Dedicated to Hispanic Heritage & Diversity Issues |
United States . . . 2 Surname Galvez . 20 Galvez Project . . 21 Orange Co, CA . . 23 Los Angeles, CA 25 California . . . . . . 27 Southwestern . . . 37 Black . . . . . . . . 43 Indigenous . . . . . 44 Sephardic . . . . . 46 Texas . . . . . . . . 50 East Mississippi . 56 East Coast . . . . . 60 Mexico . . . . . . . .63 Caribbean/Cuba . 73 International . . . . 75 History . . . . . . . . 79 Archaeology . . . . .84 Miscellaneous. . . 86 2003 Index Community Calendars Networking Meetings January 25th - - - SHHAR Quarterly END |
Mexico Pavilion
Disney World’s EPCOT Center |
The attention now paid to
Latin arts appears to be more than just a passing fad. There is a new
broader attitude toward art and attracting audiences, observers say,
with eyes on changing demographics and the bottom line.
Recognizing the dramatic rise in the number of Latino residents, art
organizations are adjusting their programming and outreach accordingly. |
Martinez is an example of an artist-illustrator-writer that is sharing
his heritage through his art. For
the past thirty-five years Eddie Martinez has established an illustrious
career as an artist and designer in the field of entertainment including
motion pictures, television, theater, and theme parks.
His extensive abilities as an artist and his passion for research are demonstrated in his work with the Walt Disney Company as the Chief Designer for the Mexico Pavilion Show Ride in Disney World’s EPCOT Center, The Forum Shops at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, and numerous themed parks and resorts throughout the world. His work on an international scale also
includes cultural, educational, and town planning projects. At the heart
of Mr. Martinez’s work is his drive to explore history through
research. Currently he is deeply committed to his own projects revolving
around the study of ancient civilizations in North America and Latin
American history. |
"The past is a source of
knowledge, |
Primos Staff: Mimi Lozano, Editor John P. Schmal: Historian Johanna de Soto: Genealogy Armando Montes: Surnames Howard Shorr: Education/Social Contributors: Paul Apodaca, Ph.D. Ambassador Juan José Bremer Andrea Cabello Dennis V. Carter Peter Cole Elena L. Garcia Diaz Lee Everton George Farías |
Frain Anthony Garcia George Gause Eddie Grijalva Joe Guerra J. Guthrie Michael R. Hardwick Elsa Pena Herbeck Zeke Hernandez Granville Hough, Ph.D. Patti Navarrette-Larson Jeanie Low Ana Maria McGuan Armando Montes Lou Madrid Eddie Martinez J.V. Martinez, Ph.D. |
Palacio Paul Newfield Gloria Oliver Tracey Oz John Palacio Lic. Guillermo Padilla Origel Michael Stevens Perez Alejandro Sanz D.A. Sears Howard Shorr Ryan Skousen Tawn Skousen Greg P. Smestad, Ph.D. Benfred Clement Smith Robert Thonhoff Herbert Villarreal Jennifer Vo |
Board Members: Laura Arechabala Shane, Bea Armenta Dever,
Diane Burton Godinez, Peter Carr, Gloria Cortinas Oliver, Mimi Lozano Holtzman, Carlos Olvera |
alien registration case-files, aka A-Files Immigrants Critical to Economy Time 75th Anniversary Celebration Census Misses 1 million Children More Immigrants Filling the Ranks of U.S. Military Campaigns spending more on ads in Spanish Immigrants factor in growth of U.S. labor force No plans for Spanish as Olympic language Hollywood-style Historical Depiction Latinas In Science Business Magazine Influentials follow-up School plan seeks 2nd language for all Latino Immigrants Becoming Better Educated Cervical cancer double in Latinos |
Latinos May Face Higher
Dementia Risks Search Is on for Hispanic Teachers UNITY: Journalists of Color, Inc. Men as Nurturers and Caregivers In Search of Fatherhood Blockbuster Expands its Spanish Offerings Drop Anti-American Stance Urban Latino TV to Debut Regions of La Raza The Hispanic Achievers Website Record amount of remittances U.S. to Mexico Majority of Latinos, Discrimination Is a Problem PEW Major Study - Assimilation of Hispanics |
INS alien registration case-files, aka A-Files |
December 12, 2002 Hi Mimi: Sorry to finally touch bases with you. I received the Cross Roads newsletter from Paso al Norte Immigration Museum and thought of you. I've attached the information on INS alien registration case-files, aka A-Files that have only a temporary status and a Petition to Urge the Preservation of the A-Files. I've been working with several organizations on the West Coast (Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation, Chinese Historical Society of America, Museum of Chinese in America in NY, California State Genealogical Alliance and National Japanese American Historical Society) that are concerned about the future of the A-Files as they are vitally important original documents that haven't been researched in depth for genealogists and other researchers. Together, we can all make a difference. Jeanie Low, SF wongyen@juno.com China Connection Petition Urging Preservation for the "A-Files" Opening Statement: This document represents a unified statement in support of the preservation of the Alien Registration Case-files, aka "A-Files." You and/or your organization have expressed an interest in the fate of the "A-Files," thus, we are asking you and your contacts to join us in signing the enclosed petition. You are encouraged to formulate your own statement to urge the permanent status and designation for the "A-Files", but the following petition has been provided for your convenience as a summary of the issues and a clear request for action on the part of both the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), and the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS). Your support of this important matter is vital to seeing that the "A-Files" remain intact as a complete collection and are not ever destroyed. If you sign this petition or formulate your own statement regarding this issue, please send your correspondence to the U.S. Archivist at 8601 Adelphi Road, Rm 4100, College Park, MD 20740-6001, forward a copy to: the Immigration and Naturalization Service Commissioner at 425 I Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20536 and a copy to your local state legislators. (For contact information for Congress members, see http://congress:org/congressorg/dbq/officials/?lvl=L, select state, then congressional delegation). Together, we can all make a difference. [[Editor's note: The contributions and migration stories of late-arriving primos to the U.S. will be supported through research in these documents. The destruction of these records will remove the evidence of their existence. I hope you will all take the time to make a statement on behalf of preservation of these records. It will make a difference.]]
for THE "A-FILES" |
Immigrants critical to economy, census study finds Washington Post Monday, December 2, 2002 2 San Francisco Chronicle. http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2002/12/02/MN110123.DTL A new study of census data by the Center for Labor Market Studies at Northeastern University. concludes that recent immigrants were critical to the nation's economic growth over the past decade, accounting for half the new wage-earners who joined the labor force in those years. The effect was particularly large among men: Eight of 10 new male workers in the previous decade were immigrants who arrived during that time. The newly analyzed workforce numbers show immigration is redrawing the profile of the U.S. workforce, in some cases transforming entire industries. More than 13 million legal and illegal immigrants came to the United States from 1990 to 2001, drawn by the healthy economy and family ties. The report said 8 million immigrants joined the labor force, which means they were either working or looking for work, over a period when the total number of new workers was 16 million. Even so, 86 percent of the total workforce is American-born. One of the authors of the Northeastern study argues that: The U.S. economy would have stumbled in the past decade without the new arrivals, and most immigrants contribute more in taxes than they use in services. "The American economy absolutely needs immigrants," said Andrew Sum, director of the labor market center. "I realize some workers have been hurt by this, and some people get very angry when I say this, but our economy has become more dependent on immigrant labor than at any time in the last 100 years." The center's report was commissioned by the Business Roundtable, group of corporate chief executives. Sent by John Palacio Jpalacio@pacbell.net |
75th Anniversary Celebration http://www.ancestry.com/productwatch/landing/pw20021206.htm#spotlight In 75 years of covering the world, "Time" magazine has put us face-to-face with some of the most dramatic moments in human history. Time photographers let us fly with Charles Lindbergh, see Jackie Robinson's long-line drive to left field, and cheer as the Berlin Wall tumbled. This special anniversary celebration captures some of those compelling stories and photographs to create a lasting chronicle of passing decades, and a tribute to our times. Buy it now for only $10! |
Census estimates show nearly
half of 1 million kids missed were black and Hispanic by Genaro C. Armas, Associated Press, 12/6/2002 WASHINGTON (AP) More than 1.1 million children were not tallied in the 2000 census. The bureau released the data only after a federal court ordered it to do so. Nearly 29 percent of the children missed were black, though they made up nearly 15 percent of the total population kids under 18. Hispanics were about 20 percent of the child undercount, and 17 percent of the total child population. About 45 percent of those children missed were white, less than their 60 percent share of the total population of children. The Census Bureau data adjusted using statistical sampling also showed a slight over-count of Asian children. Civil rights groups contend that the state-by-state breakdown of the undercount would show that minorities and children were more likely to be missed. The bureau in March 2001 said there was a net undercount of about 1.2 percent of the population roughly 3.2 million people, with one-third of them children. More than 30,000 black children younger than 18 were undercounted in New York, while more than 72,000 Hispanic kids were missed in California, the figures show. About 42,000 Hispanic children were undercounted in Texas. Of all states, California the most populous state in the nation had the largest undercount regardless of age or race, more than a half-million people, or 1.5 percent of its population. Alaska had the largest percentage of people missed at 2.4 percent, an undercount of more than 15,000. Census Bureau: http://www.census.gov Sent by Howard Shorr howardshorr@msn.com |
More Immigrants Filling the Ranks of U.S. Military In April, 2002
the Department of Defense tallied 31,044 non-citizens on active duty in
the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines. In fiscal 2002, 2,435 foreign-born military personnel were
naturalized, up from 1,146 in fiscal 2001, the Immigration and
Naturalization Service said. |
Campaigns spending more on
ads in Spanish by Suzanne Gamboa, The Associated Press, 11-22-02 WASHINGTON * Candidates for Congress and
governor aired more than 16,000 Spanish-language televiiosn sports
during the 2002 campaign, and politicans seeking federal, statewide or
legislative office spent at least $16 million on such advertisements. |
Immigrants key factor in
growth of U.S. labor force by Genaro C. Armas, the Associated Press, 12-3-02 http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2002/12/02/MN110123.DTL WASHINGTON * From 1990 to 2001, the civilian labor force grew by nearly 16 million, to 141.8 million. Half of that growth was because of immigrants who entered during the period of soaring economic growth for the nation. New immigrants made up 79% of the increase in the male civilian labor force, vs 30% of the increase among women. The Center for Labor Market Studies at Northeastern University reported that the immigrant influx was felt throughout the country, but was especially vital in the Northeast, where the new U.S. residents accounted for nearly all of the net increase in the labor force. "What immigration has really done is expand the base at the bottom and to a lesser extent help" fill openings near the top end of the scale, said one of the study's authors, Northeastern University economist Paul Harrrrington. Sent by John Palacio Jpalacio@pacbell.net |
Extract: International
Olympic Committee: No plans to make Spanish official language
Magazine Influentials follow-up Thanks for sending all the great information. I did find my surname on the list of the 100 Most influential Business persons. It belongs to my son, Mike Madrid, and I will certainly be ordering a reprint of the article. Once again, thanks! Lou Madrid LouMdrd@aol.com |
Depicts History with its Own Vision Dear Mimi: I was looking thru your December "Somos Primos" and something caught my eye. I wholeheartedly agree with your efforts to depict historical figures accurately, not just "politically correct". My father's mother, Flora Chavez, was a first cousin to Sheriff Elfego Baca in Arizona, known for his expert shooting skills. He became famous after holding off all night, single-handedly, a large number of men who were unjustly trying to take over a small town. I have a photograph of him, with one of his deputies, holding the newspaper with the headlines of his accomplishments. This man was tall, kinda dumpy and very big around and appears to be in his late 40's or early 50's. Walt Disney studios made a movie about him around the early 60's, but showed him to be a very youthful, handsome and dashing "zorro" type of character. I recall the disappointment when my dad showed me Elfego's photograph a few years after seeing the movie, expecting him to look like the movie character portrayed. It's nice to see that Hollywood is more interested now in a turn for the more accurate physical portrayal of historical figures, though they still have a long way to go in the telling of their tales. Interesting how things come the full circle, huh?! Thank you for all your dedication and hard work on the newsletter and everything else; you make it possible for us to find our ancestors when other doors remained closed. Excellent work!! Sincerely, Elena L. Garcia Diaz stanleydiaz@earthlink.net Columbia, Missouri |
In Science I surf and surf an find so very little on Chicanas in Science. I would like to continue to build my page as I seem to have very little competition. http://members.attcanada.ca/~ecade/hispanic-women.html Please share with teachers and mentors that work with our girls! I like to sing, dance and talk Spanish too but that not all we can do. Please email me if you have some other women that I can add to my page. From: Elsa Salazar at ecade@telusplanet.net Source: LatinoLA.com, |
Extract: School
plan seeks 2nd language for all - sets bilingual proficiency as a
statewide goal by Jim Sanders, In rapidly changing California, where minority students are the majority, a new master plan for education would change academic standards to signal that learning to speak and read only English isn't good enough anymore. Every child would take extensive instruction in a foreign language -- and be expected to speak it fluently -- under a proposal supported by an 18-member committee of lawmakers and scheduled to be introduced as legislation early next year. For years, "To function in The proposal is part of the new California Master Plan for Education, a three-year effort designed as a blueprint for future school legislation. Students would be required to begin studying a foreign language in early elementary grades and master it -- along with English -- before graduating from high school. Legislators will be asked in coming months to approve the concept. Implementation would occur in phases, perhaps over 10 years or more. With the state facing a projected budget shortfall of up to $30 billion, nobody expects any allocation of funds to expand foreign language instruction for several years. Bill Hauck, president of the California Business Roundtable, called the dual-language proposal "desirable and do-able." "It's important enough that it ought to be an objective, and we ought to find a way to do it," he said. "Perhaps start on a small scale. ... From a business standpoint, it will be increasingly important for young people to speak a second language." Less than half of The Bee's Jim Sanders can be reached at (916) 326-5538 or jsanders@sacbee.com. 12-2-02 |
Study: Latino
Immigrants Becoming Better Educated article by Minerva Canto, O.C. Register, 12-5-02 The percentage of Latino immigrants with a
high school education has doubled since 1970. Adult Latinos are taking
advantage of the community resources available to increase English
language skills. Educational achievements are reflected in
comparative educational levels obtained. These statistics released by
the Pew Hispanic Center indicate that Latino immigrants are twice as
educated as they were 30 years ago. |
Primary education or less, 1970 2000 | High school graduates 1970 2000 | College educated 1970 2000 | |||||||
Natives Latino Immigrants |
46.6 |
12.6 |
Natives Latino Immigrants |
36. |
52.9 |
Natives Latino Immigrants |
17.4 |
34.5 |
cancer double in Latinos by Daniel Yee, The Associated Press ATLANTA * Hispanic women contract cervical cancer almost twice as often as other women, indicating that not enough of them are having Pap tests, federal official stated. The disease was found at a rate of 16.9 per 100,000 Hispanic women age 30 and older, compared with 8.9 per 100,000 non-Hispanic women. Cervical cancer is virtually always caused by the human papiloma virus, which is transmitted sexually. |
May Face Higher Dementia Risks Older Mexican Americans have a higher prevalence of dementia than older people of European ancestry. The five-year study was unveiled at the fist Latino Healthy Aging Summit sponsored by AARP, California. "The good news is that diabetes and hypertension were the major contributors to about 45% of those found to have dementia.. . We know how to control and prevent these conditions." said Mary Haan, principal investigator. AARP Bulletin, November 2002. |
Extract: The
Search Is on for Hispanic Teachers And Role Models Chicago Daily Herald - November 26, 2002
Just 3.4 percent of teachers in District 300 schools are Hispanic. Yet,
the district's Hispanic student population is 20.6 percent, according to
school report card data released last week by state school officials.
The data shows the state average for school districts is 3.7 percent
Hispanic teachers, while the Hispanic student population averages 16.2
percent across the state. |
Journalists of Color, Inc. |
as Nurturers and Caregivers |
Search of Fatherhood An International Conversation Conversation on Fatherhood Facilitated by Woman! Philadelphia, PA. -- There is a conversation going on. A conversation about Fatherhood - an International Conversation about Fatherhood. For nearly three years, Men who are Fathers from all walks of life throughout our global village have exchanged and explored information and opinions about issues directly and indirectly related to Fatherhood. Through IN SEARCH OF FATHERHOOD(r) FORUM FOR AND ABOUT THE FATHERS OF THE WORLD, Men who are Fathers from all walks of life throughout our global village come together and explore issues directly and indirectly related to Fatherhood (e.g., raising children, child support, visitation rights, custody rights, single parenting, health, work/career, etc.) from a male perspective on a quarterly basis. Articles by Ken R. Canfield, Ph.D., the Founder and President of the National Center for Fathering; Mr. Almas Jamil Sami', Founder and Principal of Sohaja Publishing Company and author of "The Unshackled Mind"; Joep Zander of The Netherlands, a co-founder/ co-signer of The Langeac Declaration, an international parenting document which has been signed by such countries as Holland, Chile, Spain, Ireland, the United Kingdom and France and which advocates, among other things, that fathers and mothers should be accorded equal status in a child's life; Warren Farrell, Ph.D.; and Stephen Baskerville, Ph.D., a Political Science Professor at Howard University have been featured in past issues. Interviews of such notables as Dr. Alvin F. Poussaint, Professor of Psychiatry and Faculty Associate Dean of Student Affairs at Harvard Medical School; Dr. Michael Gurian, a nationally recognized psychotherapist, educator and author of three books on raising young males which have skyrocketed up the national best sellers' list; Matthew D. Munyon, M.S., the Executive Director of Florida's Commission on Responsible Fatherhood; and Mr. Ajuma Muhammad, the Executive Director of the Association for African American Role Models have also appeared in IN SEARCH OF FATHERHOOD(r) . Men who are Fathers throughout our global village learn about the resources and support services which are offered to them by international organizations such as Families Need Fathers in the United Kingdom; L'Enfant et Son Droit (A Child and His Right) in Paris, France; and the Toronto Men's Health Network in Toronto, Ontario, Canada along with American organizations such as Florida's Commission on Responsible Fatherhood; National Center for Fathering; the National Center on Fathers and Families at the University of Pennsylvania; National Men's Resource CenterTM; African American Male Empowerment SummitSM; and The Single and Custodial Father's Network. IN SEARCH OF FATHERHOOD(r) conducts and publishes reviews of books which explore issues directly and indirectly related to Fatherhood. Past issues have included reviews of Father and Child Reunion authored by DR. WARREN FARRELL; The Ultimate Survival Guide for the Single Father written by THOMAS HOERNER, THE EXECUTIVE LIAISON FOR FATHERS FOR EQUAL RIGHTS, INC. IN DALLAS, TEXAS, and Swallowed By A Snake: The Masculine Gift of Healing created by THOMAS R. GOLDEN, LCSW, A PYSCHOTHERAPIST AND GRIEF COUNSELOR. IN SEARCH OF FATHERHOOD(r) is exclusively published and distributed by BSI International, Inc., a small Philadelphia-based independent publishing company, literary agency and media relations company. BSI International, Inc. P.O. 3885 Philadelphia, PA 19146-0185 http://www.bsi-international.com bsi@netreach.net (215) 878-0848; (215) 292-8522 |
Expands its Spanish Video Offerings the nation's largest video chain has begun revamping about one-quarter of its U.S. stores to better appeal to Latino customers. It has added hundreds of Spanish-language movies in those stores, including more than three dozen in San Diego County. The movies are either recorded, dubbed or subtitled in Spanish. Blockbuster has also added bilingual and Spanish-language signage to 1,000 of its 4,412 stores. it has begun to carry candy and movie snacks popular with Latinos in cities where they account for 15% or more of the population, such as chicharrones and peanuts con chile y limón. "We learned that Hispanics spend 7 out of 10 hours watching Spanish-language TV," said Stephanie Leichnam, marketing manager for the Dallas-based company. It has plans to epand to other places where the Latino population is growing. "Hispanics are every where now, " said Leichnam. "They are migrating from the Southwest, and now you'll see them in places like North Carolina and Detroit." Sent by Tawn Skousen, San Diego Union-Tribune, November 2002 |
Extract: Drop
anti-American stance, Mexico's foreign minister says http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/news/columnists/andres_oppenheimer/4568508.htm |
Extract: Internet
Cafes Give Mexican Youths Access to Information
Many Mexican families can barely afford a telephone line, let alone an
Internet-equipped computer, and few schools are wired. So millions of
youngsters are flocking online, thanks to an army of small-time
entrepreneurs who have set up thousands of Internet cafes. |
Latino TV to Debut "Urban
Latino Live" in January 2003 One of the first syndicated programs targeting the U.S. Latino market in English, announced that beginning in January of 2003, viewers will begin seeing a new segment on the lifestyle magazine show titled "Urban Latino Live". The weekly segments will be sponsored by Anheuser-Busch brands Budweiser, Bud Light and Bacardi Silver Malt Beverage. The weekly segment will inform ULTV viewers of upcoming concert tours by Latin musicians and recording artist as well as major events including film premieres & festivals, comedy tours, theatre and noteworthy happenings at clubs and venues all across the country. Sent by Anthony Garcia agarcia@wahoo.sjsu.edu |
of La Raza: Changing Interpretations of Mexican American Regional History and Culture by Antonio Ríos-Bustamante, This book presents a comprehensive study of regional Mexican American history and culture including important aspects of the history of Nuevo México, Alta California, Arizona, Tejas and Colorado during the eighteenth through the twentieth century. These contributions attempt to present a clearer understanding of regional history of the Mexican people and their various communities throughout the Southwest. This represents the maturation and an important step for reflective and interpretive Mexican American regional historiography. 450 pgs. Includes maps, photos, illus, biblio., $35.00 Price for class use $26.00 For More Information Contact: info@floricantopress.com Floricanto Press, 650 Castro Street, Suite 120-331 Mountain View, California 94041-2055 (415) 552 1879 Fax (702) 995 1410 Sent by Andrea Alessandra Cabello, UC Berkeley rcabello@floricantopress.com |
Hispanic Achievers Website A Portal to access various services from one site that can help you and/ or your business. On the Hispanic Achievers site you can now: 1. Easily Access Ebay, Amazon.com, Car Fax, Ancestry.com, Half.com 2. Quickly email any elected government official in the U.S. Senate, House of Representatives, and White House. 3. Read the news as it happens on CNN, MSNBC, USA Today, New York Times, etc 4. Learn what's happening in the Spanish speaking countries from their point of view. Access all major Spanish language newspapers in every Spanish speaking country in the world. 5. List your company and service as a promotional mechanism on our website free of charge. 6. Learn and meet top Hispanic Executives from Fortune 500 Companies. 7. Become a member of the National Hispanic Achievers and attend all of our events. Log on and register with the Hispanic Achievers at http://www.hispanicachievers.org Sent by Bill Carmena JCarm1724@aol.com |
Extract: Record amount of remittances sent from U.S. to Mexico Efe 12-15-02
El Paso, Texas, Dec 15 (EFE).- Despite the effects of a sluggish U.S.
