. since the 1600's! It was all
very interesting and I plan to do more research this summer. Thanks
for all your help. Good luck with all, Franziska Castillo
Dear Readers, networking is the key to opening the doors of our
ancestor's past. We invite you to share your family data in a way that
will widen your outreach in finding lost family members.
Below is a very kind email from Roberto José Pérez Guadarrama of
Venezuela. In referring to Somos Primos, he is identifying the
value and the result of readers sending historical, current and family
Every month the list of names under contributors are those who have sent
or whose information was sent for use in Somos Primos. This month,
letters received are dispersed within the issue, appropriate to the area
of interest.
With gratitude and thanks for your submissions and letters.
Sincerely, Mimi
Somos Primos, Sra. Mimi Lozano.
Estimada Mimi
Espero que se encuentre muy bien de salud, en Compañía de su Familia y
Le escribo para agradecerle las muchas publicaciones que Usted a
realizado de Mis recortes, trabajos, escritos...en su muy completa
pagina Web de Somos Primos. Esta pagina Web es bien completa, tanto en
la calidad de los artículos, en lo experimentados Articulistas que en
ella escriben, como en los diferentes y extensos tópicos que tocan
en cada edición. Ya que escribir sobre Genealogía para Profesionales,
Expertos, Académicos,...mensualmente tiene que ser muy difícil, pero
Usted y su equipo de trabajo han hecho una Revista Electrónica que
llena de Interés, Expectativa, curiosidad a Expertos y Novatos en la
Genealogía, Historia, Antropología, Ciencias Sociales.
Felicito también a todo el Valioso Equipo que la acompaña en esa Titánica
tarea. Este muy agradecido de recibir mensualmente esta información a
través de Internet. Reciba Usted Mis Felicitaciones Sinceras desde
Valencia, Venezuela
Roberto José Pérez Guadarrama 5/2/2005
Absolutely great….enjoy your moments
spreading the joy of discovering Hispanic history, culture and events.
Saludos, Dennis Keesee Bermudez denniskee@cox.net
Hi Mimi, I just wanted to say how amazed and grateful I am for
your dedication in constructing such a wonderful and extensive
newsletter. Where do you find the time? You are truly an asset to our
continuing heritage.Thank you for your hard work.
David L. Duran davelduran@comcast.net
Denver, Colorado
§Dear Mimi, I have enjoyed your very informative news letter for many
years...Keep'em coming. Please change my address to: joural@tampabay.rr.com
Thanks and good luck, José R. Oural
Mimi; Thank you for the fantastic
information you are posting on "SOMOS PRIMOS". I am printing
them out and putting them in binders. I know you get a lot of e-mails,
but I would like to remind you I wrote to you several years ago and told
you I have about 85 binders of church records translated to English, I
have gotten from the Mormons Library in the past 15 years. I will be
sending you some more information in the future.
Your Tejano primo, George de la Garza
§ Introducing
with great pride and thankfulness, a new Somos Primos staff
member, my grandson, Luke Holtzman. Luke completed his AA
in Criminal Justice at Golden West College and is preparing to attend
California State University, Long Beach in the fall.
Hopefully, in spite of college classes, Luke will still be able to spend
some hours helping me with layout and data entry. I've already
learned a few tricky computer techniques from him. The painting is
an oil I did of him when he was about 12 months old, time surely
of People Resources & Networking
I received a request for assistance from
Michael Carters on the De Soto and Espejo Family. I sent along
some information and then forwarded it to Johanna De Soto.
From: carters@samoa.ws
To: CasaSanMiguel@aol.com
Wow! Incredible. Thank you for these excellent suggestions and sources.
We are very interested in tracing and knowing our Hispanic ancestors.
Is there a place to look at the 1870 and 1910 census on-line? My
Spanish is poor so I was unable to get the full benefit of several
of the sites you suggested. Can you recommend a professional
and reliable genealogists, perhaps yourself, that I could hire to help
me research
the Spanish-language material? I am determined to find my
people. Michael
From: CasaSanMiguel@aol.com
To: carters@samoa.ws
Subject: Espejo Family
Dear Michael, Good luck on your research. I looked at
the 1870 Federal Census, California, Los Angeles, Los Nietos Township,
taken on 11 August, 1870.
Ygnacia Espejo, age 40, born in Mexico. She was with her Children,
Francisco age 14, Juan age 12, Adriana age 10, Pedro age 9, Ramon age 6,
and Luis age 4.
