Spanish Presence in the Americas' Roots
Co-chair: Judge Edward Butler and Mimi Lozano
is a collaborative effort to approach the goal of increased visibility
for the Spanish Presence in Americas Roots. SPAR will develop, support,
and encourage the efforts of many stand-alone, independent projects, and
publicize any organizations and events which promotes and bring
awareness of the historic Spanish presence in the United States.
Values Statement: We
intend to share the history of the Spanish presence in the Americas to
increase national unity in the United States, and to increase
international understanding of the valuable contributions of the Spanish
in the Americas. |
Battle of the Bay of San Diego Letty and Ed's upcoming presentations Heritage museum presentations Joe Perez
. . . |
effort to recognize the Spanish presence in the
development and growth of the United States is
not new. Many historians, educators,
groups, events, books, and museums have
contributed to include within the history of the
United States, the complex story of the
Spanish colonizers, who prepared the Americas
for the many nations which followed
them. The clashes, collisions, and
eventual assimilation of the Spanish with the
varied racial and tribal groups created a
people, struggling to identify, who they
Unfortunately, the very accommodating nature that helped our ancestors, by marrying into and with other social groups, it has made the Hispanic/Mexican/Latino a difficult to a identify a unifying Spanish heritage. Who are we? We divide ourselves into regional groups by colonial history, such as New Mexicans, Californianos, Tejanos, etc. or by later history, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Chilean, etc. we look at differences among ourselves, instead of cultural similarities. Those 500 years of our ancestral presence in the Americas, is further complicated with the more recent history of the last 100 years. The pervasive Black Legend against the Spanish is not a theory, it has been active since the 1500s, intended to demean the historic Spanish contributions, blaming most of the bad in the colonial period, and a huge proportion of current social ills to minorities, especially foreign-speaking Latinos. It is a situation which by excluding the earliest Spanish contributions, distorts the reason for the reality of the huge Spanish heritage growing population in the lands that their indigenous and Spanish ancestors together transformed.
sharing SPAR'S VISION |
=========================================== | ========================================= | |
Casas de
de España,
San Diego | San-Diego.html |
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Granaderos y Damas de San Antonio Joe Perez | |
========================================= | ========================================= | |
Presidio San
Agustin del Tucson
Monica Smith
| 196 N. Court Avenue Tucson, AZ 85701 |
========================================= | ========================================= | |
Rancho del
Sueño Robin Collins | |
========================================= | ========================================= | |
Society of Hispanic Historical & Ancestral Research ~ Leticia Pena Rodella | |
========================================= | ========================================= | |
Chapters: of
the Sons of the American Revolution, Judge Edward F, Butler |
San Antonio SAR:
National SAR: Texas Genealogicdal College: |
========================================= | ========================================= | |
Connection to the American
Revolution Association,
TCARA Jack Cowan | |
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========================================= | ========================================= | |
========================================= | ========================================= | |
Lozano P.O. Box 415 Midway City,
CA 92655-0490 |
sharing the Spanish culture and heritage
hosts events |
![]() |
Rancho |
![]() |
Rancho Del Sueno
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Society of Hispanic Historical
& Ancestral Research www.SHHAR.NET |
Through twelve collaborative projects, we will share
the Spanish contributions in the development
of the Americas to increase international understanding and national
unity. |
Please click for more information on any of the projects. |
1) 250th
Quarter-Millennial Anniversary of the American Revolutionary
========================================= | ========================================= | |
2) Books
and Research,
factual data which reveals an
honest assessment of the Spanish in the history of the United States and
3) Website: educational and promotional of all activities by SPAR and other groups promoting the concept. 4) Speakers & Power Point Presentations: share SPAR mission in the community.
5) Exhibit:
supplement and highlight Spanish contributions
6) Classroom
Lessons: integrative with and supportive of
Presentations and Exhibit.
7) Annual
Student Contests: collaboration with the Sons &
Daughters of the American Revolution focused on the Spanish leadership supporting the American Revolution. |
8) Revolutionary
War Commemorative Comic books: series regarding the
involvement in and contributions to the American Revolution.
9) Living
History Museum: Rancho Sueno, promote the Heritage
Discovery Center in Madera,
a California mission period ranch, home to a herd with DNA
traceable to the first Spanish horses in the Americas
10) Documentary: 6-part series on the Spanish presence and contributions in America.
11) Galvez
Opera: based on the life of General Bernardo de
12) Galvez
Movie: the life of General Bernardo de Galvez,
based on the book and research of Judge Edward Butler on
the heroic contributions of Spanish General Galvez to the
American Revolution.
in these
boxed gray dividers |
Quarter-Millennial Anniversary |
Ideas for Celebrating the 250th
Quarter-Millennial Anniversary on April 19, 2024 |
Ideas for Celebrating |
The celebration of the 250th Anniversary of the American Revolutionary War should be well planned and orchestrated. The following are just a few suggestions to prompt discussion:
Work with the US Post Office to promote a series of Rev.
War era commemorative stamps. ü
Work with the US Mint to promote a
series of Rev. War era commemorative coins and bills. ü
Design a commemorative SAR medal for
those who are members during the celebration, and a special medal for
color guardsmen who participate. ü
Ask radio stations, middle schools,
and high schools to participate by playing “Keyholes to History” one
day each week for a year ü
Design a video version of
“Keyholes to History”, and ask TV stations, movie theaters, cable
TV, and hotel chains to participate. ü
Ask the History Channel to create a
new Rev. War television series, and seek PSAs from them ü
Ask the France Society to schedule
Congresses in ü
Create a line of commemorative gifts
to sell online and in our gift shop. ü
Promote NSSAR historical seminars in
major cities around the country. Have
them videotaped, and sell the videos. ü
Prepare a series of appropriate news
releases and PSAs. ü
Lobby Congress to establish a
Commission for the celebration of the 250th anniversary, with
appropriate representation by the NSSAR; ask for a budget for the
operation of the commission; and ask Congress to pass a special
Resolution for SAR’s celebration. ü
Ask each state to pass a special
Resolution. ü
Create a special SAR logo for the
celebration. ü
Create a pictorial history of the
American Rev. War coffee table book. ü
Create a pictorial history of the
SAR coffee table book. ü
Obtain substantial grants to fund
awards for “Best History Books” for each major battle, biographies
of civic and military figures, French participants, Spanish
participants, naval battles, Treaty of Paris, etc. ü
Obtain substantial grants to fund
awards for similar articles. ü
Seek grants to sponsor cash awards
for best oil paintings, water colors, etc. of Rev. War events. ü
Buy paid advertising on radio,
television, magazines and newspapers, and promote the celebration
online. ü
Publish a “SAR Concise History of
the American Rev. War”. ü
Devise a better way to obtain
greater participation in our Youth Oration and Youth Essay Contests,
e.g. cash awards to the teachers and principals of the winners. ü
Recognize Congressional and state
legislative leaders with a special SAR medal. ü
Ask the DAR, other lineage groups;
the American Legion, VFW, and other military groups to partner with us
for advertising. ü
Set up Special Web SAR 250th
Web site ü
SAR Museum Board to plan traveling
exhibits ü
Ask Smithsonian to plan traveling
exhibits ü
Ask National Archives to plan
traveling exhibits ü
Seek from Congress: o
Budget through an appropriations bill o
Proclamations ü
Seek official labels for all
Government correspondence ü
Ask Cities and States to ü
Work with Army, Navy, AF, Marine
Corp and Coast Guard +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Commission
a special SAR medal to commemorate the celebration. Paid
advertising in Souvenir Program
Marine Corps Drill Ceremony at Marine Corps
SAR Rev. War Display at Post
meeting historical cruise or tour. |
========================================= | ========================================= |
George Washington’s 300th birthday on Feb. 22, 2032. |
========================================= | ========================================= | |
Edward F,
Lou Hoos, MGSSAR John Taylor, MSSSAR Russ De Venney, MOSSAR Rt. Rev. Lou Carlson, MXSSAR Jack Manning, NHSSAR Col. Peter Goebel, ESSSAR Sam Powell, NCSSAR Zach Hoon, OHSSAR Peter Keltch, OKSSAR Lanny Patten, PASSAR Peter Baron, TXSSAR Tom Lawrence, TXSSAR Joe Dooley, VASSAR Richard Brockway, WVSSAR |
Promotion of all activities
by SPAR |
Speakers & Power
Point Presentations:
Lessons: |
Student Contests:
Revolutionary War Commemorative
Comic books: Series regarding the heroes in the Spanish involvement in the American Revolution. |
Living History
Museum: Rancho Sueño promote the Heritage Discovery Center in Madera, a California mission period ranch, home to a herd with DNA traceable to the first Spanish horses in the Americas |
Opera: |
Movie: |
Initiation White Paper for the Bernardo de Gálvez Film Project |
purpose of this internal “Project Initiation White Paper” for the Bernardo
de Gálvez and the American Revolutionary War Feature Film
Project is to answer the all important question, why would anyone or
any group initiate such a project? Why would someone produce a feature
film on the life Bernardo De Gálvez and? Who would be
the intended audiences for these and, why? Therefore,
the starting point for the Project is the idea or reasoning behind why
this Project should come into existence. To answer this, we must
explore the major goal that has caused this project to commence. The
reason for creating this committee is for the purpose of informing the
world about the man, what it was he did, who he did it for, why what
he did was important, and why it is important to us today. What
it was he did Citizens
of the United States of America and many in other countries have only
just recently awoken to the contributions made by Bernardo de Gálvez
y Madrid, Viscount of Galveston and Count of Gálvez
before, during, and after the American Revolutionary War for
independence. His belief in the greater meaning of democracy and
freedom joined him to the American cause against the British. Destiny
had prepared him from an early age to lead, command, and inspire the
many that shared his dream of a free America. Indeed de Gálvez was
the right man, at the right place, at the right time to stand, fight
for, and defend the emerging American nation against the most powerful
empire of his time, Great Britain Those
who fought alongside him on behalf of the American dream for freedom
the Blacks, Native-Americans, Hispanics of the Western Hemisphere,
non-British immigrants to North America, and those multi-ethnic army
and navy members from the greater Spanish Empire gave their all to
make America a reality. Then there were those allied nations France,
Holland, Spain, Sweden, and others that fought or assisted in some way
in this “world war” being waged against British tyranny. Without
these countries and their commitment to the fledgling American nation
there would be no America today. It
is this man, Bernardo de Gálvez y Madrid, his army and naval
forces comprised of multi-ethnic and multinational freedom fighters
and those allied nations that fought against and overcame the tyranny
of the British Empire, that inspire all freedom loving people today.
Their honor, duty, courage, and patriotism ring as true in the 21st
Century C.E. as they did when these men gave their blood, lives, and
treasure for an America which was not yet realized. It
is because of these men and nations and their support in that
Revolutionary War that the Americans survived to create the greatest
free nation the world has ever seen. The Americans carried on
these traditions of honor, duty, courage, and patriotism in defending
their country. And when called upon by other freedom loving men
and women of the world, the Americans answered gladly giving their
honor, blood, and lives in WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and other
wars. This
book, “Gálvez” by Judge Ed Butler offers the reader a
passionate view of de Gálvez, a man of honor, and what his
deeds meant to the American struggle. Judge Butler does so by placing de
Gálvez within the context of a great world war, with all of its
international intrigues and complexity. Within its tightly written
narrative we find the courageous and wily Americans Washington,
Franklin, Jefferson, Deane, Pollock, and others plotting and planning
with the representatives of the allied nations against their common
enemy, the British. And when necessary the Americans are seen cajoling
their way to independence against unimaginable odds. The story unfolds
as a sweeping panorama of national struggles, historical events, and
war with all of its glory and loss of life. Judge
Butler then brings the reader to find a thankful, grateful American
nation with its military leader, Washington, walking in a 4th of July
1783 C.E., Victory Parade at Philadelphia with de Gálvez
honoring the Spanish General’s efforts on the part of American
independence. The
man De
was born into a most distinguished family of lower nobility on July
23, 1746 C.E., in the town of Macharaviaya, Málaga, España.
The family’s wish was to serve España. Choosing a military
career, he studied at the Academia de Ávila, España in
the area of military sciences. In 1762 C.E., at the age of sixteen, Bernardo
was made a cadet in the Walloon Guards, bodyguards of the Borbón
or Bourbon kings of España. While still sixteen, De
Gálvez enlisted as a volunteer in a war against Portugal
commanded by the Conde de Aranda or Count of Aranda and
became a lieutenant in the infantry. It resulted in Almeida a
fortified village becoming a part of España. The city
was taken on August 25th. Today, Almeida is a municipality in
the sub-region of Beira Interior Norte and the District of Guarda,
Portugal. During the next three years (1763 C.E.-1765 C.E.), he
served in France until he was nineteen as a subaltern in the Regiment
of Cantabria. Later, he was promoted to captain in the
Regiment of La Coruña. In
1765 C.E., he travelled for the first time to Méjico (Mexico)
City, the Viceroyalty of New Spain or Virreinato de Nueva España,
as part of the entourage of his uncle, José de Gálvez, who
was undertaking an inspection tour of Nueva España. In
1768 C.E., de Galvez travelled once again to Nueva España
with his uncle, José de Gálvez. By
1769 C.E., he was commissioned by Viceroy or Virrey Teodoro de
Croix to go to the northern frontier of Nueva España,
where he soon became commandant of military forces in Nueva Vizcaya
and Sonora. As a captain, he led several major expeditions
against Apaches using his Opata Indian allies. During
campaigns along the Pecos and Gila rivers in 1770 C.E.-1771
C.E., he was wounded twice but gained military experience that proved
invaluable a few years later. The name Paso de Gálvez was
given to a crossing on the Pecos River where de Gálvez
led his troops to victory in a battle with the Apaches. In
1771 C.E., de Gálvez returned to España and spent the
next three years (1771 C.E.-1773 C.E.) in France where he enrolled in
the Regiment of Cantabria to further perfect his knowledge of
military science, learn the French language, and immerse himself in
the culture. After
his return to España, he was assigned to the Regiment of Sevilla. As
captain of infantry under Alejandro 0'Reilly, he participated
in a failed attack on the African port city of Algiers
suffering another wound in 1775 C.E. After capturing the fortress that
guarded the city, as a reward for service, he was promoted to the rank
of lieutenant colonel and attached to the Military School of Ávila
as a professor. By
1776 C.E., he was transferred to the province of Spanish Luisiana
or Louisiana at barely thirty years of age and was promoted to colonel
of the Luisiana Regiment. On January 1, 1777 C.E., he succeeded
Luís de Unzaga as Gobernador or Governor of Luisiana. While
Gobernador of Luisiana, de Gálvez a single young
man met and married María Feliciana de St. Maxent, a young
widow. Bernardo adopted the daughter of Feliciana,
Adelaida, and within the next few years they had their own
children, Matilde (1780 C.E.) and Miguel (1782 C.E.).
Another child, Guadalupe, was born to them in Méjico City
on December 12, 1786 C.E., twelve days after Bernardo’s
death. Before
España entered the American Revolutionary War on June 21, 1779
C.E., de Gálvez did much to aid the American patriots. He
corresponded directly with Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, and
Charles Henry Lee helping to keep their hopes of freedom alive. De
Gálvez also personally received their emissaries, Oliver Pollock
and Captain George Gibson and responded to their requests by securing
the port of New Orleans so that only American, Spanish, and French
ships could move up and down the Mississippi River creating a lifeline
for the Americans. His efforts supplied them with large amounts of
arms, ammunition, military supplies, and money. These were delivered
to the embattled George Washington and George Rogers Clark. Once
España declared war against Great Britain, King Carlos
III commissioned de Gálvez to raise a military force and
conduct campaigns against the British along the Mississippi River and
the Gulf Coast. By the fall of 1779 C.E., de Gálvez took to
the field with 1,400 men and defeated the British in battles at
Manchac, Baton Rouge, and Natchez. With a land force of more than
2,000 men and a strong sea force de Gálvez captured the
British stronghold of Fort Charlotte at Mobile after a month-long
siege, on March 14, 1780 C.E. The
following year, brought the climax of the Gulf Coast campaign. This
occurred when de Gálvez directed a joint land-sea attack on
the British capital of West Florida at Pensacola. He
commanded more than 7,000 troops during the engagement and two-month
siege before the capture of Fort George at Pensacola on May 10,
1781 C.E. By May 8, 1782 C.E., de Gálvez’s Spanish forces
captured the British naval base at New Providence in the Bahamas. It
was while he was preparing for a grand campaign against Jamaica that
peace negotiations ended the war. After fighting had ceased, de Gálvez
assisted in the drafting of the terms of The Paris Peace Treaty that
would end the war. The American Congress would soon cite him for his
aid during the conflict. In
April of 1783 C.E., after the peace accords had been concluded General
de Gálvez accompanied by his wife and infant children on a return
to España for a needed rest. The following year, in October
1784 C.E., he was recalled to America to serve as captain-general and gobernador
of Cuba. By early 1785 C.E., he was appointed virrey of Nueva
España to succeed his father, who had died on November 3, 1784
C.E. De Gálvez and his family moved to Méjico City,
the region was then in the throes of both famine and epidemic. By
bringing to bear Nueva España’s resources and his own
personal fortune de Gálvez gave the exhausted populace hope
through this difficult time. These acts of kindness and support
endeared him to the people of Méjico City. There
are two acknowledged major in achievements of his while virrey
of Nueva España. These were the beginning of
reconstruction on the Castle of Chapultepec and the completion
of the Cathedral of Méjico, the largest cathedral in the
western hemisphere. Bernardo
de Gálvez y Madrid,
Viscount of Galveston and Count of Gálvez was a larger than
life heroic figure. He was a husband and father, a patriot, a soldier,
an officer, a professor, a diplomat, a gobernador, a Virrey,
and friend of the American Revolution and the American people. He died
of an illness on November 30, 1786 C.E., at the age of forty. His body
was buried next to his father's crypt in the wall of the Church of San
Fernando. His heart was placed in an urn and reposed in the
Cathedral of Méjico. On December 12th, eight days after his
funeral, his widow gave birth to their fourth child, Guadalupe. Above
all of these things he was a man of honor. He served his king and
country honorably, to the best of his ability, and with little concern
for his own safety. While doing his duty, he came to understand and
appreciate the importance of the American cause for freedom. Call him
an adherent to the enlightenment movement if you wish, but he was also
a lover of his fellow man and did what he could to help them. In the
Americans, he saw something special, a light that shined from within.
To these revolutionaries freedom was more than a word it was a passion
to be fought for and if necessary to die for. What it was he did Even
before the Americans announced their independence, he worked with
these Americans to provide the resources necessary for them to
continue their fight. He allowed the revolutionists to use Spanish
territory and waterways to supply and resupply their forces. This he
did because he believed in their cause. Who he did it for Before
and after the Americans announced their intent to become an
independent nation, he worked diligently to support their war efforts.
Through España, he provided these Americans with money,
armaments, supplies, food, and credits on a continual basis. If that
wasn’t enough, de Gálvez provided them valuable intelligence
with which to defeat their enemy, the British. Finally, once España
declared and entered the war on the side of the Americans he led army
and naval elements of France, España, and the Americans in
battle wining decisively against the British. His will, military
ability, and daring in the southern portions of the North American
Continent made American victory possible in the northern parts of the
fledgling nation. Why
what he did was important Bernardo
de Gálvez was
the right man, in the right place, at the right time which destiny had
placed squarely on the side of the Americans. His support and efforts
gave them hope and strength against the most powerful army and navy on
the planet at that time, the British. The Americans had a dream of
freedom and liberty of citizenship. The British crown saw them only as
subjects, to be commanded. When their needs were the greatest and
their cause seemed almost lost, he was there. When Washington had
arrived at his moment of despair at Valley Forge, España,
France, the Dutch, the other supportive nations involved in this world
war did not waiver. Supplies, armaments, and money had continued to be
provided to the Americans as agreed. And no one was more involved in
these efforts than de Gálvez. To
achieve those goals, firstly, we must ask ourselves what is the
relevance of Bernardo de Gálvez in the 21st Century C.E.
Next, how is he important to us, in this day and age? Thirdly, why
would anyone care about this man or his historical significance?
Finally, if he has relevance for us today, what is that relevance? To
achieve those goals: How
is he important to us, in this day and age? The
Hispanic population of the United States as of July 1, 2015 C.E. was
56.6 million, making people of Hispanic origin the nation's largest
ethnic or racial minority. Hispanics constituted 17.6 percent of the
nation's total population. Recent projections estimate that by 2060
Hispanics will account for 31 percent of the total population. The
Hispanic American past is as important to United States history, and
as rich, as that of any group in American society. They carved out a
community in St. Augustine, Florida in 1565 C.E., worked toward
liberty during the 1890s C.E., and fought for civil rights through the
courts in the 1940s C.E. Spanish-speaking peoples have made history
within and beyond national borders. Hispanic
Americans have important histories about Mexican Americans, Puerto
Ricans, Dominicans, Central Americans, Cuban Americans, and South
Americans published every year. As those books and articles
demonstrate, no brief summary can distill the diversity of this
Hispanic population; the many ways in which these groups have shaped
national institutions, American culture, or U.S. cities and towns; or
the heterogeneity of their perspectives and experiences. From
the arrival of the Hispanics in the 15th-Century C.E. into the early
21st-Century C.E., Hispanics built missions and presidios;
developed ranching, agricultural, and high-tech industries; written
poetry, novels, and songs; preached on street corners and from
pulpits; raised families; built businesses and labor unions; and
supported politicians and critical national and international
initiatives. Some trace their residency to Spanish-speaking or
indigenous forebears who arrived in Nueva España
or elsewhere prior to the establishment of the United States. Others
arrived more recently as immigrants or refugees in the 19th, 20th, or
21st centuries C.E. Hispanic Americans have been deeply embedded in
the economic and political life of America across many decades.
Hispanics have played instrumental roles in the development of the
America. Public recognition of this Hispanic past is long overdue. Why
would anyone care about this man or his historical significance? Bernardo
Gálvez led a 7,000 multi-racial, multi-ethnic man army in
North America which defeated the British on behalf of the American
Colonists, paving the way for the founding of this great nation. There
is a Hispanic American cultural and historical awakening happening
across this nation. Hispanics are finally beginning to understand
their rich pre-United States heritage as well as the part their
progenitors played in the founding of this nation. If
he has relevance for us today, what is that relevance? Young
Americans need heroes. Today, now, Hispanic Americans need heroes and Bernardo
de Gálvez is that hero. Americans need to know the truth
about Hispanics and the role they’ve played in the founding and
success of this great nation. There
are five important questions which must be answered before we actually
do anything: Who
are the key stakeholders? Patriotic
Americans and organizations (SAR, DAR, etc.) of all stripes, the
American military, American states, counties, cities and areas where de
Gálvez and his troops fought, American Hispanics, Native
Americans, Blacks, Spain, South and Central America, Méjico, Puerto
Rico, Cuba, the Netherlands, France, Ireland, Sweden, and
other nations. What should the stakeholders see as their role in the project? Stakeholder
roles should include planning, funding, and implementing the Bernardo
de Gálvez Feature Film Project. Each group should become
active participants offering their unique perspective on his
contributions and theirs to the founding of the United States of
America. What
is their perspective of what the project is all about? At
this point in time, stakeholder knowledge of the Project is in its
beginning stages. Therefore, their perspective of the Project would be
one of “outsiders” looking in with a somewhat unclear
understanding. The resulting stakeholder perspective regarding the
Project’s value, potential, and outcomes remains limited. Their
perspective is subject to change as the Project matures, public
education expands, and media attention is brought to bear. Are they prepared to commit resources to the project? The
Bernardo de Gálvez Feature Film Project leadership’s
opinion is, yes. Stakeholders will be willing to invest as they begin
to learn and understand the Project’s strategic scope, its
programmatics, artistic and cinematic potential, and appropriately
selected and integrated production, directing, and acting staffing and
personnel. What are the expectations for the Bernardo de Galvez - Revolutionary War Feature Film Project outcomes? Standards: 1.
History. The Stakeholders and other interested parties will understand
the impact of, and the significance of, national and international
decisions and conflicts which took place during the American
Revolutionary War. 2.
Geography. The stakeholders and other interested parties will
understand the impact of major events occurring during the American
Revolutionary War in national and various international geographic
locations. 3.
Historical Accuracy. The Bernardo de Gálvez Feature
Film Project’s leadership will apply critical-thinking skills and
professional competence to research, collection, organizing,
analyzing, and using factually correct historical information acquired
from a variety of valid sources, including electronic technology for
the purpose of producing the Film. Objectives: 1.
The movie going audiences will appreciate and respect the sacrifices
made by Bernardo de Gálvez, Patriotic Americans, the
American military, American states, counties, cities and areas where de
Gálvez and his troops fought, American Hispanics, Native
Americans, Blacks, Spain, South and Central America, Méjico, Puerto
Rico, Cuba, the Netherlands, France, Ireland, Sweden, and
other nations for love of country and the character it took to be a
good citizen and successful soldier. 2.
The movie going audiences will be able to gain greater appreciation
and understanding of the contributions/roles of Hispanic Americans in
formation of our nation. 3.
The movie going audiences will be able to articulate the contributions
of Bernardo de Gálvez and his army and navy during the
Revolutionary War.