economy, Mexican immigrants who work north of the border have continued
sending remittances home at a record pace. According to a Pew
Hispanic Center and Inter-American Development Bank report, Mexicans in
the United States are expected to send a record $13 billion this year to
relatives back home. |
NAHL Study
Shows That Latinos Still Marginalized on Network News WASHINGTON – Despite the spectacular growth of the Latino population over the past decade, Latinos continued to be marginalized on the evening newscasts of ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN in 2001, according to the National Association of Hispanic Journalists seventh annual Network Brownout Report released today. The report found that: |
2000, out of approximately 16,000 stories aired, only 84 (0.53
percent) were about Latinos. In 2001, out of approximately 16,000 stories aired, only 99 (0.62 percent) were about Latinos. |
"The network’s dismal record of covering the nation’s fastest-growing minority group undermines the information needs of all U.S. residents and distorts the public discourse so necessary for any democratic society," said NAHJ President Juan Gonzalez, a columnist with the New York Daily News. For the second consecutive year, the protests over the military bombings in Vieques Island in Puerto Rico was the largest story topic, with 25 stories. After Vieques, the largest story topics were government (15), migration (11) and sports (11). The report found significant improvement in the percentage of Latinos interviewed in Latino-related stories. Of the 99 stories about Latinos that aired, 67 (67.6 percent) featured interviews with Latinos. In 2001, out of 84 stories, 31 (24.4 percent) featured interviews with Latinos. For the second consecutive year, the Network Brownout Report included a qualitative analysis of Latino-related news stories. It found that stories about Latinos frequently used the image of the border to suggest a divide between the Latino and non-Latino populations and to define Latinos as illegal immigrants. Latino are the fastest-growing ethnic or racial group in the country and currently make up 12.5 percent of the U.S. population. The Latino population grew by 57.9 percent since1990 to 35.3 million. NAHJ believes that the lack of newsroom diversity is a major reason why there continues to be a brownout of Latinos on the evening news. But NAHJ has no idea how many Latinos work at the networks. "Network jobs are among the most important and coveted positions in television, yet we have no regular public survey similar to those from the Radio-Television News Directors Association or from the American Society of Newspaper Editors that monitors how well the networks are doing when it comes to diversity," said Gonzalez. "We urge the network news chiefs to adopt the same openness about their employment record that the majority of local television and radio stations have been practicing for years." Other significant quantitative analysis findings: 1) Latino-related stories accounted for just 3.98 hours (0.55 percent) of the approximate 728 hours of news broadcasted by the networks. 2) Latino-related stories increased in length from an average of one minute and fifty seconds in 2000 to two minutes and 25 seconds in 2001. 3) Cities with large Latino populations continued to be underrepresented as locations where Latino-related stories originated. The greatest number of stories originated in Washington, D.C. (22). Other significant qualitative study findings: 1) There was a disproportionate number of stories that portrayed Latinos living in "ghettos." 2) News stories on Latinos frequently used the image of the border to suggest a divide between the Latino and non-Latino populations and to define Latinos as illegal immigrants. 3) The stereotypical use of cultural artifacts and forms, such as music and food, continued to be a key device used by the networks to con-textualize Latinos. The report was prepared by Serafín Méndez-Méndez, an associate professor and chair of the Department of Communication at Central Connecticut State University in New Britain, Conn., and Diane Alverio, a communication consultant and co-owner of Baldwin/Alverio Media Marketing, a media research, marketing and public relations firm. Alverio is also a past president of NAHJ. With 1,700 members, NAHJ is dedicated to the recognition and professional advancement of Hispanics in the newsroom. Please visit NAHJ’s Web site at www.nahj.org to print out a copy of the report or call NAHJ at 202-662-7143 if you like it faxed. Sent by Howard Shorr howardshorr@msn.com |
Poll: Vast
Majority of Latinos Believe Discrimination Is Still A Problem By Genaro C. Armas, Associated Press, 12/17/2002 WASHINGTON (AP) The vast majority of Hispanics in the United States thinks discrimination is a problem and nearly a third say they or someone they know have experienced discrimination within the past five years, according to a survey released Tuesday. The survey also found nearly nine in 10 Hispanics say the United States offers better economic opportunity for them than the country from which they or their family came, and a similar percentage said immigrants had to learn English to succeed. An overwhelming majority of Hispanics considered Latino discrimination against other Latinos to be a problem, though views varied according to a person's background. For instance, Colombians and Dominicans were more likely to consider such discrimination a problem than Puerto Ricans. Among Hispanics, Colombians and Dominicans are relatively newer groups in the United States and may tend to live and work more in Latino neighborhoods, suggested researcher Mollyann Brodie of the Kaiser Family Foundation. As a result, their experiences with discrimination may be limited to occurrences with other Hispanics. Also, Hispanics who experience such discrimination may tend to live in areas where other Latinos hold management positions such as landlords or shopkeepers, Pew Hispanic Center director Roberto Suro said at a news conference Tuesday. The federal government considers Hispanic to be an ethnicity, not a race; people of Hispanic ethnicity can be of any race. Blacks and whites surveyed were not of Hispanic ethnicity. The wide-ranging poll measured views on racial, economic and social issues. And while blacks and whites were polled, the survey primarily focused on Hispanic viewpoints. ''Overall, the findings suggest the need for new ways of thinking about the Hispanic population in this country,'' Suro and four other authors wrote in a 100-page report. ''It is neither monolithic nor a hodgepodge of distinct national origin groups.'' More than 82 percent of Latinos surveyed said discrimination is a problem that prevents them from succeeding in America, compared with 62 percent of blacks and 59 percent of whites. Meanwhile, 14 percent of Latinos surveyed said they had not been hired or promoted for a job because of their background, compared with 31 percent of blacks and 8 percent of whites. Steven Camarota, a researcher with the Center for Immigration Studies, called the findings significant, though he cautioned that many responses also may have captured perceptions of discrimination rather than actual occurrences. The poll found 38 percent of Latinos born in the United States said they have personally experienced discrimination or know someone who has, compared to 28 percent of Latinos who immigrated to America. Those who speak English as a first language also were more apt to report discrimination than those who primarily speak Spanish. That may be because those who are U.S.-educated or speak better English can better decipher instances of discrimination, said Camarota, whose group advocates limits on immigration. Among Latinos surveyed, 89 percent said the United States offered better economic opportunities than the country from which they or their ancestors arrived, and 80 percent said they were confident U.S. Hispanic children would receive a better education than they did. The poll also found Hispanics tend to be more socially conservative than whites, with immigrants more so than Latinos born in the United States. On the Net: Pew Hispanic Center: http://www.pewhispanic.org/index.jsp Sent by Howard Shorr Howardshor@aol.com |
The Pew Hispanic Center's mission is to improve understanding of the diverse Hispanic population in the United States and to chronicle Latinos' growing impact on the nation. The Center strives to inform debate on critical issues through dissemination of its research to policymakers, business leaders, academic institutions and the media. |
With a sample of nearly 300,000 Latinos, and with a questionnaire of about a hundred questions, this is the largest and most comprehensive national survey of the Hispanic population taken in a very long time. A hundred page report was prepared. . Roberto Suro, Director of the Pew Hispanic Center spoke to the press
on December 17th. He addressed the broad themes of assimilation and
identity. The Pew Hispanic Center and Henry
J. Kaiser Family Foundation released the most comprehensive portrait
ever of U.S. Latinos, a statistically representative national survey of
the Latino population that examines how well Latinos are assimilating
into American society, at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. The
2002 National Survey of Latinos explores issues related to
assimilation, self-identification, and perceived discrimination, as well
as economic, health and cultural issues. Please visit our Newsroom
for a transcript or press
coverage of the press briefing. For the webcast of the press
briefing visit the Kaiser
Network. |
The following is an edited version of the 100-page report posted on HispanicOnline.com A comprehensive new survey of Latinos in the United States reveals an array of attitudes, values and experiences that is distinct from non-Hispanics. Latinos take different views than non-Hispanics on what it takes to be successful in a U.S. workplace, and Hispanics overall show a strong attachment to the Latin American nations where they or their ancestors were born. While Latinos generally take a positive view of life in the United States, many express concerns about the moral values Latino children are acquiring here. Significant differences on a range of attitudes are apparent depending on whether Latinos were born in the United States or abroad and whether they are primarily Spanish or English speaking. Although large-scale ongoing immigration keeps Spanish a vibrant presence in the Latino population, English is rapidly gaining ground, even in immigrant households. Among native-born Latinos and those who are fully fluent in English, views on a range of issues are often closer to those of non-Hispanics than to those who are foreign born or Spanish speakers, according to the survey released December 17, 2002, by the Pew Hispanic Center and the Kaiser Family Foundation. The 2002 National Survey of Latinos, a nationally representative survey conducted between April and June 2002, examines how members of the Hispanic community identify themselves, their views of the United States, their experiences with discrimination both within the Latino community itself and from non-Hispanic groups, their language abilities and preferences, their economic and financial situations and their experiences within the health care system. The survey report also includes analysis of the sometimes substantial and sometimes more subtle differences in the attitudes and experiences among Latinos from various places of origin including Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Dominicans, Salvadorans, and Colombians. “The melting pot is at work as the survey shows that the children of Latino immigrants are English-speakers and express views closer to the American mainstream than the immigrant generation,” said Roberto Suro, Director of the Pew Hispanic Center. “Assimilation is not a simple, all-encompassing process, and even Latinos whose families have been in the United States for several generations express some attitudes distinct from whites and African Americans.” "A Cuban in Miami, a Salvadoran immigrant in Washington D.C., and a third generation Mexican in Los Angeles may all have roots in Spanish speaking countries,” said Mollyann Brodie, Ph.D., Vice President, Director, Public Opinion and Media Research at the Kaiser Family Foundation, “but their diversity in views and experiences in the United States suggests that people should be wary of generalizing too much about Latinos." Discrimination Latinos overwhelmingly say that discrimination is a problem that keeps Hispanics from succeeding in general (82%) and is a problem in the workplace (78%) and at schools (75%).
Identity The survey shows that immigration has a strong influence on Latinos’ social identity. However, social identity is more complex than simply a connection to an ancestral homeland.
Assimilation The survey suggests that Latinos who are native-born or speak English tend to have social values and hold beliefs that are more characteristic of mainstream American views than are the views of recent Latino immigrants – with the exception of such issues as importance of family and size of government, where they express a more distinct Latino perspective.
Latinos report positive views on living in the United States compared to their countries of origin. They feel strongly that the United States offers more opportunities to get ahead for themselves and their children in terms of employment and education. They do, however, express concern about the state of moral values and strength of family ties in this country.
An overwhelming majority (89%) of Hispanics believe that immigrants need to learn English in order to succeed.
Other key findings from the 2002 National Survey of Latinos include:
About three in ten Latinos have had problems paying their rent or mortgage in the past year (28%), report being laid off or having lost their job in the past year (30%), and two-thirds report not having been able to save money for the future (66%). To download the
full report in PDF format, click
here. |
Fernando Muñoz Altea |
Apellido extendido por la Peninsula, procedente de Guernica, Vizcaya con casas en Aragón, Cataluña y Andalucia. Una rama pasó a Indias. Probo su nobleza en las Ordenes de Santiago (1719), Calatrava (1695, 1785 y 1797) y Carlos III (1783, 1794 y 1815) y en la Real Compañia de Guardias Marinas (1752), Don Bernardo de Galvéz fue creado Conde de Galvéz en 28 de mayo de 1783, y don José de Galvéz Márques de Sonora en 9 de octubre de 1785 | ![]() |
Procedente de Teruel, una rama se estableció en Coín y de ella perteneció don Francisco Galvéz Carmona, esposo de doña Ana Bejarano, a la que hizo madre don Garcia Galvéz Carmona, llegado al mundo en Cártama y Regidor Perpetuo de Málaga, que contrajo matriomonio con doña Leonor López Corral, naciendo de este enclace don Bartolomé Galvéz y López Corral, malagueño, Comisario General de la Caballeria, Contador Mayor de Cruzada y Caballero de la |
Orden de Santiago en
1692. Pasó a Guatemala y se desposó allí con doña Francisca
Barón de Berrieza, procreando a don José Tomás Galvéz y Barón,
también santiaguista en 1719. En la villa malagueña de Macharaviaya hubo un ilustre asentamiento ye de él proceden los Galvéz, padre e hijo que fueron Virreyes de la Nueva España. Don Antonio Galvéz, religioso franciscano a quién se le instruyó sumaria en Zacatecas (1812), fue acusado de insurgencia, pero debido a que las autoridades realistas mantenían su regor en contra de Galvéz, el Prior del convento de su orden en la ciudad mencioada, mandó al Virrey (1814), testimonio de la causa a fin de demostrar que Galvéz había sido plenamente indemnizado y conseguir ahí que se le restituyeran los honores y preeminencias de que antes disfrutaba. En Oaxaxa en 1811 don Bernardo Galvéz fue preso por "indicios de extranjero" y por expresar opiniones favorables a la Insurgencia. Sus armas son: En campo de plata un arbol de sinople y dos lobos de sable atravesados a su tronco y cebados de sendos corderos. En 20 de mayo de 1783 se autorizó al Teniente General don Bernardo de Galvéz para que añadiese a sus armas un cuartel azur con una flor de lis de oro. Los de Aragón traen: en campo de oro, un léon rampante de púrpura, acompañado de cuatro cabezas de sierpe de sinope, una en cada ángulo del escudo. Cabe señalar que el escudo más antiguo dentro de la heráldica, es el de mayor validez. Extract from BLASONES
Y APELLIDOS, 828-page book by Fernando Muñoz Altea |
extensive survey was conducted by the following researchers to locate
media projects on Bernardo de Galvez: Dr. J.V. Martinez, Dr. Paul
Apodaca, Col. Ernest Montemajor, Joan de Soto, George Gause, Bill
Carmena, Robert Thonhoff and your editor. Our findings certainly
indicate a need for a documentary on Galvez.: Robert Thonhoff said a 6 hour documentary series on the historical development of U.S. was produced in 1997, called Liberty American. There was no mention of Galvez in the series. Because Galvez was excluded, Antonio Burden, on staff Houston PBS produced a 30-minute documentary called Liberty Texas that was to be a companion to the 6-hour series. Robert was interviewed for a 10 minute segment which Robert dedicated to Galvez. J.V. Martinez made contact with the Corporation for Public Broadcasting in Washington, D.C.and was referred to Liberty Kids. Col. Montemayor, Paul Apodaca, Joan de Soto all came across Liberty Kids in their searches for media on Galvez. Thirty-six (36) historical figures make up the Liberty Kids animation series which was completed by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting this year. This is a major project with includes games, activities, teacher materials, etc. for each half-hour segment. The primary goal of the Liberty's Kids TV series is to provide 7-12 year olds with a fresh and exciting experience of the extraordinary period of 1773 to 1789 in American history. Bernardo de Galvez is one of the figures, and the only Hispanic considered important in the development of the United States.. However, the actual time dedicated to Galvez within his segment is about 6-8 minutes. http://pbskids.org/libertyskids/arch_who.html |
George Gause, librarian and special collection archivists at
the University of Texas, Pan-American did a search on OCLC WorldCat.