Then in the 1910 Federal Census, Oakland Township, in Alameda
County. Ygnacia was 83 years old, born in Mexico, mother-in law of
Baldomero Perez. Their is no wife, but five daughters. I will send you
some web sites on the Espejo family. Johanna
Un millon de gracias por las revistas de Somos Primos, muy educativas y
muy muy interesantes.Esta notita es solo para dejarle saber de lo
agradecido que estoy y para notificarle mi nuevo e mail. ya
no es: valdes sbs global.net. Ahora es valdes7127@aol.com
Gracias, Tito
Mimi: have fun at the parade – you certainly deserve it.
Again, a great monthly publication. I don’t know how you do it.
God bless you and your staff as you are doing a great good for all of
us. Saludos, Dennis denniskee@cox.net
Great newsletter.........where do you get all that information??
Wow, girl you do a great job; hope everyone enjoys your hard work.
We are having our annual family reunion in Morro Bay from July 8 til
15th........we are all looking forward to our get together.
Take care, Yomar
Can't thank you enough for all your hard work, and
for the enjoyment I get out of the monthly newsletter. My goal is
to introduce your work to at least one Hispanic person each month.
Tim Crump
Hi Mimi, I would like to tell you how much I enjoy reading Somos Primos
each month. Thank you for the wonderful job that you do. It
is appreciated. Would you please change my email address to Jimandbhicks@yahoo.com
Thank you.
Hello, I just stumbled onto your web
site. What a treasure. Please add me to your mailing list.
I would be forever thankful. Your hard work and efforts are
greatly appreciated.
Rick r-osunchase@msn.com
Muchas gracias por tu linda revista.
Saludos, Manolo
The Puerto Ricans at Carlisle Indian School: It was a big surprise for
me when I read all the information about our Tainos. In P. R. since we
are kids they teach us that the Spaniards killed them. Thanks a lot for
this new window.
Have a Blessed Weekend, Magda
Kudos! Min Alexander, a Puerto Rican from South Carolina.
WOW….it just keeps getting better and larger…..you are a credit
to all Latinos.
Your paper has grown beautifully over the years. vivan.drake@va.gov
Dear Mimi, I so enjoy SOMOSPRIMOS, thank you
so much for this work.
My name is Geneva Moya Sanchez. My family lines are
Sanchez, Mireles, Chapa, and Dela Garza on my mothers side. These family
trees are from Vallecillo and Sabinas Hidalgo, N.L. Someone mentioned
that you and I have the same family lines, but I really did'nt pay
attention, until a relative of mine said that you were related to him when
he saw the Juan Bautista Chapa tree. Which Chapa is your ancestor? Do
you have any Mireles or Sanchez in your tree also.
My Ancestor Maria Ursula Chapa ma.Jose Felix Mireles.
Then I go all the way to Juan Bautista Chapa. I know you must get
hundreds of mail on these lines, but I had to write.
Thank you, hope to hear from you................
Geneva gmsan@texas.net
Hi Mimi, always glad to hear from you. My husband , daughter
and granddaughter took a trip to Benson, Bisbee and
Tombstone. We visited 7th Street in Benson, where my grandmother,
grandfather, great grand mother and a cousin died in1905 from eating
poison berries. We went to the Benson Historical Society saw a picture
of my grandfather Jose Miguel Castaneda, the text said that he
entertained the president of the United States at the Virginia Hotel
etc. etc .. We had fun, but it was very hot .
Alice DmcAlic
Incredible research. Your research has been most helpful and a Godsend.
I have many common ancestors with you and your family. My ancestors on
both sides of my family are some of the original Camargo/Starr County
Oscar Trevino, McAllen, Texas.
(Click to the full letter)
I sent my thoughts to several papers across the country. I don't
know if it will be printed, but my brother John encouraged me to send it
to Somos Primos. Loved the last issue. I'm grateful for what
you do. Affectionately, Bernadette Inclan
I'm impressed of the information one can find at Somos Primos, it's an
amazing tool to us.
you and congratulations,
Luis G. Dessommes Zambrano
again Mimi! This is such pertinent and interesting
information – I truly appreciate your sharing it with me. Marion
up the good work on Somos Primos,
you are a great lady. Your Tejano primo,
George de la Garza george.delagarza@gte.net
for helping me understand Hispanic heritage.
Tabitha, 12 years old.