Anniversary of the American Revolutionary War Celebration Committee The celebration of the 250th
Anniversary of the American Revolutionary War should be well planned
and orchestrated. The
following are just a few suggestions to prompt discussion: |
Work with the US Post Office to promote a series of Rev.
War era commemorative stamps. ü
Work with the US Mint to promote a
series of Rev. War era commemorative coins and bills. ü
Design a commemorative SAR medal
for those who are members during the celebration, and a special medal
for color guardsmen who participate. ü
Ask radio stations, middle
schools, and high schools to participate by playing “Keyholes to
History” one day each week for a year ü
Design a video version of
“Keyholes to History”, and ask TV stations, movie theaters, cable
TV, and hotel chains to participate. ü
Ask the History Channel to create
a new Rev. War television series, and seek PSAs from them ü
Ask the France Society to schedule
Congresses in ü
Create a line of commemorative
gifts to sell online and in our gift shop. ü
Promote NSSAR historical seminars
in major cities around the country.
Have them videotaped, and sell the videos. ü
Prepare a series of appropriate
news releases and PSAs. ü
Lobby Congress to establish a
Commission for the celebration of the 250th anniversary,
with appropriate representation by the NSSAR; ask for a budget for the
operation of the commission; and ask Congress to pass a special
Resolution for SAR’s celebration. ü
Ask each state to pass a special
Resolution. ü
Create a special SAR logo for the
celebration. ü
Create a pictorial history of the
American Rev. War coffee table book. ü
Create a pictorial history of the
SAR coffee table book. ü
Obtain substantial grants to fund
awards for “Best History Books” for each major battle, biographies
of civic and military figures, French participants, Spanish
participants, naval battles, Treaty of Paris, etc. ü
Obtain substantial grants to fund
awards for similar articles. ü
Seek grants to sponsor cash awards
for best oil paintings, water colors, etc. of Rev. War events. ü
Buy paid advertising on radio,
television, magazines and newspapers, and promote the celebration
online. ü
Publish a “SAR Concise History
of the American Rev. War”. ü
Devise a better way to obtain
greater participation in our Youth Oration and Youth Essay Contests,
e.g. cash awards to the teachers and principals of the winners. ü
Recognize Congressional and state
legislative leaders with a special SAR medal. ü
Ask the DAR, other lineage groups;
the American Legion, VFW, and other military groups to partner with us
for advertising. ü
Set up Special Web SAR 250th
Web site ü
SAR Museum Board to plan traveling
exhibits ü
Ask Smithsonian to plan traveling
exhibits ü
Ask National Archives to plan
traveling exhibits ü
Seek from Congress: o
Budget through an appropriations bill o
Proclamations ü
Seek official labels for all
Government correspondence ü
Ask Cities and States to ü
Work with Army, Navy, AF, Marine
Corp and Coast Guard +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Commission
a special SAR medal to commemorate the celebration. Paid
advertising in Souvenir Program
Marine Corps Drill Ceremony at Marine
Corps Barracks
SAR Rev. War Display at Post
meeting historical cruise or tour. |
========================================= | ========================================= | |
George Washington’s 300th birthday on Feb. 22, 2032. |
========================================= | ========================================= | |
Lou Hoos, MGSSAR John Taylor, MSSSAR Russ De Venney, MOSSAR Rt. Rev. Lou Carlson, MXSSAR Jack Manning, NHSSAR Col. Peter Goebel, ESSSAR Sam Powell, NCSSAR Zach Hoon, OHSSAR Peter Keltch, OKSSAR Lanny Patten, PASSAR Peter Baron, TXSSAR Tom Lawrence, TXSSAR Joe Dooley, VASSAR Richard Brockway, WVSSAR |
Books and
Research by Judge Edward Butler |
Galvez/Spain - Our Forgotten Ally in the
American Revolutionary War: A Concise Summary of Spain's Assistance by
Judge Edward F. Butler, Jr. Chronology of Events (High Points) Surrounding Spain's Participation the the American Revolutionary War by Judge Edward F. Butler, Jr. |
![]() ![]() |
So far, this book has won five
awards: Copies
of Galvez book: $29.00
George Washington's Secret Ally,
by Judge Edward F. Butler Postage &
Handling $6.50
per book order, add $1. for inclusion of a CD. 24165 IH-10 West Suite 217-170 San Antonio, TX 78257 |
dates of historical importance) by Judge
Edward F. Butler, Sr. (as of 4/11/11) Reprinted
from SAR Magazine, Winter 2014-2015, Vol. 109, No. 3, pp. 16-18. In May, 2010, my wife Robin and I
led a large delegation of members of the National Society Sons of the
American Revolution (SAR) to Spain.
We went to charter a new SAR Spain Society in Madrid, and to lay
a wreath on the tomb of King Carlos III in El Escorial.
We were invited to the Royal Palace for an audience with HRH
Crown Prince Felipe de Borbon. In
a casual conversation with Prince Felipe, he thanked me for my articles
that had been printed in the SAR
and the National Genealogical
Society Newsletter. He
suggested to me that I should write a book about Spain’s Assistance to
the colonists during the American Revolutionary War.
He said “[a]nd then, I would like for you to make a movie about
Spain in the American Revolution, and I would like Antonio Banderas to
play the part of Bernardo Galvez.”
This book complies with the first part of the Prince’s request.
I must leave it up to Hollywood moguls to make the movie. Many Americans are aware that the
French assisted American colonists in their battle for freedom with men,
money, credit, arms, ammunition and supplies.
They even gave our ship “Favorite Nation” status in their
ports around the world. Unfortunately,
most Americans are not aware of the tremendous assistance rendered by
Spain. In the Summer, 2009,
edition of the SAR Magazine,
there was a summary by me of the assistance rendered up the Mississippi
as far at Natchez and along the Gulf Coast.
Some historians have referred to this conflict as the first
world-wide war. This book will cover some of
Spain’s military and economic assistance to the colonies in what is
now Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Missouri,
Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana and Michigan as well as direct support of
General George Rogers Clark at Ft. Nelson[2],
which is now Louisville, home of the headquarters of the National
Society Sons of the American Revolution. Important events unrelated to Spain
are provided so that the reader can better understand what was happening
in the colonies and around the world, and thereby recognize their
assistance in context. To
have a better understanding of the extent of Spain’s involvement the
following chronology of events is provided.
Some scholars claim that Spain was
not an ally of the colonists because it never had a treaty with them.
It did have a treaty with France – “The Bourbon Compact”
which required Spain to join with France in any hostilities.
Spain both declared war on England and formally recognized the
independence of the United States. It
provided large sums of money, credit, arms, ammunition and supplies to
the American rebels. Safe
harbor was granted to our military and commercial vessels in Spanish
ports. Thousands of Spanish
army and militia together with their Indian allies actually fought
against the British, while the Spanish fleet and privateers attacked the
British fleet and harassed its merchant ships.
Spanish merchants even outfitted the ships of Captain John Paul
Jones, which enabled him to harras British port cities and its merchant
fleet. In determining if
Spain was an “ally”, actions speak louder than words.
It is for the reader to decide if the actions reflected herein
are those of an ally. 1492
Columbus discovered the new world and laid claim to it for the
benefit of Spain. His voyage
was subsidized by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain, and his
ships sailed under the flag of Spain.
So, why isn’t Spain given the credit for the discovery? 1493
Ponce de León y Figueroa accompanied Christopher Columbus on his second
voyage to the new world. Shortly
after his arrival, he was named the first Governor of Puerto Rico by King
Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain. 1493-1585
Spain colonized South America, Central America and North America
“to the Arctic snows”. ?????
Spanish explorers ______Pizzaro,
________Cortez, Hernando de Soto, and others traveled throughout
the new world. They were the
first to bring pigs and horses to North America.
Upon their return to Spain, they introduced squash, tobacco and
potatoes to Europe. 2
Apr. 1513
Juan Ponce de León y
Figueroa, after serving three years as Governor of Puerto Rico, obtained
a charter from King Ferdinand to explore “the island of
Bimini”, which he named “La Florida”, and which later became known
as Florida. He claimed
Florida for King Ferdinand, II of Aragon (Spain). 1513
Spanish explorer Vasco de Balboa discovered the west coast of
North America. 1514
King Ferdinand, II of Aragon appointed Juan
Ponce de León as the Spanish Governor of Florida. 1515
The first Royal land grants were issued by the King of Spain to
land now located in south Texas. 1520
de Quexoia leads a Spanish expedition from Santo Domingo that explores
the coastal region. 1521
Juan Ponce de León made
a second voyage to Florida, bringing some 200 Spanish settlers.
De Leon died from an Indian arrow wound.
Pensacola was settled by Spain in 1539, when Tristan de Luna
founded a colony there. Two
years later a hurricane sank his supply fleet, which caused all the
colonists to leave. It was
not resettled until 1698. 1540 1541
Hernando de Soto explored the Mississippi River area.
He became the first European to cross the Mississippi and enter
into what later became Arkansas.
The fleet of Francis Drake was damaged in a Caribbean hurricane.
They entered into San Juan de Alua, a port on the east coast of Mexico to make
repairs. The Spanish Viceroy
arrived two days later destroying most of their fleet. 1572
Francis Drake, with two ships sailed to Nombre
de Dios on the northern coast of Panama.
He had discovered that mule trains delivered silver and gold to
the port city of Nombre de Dios
annually to be loaded aboard Spanish treasure ships for transit to
Spain. He intercepted the
mule train and captured almost a year’s worth of Spanish silver and
gold. At this point in time,
England was a very poor country, while Spain and Portugal ruled the
seas. Queen Elizabeth hated
Philip, II, King of Spain. English
merchant marine captains were under instruction by the queen to disrupt
Spanish shipping. The crown
received a percentage of all plunder. Dec.,
1576 -1579
Francis Drake set out with five ships[3]
on the flagship Pelican[4]
(later renamed “The Golden
Hind”). His secret
mission from the Queen was to locate the Pacific entrance to the
“Northwest Passage”, that would allow England a short route to the
orient. He sailed around the
Straits of Magellan and raided Spanish ports in Chile, Peru, and current
day Ecuador. Spain had no
war ships in the South Pacific, so his plunder went unimpeded.
He was the first English captain to sail in the Pacific Ocean.
Sailing north of Peru, he seized the Spanish treasure ship CacaFuego
– the largest treasure ship ever captured.
The silver weighed 28 tons, and filled the holds of his ship.
Drake acquired the nickname “El Dragon” (the dragon).
He later raided the port at Hualtulco, Mexico.
After exploring the coasts of current day California, Oregon ,
Washington, British Columbia and possibly Alaska; and
stopping at “New Albion” for repairs, he then sailed around Africa
to return home. Upon his
arrival in England, Queen Elisabeth knighted him.
It had been a three year voyage. 1585
Sir Walter Raleigh established the first English colony in North
America at Roanoke, North Carolina.
The colony was later abandoned. 1585
– 1604
The Anglo – Spanish War was fought partly due to trade disputes
in the new world and English piracy of Spanish ships bringing silver and
gold from South and Central America across the Spanish Main to Spain.
El Dragon (Sir Francis Drake) continued to plunder as a privateer
for the Queen in Cartejena, Santo Domingo, San Juan and St. Augustine.
He became very rich. He
has been called the “Hero of the Decade”.
Upon his retirement from the sea, he became the mayor of
Plymouth, England. 1588
The sinking of the Spanish Armada by Sir Francis Drake and
Admiral Sir Robert Cross, was one of the main causes of Spanish hatred
of the English. 1589
The destruction of the remainder of the Spanish fleet and the
capture of Cadiz by Admiral Sir Robert Cross, was the crowning blow of
Spanish hatred of the English, which lasted well over 200 years. 1595
While pursuing treasure on the Spanish Main, Sir Francis Drake
died and was buried at sea. 1598
Onate settlers from Spain were the first settlers of what is now
New Mexico.[5] 1607
The Jamestowne colony was established in Virginia.
Jamestowne was the first English colony to maintain operations up
to and after the American Revolution. 1620
English Pilgrims establish the Massachusetts Colony at Plymouth. 1655
The island of Jamaica
was taken over by England and its chief settlement of Port
Royal became a new English haven for pirates in the midst of the
Spanish Empire. 1655-1692
English sponsored privateers (pirates) from Port Royal, Jamaica
preyed on Spanish treasure ships along the Spanish Main.
The primary target of these
pirates were the Spanish treasure ships carrying gold and silver from
the new world to Spain. The
English Crown received a percentage of pirate spoils from Spanish
treasure ships. Port Royal
was the largest city in the new world, and much more important to the
British than Boston. 18 Apr. 1657
The Spanish and British fleets fought a sea battle in the harbor
of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, in the Canary Islands. 1689 – 1762
Spain and its traditionally ally, France, were intermittently at
war with England:
The War of the League of
Augsburg (known in the American Colonies as King
William’s War);
The War of Spanish
Succession (known in British America as Queen
Anne’s War);
The War of Polish
The War of the Austrian
Succession (known in North America as King
George’s War and as the “War of Jenkin’s Ear”); and
The Seven Years’ War
(which American historians refer to as the French
and Indian War). 1698
Spain resettled Pensacola in 1698 to secure more protection from
the encroaching French. 1690
San Francisco de los Tejas Mission was established on the El Camino Real – The Royal Road linking Mexico City and San
Antonio, TX, and later in 1714 it was extended to Natchitoches, LA. 1692
Port Royal, Jamaica was destroyed by earthquake.
A new town named Kingston was immediately established by pirates
as a new port to continue plundering Spanish treasure ships. 1692 – 1720
English sponsored pirates continued to plunder Spanish ships from
Kingston, Jamaica. 1701-1713
The War of Spanish
Succession (known in British America as Queen Anne’s War). 5 May 1718
King Philip V of Spain had previously ordered Don Martin de
Alarcon, along with 50 soldiers to build a Spanish mission and presidio
at the headwaters of the San Antonio River and San Pedro Creek (in
present day San Antonio, TX). Alarcon
established the Presidio San Antonio de Bejar on this date to protect
the newly established Mission San Antonio de Valero (later known as the
“Alamo”). 1719
The French took Pensacola, but immediately traded it back to
Spain in exchange for New Orleans. Spain
owned West Florida as far west as Mobile.
The Treaty of Utrecht, which ended the Spanish War of Succession
(1713) gave England the right to transport African slaves to Spanish
territories in the New World. This
encouraged a new wave of piracy of Spanish treasure ships by England. 1722
The Marquis de San Miguel de Aguayo, Governor of Coahuila and
Tejas, abandoned the old Presidio and re-established it at its present
site. 1733-1736
In the War of Polish Succession Spain and France were pitted against
Austria and its allies, which included England.
At the inception of this war in 1733, the Mutual Assistance Pact
between the Bourbon kings of France and Spain was signed. 1738
A new dispute between Spain and Great Britain arose over commerce
between Europe
and The
Americas. Initially,
both sides intended to sign an agreement at the Spanish Royal
Palace of El Pardo, but in January of the following year, the British
Parliament rejected the advice of Foreign Minister Robert
Walpole, a supporter of the agreement with Spain. 23
October 1739
A short time later, the War
of Jenkins' Ear began, and both countries declared war, each side
drawing up plans to establish trenches near Gibraltar. Seeing
these first movements, Britain ordered Admiral
Vernon to sail from Portobello
and strengthen the squadron of Admiral
Haddock who was already stationed in the Bay
of Gibraltar. 1743
Spain and France execute a second Bourbon family compact for
mutual defense. 1744-1748
The War of the Austrian
Succession (known in North America as King George’s War). Britain
sent a huge expeditionary force to sack Portobelo in Panama, and then
attacked some Venezuelan ports. They
laid siege to Cartegena, but were repulsed by Spanish defenders.
Other British forces attached the Philippines and the western
coast of North America. Spain’s
fortifications, its fleet, and merchant marine were able to repel the
British offensive around the world.
The war ended in 1748 with the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, which
left the Spanish empire intact, while England lost trading privileges in
Spanish territory.[6] 1755-1762
The Seven Years’ War
(which American historians refer to as the French
and Indian War) was fought in the northern colonies and Canada. 1760’s
Visitor-General Joseph de Galvez wanted to protect Spain’s
valuable trade routes with the Orient.
This trade had surpassed the gold and silver being mined in South
America. He also feared that
unless the California coast was settled by Spain, some other European
power would attempt to take it. He
was aware that in 1579 Sir Francis Drake had claimed California for
England when repairing his ships at what he named as “Novo Albion”.
In the late 1760s he built a new sea port north of Acapulco,
which he named San Blas.[7] 15 Aug 1761
The “Bourbon Family[8]
Compact”, between France and Spain, provided that any nation which
attacked one nation, attacked both; and that when one of the countries
was at war, it could call upon the other for military or naval aid.
During the Seven Years War England invaded and occupied both
Manila, Philippines and Havana, Cuba.
At that time France was at war with Britain, so Britain responded
by declaring war on Spain and capturing the Spanish colonial capitals of
and Havana.
Two years later, after cessation of hostilities, Spain recovered
Manila and Havana in exchange for Spanish
holdings in Florida as part of the 1763
Treaty of Paris. 1762
Bernardo de Galvez became a military cadet.
Thereafter, he served as a Lieutenant in the Portuguese campaign. 1763
At the end of the “Seven Years War” (which we call the French
and Indian War) between England and the Spanish-French Alliance, Spain
lost Havana and Manila to the English in the treaty.
To get these forts back, Spain traded East Florida and West
Florida to England. Spain
received New Orleans from the French.
This treaty in effect removed France as a power in North America,
if not the Western Hemisphere. France
was left with only a few small islands[9],
or portions of islands in the Caribbean.
The first French effort to
colonize Guiana, in 1763, failed utterly when tropical diseases and
climate killed all but 2,000 of the initial 12,000 settlers.
So, before the Revolutionary War, with the exception of
Portugal’s holdings in what is now Brazil, Spain and England were the
only European powers in the western hemisphere.
It should be noted that England immediately established forts on
the Mississippi River at Natchez, Baton Rouge and Manchac (Louisiana),
with smaller detachments at Thompson Barrack and Fort Amit (both in LA).
England also made numerous attempts to control the Ohio River. New Spain occupied much of the new
world, including all land in what is now the United States, west of the
Mississippi and Canada “to the arctic snows”, plus Mexico, Central
America (from the northern border of Panama), Hispanola, Puerto Rico,
and Cuba. All of New Spain
was under the control of the Viceroy of New Spain.
TheViceroy served as the king’s personal representative.
The Viceroy of New Spain was assisted by two Captains General –
one for Guatamala, that included Central America and Mexico; and the
other in Havana, for the West Indies and Louisiana.[10]
Central and South America, except
for Brazil were part of the Viceroyalty of Peru.
At this time in addition to the 13 American colonies, Britain
owned Canada (subject to the claims of Spain in the west), Bermuda, the
Bahamas, Jamaica, Florida and West Florida in the western hemisphere.
In the Mediterranean, England owned Minorca, Majorca and
Gibraltar. Spain’s reasons for establishing
colonies in the new world were originally to exploit the mineral wealth
and to spread Christianity. New
Spain was at first a great source of mineral wealth, but during the
latter half of the 18th century, most of the easily mined
minerals were exhausted. Trade
with the Orient through its possession in the Philippines[11]
replaced the wealth lost by the diminishing value of minerals it could
exploit. Treasure galleons
sailed from Manila with silks and spices from the Orient to Acapulco,
Mexico, where the Oriental treasures were carried by mule train across
the mountains to the Gulf of Mexico port of Veracruz.
From Veracruz the goods were shipped through the Spanish Main to
Spain, sometime through Havana. Silver,
gold and other minerals which continued to be mined in New Spain were
also transported to Veracruz for shipment.[12] 1763-1773
Havana was viewed as the gateway to the “Spanish Sea”, which
King Charles called the Gulf of Mexico.
Charles, III sought to reinforce and strengthen its presence in
Cuba, now that it had been returned to Spain at the peace table.
Conde de Ricla, Antonio Maria Bucareli, the Marques de la Torre,
and Diego Joseph Navarro each served in the important post of Captain
General of Cuba. Each
obtained Spanish “observers” to monitor the English and to serve
“as a network of contacts, agents, and operatives whose primary job
was to collect news about those (English) colonies”.
Captains of Spanish navy ships were required to routinely report
on the movement of British vessels.
These operatives also included sea captains from the Spanish
commercial fleet and important merchants.
The latter initially served as spies and couriers, but later were
directly involved in the transportation of money, arms, ammunition, and
supplies to the rebelling British colonists.[13] 1763-1774
During this period Indians frequently attacked settlers in the
western portions of many of the colonies.
Benjamin Franklin was one of the organizers of a colonial militia
in Pennsylvania, which King George stopped.
King George was afraid to allow the colonists to be armed.
Instead, he sent additional red coats to the colonies, but they
were posted in coastal cities, which afforded no protection to those
living near the frontier.[14] Because of these Indian attacks and
due to the passage of the “Intolerable Acts” by the English
Parliament, the colonists felt they needed protection from the Crown.
The seeds if revolution had been sewn.
Throughout the colonies “Committees of Safety” grew up.
These committees of safety immediately began looking for
suppliers of arms and ammunition. For
many years the New England fishermen had established strong commercial
ties with businessmen in Spain, such as Joseph Gardoqui and Sons.
By 1774 Gardoqui and Sons was clandestinely providing arms,
ammunition and military supplies to the colonists.
It was these arms the redcoats were sent to retrieve in 1775,
when the “shot heard around the world” was fired on Lexington Green.
Like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon, on April 19, 1775,
from New England to the Carolinas, the colonial Committees of Safety
transformed into Minutemen. 1763 – 1782
Spain colonized California from the end of the Seven Years War
until 1782. Their first
Pacific coast base was established at San Blas, then in New Galicia (in
current day Nayarit, near Puerto Vallarta, MX).
In each base there were the religious missions, the military
presidios and civilian pueblos. Many
soldiers retired there and became civilian leaders as well as remaining
in the militia. The Presidio
of San Diego was established in 1769, followed by Monterrey in 1770; and
missions were started in San Carlos (present day Carmel) in 1770, San
Antonio in 1771, and San Luis Obispo in 1772.
By 1776 Josef de Galvez was promoted
to Minister of the Indies. He
proposed three changes in government to King Carlos, all of which were
approved: 1.
Separating the military and civil functions by putting all
military actions under a Commandante-General of the Provincias Internas; 2.
Realignment of the of the Presidios so they would become
mutually supportive; and 3.
Moving the military command center to the north so it
would remain focused on frontier problems.[15] San Juan Capistrano and San
Francisco were both established in 1776, followed by a new mission in
Santa Clara and a pueblo in San Jose.
Some 240 people were transported to San Francisco, together with
livestock and equipment.[16]
A pueblo was started in Los Angeles in 1781 and the fourth
presidio was organized at Santa Barbara in 1782, together with the ninth
mission at San Buenaventura that same year.[17]
The establishment of military posts along the California may have
dissuaded Captain Cook from mischief during his Pacific voyage during
the American Revolution. Irrespective,
the Spanish troops were ready for battle. Apr. 21, 1764
King Louis XV by letter dated April 21, 1764 to the governor of
Louisiana, ceded Louisiana
to Spain. Antonio de Ulloa,
the first Spanish Governor, was very ineffective in securing the loyalty
of the mostly French inhabitants. Ulloa
was expelled in late 1768. He
was replaced by the infamous General Alexandro O’Reilly, who
immediately reformed the government.
His cruel enforcement led to trials for treason, which resulted
in the execution of five of the participants who led the uprising
against Ulloa. From that
time forward, there was little problem in getting French settlers in
Louisiana to take an oath to follow the king of Spain.[18]
Bernardo de Galvez traveled to Mexico with his uncle,
______ Galvez as a Captain of infantry. 1767
By 1767, San Antonio included the Presidio, Captain’s quarters,
guard house, Plaza, several official buildings, the church and the Alamo
Mission.[19] 1770
Bernardo de Galvez fought Apaches in New Spain, receiving a wound
from an arrow in the arm and two lance thrusts to the chest. Jun. 1770
Following incursions by England into the disputed claim to the
Malvinas (referred to as the Falkand Islands by England), a military
force was sent by the Spanish Governor in Buenas Aires.
The Spanish military forcibly evicted the British.[20] 1771
Louisiana Governor Unzaga was ordered to form a militia of 12
companies in Louisiana. New
Orleans would retain three companies, with the remaining 9 to be
distributed to the other districts.[21] 1772
Bernardo de Galvez returned to Spain with his uncle.
He was appointed as military liaison to a French infantry unit.
It was at this time that he learned to speak French fluently. 1772
Following a tour in 1763 by the Marquis de Rubi to inspect the
Spanish frontier presidios to determine their continued use, King
Carlos, III issued the Royal
Regulations of 1772, which included an order that the capital of
Spanish Texas should be moved from Los Adaes, near Nachitoches, in
Louisiana, to the Presidio San Antonio de Bejar.
This precipitated a move by the Governor, to take command of the
Presidio. Jun. 9 – Jul. 22, 1772
George Rogers Clark, as a young gentleman of 19 years of age,
from Virginia, made his first exploration of the territory beyond Fort
At age 20 he moved to the Ohio River valley and built a cabin
before January, 1773, in Grave Creek Township.
This was near the mouth of Fish Creek, about 25 miles downstream
from Whelling Creek. There
he farmed, surveyed and interacted with his neighbors.