This is a database of over 45,000,000 bibliographic records. George found 162
items, but only two were media items. Title: Hispanic stories : Steck-Vaughn classroom library. 1993 English Visual Material : Kit 1 kit (16 v. : col. ill. ; 24 cm. + 2 teacher's guides) ; in container 20 x 27 x 7 cm. Bernardo de Galvez is one of the 15 Hispanics included Ownership: Libraries that Own Item: 0 Title: Gálvez: Louisiana's participation in the Revolution. Louisiana Council for the Vieux Carré. 1976 English Visual Material : Motion picture : Film 1 reel, 28 min. : sd., col. ; 16 mm. New Orleans : The Dept., Traces the role of the Spanish colony of Louisiana in the American Revolution. Describes how Bernardo Gálvez, the Governor, joined with Oliver Pollock, a representative of the Continental Congress, to supply munitions and money to the Americans in the Battles of Baton Rouge and Pensacola. Ownership: Libraries that Own Item: 0 Paul Newfield will be making contact with the University of New Orleans in an attempt to get a copy of their Galvez documentary produced 25 years ago. The project welcomes the following to the Bernardo de Galvez Somos Primos project : To the Executive committee: Co-Chairs for the Communication Committee:
If you are aware of any documentaries with Galvez as the subject, or any
Galvez descendants |
for Aztlan" January 25, 9 am to noon Society of Hispanic Historical and Ancestral Research quarterly meeting |
The Spirit of Micoacan" Anaheim Join a Discussion Group Rosie's Garage Documentary Orange County Archives |
meeting |
"Search for Aztlan" The Ancestral Homeland of the Mexican By Eddie Martinez Artist/Illustrator/Writer A workshop type presentation of Illustrated maps representing the Greater Southwest area of the United States and the Valley of Mexico. The story is about The Gran Chichimeca, Nahuatl, or Uto-Aztecan, from their origin place in the Southwest to arriving at Lake Texcoco in the valley of Mexio. Learn history through a visual representation of our earliest Southwest ancestors. |
25th Schedule: 9-10 Beginners tour of library facilities and computer hands-on 9:30 View and Critique PBS Liberty Kids, Bernardo de Galvez 9-11 Drop-in throughout for research networking 11-12 Presentation by Eddie Martinez 12- Meeting formally closes 12-1 Social networking, View and Critique PBS Veteranos |
The Spirit of Michoacan" at Anaheim Museum |
A DISCUSSION GROUP! All opinions are valid and welcomed. Please be aware that we are not seeking to gain support nor to discredit any view point--this is not a debate; but rather, an exercise in self expression, in being open, candid and honest about your viewpoint and opinions. All comments will be heard and respected. Everyone will have an opportunity to express their opinions but not to monopolize the discussion. Come ready to speak and to listen in a safe environment among friends. First up for discussion will be, "EL CRIMEN DEL PADRE AMARO", a Mexican film with English subtitles, playing at the Century Theater in Orange. To participate, view the film first and if you wish to share your viewpoints, then join the follow-up Discussion Group, meeting in a private phone. Call Genevieve Southgate at (714) 997-0943. Proposed Discussion Meeting Date: Sunday, January 5, 2002, Time: 5-7 p.m. |
Garage Documentary Got some good news and wanted to send this information while fresh in my mind. Received a call today from Marlene Mathis of Imagine Production and producer of our documentary Rosie's Garage. KCET will be airing the documentary of highly successful tutoring program. Thursday, January 24 at 10:30 P.M. Sent by Anthony Garcia agarcia@wahoo.sjsu.edu |
Orange County Archives A treasure trove of government records dating to the county's birth in 1889 soon could be reopened to the public. The records have been closed since the county's bankruptcy in 1995. The current records caretaker Chris Hall says the records are kept in rooms set to maintain temperatures between 68-70 degrees with 50% humidity, and shielded from sunlight's deteriorating effects. Among the holdings is a large volume, known as "the Great Register" kept to record the arrival of newcomers. The information included name, age, place of birth, place of residence and occupation. One entry column is labeled "Visible marks or scars, and their location." O.C. Register, 12-27-02 |
![]() |
Grijalva Community Park
Eddie Grijalva is keeping us up to date on the progress of the Grijalva Community Park at Santiago Creek. This is evidence that one person can make a difference in promoting
inclusion of the historical Hispanic presence. Contact Eddie for
some ideas for pro-action strategies at: |
University LatinoLA Seeks Good Writers! |
Autry and Southwest Museums Merge THE FIRST ANGELINOS (1781) Howard Shorr, Promotes Understanding |
University In a cooperative arrangement with Los Angeles Valley College, Woodbury University will receive $3 million from the U.S. Department of Education during the next five years to help Hispanic students succeed in earning bachelor's degrees. The Cooperative Collegiate Connections projects is designed to increase the number of Hispanic students transferring from Los Angeles Valley College, a public, two-year institution, to Woodbury University, a private, four-year institution. "Many students mistakenly think they cannot afford the tuition of a private university," says Dr. Nielsen, Ed.D. President. "This Title V grant will give Woodbury new opportunities to reach out to these students so that they can attain their educational and professional goals." Approximately 30% of Woodbury's students are Hispanic. Sent by Gloria Oliver, oliverglo@msn.com Source: Inside Woodbury, Vol. 4, Issue 2, October 2002 Click to Woodbury University collaborate program with a Salvadoran university. |
Seeks Good Writers! All our original feature stories, articles, short stories and poetry are contributed by readers like you. Feel free to share your words, talents and points of view with an appreciative audience. We are proud to present the best writers in LatinoLA and beyond. Submit your story at http://www.latinola.com/submitstory.php |
and Southwest Museums Merge The Southwest Museum and the Autry Museum of Western Heritage have signed a definitive memorandum of understanding, unanimously approved by both boards of directors, to merge through the establishment of the Autry National Center of the American West. The new Center will consist of the Southwest Museum, the Autry Museum, and the Institute for the Study of the American West. The merger will be based on a six-month due-diligence and planning process, which will include community input, to develop a long-term master plan integrating the functions of both institutions. During this period both museums will remain open to the public during their regular business hours. LatinoLA.com |
FIRST ANGELINOS (1781) shared by John
Schmal A list of the first settlers of the Pueblo of Los Angeles, as indicated by a padrón (census) taken on November 19, 1781, is shown below. This listing – which groups together people of the same surname – can also be found on the Pobladores' plaque on the south side of Pueblo Plaza in Downtown Los Angeles. The heads of household are classified by race and all individuals are listed by sex and age: |
Lara José Fernanco de, Español, Hombre, 50 María Antonio, India, Mujer, 23 María Juan, Niña, 6 José Julian, Niño, 4 María Faustina, Niña, 2 Navarro José Antonio, Mestizo, Hombre, 42 María Regina, Mulata, Mujer, 47 José Eduardo, Niño, 10 José Clemente, Niño, 9 Mariana, Niña, 4 Rosas Basilio, Indio, Hombre, 67 María Manuela, Mulata, Mujer, 43 José Maxímo, Niño, 15 José Carlos, Niño, 12 María Josefa, Niña, 8 Antonio Rosalino, Niño, 7 José Marcelino, Niño, 4 José Esteban, Niño, 2 Mesa Antonio, Negro, Hombre, 38 María Ana, Mulata, Mujer, 27 María Paula, Niña, 10 Antonio María, Niño, 8
Villavicencio |
Vanegas José, Indio, Hombre, 28 María Bonifacia, India, Mujer, 20 Cosme Damien, Niño, 1 Rosas Alejandro, Indio, Hombre, 19 Juana María, India, Mujer, 20 Rodríguez Pablo, Indio, Hombre, 25 María Rosalía, India, 26 María Antonia, Niña, 1 Camero Manuel, Mulato, Hombre, 30 María Tomasa, Mulata, Mujer, 24 Quintero Luis, Negro, Hombre, 55 María Petra, Mulata, Mujer, 40 María Gertrudis, Niña, 16 María Concepcíon, Niña, 9 María Tomasa, Niña, 7 María Rafaela, Niña, 6 José Clemente, Niño, 3 Moreno José, Mulato, Hombre, 22 María Guadalupe, Mulata, Mujer, 19 |
The Spanish racial classifications used to describe the settlers were used throughout the Spanish Empire. Español indicated a person of Spanish/European descent, while the term indio/india simply implied the male and female genders for Indian. A mestizo usually indicated a person of half Spanish and half Indian blood, while a mulato or mulata indicated a person of mixed African and Spanish origins. The Negro classification generally indicates a person of African heritage. These classifications were generally used with imprecision, and one authority's classification of a settler may differ from the classification of another authority. | |||
note: Of the 44 colonizers, there were 22 adults and 22
children. Racial categories of the children adds two
other racial categories: pardo, Spanish2/Indian1/Negro1 negro Fino, Negro3/Spanish1 Thus according to the Spanish racial categories of the time, the pobladores consisted of: |
Indio |
18 |
Howard Shorr, Somos Primos staff, was a history and government teacher at Roosevelt High School in the Boyle Heights area of East Los Angeles. There, he created the first History of Boyle Heights course in 1981. Shorr has delivered lectures and workshops about Latinos, diversity and community history at such universities as Stanford, UCLA, the University of Minnesota and school districts nationwide. He has published articles about Boyle Heights/East Los Angeles and Race/Gender in 20th Century Southern California. Shorr was awarded a Certificate of Recognition by the Los Angeles Unified School District School Board in 1993. It read: "You almost single-handedly helped an entire generation of young East Los Angeles residents learn about and take pride in their neighborhood and in their heritage by creating--especially for them--a unique course on the History of Boyle Heights." He now teaches at Clackamas Community College History Instructor and he continues to deliver lectures on a variety of topics. E-mail him at Howardshor@msn.com | |||
Californianos, 35th Year anniversary Did the Californios Mine Gold? Scholars Debated Vizcaino's Landing Los Californios in Monterey: A Forgotten History Notaries Public Records |
Mexico Annual Conference San Francisco Street Names (A-G) Rancho Los Cerritos A Founding Family of California Foreign-Born Voters of California in 1872 |
Primos sends Congratulations
to Los Californianos, Celebrating their 35th Year anniversary. |
Los Californianos Quarterly
Meeting, January 17-18-19 |
the Californios Mine Gold? The following article appeared in one of the early publications of the society. Governor Alvarado believed the Russians knew of gold in the Sacramento Valley as early as 1814, as a Russian jailed at Monterey was found to have gold in his possessions. The double wedding rings of Maria Martina Castro and Governor Alvarado, married at Mission Santa Clara in 1834, were made of California gold. Ship manifest provide clues. Our member Alonso Dana has a manifest which shows shipment of gold on an early Dana ship. Bishop Garcia Diego, first bishop of the Roman Catholic church in California, sent the Pope in Rome a silk purse containing gold valued at $6,000 to $7,000, according to William Heath Davis. Gold was discovered in San Fernando Valley in 1840, and Abel Stearns sent ore to the Philadelphia mint to be assayed in 1842." Source: Noticias para Los Californianos, Vol 35, No.1, January 2003, originally published in October 1970, Vol.II, No. 4. |
Scholars Debated Vizcaino's Landing As part of the Monterey Quadricentennial celebration, a weekend History Symposium was held on December 13-15, 2002 at the Maritime Museum in Monterey Four distinguished scholars presented informal lectures around the theme of early Spanish exploration in California. The symposium was entitled: Vizcaíno - 400 Years- The Impact on California and Monterey: A Symposium. The speakers were: Dr. W. Michael Mathes is a historian specializing in the history of New World discovery and colonial Mexico including Baja and Alta California. He has written extensively on Spanish colonial ventures, and published one of the definitive studies on Sebastián Vizcaino and Spanish expansion in the Pacific Ocean. Among his more recent books is the teasingly titled Fakes, Frauds and Fabricators: Ferrer Maldonado, de Fuca and de Fonte: The Strait of Anian, 1542-1792. Was Vizcaíno another fraud, especially in his remarkable descriptions of Monterey Bay, or simply an early enthusiastic promoter of California as the golden land? Linda Yamane traces her ancestry to the Rumsien Ohlone, the native people of the Monterey area, and has dedicated many years to researching and retrieving the Rumsien language, songs, folklore and basketry traditions that were once thought lost. Ms Yamane is the author of Weaving a California Tradition and co-author of In Full View ? Three Ways of Seeing California Plants. She has also researched, compiled and illustrated two collections of Ohlone stories, When the World Ended, How Hummingbird Got Fire & How People Were Made and The Snake That Lived in the Santa Cruz Mountains & Other Ohlone Stories. Two speakers will be presenting jointly: Dr. Robert Senkewicz and Dr. Rose Marie Beebe, both of Santa Clara University. Dr. Beebe, an Associate Professor of Spanish, is President of the California Mission Studies Association and teaches courses in Peninsular Spanish Literature and Translation of Historical Documents. Dr. Senkewicz, a Professor of History, specializes in American colonial history and the history of California in particular; he is the author of Vigilantes in Gold Rush San Francisco. Dr. Senkewicz and Dr. Beebe collaborated on two volumes: The History of Alta California: A Memoir of Mexican California and Lands of Promise and Despair: Chronicles of Early California, 1535-1846. While Vizcaíno's landing in Monterey Bay ? close to the foot of today's Fisherman's Wharf ? is undisputed, much else in his documentation of the visit is perhaps open to criticism. His glowing description of the bay as "very secure against all winds" led later exploratory parties, including that of De Anza, seriously astray. Contact: Laura Cameron for 2002 Quad events Laura@mccvb.org http://www.montereyinfo.org Sent by j.guthrie@worldnet.att.net |
Californios in Monterey: A Forgotten History Californio Documentary Film Premiere & Panel Discussion Contributed by Greg P. Smestad, Ph.D. Before John Steinbeck's Cannery Row, before the Gold Rush, California was a distant Spanish and Mexican province, and Monterey was its Capital. This was the advertisement for the premiere of a new documentary video, "Los Californios in Monterey: A forgotten history" that successfully attempts to highlight the history of early Hispanic California through the perspective of the Monterey region. The event took place on Wednesday, December 4th at 7:30 p.m. at the CSU Monterey Bay campus University Center Ballroom, a converted military building complete with a large mural depicting a Fandango in early California. The event opened with a reception, complete with music from the Rancho Period, information tables, and performances from the Alta California dancers of Monterey. Everyone who attended (about 100) enjoyed the video once it started. There was a delay in the showing of the approximately 60 minute video, during which the Alta California Dancers taught people how to do the old dances. Fortunately, there were many books on early California history displayed for people to look through, and many experts on hand to talk about the subject. Despite these difficulties, the feedback on the video was very positive. All agree that the technical, artistic and historical quality of the video was quite good and that they'd like the producers to move forward towards their goal of distributing this work to California schools and communities. After the video, a panel discussion was held whose members included Californio descendants: Boyd Ellis de Larios, Sheila Prader, Greg P. Smestad, Ph.D, scholars of Californio history: Edna E. Kimbro, Ruben G. Mendoza, Ph.D. and Phil Laverty, Ph.D. The session was moderated by Tomas Sandoval, Ph.D., Professor Of Chicano Studies in the Department of Humanities at CSU Monterey Bay. During the panel discussion, there were multiple concerns voiced by the local Native American community that they were not portrayed enough, but all (including the producer) acknowledged that this could be addressed in a subsequent video. The project was a student project funded on a shoestring budget by a local weekly newspaper. Those interested can contact the producer/director to obtain a summary of the project and a video via cell phone (831) 915 3793, and Email: d_anaya@csumb.edu Funding to continue the project is currently being sought. Contact: Greg Smestad gsmestad@solideas.com (831) 655-3722 Home Sent also by Lorraine Frain lfrain@iopener.net |
Notaries Public RecordsFrom California Blue Books & Governmental Rosters,
1886-1909 Golden Nugget Library |
California Descendants Greg P. Smestad, Ph.D. Like his mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, Dr. Greg P. Smestad was born and raised in San José de Guadalupe, known today as San José/Silicon Valley. On his mother’s side, he is an eighth generation Californio, whose ancestors (Apolonario Bernal, Manuel Higuera, Ygnacio Soto, Luis Maria Peralta and Juan Salvio the founders of the cities of San José and San Francisco in the years 1776 and 1777. Dr. Smestad received his Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne. His teaching experience includes one year as a founding ESSP faculty member at the California State University, Monterey Bay and four years at the Monterey Institute of International Studies. His current project involves an Audio CD and Trail Guide on the Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail for the National Parks Service. He brings with him his interests in renewable energy, materials science and engineering, optics, policy, education and California history. Resides in Monterey, California. Boyd Ellis de Larios is a descendant of the Larios, Pacheco, and Linares families. The first Larios in California is recorded in the 1790 padron as a soldier in Monterey. He died there in 1818. Resides in South San Francisco. Sheila Preder. Her fifth great-grandparents were Domingo Alviso and Maria Angela Trejo, and Pedro Antonio Bojorques and Maria Francisca de Lara. Their great-granddaughter Viviana Avila married an Azorean, Antone Prader (probably originally Perreira). Descendants married later arriving Mexicans from Los Altos de Jalisco, of Basque and Mexican Indian heritage as well as Hispanic. Masters work in Psychology and Cultural Anthropology. As a genealogist, researching Hispanic parish record research for 17 years. Avid interest in local history of the Monterey, Santa Cruz, San Benito and southern Santa Clara County areas. Currently working with a class at Anzar High School in San Juan Bautista, helping to teach students research skills and local history through a project in which we are reconstructing who is buried in the San Juan Bautista District Cemetery. Scholars of California History: Edna E. Kimbro: State Historian II working in the Monterey district. Degree in Architectural history. She is a UN certified architectural conservator. Current resident of Watsonville. Dr Ruben Mendoza, Ph.D. Director Institute for Archaeological Science, Technology and Visualization, Social and Behavioral Sciences at CSUMB. Phil Laverty: Ph.D. candidate in the department of anthropology at the University of New Mexico and tribal historian for the Esselen Nation. Documentary Filmmakers: David Anaya, Post graduate student in producing and directing, CSUMB. Gerardo Gaspar, double major of Computer Science and Cinematography, CSUMB. David Abraham, Producer/Director Contact:David A. Anaya d_anaya@csumb.edu (831)333-8585-pager > (831) 915 3793 cell |
Mexico Annual Conference December 14, 2002 Dear Mimi: As you may know most (slightly over 50% as I recall) of the early Spanish/Mexican families who came to California before 1790 were residents of Villa de Sinaloa or the sounding area. Our research show that the town was founded formally on May 4, 1585 as San Felipe y Santiago by among others Tomas de Soberanes and Antonio Ruiz both from whom I descend. For the past two years on May 4th we have held small conferences at the Casa de Cultura in Villa de Sinaloa (today the town is called Sinaloa de Leyva but I am pressing the locals to revert to the founding name, that is San Felipe y Santiago). We have had local and state historians present papers and we have progressed to the point that the state or federal government is doing some serious work to relocate the foundations of the original Jesuit College, which was the Jesuit headquarters in the new world as I understand. In 2001 we built a marble plaque to honor the founders and placed it next to the remains of the original mission tower, which now is all but in ruins. Rina received a photograph of the tower taken 100 years ago and we have digitized it. My plan is to publish a small brochure regarding the past conferences and include pictures but my own time and technical limitations have precluded that from becoming a reality. I hope to have something by May 4, 2003. Unfortunately for me everything is in Spanish. By the way last year I took my 90 year old mother. As another research project we have managed to develop a report on the land records of Sinaloa starting in 1730s as nothing was recorded prior to that time. We hope to publish that when I have both the time and money to proceed. I was asked to develop an article regarding the dedication of the Watsonville Castro Adobe that took place in October. Did I mention the state will spend $963,000 to rebuild the Adobe and operate it as a state park. We Castro descendants are busy developing the genealogy while other historians and Adobe fans are busy doing research into the property, the people and their times. My research in Spain is on hold until my contact there is ready to do some work. You've done a great job. Keep up the good work.
Peter PDeCastro@aol.com |
Francisco Street Names (A-G) Ever wonder where that street name came from? http://www.geocities.com/jdcjr/SFStreets.html. The web master writes: As I frequently point out, when I was growing up I had lots of cultural resources. The best was my grandparents. They always knew the answer! From time to time my questions would deal with how strets got their names, or how something came to be called what it is. Mike Casey, who had worked for both the Market Street Railway, and the Muni, knew all about this stuff. Unfortunately, I failed to record most of what he told me. As a result, I had to go out and dig up all of this stuff. It was worth it. I have put up about 200 names in this format,and have information on a few more. Many of these folks have had numerous articels and books written about them and their exploits. The largest task facing me has been to edit all of this material. There are now three pages. As you will see, the names of streets are as diverse as The City itself. There are businessmen and labor leaders. There are priests and publicans. There are politicans and pacafists. All have left a mark on this place. It is impossible to track down every name, and there is still much to be done in this arena. Again, comments and suggestions are always welcome. One more point, in 1909 a commission was appointed to review street names and make recommendations for changes. This was during the height oif the rebuilding. More than 400 changes were suggested, but less than 200 were adopted. Clearly, there is a need for unique street names to assist in delivery of mail and other services, but just as clearly, no one wants to give up a name that has been in use for several years. Since this page has been up several people have contacted me with suggestions for additions. (There were even a dfew folks who suggested corrections!) In any case, I have now put up a page of San Francisco History Links. Please give it a look. Alvarado Street- Named for Juan Bautista Alvarado, Mexican Governor of California from 1836 to 1842. Joined Castro and Pico in Mexican opposition to occupation by United States. Anza Street was named for Captain Juan Bautista de Anza who led a party to establish the Presido of San Francisco in 1776. He made another trip in 1779. Arguello Street is named for Don Luis Antonio Arguello who was the second goivernor of California under Mexican rule in 1825. (Bret Harte's poem, Concepcion, was written about his daughter.) Grijalva
Street was named for Juan Pablo Grijalva.