Dear Mimi, an AMAZING fount of information for so many. Muchisimas
Re: The Four Latino Mayors by John P. Schmal in the June 2005 Issue, I
just want to add some information for which I have been searching in my
"Higuera Family" album. The following quote is from an excerpt
from Ranchos Become Cities by W.W. Robinson, San Pasqual Press,
Pasadena, California 1939. "The Alcalde of the pueblo (Los Angeles)
in the year 1800 was Joaquin Higuera. His son, Bernardo, was to settle
the land called Rancho Rincon de Los Bueyes." I do not know who
copied it or when as it is in an album kept by my now deceased Mother,
Matilda Higuera Yorba.
By the way, sadly I do not speak Spanish although my grandparents spoke
to me in Spanish and I answered in English. But for some purposes the
Spanish seems more suitable!
Marilyn Yorba Lasker
"It is exciting to be reunited with family. Some times
in genealogy we look at only names and dates and we never know the good
times and hard times our family endured. The important thing is that we
are still family even though we are separated by time, language and some
times Religion...." Robert Louis Dessommes, December 4, 2000.
Hi Mimi, in my book you will be remembered as a modern
Hispanic-American Hero for all your endeavors on this newsletter. I am
still amazed with your attention to detail and the amount of content you
provide to all of us. I am exploring my sefarad/ashkenazi roots
and I am grateful for the information you provide monthly. Thank
you for being there.
Are you planning to convert your information into book form?
Libraries around the world need this reference. David Duran
Denver, CO
Letter to John Inclan for information shared www.somosprimos.com/inclan/inclan.htm
Mr. Inclán, I truly admire all the work you have done, the
information you provide us these last days is priceless, and I really
appreciate that you took time out of your time to clarify me this issue
about my ancestor Maria Rafaela GONZÁLEZ.
Luis G. Dessommes Zambrano
Monterrey, Mexico ingedis1@ggp.com.mx
we never forget. I look forward to the day when our history and
contributions are as important and worthy of studying in our history
books as those whose are there today.
Minerva Zermeno judgeer@charter.net
Thanks. I wish at this time I could enjoy the Hispanic Month
celebrations. I am a Rita evacuee from Lake Charles, LA residing
with family in Baton Rouge. Please pray for all of the hurricane
evacuees. However, I am still looking for Bellos, Donatos and
other family members who relocated to the Vera Cruz, Mexico area during
the 1800s and 1900s.
God Bless, Marie Mrremap1@aol.com
Dear Mimi,
The calendar of events throughout the U.S., (and the world,) is amazing!
How extraordinary you are to compile these and share them. I'll
let my students know about the local activities. Love, hugs and
Joyce joycebasch@juno.com
Dear Mimi: What a fantastic site. So informative and educational.
Great work. Barry Kibrick
KLCS-TV "Between the Lines"
Dear John (Inclan):
Cheers from Auckland New Zealand. Thanks for sharing your considerable
work on the net. Your website is of great help to me.
Neil.S. http://www.somosprimos.com/inclan/pedrogonzal.htm
The articles in Somos Primos are always interesting. My son and I just
returned from a trip to TN and KY. We went to visit my
brother-in-law who will be 98 years old the 24th of this month. He
is in assisted living, and is doing very well for one so old. He
is living in Simpson Co. KY, which is close to the TN border.
Franklin is the name of the small town that he lives in and I was told
that it has about 4,000 people. Well they had two Mexican
restaurants there! We had lunch in one of them and the food was
good. They have a lot of Spanish speaking people living and
working there-which surprised me. I just wanted to pass this on to
Marciel Woods MarcielHWood@cs.com
Mimi, I'm impressed of the information one can find at Somos Primos,
it's an amazing tool to us. Thank you and congratulations,
Luis G. Dessommes Zambrano
Thanks again for sending me the newsletter. I continue to be
amazed at the plethora of information you provide.
Marion Sheppard mqsheppa@uci.edu
Thank you for this table of contents. My goodness, what a rich and
informative issue. It really amazes me how you put all this information
together. Your efforts have done more to educate on the Spanish/Mexican
culture than a million text books and college course. Muchas gracias por
su trabajo !!
Hugs Galore, Pablo Trejo
Hi my name is Javier Martinez and I am a history teacher at Paramount
H.S. and at East Los Angeles College. I am very happy to have come
across you site. I like it and it offers my students plenty of research
material. Good luck to your future efforts.
Javier Martinez javier0077@yahoo.com
Hi Mimi,
Wow! You have come a long way. Such beautiful stories and essays sent
your way, and so informative. Plus lots of information on our Hispanic
heritage, that one never tires of. So much to learn and get educated on.
Keep up the good work. Yours truly, Barbara Lozano
Mimi: as always, a great monthly release. I don’t know where you find
the time. Keep up the great work.
Dennis Keesee Bermudez denniskee@cox.net