He was among the first Kentuckians to volunteer their services
against the British following Lexington and Concord.[23] In the Spring of 1775 Clark left
Fish Creek to assume his duties as the newly appointed deputy surveyor
for the Ohio Company, hoping in the process to become a member of the
landed gentry.[24] 1773
By 1773 San Antonio was not only the capital, but also the
largest town in Texas, with five active missions, a pueblo and a
Presidio.[25] Dec. 16, 1773
The Boston Tea Party occurred in Boston Harbor.
This was the first open act of rebellion toward King George by
his colonial subjects. 1774
By 1774, the firm of Joseph Gardoqui and Sons of Bilbao, Spain,
had a well established on ongoing shipping business with Marblehead, MA
firm of Thomas Gerry (1702-1774). Joseph
Gardoqui had been doing business with the colonial fish merchants from
Marblehead since 1741.[26]
In 1763 Thomas Lee of Marblehead named a 110 ton ship used for
transporting dried cod to Bilbao, the Gardoqui, to honor his trading partners.[27]
Thomas Gerry was the father of signer of the Declaration of
Independence, Elbridge Gerry.[28]
The Gerry firm had also established business contacts in England,
Portugal, and the West Indies. Their
main commodity for export was dried, salted cod, which they exchanged
for salt, wine, raisans, lemons, solid specie and lines of credit.[29] The possession of Gun powder in the
colonies became an issue in the early 1770s.
By the start of the American Revolution, gun powder was one of
the most sought after commodities. Both
the Crown and the insurgents realized that armed resistance could not
succeed without gun powder. The
English Parliament ordered General Thomas Gage to send his redcoats into
the countryside around Boston to seek out and capture stores of gun
British Vice Admiral Samuel Graves, was also directed to use the English
navy to position itself off the coast of Massachusetts to stop vessels
on the high seas and to seize gun powder to prevent it from getting to
the colonists.[31]
As the British military clamped down on the import of gun powder,
the colonists broadened their search for suppliers. The records of the Gardoqui firm in
March, 1774, reflect that it shipped to North America “blankets,
gunpowder, quinine, bayonets and walking sticks, cordage rigging,
muskets, cloth for tents, salt” and other goods by the ships Union, Joseph Lee, Rockingham, George, Tryall, and Two
Brothers. Upon their
return these ships contained cargoes of cod, tobacco, rice, flour,
turpentine, and indigo. A
separate record for the same month reflects that “blankets, canvas,
anchors, cordage rigging, fabrics and salt” were shipped to North
America on the Lydia, Neptuno,
George and Nancy.
A third record of shipments that same month reflects shipments of
“Blankets, canvas, quinine, cloth for uniforms, anchors and salt” to
North America on the Lydia,
Charlotte, Neptuno, Alexander, Success, Tabby, John Wennesly Deal,
Scorpion, Lively, Hawk, and the La
Estrella del Norte.[32]
It should be noted that the above shipments were all from March,
1777. Where this
support differs from that received by France is that the freight, prices
and expenses of these shipments were paid for by the Spanish state.[33] Dec. 1774
By December, 1774, the Massachusetts Committee of Supplies was
looking at Spain as a supplier of arms, military supplies and gun
powder. The most important
Spanish trading company was that of Joseph Gardoqui and Sons, in Bilbao,
Spain. They had already
enjoyed a long and successful trading experience with the Gerry family.[34] On December 16, 1774, Jeremiah Lee,
on behalf of the Massachusetts Committee of Supplies, wrote to the
Gardoquis, asking for the help of Spanish merchants to obtain military
arms, ammunition, and supplies from European sources.
They knew that if an open conflict arose between the colonists
and England, they would need large supplies of cannon, small arms, gun
powder, quinine, blankets, rigging for ships.
It was personally carried from Lee to Gardoqui by Michael Corbert,
the Irish mariner, who acquired some notoriety when he resisted British
naval impressments in 1769. Lee
had been made master of one of Lee’s transatlantic ships. On February 15, 1775, Joseph
Gardoqui responded to Jeremiah Lee and the Massachusetts Committee of
Supplies request for assistance, and expressed his sympathy with and
support for the colonists. He
informed Lee that he had obtained “300 muskets & Bayonets &
and about double the number of Pair of Pistols.”
Shipping gun powder could not be done “unless we have timely
advice, for whatever is made in this Kingdom is for the Government.”
In his letter he also informed the colonists that they were
determined to support them in their goals: We
see with the utmost concern the difficulties You labor under by an
unpolitical Minister’s wrong direction of Affairs, But hope the
Present Parliament will look into them with clearer light, & will
find proper means to accommodate Matters, without going any further,
allowing you your just Rights & Liberties, which we do assure you we
long to see it settled with all our hearts; but
should it be otherwise (God forbid) command freely and you will
find us at your service. . . . We
hourly look out for the London Post, should it bring anything Worth our
notice, you may depend on being advised.[35] In July, 1775, Elbridge Gerry on
behalf of the Massachusetts Committee of Supplies, wrote the following
to Joseph Gardoqui, who had offered to provide military supplies to the
colonists: [T]he
Ministry in Britain have been endeavoring to keep a supply of powder
from the Colonies, well knowing that they cannot enslave them by any
other Means. .
. . The
Friendship of foreign Factors in this Matter cannot fail of making them
respectable & securing to themselves the Interest of these Colonies.
… cheerfully allow such a Compensation for your Services as You shall
think reasonable. [36] Following Lee’s death in early
1775, Gerry and the Massachusetts Committee of Supplies dispatched
Gerry’s vessel “the Rockingham”[37]
with 1,000 Pounds Sterling and 650 Pounds in Bills of Exchange to Joseph
Gardoqui and Sons with instructions that the money was to
be used “to be invested in good pistol & Cannon powder –
half each.”[38] Spanish merchants thus, had every
reason to believe that lucrative war-time contracts would remain
available during the conflict between England and its North American
colonists. Since there was
no love lost with England, and since they had a long standing business
relationship with the colonial merchants, Gardoqui was very sympathetic
to their cause. By letter dated February 2, 1777,
Elbridge Gerry reported to the Continental Congress that Messers Joseph
Gardoqui and Sons had been directed to invest half the proceeds of three
cargoes of fish he recently sent them with
the effects that may be left on the Rockingham & cargo in 100,000
good musket flints, 20 tons Lead, 1000 soldier blankets, 5000 yards
Ticklinburg suitable for Soliers Tents, & the Residue in good
Muskets and Bayonets, to be procured in France if cheaper there that at
Bilbao, & shipped to a port northward of Boston. In addition to gun powder and
military supplies, the Gardoqui firm was also able to supply the
colonists with needed manufactured goods that England refused to ship to
the colonies. When the
Massachuttes cod was delivered, Bills of Exchange were deposited in
accounts with English merchants. Then,
the needed manufactured goods were purchased in England, then shipped to
Spain and from there transported by ship to the colonies.[39] In a very important historical
message from Arthur Lee to Count Floridablanca, Lee related how Spain
intended to assist the Americans until Spain entered the war.
He had just been informed of this assistance by the Marquis de
Grimaldi, the Spanish Minister of State.
Grimaldi had informed Lee that King Carlos, III had sincere
desire to see their rights and liberties established, and of his
assisting them as far as may be consistent with his own situation; that
for this purpose the house of Gardoqui, at Bilbao, would 1) send them
supplies for their army and navy from time to time; 2) that they would
find some ammunition and clothing deposited for them at New Orleans, .
. . 3) that their
vessels should be received at the Havana upon the same terms with those
of France; 4) that the ambassador at Paris should have directions
immediately to furnish their commissioners with credit in Holland; . . .
5) that his majesty would do these things out of the graciousness of his
royal disposition, without stipulating any return, and 6) that if upon
inquiry any able veteran officers could be spared from his Irish brigade
the States should have them.[40]
[numbering added for emphasis]. The next day (March 18, 1777)
Commissioner Arthur Lee reported to the Continental Congress Committee
of Secret Correspondence on that he had visited with Joseph Gardoqui and
negoitiated a ship to America ladened with salt, sail and tent cloth,
cordage, blankets and “warlike stores”, and an assortment of drugs
for the three prevailing camp diseases.
The captain had been instructed to head for Philadelphia and wait
for orders. He further
reported that the Gardoquis had promised to secure the items on the
colonial shopping list and have them ready for transport from Bilbao to
America. He noted that the
Gardoquis were highly respectable businessmen, and praised their zeal in
the American cause. Of note
was their connection with the Royal Court and their willingness to serve
as interpreters in the conduct of American business in Spain.[41] On September 1, 1777, Elbridge Gerry
wrote to Joseph Gardoqui and Sons, advising that the ship Lydia had
arrived in Portsmouth, New Hampshire with its much needed supplies.
He warned that it would be difficult for this ship to return
immediately due to the large number of British warships along the coast.[42] In addition to serving as factors to
provide supplies to the colonists, the Gardoqui firm also served as a
bank. It financed many of
the shipments from Spain to the colonies – sometime with the help of
King Carlos, III.[43] Commercial business then was much
similar to that of today as concerns “commercial information”.
The Gardoqui firm, and other Spanish merchants provided much
needed information to the colonists regarding the prices of goods,
consumer demand, and possibly trade secrets.
In addition to commercial espionage, Gardoqui provided much
needed information about British troop movements to the colonists.[44] Much of the supplies provided by
Spain were secreted among the cargoes of merchant ships.
The records of the financial assistance was also hidden in
private account books. These
are two of the reasons that Spain’s assistance has not been well known
to historians before now. Sometimes,
the records are only available as a footnote in the Journals of
Congress, such as the 95 bales shipped by Gardoqui and Sons on December
5, 1778 on the vessel North Star.[45] Through 1780 Gardoqui had been
provided with bills of exchange totaling at least 880,000 Spanish Reales,
and for 1781 additional bills of exchange totaling 3,000,000 Spanish
Reales.[46] The assistance to the colonists by
the Gardoqui firm did not go unnoticed by Britain.
Lord Grantham, the British Minister at Madrid stated that: [T]he
House of Gardoqui is very active. They
have long had connection with Great Britain and America, but in the
present contest (the American Revolution), though they pretend to wish
it was ended, they have adhered to the latter with great partiality.[47] The Gardoqui firm was so well
thought of by George Washington, that on both May 24, 1779 and June 6,
1779 the word “Bilbao” was the password, and the word “Gardoqui”
was the countersign for his troops.[48] Joseph Gardoqui also periodically
inform the Continental Congress of the movement of troops.
By letter dated July 12, 1780 to William Livingston, he informed
the Congress that 12 Spanish ships of the line and 130 transports (10 of
which contained between 30-44 guns each) with 12,000 Spanish troops had
sailed from Cadiz, Spain to America on June 23, 1780; and that another
fleet with 8 ships of the line had departed from Brest, with an
additional 6,000 troops headed toward America.[49] Joseph Gardoqui’s son, Don Diego Maria
de Gardoqui represented Spain’s interests in the peace
negotiations during 1783. He
became Spain’s first Ambassador to the United States.
During his presidential
inauguration in 1789, George Washington
invited Diego Maria de Gardoqui, to stand with him at Federal Hall. The
honor was payback for the wartime that Spain
and de Gardoqui himself, a prosperous banker from Bilbao,
had provided. 1775
Bernardo de Galvez participated in the Spanish expedition to
expel the Moors from Algeria, during which he received another severe
wound. He was promoted to
Lt.Colonel and served for a short time as an instructor at a Spanish
military school. Apr. 19, 1775
The “shot heard around the world” was fired by British
soldiers at colonists on Lexington Green, MA.
Later that day colonists defeated the British at the Battle of
Concord. Thereafter,
committees of safety were formed in most of the colonies.
The seeds of revolution began to grow. May – June 1775
The Siege of Boston May 10, 1775
Battle of Ticonderoga Jun 15, 1775
The Second Continental Congress appointed George Washington as
Commander-in-chief of the Continental Congress. Jun 17, 1775
Battle of Bunker Hill 1775
The Gardoqui firm of Bilboa, Spain entered into an agreement with
Elbridge Gerry to provide supplies to Massachusetts.[50] Aug. 5, 1775
The Spanish ship San Carlos, enters San Francisco Bay. Sep. 1775 – Jul. 1776
After discussion with the Canadian colony to join with the
Americans in revolt, Montreal was taken by force on Nov. 2, 1775.
Americans took, and then lost Quebec. Oct. 1775
Two Spanish merchant ships which had sailed from Central America,
in violation of the British blockade, called at the port of Charleston,
SC. They sold gunpowder and
supplies to the local rebel commander.
As a result, the British Ambassador in Madrid filed a formal
protest with the Crown. To
placate the British, the Marques de Grimaldi, Spain’s Minister of
State ordered that one of the captains be tried for violating the
commercial laws that prohibited trade outside Spain’s colonies.
A trial was held in Cadiz in June 1776, which resulted in the
acquittal of the captain.[51] Excerpts From Letter From Lord William Campbell Dated 19
Sept. 1775 To Secretary of State of the British Colonial Office in
London - From Onboard HMS
Tamen Anchored in Charleston Harbor.[52] By Judge Edward F. Butler, Sr. (Copyrighted 2011) “. . . “Some time ago a Spanish (Ship?)
from the Havannah bound to Cadiz arrived off this Bar dismasted and in
great distress. As the
peoples from the Town would give no assistance,
Capt. Thornbrow sent at my desire the pilot of the King’s ship,
who brought her safely in. To
prevent any imposition, I recommended proper people to refit her, but
after the ship got up to Town, the Committee fixed on others of their
own stamp. I would have
persuaded the master to have left his powder with Capt. Thornbrow till
he returns, but the poor man was so afraid of being turned out of the
port in the distressed situation he was in that I could not prevail upon
him to do it voluntarily. &
as I wished to avoid even the appearance of harshness to a Spanish ship
at this juncture, Capt. Thornborough[53]
did not insist on it, especially as the small quantity he had on board,
should the rebels seize it, was of no consequence to people who so amply
supplied. “Some days after another Spanish
ship arrived, which was conducted safely into the Harbour in the same
manner. This (ship) was
inbound from Honduras to Cadiz, & I noted is immensely rich.
He (the captain?) was sickly and wanted provisions, but the ship
had received no damage; he has however thought proper to quit the
protection of the men of war & has carried his ship to Town without
the least necessity, & that I cannot be responsible for any
consequences that may follow. I
thought it very necessary to acquaint your Lordship with these
particulars & inclose (sic) the names of the ships & if your
Lordship should think proper to acquaint the ambassador of Spain with
the attention His Hajesty’s Officers in this
part of the world show to his Catholic Majesty’s subjects in
distress, & the tenderness with which they are treated.” Nov. 29, 1775
The Continental Congress established a Committee of Secret
Correspondence, with the specific task of seeking foreign aid, primarily
from France and Spain. December
The Committee of Secret Correspondence of Congress chose Arthur
Lee as its European agent principally for the purpose of ascertaining
the views of France, Spain, and other European countries regarding the
war between the colonies and Great Britain. Late
1775 – Early
France and Spain as allies had very different views of the
conflict between the British colonies and King George.
France had lost most of its territory in the Americas through its
defeat in the French and Indian Wars. It had few possessions that needed
protection. France felt that the creation of a new nation in North
America would act as a counterbalance to English commercial domination
in the western hemisphere, and allow France a greater share of world
trade. Spain, with extensive
holdings in North America, Central America, the Caribbean and South
America felt threatened by the American revolution. Much
of New Spain was contiguous with struggle.
Spain had much more to lose in the American Revolution.
Spain felt the need to reinforce its American territories from
British encroachment. In
late 1775, Conde de Ricla, Spain’s minister off war sent additional
troops to Cuba and Puerto Rico. In
early 1776 Grimaldi formally established the “observer” program to
keep current about British plans and operations.[54] 1776-1779
The third voyage of the famous British Captain James Cook through
the Pacific Ocean worried Spanish officials.
They remembered that 200 years previously in 1579, Sir Francis
Drake had called at New Albion on Drake’s Bay and claimed the land for
England. The feared that
Captain Cook might attempt to reclaim that
Presidios along the Pacific coast (present day California and
Mexico) were placed on alert to be prepared for an attack by Cook.
They wanted to protect their northwest frontier and facilitate
trade with Manila, but giving its ships a safe harbor. A
Spanish expeditionary force was dispatched in 1779.
Ignacio Artega, commanding the Favorita,
and Juan de la Bodega y Quadra, captaining the Princesa, were in charge. They
sailed along the California coast but were unable to find Cook, or
vessels of any other country in the area.
By 1780 northbound expeditions ceased.[55] 1776
Spain dispatched one of its largest fleets ever to the Americas,
where it quashed British smuggling operations along the coast of Brazil.
It also retook Uruguay from the Portuguese, a British ally.
The conflict between England and the colonists was about to
become a global struggle.[56]
By evicting the British, Spain opened the River Platt for commerce and
the exploitation of Andean silver mines and made Buenas Aires an
important Viceroyal capital. Before
the Declaration of Independence the British fleet was already
overextended.[57] Jan
10, 1776
Thomas Paine published his treatise Common
Sense. Feb.
16, 1776
Following a discussion in the Continental Congress for three
days, it agreed to allow shipment od [n] goods or commodities, except
Slaves for sale, may be exported from the united colonies to any other
part of the World, not subject to the Crown of G.B.”[58] Mar.
17, 1776
After the cannon from Ticonderoga were placed on the Heights
overlooking the British fleet in Boston Harbor, the British evacuate
Boston and depart for Halifax (Nova Scotia). May
At the instructions of their respective kings, Grimaldi and
Vergennes set up the dummy corporation named Roderique (Rodriguez) and
Hortalez et Cie. Spain and
France each contributed 1,000,000 livres to this corporation.
The “laundered” funds were to be transferred to the American
colonists to assist them in the revolution.
Pierre Beaumarchais, the author of “The Barber of Seville”
was appointed as the manager of the company.
Therefore, before the Declaration of Independence was signed,
Spain was contributing to the revolution on two fronts:
through the dummy corporation and via New Orleans.[59] 22 May 1776
General Charles Lee, second in command to George Washington, and
Commander of the forces in the south, at the behest of the Continental
Congress’ Committee of Secret Correspondence, and with the approval of
The [Virginia] Committee of Safety, sent Captain George Gibson and
Lieutenant William Linn, with a platoon of colonial troops from Fort
Pitt down the Mississippi River to New Orleans.
They brought with them a proposal from General Charles Lee,
Washington’s subordinate, to Unzaga, the Governor of New Orleans.
The colonists were experiencing
problems securing supplies due to the British naval blockade.
Lee sought an agreement for commerce between Spain and the
colonies up the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers.
Gibson then presented a proposal that the Americans wished to
send a military expedition down the Mississippi River to capture the
British settlements along the river and then to attack Pensacola, both
of which would require Spanish cooperation and supplies.
Gibson conveyed General Lee’s offer, that if successful, West
Florida would be ceded to Spain temporarily as a protectorate for the
duration of the war, and that upon the conclusion of hostilities, that
Spain would return this British province to American control.
Unzaga promised to present these proposals to Charles, III.
With the help of Robert Morris’ agent, Oliver Pollock, Captain
Gibson secured over nine thousand pounds (100 quintals) of gunpowder
from the Spanish royal stores.[60]
Note that Spain was
providing supplies to the colonists two months before the signing of the
Declaration of Independence![61]
Unzaga reported the transaction to J. Galvez on 7 Sep. 1776[62].
Linn left New Orleans with most of the gunpowder on Sep. 23, and
spent the winter at Arkansas Post, a Spanish fortress at the confluence
of the Mississippi and Arkansas Rivers.
It took Linn until the Spring of 1777 to bring the bulk of the
purchases back up the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers to Wheeling in western
Virginia . . . .”[63]
The 1789 affidavit of David Shepherd swore that Linn arrived at
Wheeling in May, 1777, where the gunpowder was kept sometime before
being shipped to Fort Pitt.[64]
The supplies from Spain were enough to save Fort Pitt and Willing
from defeat. Without those
two key forts, General George Rogers Clark could not have succeded in
his 1778 campaign in the Ohio valley.[65] Late May 1776
Miguel Antonio Eduardo of Havana selected
by Bucareli as an undercover “observer” arrived in
Philadelphia under the guise of being a Spanish merchant.
Eduardo was well financed and provided with the Santa
Barbara, and a crew at his disposal.
He was well received by British officers, and had first hand
opportunity to view the fleet in the harbor.
He even had an interview with Lord Dunmore after he had taken
refuge on a British ship.[66] 26
Jun 1776
(under name of R. Hortalez & Co. ) to Arthur Lee (under name of Mary
Johnston), sent the following letter encrypted in ciphers:
The difficulties which I have
met with in my negotiations with the ministry have made me take the
resolution of forming a company, which shall send out the supplies of
powder and stores to your friend (the colonies), depending, in the mean
time, upon remittances in tobacco, at Cape François, and always under
the name of your servant, Roderique Hortalez & Co.
The Revolutionary Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States,
Volume 2, p. 98. Before Jul. 4, 1776
Spain and France entered into a secret agreement with the
colonists to support them in their rebellion against England[67].
France would not commit to assist the colonists without Spain’s
Since supplies were being furnished in New Orleans by May, 1776,
this agreement must have been around March or April.
Most of the early secret aid from Spain and France was shipped to
Dutch or French ports in the West Indies, and from there, by American
ships to the colonies. Later
that aid was shipped directly to New Orleans and from there up the
Mississippi River to the colonists.
Many of the cannon and ammunition came directly from the mines
and factories in New Spain.[69] 1776-1779
Spain provided credit to the colonists totaling 8 million Reales,
for military and medical supplies and food.
The mercantile business of
"José de Gardoqui e Hijos" in Bilbao, Spain (of which Diego
was one of three sons in a partnership with their father) supplied the
patriots with 215 bronze cannon - 30,000 muskets - 30,000 bayonets -
51,314 musket balls - 300,000 pounds of powder - 12,868 grenades -
30,000 uniforms - and 4,000 field tents during the war. May
10, 1776
The Second Continental Congress convened in Philadelphia. Jun
28, 1776
South Carolinean colonists defeat the British at the Battle of
Sullivan Island, near Charleston. Jul
4, 1776
The Declaration of Independence is signed. Aug. 1776
Gen. Charles Henry Lee, second in command to Gen. George
Washington, sent Capt. George Gibson, and Lt. William Linn with a group
of 16 West Augusta militiamen, from Ft. Pitt to New Orleans, to obtain
additional supplies from the Spanish governor, Luis de Unzaga.
OIliver Pollock, a patriotic financier in New Orleans, arranged
for a covert shipment of gunpowder, which was approved by Unzaga.[70]
By the fall Gibson was headed back upriver with 9,000 pounds of
is interesting to note that the British were aware of the shipment.
A British veteran of the French and Indian Wars wrote to a
British official that the barge had passed Manchak with 15,000 pounds of
gun powder.[72] Aug. 11, 1776
Beaumarchais, the French royal courtier, who established the
dummy corporation Rodrigue et Hortalez, for the purpose of funneling
money to the colonists, received 1,000,000 from the Spanish treasury on
August 11, 1776. Late
Bernardo de Galvez was appointed as the King Colonel of
the troops in New Orleans. Within
a short time after Galvez arrived, Governor Luis de Unzaga y Amezaga
received orders to report to Caracas as the captain-general of
Venezuela. Galvez was sworn
in at that time as the acting governor of Louisiana.
At the time of his appointment, Bernardo de Galvez was only 20
years old. With his youth,
he was bold and energetic. He
seemed fully capable of the job in front of him.
By his 25th birthday he had won three significant
campaigns against the British. Sep. 1776
Spain sent 9,000 pounds of gun powder to the colonists up the
Mississippi River, and an additional 1,000 pounds by ship to
Philadelphia. Part of this
shipment was used by the colonists in their victory at Saratoga.[73]
This victory, together with Spain’s assurance of future
financing of the colonists, caused the French to openly enter the
conflict against England.[74]
This continuing “financial support from Spain throughout the
war ensured continued French involvement.”[75] October 1776
Captain Gibson sailed from New Orleans to Philadelphia aboard one
of Robert Pollock’s ships and carried a letter from Pollock to Robert
Morris offering his support to the revolution.
Thus Captain Gibson’s mission to New Orleans began Pollock’s
official duties with the Continental Congress’ Commerce Committee,
which secured New Orleans as a friendly hub for rebel troops operating
in the Mississippi Valley for the duration of the war.[76] 23 Oct 1776
Arthur Lee was appointed as a “Commissioner[s] for negotiating
a treaty of alliance, Amity and Commerce with the Court of France, and
also for negotiating Treaties with other Nations agreeable to certain
plans and instructions of Congress.”[77]
Nov. 16,
The Dutch island of St. Eustatius in
the Caribbean made history on November 16, 1776, when the governor
responded to a canon salute from an American ship. This was the first
time the independence of the United States was formally recognized.
The Dutch traders on St. Eustatius thrived by disregarding
British colonial trade regulations.
In 1780, a month after warning these traders to stop dealing with
the French and Spanish, England declared war of Holland.[78] Nov. 25, 1776
Carlos, III approved the proposed agreement with the Americans
proposed by General Charles Lee[79]
and orderd Galvez to secretly collect intelligence about the British.