He came with the Anza party as a Sergeant. There is some interesting
history on his family here. |
Los Cerritos
[[ Editor's note: Ana Maria McGuan, a native Peruvian, and current resident in Long Beach contacted me concerning a potential exclusion of the Spanish Mexican period in the designated interpretative plan for Rancho Los Cerritos. I forwarded her information and Concerns to Los Californianos and Dr. Luis Arroyo, Professor and Chair Chicano and Latino Studies Department, California State University, Long Beach. I am happy to report that both Los Californianos and Dr. Arroyo will be supporting Ana Maria in her effort for historical inclusion with the Rancho Board/Staff and Long Beach City Council. Dr. Arroyo writes that he will include students in the procedural experience of making political changes on a city level. Please contact Ana Maria McGuan for further information. Below is the statement for support of inclusion, based on action previously taken in 1979. amdoland@aol.com ]] |
That the Rancho Los Cerritos Interpretative Plan is mandated, in the form of a Council resolution, to include the 1784-1840 early Spanish and Mexican period, which conforms to the Long Beach City ordinance of February of 1979 that designated Rancho Los Cerritos as a historical site. PROPOSED REQUEST TO LONG BEACH CITY COUNCIL That the Rancho Los Cerritos Interpretative Plan is mandated -- in the form of a Council resolution -- to include not just the years of 1840-1940 as originally stated in the 1993 Council resolution which was in close conformance to their early National Historical Landmark (NHL) status acquired in July of 1970 and which only encompasses the two-story adobe built in 1844, but the 1784-1930 period which conforms to the later Long Beach City ordinance of February of 1979 that designated Rancho Los Cerritos as a historical site and encompasses not only the adobe built in 1844 by John Temple but also the 4.7 acres of grounds, which originally extended 27,000 acres and were part of the Spanish land grant given to Manuel Nieto in 1874, and reflects the history of the region over more than two hundred years; since the 1979 City ordinance is more inclusive.
1979 - City of Long Beach Historical Landmarks: RANCHO LOS CERRITOS,
4600 Virginia Rd. (1784 - 1930) TIMELINE 1784 – Governor Fages grants the largest Spanish land grant in California to Manuel Nieto. It originally consisted of 300,000 acres of land and extended from the San Gabriel River to the west and the Santa Ana River on the east. The road from San Gabriel to San Diego formed the northern boundary (about where Whittier Boulevard is now), and the ocean was the boundary on the south. Today, Long Beach, Lakewood, Downey, Norwalk, Santa Fe Springs, part of Whittier, Huntington Beach, Buena Park, Garden Grove, and many smaller cities including Cerritos are located on what was the enormous Nieto Rancho. 1804 – Manuel Nieto dies and leaves his ranch to his wife and five children. His son Juan Jose Nieto is the general manager. The Nieto Ranch is divided into what is later known as Santa Gertrudes, Las Bolsas, Los Alamitos, Los Cerritos, and Los Coyotes. His oldest daughter Manuela Nieto, married to Guillermo Cota, inherits and lives in Rancho Los Cerritos. 1810 – Mexico’s Independence from Spain, September 16. 1820 – An earlier Cota Adobe is built on the 27,000 acre Rancho los Cerritos where Manuela Nieto and Guillermo Cota live with their 12 children. (There is no confirmed date of the earlier Cota adobe, could also be 1833.) 1834 - On May 17, 1834, Governor Figueroa (Mexico) signed a document that confirmed the land to the Nieto heirs, but divided into five ranchos. These were called Santa Gertrudes, Las Bolsas, Los Alamitos, Los Cerritos, and Los Coyotes. 1835 – The Guillermo Cota Adobe, Virginia Country Club (11th fairway), Long Beach, is built.). Guillermo Cota and Manuela Nieto are the original grantees of Rancho Los Cerritos. Also in this year President Andrew Jackson offered to buy the California territory but was turned down by the Mexican government. 1843 – Rancho Los Cerritos, 27,000 acres, is sold to John Temple. 1844 – John Temple builds the two-story adobe that is known as Los Cerritos Ranch House. 1845 – On July 7, Commodore John D. Sloat put up the American flag in Monterey and declared California a possession of the United States. 1862 - Cinco de Mayo, victory of the Mexican army over the occupying army of France at Puebla. 1866 – Flyint, Bixby & Co purchased Rancho Los Cerritos for $20,000. 1869 – Jotham Bixby accepts an invitation to manage Rancho Los Cerritos and exercise and option to acquire half an interest in the Rancho. 1880s - The town of Long Beach was established on ranch lands; the ranch size was reduced further in successive sales. 1902 – Jotham Bixby and Co. assumes ownership of the remaining ranch land.1929 – Lewellyn Bixby, son of the first Lewellyn, purchases the two-story adobe built in 1844 by Temple and the surrounding five acres of land from the Jotham Bixby heirs.1930 – Lewellyn Bixby completely restores the two-story adobe and lives in it with his family until 1942.1955 – The City of Long Beach buys Rancho Los Cerritos from the Lewellyn Bixby heirs.1956 – The Rancho Los Cerritos is open to the public as a museum and library of Western history.1970 – The two-story adobe, built in 1844, is designated as a Historical National Landmark.1979 – The City of Long Beach designates Rancho Los Cerritos as a historical site. |
A FOUNDING FAMILY OF LOS ANGELES The eleventh-generation Californian Jennifer Vo and the historian John Schmal have discussed with Heritage Books the publication of a multigenerational epic describing the origins and the lives of a 12-generation California family. This book – entitled "A Mexican-American Family of California: In the Service of Three Flags" will hopefully be published in the summer and will discuss the many cultural influences on the early California family. Ten of Jennifer's ancestors rode from Alamos, Sonora (Northwestern Mexico) in the Expedition of 1781, a journey that was put together with the specific intention of founding the small pueblo of Los Angeles. The 960-mile journey through Indian territory was fraught with many dangers, including a surprise Indian attack and an outbreak of smallpox. When the Pueblo was founded in Sept. 1781, a mere forty-four people were counted among the settlers. These forty-four souls – including Jennifer's ancestors – formed a nucleus of settlers around which a great metropolis of almost 10 million would eventually develop. Few great cities of the world have had such humble origins. The entire book is a discussion of the Spanish, Mexican, and Indigenous influences on Jennifer's family as well as her family's ongoing military service to three flags (Spain, Mexico, and the United States), with ancestors who served California from the Eighteenth Century all the way up to the Korean and Vietnam Wars. One extract from this soon-to-be-published book is presented below: THE RELUCTANT SETTLERS (as told by Jennifer Vo) Luis Quintero and his wife María Petra Rubio represent one of the twelve original couples to settle with their families at El Pueblo de Los Angeles in 1781. They are also my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandparents (also referred to as eighth-generation grandparents). There is some dispute about the origins of Luis Quintero. Luis Quintero was born sometime around 1725. According to his death record, he was born in Guadalajara, Jalisco. But some researchers believe that he may actually have been born in Álamos, the town in which he raised his family and from which he departed in the Expedition of 1781. And some historians believe that he was the son of a black slave and an Indian woman. Luis' wife, María Petra Rubio, was born in 1741 at Los Álamos, Sonora. It is believed that they were married in Álamos around 1760. Although the baptism and marriage records for the Catholic Church in Álamos extend back to the Seventeenth Century, there are numerous gaps in the documentary record. This lack of continuity prevents us from having a clear understanding of my Quintero and Rubio ancestors. The surname Quintero is said to be derived from quinto (one-fifth). Quinto refers to the tenant who delivers one-fifth of his crop to the landlord. The surname Rubio is believed to refer to one with red hair or a ruddy complexion. Derived from the Latin robeus, referring to the color of ruby, in earlier centuries it may have referred to one who had a light complexion or came from Rubio in Spain. When Captain Rivera assembled his crew of soldiers and settlers in Álamos in January of 1781, Luis Quintero's destiny was already tied to the historic expedition about to take place. On January 21, his 16-year-old daughter Catharina was married at Purísima Concepción Church in Álamos to one of Rivera's soldiers, Joaquin Rodríquez. His 15-year-old daughter, Fabiana Sebastiana, was married to another soldier of the expedition, Eugenio Valdés, on the same day. And, on the following day, Luis's eldest daughter, 18-year-old María Juana Josefa, was united in marriage with still another soldado de cuera, José Rosalino Fernández. The prospect of never seeing his daughters again may have played a role in the decision-making process, for it is believed that Luis Quintero was the last poblador to sign on the dotted line. When the settlers left Álamos on February 2, 1781, Luis, María Petra, and their eight children were among them. In addition to the three married daughters, María Concepcíon (9 years old), María Tomasa (7), María Rafaela (6), and José Clemente (3) made the 950-mile journey. Sixteen-year-old María Gertrudis Castelo came along as an adopted daughter. On August 18, 1781, Luis Quintero and the other pobladores arrived at the San Gabriel Mission after a journey of six-and-a-half months. On September 4, 1781, when the pueblo of Los Angeles was first dedicated, Luis Quintero was tallied as a 55-year-old Negro. His wife, María Petra Rubio, was classified as a 40-year-old mulata. Very little is known about Luis Quintero's activities in the first half year at the pueblo. But, on March 22 and 25, 1782, Luis served as padrino (God-father) for the Indians confirmed by Father Serra at the San Gabriel Mission. However, a day later, on March 26, 1782, Luis and two other settlers were expelled from Los Angeles by order of Governor de Neve and "sent away as useless to the pueblo and themselves." Their properties confiscated by the authorities, Luis and his family joined the Santa Barbara Company on their journey to the northwest. In analyzing the causes of Luis Quintero's expulsion from Los Angeles in 1782, it should be noted that the tailor Luis Quintero was probably not well suited for the rigors of frontier life. He was not a farmer and, at the age of 55, it was not likely that he could have adjusted effortlessly to the profession of farmer. It should also be noted that three of Luis' daughters had married soldiers who were attached to the Expedition of 1781. All three of these soldiers (José Rosalino Fernández, Joaquin Rodríguez, and Eugenio Valdés) were destined to be stationed at the Santa Barbara Presidio in the Spring of 1782, and it is possible that the Quintero family hoped to be closer to those daughters. Whatever the case may be, it is known that Luis Quintero lived out the remaining 28 years of his life as a respectable member of the budding Santa Barbara community. In the years following his departure from Los Angeles, Luis Quintero worked as a maestro sastre (master tailor) for the soldiers at the presidio. In the December 31, 1785 census of the Real Presidio de Santa Barbara, Luis Quintero was listed as a 62-year-old mulato. His wife, M. Petra, was listed as a 45-year-old mulata. They had one child living with them (a son). In the Santa Barbara census of 1790, Luis Quintero was listed as a 65-year-old tailor from Guadalajara. His wife, Petra Rubio, was 48 years old. Their son, José Clemente, aged 13, still lived with them. María Petra Rubio died on November 3, 1802 at the approximate age of 61. Luis Quintero died eight years later on January 17, 1810 and was buried at the Mission. By the time of his death, Luis had watched as the Santa Barbara Presidio expanded beyond the confines of the presidio walls. During the time of his residence (from 1782 to 1810), Luis saw the population of Santa Barbara increase from 150 to 370. This number represented 19 percent of the total California Hispanic population of 1,926 in 1810. Although Luis Quintero never returned to Los Angeles, many of his descendants did make their home in the small pueblo. His daughter, Sebastiana Quintero and her husband Eugenio Valdés, had nine children between 1782 and 1799, during which time, Eugenio had served at the Santa Barbara Presidio and in the escolta at San Buenaventura. After Eugenio retired from the military in 1800, he moved with his wife and family to Los Angeles where he was given lands, which he cultivated until his death. The couple had one more child in 1801 and were registered in the 1804 census at Los Angeles with three of their children: Antonio María, Basilio, and María. Eugenio and Sebastiana's fifth child, María Rita Quiteria Valdés, was married to a soldier named Vicente Ferrer Villa. This graunddaughter of Luis Quintero was eventually widowed with a large family to support. In 1852, María Rita Valdés de Villa petitioned for confirmation of patent granted in 1838 for the 4,539-acre ranch, Rodeo de las Aguas (Meeting of the Waters). The house María built stood near the present corner of Sunset Boulevard and Alpine Drive. In 1854, María Rita decided to sell Rancho de las Aguas for about $4,000 to Major Henry Hancock, a New Hampshire attorney, and Benjamin Wilson, a native of Nashville, Tennessee. This property eventually became what we now call Beverly Hills. Copyright © 1999, Jennifer Vo and John P. Schmal, extracted from the original book "A Pioneer Family of California: In the Service of Three Flags." |
The Foreign-Born
Voters of California in 1872 http://feefhs.org/fbvca/fbvcagri.html |
Man is
Fined $2.5 Million for Looting Oral History Sites Unorganized Territories |
Family Reunion Ancestry free maps Western State Marriage Record Index |
Man is
Fined $2.5 Million for Looting Reno, Nevada * More than 2,000 artifacts, including 10,000-year-old sandals, were taken from an American Indian cave. Jack Lee Harelson destroyed what could have been one of the most important archeological cave sites in the Great Basin, Bureau of Land Management officials said. Before Elephant Mountain Cave was looted over several years in the early 1980s, it contained a 10,000-year record of human life in northern Nevada, including artifacts from the Paiute tribe. The site is in the Black Rock Desert, 140 miles north of Reno. Ultimately 2,000 artifacts were recovered, including the 10,000 year-old sandals that possibly were the oldest footwear found on Earth, said Pat Barker, a state archeologist for the Bureau of Land Management. Associated Press, 12-15-02 |
Historical and Political Data NOTE: a lot of info on these sites.UNORGANIZED TERRITORY The great trek of the Mormon people to the fertile Salt Lake Valley in 1847 was the beginning of non-Indian settlement in the Great Basin of North America, most of which was then a part of the department of Alta California, Republic of Mexico. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, concluded February 2, 1848, and ratifications exchanged at Queretaro May 30, 1848, and proclaimed on July 4, 1848, resulted in formal acquisition by the United States of a vast tract of land from Mexico. It included what is now California, Nevada, Utah, and most of Arizona, and parts of New Mexico, Colorado, and Wyoming, and corresponded by general agreement to the Mexican administrative divisions of Alta California and New Mexico. In 1853 the Gadsden Purchase resulted in the final acquisition of Mexican territory and eliminated a dispute over the latitude line cited in the Mexican Cession of 1848, running west from the Rio Grande. This latter territory was obtained from the Mexican states of Sonora and Chihuahua (see Map 3). http://dmla.clan.lib.nv.us/docs/nsla/http://dmla.clan.lib.nv.us/docs/nsla/http://silver.state.nv.us/ http://silver.state.nv.us/ http://dmla.clan.lib.nv.us/docs/nsla/archives/political/historical/hist02.htm Sent by Johanna de Soto |
Martinez-Vergara Family Reunion | |
posts a free access featured map: TUCSON, ARIZONA TERRITORY, 1862
This may not be available, but check it out. To view this map, go to: http://www.ancestry.com/rd/map.asp?ImageID=734 For best results viewing Ancestry.com maps, download the free MrSID image viewer at http://www.ancestry.com/search/io/plugin.htm Johanna de Soto |
Western State Marriage Record Index
http://abish.byui.edu/specialCollections/fhc/ListOfStates.htm#arizona Search the records by state counties. The time frames for each state is included and the number of marriages are are listed as of 08 April 2002. Arizona] [California] [Idaho] [Nevada] [Oregon][ Utah] [Washington][Wyoming] For example:
Trivia Racial Label Surprises Many Latino Immigrants Finding your African American Ancestors |
Entertainment Television Kwanzaa is spreading beyond black community Go to Look Alike contest - - - Win a trip |
If Thomas Jefferson never bought any slaves, how come he owned
about 150 of them? Answer: Inheritance. His and his wife's. L.M. Boyd, Trivia, O.C. Register, 12-23-02 |
YOUR AFRICAN AMERICAN ANCESTORS," by David T. Thackery http://www.ancestry.com/rd/prodredir.asp?sourceid=831&key=P2166 There has never been a better time to research your African American ancestors. The same advances in technology that have created a boom in the exchange of information have made it possible for a family historian to cover great distances and conduct in-depth investigation for a fraction of the cost of a traditional research trip. Census schedules, plantation records, and military records, among other resources, are at your fingertips in the form of online databases, CD-ROMs, and individual websites. Included in this work are David Thackery's chapters in "The Source" and "Guide to African American Research" at The Newberry Library. Together with case studies, a thorough bibliography of sources and a guide to African American Internet sources make an indispensable guide to connecting and directing your search into an oft-times difficult area of family history research. Normally, the "Finding Your African American Ancestors" retails for $12.95, but today you can buy it in The Shops @ Ancestry for only $9.95. |
Entertainment Television The network which targets black viewers, is canceling two of its three news programs and ending an issues program geared for teens as part of an overall restructuring. The changes will put 40 people of work. Debra Lee, chief operating officer said that BET has done market research, focus groups and audience analysis, and that led to the programming changes. the goal is to reach a larger audience including more women. O.C. Register, 12-11-02 |
Kwanzaa is
spreading beyond black community by Khalid Moss Cox news service via O.C. Register, 12-17-02 Kwanzaa, was created in 1966 by Maulana Ron Karenga. Orange County's black community is only 2%. The Beatrice Jones, a member of the Orange County chapter of National Council of Negro Women, said the gorups' mission is to get more African-Americans in the county to understand and embrace Kwanzaa as a way to celebrate their toots and culture. The prevailing notion is that the week of Kwanzaa, which ends January 1 is a holiday observance reserved strictly for black families. But Kwanzaa is being observed in a growing number of white, Hispanic and Asian households. They do this not to revisit African roots, which most obviously don't have, but as a means of upholding the core values of Kwanzaa, which can apply to folks across ethnic backgrounds or modes of worship. *Umoja: Asks for unity in the family, community and nation. *Kujichagulia: Encourages people to define themselves, create for themselves and speak for themselves. *Ujima: Talks about collective work and responsibility. *Ujamaa: Stresses the importance of collective economics. *Nia: Purpose. *Kuumba: Creativity Imani: Faith. Imani challenges individuals to ". . believe with all your hearts in your parents, teachers, leaders and the righteous people in the community. Each day focuses on one of the seven principles. After a ceremonial candle-lighting, people discuss what the principle means to them and gifts are exchanged. The special candleholder for the seven candles is called a Kinara. The three red candles represent, struggle; the three green candles represent the future, and the black candle, the people.. |
for Sobriety 1st American Indian Astronaut GI Joe: Navajo Code Talker |
How to Trace your Native American
Heritage - Video Index of Native American Resources on the Internet Go to Archeology for more - Olmec and Maya |
Stand for
Sobriety by Julie Watson Associated Press 12-20-02 Women in 10 remote Mexican villages have banished alcohol because of their husbands' overindulgence. Fed up with their men stumbling home drunk or falling over in a stupor in their cornfields, the women remote Huastecos Indian villages in central Mexico. The women took matters into their own hands, got their leaders to ban alcohol and helped turn back trucks carrying alcohol into their communities. Social and political changes have converged to assist the women in their effort. As more men leave to find work, often in the United States, Huastecos women are taking a leadership role within their family and in the community. President Vicente Fox has cracked down on moonshine, diminishing the power of moonshine traffickers and reducing the ready availability of liquor in these poor villages. Liquor is an integral part of Indian ceremonies in Mexico. Like many tribes, Huastecos pour alcohol on the ground as an offering to Mother Earth before planting. Since alcohol is recognized an important part of their tradition, most dry towns lift their bands during celebrations, religious, birthdays, and weddings. OC Register, 12-20-02 |
1st American Indian Astronaut CAPE CANAVERAL, FLORIDA * John Herrington, the 44-year old Navy commander and member of the Chickasaw Nation, helped install a $390 million girder on the International Space Station during a space-walk November 26th. He became the first American Indian in space. AP |
GI Joe: Navajo Code Talker It was one of the best kept secrets of World War II. For 23 years; their special mission retained a "top secret" classification. They are the Navajo Code Talkers. The Navajo made an invaluable contribution to the war through the development of the Navajo language as a secret code that proved indecipherable to the enemy. Major Howard M. Connor, communications officer for the Fifth Marine Division commented, "Without the Navajos, the Marines would never have taken Iwo Jima.". Now available is a 11" Tall GI Joe talking figure that can be purchased for $39. through South West Indian, at http://www.southwestindian.com #8322. The figure speaks seven different phrases - in both Navajo and English. The equipment that comes with the figure includes a laminated list of over 200 authentic Code Words actually used by the Navajo Code Talkers. |
How to Trace your Native American
Heritage - Video This highly informative Video helps you efficiently trace your Native American heritage including: How and where to research the Dawes Rolls; How to obtain your Tribal Membership; Internet sites to assist your search; How to obtain a CDIB Card (Certificate of Degree of Indian Blood) and more. This comprehensive Video also lists over 500 federally recognized American Tribes. South West Indian, at http://www.southwestindian.com |
of Native American Resources on the Internet http://www.hanksville.org/NAresources/ Plain
text version of this page. |
Sent by Johanna de Soto |
Jews and the
American Revolution Controversy Clouds study of American Jews The Other Ellis Island Site Acts of Faith: Jewish Civilization in Spain |
Christians, Jews, and Moslems in Medieval Spain Sephardic Jews' Hanukkah treats Go to Cárdenas, México y los refugiados: 1938-1940 |
and the American Revolution
Legend has it that George Washington appealed for funds to financier Haym Salomon on Yom Kippur. Salomon, it is said, suspended services in the synagogue upon learning of the desperate request, secured pledges from congregants and then proceeded with observances. Salomon was later imprisoned by the British in New York, he secured his release by translating German documents, but later was again arrested for spying and fortunately succeeded in escaping to Philadelphia. He was not Sephardic, but married into a Sephardic family. Born in Lissa, Poland, in 1740, Salomon spent several years moving around western Europe and England, developing fluency in several languages that served him well for the remainder of his life. Reaching New York City in 1772, he swiftly established himself as a successful merchant and dealer in foreign securities. Striking up an acquaintance with Alexander MacDougall, leader of the New York Sons of Liberty, Salomon became active in the patriot cause. When war broke out in 1776, Salomon got a contract to supply American troops in central New York. In 1777, he married Rachel Franks, whose brother Isaac was a lieutenant colonel on George Washington's staff. Their ketubah resides at the American Jewish Historical Society at the Center for Jewish History in New York. He later served as a member of he governing council of Philadelphia's Congregation Mikveh Israel, a synagogue of the Spanish-Portuguese rite.