Every Spanish official received
instructions from the Crown to spy on England; to strengthen defenses;
build up the Militia; to curtail British smuggling; and to secretly
assist the rebels long before Saratoga (Oct. 1777).[80]
Later, Galvez was ordered to render secret help to the colonies.
Nov. 26, 1776
Governor Bernardo Galvez received orders from his uncle, Josef de
Galvez, the Minister of the West Indies, to start shipping gunpowder to
the colonists. By year’s
end he had shipped $70,000 worth of gunpowder.
In that directive, he was also instructed to send secret
commissioners to the English colonies.
These commissioners were to collect information.[81] 24 Dec. 1776
A Royal Order issued
by Minister of the Indies, Jose de Galvez, instructed all Spanish
officials, including the Governors of Havana and Louisiana, “to
quickly supply the ‘Americanos’ with what gunpowder, rifles or
muskets, and ‘fusiles’ were available.
The governors were instructed to ship these war materials on free
merchant ships.[82]
This latter instruction was because neither Spain nor France, as
neutrals, could openly give aid to rebels in another country. Gunpowder
produced in France and partially paid for by Spain, as well as that
produced in Mexico, wholly at Spain’s expense was a major factor in
the colonists’ success through 1776.[83] Dec. 25, 1776 – Mar. 30, 1778
For about 15 months between December 25, 1776 and the end of
March, 1778, George Rogers Clark kept a diary.
The Indians west of the Allegheny Mountains were mostly allied
with the British. Typical of
his diary entries are the following: 24
April 1777. 40 or 50 Indians
attacked Boonesborough, killed and scalped Danl Goodman, wounded Capt
Boone, Capt Todd, Mr. Hite and M. Stoner. and 22
June 1777: Ben. Linn &
Saml Moore arr from Illenois (sic).
Barney Stagner senr killed & beheaded 2 mile from the Fort.
A few guns fired at Boons.[84] Nov. 26, 1776
Josef de Galvez, Minister of the Indies, instructed his nephew,
Louisiana Governor Bernardo de Galvez to send secret commissioners to
the English colonies to collect information.
He also instructed his nephew to begin shipping gunpowder to the
American rebels. During the
first year Bernardo de Galvez transported $70,000 worth of gunpowder in
current dollars. In addition
to American soldiers, sailors and militiamen, America’s independence
can in part be credited to Spanish militia, army and navy; French and
Spanish; Spanish, French and American merchant mariners; Spanish, French
and American privateers; private citizens and groups in France, Spain,
and America; and the background planners in America, Cuba, Louisiana,
Mexico, Spain and France who saw no combat, but whose roles were
absolutely essential as government officials, bankers, financiers,
shippers, warehousers; those who contributed financially and those who
prayed for military success.[85] 30 Dec. 1776
The Continental Congress passed the following Resolution: “Resolved, That
Commissioners be forth with sent to the Courts of Vienna, Spain,
Prussia and the grand Duke of Tuscany.” Journals of the Continental
Congress, 1774-1789, p. 1054. “… “That the Commissioners for
the Court of France and Spain consult together, and prepare a
treaty of commerce and alliance, as near as may be similar to the first
proposed to the Court of France, not inconsistent therewith nor
disagreeable to his most Christian Majesty, to be proposed to the Court
of Spain adding thereto, ‘that if his Catholic Majesty will
join with the United States in a war against Great Britain, they will assist
in reducing to the possession of Spain the town and harbour of
Pensacola, provided the citizens and inhabitants of the United States
shall have the free and uninterrupted navigation of the Mississippi and
use of the harbour of Pensacola, and will, provided it shall be true,
that his Portuguese Majesty has insultingly expelled the vessels of
these states from his ports, or hath confiscated any such vessels,1
declare war against the said king, if that measure shall be agreeable to
and supported by the Courts of France and Spain.’" Id at
p. 1057. Jul 1776- 1780 The
famous British Captain James Cook set forth on his third great voyage.
In command of the Resolution and the Discovery
his voyage took him down the south Atlantic, around the Cape of Good
Hope and through the Indian Ocean. On
this voyage, although Spain was not aware of his exact route, Spanish
soldiers and militiamen at coastal settlements along the Pacific coast
in California and in the Philippines were on alert of his possible
attack. Cook’s voyage took
him along the coasts of present day Washington, Oregon, British
Columbia, and Alaska. Jan. 1, 1777
Bernardo de Galvez y Madrid, Count of Galvez, was appointed
Governor of New Orleans. With
Pollock, he continued and expanded the supply operations to the
Bernardo had received instructions from his uncle, Jose de Galvez,
President of the Council of the Indies, on Nov. 25, 1776 that he was to
inspect the frontier posts, strengthen defenses against the British;
gather intelligence; to acquire charts of the Mississippi River and Gulf
of Mexico; to expand the Spanish militia; to welcome Catholic foreigners
who would swear allegiance to Spain; to prevent illegal British
smuggling; and to promote legitimate commerce; and to promote
agriculture, especially tobacco.[87]
Soon after his arrival he established immigration schemes to
attract Canary Islanders, Spanish, French and English Canadians.
His policies were designed to promote friendship for Spain and to
alienate them against the English. He
was very pro French, working with fur traders to establish fur trading
posts, and transacting business with French merchants.
He even married a French woman Felicite de St Maxant d’Estrehan. Bernardo de Galvez was born on July
23, 1746, in Macharaviaya, a small village in Spain in the province of
Malaga. He was the first son
of Matias de Galvez and Josefa Gallardo, both of whom were descended
from ancient nobility. His
ancestors had been among those who evicted the Moors from Spain during
the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella in the late 15th century.
Matias served as Captain General of Guatemala, after which he was
promoted to Viceroy of New Spain. Bernardo’s uncle, Jose de Galvez,
formerly a visitador to New
Spain was appointed as the Minister of the Indies, exercising power
second only to King Carlos, III himself.
Miguel de Galvez, another uncle, served sa a field marshall in
the royal Spanish army, while a third uncle, Antonio de Galvez served as
the Spanish Ambassador to the Czar of Russia.[88] At age 16 Bernardo de Galvez found
himself serving as a lieutenant in the war with Portugal in 1762.
He excelled in his duties and was promoted to Captain in the
Regiment of Coruna. His
uncle Matias took Bernardo with him as part of the official Viceroyal[89]
entourage to Mexico in 1765. In
1769 Bernardo was commissioned by Viceroy Croiz to go to the northern
frontier of Spain and become second in command under Lope de Cuellar,
commandant of the army of Nueva
A short time later, he replaced Cuellar as Commandant.
In that post he led several expeditions against the Apaches.
As a result of his heroic exploits against the Apaches, he was
promoted to Lt. Colonel. During
October, 1771, while alone, he was attacked by five Indians.
He single handedly dispatched them, but in the process was shot
in the arm with an arrow, and received two lance thrusts in the chest.[91] He returned to Spain with his uncle
Matias. In mid 1772 he
received permission to enroll in the Regiment of Cantabria in France to
study military science. He
was not allowed to take his Spanish rank with him.
After three years as a student, he was promoted to Lieutenant.
In the process, he became fluent in French.
Bernardo returned to Spain in 1775, enrolling in the Regiment of
Seville as a Captain in artillery under the famous Alejandro O’Reilly.
During the attack on Algiers he was wounded again.
With a promotion to Lt. Colonel (for the second time), he was
attached to the Spanish Military School of Avila.[92] In 1776, he was promoted to Colonel
and assigned to New Orleans as colonel of the Louisiana Regiment.
By Royal Order of September 9, 1776, he was ordered to succeed
Luis de Unzaga as acting governor of the colony.
On January 1, 1777, he assumed the office of Governor of
Louisiana.[93] 1777
In 1777, Virginia Governor Patrick Henry first suggested the
establishment of an American fort near the confluence of the Ohio and
Mississippi Rivers. The
purpose was to exert American influence upon the frontier and to
facilitate trade with the Spanish in New Orleans.
In 1779, Henry was succeeded by Thomas Jefferson as Governor.
Jefferson ordered the construction of a fort as part of a chain
of defense of America’s western frontier, which was later called Fort
Jefferson instructed George Rogers Clark to pay great attention
to this fort as the nearby settlement would probably become a town of
importance.[95] 2 Jan. 1777
The Continental Congress seeks open support from the king of
Spain. Taken from the printed Secret Journals of the Continental
Congress: “The
delegates of the United States of New Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay,
Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware,
Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia--To all
who shall see these presents, send greeting.
Jan. 1777
Jose de Galvez sent instructions to the Spanish naval commander
at La Coruna that the supplies for Americans were to be included in the
monthly mail packets bound for Havana, and from there they were to be
shipped to New Orleans. Also,
Cadiz port officials were informed that similar supplies were to be
carried aboard merchant ships bound for Cuba.
One of the Havana “observers” was to travel to New Orleans
and deal directly with the rebels so that the deals would appear as a
private transaction.[96] By 1777 English loyaltist traders
had ventured west of the Mississippi River by traveling up the Red
River, and along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico.
These traders were offering goods to the native Indians that
competed with those offered by Spanish settlers.
Many of these Indians became allied with the English traders,
which endangered the safety of Spaniards in what is now Texas.
Concern was so great that Governor Ripperda ordered 40 or more of
the Bidais nation to come to San Antonio, using as a pretext the
election of a new chief to replace the recently deceased chief.
While in San Antonio Rippereda entertained them lavishly.
During these festivities he warned them against allowing the
British to land along the coast. He
asked them to notify Gil Ibarbo, the high justice of Bucareli, who also
served as commander of a company of militia, if they saw any
British ships along the coast.[97] Feb 6, 1777
France and the United States enter into two treaties, one of
which was a treaty of alliance. Clause
13 of the latter permitted Spain to join the conflict with France as a
full partner, which limited the ability of either France or the US to
enter into a treaty without the assent of Spain.
Thus, Spain was now “officially” a silent partner in the
conflict.[98] Feb. – Mar. 1777
Commissioner Arthur Lee caused a stir in Madrid with his
announced intention of traveling from France to Madrid to present the
American proposition directly to the court.
King Charles felt that deliberations with the American envoy on
Spanish soil would strain Spain’s relationship with Britain.
They also did not want to offend the Americans.
To resolve this delima, the Marques de Grimaldi secured the
services of Joseph Gardoqui of the prominent Bilbao firm of Joseph
Gardoqui and Sons to intercede. Gardoqui
had for years successfully traded with the English, and since 1775, the
firm had provided supplies to Massachusetts.
On Feb. 17, 1777, Gardoqui sent a letter to Lee asking that he
stop his journey from France to Spain and meet with him in the village
of Vitoria, where Grimaldi would meet with him.
Lee was located in the village of Burgos, where Grimaldi and
Gardoqui meet with him. Arthur
Lee was unaware of the previous request of General Charles Lee sent by
Captain Gibson to Governor Unzaga at New Orleans in Sep. 1776!
Grimaldi knew that King Charles had already approved the secret
assistance proposed by General Charles Lee which was delivered by Capt.
Gibson in New Orleans. At
this meeting on Mar. 4, 1777, Grimaldi agreed to provide most of the
items on Commissioner Lee’s list.
Grimaldi promised that lines of credit would be opened for the
colonists at European banks, with the secret backing of the Spanish
court. Gardoqui informed Lee
that American ships would be allowed to secretly purchase war materials
through the Gardoqui firm. Poor
Commissioner Lee left this meeting thinking that he was responsible for
negotiating a great deal, when in fact, the agreement had been reached
months before.[99] Mar.
Franklin reported from Paris to the Congressional Committee of
Secret Correspondence that the Spanish court had quietly granted the
rebels direct admission to the rich, previously restricted port of
Havana under most
favored nation status. Franklin also noted in the same report that
three thousand barrels of gunpowder were waiting in New Orleans, and
that the merchants in Bilbao, Spain "had orders to ship for us such
necessaries as we might want.”[100] Mar.
Spain’s new Prime Minister, Jose Monino y Redondo, Count of
Floridablanca, wrote that “the fate of the colonies interests us very
much, and we shall do for them everything that circumstances permit.”[101] Mar.
14, 1777
Joseph Gardoqui caused blankets to be loaded onto two American
ships in Bilbao, Spain harbor.[102] Spring,
As the snows thawed, much needed supplies started reaching the
continental army. Much of
these supplies were provided by Spain. Mar.
24, 1777
Conde de Floridablanca, the new Spanish minister of state, wrote
to Don Pedro Pablo Abarca de Bolea, Conde de Aranda, the Spanish
Ambassador to France, that the requested supplies were already on the
move toward the American colonists.
He also reported that Spain had already issued secret letters of
credit to several Dutch banks so that the Americans could purchase
supplies through private merchants in Holland. Apr.
13, 1777
Aranda wrote to Floridablanca on Apr. 13, 1777[103],
advising that although the US was unaware at the time, the French and
Spanish governments had agreed to come up with an additional 3,000,000 livres,
in addition to the 2,000,000 livres
they had already placed into Roderique Hortalez.
Thus, their direct cash outlays at this point was a minimum of
5,000,000 livres . Apr.
17, 1777
In reaction to the seizure of several Spanish vessels bringing
supplies from West Florida to Louisiana, Bernardo de Galvez ordered
eleven British vessels seized on the Mississippi River which were
charged with illegal trading. Spring
Commissioner Arthur Lee travels to Spain to seek further
May 1, 1777
The Spanish merchant ship San
Joseph y las Animas sailed from Havana to New Orleans with a cargo
of rifles, ammunition, gunpowder, clothing and medicine for the
colonists. Miguel Antonio
Eduardo, who previously had spied in Philadelphia, met with Bernardo de
Galvez. He advised Galvez of
the king’s decision to supply the rebels through New Orleans and
delivered to him a packet of letters and royal orders.
Galvez faced two problems: Eduardo
was recognized as a Spanish official; and the plan had a flaw as all
commercial goods had to be inspected and taxed indicating the British
would easily uncover the scheme. Galvez
quickly modified the plan. His
friend Santiago Toutant Beauregard, a New Orleans merchant agreed to
replace Eduardo. Beauregard’s
ships calling at Havana would transport the goods, which would go
directly into his warehouse and avoid inspection.
The military supplies transported by Eduardo were declared
surplus and sold at auction to Beauregard, who paid for them with the
funds provided by Galvez. Beauregard
was to then arrange transfer to the Americans.[105]
The Continental Congress had decided not to go forward with Gen. Lee’s
proposal to send an American force to Mobile and Pensacola.
For reasons known only to the Continental Congress, no one was
sent to pick up these much needed supplies until Capt. Willing arrived
in Mar. 1778.[106] May 2, 1777
On May 2, 1777, the frigate Amphitrite
unloaded at Portsmouth 216 cannon, 209 gun carriages, 27 mortars, 29
fittings, 12,826 bombs, 51,134 bullets, 1,050 pounds of gun powder,
30,000 rifles with bayonets, 4,000 tents, 30,000 uniforms, and lead for
making bullets. The Journals
of the Continental Congress incorrectly credits this shipment as coming
from France as the shipment of goods belonging to Beaumarchais.
Subsequently, when Franklin and other colonial leaders complained
that no help was being provided by Spain, Count Aranda, the Spanish
Ambassador to France, asked if the Amphitrite
had not yet arrived. Since
France claimed that the cargo was from France in its entirety, the
colonists gave no credit to Spain for this shipment, although it had
paid for one-half. From that
time on Spain decided that its support would be direct so that it could
be properly credited.[107] Before Jul. 1777
Spain sent another 2,000 barrels of gun powder, lead and clothing
up the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers to assist the colonists.
Carlos, III made secret loans of 1,000,000 Livres.
Additional arms, ammunition and provisions were sent by the
Spanish to Gen. George Rogers Clark’s posts along the Mississippi and
Ohio Rivers; and to George Washington’s Continental Army, through Fort
Pitt.[108] 1777
American Representative[109]
in France, Benjamin Franklin, arranged for the secret transport from
Spain to the colonies of 215 bronze cannon; 4,000 tents; 13,000
grenades; 30,000 muskets, bayonets and uniforms; 50,000 musket balls;
and 300,000 pounds of gun powder. Subsequently
a letter of thanks was sent from Franklin to Count de Aranda for 12,000
muskets sent by Spain to Boston. Between
1776 – 1779 Spain further provided a credit of about 8 million reales,
which provided military and medical supplies and food.
During this time period England decided to attempt to cut off the
supplies coming up the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers.
Their plan was to attack from Canada down the Mississippi River,
and to reinforce their forts along the Mississippi. Jun. 3, 1777
Floridablanca wrote back to Aranda on Jun. 3, 1777.[110]
Therein he gave an accounting of the types of financial support
from Spain to the colonies thus far.
He mentioned the direction from King Charles that trade with the
colonies was to be supported to assist them in their cause.
He commented on the aid through Gardoqui y hijos in Bilbao
totaled 70,000 pesos. He
reported that more aid was to come from Spain and that he was looking
for assistance through Holland, which later happened.
He responded that the king would approve of the additional
3,000,000 Franco-Spanish contribution. Jun. 11, 1777
A $5,000,000 loan from Spain enabled the Continental Congress to
purchase supplies and arms[111].
Jun. 12, 1777
The Commerce Committee of the United States Continental Congress
wrote to General Bernardo de Galvez on June 12, 1777.[112]
This letter concerned four distinct matters: 1.
It informed Galvez that a US representative in Madrid
recently met with “a person of consequence” who “assured him”
that Spain would supply the colonists with blankets, clothes and
military supplies; and further that the goods were to be shipped to New
Orleans. 2.
Through the Commerce Department the US Government
officially thanked Galvez
for the support he had provided by admitting American shipping in a
Spanish port; and advising him that Oliver Pollock had spoken very
highly of him and of Spain. 3.
It constituted an intelligence briefing of the current
status of forces, including the fact that American troops were not
disciplined, but were better marksmen. 4.
The most important part of the letter reported that it was
their estimate that the British was planning to cut a swath down the
Mississippi River, destroying all Spanish forts and settlements along
the river, with New Orleans being the final prize.
This very optimistic plan, if successful, cut the continent into
two pieces; remove Spain for the area; deny supplies to American
settlements and forts up the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers; provide a
route to resupply British forces; provide a new western front to engage
the colonists in a pincer movement. Jun. 6, 1777
British Lieutenant Governor Henry Hamilton received a copy of an
order sent by General Carleton to Lord Germain, the British secretary of
state for the American colonies which stated: “It
is the King’s Command that you should direct Lieut. Governor Hamilton
to assemble as many of the Indians of his District as he conveniently
can, and placing proper persons at their Head . . . to conduct their
Parties, and restrain them from committing violence on the well affected
and inoffensive Inhabitants, employ them in making a Diversion and
exciting an alarm upon the frontiers of Virginia and Pennsylvania” A month later Hamilton reported that
15 Indian war parties had departed Detroit, each consisting of about 19
warriors and two whites each.[113]
These Indians continued to fight settlers long after the British
defeat at Yorktown in 1781. Britain
continued to maintain their western forts for several years and
persisted in supplying the Indians under their control with the means to
conduct war against the settlers. The
British vowed in 1782 that they no longer were assisting the Indians in
that regard, but their henchmen continued the nefarious endeavor.
The year 1782 became known as “The Year of Blood” in
Kentucky.[114] Jun. 12, 1777
Oliver Pollock was named as the agent for both the Continental
Congress and the Commonwealth of Virginia in New Orleans.
When Unzaga had turned over his command in New Orleans to
Bernardo de Galvez he wrote that Pollock was a “faithful and zealous
American”, whom Galvez “might place implicit confidence”.[115] Jul. 1777
The Board of War of the Continental Congress debated sending a
force of 1,000 men down the Mississippi River to seize the British
outposts on the east side of the river and capture Mobile and Pensacola.
Opponents thought the plan was too bold and that the troops could
be used better elsewhere.
Sep. 1777
By this time, Spain had already furnished 1,870,000 Livres
Tournaises to the Americans. Much
of this was contributed through a dummy corporation[116],
for which France erroneously received total credit, by some uninformed
historians. Oct. 1777
Patrick Henry wrote two letters to General Galvez, thanking Spain
for it’s help and requesting more supplies.
Henry suggested that the two Floridas that Spain lost to England,
should revert back to Spain.[117] Oct. 11, 1777
Spain and Portugal signed a new treaty in the town of San Lorezno
del Escorial. Upon the death
of King Jose I of Portugal in Feb. 1777, he was succeded to the throne
by Queen Maria Francisca, the niece of Carlos, III[118].
Now, Spain did not have to worry about Portugal becoming an ally
with England. Oct. 17 1777
As evidence of the large sum of silver Spanish coins that had
already been provided to the Continental Congress, large sums of these
Spanish coins were used by the Continental Congress to pay its debts: “Ordered, That there be
paid to Messrs. Price & Haywood the sum of 348
dollars, on account of a balance due them from the United States: That
four sets of exchange be drawn by the president on the Honble. Benjamin
Franklin, Arthur Lee and Silas Deane, Esqrs. commissioners of the United
States in France, and countersigned by the auditor or assistant auditor
general; one set for 18,796 Spanish milled dollars, one set for
11,748 Spanish milled dollars; one set for
4,699 Spanish milled dollars, and one other set for 2,349 Spanish
milled dollars, making, in the whole, the sum of 37,592 Spanish
milled dollars, in favour of Messrs. James Price & William Haywood,
in full payment of all demands which they or either of them have against
the United States.” Journals
of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789, p. 812. 24 Oct. 1777
Robert Morris and William Smith responded to Galvez ‘ letter
informing them that military supplies from Spain were waiting to be
was advised that Oliver Pollock had been appointed agent for the
Continental Congress, and that he had been charged with the duty of
chartering or purchasing ships to carry supplies
from Spain up the Atlantic coastine, wherever they could find a
safe harbor. 11 Nov. 1777
Governor General Diego Joseph Navarro y Valladares of Havana
informed Jose de Galvez of his selection of Don Juan de Miralles y
Trajan as Spain’s unofficial liaison to Congress (“observer”). [120] End of 1777
$70,000 of supplies from Diego de Gardoqui’s company in Spain
arrived in New Orleans and were shipped north.
Part of the shipment went up the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers to
Ft. Pitt. 3 Dec. 1777
The Continental Congress passed the following resolution: “Resolved, That the
commissioners at the Courts of France and Spain, be directed to
exert their utmost endeavours to obtain by means most effectual to the
end, a loan of two millions sterling, on the faith of the thirteen
United States, for a term not less than ten years.”
.” Journals of the
Continental Congress, 1774-1789, p. 989. By the end of 1777
Bernardo de Galvez during 1777 provided at least 74,000 Spanish
Dollars (about $11,100,000 in 2009) in loans and 100,000 Spanish Dollars
(about $15,000,000 in 2009) worth of gunpowder, blanket, rifles, quinine
and ammunition to the Continentals.[121] 1778
Diego de Gardoqui’s company in Spain sent 18,000 blankets,
11,000 pairs of shoes, 41,000 pairs of stockings, and unknown quantities
of shirts and medical supplies to Baltimore. In
1778, British
and American
Loyalists fled the American settlement of Canewood and settled in
Spanish territory with the permission of Count
de Gálvez, the Spanish
Governor of Louisiana. In
his honor, the refugees named their settlement "Galveztown".
It was perched at the northeast corner of the Isle of
at the confluence of Bayou Manchac and the Amite River (present
day Ascension Parish,
Louisiana). Galvez
sent immigrants
from the Canary
Islands, known as Isleños,
to Galveztown in 1779, hoping to establish a military
stronghold against the British in West
Florida, who controlled nearby Baton Rouge at the time. The Spanish
plans were for the town to be built with a military fort. Some
700 Canary Island soldiers migrated to Louisiana along with 1600 family
members.[122] From the
start, diseases
spread in the area. Floods,
and droughts
destroyed crops
year after year. Due to the somewhat remote location from Baton Rouge
and New Orleans, supplies were expensive to ship in.
By the end of 1779, Galveztown lost much of its importance as
military post after the British lost Baton Rouge, Mobile and Pensacola
to the Spanish; the town began to decline as disease, natural disaster,
and sparcity of supplies took their toll. The
survivors of Galveztown eventually settled in Baton Rouge, in what is
now known as the Spanishtown neighborhood. Although the Spanish
fort, streets,
and homes
remained as ruins for well over a century,
no efforts were made to preserve the site, and today only a state marker
honoring the Canary Islander immigrants remains to mark the spot. 1778
George Rogers Clark followed Daniel Boone from Fort Watauga (near
present day Johnson City, TN), through the Cumberland Gap to the first
settlement in what later became Kentucky.
His name is enscribed upon the stone monument in front of the
fort, near Richmond, KY. 1778
From 1775 to 1778 illicit roundups of Texas cattle and horses
became a border industry by Indians, French traders, Spanish renegades
and the English. A British
shipwreck was found on the south-east Texas coast in 1778.
This ship contained building materials, indicating British
intentions to encroach on Spanish lands and build support facilities for
their fleet. Lieutenant Gil
Ybarbo was dispatched to search out the British infiltrators.
He was not able to identify any activity, but the Spanish
government remained on alert.[123] 1778-1779
Virginia Governor Patrick Henry in Jan. 1778, authorized George
Rogers Clark at Fort Nelson
(Louisville) to mount an expedition to capture the English fort at
Vincennes (Indiana). American
Gen. George Rogers Clark at Ft. Nelson, obtained a considerable amount
of his supplies from Gen. Galvez in New Orleans.
These supplies were used in his victories over the British at
Kaskaskia, Cahokia and Vicennes.[124] Jan., 1778
Captain Willing returned to New Orleans for the second time to
negotiate with Oliver Pollock for more arms, ammunition and supplies for
the American colonists. Pollock
was by now openly acting as agent for the Continental Congress, and was
acting with the support of Governor Bernardo de Galvez.[125] Jan. 14, 1778
Patrick Henry wrote another letter to General Galvez, thanking
Spain for it’s help and requesting more supplies.[126]
Jan. – Feb. 1778
Don Juan de Miralles y Trajan served as the Spanish
“observer” in Philadelphia from 1778-1780.
He entered Charleston, SC under a feigned problem with the vessel
in which he was a passenger. He
lent the state of South Carolina 20,000 Spanish milled dollars for
public relief, food, and medicines following a tremendous dock fire that
destroyed over 500 buildings.[127]
This loan was repaid by the Continental Congress on behalf of South
Carolina in early 1779.[128]
On his way from Charleston to Philadelphia, Miralles stopped in
Williamsburg, VA. There,
Gov. Patrick Henry entertained him with a formal dinner[129].
That evening Gov. Henry proposed a dramatic plan for taking
Mobile and Pensacola, in which Americans would travel down the
Mississippi, taking Natchez and joining forces with Galvez in New
Additionally, Governor Henry proposed that Spanish troops from
Havana, together with Americans from Georgia and South Carolina could
take Saint Augustine and Florida.[131] Feb. 1778
The “Treaty of Alliance” between France and The United
States, obligated Spain to assist France against the English.
Gen. Galvez began to recruit an army, under the guise that it was
for the defense of New Orleans. France
pressured Spain to openly join the conflict, but Floridablanca was
concerned about the annual treasure fleet (“flota”)
that transported the silver bouillon from Mexican mines across the
Spanish Main to Spain. If
Spain joined France in a declaration of war at that time it would amount
to giving England a hunting license to attack the flota,
which would have ruined Spain’s economy for 1778-1789.[132]
This reluctance to join the Franco-American alliance did not slow Galvez
in his preparations for war. During
the January meeting of the Council of State, Galvez strongly recommended
that the naval squadron at Havana should be reinforced with at least two
ships of the line. He called
for a minimum of an additional two regiments for Cuba, plus an
additional regiment from Puerto Rico and several other regiments to be
positioned at the discretion of the viceroyalty of New Spain.[133]
Galvez also noted that additional security must be provided for the
treasure fleet’s passage.[134]
Spain had several other concerns
that led to temporary restraint. Spanish
General Alejandro O’Reilly was involved in a major campaign in North
Africa due to Morocco’s policy. Spanish
ministries were heavily involved in planning an attack in Algeria
following O’Reilly’s significant defeat in July 1775, which resulted
in heavy Spanish losses. King
Charles was also very concerned about going to war with Portugal, an
ally of the British. Spain
and Portugal had territorial disputes along the Rio Plata.
If Spain declared war against England, Portugal was obligated by
treaty to become a belligerent against Spain.
France was even a bigger problem for
Spain. For some time the
Spanish Council of Ministers had been advocating greater independence
from France in the sphere of foreign affairs.
The Seven Years War had weakened the ties between the two
countries. One thorn in the
paw of the Spanish lion was France’s refusal to support Spain in its
diplomatic confrontation with Britain in 1770 over the Malvinas Islands.
A declaration of war against Britain would immediately result in
a blockade of all Spanish ports around the world.
His advisors cautioned restraint until there was some advantage
for Spain. Another concern
was that was advocated by Floridablanca and other ministers was that the
US would replace Great Britain as a rival.
Nevertheless, Spain continued to prepare for a full confrontation
with England. Spain slowly
built up its naval and military forces in New Spain and listened closely
to frequent reports from its “observers”.
The pro-American reports it received from Mirales helped shape
their ultimate decision to declare war on England.[135] Feb 14. 1778
Patrick Henry wrote to Bernado de Galvez advising that Virginia
and the “confederation of the states of America’ were very
appreciative of Spain’s help. He
told Galvez that the colonists were having difficulties importing
supplies and weapons. He
advised of their need for woolen blankets and tarps as well as
munitions. He inquired if
Spain would object if the US built a fort on the Mississippi in Spanish
territory. He specifically
requested that Spain provide Virginia 150,000 pistols as a loan.
This letter was given to Col. David Rogers.
The letter was not delivered until mid-October 1778.[136] Feb. 23, 1778
Arthur Lee went to Aranda’s home to acknowledge that the US had
received a shipment of money and supplies by way of Havana.
Both were unsure as to whether the shipment had been valued in reales
or livres.
At the time 75 livres equaled 120 reales (5:8).
It later appeared that the shipment had been valued in livres,
and that this was the first of three shipments scheduled.[137] Mar. 1778
U.S. Captain James Willing left Ft. Pitt with an expedition of 34
marines, bound for New Orleans to obtain more supplies for the war.
A large supply of Spanish rifles, ammunition, gunpowder, clothing
and medicine for the colonists had been delivered to Galvez in May 1777[138].
Galvez had been forewarned by the Crown that war with Britain was
coming. Along the way,
Willing recruited about 116 more recruits.
They plundered the British settlements along the Ohio and
Mississippi Rivers. They
captured boats, barges, an armed British ship and slaves.
Gen. Galvez welcomed them to New Orleans; provided them with
living accommodations; and assisted them in auctioning off their British
plunder. With the
proceeds of the auction Galvez sold them military arms and ammunition
for their return trip to Ft. Pitt.
Galvez allowed them to convert the
seized armed British vessel into
an American gunboat. Galvez
refusal to honor British protests, which caused the British to reinforce
its outposts along the Mississippi (Baton Rouge, Manchac, Natchez, etc.)
with more troops and more modern ships that could otherwise have been
deployed against the colonists. Clearly,
the Commerce Committee that had in July 1777, considered sending 1,000
men down the Mississippi, had miscalculated how much damage Willing and
his marines could do. While
in New Orleans Willing told Galvez that the rebellion had spread into
the Illinois country, and that he needed more supplies for Gen. George
Rogers Clark at Fort Nelson.[139] Mar. 9, 1778
Deputy Governor General Francisco Cruzat, commander at Fort
Carlos in St. Louis on March 9. 1778, wrote to Bernardo de Galvez
advising of British intentions to attack New Orleans from the north.
Later, his replacement Don Fernando de Leyba, who took over that
month, also warned of Great Britain’s intentions.
Galvez thought the best way to defeat the British was to keep
Fort Pitt, and one of the best ways to protect Fort Pitt was to support
General George Rogers Clark at Ft. Nelson, in what is now Louisville,
KY. Willing had orders to
escort the supplies upriver.[140] Apr. 3, 1778
Robert Morris and William Smith wrote to Bernardo de Galvez at
least three times to express their appreciation to him and to France for
its assistance.[141] Apr. 22, 1778
Captain John Paul Jones began his raid on English ports.
Jones was outfitted by Spaniard Diego Maria de Gardoqui Aniquibar
of Bilboa, Spain. Gardoqui,
at the request of the Spanish crown outfitted many Spanish privateers,
who disrupted British merchant shipping.
At the end of the war, Gardoqui became Spain’s first Ambassador
to the United States[142]. May 2, 1778
Willing received the goods in New Orleans and headed upriver. May 6, 1778
Don Bernardo Galvez is laying the groundwork for the ultimate
clash with British forces. By
letter dated May 6, 1778 to Don Josef Briones, he instructed him to
cross Lake Pontchartrain to observe British shipping, and to provide
Galvez with daily reports. In
his spare time he was ordered to take soundings in the lake.[143] May 18, 1778
General Galvez informed Don Raymundo DuBreuil, Commandant of Fort
San Gabriel,[144]
that he had been informed by the Commandant at Bayou de San Juan that
“3 balandras and 2 schooners carrying troops” were in route to
Manchak. He was ordered to
be on alert and to prepare the militia and Indians for any emergency.[145] May 28, 1778
British Governor Chester by letter warned Galvez that he would
attack Louisiana if it continued to ignore its professed neutrality.
He further told Galvez that he had sent an additional detachment
of troops to Manchak to protect that area.[146]During
this time frame the British governor also added troops to other British
fortifications along the Gulf and up the Mississippi, including Mobile,
Baton Rouge and Natchez.[147]
These troop movements kept the British from sending these troops to the
conflict raging in the American colonies. Jun., 1778
Francisco de Leyba was appointed as the third Lt. Governor of
Louisiana. He reported to
Ft. Carlos at present day St. Louis, where he became the commandant,
with instructions to develop and maintain friendly relations with the
nearby Indians; to build
good relationships with the nearby trappers and settlers, most of whom
were French; to develop agriculture; and to recruit and train a militia.
He was provided with a small detachment of Spanish army troops.[148] Jun. 9, 1778
Galvez turned over 24,023 Pesos cash (about $75,000 in current
money) to Pollock in two payments and supplies worth 26,990 to go
upriver. Pollock refitted
the captured British ship Rebecca
and sent it upriver as an escort.[149] Jun. 13, 1778
By this time supplies (rifles, gunpowder, blankets, uniforms, and
were also being funneled to the colonists through New Orleans and Havana
by government officials in Mexico City and Veracruz, Mexico.
France was also being supplied by Spain through Veracruz.[151] Jun. 24, 1778
Lt. Colonel George Rogers Clark, with 175 men departed Corn
Island (Louisville) bound for the British fortress at Kaskaskia, with
its 1,000 inhabitants July 4, 1778
Lt. Colonel George Rogers Clark, supplied by de Leyba at Ft.
Carlos, from supplies sent upriver by Galvez, attacked and conquered
British forces at Kaskaskia. This
cut off one source of supplies to British forces based in Detroit; gave
him control of river supply and communications, and helped to maintain
his Spanish supply route.[152]
He and his 175 men had
departed from the abandoned Fort Massac[153]
six days before. Within the
next month Vincennes (Indiana) and Cahokia (Illinois) across the river
from Ft. Carlos, came under control of Clark.
Seventy five of his men went home.
Clark was able to maintain his position only through recruitment
of French settlers in the Illinois country and the support of the
Spanish at Ft. Carlos and New Orleans.[154] Soon after the conquest of Kaskaskia
by Clark, Don Fernando de Leyba, began corresponding with Clark.
A bond of friendship developed between the two men.
About a month after the establishment of the new settlement at
Clarksville at Fort Jefferson, Clark left for St. Louis,
to assist in the defense of Fort Carlos. July 13, 1778
Francisco de Leyba wrote to his friend George Rogers Clark
congratulating him upon his victory at Kaskaskia.
He informed him that additional supplies had arrived in New
Orleans and invited him to visit Ft. Carlos.[155]
Cahokia was only a few miles from Fort Carlos. Late July, 1778
Clark spent two days as the house guest of de Leyba.
De Leyba was in possession of a shipment from Galvez, and there
were discussions about whether the goods in question were paid for by
congress or by Virginia. If
Virginia, Clark wanted to take delivery.
It appears that the shipment in question was the inventory
amounting to 26,990 pesos fuertes delivered by Pollock to Willing in May, 1778.
Clark was the guest of honor.
Upon arrival, he was honored with an artillery salute.
He was toasted many
times by the 30 guests in attendance at formal dinners each evening.
A celebratory dance lasted into the early morning hours.
The celebration continued the following evening.[156]
The two men met again that year at least once, and continued
their correspondence.[157]
Clark remained at Cahokia for five weeks, where he concluded
treaties with 10 or more Indian tribes.
One scholar had this to say about Clark: “The
Great achievement of Clark’s 1778 campaign was not the uncontested
occupation of the Illinois, but his success in neutralizing so
considerable a segment of the Indian military power upon which the
English strategy had depended.”[158] Lt. Governor de Leyba had an
attractive single sister, Theresa, who lived at Fort Carlos.
In polite society, Clark would have danced with her.
Over the years there has been much speculation about a romance
between Clark and Theresa. A
popular novel fanned the flames of this romance[159].
Although the current director of ______ in Louisville told this
author in an interview in 2010 that there is nothing to indicate there
ever was any romantic involvement between Dona Theresa de Leyba and
Clark, one prominent author indicated that Clark had written her a
letter proposing marriage. She
had become despondent upon her brother’s death and had traveled to New
Orleans where she had already taken her vows before the proposal
This unrequited love is also reputedly the basis for the poem Evangeline,
A Tale of Acadie, written by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
Perhaps his affection for Thresa de Leyba was the reason he never
married. Aug 6, 1778
Willing arrived at Fort Carlos in St. Louis with the supplies
from Galvez. Lt. Governor de
Leyba wrote to Gen. George Rogers Clark that the supplies had arrived
and would be held until Clark sent instructions.
Shortly thereafter a second shipment from Oliver Pollock in New
Orleans arrived at Fort Carlos. Clark
was concerned that some of these supplies should be sent to Ft. Pitt,
but he was assured by members of the Continental Congress that they were
being supplied via a different route.[161]
De Leyba extended credit to Clark, and the citizens of St. Louis to
furnish additional credit to Clark.[162]
Clark reported to Gov. Henry that Leyba “interests himself much in
favor of the States”. He
was so involved that he personally raised supplies from the inhabitants
of St. Louis, and personally guaranteed payment for supplies secured for
Clark.[163] Aug. 24, 1778
A devastating hurricane hit New Orleans and surrounding areas.
It destroyed many of the buildings in the city and outlying
areas, and sank many vessels at anchor and in port.
This storm killed most of the livestock in the area, leaving the
residents of New Orleans without fresh meat.[164] Oct. 1778
Pollock received an additional 15, 948 pesos
fuertes in two payments from Spain for the Americans.[165] Oct. 11, 1778
Bernardo de Galvez received a letter from Don Raymundo DeBreuil,
dated October 11, 1778 in which he reported that three days earlier the
British at Manchak received word from Pensacola that 2,000 men were
being transferred to reinforce Fort Bute.
He also reported that the fort was being strengthened and that
barracks and other structures were being built at Fort Bute.
The fort had recently received nine months supplies.[166] Oct. 13, 1778
The British troops at Manchak had become unnerved and tensions
were high. Two canoes with
17 Indians paddled downstream near the British fort.
One of the canoes was flying the Spanish flag.
At least 60 shots were fired at them.[167] Oct. 14, 1778
A British officer in disguise, with his company of British troops
were stationed above Baton Rouge to look for Americans.
They came down the river to Baton Rouge to report to the English
commander that they had
spotted two boats of armed troops near Ysla
de Ybervil. As a result
the commandant was prepared for an attack.[168]
Oct. 19, 1778
Bernardo de Galvez wrote to Patrick Henry that because of Captain
Willing’s exploits down the Mississippi, England stationed two war
ships off the port of New Orleans.[169]
This made Spain’s undercover assistance much more difficult. Oct. 21, 1778
Spain’s plan to rid the English from the area was complicated
by the arrival at New Orleans of two boat loads of American families
from South Carolina. They
arrived in response to an offer of land from the Governor of West
Florida at Pensacola. They
settled at Petit Goufre.[170] Nov., 1778
The first Canary Islanders (“Islenos”) arrived in New Orleans
in November, 1778. Bernardo
de Galvez divided them into four groups, two of which were settled on
bayous north of New Orleans, and two groups were established south of
the city, on both banks of the Mississippi.
These new arrival were posted so as to give a warning in the
event of attack. Between
1776 – 1778, a group of Anglo-Americans seeking Spanish refuge from
the American Revolutionary War, settled at the junction of the Amite
River and Bayou Manchac. They
named their settlement “Galvestown”.[171] Dec. 2, 1778
Raymundo DuBreul reported to Bernardo de Galvez that he had
crossed the river from Galveztown to Fort Bute to request permission
from the English commandant to pass supplies up river from New Orleans
to the detachment at Galveztown. He
was well received and the officers toasted to the health of Galvez.
Yet a few moments later shots were fired at an Indian canoe.
Indians said that if one of them were injured, they would burn
the English fort. When he
returned to the fort at Galveztown, English shots lodged into the door
of the fort.[172] Dec. 4, 1778
A ship arrives in New Orleans from Havana bringing passengers,
mail and cargo, as well as 400 reinforcements for the Regiment.
He noted that two unidentified frigates, which were probably
British, were at anchor off shore.[173]The
next day Galvez was notified that the two English war ships had passed
Ysla Real that afternoon without a flag.[174] Dec. 13, 1778
Galvez gives DuBriel permission to continue to receive British
deserters at Galveztown and to provide them with passage down the river
to New Orleans.[175] Dec. 13 & 15, 1778
Patrick Henry wrote two letters to Don Fernando de Leyba to
express his gratitude for de Leyba’s assistance and willingness to
help the American cause.[176] Dec. 17, 1778
With a force of about 500, consisting mostly of Indians loyal to
the British, British and members of the French militia,
Lt. Governor Hamilton retook Vincennes.
Following orders of the British crown to use Indians against the
Americans, Hamilton became known as the “hair buyer”, since in
effect, with his gifts to the Indians he was perceived as paying for the
scalps that they took. His
forces traveled 600 miles from Detroit in 71 days.
When he arrived he learned that most of the French[177]
garrison loyal to Clark had already abandoned Captain Helm and were
surrendering their arms to Major Hay.
Not a shot was fired. Two
days later, many of the French militiamen who has sworn allegiance to
the United States were required by Hamilton to renew their previous oath
of allegiance to England. This expedition required that Hamilton
postpone his plans to attack Fort Pitt.
His primary goal was to disrupt Clark’s line of communication
with both Kentucky and Virginia.[178] Dec. 23, 1778
Francis Vigo, a Spanish merchant from Fort Carlos (St Louis)
arrived at Vincennes to deliver ammunition and supplies from de Leyba
and to determine what supplies were needed for his next trip.
He was detained by Hamilton, questioned and released as a Spanish
neutral, but only upon his solemn oath that on his return to Fort Carlos
he would do nothing to harm the British cause.
True to his word, he traveled directly to Fort Carlos, and then
without delay traveled to Kaskaskia to inform Clark of the turn of
events. He arrived in
Kaskaskia on Jan. 29, 1779. Dec. 31, 1778
Raymundo DuBriel reported to Bernardo Galvez that the governor of
West Florida at Pensacola has received orders to build a chain of forts
along the east side of the Mississippi River in English territory, and
that Colonel Dickson expected to be named commander of those forts.
The English planned to soon start construction of two brick forts
with barracks inside for 300 each at Manchak and Baton Rogue.
At that time there were 3,000 British soldiers stationed at
Pensacola, many of whom arrived on one of five frigates which recently
arrived there. He
noted rumors of 11,000 Russian volunteers landing in America, and of a
possible alliance between England and Spain.[179] 1778 – 1780
Don Juan de Miralles, while serving as a Spanish “observer”
in Philadelphia, established free trade and commerce between the
merchants of Philadelphia and Havana, providing a much needed source of
supplies to the residents of Philadelphia. This
commerce aided farmers and merchants by giving them a new market for
rice, flour, dried beef and pork, lard, soap and fish.
The American ships on their return voyages imported sugar, rum,
honey, tropical fruit and tobacco. These
shipments frequently included arms, ammunition and other military
supplies. Later, Miralles
established trade between Philadelphia and Baltimore and Puerto Rico,
Martinique, New Orleans and other Spanish ports. This
much need commerce help sustain the economy of the rebellion.
George Washington was a frequent guest of Miralles, and
reciprocated by inviting Miralles to frequent dinners at the Washington
home. Gen. Washington
treated him as if he were the official representative of Spain in the
US. One example would be an
invitation to him and the French Ambassador to review continental
headquarters at Morristown. The
troop’s guarding the compound signs and countersigns for the three day
visit were “King Charles”, “Don Juan de Miralles”, “Navarro”
and “Aranda”, thereby giving Spain the royal treatment.[180] 1779-1782
Spanish Ranchers (which included the seven Missions) along
the San Antonio River between San Antonio and Goliad, Texas sent between
9,000 and 15,000 head of cattle, several hundred horses, mules, bulls
and feed to Gen. Bernardo Galvez in New Orleans by way of El
Camino Real. The cattle
were used to feed his troops and to provision George Washington’s
Continental Army at Valley Forge. Early
George Rogers Clark moved the Fort at the Falls of the Ohio from
Corn Island to the south shore. The
new fort was called “Fort on Shore”.[181]
Subsequently, it was renamed Fort Nelson (present day
Louisville). It was his
efforts that led the Virginia Assembly to establish Kentucky County,
Virginia, which includes all of present day Kentucky.
It was his leadership that led to the initial political
of Kentucky County was in part to control the Illinois Indians.[183]
Jan 19, 1779
British Adm. George Rodney's squadron with 18 ships-of-the-line
engaged Spanish Adm. Juan de Langera's squadron with 11
ships-of-the-line off Cape Vincent (on the southwestern coast of
Portugal). This is called
the "Moonlight Battle" because, rather than breaking off at
sunset (as was usual) the combatants continued until 2 AM. The Spanish
lost seven of their ships-of-the-line. Jan. 29 – Feb. 27, 1779
It was on Jan. 29, 1779 that Clark learned from Spanish merchant
Francis Vigo that Hamilton had retaken Vincennes.
Unknown to him was the fact that Hamilton had released his
militia and most of his Indian allies for the duration of the winter.
Clark was of the opinion that Hamilton would not expect an attack
in the middle of winter across 180 miles of flooded countryside, so he
placed into motion his plan to attack and retake Fort Charlotte and
Vincennes. A messenger was
sent to Cahokia for volunteers. Within
a few days a company of Cahokia volunteers arrived at Kaskaskia on Feb.
4, 1779. Kaskaskia also
raised a company of volunteers. Clark
purchased a large riverboat and outfitted as an armed galley.
It was armed with a nine pound cannon, two four pounders, and
four swivils. It carried
supplies for the expedition, including sufficient ammunition for the
task at hand. John Rogers, a
cousin of Clark, was selected as Captain of the ship, which was named
the Willing, after _ Willing.
Forty men or more constituted the crew.
The plan was for the Willing to travel down the Mississippi River
to its confluence with the Ohio, near Fort Jefferson, and then up the
Ohio River to the Wabash River, about half-way to Fort Nelson
(Louisville). Then, it was
to travel up the Wabash to a point just below Vincennes.
At that point Captain Rogers was to rendezvous with the land
party to resupply it; and to prevent a river withdrawal by Hamilton’s
forces. The fully armed and loaded Willing,
with its crew departed Kaskaskia on Feb. 5, 1779.
The land party left on Feb. 6th.
The land force consisted of 170 men, about half of whom were
French. They were confronted
with swollen rivers and flooded fields, but through dogged determination
they averaged 25 – 30 miles per day for the first six days.
As they neared the Wabash River on Feb. 13th, they
were forced to abandon their pack horses, and carry what they could on
their backs. Until they
neared Vincennes there was plenty of game to keep their stomach’s
full. Evening meals were
festive and their spirits were high.
When they reached the Embarrass River on Feb. 17th,
they could hear the cannon from Fort Sackville.
No hunting was allowed for fear the British would be alerted.
The Willing, with its food and supplies had not yet arrived.
By Feb. 19th they were starved.
On Feb. 20th two French hunters shared their venison
with the troops and provided information about two canoes.
The following day Clark used the canoes to ferry his force to dry
land. Still no sign of the
Willing. The nights were
bone chilling cold. Ice was
forming on the edge of the water. The
men suffered from hunger, cold and exposure. On Feb. 22nd a British
scouting party spotted Clark’s campfires about 12 miles downstream.
Hamilton put the fort on alert, alerted the militia and sent out
a 20 man scouting party. That
evening 15 of Clark’s sharpshooters began firing into the fort with
deadly accuracy. Friendly
Frenchmen in the fort took Clark’s men to a place where caches of
ammunition had been stored underground and delivered it to Clark.
Most of the Frenchmen, who had recently sworn an oath to England
abandoned the fort. Many of
them joined with Clark. Hamilton
was left with only 79 men. On
Feb. 25, 1779, Fort Sackville and the town of Vincennes were surrendered
to Clark and the American flag was hoisted about the fort.
Many view this as the high point in Clark’s carrer.
The Willing did not arrive until Feb. 27th.
Shortly thereafter Clark was promoted to Colonel.[184] 1779 - 1782
All males, including Indians, over 18 in New Spain were required
to become a member of the Militia in their respective areas. Matias
de Galvez, father of Bernardo, drove the British occupiers out of Belize
and Roatan. Subsequently,
English forces attacked the interior of what is now Nicaragua, and
captured the stronghold at Omoa. Frequent
battles ensued between Britain and Spain in Central America.
By 1782 Matias Galvez had expelled the British from Central
America.[185] Feb. 16, 1779
Artillery and ammunition was received at Fort Bute in Manchak.[186]
The British are plagued with desertions by both English and
German soldiers, some of whom are diverted to Galveztown, but most of
whom are shipped down river to New Orleans.[187] Mar. 4, 1779
Gen. George Washington wrote a letter of appreciation to Navarro
in which Washington praised Spain for its assistance.[188] Mar 5, 1779
More reinforcements arrived at Fort Bute.