There, with the help of friends, he became active in a security house and made a considerable fortune. He was highly patriotic and helped Robert Morris, who was in charge of the government's financing, to raise money to conduct the war. He loaned much money of his own and, probably due to his imprisonment and active participation in the war, he died at an early age, before the government had made restitution on his loans. He was a martyr to the cause of liberty and American independence. Most of the New York Jews were Patriots during the Revolutionary War. The few Loyalists were the Nathans, Hendrickses, and a part of the Gomez family. Col. Isaac Franks and Maj. David Franks served in the Continental Army with honor and distinction from New York. Among other Jewish officers of distinction in the Revolutionary War were Major Benjamin Nones, Capt. Jacob de la Motta, and Capt. Jacob de Leon, who were attached to Baron de Kalb's staff at the battle of Camden, South Carolina. When the huge and brave general of German origin was wounded mortally from a half a dozen wounds and deserted by most of his troops, it was these three Jewish officers who, at the risk of their own lives, carried him off the battlefield. Collectable coin
dedicated to Benjamin Nones, Sephardic Jew & American Revolutionary
War Hero
The three Pinto brothers of New Haven left Connecticut to fight for American independence, among some of the families involved with the American Revolution. Sent by Johanna de Soto |
Clouds study of American Jews by Rachel Zoll, the Associated Press, 11-29-02 PHILADELPHIA * The results of a $6 million, years-long study of U.S. Jews was withheld. The findings could be critical, shaping how tens of millions of dollars will be spent to keep Judaism alive in the United States at a time when many Jews are marrying outside the faith. Then just before the release, the report was withheld. The agency, United Jewish Communities, insists its National Jewish Population Survey is on track and will be made public - although, it won't say when. Sent by Johanna de Soto |
Other Ellis Island Site Stephen Morse is a database detective. he know how to wring every shred of information from the Ellis Island database, and his Short Form Web site has been popular with genealogists from the beginning. Gary Mokotoff, in Nu? What's New? says "This Short Form virtually obsoletes the Statue of Liberty/Ellis Island foundation search site at http://www.ellisisland.org. " Source: UGANews, November-December, 2002 |
of Faith: Jewish Civilization in Spain. Films for the
Humanities. 1VHS cassette (50 mins.):color 1995, Documentary. "Many
Latinos in he American Southwest wear amulets and perform certain
practices different from their fellow Latino Catholics -- and are
discovering only now, to their great amazement, that they are descended
from Jews who chose conversion rather than death at the time of the
great expulsion from Spain in 1492. This program looks at remnants of
what was once the great Jewish civilization in Spain: the artifacts,
which were Christianized or destroyed, and the people, many of whom
continued to practice elements of the religion and folklore of Judaism
and for most of whom the memory of Jewishness has long since been
extinguished." (from the video jacket)
Source: University of Tennessee, but does
not circulate. Language Resource Center |
Jews, and Moslems in Medieval Spain. Films for the
Humanities. 1 VHS cassette (52 mins.):color. 1989, Documentary, English.
"Due partly to the weakness of its Visigothic rulers, partly to the
proximity of Africa, the Iberian peninsula was conquered by Berbers and
by Arabs belonging to the Ommeyad Dynasty of Damascus. This program
describes the history of Spain from the time of the first landing, in
711, through the nearly 800-year-long war that ended in the expulsion of
both Morrs and Jews in 1492; the development of a culture whose people
spoke various Spanish dialects while the official language was Arabic;
the role of the School of Toledo in preserving, translating, and making
known the ancient Greek scientific texts as well as Arabic treatises on
philosophy and science; the rabbinic center in Toledo; and the history
of the Jews in Spain." (from the video jacket) Source: University of Tennessee, but does not circulate. Language Resource Center http://web.utk.edu/~mfll/LRC/catspan.html Sent by Johanna de Soto |
Extract: Sephardic
Jews' Hanukkah treats have a rich history, too
[[ This article caught my attention
by the description of burmeuelos. It sounds so like what my Mom
used to make, buñuelos. She also would make them during the
Christmas season. Except Mom usually cut out rectangular shapes,
run a slit down the middle and twisted one end through it before deep
frying the goodies. They were crisp, sweetened with cinnamon and
sugar, and delicious. The article explained the popularity of deep flying
during the Hanukkah season.]] |
Retail Shop, for Borderlands Book Store TexMex Genealogy Website San Agustin Catholic Church CD Unskilled immigrants Swell Texas Population |
History of the Lone Star State Canary Island Descendent Association San Antonio was a Lively Place Back In 1804 Texas Marriages, 1851-1900 Confederate Indigent Families Index Gutierrez family tree |
congratulations and best wishes to George Farias and Col. Ernest Montemayor in the opening of their new Borderlands Book retail store. |
"We have been planning for some years to open a retail shop to
adequately display, and to facilitate access for our customers, the
every-increasing number of books becoming available in Hispanic history
and genealogy. Business success is predicated on growth and
expansion. Additionally the economics of operating a store dictate
and expansion to other categories of books as well. Our first
category of expansion will be Other Early Americana, dealing not only
with the discovery and settlement of the new World by Spain and
Portugal, but the establishment of the United States, Canada and Latin
American. Other categories will be added in accordance with demand
by the general public. "
George Farías, President In Association
with Col. Ernest A. Montemayor, USAF-Retired |
Genealogy http://hometown.aol.com/texmexgenealogy/myhomepage/business.html Listing of thousands of family surnames of 20th Century families who lived in the Rio Grande Valley. Dennis V Carter, the Genealogist who owns this web page, is available to begin immediate research on any of the thousands of names listed on this site. Additional surnames will be added on a weekly basis. United States research from 1620 to present; Texas research 1835 to present of all nationalities; Mexico research of 1750 to 1900 of Roman Catholic Church records, Mexico Civil Records 1860-1900, and 1930 Mexico Census. Source: Dennis V Carter, TexMexGenealogy@aol.com |
Agustin Catholic Church CD Dear Friends, We have bought the San Agustin Catholic Church CD and it is worth every penny. I found very good information about my family and relatives. Father Florencio Andres undertook exhaustive genealogical research on Laredo area families. This research was done approximately seventy-five years ago over a period of 14 years while he worked at St. Agustine Catholic Cathedral in Laredo. Father Andres went from door-to-door collecting family information. Having ill health he was not obligated to do usual priestly duties and turned his free time and energy toward his love of Laredo history as well as its people. His research resulted in a genealogical manuscript containing over 60,000 names! Additional names from St. Peters, Guadalupe Church and other old records consulted by Father Andres are also part of this project - a bonus! The project of compiling these invaluable records into computer readable format was undertaken by Annie Rice Ramos and others between 1999 and 2001 as a fundraising project to benefit St. Agustin Cathedral. And through her efforts Father Andres' work has both been preserved and is now made widely available for researchers for the first time.. Two sets of names are included, although it is not known why Father Andres had a separate grouping of 20,000 names. The integrity of his work has been maintained and has been retained exactly the way he compiled it. It is the theory of Annie Ramos, who undertook this massive project, that one set is different from the rest because one set of names is arranged by land title / land grants. Example of entry: Vicente Barrera 1804 Mier hd. Manuel and Jovita Flores [note: hd = child of] I have looked for information on my grandmother's family since I started my ancestor chart about 8 years ago. I finally found new clues to work with in the San Augustine Church Genealogical Records CD that we just purchased in Laredo at the Cathedral. Mateo Garza is my great- great grandfather, supposedly from Monterry, N.L. My great grandfather is Pedro Garza married to Gertrudis Belen Benavides de Benavides from Revilla aka Cuidad Guerrero Viejo. My grandmother was Elvira Garza born in San Diego, Tx. The family moved to Laredo, Tx. around the late 1890's or early 1900's. Elvira Garza married Cleofas Centeno. They lived at Las Minas where my grandfather was a night watchman. My mother Maria Cleofas Centeno was born in Las minas de Dolores, Tx. The Centeno family moved to Laredo abt. 1920. This CD has provided me with lots of good information about my family and records about other relatives as well. I highly recommend that you purchase this CD if you have ancestors in the Laredo area. We found church records from Encinal, Las Minas, Webb County Cd. Mier and other parts of South Texas. Hoping you find your missing links as I did, One CD-ROM (PC and Mac compatible) has been produced and is $75.00 and a $2.00 shipping and handling fee is added if you want the CD mailed to you. Checks should be made to St. Agustine Cathedral and mailed to CD Order, Minnie Farias, 201 San Agustin Avenue, Laredo, Texas 78040. Caution: The information that you find in this CD should be further research before you make a final conclusion. I have for the longest time being looking for my grandparent parents and family and I finally found them in this CD. I found information on Las Minas, other Catholic Churches and town in the Laredo area. To buy this CD locally in San Antonio call George Farias at his new book store BORDERLANDS BOOKSTORE, 210-432-6043 . His e-mail:Farias@boderlandsbooks.com Sent by Walter L Herbeck epherbeck@juno.com |
Unskilled immigrants Swell by Diana Washington Valdez , Immigration is fueling the population growth of About 293,000 immigrants came to The report said immigrants represented 44.4 percent of the state's population growth. In the Southwest, this percentage was exceeded by The pattern outlined by the center's study does not hold true for "El Paso is seen like the Ellis Island of the desert ... some of the immigrants come here long enough to get whatever documents they need, and then they move on to other places with larger immigrant communities, such as Dallas," he said. Steven Camarota, who wrote the center's study, said the number of foreign-born residents -- with or without documents -- climbed to a record high 33 million this year, up from 31 million in 2000. He said immigrants were crowding the nation's schools and depressing wages of low-income workers. He said too many were living in poverty. He also said stepped-up enforcement since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks has not curtailed immigration. Roberto Suro, executive director of the nonpartisan Representatives of the private Center for Immigration Studies of Washington, D.C., have testified before Congress in the past, often advocating that the Get more information
at: Diana Washington HispanicVista Online, 12-2-02 |
Coins Found - - Three parties
now claim coins
By Quincy
C. Collins Caller-Times December 11, 2002
SAN DIEGO Striking gold Tale of the coins No court date has been set. |
of the Lone State State - TEXAS This is the most complete
website that I have seen on Texas. Created by a teacher, the web
mistress writes: Hi! My name is Tracey I have created
this page to assist students, teachers, and all history lovers locate
information on the web. |
Island Descendent Association San Antonio, Texas http://www.canaryislands-usa.com/heritage/canarydescsa.asp Association Name and Addresses: Alicia Burger, Membership Vice President Officers: |
Old Records
Show San Antonio was a Lively Place Back In 1804. San Antonio Express newspaper, Feb. 25, 1934, Sunday. By Dorothy Esther Wright. Texas, whose history has long been the pride of her people, to at last to be supplied with those many and positively accurate details so long absent from her historical accounts. With the translating of each additional page of the documents contained in the Bexar archives, which are deposited in the archives of the University of Texas, these details are rapidly being supplied. These records, which were accumulated at San Antonio de Bexar during the Spanish and Mexican regime, form one of the greatest historical treasures on the North American Continent. The documents are filled, not only with incidents of absorbing interest, but with accounts which are of international importance. Sent by Johanna de Soto |
Marriages, 1851-1900 (Update adding data from Nacogdoches, Ward, Crosby, Armstrong, Scurry, Chambers, DeWitt, and Robertson Counties. [NOTE: It appears that you need to be an Ancestry member to view the results of your search after searching this datebase.] Because they establish an important family relationship, marriage records can be among the most informative type of records available to family historians. This database is a collection of marriage records from several counties in Texas in the latter half of the nineteenth century. This update adds marriage records from Nacogdoches, Ward, Crosby, Armstrong, Scurry, Chambers, DeWitt, and Robertson Counties to those from Atascosa, Comanche, Denton, Erath, Frio, Glasscock, Hunt, Kendall, Lipscomb, Llano, Newton, Pecos, Rains, Runnels, Rusk, Somervell, Bowie, Cooke, Crockett, Deaf Smith, Hopkins, Irion, Nolan, Van Zandt, Red River, Hartley, Ochiltree, Hall, Howard, Kerr, Panola, Jefferson, and Wheeler counties. Taken from microfilm copies of original county documents, each record provides spouses' names, marriage date, and county of residence. Source Information: Dodd, Jordan, Liahona Research, comp. "Texas Marriages, 1856-1900." [database online] Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2001. Original data: See the extended description at the URL below for original data sources listed by county. To search this database, go to: http://www.ancestry.com/search/rectype/inddbs/4325.htm Sent by George Gause ggause@panam.edu |
Confederate Indigent Families
Intercommunication on the
Gutierrez family tree between Jose Trevino and Mira Smithwick.
losbexarenos@yahoogroups.com On the Gutierrez family tree, there is much out there and I know many who connect to Nicolas Gutierrez de Lara and Clara Renteria. Is the Gutierrez de Lara your line? Also found a wealth of information by clicking the Ancestry World Tree (at no charge). The address is: http://pedigree.ancestry.com Do a search; after you get the Search Results, you can view the Pedigree in chart form. The Pedigree Chart will give you the spouse and children of the person you searched; as well as siblings; plus the parents and grandparents if they are available. Any name that is underlined, if you double click on it, will take you to that person's pedigree. It is a great site. One thing to remember is that the info has been submitted by other researchers. The site has helped me tremendously. Hope you try it. Also found some info on Gutierrez that I have included below. On the Gutierrez line mentioned above, it is believed that the line goes back to Agustin Abrego and Leonor Gutierrez. This family has roots in Nieves, Zacatecas and Saltillo, Coahuila before appearing in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon. Mira Smithwick Gutierrez in Mexico City 1521 - 1594 Hi folks, The following is information taken from a report published in "Historia Gráfica de la Nueva España", By Jose R. Benitez. Urbanization Parcels Distributed in Mexico City, 1521 - 1594. It begins with a parcel number then the name of the Grantee followed by the date. #498 Alonso de Gutierrez 4/10/1537 #319 Andres Gutierrez 1/19/1565 #382 Alonso Badajos 7/27/1530 #214 Antonio Gutierrez 9/13/1563 #925 Leonor Bilva Gutierrez 1/14/1525 #79 Hernando Salamanca de Guitierrez 7/11/25 #510 Diego Gutierrez 4/20/1531 #45 Francisca Gutierrez 8/27/1554 #72 Hernan Gutierrez 5/27/1523 #213 Juan Gutierrez 9/13/1563 #380 Francisco Naranjo Gutierrez 9/4/1542 #117 Pedro Gutierrez 11/15/1525 As you can see Hernan Gutierrez was the first Gutierrez to receive a parcel of land and that was in 1523. I thought that the Gutierrez's of Texas were the first to settle in New Spain in November of 1528, I stand corrected after seeing this new information. I hope this information is of help to some one. Sincerely, Rodolfo José Villalba y Gutierrez Aguirre Garcia Escobar Palacios Sent by Elsa Pena Herbeck epherbeck@juno.com |
Prima Shares her Joys Genealogical Research Society of New Orleans |
Los Islenos Heritage and Cultural Society Georgia Teachers Guaranteed |
Patti Navarrette-Larson Patti
Navarrette-Larson lives in Wisconsin and
expresses her great love for the expanded family that she has discovered
in her research. Patti has traveled to Ixtapa, Mexico,
Phoenix, Arizona and Fresno, California, enjoying the emotional reunions
of mutual love that finding kin has brought her. |
10, 2002 My dear friend. It has been ages since we chatted! Have been enjoying Somos Primos, as always, and look forward to the first of each month to do some serious reading. I especially took note in the November issue about the tribute to Mexican American Vets of the Korean War. I did contact Rogelio Roriguez to see what I could do to get my father recognized. Dad came home with a Purple Heart! I did submit his photo and a short story to be shown at the November Recognition Event. More than anything, I wanted to see what Rogelio could do for me as far as getting him the medal they were handing out to those in attendance. Unfortunately, Wisconsin is a far way from CA and he could not make the event. Still have to check in with Rogelio to see if anything has happened. And, may I add, he was such a joy to chat with via email. My heart is breaking a bit right now. EVERYBODY is going to El Valle this year for the Fiesta. Everybody but Patti! YES, I am feeling sorry for myself. My husband told me to go, but this year is just not good. I have 4 weeks of vacation from work, but last year I used almost two weeks for El Valle and it was difficult then to do anything with my kids the rest of the year. We are going back to Ixtapa for X-mas of 2003, so I must save some days for that. Instead of the Fiesta, I will be taking a long weekend next month and going to Phoenix to visit one of the primas I found 3 years ago. We are now like sisters! You may recall my emails to you about my Tia Maria Sotera (my late Gramma's younger sister). I had the chance to see Tia again this past August. She and her husband celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary and their 12, yes, 12, children threw them a wonderful party. The church service was beautiful and the party was great. Just imagine ALL the new primos I meet on this trip to Fresno! I have added family galore to my family tree! I even talked my mother into going, along with my Tia Maria. Even though these are Mom's in-laws, she had a wonderful time. My Tia Sotera has a heart of gold and having to leave was SO emotional for me. I thought you would get a charge out of the attached photo. Tia had SO much fun dressing me up on this day. If I do not chat with you soon, I want to send many Holiday wishes your way. Have a Christmas filled with love and cheer. Until later, Patti |
17, 2002 Dearest Mimi, I found out a little more about the statue of the Virgen de Guadulupe. First and foremost my Tia Sotera Belmontes has faith that cannot be measured in any way, her religion and belief runs very deep. The Virgen was made by her son Jesus Anaya. He is a man of many talents and I am sure this gift brought her to tears. It was on August 27, 2002, that I was able to meet so many of the extended family members in Sanger, CA, for the special occasion of my Tio and Tia's 50th wedding anniversary. It was a highlight to meet the 12 children of my great-aunt and uncle. They opened up their homes and their hearts and showed me what "Familia" was all about. I was only able to spend 4 short days with them and leaving brought heartache and tears. I have to keep telling myself, it was not goodbye, it was just "hasta luego". The outfit I am wearing was hand made by Tia Sotera. She showed me all of the beautiful dresses she has designed over the years that all her children and grandchildren wear during the holiday. Believe me, I tried on more than one and it was so much fun, I felt like we were playing "Barbie Dolls"! With each outfit I tried on, her smiled seemed to get bigger. Tia was first married in 1940 to Jesus Anaya. They had 4 children and while pregnant with her fifth, her husband passed away. So, here you have a young woman of 28 years old with no husband and many children to feed. While pregnant in 1951, this courageous woman left El Valle and headed to California for a better life for her children. She worked long hard days and nights, and sleeping did not fit into her schedule. In 1952 she met a wonderful man and married, my Tio, Jesus Elisarraraz, a man with a heart of gold. Together, they had 7 beautiful children and now a family of 12! She taught each child good morals and the strong rules of working hard for a living. Each of my 12 primos have grown into beautiful and caring human beings and may I add, very successful in their choice of an occupation. Not only am I proud of my Tia, but each and every primo! As always, I have a moral to each story I write you about.....FIND YOUR FAMILY. Hold them close and share as much as you can with them. With each new extended family member I find in the USA or in Mexico, I measure my wealth with love. Thank you for letting me share yet another family story with you. Keep up the wonderful work at Somos Primos. Have a wonderful and blessed holidays season. Patti Patricia A. Navarrette-Larson tido@execpc.com |
Los Islenos Heritage and Cultural Society ![]() [[This site has an excellent history of the various migrations of Canary Islanders to the U.S. it clarifies the relationship that existed between the Spanish and French.]] The Los Islenos Heritage and Cultural Society is dedicated to preserving the Spanish language, legends, crafts, customs, folklore, rituals, music and history of our Spanish Isleno heritage by: maintaining an Isleno museum and multi-cultural village; promoting an annual student of Isleno heritage; and promoting annual Museum Days, a three-day event, to give students hands-on knowledge of the early Islenos and their way of life.