A detachment of 100 men were transferred to the fort at Natchez.
Colonel Dickson was placed in command of the British garrison
until the new General arrived.[189] 12 Apr. 1779
A secret treaty was entered into between the French Ambassador in
Madrid, and Count Floridablanca, Spanish Secretary of State, which drew
Spain further into the conflict between the American Colonies and
England. In the
of Aranjuez they agreed to aid one another in recovering lost
territory from Britain. France
and Spain sought to secure Gibraltar, which was a key link in Britain's
control of the Mediterranean Sea, and expected its capture to be
relatively quick—a precursor to a Franco-Spanish invasion of Great
Britain. Spring,
For over a year there had been many discussions about sending a
large Franco-Spanish fleet to raid Great Britain.
Finally, the plan came into fruition.
John Paul Jones and Benjamin Franklin’s navy of privateers were
to attack Liverpool. This
attack was a mere diversion for the grand attack of a 64 ship armada,
with a combination of French and Spanish ships and men.
These war ships carried 4,774 guns.
They moved up the English Channel to attack a British fleet half
the size. Sure victory was
at hand, but just as the fateful day of the Spanish Armada of 1588, a
tempestuous storm scattered the Franco-Spanish fleet and disrupted the
attack. At that very moment
a smallpox epidemic struck the fleet, killing thousands and weakening
the survivors.[190]
That day, Spain and France paid an additional price for American
freedom in terms of ships lost and men killed. May
8, 1779
Spain declared war on Great Britain.
The Royal Order reads as follows: “The
king . . . has decided to declare war on [the king] of Great Britain,
and [has decreed] that upon receipt of this order, it is to be published
by solemn bando throughout America” . . . I command the [provincial]
governors quickly to have copies of the bando made, published and placed
in the most public locations in the town, villa, and [other] places
under [the jurisdiction of] their respective governments, that it may
come to the attention of all.”[191] Immediately,
the British government issued “Letters of Marque”[192]
against all ships and subjects of Spain, making them fair game for
British war ships and privateers. At
the same time, Spain sent much of its fleet from San Blas and Acapulco
to reinforce Manila, which England had captured during the Seven Years
War. Captain Cook began his
three voyages in 1768, so the redeployment of ships of war to the
Philippines was merited. June
16, 1779
According to English newspapers dated April 3, 1780, for some
unknown reason, it was not until June 16, 1779 that the Spanish
Ambassador to England delivered the declaration of war to the royal
court in London. This
article recounted that it was only a few days later war with England was
declared in Puerto Rico. Clearly,
the Spanish court had advised its leaders around the world of the
forthcoming declaration of war well in advance of the formal notice to
England. In fact, Bernardo
de Galvez in New Orleans, had been advised that war was imminent in
August, 1778. The
independence of America from England had been publicly recognized from a
drum beating ceremony in New Orleans on August 19, 1779.
Galvez was well prepared for war, and as soon as official word
was received, acted quickly to attack British forces on the Mississippi.
He seized the kings’s sloop on the Mississippi on its way to
reprovision Manchak, plus six other small vessels on the lakes and in
the river Amit (sic).[193] 20
Jun. 1779
Francisco Garcia, an emissary from Bernardo de Galvez, arrived in
San Antonio with a letter for Texas Governor Domingo Cabello, requesting
and authorizing the first official cattle drive from Texas to Louisiana.
Following the August 1778 hurricane in Louisiana the cattle herds
were decimated and his troops in Louisiana needed beef.
He also needed horses for his cavalry and to pull artillery
pieces. Galvez was very
familiar with the Texas long horn cattle from his days in Chichuahua
fighting Apaches. Cabello
immediately took steps to insure that the cattle and horses were
gathered up for shipment by cattle drive.
He also recruited a few soldiers to fight with Galvez.
Many of the soldiers and militiamen stationed at the Texas
presidios were assigned to guard the cattle shipments.
By August, 1779, the first shipment of 2,000 head of cattle was
ready for shipment. The
shipment was divided into two separate drives to insure against the
Comanches who had blocked the El Camino Real.
Through 1782, a minimum of 9,000 head of cattle were trailed to
Galvez from the ranches between San Antonio and La Bahia.
The cattle, bulls, horses and feed were assembled at La Bahia and
herded through Nacogdoches (TX), Natchitoches (LA) and Opelousas, where
they were delivered to Spanish forces.
The trail herders were a mixed bag of vaqueros from the ranches,
militiamen, and Spanish soldiers from Bexar, La Bahia and El Fuerte del
should be noted that all of this activity was well before Bernardo
Galvez received official notice on August 12, 1779, that Spain had
declared war against England. Cabello
was under orders from Teodoro de Croix, the commandant-general of the
interior provinces of New Spain, to refrain from trade with Louisiana
without a royal license. Cabello
requested permission from Croix to comply with Galvez’ request.
By letter dated August 16, 1779, Croix gave his blessing on the
cattle drives to Louisiana.[195]On
September 20, 1779 Cabello advised Croix that he was preparing to export
2,000 head of cattle and a number of bulls to Louisiana.
Interestingly, three weeks earlier on August 30, 1779, Joseph
Felix Menchaca arrived in Nacogdoches (TX) with the main herd of cattle.
By that date a herd of horses had already passed through
Natchitoches (LA) and
proceeded to New Orleans to make final arrangements for the arrival of
the cattle.[196]Twenty-two
privates from Cabello’s detachment at El Cibolo were assigned to the
horse herd trailed to New Orleans by Lieutenant Menchaca.[197]
Cabello did not receive the news that war had been declared until
December 9, 1779.[198]
The Texas ranchers estimated that they had sent more than 13,000
head of cattle to Galvez. Governor
Cabello ran a tally of cattle exported which totaled 18,449 head of
cattle. A father Lopez
estimated that the total cattle exported to Louisiana was 15,000 –
20,000 head “most of them cows.”[199]
Another researcher has estimated that the number of cattle sent to
Galvez after 1780 totaled 15,000 to 20,000 head per
[emphasis added] Since
different fees attached to unbranded cattle there was little incentive
for the ranchers to submit accurate reports on the number of head of
cattle exported. One
researcher stated that
attempts to calculate the true number of cattle exported are little more
than exercises in futility. It
is safe to assume that the actual exports exceeded the official figures,
just as wild stock always exceeded the number the cattlemen managed to
brand and talley.[201] Providing
these cattle to Galvez’ troops created a hardship to those living in
Texas. Governor Cabello
predicted: “that the
year free trade was established bovine
and equine livestock would become so scarce in Texas that a horse would
be worth 20 pesos and a cow twice as much.
He feared that the rush of cattle and livestock to “La Luiciana”
that it would not be long before it would be impossible to supply the
presidios in Coahuila, as was already happening.
He said “cattle will become totally lacking, and none will be
found even for our own sustenance.”
Nevertheless, Cabello promised the comandant-general that he
would be able to fill the order of General Galvez.[202] 21 Jun. 1779
Notice arrived in Cuba that Spain formally declared war on
England. Carlos, III, king
of Spain, ordered Spanish subjects around the world to fight the English
wherever they were to be found. In
the declaration of war, Carlos asked all Spaniards to pray for victory.[203]
Gen. Bernardo Galvez in New Orleans, was ready for battle.
For about a year he had been preparing for war.
He started with a force of 667 men, which included 170 veteran
soldiers, 330 recruits newly arrived from Mexico and the Canary Islands,
together with an assortment of Cubans, Dominicans, Puerto Ricans,
militiamen, free Blacks and Mulattoes, plus seven American volunteers. Jun. 24, 1779
King Carlos, III issued a special edict for all Spaniards in
Spain and America, requiring them to offer prayers for the Spanish army.
It was not until the following February 18, 1780 that notice of
this edict was passed on to the Franciscan Presidente of the missions in
California by Comandante-General Teodoro de Croix.
His message, translated from the original Spanish to Englis is as
follows: …
inspired thereto by his sense of piety, and wishing above all things to
implore the protection of the Almighty, on Whom depend the destinies of
empires and the issues of wars, has given orders directing that, in all
his possessions in Spain and America, public prayers be offered up for
the prosperity of our Catholic armed forces.[204] Presumably, Comandantes-General in
other parts of the Americas did likewise.
The Franciscan Presidentes passed on this message to their
respective missions. Since a
request from the king was the equivalent of a royal order, it is safe to
assume that throughout all of Spain and the Americas, prayers for
victory against the English were said by all Spaniards. 24 Jun 1779 – 7 Feb. 1783
When Spain declared war on Britain the siege of Gibraltar began.
Spain allocated four regiments totaling some 13,000 land troops
plus 13 ships of the line and other smaller vessels.
The siege lasted the better part of four years. Jul. 1779
Oliver Pollock received an additional payment from Spain for the
Americans totaling 22,640 pesos
Fuertes.[205] Jul. 16, 1779
Bernardo de Galvez received a letter dated July 16, 1779 from the
Commerce Committee of the Continental Congress thanked him for his
favorable sentiments included in his letters to Congress dated April 3,
May 5, 6 and June 4, 1778, which letters were read to Congress.
The letter also thanked him for the financial assistance rendered
to Oliver Pollock.[206] 23 Jul 1779
The Continental Congress passed a resolution directing each state
to provide a list of necessary commodities and supplies for the army, at
a designated cost per unit for each supply.
If any state came up short, they were to pay the difference to
the US Treasury in Spanish milled dollars. If
any state overpaid, they were to be reimbursed in Spanish milled dollars. Journals
of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789, p. 872. Aug. 9, 1779
A combined Spanish – French naval task force captured a large
British convoy of ships, carrying troops. Aug. 12, 1779
Although Spain declared war on England on May 8, 1779, it was not
until Captain Cristobal Mansana brought the mail to New Orleans on
August 12, 1779 that Galvez was made aware of the declaration.[207]In
the declaration of war, King Carlos, III recognized the independence of
the United States and ordered all posts to on guard against British
resentment. He incorrectly
reported that 18,000 British troops had landed at Boston, and that
reinforcements were heading up the Mississippi to Manchak and Baton
Rouge.[208] Aug.
14, 1779
John Paul Jones, captain of the Amrican ship Bonhomme Richard
set sail, and over the next month captured or destroyed at least 29
enemy vessels. On
September 23, Bonhomme Richard famously fought the British
frigate Serapis.
Jones’ ship was provisioned by the Gardoqui family of Bilbao,
Spain. Aug. 16, 1779
This was what Galvez had been awaiting.
For over a year he had been planning for war against the English.
Within the first few days after receiving the formal notice of
war, he penned letters to his officers.
On August 16, 1779 he wrote to DuBreuil.
He advised that war had been declared against Britain, but that
the English had not yet received any notice.
Under the circumstances, DuBreuil was to do nothing to expose
that secret. In the meantime
he was to prepare for war. Galvez
advised that he planned to leave very soon with a large force to attack
Fort Bute. DuBreuil was
instructed to select points for an advantageous attack.[209] 18 Aug. 1779
A hurricane sank all but one of Galvez’ fleet of 14 ships which
he was preparing for an expedition up the Mississippi River to seize
British outposts. Only the
frigate El Volante survived.
Among the ships lost was the newly commissioned American gunboat
that Capt. Willing had seized from the British in 1778.
The hurricane did not damage the forts or buildings at Fort Bute
in Manchak or Baton Rouge. He
salvaged cannon from the sunken ships.
Galvez ordered that all undamaged ships up river be brought to
New Orleans.[210] Aug. 21, 1779
The British at Fort Bute and Baton Rouge learned that Spain had
declared war on England, and they began to prepare for an attack.[211] 27 Aug. 1779
Gen. Bernardo Galvez learned of the May 8, 1789 Declaration of
War against England on August 16th.[212]
Because he knew that war was imminent, he had been prepared –
at least until the hurricane struck the week before.
One Galliot and three gunboats were salvaged from the bottom of
the river and restored. These
vessels were equipped ten cannons, one of 24 pounder, five 18 pounders,
and four 4 pounders, and ammunitions .
The attack was two pronged. The
four gunboats of this expedition which was to go by water, were placed
in the command of Lieutenant of Artillery, Don
Julian Alvarez. Galvez gave
charge of defending New Orleans to Captain Don Pedro Piernas, who had
the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, which left only militiamen to protect
the town. The affairs of the
administration of the governor were taken care of by Quartermaster Don
Martin Navarro. The army
that was to follow Galvez was under the command of Colonel Don Manuel
Gonzales. Second in command
was Lt. Colonel Don Estevan Miro, with Captain Don Jacinto Panis serving
as Major of the Expedition.[213] He led the 700 Spanish Army regulars
at New Orleans up the Mississippi River 105 miles to attack Fort Bute,
in Manchac, Louisiana in 11 days. Along
the way the size of his force doubled with the recruitment of German[214]
and Acadian[215]
and Indians. Upon his
arrival at Ft. Bute, his force numbered 1,427 men, about one-third of
which were unfit for duty due to sickness and fatigue.
At the time, When
Galvez’ troops arrived, the fort contained only one garrison of a
Captain, Lieutenant and a Second Lieutenant plus 24 enlisted men.
Fortunately for Galvez, the British had detached to Baton Rouge
the day before a substantial force including 110 Grenadiers and two
companies (201) of fusileers of the German Army of Waldeck, and another
two companies of the 16th Regiment of Foot, after having sent
their Artillery, Tools, Ammunition and Provisions ahead.[217]
29 Aug. 1779
Carlos, III, king of Spain, issued a royal proclamation that the
main objective of the Spanish troops in America was to drive the British
out of the Gulf of Mexico and the Mississippi River.[218] Aug. 30, 1779
The first herd of Texas Cattle from the San Antonio area arrived
in Nacogdoches on Aug. 30, 1779, consisting of 970 steers, 40 bulls.
The herd was delivered to Captain Antonio Gil Ybarbo by Joseph
Feliz Menchacha, Juan de Ysurieta, Juan Joseph Pacheco, Francisco Perez,
Albert Gimenez and others.[219]A
herd of horses bound for Galvez had passed through Nacogdoches a few
days before with three herders.[220] 7 Sep. 1779
Ft. Bute at Manchac was surrendered by the English to Galvez on 7
Sep. 1779. Galvez took 20
prisoners. The English
Second Lieutenant and 5 soldiers escaped, and only one was killed.
Inventories were taken the next day and Galvez gave his troops
six days of rest.[221]
Throughout his march from New Orleans to Fort Bute at Manchak and
northward to Fort Richmond at Baton Rouge, Galvez’ principal army was
the Regiment of Louisiana, founded in 1769.
In the Spring of 1779 the regiment had only five companies.
Each company was authorized a Captain, three Lieutenants, three
sergeants, seven corporals, 79 privates and two drummers.
In July, 1779, the regiment received 159 recruits from Mexico and
the Canary Islands, allowing the regiment to expand to 8 companies.
Only about 380 men were stationed in New Orleans.
The balance were posted in remote stations such as St. Louis and
Arkansas Post.[222]
Within a few days of Gálvez'
victory, American
and Spanish privateers captured several British supply ships on Lake
Pontchartrain, including the remarkable capture of one ship carrying
54 Waldecker
troops and ten to twelve sailors by a sloop crewed by 14 native
Louisianans.[223] 11 Sep. 1779
Galvez marched upon Ft. Richmond at Baton Rouge, some 60 miles to
the west. Due to the beef
sent from Texas, they had full stomachs.[224]
Because of sickness, his army was down to 384 regular army, 400
militia, and 14 artillerymen. The
fort contained 400 regulars and 150 militiamen.
It had high palisade walls. I
believe that a renowned expert has misread the information about the
Fort. Caughy stated that
surrounding the fort was a ditch 18 feet wide and 9 feet deep.
In reading Galvez report to King Carlos, III, it appears that the
packed earth walls of the fort were 18 feet high and 9 feet wide,
surrounded by palisades, with a moat, the dimensions of which were not
described. In Caughy’s
defense, the dirt for the fortress walls came from the moat, the size of
which could in fact be about 18 X 9, but perhaps not.
Caughy reported that the fort was armed with 18 cannon, whereas
Galvez reported only13. The British garrison included about 500 men,
some 400 of which were seasoned army veterans; while Galvez had
continued to lose men to sickness, disease and fatigue.
Galvez realized that a frontal assault of the fort would
not succeed. It was time to
come up with a bit of ingenuity. He
had some of his troops in a heavily wooded area in front of the fort.
This frontal group included the militiamen and Negroes.
They built fires and made noises as if they were preparing gun
emplacements. Frequent
cannon fire throughout the night into this forest did little more than
destroy some trees. Quietly,
he circled to the rear of the fort and secretly built his gun
emplacements for his 10 cannon within musket range of the fort.[225]On
the 14th his canon tore a hole in the fortress wall.
After three and one-hours of artillery barrage the British
surrendered, as did the 80 Waldeck grenadiers. Sep. 20, 1779
Galvez wrote to his subordinate at New Orleans instructing him to
immediately dispatch 100-200 soldiers of the 2nd Battalion,
including a company of grenadiers to Baton Rouge, depending upon how
many transports can be used.[226] 21 Sep. 1779
Gen. Galvez army captured The British Fort at Baton Rouge, taking
375 prisoners. He negotiated
the surrender of the British Fort Panmure at Natchez[227],
taking an additional 80 prisoners. Later,
Galvez sent a detachment of men to seize two small British outposts in
Arkansas: Fort Tompson (also
called Thompson Creek and Thompson Barrack), which was manned by a
sergeant and four men from the “rank and file” of the British 16th
Regiment, together with 8 “rank and file” from the Waldeck (German)
Regiment; and Fort Amitch
(River Amit), the garrison of which included three sergeants, a drummer
and 7 “rank and file” of the 60th British Regiment and
one soldier from the Independent Company.[228]
His forces also captured eight British vessels with British and
German troops which were on their way from Pensacola to strengthen the
forts already taken by Galvez. In
a very short time following the declaration of war by Spain against
England, Galvez had seized five forts, eight ships, a stockpile of
weapons and gun powder, and about 1,000 men.
By clearing the Mississippi of British forces, Galvez allowed
Capt. William Pickles to bring an American Schooner onto Lake
Pontchartrain. Pickles
seized the British privateer, West Florida, which had dominated
the lake for two years. These
heroic exploits resulted in his promotion by Carlos, III to Major
General. Before Natchez was surrendered
several hundred English Loyalist settlers, in fear of possible Spanish
mistreatment, fled Natchez and marched east toward Savannah, Georgia.
They had divided themselves into two groups for the 131 day
march. One group was caught
by Americans in Georgia, while the others reached Savannah after
suffering Indian attacks and starvation.[229] Interestingly, Galvez and the
Spanish army was reported to have been very civil and kind to the
British prisoners. The
following is an extract of a letter from Lt. Col. Alex Dickson, 16th
Regiment of Foot, while a prisoner of war in New Orleans, to Major
General Campbell, at Pensacola, dated October 20, 1779:
. . “I must
in justice to his Excellency Don Bernardo de Galvez, say, that the
officers and soldiers, who are prisoners of war at this place (Baton
Rouge), are treated with the greatest generosity and attention, not only
by the officers, but even the Spanish soldiers seem to take pleasure in
being civil and kind to the prisoners in general.”[230] Within just a few short weeks
Colonel Bernardo de Galvez had seized three forts and two outposts,
taken 550 British and German soldiers prisoners, captured 500 armed
settlers. He added almost
1,300 miles of Mississippi River shoreline to his king’s domain.
The cost was one Spanish soldier killed and two wounded.
This was just a preview of coming attractions.
His observers (spies) in West Florida had reported to him that
West Florida was ripe for the taking.[231] Sep.
23, 1779
During the Revolutionary War,
the American navy under John Paul Jones, commanding from the 40 gun
Bonhomie Richard, defeated and captured the British man-of-war Serapis,
with its 44 guns. An American attack on a British convoy of 40 ships
pitted the British frigate HMS Serapis against the American Bon Homme
Richard. The American ship was commanded by Scotsman John Paul Jones,
who chose to name the ship after Benjamin Franklin's “Poor Richard’s
Almanack.” Fierce fighting ensued, and when Richard began to sink,
Serapis commander Richard Pearson called over to ask if Richard would
surrender and Jones responded, "I have not yet begun to
fight!"--a response that would become a slogan of the U.S. Navy.
Pearson surrendered and Jones took control of Serapis. The Bonhomie
Richard sank 2 days after the battle. Sep.
27, 1779 John
Jay was appointed Minister
to Spain. His plans went
awry from the beginning. Jay
was a Francophile. He
planned to land in France and to slowly ingratiate himself with the
Spanish representatives at the French Court before traveling to Spain.
His boat captain instead landed him in Spain, where no advance
preparations had been made. It
was if a dark cloud followed him around.
Perhaps due to a bad attitude on his part, he was not liked by
the Spanish court. His
mission was to get financial aid, commercial treaties and recognition of
American independence. The royal court of Spain refused to officially
receive Jay as the Minister of the United States.[232]
Congress failed to properly fund his work in Spain, and he was
forced to incur large debts, which unfortunately further blemished his
reputation among Spaniards.[233]
His mission was totally ineffective.
Even so, he remained in Spain until 1782, when he traveled to
France to participate in the peace treaty negotiations.
Jay probably did more damage than good for the cause.
Fortunately, Benjamin Franklin had been very effective in his
behind the scenes negotiations since early 1777.[234] Oct,
Spanish forces repulsed a Britain attack on Spanish Nicaragua at
San Fernando de Omoa. The
British successfully attacked Fort San Juan in Nicaragua the following
year. The victory was short
lived as the small garrison left there was decimated by yellow fever and
other tropical diseases. The
remainder of the occupying force withdrew to Jamaica. Oct.
A tragedy serves as evidence of the substantial amount of
supplies traveling upriver from New Orleans to the Americans.
Colonel David Rogers and his group of 70 men were bringing two
filled with supplies from Spain in New Orleans when they were attacked
by a large band of British sponsored Indians under the direction of a
Loyaltist named Simon Girty. The
attack occurred on the Ohio just a few miles downstream from the mouth
of the Licking River. Rogers
and most of his men were slaughtered.[236] October
16, 1779
Bernardo de Galvez sent a lengthy report letter to Captain
General Don Diego Joseph Navarro in Havana with details of his victories
over “superior forces, located in more advantageous position,
accustomed to war, and in fact veterans”.
The transcribed letter is contained in the Appendix.[237] 8 Nov. 1779
Thomas Jefferson wrote to Gen. Galvez, expressing his thanks for
Spain’s assistance during the revolutionary cause.[238] 1779
A British expedition from Detroit retook Vincennes. 1780
Carlos, III issued a Royal Order requesting a one-time voluntary
donation (“Donativo”) of two pesos per Spaniard and one pesos per
Indian in each provincial site in Spain’s New World Empire, to defray
the expense of the war with England.
This request was viewed as a crown order, followed by a high
level of participation. The
province of Arizona contributed 459 Pesos, which at the time was traded
equally with the US Dollar.[239]Sonora’s
total contributions was 22,420 Pesos, and that of all New Spain was
almost 1,000,000 Pesos.[240] 1780-1784
Upon the death of Miralles, he was replaced by the new Spanish
“observer” Francisco Rendon, a career government worker.
Rendon was well received by Philadelphia society.
Rendon invited George and Martha Washington to be his house
guests over the Christmas Holidays in 1781.
The Washington’s had received similar invitations from the
president of the Continental Congress, many members of congress and
other dignitaries, but accepted the Rendon invitation.
Following the New Year, Washington reciprocated by inviting
Rendon to West Point, where he was treated as an Ambassador[241]. 8 January
1780 British Admiral
George Rodney, after capturing a Spanish
convoy off Cape Finesterre and eight days later defeating a Spanish
fleet at the Battle
of Cape St. Vincent, reached Gibraltar in the spring of 1780,
bringing reinforcements of 1,052 men and an abundance of supplies. This
greatly heartened the garrison, who, as soon as Rodney's fleet left,
found the fortress as closely besieged as ever.
The siege of Gibraltar not only involved many Spanish soldiers
and sailors, it kept thousands of British redcoats and seamen out of the
battle with the colonists. 28 Jan
1780[242] Galvez
departed New Orleans bound for Ft. Charlotte at Mobile with twelve ships
containing 754 men[243].
His men were well fed on Texas beef.[244]
Mobile was the British capital of West Florida.
He was delayed first by a lack of wind, and then by storms.
Enroute he lost about 1/3 of his transports.[245]
At the same time he sent an officer to Havana to request 2,000
reinforcements. The
Captain-General was able to dispatch only 567 soldiers of the Regiment
of Navarro. February
3, 1780
A British expedition to the Spanish province of Nicaragua
left Jamaica. The goal was to sail up the San
Juan River to Lake
Nicaragua and capture the town of Granada
from Spain, which would effectively cut Spanish
America in half as well as provide potential access to the Pacific
Ocean. This expedition
was escorted by twenty-one year-old Captain Horatio
Nelson in the Hinchinbrook.
Nelson was the highest ranking officer present, but his authority
was limited to naval operations. This expedition included about 1,000
men. 10 Feb. -14 Mar 1780
Galvez led the attack on the British Fort Charlotte at Mobile.
Shortly after Galvez arrived, four of the ships he had requested
arrived from Havana with 200 troops (of the 1,412 men he anticipated)
and some very much needed supplies.
The other reinforcements and additional supplies arrived from
Havana on Feb. 20, 1780. The
British forces were under the command of Lieutenant Governor Elias
Durnford. Durnford requested
several parlays with Galvez in a hope to stall the hostilities until
reinforcements could arrive from Pensacola.
Fresh troops never arrived.[246]
The siege lasted from 10 Feb. to 14 Mar. 1780, when the British
surrendered. The 260 man
garrison at Ft. Charlotte consisted on 98 members of the British 60th
Royal American Regt, 8 Pensylvania loyalists, 5 Maryland loyalists, 24
Waldeckers, 60 seamen, 54 militia and 51 Negroes.
Galvez was promoted to Field Marshall in command of Spanish
operations in America, and
was given command of all Spanish operations in America, and granted the
title “Governor of Louisiana and Mobile”.[247]
Galvez had planned to move on to Pensacola immediately, but two convoys
from Havana failed to show.[248] Feb. 18, 1780
Commandant-general Croix sent a message from King Carlos, III to
Governor Cabello ordering prayers for Spain and the success of its armed
forces in the war with England:
“The King, moved by his mercy and desire to implore before all
things the protection of the Almighty, upon whom the destinies of
empires and the fate of wars depend, has commanded that in all his
dominions of Spain and America public rogations[249]
be offered for the success and felicity of his Catholic armed forces.
I am informing you of his wishes by royal order, that you may
immediately put into effect the pious obligation in all the towns under
your command.”[250] Apr. 1780
The Spanish fleet sailed from Cadiz, Spain to America to
reinforce the army of Gen. Bernardo Galvez.
Because of the battles downriver at Manchak and Baton Rouge, and
General Galvez’ campaign against Mobile, supplies from New Orleans had
been slowed. The settlers
were hungry and the Chickasaw Indians were harassing the militia.
Even with 300 land warrants for 560 acres each as incentives for
military or civilian participation, settlement was not going well. April 9,
Lord Nelson—in the first hand-to-hand
combat of his career—led an assault which captured a Spanish
battery on the island of Bartola.
Five miles (8 km) upstream was the Spanish Fort
San Juan, with about 150 armed defenders and 86 others, which was besieged
beginning on April 13. Because
of poor planning and lost supplies, the British soon began to run low on
ammunition for the cannons as well as rations for the men. After
the tropical rains started on April 20, men began to sicken and die,
probably from malaria
and dysentery,
and perhaps typhoid
fever. Apr. 19,
George Rogers Clark arrived at the confluence of the Ohio and
Mississippi Rivers with about 250 militia from Fort Nelson on April 19,
The fort was named Jefferson, after Virginia’s new governor.
Supplies from Spain through New Orleans were intermittant due to
Galvez’ battles in Manchak and Baton Rouge, and due to his march to
and battle at Mobile. The
Chickasaw Indians harassed the inhabitants of the fort.
Famine set in. Even
with the 300 promised land grants of 560 acres each to military and
civilian participants was not enough to make settlement at Fort
Some of the supplies received from New Orleans were marked up
ten-fold by Captain Philip Barbour.[253]
Apr. 20, 1780 Texas
Governor Cabello before April 20, 1780 received the Royal Order from
Carlos, III requiring all Spaniards around the world offer prayers to
God for the success of Spain’s military.[254]
Henceforth, prayers were offered up from every church in the
province of Texas, and presumably from every church in Spain and New
Spain. These prayers
constitute an act of support within the meaning of the eligibility
requirements for membership in the Sons of the American Revolution. April 29,
The Spanish surrendered Fort San Juan.
About 450 British reinforcements arrived on May 15, but the
Blacks and the Indians abandoned the expedition because of illness and
discontent. Although Dalling
persisted in trying to gather reinforcements, sickness continued to take
a heavy toll, and the expedition was abandoned on November 8, 1780. The
Spanish reoccupied the remains of the fort after the British blew it up
on departure. In all, more than 2,500 men died, which "made the San
Juan expedition the costliest British disaster of the entire war. Spring
The British planned a massive spring campaign to retake the
western country. Their plan
called for sweeping down the Mississippi taking American settlements at
Kaskaskia and Cahokia, as well as Fort Jefferson and Fort Nelson.
Their plan also called for the seizing of Spanish forts at Fort
Carlos (St Louis), Arkansas Post and New Orleans.
Four separate expeditions were called for:
a) A large expedition of 1,000 men was to travel south from Fort
Mackinac (Michigan) sweeping down the Mississippi; b)
A second force was to travel upriver from the Gulf Coast until it
met up with the Mackinac force; c) One element, under Captain Henry
Bird, was to travel from Detroit to take Fort Nelson (Louisville) and
then to destroy the multiple Kentucky settlements; and d) a smaller
detachment was to move from Chicago into the Illinois River area.
Warned about the impending attacks Clark rushed to Cahokia, where
on May 25th, he
met with de Leyba to plan their mutual defenses.[255]
de Galvez had become aware of this British plan through mail from
Natchez that had been intercepted in the fall of 1779.
He feared that if the British were able to control both sides of
the Mississippi River, they would be enabled to carry the war to Mexico
and other parts of New Spain.[256] May 26, 1780
The Spanish authorities at Ft. Carlos[257]
in St. Louis aided George Rogers Clark in the conquest of the
territories northwest of the Ohio River and rallied to defeat the
combined British and Indian attack on St. Louis in 1780[258].
Don Fernando de Leyba, Lieutenant Governor of Louisiana also
served as Commandant of Fort Carlos.
The Spanish Garrison at Fort Carlos consisted of only 15 soldiers
and a drummer, from the Louisiana Regiment.
Knowing that war was on the horizon, de Leyba organized a militia
of all able bodied men in the area between 14 and 50.
Through his efforts the fort was defended by a militia infantry
company of 176 officers and men, and a cavalry unit of 48 men, which
included three officers and three sergeants.[259]
The Fort Carlos garrison also included a detachment of 12 regular
soldiers and 60 militia from the nearby town of Ste. Genevieve.
His armament included five cannon.
Through de Leyba’s prodding the merchants contributed the funds
to construct a defensive structure that consisted of a rectangular
entrenchment with four towers at the corners.
It was upon the completion of the first tower on April 17, 1780,
that Fort Carlos was named.[260]
The remaining towers were not finished before the battle.
A canon was placed in the tower. The
British raid was planned by Patrick Sinclair, Lieutenant Governor of
Michilimackinac (present day Mackinaw City, Michigan).
The British field commander was Emmanuel Hesse, a former member
of the British 60th Regiment.
Their mission was to defeat the Spanish forces and to establish a
British fortress at St. Louis, with a garrison large enough to launch
attacks on American settlements and to secure control of the Mississippi
River. The British attack
came on May 26, 1780 at midday. The
first casualties were farmers tending their crops in nearby fields.
Their bodies were mutilated by the Indians.
The gunfire alert the town. A
cannon was fired to alert the town to seek refuge at the fort.
Of the 900 inhabitants of St. Louis there were about 300
defenders – a mixture of Spanish soldiers, Spanish militia[261],
and Indian allies -successfully held off 2000 to 3000 attackers, which
included British soldiers, Indians and French Canadian soldiers, and
about 900 Indians, including Sioux, Sac, Fox, Ottawa, Winnebago and
other warriors from the Green Bay area.
About 60 Spanish militiamen from Ste. Genevieve (now Missouri)
participated in this battle.[262]
The women and children were crowded into the Laclede-Chouteau House.
An officer and 20 soldiers were placed around this house to
defend it. Sharpshooter
hunters were placed in the tower. Commandant
de Leyba was so sick he was carried to the tower on a stretcher, where
he directed the battle. Soldiers
and militia manned the trenches that surrounded the town.
Attackers were met with a withering fire from the defenders,
including the cannon. Failing
to seize the fort, the British withdrew.
The Indians, disappointed in the loss of a prize burned outlying
farms and tortured, killed or took captive the nearby farmers.
British reports indicate that their Indian allies that day took
33 scalps and 24 prisoners at St. Louis.
That same day the British attacked
Cahokia. Clark repulsed them
with few losses. This was a
significant victory of the American Revolution, for it consolidated the
defense of the frontier against British expeditions and Indian raids, at
the same time that it preserved the Mississippi – Ohio River route for
supplies and the American Army.[263]
It was also the westernmost battle of the Revolutionary War. Clark
could not have maintained his presence in Illinois and Kentucky without
the aid from Pollock[264],
his “good angel” which in turn was attributable to Galvez and Spain.
A second British attack force under
Captain Bird obtained more success in Kentucky[265],
where he captured Ruddle’s Fort,[266]
Martin Station[267]
and attacked Grants Fort.[268]
Byrd left Detroit in the spring of 1780 with 150 soldiers and 100
or more Indians with orders to launch a defensive against the exposed
Kentucky settlements. He
reached Cincinnati on June 9th where a council with the Indian chiefs
led him to reluctantly agree to an attack of the interior settlements
rather than attacking George Rogers Clarke's settlement at the Falls of
the Ohio. At this time, 300-350 families, many of whom were loyalist
Pennsylvanian Germans, lived in the Martin's/Ruddell's Station
neighborhood. Byrd first
arrived at Ruddell's Station with two field artillery pieces, having
sent an advance unit ahead under the command of Capt. McKee. The station
had been defending themselves against McKee's unit but the sight of
Byrd's 6-lb cannon led them to surrender. Despite promises to the
contrary, several of the inhabitants were killed. Byrd
then moved to Martin's Station, arriving there on the morning of June
26. Capt. John Martin was away on a hunting trip. When demanded to
surrender, the station inhabitants did so without firing a shot. The
majority of inhabitants from both stations were marched as captives to
Bird arrived in Detrot on Aug. 4, 1780 with 150 prisoners.
Two hundred more prisoners were marched to Detroit by the
Indians. Each prisoner was
offered land and settlement subsidies if they would renounce the rebels
and align themselves with the British.
Some took them up on the offer, but most refused.
The latter group were shipped to Montreal, where they were
imprisoned for the duration of the war.[270] Pollock had provided $300,000.00 of
his own funds to the American cause, which subsequently resulted in his
bankruptcy. This places him
in the league with Robert Morris as one of the top financial supporters
of the American Revolution.[271]
Interestingly, it was Pollock who created the current sign for the US
Dollar ($) sign.
Secured by Galvez, the Mississippi River remained a vital
lifeline to American forces, serving as a conduit for the transport of
men, money, mail and materials.[272] May 30, 1780
The records are unclear about the exact number of Texas longhorn
steers were delivered to Galvez. The
best estimate is that between 9,000 – 15,000 head of cattle, plus
bulls and horses were provided. On
May 30, 1780 Marcos Hernandez applied for a passport to transport 1,500
head of cattle belonging to the San Antonio Mission Esperatu Santo.
For whatever reason, of this shipment 1,234 head of cattle were
delivered to Galvez.[273]The
shrinkage may have been due to raids along the trail by warring
Comanches.[274] Jun. 1780
Spanish Admiral Don Solano arrived at Fort Royal, Martinique,
with a fleet of 12 warships and transports carrying 10,500 soldiers and
their supplies. They were
scheduled to participate in the siege of Pensacola.
The men were quite ill, so the fleet continued to Puerto Rico and
then Havana without engaging the enemy. Jul. 10, 1780
By letter dated July 10, 1780, Governor Cabello advised
commandant-general Croix that a herd of 2,000 cattle destined for
GeneralGalvez had been divided into two drives.
A herd of 1,300 steers from the mission of Espiritu Santo[275]
was attacked on July 3, 1780 by Commanche Indians.
All the men driving the herd had been killed and the cattle
Commanches continued raids on ranches and towns in south Texas.
They rustled horses and cattle.
The Indian braves outnumbered the combined forces of the army and
the militia. In the process
of gathering herds to trail to Galvez, several vaqueros were killed or
wounded, and ranchers’ homes were destroyed.[277]
Aug. 4, 1780
Sixteen Spanish ships of the line and 140 transport ships
carrying about 12,000 troops arrived in Havana.
Bernardo de. Galvez had requested a large contingent for the
upcoming siege of Pensacola. The
Havana war council authorized the bulk of these assets to be allocated
towards Pensacola and determined that departure should be in
mid-October. Aug. 9, 1780
Luis de Cordova y Cordova captured almost 60 British Ships near
Gibraltar.[278] The Action
of 9 August 1780 was a naval engagement of the American
Revolutionary War in which the main Spanish fleet led by Admiral
de Córdova y Córdova, together with a squadron of French ships,
captured a heavy British
convoy of sixty-three vessels causing a severe blow to the commerce of
Great Britain.[8][9][10]
The British convoy led by Sir John Moutray, captain of HMS
Ramillies and three frigates
sailed from Portsmouth
in late July, and were intercepted on 9 August by the Spanish fleet.
During the action the Spaniards managed to capture 55 of 63 vessels,
making it one of the most complete naval captures ever made.[11]
This loss was still bitterly remembered in Great Britain thirty years
later at the height of the Napoleonic
The British financial losses were estimated at £ 1,500,000.[12] Besides
the loss of the merchantships, 3144 men, and goods worth £1,5 million,
the convoy's capture offset Rodney's victory in the Moonlight
and helped derail a secret British diplomatic effort to make a separate
peace with Spain.[14] Engagement
On the
morning of 2 August, the Channel
Fleet fell in with a large outward-bound British convoy under the
escort of HMS Ramillies and four frigates. This convoy sailed
from Portsmouth
and consisted of sixty three sail, including not only East
and West India ships but also victuallers, military storeships, and
transports carrying the 90th
Regiment of Foot.[2]
The Channel Fleet accompanied the convoy for several hours to a point
112 leagues off the Isles
of Scilly, where the two groups of ships parted company.[1]
Following the instructions given by Don
Jose Moñino, count of Floridablanca to Luis de Córdova, the
Spanish fleet put sail from Cádiz and sailed as far as Madeira
and the Canary
Islands, where Don Luís deployed several frigates to spot the
convoy, being finally intercepted in the night of the 9th August by one
of the Frigates.[15]
The news were greeted with caution because there was doubt whether the
sails detected corresponded to the Channel
Fleet or whether it was the convoy heavily escorted. The second
Spanish command, José de Mazarredo called immediately for an attack,[16]
which meant that there was no reason for the British fleet to risk
themselves sailing so far from their coast. Proposing that all the
suspected sails had to be escorted. The British mistook the lanterns at
mast head of the Santísima
Trinidad for those of their own commander, and fooled by a ruse
of war[15]
steered accordingly.[17]
At break of day, they found themselves intermingled with the Spanish
Don Cordova enveloped them, and hoisted signals of general chase.[19]
[1] Engagement
between three East Indiamen and two French vessels, 8 March 1757
by Lawson Dunn. NMM. The
convoy included, besides the merchantmen, eighteen victuallers,
storeships, and transports, destined for the service in the West
Indies; one of these was of particular importance, being laden with
tents and camp equipage, for the troops designed for active service in
the Leeward
Islands. The five East India vessels, besides arms, ammunition, and
a train of artillery, conveyed a large quantity of naval-stores, for the
supply of the British squadron in that quarter. These
ships, and above fifty West Indiamen, including those chartered by the
crown, were seized by de Córdova's fleet. The five East Indiamen were
the Gatton, Godfrey, Hillsborough, Mountstuart
and Royal George, and their loss represented the worst disaster
in history for the East
India Company.[20]
The Mountstuart and Godfrey were shelled by the 120-gun ship
of the line Santísima
Trinidad, flagship of Admiral de Córdova, before surrendering
to the Spanish. Gatton was also hit by the Purísima Concepción
and set alight, but the fire was later put under control and the ship
seized. A frigate flotilla, commanded by Santiago
de Liniers and part of the Concepción squadron, captured the
30-gun Hillsborough.[21]
HMS Ramillies, two frigates and few West-India ships broke
contact and sailed away. The official Spanish report identifies the
frigates as the 36-gun HMS Thetis and HMS Southampton.[15] The
captured British ships, numbering nearly sixty, were brought into Cádiz,
an unusual spectacle since the capture of such a great enemy convoy by
any navy was an uncommon event; de Córdova's fleet produced this feat
upon two occasions. All the ships including the five East
Indiaman were brought into the Spanish navy.[22]
This was a major intelligence failure, for the British Admiralty did not
learn of the sailing of this enemy fleet until 4 August and neither Geary
nor Captain John Moutray.[1] Aftermath
Indiaman Royal George in Three Positions in the Downs
by Francis
Holman 1779. This ship carrying 28 guns was one of the five East
Indiaman taken by the Spanish fleet.
Spanish victory, compounded by the serious storm losses in the Caribbean,
produced a financial crisis among the marine insurance underwriters
throughout Europe.[24]
Many went bankrupt, and war insurance rates, already remarkably high due
to the menacing presence of privateers, were driven to intolerable
levels. It also increased and made increasingly public the
dissatisfaction which had before prevailed against the ministry, and
against the conduct and government of the Royal Navy. The five British
East Indiaman were brought into Spanish service, giving them an entire
squadron of frigates. Thus, the 30-gun Hillsborough
was commissioned in the Spanish navy as 34-gun Santa
Balbina, the 28-gun Mountstuart
as 34-gun Santa
Bibiana, the 28-gun Royal
George was brought into Spanish service as 40-gun Real
the 28-gun Godfrey
commissioned as 34-gun Santa
Paula and the 28-gun Gatton
was brought into Spanish service as 30-gun Colón.[15]
The Spaniards behaved with great humanity to their prisoners, repaying
the generous treatment which their countrymen
had experienced from Admiral Rodney.[23]
Captain John Moutray was court-martialled and suspended from the command
of HMS Ramillies. Footnotes
Campbell p.56 4.
Gordon p.4 5.
The scots magazine. MDCCLXXXIII. p.170 6.
Rusell p.131 7.
Campbell p.36 8.
Guthrie p.354 9.
Ramsay p.184 10.
Bisset p.46 11.
The encyclopaedia of London, p.483 13.
Syrett pp.136-137 14.
Syrett pp.136-137 15.
^ a
de presas británicas capturadas por la escuadra de Luis de Córdoba en
1780 Revista de Historia Naval del Ministerio de Defensa
- An incomplete list of the British ships captured by Admiral Luis de Córdova
in 1780 (Spanish) 16.
Fernández de Navarrete p.84 17.
Botta p.449 18.
Botta p.449 19.
Botta p.449 20.
Bowen, H V (2006). The business of empire: the East India Company and
imperial Britain, 1756-1833. Cambridge University Press, p. 156. ISBN
0521844770 21.
Trinidad, orgullo de la Armada española, by Pedro Amado (Spanish) 22.
Guthrie/Ferguson p.360 23.
^ a
Scots Magazine. January 1780, p.547 24.
Volo p.78 25.
José Montero y Aróstegui p.688 26.
González p.232 References
Aug. 17, 1780
King Carlos, III issued a decree in which he requested that every
Spanish citizen in the world make a voluntary donation (“donativo”)
to help defray the cost of the war against England.[279]
Spanish males over 18 were asked to pay two pesos,
while Indians and mestizos of that age were asked to pay one peso.
With the British blockade and bureaucratic red tape, it took a
year for the royal decree to reach some parts of the Americas.
Each comandante-general to forward it to their respective
governors. Commissioners
(generally the local Alcalde)[280]
were set up for each jurisdiction to supervise the collection of the
donativo, giving receipts therefor, preparing a list of donors and the
amounts of their respective donation, and transmitting the funds and
list of donors to Madrid. In
Texas alone, soldiers, citizens, and mission Indians donated 1,659 pesos.
At that time 6 to 8 pesos would have purchased an excellent
riding horse.[281]
Then, as now, a request from the
king is the same as a command. Extant
muster rolls throughout New Spain reflected the spontaneous donativo
made by almost every citizen. These
donations were funneled through Mexico City, which was the seat of
government of New Spain. After
all donations had been received in Mexico City, representatives of the
Spanish Viceroy delivered to Francisco de Saavedra, Spanish special
envoy and military strategist in Havana the sum of 500,000 pesos.
This sum surely included the donativos
from Texas. Saavedra in turn
delivered the 500,000 pesos to
French Admiral de Grasse to pay his French sailors and re-provision his
ships, immediately before the battle of Yorktown.
Saavedra delivered an additional 1,000,000 pesos
to de Grasse from Mexico for delivery to French General Rochambeau to
pay his troops at Yorktown, Virginia, just before the decisive battle
that resulted in Cornwallis’ surrender.
Shortly thereafter, Saavedra arranged for an additional 9,500,000
pesos from Mexico to finance Galvez’ proposed attacks on British forts
in Jamaica and St. Augustine, which were dropped after the Treaty of
Paris was signed.[282]
For details of the transfer of these pesos
from Spain to the French Admiral, see the entries for August 15-16,
1781, infra.
This “request” from the king was viewed as a royal order and
throughout New Spain the money flowed to Madrid.
For example, California contributed the equivalent of $4,000.00.[283] The Viceroy of New Spain, Mayorga,
developed a list of 13 instructions to assure the contributions were
voluntary, and sent them out to each jurisdiction. They reached the
Comandante General Cabellero de Croix of the Provincias Internas in
August 1781, and he transmitted them to each Governor of the Northern
Frontier. Communications had just been cut with Alta California by the
Yuma Massacre, so that the request for the donativo probably reached
Alta California during the latter part of 1781. 16 Oct. 1780
Galvez led a Spanish fleet of 15 war ships[284]
and 59 transport ships from Havana to attack Pensacola.
Embarked were 164 officers and 3,829 men.[285] 18 Oct. 1780
A hurricane hit the Spanish flotilla.
Many were lost. The
survivors retreated to Havana. Along
the way they seized two British frigates.
For fear that the British might seek to retake Mobile before he
could take Pensacola, Galvez dispatched two warships and 500 soldiers to
reinforce Mobile. Oct. 20, 1780
Cattle drives from Texas to Louisiana to feed Galvez’ army
continued. Although the
exact number of cattle driven are unclear, a muster roll from the
Presidio San Antonio de Bexar dated October 20, 1780 indicated that one
corporal and 11 privates had been assigned to escort cattle being herded
to Nachogdoches, following Galvez urgent request for cattle to support
his troops attack on Pensacola.[286]
Commanche Indians continued raids on local ranchers through the end of
the year.[287] Nov. 22, 1780
Arkansas Post (at the confluence of the Arkansas River with the
Mississippi River) Commandant Villiers crossed the Mississippi with a
detachment of Spanish soldiers and captured the English Fort Concordia,
and formally took possession of it.[288]
The capture of this English outpost helped force the English from
the Mississippi basin. Dec. 20, 1780
By years end, so many cattle had been exported from Texas to
Galvez that Governor Cabello expressed concerns that there might be
inadequate beef to feed the population in Texas, and/or that the
scarcity of beef would drive prices to an unrealistic price.[289]
Even so, he urged Croix to continue sending the necessary steers to
Galvez.[290] 2 Jan 1781
Sixty five Spanish troops and Spanish Militia, along with Indian
allies leave Ft. The Carlos (now St. Louis, MO).
They canoed 300 miles upstream, and then march about 300 more
miles in the snow to confront the British at Ft. St. Joseph, where the
British had stockpiled arms, ammunition, and food to be used in a spring
offensive. This marked the
first time that Spanish troops fought the British on British territory
in North America. 12 Feb. 1781
Spanish troops and Spanish Militia, along with Indian allies
successfully attacked British
Fort St. Joseph, near present day Niles, Michigan.
The British had been stockpiling food and ammunition for their
planned Spring advance down the Mississippi River to destroy all Spanish
forts and capture New Orleans. The
English were thereby denied the supplies needed to mount a new front
down the Mississippi River Valley. This
relatively small action had enormous consequences as the British were
denied access to the Mississippi River. 28 Feb. 1781
A second (and smaller) Spanish flotilla, with 1,508 additional
soldiers, sailed from Havana, Cuba to assist Gen. Bernardo Galvez in his
attack on Pensacola. Under
the command of Joseph Calvo de Irazabel, the fleet contained 1
man-of-war, 3 frigates, 1 packet and several transports.
More troops and supplies were to be dispatched at 15 day
intervals.[291] 9 Mar. 1781
Gen. Galvez led his Spanish troops and Louisiana Militia in a two
month Spanish siege on the British Fort George at Pensacola.[292]
American colonists in
1774 had sent an overture to the inhabitants of West Florida to join in
the American cause. Pensacola
was at the time the capital of British West Florida.
Governor Peter Chester prevented the publication of the offer
from the American colonists.[293]
British military commander General John Campbell in 1778 had
reinforced the fort. He had
planned the construction of a block house at the western tip of Santa
Clara Island to guard the entrance to Pensacola Bay.
The block house was never built.
There remained a naval redoubt at Red Cliffs near old Fort San
British defenders of Fort George totaled about 1,200 men, but
only about 750 were fit for duty. Those
on sick call suffered from a variety of maladies including malaria,
smallpox and scurvy.[295]
Galvez had previously ordered troops stationed in New Orleans and
Mobile to join in the attack on Pensacola.
Mobile sent 500 men, and 1,400 arrived from New Orleans.