The Society has made much progress in spreading the Isleño word over the years. In addition to establishing a museum, annual Isleño Fiestas are held with attendance increasing each year. Museum Days are held annually to give area student hands-on knowledge of the Isleños and their way of life, complete with palmetto huts depicting the first homes the settlers occupied. Three monographs and a cookbook have been published and three videos have been produced. Nunez Community College houses the Society’s collection of over 100 oral history tapes. Officers 2002 President - William de Marigny Hyland Plan to visit Los Isleños Museum and experience the Isleños of St. Bernard who constitute the last vestige of Spanish Colonial Louisiana. Meanwhile, you can contact us for more information: Telephone/Fax: (504)-682-0862 |
Extract: Georgia Teachers Guaranteed |
Face to
Face With History Look-Alike
Contest VACO NEWS: The Civil War |
migrants pass Cubans in their rate of relocation to |
Face to Face With History,
Spanish American artist's project mirrors both history and contemporary society Do you look like this man? If you do, you may be the critical link in an art project by Spanish artist Paco Cao—and win a two-week, all expenses trip for two to Spain to boot. Cao, a New York resident since 1995, is promoting Celebrity, a multidimensional project at El Museo del Barrio's biennial exhibition, through a look-alike contest to find the face of "JP," the name given to this photographic digital image—a composite of hundreds of different portraits taken by Cao over the summer, primarily in New York's Washington Heights neighborhood—made to look like Diego Velázquez's 1650 portrait of Juan de Pareja. |
The project is both tongue-in-cheek commentary and a serious exploration of such concepts as identity, social class, travel, and communication, as Cao plays with the history and image of the original painting in the contemporary construction of and search for JP. Juan de Pareja was Velázquez's assistant and former servant, the son of Moorish slaves. Although he later gained his freedom and became a recognized master in his own right, at the time Velázquez executed his portrait Pareja was still his slave. Sent by the Spanish king to Italy to paint the Pope's portrait, Velázquez, used to prominent stature in Madrid—he was, after all, the court painter, the king's friend, and a recognized genius—found himself a relative unknown. He needed an introduction to Roman circles that would focus attention on himself and leave no doubt as to his talent. |
He decided on a singular portrait, that of his slave in the velvet and lace finery of a nobleman. Before exhibiting his painting, Velázquez reportedly had Pareja himself carry it around to some influential Roman acquaintances, calculating the shock produced by having a slave show up bearing his own likeness—a theatrical gesture meant to challenge the upper class' assumptions about who was a fit subject for a portrait, as well as dazzle the viewer with the artistry of the painter. Some 350 years later, in a project co-sponsored by the Spanish consulate in New York, the principality of Asturias and Hoy newspaper, Cao takes up the challenge of his long-ago countryman, revising the concept of "the portrait" by constructing an image and then seeking the subject. The search will culminate on Saturday, February 1, 2003, when a look-alike contest will be staged at El Museo del Barrio's Teatro Heckster. A celebrity panel of judges (yet to be determined) will then select the contestant who looks most like JP, and, the contest brochure explains, "the contestants, the digitally created image and a reproduction of the original painting will come together in a moment of multiple confrontations." The contest targets not only New York Latinos, but anyone who is interested and thinks they look like JP. The only requirements are to fill out an entry form, be present at El Museo del Barrio on February 1, and bear the face of JP. Contestants, who must be at least 18, can alter their appearance in any way. "Make-up, implants, wigs, or surgery are all acceptable," the rules read. "Please note the jury will pay special attention to 'natural likeness.'" The
project's crowning touch? The winner—the modern incarnation of JP,
a contemporary image of a former slave—will receive the "royal
treatment," winning an all-expenses-paid trip for two to Spain, two
weeks accommodations at a luxury hotel, and a starring role in a
documentary about the project's evolution. |
NEWS: Hispanic Contributors and Contributions - The Civil
War |
Extract: Mexican
migrants pass Cubans in their rate of relocation to
Ambassador, Juan José Bremer Cárdenas, México y los refugiados: 1938-1940 1st International Conference Mexicans Overseas Mexico City Tries Cowboy Cops |
New Owner for Mexico's
Excelsior Supplier
Caters to immigrants' home projects U.S. Social Security May Reach To Mexico LOS SAUTO DE SAN MIGUEL EL GRANDE |
Somos Primos staff was
International Conference of Mexicans Overseas to be held January 17-19, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2003 Unity & Development of Mexicans Abroad This the first conference of Mexicans Abroad will bring together a community of 601 organizations, among which are Federations, Associations, Network Groups and Clubs in the United States of America. There are also Mexican communities in Spain, Italy, France and Holland, and many more that are expect to attend. The three-day program is divided into concerns with developing strategies for improved interaction with Mexico, the United States, and International contacts. Información A.M.M.E. 1-(626)359-7156, 1-(626)926-1685 http://www.mexicanosenelexterior.com Hotel Sahara Casino Las Vegas, 2353 Las Vegas Blvd. Las Vegas Nevada. 89109. |
Mexico City
Tries Cowboy Cops by Jose Antonio Jimenez, Associated
Press Mexico City * Forty men brandishing pistols and wearing sombreros trotted on horseback into this city's historic center December 9th to launch the latest in a series of novel measures aimed at fighting crime. Dressed like charros, the mounted police represent an attempt to both entertain and protect tourists. The program is one of the string of unusual measures taken by officials desperate to fight the high level of robberies, kidnappings and assaults in Mexico city with its population of 8 million people. Officials say the program could be expanded to as many as 120 officers by the beginning of next year if it proves successful. The 30 mounted officers will patrol in groups of 10. "To be a charro police officer is a source of pride for us because we know that the tourists are going to feel protected, and they are going to like that we represent pure Mexican culture," one of the officers, Ernesto Cervantes, boasted from atop his chestnut-colored mount. O.C. Register, 12-10-02 |
Extract: New
Owner for Mexico's Excelsior MEXICO CITY - A former student
spy, law enforcement agent, drug suspect and son of a Mexican general
who fought with Pancho Villa has taken over what was once Mexico's most
influential daily newspaper. Miguel Aldana Ibarra, a 57-year-old
businessman, struck a $150 million deal for the troubled Excelsior
newspaper and most of its assets. The paper owes $70 million in taxes
and other debts. Sent by Gloria Oliver oliverglo@msn.com |
Caters to immigrants' home projects by Lisa Muñoz,
O.C. Register 12-4-02 Building materials are sold in O.C. for work in Mexico Building a dream house just got easier for Mexican immigrants living in Orange County. This is the goal of Construmex, a Mexican construction consulting company that recently opened an office in Santa ana, its third location in California. Construmex, owned by Mexico's largest cement company, Cemex, sells Mexico-based construction companies' materials to Mexican immigrants who want to build in their homeland. The company, which opened its first location in downtown Kos Angeles in July 2001, has found a niche marked in California's large Mexican immigrant population, many of whose earnings pay for construction projects in Mexico. About 15% of Mexican remittances go toward construction projects in Mexico. InterAmerican Bank expects money transfers to Mexico in 202 to surpass $10 billion. Customers pay Construmex a $1 commission regardless of the size of the order. The company makes money selling Cemex cement and other construction materials from its network of more than 1,400 Mexican distributors. |
U.S. Social
Security May Reach To Mexico (Washington Post)--PART
ONE By Jonathan Weisman, Washington Post Staff Writer Thursday, December 19, 2002; Page A01 Pushed by the Mexican government, the Bush administration is working on a Social Security accord that would put tens of thousands of Mexicans onto the Social Security roster and send hundreds of millions of dollars in benefits south of the border. White House and Mexican government officials say discussions on an agreement to align the Social Security systems of the two countries are informal and preliminary. But excerpts from an internal Social Security Administration memo obtained this month say the agreement "is expected to move forward at an accelerated pace," with the support of both governments, and could be in force by next October. The pact would be the latest, but by far the largest, of a series of treaties designed to ensure that people from one country working in another aren't taxed by both nations' social security systems. In its first year, the agreement is projected to trigger 37,000 new claims from Mexicans who worked in the United States legally and paid Social Security taxes but have been unable to claim their checks, according to a memo prepared by Ted Girdner, the Social Security Administration's assistant associate commissioner for international operations. Extrapolating from U.S. and Mexican government statistics, the accord could cost $720 million a year within five years of implementation. One independent estimate put the total at $1 billion a year -- a large sum, but a trifle compared with the $372 billion in Social Security benefits currently being paid to 46.4 million recipients. Mexican President Vicente Fox has been pushing President Bush to sign a Social Security agreement with Mexico as something of a consolation prize to make up for Bush's failure to pursue promised immigration reforms, according to Latino lobbyists close to the Fox administration. Mexican officials began pressing the White House hard at meetings that preceded the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum in Los Cabos, Mexico, in October. "When the legalization talks began going nowhere, the Mexicans began focusing on this," said Maria Blanco, national senior counsel for the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund. "They really bore in at Los Cabos." Arturo Sarukhan, a top official in Mexico's foreign ministry, said that after Mexico's failure to win a comprehensive package of immigration reforms from Bush, it is lobbying in Washington for important incremental steps. "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time," he said. Concern is rising on Capitol Hill -- "We are concerned about the sheer magnitude of the agreement," said a House Republican aide who is an expert on Social Security. About 94,000 beneficiaries living abroad have been brought into the system by the 20 existing international agreements. A Mexican agreement alone could bring in 162,000 in the first five years. A . . .Social Security memo indicates that work may be further along than both governments are saying. According to the memo, "the application workloads generated by an agreement with Mexico will be much larger than those resulting from any of the 20 existing agreements" with other countries. In addition to the flurry of new claims, an additional 13,000 Mexicans entitled to benefits but cut off by provisions in recent immigration laws could also begin receiving their checks. In a 1996 immigration reform law, Congress decreed that foreigners not legally residing in the United States could no longer claim benefits, unless their home countries were subject to a treaty. Those beneficiaries alone were owed nearly $50 million in 1998, according to a Mexican government document. |
Social Security May Reach To Mexico (PART TWO) The team of negotiators from the Social Security Administration and State Department working on the agreement already anticipate that the U.S. government will have to erect a new building in the embassy complex in Mexico City just to deal with the crush, according to a source familiar with the negotiations. If the new beneficiaries in Mexico received payments roughly equal to the average $8,100 benefit that Mexican-born retirees in the United States now receive, the total would easily surpass $1 billion a year, said Steven A. Camarota, director of research at the Center for Immigration Studies, a nonpartisan research organization. And even that number could seriously underestimate the number of Mexicans who would seek Social Security benefits, if not qualify for them, he said. Such talk has caused growing concern at the State Department and on Capitol Hill. A memo from the State Department's assistant secretary for consular affairs, Maura Harty, to Secretary of State Colin L. Powell even indicated the White House National Economic Council has raised objections. As one State Department official put it, "the staffing and budget implications haven't been fully worked out, but we're thinking about it." To the Mexican government and immigrant advocates, such concerns are beside the point. "How can [the U.S. government] say this is too costly?" Blanco asked. "This is money these workers paid into the Social Security system. This is their money." The United States has been negotiating Social Security "totalization" agreements with other governments since the late 1970s. They allow workers to "totalize" the number of years they have worked in both countries to meet the minimum years required to qualify for benefits in one of the systems. Until now, the cost of such agreements has been relatively small, since they have been almost exclusively with European countries. According to the Social Security Administration, the annual cost of all 20 existing accords equals about $183 million. "All of the deals before this have been non-controversial and low-cost," said a House Republican expert on Social Security. "This could be dramatically different in all kinds of ways." The GOP aide said Mexican officials would also like benefits to be adjusted upward for a legal Mexican worker who worked in the United States for some time illegally and paid into the Social Security system using a false Social Security number. Gabriela Lemus, director of policy and legislation for the League of United Latin American Citizens, said as much as $21 billion in Social Security payments have not been tracked to potential beneficiaries, most likely because they were paid under a false Social Security number. Sent by Howard Shorr Howardshor@aol.com |
Baltasar de Sauto y Urrutia, nace por 1682 en Oquendo Vizcaya, y se
casó con Doña Maria de Villachica 1.-Don Francisco de Sales de Sauto y Jáuregui,
se casó el 13 de abril de 1760 en Juventino Rosas, Gto. con Doña
Petrona de Alcántara IV.-Don Blas
Baltasar María de Sauto y Jáuregui, dueño del Mayorazgo , nace
por 1730 y se casó con Doña Mariana de la Gándara y Andrade el 6 de
agosto de 1761, en la ciudad de Nuestra señora de la Concepción de
Celaya, y fueron sus hijos : V.-Don José
Manuel de Sauto y Gándara, nace por 1770 en san Miguel y se casó
con Doña Mariana Lazarín de la Cabadilla Ruíz, originaria de Apaseo,
Gto., hija legítima de Don Don Alberto de la Canadilla Bolado y de Doña
Dolores Ruíz Quiróz, y fueron sus hijos: a.-Doña Dolores de Sauto y Lazarín de la Cabadilla,
bautizada en 1846 d.-Don Jesús Salvador de Sauto y Lazarín de la Cabadilla, bautizado en 1845 e.-Don Pedro José Hilario de Sauto Lazarín de la Cabadilla, bautizado en 1843, y se casó en 1872 con Doña Soledad Cervantes y fueron sus hijos entre otros: Doña Maria del Carmen Sauto y Cervantes, casada con Don Jose Maria Loreto Luis de la Canal y Vélez, y a su vez fue su hijo : Don José Luis Salvador de la Canal y Sauto , bautizado el 8 de mayo de 1898 en México, D.F. f.-Don José Agustín Mariano de Sauto y Lazarín de la Cabadilla, bautizado en 1852, y se casó en 1879 con Doña Micaela Malo g.-Doña Manuela de Sauto Lazarín y de la Cabadilla, casada con Don Alejandro Lambarri Garcia Malabear y fueron sus hijos entre otros: Don Alejandro Victoriano Luis Lambarri Sauto, bautizado en 1863 en san Miguel y Don Francisco Lambarri y Sauto, Bautizado en 1873 y
se casó el 27 de febrero de 1897, con Doña Concepción de la Canal y Vélez Doña Maria Dolores Sauto y López, nace en 1838, y se casó con Don Miguel José Malo y Herrera, baut. en 1835 en san Miguel y fueron sus hijos: Doña Carmen Malo y Sauto, bautizada en 1870 Doña Mercedes Malo y Sauto, bautizada en 1868 Doña Concepción Malo y Sauto, bautizada en 1862 Don Pedro José Malo y Sauto, bautizado en 1878, y se casó en 1906, con Doña Consuelo Zosaya y Carraza y fue su hijo entre otros el Gran Escritor Don Miguel J. De Malo y Zosaya, quien nació en San Miguel el 22 de Diciembre de 1906, y se casó con Doña Magdalena Luna Polo Doña Dolores Malo y Sauto, bautizada en 1872 Don Miguel José, Malo y Sauto,bautizado en 1861 Don Loreto Malo y Sauto, bautizado en 1865 Don Francisco Malo y Sauto , bautizado en 1874 Don José Luis Sauto y Aguilar, bautizado en 1854 Doña Maria Soledad Sauto y Aguilar, bautizada en 1853, y se casó con su primo hermano Don Manuel Sauto y Sein Doña María Micaela Sauto y Aguilar, bautizada en 1855 Don Francisco de Paula Sauto y Aguilar, bautizado en 1858 4.-Don Jesús Manuel Sauto y Aguilar, nace por 1790 y se casó con Doña Victoria Cadena y fueron sus hijos : Doña Maria Asunción Sauto y Cadena, bautizada en 1853 Don Jesús Francisco, bautizado en 1851 Doña María Guadalupe Josefa, bautizada en 1857 5.-Don José Luis Sauto y de la Cabadilla, casado con Doña Dolores Lejarza 6.-Don Pedro José Luis de Sauto y de la Cabadilla , bautizado el 22 de octubre de 1786, en Dolores Hidalgo, y se casó con Doña María Ignacia Sein, y fueron sus hijos entre otros: Doña María Concepción de Sauto y Sein, casada con Don Jose María de Sauto y Lejarza y fueron sus hijos a su vez: Don José Maria de Sauto y Sauto, bautizado en 1859 y se casó en 1880 con Doña Elena Tornel de la ciudad de México y Don Francisco de Paula de Sauto y Sauto, bautizado en
1855 Doña María Mercedes Sauto y Sauto, casada con Francisco García González y fue a su vez su hijo: Don Blas García Sauto, bautizado en 1893 y se casó en 1910 con Natalia Díaz Don Blas Sauto y Sauto, bautizado en 1888 Doña Consuelo Sauto y Sauto, bautizada en 1880 y se casó el 12 de junio de 1901 con Don Julian Malo y Juvera Doña Dolores Sauto y Sauto , bautizada en 1878, y se casó en 1890 con José María Hernández Don Francisco Sauto y Sauto, bautizado en 1883, y se casó en 1904 con Margarita Herrera Malo Don José de Jesús Sauto y Sauto, bautizado en 1875 y se casó en 1900 con Maria del Rosario Sauto y Sauto Don Baltasar María Sauto y
Sauto, nació en
1873, y se casó con Doña María del Carmen Aguilar Torres, el 24 de
octubre de 1894 y fue su hijo entre otros: |
Genealogia Cuban Cigars and Rum |
Dominican Republic Support for Chesapeake Bay/Yorktown |
[[This is an outstanding site.
Please look.]]
Among the files on this site is a
listing of Cuban Prisoners of Spain during the Spanish-American War Este libro pertenecía a Don. Arturo Casanova y es en su memoria que damos a conocer estas listas que forman parte del mismo. Editado en Enero 1908 y fue dedicado al Mayor General Emilio NuñezEl Sr. Pablo de la Concepción Sargento del 5to Cuerpo del Ejército Libertador ha escrito un Interesante libro que titula PRISIONERO Y DEPORTADOS CUBANOS EN LA GUERRA DE INDEPENDENCIA DEDICATORIA A la sagrada memoria de los que murieron en los campos de batalla y en las prisiones o fueron fusilados dando sus vidas por la Libertad RELACION DE LAS PARTIDAS DE DINERO
por persona Sent by Paul Newfield pcn01@webdsi.com |
Cigars and Rum In 1985, Fidel Castro gave up cigars and reduced his drinking significantly. Castro's position has been increasingly clear, "It's not that there is going to be a dry law. No. Those who want to buy will pay a lot. If there is one thing I can assure you, it's that neither cigarettes nor rum will ever be sold cheaply in this country." A bottle of rum that once cost 35 cents, now costs about $2.20. Castro's speech came before one of his favorite audiences: thousands of students from throughout the Americans, most from poor families, who attend Havana's Latin American Medical School on full government scholarships. O.C. Register, November 2002 |
Republic Support for Chesapeake Bay/Yorktown
Money Wiring Draws Scrutiny Bush Praises Spain Race has no Meaning Genetically. |
University Collaborates Modern Language Association Virreyes de la Nueva España (1519-1821) |
Money Wiring Draws Scrutiny, article by Minerva Canto,
O.C. Register,
11-23-02 Of the $23 billion in remittances, almost none of that is going through U.S. banks," said Donald Terry, Multilateral Investment fund manager. . . That means if takes about $3 billion for immigrants to be able to send that money, because these aren't people like you and I who use an ATM. Most of the immigrants interviewed in both Miami and Los Angeles revealed that most of them remain fearful of opening a bank account because are in the country illegally. |
Country Mexico El Salvador Dominican Rep Ecuador Jamaica Cuba Peru Haiti Colombia Nicaragua Guatemala Honduras Vietnam* |
Remittance |
% of GDP |
47% of foreign-born Hispanics regularly send money to their native countries. 57% make less than $30.000 a year. 47% have arrived in the United States over the past decade. 45% say they plan to move back to their native countries. 55% do not have credit cards. 72% rent their homes. 63% are younger than 40. |
Immigrant dollars sent overseas amount to less than 0.3% of the total U.S. gross domestic product. Jeff Collins, O.C. Register, 11-23-02 |
2002 estimate Source: Inter-American Dialogue and Viet Nam Ministry of Foreign Affairs. |
Praises Spain Washington * December 18, President George w. Bush and Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar of Spain met and focused on the strong ties between the two countries. Bush lavished praise on Aznar - calling him "one of the world's strongest leaders when it comes to our mutual concerns about keeping the peace and fighting terror." Among the stickier items between the allies right now is Spain's displeasure over being involved by the Untied States in an embarrassing high-seas takeover of a legal missile shipment to Yemen. Spanish ships boarded the vessel, only to see Washington send it on its way two later. Associated Press |
Race has no
Meaning Genetically http://www.cnn.com/virtual/editions/europe/2000/roof/change.pop/frameset.exclude.html CNN.com Science and Space, 12-17- 02 WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- The idea of race is not reflected in a person's genes, Brazilian researchers said, confirming what scientists have long said -- that race has no meaning genetically. The Brazilian researchers looked at one of the most racially mixed
populations in the world for their study, which found there is no way to
look at someone's genes and determine his or her race. Brazilians
include people of European, African and Indian, or Amerindian, descent. |
Woodbury University Collaborates
with Salvadoran University. Woodbury University has launched an innovative partnership with Universidad Francisco Gavidia (UFG) to bring an MBA program to Central America that emphasizes the e-commerce fundamentals necessary to compete in an information-driven, global economy. The first classes at UFG, a leading Salvadoran university, are expected to begin in 2003. Woodbury faculty, who assisted their UFG counterparts to develop e-commerce curriculum, will travel to San Salvador next summer toe teach classes such as e-business fundamentals, Internet marketing and e-business auditing and control. Woodbury has been offering an e-commerce concentration for its graduate and undergraduate students for nearly two years. The launch of the cooperative partnership was marked by a reception at Woodbury that included university, government and Latino business leaders. Among the dignitaries participating in the event were: Mario Antonio Ruiz Ramirez, president of UFG; Manuel Garcia, international advisor to UFG; and Baltazar Montes, president of Prima Ingenieros S.A. de C.V., the construction company building the high-tech "Edificio Inteligente" that will house the new e-commerce MBA program. A contingent of Woodbury official traveled to El Salvador this summer to work on the program. Source: Inside Woodbury, Vol. 4, Issue 2, October 2002 Sent by Gloria Oliver oliverglo@msn.com |
Latin Americana: Mexican and
Central American Collections The Latin Americana materials of the Bancroft Collection
evolved from Hubert Howe Bancroft's collecting and publishing
enterprises. Beginning with California and the North American West, his
vision grew to include Mexico and Central America, through the Isthmus
of Panama. |
Modern Language Association,
New York, 27 - 30.12.200 Estimado/a señor o señora: Deseamos invitarle muy cordialmente a visitar nuestra exposición de libros que se celebrará durante el próximo congreso de la MLA. La exposición tendrá lugar en el hotel Hilton, y nuestro "Booth" será el # 1205 A. Le presentaremos libros del COLEGIO DE MÉXICO y de nuestra editorial, IBEROAMERICANA EDITORIAL VERVUERT. Queremos resaltar especialmente la nueva colección "Nexos y diferencias. Estudios culturales latinoamericanos", dirigida por Mary Louise Pratt, Jesús Martín-Barbero, Beatriz González Stephan y otros. En el archivo adjuntado le presentamos los cuatro tomos publicados hasta el momento. Destacamos también nuestras revistas "RILI. Revista Internacional de Lingüística Iberoamericana" e "IBEROAMERICANA. América Latina - España - Portugal", esta última una revista internacional e interdisciplinaria (literatura, historia, cultura) de la que estamos convencidos es la más importante de su género publicada en Europa. Más información sobre RILI encontrará en http://ibero-americana.net/es/rili1.htm Pero vea Ud. mismo. Si Ud. no viaja a Nueva York, pero lo hace otro miembro de su departamento, le rogamos le facilite esta información. Deseándole unas felices fiestas, le enviamos un cordial y atento saludo, Klaus D. Vervuert IBEROAMERICANA IBEROAMERICANA C/ Amor de Dios, 1 Wielandstr. 40 E-28014 Madrid D-60318 Frankfurt Tel.: +34 91 429 35 21 +49 69 597 46 17 Fax: +34 91 429 5397 ó +49 69 597 8743 info@iberoamericanalibros.com http://www.ibero-americana.net |
de Cuera Questions/Answers |
(Hiram) Ulysses S. Grant |
Soldados de Cuera Visit Los
Soldados on the internet http://www.Soldados.org/StBarbara/index.htm |
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Soldados de cuera manned presidios on the Spanish frontier. Most of them were born in the frontier provinces of New Spain and were adapted to harsh living conditions. They came from a variety of backgrounds. |
Many were
mestizos, or
mixed European and Indian. Some were mulato. Others were criollos, or
Españoles born in America, and some were peninsulares or gachupines or
Spanish from the Iberian Peninsula. (See article about Pobladores
de Los Angeles.) The soldado de cuera was named for his leather cuera armor. The cuera was a heavy leather, knee-length, sleeveless coat. A soldado carried a shield or an adarga and had 6 horses and 1 mule at his disposal. Soldados were armed with a musket called an escopeta , 2 pistols of the same caliber, a short sword, called an espada ancha, and a lance or lanza. The uniform of cuera dragoons consisted of a short blue coat or chupa with red collar, cuffs, and lapels. Blue breeches or calzones were worn with buttons of brass. The Soldado used a black Texcuco hat that was wide brimmed, turned up, and held by a loop on the left side to handle the musket with ease. A black scarf or mascada negra de Barcelona and a blue cloth cape or capa were also issued. Officers wore a blue coat with scarlet collar, cuffs and lapels. The collar was edged with gold lace. A buff or red waistcoat was also worn with blue knee breeches. The hat was a gold-laced tricorn. The field uniform was much like the enlisted uniform only of better quality. Presidios on the Spanish Frontier were Caballarías or mounted soldier companies. They consisted of a Captain or Capitán, a Lieutenant or Teniente, an Ensign or Alférez, a Chaplain or Capellán, 1 or 2 Sergeants or Sargentos, 2 Corporals or Cabos, some 40 or so soldiers or soldados, and a number of Indian scouts. It would have been a rare occurrence to see a full presidial company in formation. The strength of a company was usually dispersed in small detachments on various assignments. In addition to garrisoning the presidio, soldados de cuera were detached to explore, to help establish new missions, to garrison existing missions as an escolta (escort or guard) to protect missions from hostile Indians, protect supply caravans, carry dispatches, and perform any number of other duties as assigned to them by the provincial governors. In response to a question about the number of duties assigned to presidial soldiers posed by an inspecting Spanish official, one soldado responded, "I have more duties than the Devil has Fallen Angels!" Presidial soldiers could advance themselves in a number of ways. They were paid a salary (which might not be collected for as many as 5 years at a time). They could also be given land grants or promoted in the military based on their ability to read and write. |
How long did the first U.S. secretary of the Treasury, Alexander
Hamilton, pay blackmail to the husband of his mistress? How did the
scandal come to light. Answer: For about a year he paid, until the husband was jailed for another swindle. Five years later, Hamilton revealed it all in a pamphlet written to draw a distinction between public trust and private morals. His wife the people generally bought his argument, evidently. He wound up with an honorable place in U.S. history. L.M. Boyd, Trivia, O.C. Register, 12-27-02 |
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(1491-1556) Founder of the Society of Jesus Its members are popularly known as the Jesuits. |
order grew out of the activities of its founder and six companions who
bound themselves by vows of poverty, chastity, and apostolic labors in
the Holy Land or, if this latter plan did not prove feasible, to any
apostolic endeavor enjoined by the Pope. Internet links to the Jesuits and their works: http://www.jesuit.org/resources/index.html Sent by Johanna de Soto |
(Hiram) Ulysses S. Grant I was born on April 27, 1822 in Point Pleasant, Ohio, and the eldest son of Jesse Root Grant Hannah Simpson Grant. However, in 1823, my father moved us to Georgetown, Ohio where I spent my childhood. I attended three different elementary schools, all three proved that I was no scholar, but I was the best hose rider, and known for my self- reliance, which would eventually help me in the future. When I was 17, my father was able to send me to the U.S. Military Academy, however through certain complications my name was messed up, and became Ulysses S. Grant, instead of my given name. However, instead of complaining, I just excepted it. I never wanted to be a soldier, just using it as a way to become a professor, as seen by my graduating 21st in a class of 39. In 1843, I graduated, and was commissioned a 2nd lieutenant. My first assignment was to St. Louis, Missouri , where I was introduced to army life, and continued my relationship with the sister of a west point classmate. However, in 1844, I was sent to the southwest frontier.
After the Mexicans surrendered, I was assigned to routine garrison duty. My first four years were pleasant, because my wife Julia, whom I married on Aug. 22, 1848, was with me. However, in 1852, I was transferred to Fort Vancouver on the Columbia River and my wife and young family could not travel with me. My next two years however, were extremely difficult spent in barracks on the West Coast, and soon found comfort from my problems in the bottle. Even though I was promoted to a captaincy, on April 11, 1854, I resigned my commission. Returning to Missouri, I settled on 80 acres of land with my family and tried to farm. I called the place "Hard Scrabble," because I had to bear all the work of clearing the land, hauling wood, plowing, and cultivating my crops. After four years I abandoned farming and set up an unsuccessful real-estate business in St. Louis. Finally, in 1860 I moved to Galena, Ill., to work in my father's leather shop. And then the war came. When the South seceded, I helped organize the first company of Union volunteers in Galena and accompanied the men to Springfield. However, because my experience as quartermaster, commissary, and adjutant in the field made him invaluable, I stayed behind and help organize other regiments. I longed for active duty, and sent in my papers to the U. S. Army, suggesting modestly that I was "competent to command a regiment." Failing to secure an appointment, I accepted from Governor Yates the command of the 21st Illinois Regiment, brought it under excellent discipline, and did well against the guerrillas in Missouri. On Aug. 7, 1861, President Lincoln appointed Grant brigadier general of volunteers, and I took up headquarters at Cairo, Ill. In February 1862, after much persuasion by myself, Gen. Henry W. Halleck, My superior officer, authorized me to move against Forts Donelson and Henry. With 17,000 men and a flotilla of gunboats under the command of Commodore Andrew Hull Foote, I captured Fort Henry on February 6 and promptly moved against Donelson 12 miles (19 km) away. When the Confederate commander there, Brig. Gen. Simon B. Buckner, asked for terms of capitulation, I replied: "No terms except an unconditional and immediate surrender can be accepted. I propose to move immediately upon your works." On February 16, Buckner surrendered with over 14,000 men. The capture of Forts Henry and Donelson, the first major Union victories in the war, opened up Tennessee to the Federal armies. For my victories, Lincoln soon made Grant major general of volunteers. My next battle was at Shiloh, or Pittsburg Landing, Tenn., on April 6-7, 1862. Early in the morning of April 6, Gen. Albert S. Johnston's Confederate army burst through the unfortified Union lines near Shiloh meeting house and threatened to drive my men back into the Tennessee River. However, the arrival of Maj. Gen. Don Carlos Buell's army, and the rebels loss of Albert Sidney Johnston, saved the day for the Union. When the news reached the North, a storm of abuse broke out against me, I was blamed for this bloodiest battle yet to occur on the American continent. However, I also had defenders, among them was President Lincoln, who simply said, "I can't spare this man--he fights." When General Halleck was called to Washington in July, I was left in command of the District of West Tennessee, holding a wide territory with few troops. On Oct. 25, 1862, I was made commander of the Department of Tennessee and was charged with taking Vicksburg, Mississippi. After conventional strategy failed, I now faced the most important decision of his career. Abandoning the overland approach, I moved my army to the position Sherman occupied across the Mississippi from Vicksburg. I cut myself off from communications and supplies from the North; my troops had to subsist on the country until victory. I drove inland to Jackson, Mississippi, and pushed Lieut. Gen. John C. Pemberton's troops on the west into the defenses of Vicksburg. After a regular siege, and without food for months, on July 4, 1863, Pemberton was obliged to surrender his 30,000 men. The victory cut off the Trans-Mississippi states from the rest of the Confederacy; and it brought the attention of the Northern government and people, towards me. In fact, President Lincoln wrote me a personal letter of congratulations and nominated me major general in the Regular Army. My next major engagements saw him in a different field of operations. In September the Confederate general, Braxton Bragg defeated Rosecrans at Chickamauga and placed the Union army in Chattanooga under virtual siege. I rescued the army, and on Bragg retired, demoralized, to Dalton, Ga. My new victory made me the man of the hour, and I was brought to Washington to receive the personal thanks of the President, a gold medal voted by Congress, and the newly created rank of lieutenant general commanding all the armies of the United States. I now gave the Union Army a concerted plan of action. I ordered simultaneous movements (commencing May 4, 1864) of all the Union armies--Maj. Gen. George G. Meade's Army of the Potomac, which I personally accompanied; Maj. Gen. Benjamin F. Butler's Army of the James; Sherman's Army of the Tennessee; and Banks' troops in Louisiana. Throwing enormous concentrated force against the enemy, I planned to batter the Confederates constantly and, if only through attrition, to compel their surrender. The advance of Meade's army into the Virginia Wilderness was skillfully parried by Gen. Robert E. Lee's strategy, but undeterred by the appalling loss of 17,666 men; I gave Lee no rest. Ane through the battles of Spotsylvania, Cold Harbor and Petersburg I pushed, until finally on April 9, 1865, at Appomattox Court House, Lee capitulated. Grant's terms were magnanimous, and Lee accepted them without question. Seventeen days later Johnston surrendered his army to Sherman, and the Civil War was over. I was then given the grade of full general (newly created) in 1866, and oversaw the sale of wartime surpluses, had the Indian frontier policed, and protected the gangs constructing the transcontinental railroad. The most ticklish part of his postwar duties related to the reconstruction of the Southern states. At first I was inclined to be easygoing with the ex-Confederates; and when President Andrew Johnson, Lincoln's successor, sent him on a fact-finding tour of the South in 1865, I reported that the "mass of thinking men of the south" were willing to accept their defeat. But Johnson's Pro-Southern policy and the outbreak of renewed violence and rioting in the former Confederacy disturbed me. After many disputes I joined the Radical Republican camp, supported the impeachment of Johnson, and became the obvious Republican candidate for the presidency in 1868. I easily defeated the Democratic candidate, Horatio Seymour, and won 214 out of the 294 Electoral votes. I was not a politician, and entered the presidency with no real comprehension of the powers and duties of my office. As such, I chose personal friends for positions rather than the strong leaders of his. My famous motto, "Let us have peace," was a slogan, not a program of executive action. I explicitly denied any intent to exert leadership over Congress and my party; I had no policy "to enforce against the will of the people," I declared. For the eight years that I occupied the White House, therefore, one is obliged to speak of the events of my administration, not of the actions of the president. After many scandals, I finally stepped down as President. The last years of my life were sad ones. After losing most of my money, Admirers collected a fund of $250,000, which they placed in trust for me; when the securities in which the fund was invested became worthless; however, I was so hard up for money that I had to sell his wartime swords and souvenirs. I became a partner in the brokerage firm of Grant & Ward, but like all my previous business ventures, it failed (May 6, 1884) and I went into bankruptcy. A move to have me restored to the rank of general, which I had resigned to run for the presidency, met political opposition and was not approved until the last day of Chester A. Arthur's administration (March 3, 1885). I had only a few months to enjoy the salary that Congress thus voted me. Afflicted with a cancer of the throat, I was heroically trying to provide for my family during these last years. The success of an article on the Battle of Shiloh, which I wrote for the Century Magazine in 1884, led me to plan writing my own account of the war in which I had played so large a part. In my sickroom at Mount McGregor near Saratoga, N. Y., I composed two volumes of personal recollections that remain one of the great war commentaries of all times. Published by Mark Twain, the Personal Memoirs ultimately brought my family nearly $450,000 in royalties. I myself did not live to reap the reward. Exhausted from my heroic battle with cancer, I died quietly at Mount McGregor on July 23, 1885, and my body eventually found its last resting place in the great mausoleum (dedicated 1897) in New York City overlooking the Hudson River.
Man is Fined $2.5 Million for
Looting Journey of Man: A Genetic Odyssey Language Developed 100,000 Years Ago |
writing traced to Olmecs in 650 B.C. Ancient skull clue to earliest New World arrivals Stones may hold Americas' earliest writing |
is Fined $2.5 Million for Looting Reno, Nevada * More than 2,000 artifacts, including 10,000-year-old sandals, were taken from an American Indian cave. Jack Lee Harelson destroyed what could have been one of the most important archeological cave sites in the Great Basin, Bureau of Land Management officials said. Before Elephant Mountain Cave was looted over several years in the early 1980s, it contained a 10,000-year record of human life in northern Nevada, including artifacts from the Paiute tribe. The site is in the Black Rock Desert, 140 miles north of Reno. Ultimately 2,000 artifacts were recovered, including the 10,000 year-old sandals that possibly were the oldest footwear found on Earth, said Pat Barker, a state archeologist for the Bureau of Land Management. Associated Press, 12-15-02 |
Journey of Man: A Genetic Odyssey by Spencer Wells
In Journey of Man: A Genetic Odyssey, Spencer Wells traces human evolution from Africa through Asia to the Navajo people of North America. The book was published in the United Kingdom in October 2002. It will be released in the United States by Princeton University Press in January 2003. Journey of Man premiered internationally Sunday, December 15, on the National Geographic Channel. It will air on January 21, 2003, in the United States on PBS. Consult your local TV listings. Extract of Review by Hillary Mayell for
National Geographic News December 13, 2002 |
Language developed 100,000 years ago Evolution: Gene that controls it reportedly showed up after split from chimps. By Nicholas Wade, The New York Times A study of the genomes of
people and chimpanzees has yielded a deep insight into the origin of
language, one of the most distinctive human attributes and a critical
step in human evolution.The analysis indicates that language, on the
evolutionary time scale, is a very recent development, having evolved
only in the past 100,000 years. |
writing traced to Olmecs in 650 B.C. Work of New World scribes unearthed By Thomas H. Maugh II, Los Angeles Times Dec. 6, 2002 Archaeologists digging near Mexico's Gulf Coast have discovered the earliest-known example of writing in the New World, pushing the date for the appearance of this crucial cultural implement back by at least 350 years to about 650 B.C. More important, the discovery of an inscribed seal and fragments from a plaque suggests that writing was developed by the Olmec civilization and not by the Zapotec, source of the earliest previously known writing, or the Maya, who brought it to its greatest level of sophistication. The discovery is triggering a debate among Mesoamerican researchers about the origins of civilization in the region. The most commonly accepted idea is that writing, kingship, the development of a calendar and other marks of civilization arose independently among cultures in the area, a concept variously known as "equal partners" or "sister" cultures. The new find provides support for the controversial idea of a "mother culture," that the Olmec developed most of the concepts and passed them on to succeeding civilizations in much the same way that the Greeks developed European culture. "The Olmec were the first to have large urban centers," according to archaeologist Mary E. D. Pohl of Florida State University. "There is tangible evidence of the emergence of kings (in their culture), people who had much more centralized control. Since the Olmec were the first to put together a political state, and writing is closely connected with rulers in terms of publicizing their power, it makes sense that they would be the first to use a system of writing." |
skull may be clue to earliest New World arrivals
Mexico City: A
13,000-year-old skull found in Mexico may help prove theories that some
of the New World's first settlers arrived along a Pacific Coast route
from Japan and not just across the Bering Strait. |
Extract: |
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Symbols carved on stones 2,600 years ago in Mexico suggest that the Olmecs, an early North American people invented the first writing system in the Americas and that the symbols were adopted by later native cultures such as the Mayas. |
The symbols were found on chips from a stone
plaque and on a cylinder stone used for printing that were unearthed in
an archaeological dig at the site of an ancient Olmec city near La Venta
on the Gulf of Mexico. Age dating of the artifacts suggests they were
deposited on the site in about 650 B.C. about 350 before the date of
specimens previously thought to be the earliest examples of
meso-american writing. The Olmecs are thought to have established a large and complex culture starting in about 13,000 B.C. They built massive pyramids, carved intricate and detailed sculptures and built large cities with thousands of people. The Olmec culture collapsed by about 400 B.C. not long after the Mayan culture began to rise farther south. |
Library Now Open to Public Vital Search Portal Genealogy Vocabulary If you lived as a child in 40's, 50's, 60's or 70's General Online Biography Sites Gedcom Strategies |
Help for Illegible Handwriting. International Sports Wow. . Hard to Imagine Common Mistakes in Genealogical Research Older than Dirt Those of us who are old enough A Time For Being Thankful |
Library Now Open to Public With nearly 80,000 titles onsite, the Genealogy Library is one of the largest genealogy collections in North America. Hours of operation are from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday (Closed holidays) and it is open to the public for research. The collection includes thousands of books that are not available in any other library. Available to the public are: family histories, county histories, military compendiums, periodicals, microfilm and microfiche, some private collections and personal help from friendly staff. Everton’s Genealogy Library is now open to groups of 2 to 50. Groups that are traveling to Salt Lake City can plan a day of research at Everton’s Genealogy Library, which is only 90 minutes away. Day-trippers are welcome and researchers who wish to stay for a few days have excellent lodging close by. Nibley, Utah – (26 December 2002) – Everton’s Family History Network has relocated to the site of Everton’s Genealogy Library in Nibley, Utah. Everton’s Genealogy Library, 3223 South Main, Nibley, Utah 84321, 800.443.6325, 435.752.6022 http://www.everton.com Everton’s Family History Network Voice - 435.752.6022 Fax - 435.713.7066 Sent by Lee Everton leverton@everton.com |
Vital Search Portal As a friend and former visitor to our Universal Search Portal http://www.vitalsearch-worldwide.com we would like to keep you abreast monthly of on-going database completions and developments. MONTH in
REVIEW: November
27, 2002 from The Vitalsearch Company
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Vocabulary (This Page updated:
7/7/98) ABSTRACT: a brief statement of the main parts of a document. ABSTRACT OF TITLE: a condensed history of the title of a piece of real property, including any liabilities to which it may be subject. ADMINISTRATOR: one legally authorized by the court to manage and settle an estate when the deceased has not left a will and named and executor. (female, ADMINISTRIX) AFFINITY: a relationship by marriage, rather than by blood. ANNO DOMINI: a Latin term meaning "in the year of our Lord". APPRENTICE: a person, often a minor, bound (sometimes by law) to a master for the purpose of learning a trade. APPURTENANCE: something that belongs to something else. Example: the buildings on a piece of real property would be appurtenances. ARCHIVES: a place where records are kept. ASSIGNEE: Person #1 received a land warrant from the government, Person #1 couldassign the warrant to someone else (Person #2). Person #2 now is called the Assignee, this term is used in the land deeds so the chain of ownership back to the original land warrant can be traced. The deed would usually say "Person #2 assignee of Person #1. ATTEST: to bear witness to something and affirm formally with your signature that it is true. BANNS: public announcement, especially in church, of intention to be married. BENEFICIARY: a person for whose benefit a trust is created. BEQUEATH: to give personal property by a will. BEQUEST: a gift of personal property by a will. CENSUS: a count of population which includes various kinds of statistics. CERTIFIED COPY: a copy of a document signed and certified as a true copy by the officer to whose custody the original was entrusted. CHILD OF TENDER YEARS: a child under age 14. CHRISTEN: to baptize an infant. CODICIL: a P. S. to a will. COLLATERAL: belonging to the same ancestral stock, but not in the direct line of descent. (i.e. aunts, cousins, etc.) CONSANGUINITY: a relationship by blood. CONSORT: wife or husband of a living spouse. CONVEYANCE: the granting of real property to another party. CURSETOR: Vagabond or vagrant DAUGHTERED OUT: a lineage that has no male heirs to carry on the surname DE VENTRE INSPICIENDO: writ which was sometimes issued by a presumptive heir-at-law which required the sheriff to summon a jury of matrons and a jury of 12 men to inquire if the widow was pregnant. The matrons examined her and reported to the male jury who returned the decision to the court of chancery DECEDENT: deceased person. DECESSIT SINE PAROLE (DSP): Latin for "died without issue" DEED: a legal document that contains the record of transfer of real property, or some other bargain or contract concerning the property. DEPONENT: person who gives evidence, especially in writing. DESCENDANT: offspring to the furthest generation. DEVISE: a gift of real property by will. DEVISEE: a person to whom real property is given by will. DOWER: the property to which a widow has claim upon the death of her husband. (There is no dower in community property states.) ESTATE: the total of a person's property, both real and personal. ET AL: a Latin term meaning "and others". ET UXOR: a Latin term meaning "and his wife". EXECUTOR: a person appointed by a testator (person writing will) to carry out directions and bequests in the will. (EXECUTRIX: a woman named in a will to distribute the estate) EXHERES: disinherited GAZETTEER: a geographical dictionary. GENEALOGY: an enumeration of the history of the descent of a family. GRANT: a general term applicable to all transfers of real property. GRANTEE: the person to whom a grant is made. GRANTOR: the person by whom the grant is made. GRASS WIDOW: a woman whose husband deserted her, who had illegitimate children or a discarded common-law wife HEIR: the person(s) who succeeds, by rules of law, to an estate upon the death of his ancestor by right of relationship. INDENTURE: a deed to which two or more persons are parties, and in which these enter into reciprocal and corresponding grants or obligations towards each other. INFANT: a minor, a person not of full legal age. (Legal term does not apply only to babes in arms.) INTESTATE: a person dies without a will. ISSUE: all lineal descendants of a common ancestor are his issue--not just his children. LEGACY: a bequest or gift of personal property by last will and testament. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION: often known as ADMON. The instrument whereby the probate court appoints someone to administer an estate of a person who died without leaving a will. LINEAL: being in direct line of ancestry. MANTUA MAKER: one who practices the art of fashionable dressmaking which required an apprenticeship MARRIAGE LICENSE: a license whereby permission is granted by a public authority for persons to be married. MATRILINEAL RESEARCH: The tracing of your maternal line: i.e. daughter, mother, grandmother, gr-grandmother, etc MORTGAGE: conditional transfer of title to property, as security for payment of debt. NON COMPOS MENTIS: not of sound mind or in a state of lunacy NUNCUPATIVE WILL: a will which depends merely upon oral evidence, having been dictated or declared by the testator in his last sickness before a sufficient number of witnesses, and afterward written down. PEDIGREE: recorded ancestry or line of descent...often in chart form. POSTERITY: descendants. POWER OF ATTORNEY: When a person isn't able to act for himself and appoints another to act for him, the document by which he does so is call a "power of attorney" or "letter of attorney". The person appointed becomes "attorney in fact". PRESENTS: means literally "this document or instrument". The phrase "by these presents" is used to refer to the document or instrument in which the phrase occurs. PROBATE: the act or process of proving a will. Also used as an inclusive term referring to all matters under the jurisdiction of the probate court. PROGENITOR: an ancestor in the direct line. QUITCLAIM DEED: an instrument by which a person releases all title, interest, or claim which he may possess in real property without making a warrants thereto. RELICT: a widow or widower, the surviving spouse. SURETY: (i) A Godparent (ii) A person pledged to give security for the performance of a bond, or for the proper carrying out of duties. TENANT: a person who possesses the lands by any right or title. TESTABLE: capable of making a will. TESTAMENTORY: pertaining to a will. TESTATE: one who dies leaving a valid will. TESTATOR: one who makes a will. TO WIT: namely. TRACT: a piece of land of any size. TRANSCRIBE: to write a copy of. TRUST DEED: This is a type of mortgage. VITAL RECORDS: statistics relating to birth, death, marriage, etc. WARRANTY DEED: a deed whereby the grantor warrants the title and should the title become faulty for any reason, the grantor (or his heirs) can be sued on the warranty. WILL: a legal expression of a person's wishes as to the disposition of his property after his death. YOUNGER CHILDREN: all children not entitled by rights of the eldest son--this includes daughters even though they may be older than the eldest son. This page started from a vocabulary list supplied by Bettie Dall Links to Other Useful Sites Oran's Dictionary of the Law If you know of other definitions that should be listed here please e:mail me with the info to be added to this page. Thank you! © 1997 http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/7241/ Sent by Elsa Peña Herbeck epherbeck@juno.com 210-684-9741 |
Online Biography Sites Biographical Dictionary: http://www.s9.com/biography/ A Million Lives: http://amillionlives.com/ Online Reference Shelf-Biographical References http://www.chabotcollege.edu/Library/onlineref/Biography.html Reference Shelf--Finding Biographical Information http://library.hampshire.edu/reference/biography.html LISTS OF BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES The library sites listed here are representative and are intended as a starting point to locating biographical information. These institutions do not loan out the references listed on their sites, but are intended as finding aids to indicate what printed biographical references may be available. Biographical References in the Western Connecticut University Library http://www.wcsu.edu/library/biog_ref_books.html Biographical Resources at the University of Illinois http://gateway.library.uiuc.edu/rex/instruction/guides/biog.htm Biographical References at the Newberry Library http://www.newberry.org/nl/genealogy/biography.html Biographical References at the University of Tennessee at Martin http://www.utm.edu/departments/acadpro/library/information_pages/docs/biography.htm Ancestry.com also has several important reference tools for locating biographical materials available to subscribers. They include: American Genealogical-Biographical Index (AGBI) http://www.ancestry.com/search/rectype/inddbs/3599a.htm Biography & Genealogy Master Index (BGMI) http://www.ancestry.com/search/rectype/biohist/bgmi/main.htm Sent by Johanna de Soto |
GEDCOM files A GEDCOM (an acronym for GEnealogical Data COMmunications) is a plain text file, nothing more; but it is formatted in such a way that attempting to read it in a text editor or word-processing program can prove to be a daunting task for most of us. The best way to handle a GEDCOM is not to open it like a regular text file, but instead carefully note what you named the file and where you save it on your computer. Then launch (start) the genealogy program you normally use, create a new file. The data will appear exactly like it woulf for any file you created directly within your genealogy program. Be sure to create a new file, giving it a unique name. You do not want to merge others' unverified GEDOCM date into you genealogy files. Source:Orange Co. California Newsletter, Vol. 36, Issue 12, December 2002 |
help for illegible handwriting! Lydia Kearney, of Mesa, Arizona, writes, "After waiting months for copy of my great grandmother’s death certificate, I was disappointed when I opened it. It was a poor quality photocopy of the original. The handwriting was illegible." She continued, "I used a magnifying glass and stared at it for hours. I showed it to every family member in hopes someone could read it." She said, "We had no luck." "The next day, while calling in a refill on my prescriptions, I had a wonderful thought: Who reads chicken-scratch better than a pharmacist?" Kearney grabbed the death certificate and hurried to the drug store for her prescription…and to see if the pharmacist could read the terrible handwriting. The pharmacist was able to read every bit of the death certificate. Mrs. Kearney wrote, "I gained considerable information, especially regarding the medical references." The Family Tree, August/September 2002 |
Sports An emphasis on sports of interest in Latin American countries. http://www.segundosfuera.com |
Hard to Imagine!
One evening a grandson was
talking to his grandmother about current events. The grandson asked his
grandmother what she thought about the shootings at schools, the
computer age, and just things in general. |
The most common mistakes in genealogical research are…
Than Dirt My Dad was cleaning out my grandmother's house and he brought me an old Royal Crown Cola bottle. In the bottle top was a stopper with a bunch of holes in it. I knew immediately what it was, but my daughter had no idea. She thought they had tried to make it a salt shaker or something. I knew it as the bottle that sat on the end of the ironing board to "sprinkle" clothes with because we didn't have steam irons. Man, I am old. I am older than dirt. How Many Do You Remember?? Head lights dimmer switches on the floor Ignition switches on the dashboard Heaters mounted on the inside of the fire wall Real ice boxes [Ask your Mom about that] Pant leg clips for bicycles without chain guards. Soldering irons you heat on a gas burner. Using hand signals for cars without turn signals. Older Than Dirt Quiz Count all the ones that you remember- not the ones you were told about! Ratings at the bottom. 1. Blackjack chewing gum 2. Wax Coke-shaped bottles with colored sugar water 3. Candy cigarettes 4. Soda pop machines that dispensed bottle 5. Coffee shops with tableside jukeboxes 6. Home milk delivery in glass bottles with cardboard stoppers 7. Party lines 8. Newsreels before the movie 9. P. F. Flyers 10. Butch wax 11. Telephone numbers with a word prefix (Olive - 6933) 12. Peashooters 13. Howdy Doody 14. 45 RPM records 15. S & H Green Stamps 16. Hi-fi's 17. Metal ice trays with lever 18. Mimeograph paper 19. Blue flashbulb 20. Packards 21. Roller skate keys 22. Cork popguns 23. Drive-ins 24. Studebakers 25. Wash tub wringers If you remembered 0-5 = You're still young If you remembered 6-10 = You are getting older If you remembered 11-15 = Don't tell your age, If you remembered 16-25 = You're older than dirt! Source: Angelo Sparacino coolgreen1@directvinternet.com Sent by Bill Carmena JCarm1724@aol.com |
of us who are old enough ---will really appreciate the
following: Looking back, it's hard to believe that we have lived as long as we have. As children we would ride in cars with no seat belts or air bags. Riding in the back of a pickup truck on a warm day was always a special treat. Our baby cribs were painted with bright colored lead based paint. We often chewed on the crib, ingesting the paint. We had no child proof lids on medicine bottles, doors, or cabinets, and when we rode our bikes we had no helmets. We drank water from the garden hose and not from a bottle. We would leave home in the morning and play all day, as long as we were back when the streetlights came on. No one was able to reach us all day. We played dodge ball and sometimes the ball would really hurt. We played with toy guns, cowboys and Indians, army, cops and robbers, and used our fingers to simulate guns when the toy ones or the BB gun was not available. We ate cupcakes, bread and butter, and drank sugar soda, but we were never overweight; we were always outside playing. Little League had tryouts and not everyone made the team. Those who didn't, had to learn to deal with disappointment. Some students weren't as smart as others or didn't work hard so they failed a grade and were held back to repeat the same grade. That generation produced some of the greatest risk-takers and problem solvers. We had the freedom, failure, success and responsibility, and we learned how to deal with it all. Almost all of us would have rather gone swimming in the lake instead of a pristine pool (talk about boring), the term cell phone would have conjured up a phone in a jail cell, and a pager was the school PA system. We all took gym, not PE... and risked permanent injury with a pair of high top Ked's (only worn in gym) instead of having cross-training athletic shoes with air cushion soles and built in light reflectors. I can't recall any injuries but they must have happened because they tell us how much safer we are now. Flunking gym was not an option... even for stupid kids! I guess PE must be much harder than gym. Every year, someone taught the whole school a lesson by running in the halls with leather soles on linoleum tile and hitting the wet spot. How much better off would we be today if we only knew we could have sued the school system. Speaking of school, we all said prayers and the pledge (amazing we aren't all brain dead from that), and staying in detention after school caught all sorts of negative attention for about the next two weeks. We must have had horribly damaged psyches. Schools didn't offer 14 year olds an abortion or condoms (we wouldn't have known what either was anyway) but they did give us a couple of baby aspirin and cough syrup if we started getting the sniffles. What an archaic health system we had then. Remember school nurses? Ours wore a hat and everything. I thought that I was supposed to accomplish something before I was allowed to be proud of myself. I just can't recall how bored we were without computers, PlayStation, Nintendo, X-box or 270 digital cable stations. I must be repressing that memory as I try to rationalize through the denial of the dangers could have befallen us as we trekked off each day about a mile down the road to some guy's vacant 20, built forts out of branches and pieces of plywood, made trails, and fought over who got to be the Lone Ranger. What was that property owner thinking, letting us play on that lot. He should have been locked up for not putting up a fence around the property, complete with a self-closing gate and an infrared intruder alarm. Oh yeah... and where was the Benadryl and sterilization kit when I got that bee sting? I could have been killed! We played king of the hill on piles of gravel left on vacant construction sites and when we got hurt, mom pulled out the 48 cent bottle of mercurochrome and then we got butt-whooped. Now it's a trip to the emergency room, followed by a 10-day dose of a $49 bottle of antibiotics and then mom calls the attorney to sue the contractor for leaving a horribly vicious pile of gravel where it was such a threat. We didn't act up at the neighbor's house either because if we did, we got butt-whooped (physical abuse) there too... and then we got butt-whooped again when we got home. Mom invited the door to door salesman inside for coffee, kids choked down the dust from the gravel driveway while playing with Tonka trucks (remember why Tonka trucks were made tough... it wasn't so that they could take the rough berber in the family room), and Dad drove a car with leaded gas. Our music had to be left inside when we went out to play and I am sure that I nearly exhausted my imagination a couple of times when we went on two week vacations. I should probably sue the folks now for the danger they put us in when we all slept in campgrounds in the family tent. Summers were spent behind the push lawnmower and I didn't even know that mowers came with motors until I was 13 and we got one without an automatic blade-stop or an auto-drive. How sick were my parents? Of course my parents weren't the only psychos. I recall Donny Reynolds from next door coming over and doing his tricks on the front stoop just before he fell off. Little did his mom know that she could have owned our house. Instead she pick him up and swatted him for being such a goof. It was a neighborhood run amuck. To top it off, not a single person I knew had ever been told that they were from a dysfunctional family. How could we possibly have known that we needed to get into group therapy and anger management classes? We were obviously so duped by so many societal ills, that we didn't even notice that the entire country wasn't taking Prozac! HOW DID WE SURVIVE ?? Sent by Bill Carmena JCarm1724@aol.com |
Time For Being Thankful The partner who hogs the covers every night, because he is not out with someone else.| The child who is not cleaning his room, but is watching TV because that means he is at home and not on the streets. For the taxes that I pay, because it means that I am employed. For the mess to clean after a party, because it means that I have been surrounded by friends. For the clothes that fit a little too snug because it means I have enough to eat. For my shadow that watches me work, because it means I am in the sunshine. For a lawn that needs mowing windows that that need cleaning and gutters because it means I have a home. For all the complaints I hear about the government, because it means that we have freedom of speech. For the parking spot I find at the far end of the parking lot, because it means I am capable of walking and that I have been blessed with transportation. For my huge heating bill, because it means I am warm. For the lady behind me in church that sings off key, because it means that I can hear. For the pile of laundry and ironing, because it means I have clothes to wear. For the weariness and aching muscles at the end of the day, because it means I have been capable of working hard. For the alarm that goes off in the early morning hours, because it means that I am alive. And finally . . . for too much e-mail, because it means I have family and friends who are thinking of me. Sent by Herbert Villarreal hgilvillarreal@hotmail.com |
12/30/2009 04:48 PM