The Mobile detachment was led by Colonel Joseph Ezpeleta, who
brought with him a herd of Texas cattle to feed all the troops
participating in the siege of Pensacola.[296]
His total under arms totaled 3,500 who were transported in an
armada of 64[297]
ships. The Spanish forces
included dozens of warships and transports carrying the Louisiana
militia and soldiers from many Spanish regiments: Aragon, Cataluna,
Crown, Guadalajara, Hibernia, King, Louisiana, Mallorca, Navarra,
Prince, Sorio, and Toledo. Cattle
from Texas had been shipped to Mobile.
There, some of the cattle were slaughtered and the meat was
salted. This salt meat was
sent to Pensacola to feed Galvez’ men throughout the siege.[298]
The fact that the Spanish forces laying siege from March 9 to
May 10, 1781, were well fed, and conversely that the British forces were
not adequately provisioned could well have been the deciding factor in
Spanish victory. George C.
Osborn wrote the following about the plight of the English commander at
“ . . . for some weeks no ships loaded with supplies had
arrived at Pensacola. This
fact, coupled with immense consumption of provisions by the Indians,
with an added allowance of food for laborers who were working on defense
projects, and the necessity of supplying some of the transports with
victuals and with the maintenance of a large number of refugees, had
caused a shortage of necessities.”[299] On March 9, 1781 the Spanish troops
landed on Santa Rosa Island. Galvez
himself led the Spanish fleet into Pensacola Bay under heavy bombardment
from Fort George. He
personally supervised the landing near Barrancas.[300]
Galvez’ ship cannon hit the powder magazine at Fort Half Moon.
The 1,100 soldiers there immediately surrendered.
The following account shows that Galvez had 7,800 men under his
command: “General Galvez and a
Spanish naval force of more than 40 ships and 3,500 men landed at Santa
Rosa Island and begin a two-month siege of British occupying forces that
becomes known as the Battle of Pensacola. “Galvez's flotilla
survived a hurricane in harbor before initiating two months of constant
artillery and cannon bombardment of the British forts. By April 23,
reinforcements had arrived, increasing Galvez's total force to 7,800
and, on the morning of May 8, 1781, the 18-year British occupation of
Pensacola, Florida, ended with a British surrender. The British lost 105
men; the Spanish lost 78. An additional 198 Spaniards were wounded.
Spain took 1,113 prisoners and sent 300 Britons to Georgia
on the promise that they would not reenter the British military.”
This Day in History,
Another scholarly report
states that General Galvez commanded 7,000 Spanish soldiers, 1,350
Spanish sailors who were put ashore to man some big guns, while another
10,000 seamen in 16 ships of the line and many other smaller vessels
stood ready in the harbor to block escape to or supplies from the sea.
When the four French ships of the line arrived and reported an
additional 725 troops under his command, his total force totaled 19,075,
not including his Indian allies.[301] His
men captured the Port Royal, a
British frigate, two small war ships and several English sloops.
Rather than allow it to be captured, the British burned the
frigate Mentor.
For his heroic action at Pensacola, King Carlos, III named Galvez
the Count of Galvez and granted to him a coat of arms with the following
“. . . to perpetuate in your posterity the memory of the heroic
action in which you, alone, forced your entry into said Bay, you may put
a a seal on your Coat of Arms the Brigantine Galvez-town with the Motto:
I ALONE . . . .”[302] Galvez
kept the British focused upon the defense of West Florida for more than
a year. The troops stationed
in Manchak, Baton Rouge, Mobile and Pensacola could have been used by
Cornwallis to fight the Americans on the east coast.
Had he had access to these troops in his southern campaign, the
outcome of the war might have been very different. 12
April 1781
British Vice Admiral George
Darby's squadron of 29 ships of the line escorting 100 store ships
from England laden for Gibraltar entered the bay. The much smaller
Spanish fleet was totally unable to intercept Darby's relief. The
Spanish frustrated by this failure opened up a terrific barrage while
the stores were unloaded but only did great damage to the town.
Had it not been for the siege of Gibraltar these 29 British ships
could have been used against the colonists. 19 Apr. 1781
British defenders at Pensacola totaled 2,423.
The 1,347 reinforcements of Spanish troops from Havana arrived in
Pensacola on French ships. Embarked
with them were an additional 691[303]
French troops, including 74 royal artillery, 509 infantry, and 108
marine artillery and infantry, together with needed supplies.
By 23 Apr. Galvez was in command of 7,587[304]
soldiers and sailors at Pensacola[305].
This is a highly significant number of troops when one considers
that Cornwallis’ army at Yorktown was about 6,000, and Washington’s
continental line was also about 6,000.
He had his men dig a covered trench, large enough to move mortars
and cannon unseen. It led to
a redoubt behind Pine Hill. His
gun emplacement, very near Ft. George, contained six 24 pounders and
four 13 inch mortars. May 7, 1781
A Spanish cannon ball fell squarely on the British powder
magazine. The explosion
killed 105 British soldiers and wounded many more.
Spanish soldiers under General Giron and Colonel Ezpelta advanced
through a breach in the fortress wall and captured the redoubt.
British General Campbell ran up the white flag of surrendered at
From the total British force at Pensacola, Spain took 1,113
prisoners, who were paroled upon their promise never to take up arms
against Spain; 56 deserted; 105 were killed; and 300 militia were
allowed to return to Georgia under their promise not to reenter the war.
Spain’s losses were 74 killed, 198 wounded.[307] 8 May 1781
The British surrender at Pensacola removed the British threat
from the Gulf of Mexico and the Mississippi River.
Galvez was assisted by four French frigates.
He gave them 500,000 pesos
to reprovision their ships. These
ships then proceeded to join the French blockade of Yorktown, which led
to the British surrender. British:
105 killed and wounded, 1,100 captured, 300 paroled; Indian: unknown;
Spanish: 78 killed, 198 wounded (including Gálvez); French: unknown.
The surrender of Pensacola was the final act to remove the
British from the Gulf Coast and up the Mississippi.
England’s goal of a second front was soundly thwarted.
Those British soldiers fighting the Spanish in Florida, West
Florida, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri and Michigan would otherwise been
available to fight against the colonists.
The Mississippi and Gulf of Mexico were opened as a life line for
the colonists. Before Jun 1781
Galvez was promoted to Lt. General, and named Commander of all
Spanish and French forces in the Caribbean.
Carlos, III added to Galvez’ titles:
“Count of Galvez, Viscount of Galveztown, and Governor of West
Florida and Louisiana”. Galvez
loaned Spanish troops to France to protect Cap Francais. 22 Jun 1781
Saavedra learns that the French troops in the American colonies
had not been paid in months, and that payment would have to be made to
insure their participation. The
shortage was at least 500,000 Pesos.
The French had been unable to come up with the money even from
its own citizens. De Grasse
raised 50,000 but was unable to obtain loans from French planters and
merchants. Spanish Puerto
Rico and Santo Domingo, provided 100,000 Pesos. Jun.
Spanish Treasury in Havana paid 23,568 Livres to France for aid
to Spanish soldiers. Spain
loaned 68,656 Pesos to French fleet, and loaned an additional 200,000
Pesos to French officials at Cape Francois. Jun-Oct
1781 Guichen's fleet guarded the coasts of France and Spain,
and supported an allied French-Spanish landing on the island of Minorca,
which at the time was controlled by the British. Abt. July 5, 1781
DeGrass sails for Yorktown with the 150,000 Pesos raised to make
a partial payment to the French troops.
Saavedra sails to Havana to raise the needed money for the French
troops. Jul. 7. 1781
The British attacked Ft. Charlotte in Mobile, but the Spanish
defenders repulsed the attack. Spain
losses were 14 killed and 23 wounded.[308] Jul 15, 1781
Saavedra arrives in Havana, only to learn that Jose de Galvez had
already ordered 1,000,000 Pesos from the Spanish mint in Mexico.
The ships carring the boullion from Veracruz were due into port
soon. Saavedra turned to the
merchants of Havana. Within
six hours he had raised 500,000 Pesos, and had it loaded on a fast
frigate. Jul 16, 1781
Bernardo de Galvez enters the port of Havana.
He dispatches a letter to de Grasse.
Saavedra and Galvez dispatch the frigate with 500,000 Pesos to
the French fleet. July
17 – 19, 1781
French Admiral DeGrasse met with Francisco de Saavedra, Special
Emissary of the King of Spain at Cape Francois concerning delaying the
attack on Jamaica until after the French fleet is sent to Yorktown.
DeGrasse is concerned about leaving French colonies in the
Caribbean unprotected should he take the entire French fleet to
Yorktown. Saavedra convinced
DeGrasse not to divide the French fleet, promising to protect French
colonies with the Spanish war ships in Havana. Jul.
- Aug. 1781
The French had no specie with which to pay their soldiers and no
money to pay for the French fleet to become involved in the siege of
Yorktown. Jul
21, 1781
The original French ship sent for the 1,000,000 Pesos arrives in
Havana. Spanish authorities
load an additional 1,000,000 Pesos for French forces at Yorktown. July
29, 1781
When DeGrasse wrote to Rochambeau by letter dated July 29, 1781
that Rochambeau could count on DeGrasse delivering 1,200,000 Livres that
he had been requested to bring, DeGrasse did not yet have those funds.
DeGrasse’s July
31, 1781
DeGrasse’s request for loans from wealthy French merchants at
Cape Francois fell on deaf ears. End of Jul 1781
An armada of 66 French and Spanish ships of the line threatened
to invade England. Because
of the British engagements at Gibraltar, Minorca, and Guatamala with
Spanish and French ships and Spanish troops, and for fear of a joint
French and Spanish invasion of England, the Crown refused to reinforce
Cornwallis at Yorktown. Galvez
released the French Caribbean fleet from its obligation to protect
French interests (Galvez agreeing that Spanish ships and men would
replace them), allowing them to sail north and block the port at
Yorktown. Additionally, 5000
French soldiers were released from their duties of protecting Cap
Francais, and transported to Yorktown.
Meanwhile, Galvez ordered the Spanish navy to assume the duties
of the French ships in protecting French
possessions in the Caribbean. Aug.
1, 1781
The following day DeGrasse requested financial help from Spain
through Saavedra. Saavedra
immediately agreed. Aug. 1781
Gen. George Washington drank a toast to the kings of France and
at the home of Robert Morris, in Philadelphia. Aug.
Spanish treasury at Havana pays France 100,000 Pesos for French
troops stationed in Spanish Santa Domingo and loans 100,000 Pesos to
French officials at Cape Francois. Aug.
3, 1781
Saavedra sailed from Cape Francois on Aug. 3rd, bound
for Havana. Aug.
15, 1781
Saavedra reached Havana on Aug. 15th, only to find the
Spanish treasury empty. Jose
Ignaci de Urizza, Intendant of Havana and Juan Manuel de Cagigal,
Governor of Cuba, received instructions from Saavedra to deliver
1,000,000 Pesos to French
officials. It took them six
hours to secure necessary loans from Spanish merchants, who were
promised repayment shortly when the ships ladened with silver coins from
the Mexican mint arrived within a few weeks.
From Saint-Dominique, French Admiral de Grass sent a frigate to
Havana, Cuba to secure the silver coins from Spain. Not
only did Spanish officials provide the needed specie, many women of
Havana offered their diamonds for the cause.
Twenty eight Havana merchants and four Spanish Army Regiments
loaned a total of 4,520,000 Reales,
from which the Exchequer delivered 4,000,000 Reales, which at the time
equaled 500,000 Pesos.
The merchants charged 2% interest, but the Spanish Army Regiments
made interest free loans.[309]
16, 1781
Gen. Bernardo Galvez arrived in Havana on Aug. 16th,
and gave his approval of the loan and transfer.
This frigate, the Aygrette,
ladened with gold and silver from the Spanish merchants in Havana,
departed Havana on the night of Aug. 16.
17, 1781
The Aygrette
rendezvoused with DeGrasse off the coast of Cuba the next day.
The French ships then proceeded to join the French blockade of
Yorktown, which led to the British surrender. Late
Aug., 1781
General George Washington in late August, 1781 was on his way to
Yorktown with his troops from New York and New Jersey. At
Philadelphia, Washington was met by a troop of light horse and escorted
into town. He stopped at the
City Tavern, where other came to pay their respects, and later that
afternoon dined with his suite, including Rochambeau and Knox, at the
house of Robert Morris. There
they drank toasts to the United States, to the kings of France and
Spain, to the allied armies, and especially to the speedy arrival of De
Grasse. It
is interesting that on the eve of the Battle of Yorktown, George
Washington is toasting the king of Spain. Aug 26, 1781
DeGrasse and his fleet arrive at Yorktown. Aug.
– Sep. 1781
French officials loaned money that it had received from Spain in
Havana, to the 13 colonies with which to pay one month’s salary to the
Continental Army. The French
Army also used money from Spain to purchase supplies in Virginia. Sep.
Spanish treasury at Havana loaned 1,000,000 Pesos to France to be
used in Martinique. 12 Oct. 1781
George Washington was well aware of the exploits of Don Bernardo
de Galvez against the British. In
a letter to Don Francisco Rendon, Washington commended Gen. Bernardo de
Galvez: “It
gives me pleasure to find so good a disposition in Don Bernardo de
Galvez to concert his operations in such a manner against the common
enemy, that the interests of his Most Catholic Majesty and those of
ourselves and our ally may be mutually benefitted. “… “I
have no doubt, from General Galvez’s well known attachment to the
cause of America.…”[310] 19 Oct. 1781
Gen. Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown7.
It should be understood that
the surrender was a capitulation of Cornwallis’ army in Virginia.
Although peace negotiations began shortly thereafter, both the
British and our French and Spanish allies continued in their respective
attacks. DeGrasse later
credited the Yorktown victory to the money supplied by Spain.
The money, he wrote was the “bottom dollar” upon which the
edifice of the American independence was raised[311].
The war did not end
with the surrender at Yorktown. England
still held strong footholds in Jamaica, Bermuda, Guatalama, East
Florida, and the Bahamas. Jan. 5, 1782
During this world wide conflict, it is strange that the British
forces at St. Augustine in East Florida were never utilized by
Cornwallis in the southern campaign; nor in fact in any of the
hostilities between England and the American colonists or Spain, which
continued its attacks on the nearby Bahamas.
Just as peculiar is the lack of planning for a Spanish attack on
St. Augustine. On January 5,
1782 a delegation of 15 Uchises Indians arrived in Havana on the
schooner Nuestra Senora del Buen
Viaje, which had sailed from Tampa.
The Spanish were offered over 5,000 warriors of the Caciques
Indians of East Florida, to attack St. Augustine.
Their nation surrounded St. Augustine and Abalache.
Tamasle, their main village was at the former Spanish fortress
known as the Castle of San Mancos de Abalache in the province of Cabeta
in East Florida. Mataliche,
their chief with two braves, four young boys, six women and two young
girls came to Havana on January 5, 1782, on their own accord to offer
their services to the Spanish King.
They hated the British and liked the Spanish.
They had sent spies to St. Augustine, who reported that the
British had built no new fortifications and were not prepared for an
assault. They reported that
there were very few soldiers and that the fortress had only 30 cannon.
They were ready to fight the British and needed only instructions
of when and where to attack, plus the necessary guns, powder and
bullets. For some time that
had been seizing small British vessels and had killed or taken many
prisoners. Jan. 14, 1782
Bernardo Galvez wrote to the Governor of Havana: “… I,
reciprocating with the utmost gratitude their offers and accepting the
friendship and services they proffer, authorize them, in the best way
that I can and must, in the name of the King (may God save him!) to make
use at once of their strength and valor and wage war (during the present
one), by land or sea, as it may be best for them, on the common enemy,
attacking, defeating and capturing their vessels and Establishments to
avenge the injuries and bad treatment with which they were vexed and in
order that their just and ardent wishes may be carried out, with the aid
and protection of their friends and Allies (while nothing else is agreed
upon for the m or no greater undertakings arranged, in which case the
proper Emissaries would be authorized by a like dispatch), I command the
Governors, Officers of all ranks and other men under my command, and
request those who are not, to consider, treat and receive them as
friends and Allies, giving them the aid and comfort they might need, as
befoits His Majesty’s service, to which end I issue this
communication. “Witness
my hand and seal of my coat of arms, countersigned by the Secretary of
the Admiralty under my charge, in Havana, on the 14th day of
January, 1782”. This Indian delegation was treated
with great hospitality for several days.
They were well fed and presented with gifts for themselves and
for distribution to the 16 tribes of their nation at a cost of 1,630
pesos. These Indians
departed Havana on February 4, 1782 for the port of San Marcos de
Abalache on the Bilander Nuestra
Senora del Socorro.[312]Research
fails to reveal that this Indian nation ever attacked the British at St.
Augustine. The British
garrison was evacuated in October, 1782. Jan. 6 - Feb 5 1782
French and Spanish forces under Guichen captured Ft.
St. Philip at Mahon, Minorca (in the Mediterranean Sea).
This battle started in June, 1781. May 4, 1782
The last recorded cattle drive from Texas to Louisiana to support
the war effort started with the application for a permit to transport a
herd of 1200 cattle filed by Don Antonio Blanc.[313]Galvez
was already on his way to the Bahamas, so we don’t know whether the
cattle had been ordered by Galvez to feed his army and local militia or
perhaps to prepare for his attack on Jamaica, which was canceled when
the peace treaty was signed. 6 May 1782
Gen. Galvez attacked the British naval base at New Providence,
Bahamas. The British
garrison consisted of 274 regulars and 338 militiamen.
When the British surrendered on May 8, 1782, Galvez captured 199
cannon, 868 mortars, 41 hundredweight of gun powder.
More importantly, Galvez seized 12 ships of privateers, and 65
English merchant ships. These
Spanish victories over the English kept the British feet to the fire in
the Peace treaty negotiations.[314] Jul
1782 - Mar-1783 Spanish and French under Adm. Guichen besieged and
blockaded British-held Gibraltar (which dominates the entrance to the
Mediterranean Sea) but failed to keep British Adm. Howe from breaking
the blockade and relieving the fortress. Aug. 1782
Matias Galvez successfully repulsed British attacks on the Rio
Tinto and along the Mosquito Coast in Central America.
Through his efforts the British were evicted from Central
America. He fulfilled the
Bourbon goal for creating a global diversion to keep the British from
concentrating their forces in one area.[315] Aug. 19, 1782
Loyalist and Indian forces attack and defeat American settlers
near Lexington, Kentucky. Aug. 25, 1782
Mohawk Indian Chief Joseph Brant conducts raids on settlements in
Pennsylvania and Kentucky. 13
September 1782
The Bourbon
allies launched their great attack; 5190 fighting men both French
and Spanish aboard ten of the newly engineered 'floating
batteries' with 138[28]
heavy guns, as well as 18 ships of the line, 40 Spanish gunboats and 20
with a total of 30,000 sailors and marines. They were supported by 86
land guns[29]
and 35,000 Spanish and French troops (7,000[11]–8,000[8]
French) on land intending to assault the fortifications once they had
been demolished. Nov.
10, 1782
8, 1783
American Capt. John Barry, upon his arrival on the Alliance
in Martinique received
orders from Robert Morris, dated Oct. 11, 1782, to sail immediately to
Havana, and there to load 72,000 Spanish milled dollars, which he would
deliver to the Continental Congress in Philadelphia.
Upon his arrival in Havana, he discovered that the Morris had
given similar orders to the Duc de
Lauzun, and the entire specie had already been loaded upon the Duc
de Lauzan.[316]
Jan. 20 1783
Preliminary Articles of Peace were signed in Paris by Great
Britain, France, and Spain. At
the time Galvez was in final preparations to attack Jamaica.
Hostilities were officially ended, but it took many months for
the news to reach the front lines worldwide. Feb. 3, 1783
The U.S. Continental Congress ratified the peace treaty.
Spain recognizes the United States of America, Mar. 6, 1783
Capt. Barry on the Alliance
together with Capt. John Green of the Duc
de Lauzan, sailed
from Havana with the Spanish fleet, separating from the fleet to
pass through the Bahamas Strait. The
Duc de Lauzan is so much
slower than the Alliance, so Capt. Barry orders that the Spanish coins be
transferred to the Alliance.
Even without the specie to weight it down, the Duc
de Lauzan could
not keep up with the Alliance. Capt.
Barry then ordered that all but its stern cannon be cast overboard[317]. Mar. 10, 1783
The last naval battle of the American War was fought by Capt.
Barry on the Alliance together with Capt. John Green of the Duc
de Lauzan, when early
that morning Capt. Barry spotted the sails of three British ships: the Alarm,
a thirty-two gun frigate, commanded by Capt. Charles Cotton; the Sybil,
a twenty-eight gun frigate, skippered
by Capt. James Vashon; and sloop-of-war Tobago with eighteen guns.
The battle ensued. About
the time that Capt. Barry
spotted a French man-of-war on the horizon, he placed his vessel between
the slower Duc de Lauzan and
the attacking Sybil.
The damage inflicted upon the Sybil
was so severe it broke off attack and fled back to the other two English
ships.[318] Mar.
20, 1783
As the Philadelphia harbor was under threat by the
British, Capt. Barry on the Alliance
sailed into New Port, Rhode Island with the Spanish silver.
A few days after Barry arrived in New Port, news was received
that the peace treaty had been ratified on Feb. 3, 1783[319]. Apr. 11, 1783
Congress officially declares an end to the Revolutionary War. Apr. 17, 1783
The “Colbert Incident” was the only Revolutionary War battle
to occur in present day Arkansas. The
incident involved an attack on Arkansas Post.
The post had been established as a French trading post by La
Salle, who had heard that Jacques Marquette, a Jesuit missionary on
March, 15, 1674, had first visited.[320]
After returning from a 1675 trip to France in 1682, LaSalle
returned to a Quapaw Indian Village, at what later became the Spanish
Presidio and Pueblo Arkansas Post, located near the confluence of the
Mississippi and Arkansas Rivers. LaSalle
was attempting to create a series of French trading posts along the
Mississippi and its tributaries.[321]From
its official inception in 1686, until 1698, it was about 8 miles up the
Arkansas River from its entry into the mighty Mississippi River.[322]Because
of a raid by Chickasaw Indians in 1749, the French moved the fort
upstream a few miles to be nearer the village of their allies, the
By 1756, it was necessary to move the fort to the banks of the
Mississippi about three miles below the mouth of the Arkansas to
safeguard river convoys.[324]
At the end of the Seven Years War[325]
in 1763, all lands west of the Mississippi became the property of Spain.
By presenting gifts to the local Quapaw villagers, the Spanish
made friends with and traded with the Indians, which were about 1,000 in
number. Indians and mostly
French trappers would trade their pelts for necessities of life such as
food, guns, knives, axes, tools, clothing, household items, ammunition,
traps, blankets, candy, and the liquids that dreams are made of, rum and
brandy. The merchants at
Arkansas Post would take their furs to New Orleans, where they were sold
for a healthy profit. There,
they purchased goods for trade and moved them upstream by flat boat.[326] In 1766, Don Antonio de Ulloa, the
Spanish Governor of Louisiana, took possession of Louisiana.
Two years later in 1768, Alexander De Clouet, a French officer
who had sworn allegiance to King Carlos, III, assumed command of
Arkansas Post. One of his
first duties was to take a census. It
revealed that the fort was inhabited by 138 people, including 85 white
civilians, 35 black, mulatto and Indian slaves, and a military
detachment of 18.[327] By 1768, large numbers of merchants
requested licenses to trade with the Indians in the upper Louisiana and
Arkansas regions. Spanish
officials issued licenses to trade with the Osage Indians through St.
Louis. Unlicensed traders
were selling guns, ammunition and liquor to the Osage.
This led to Osage attacks on settlements as far south as
Nachitoches. These
unlicensed traders were called “the most wicked persons, without
doubt, in all the Indies.[328]
As a result Commandant Leyba gave the Quapaw tribal leaders guns and
other presents. He wanted to
solidify the friendship between the Quapaw and Spain.
Later, in 1772, when a band of Quapaw attacked an Osage raiding
party, Leyba presented gifts of guns and liquor to them.
Ultimately, the good relations with the Quapaw caused them to go
on the warpath with the Osage. Arkansas
Post returned to relative peace momentarily, but the settlers around St.
Louis continued to suffer from Osage raids.[329] In 1769 an English trading
settlement was opened on the east bank of the Mississippi, just opposite
from the mouth of the Arkansas River.
British traders on the east bank, crossed the river and illegally
traded with the Quapaw Indians, attempting to turn the natives against
the Spaniards, which met with some small degree of success.
Fernando de Leyba, who later commanded Fort Carlos at St. Louis,
arrived at Arkansas Post in early 1772, along with his wife, Maria
Conception Cesar. The
population of the fort at that time was only 78.[330] By 1775 five British traders had
established a village of 18 cabins called “Concordia”.
It was just across the river from the Quapaw village.
This outpost became a base of operations for English traders and
adventures who at the time were pouring into Arkansas country.
Their impact on game and Spanish trade was dramatic, with 12,000
deer skins and 6,000 pounds of beaver furs captured in the White and St.
Francis river basins in February and March, 1776.[331] Arkansas Post was an important
military post during the American Revolutionary War.
It was a post that allowed boat crews a place to rest and
reprovision, but more importantly, it served as an intelligence center.
The staff briefed crews on the location of British troops and
vessels. Thus, it assisted
in keeping the Spanish-American supply lines open to Generals George
Rogers Clark and George Washinton. In
the summer of 1776 Governor Louis de Unzaga appointed Captain Balthazar
de Villiers as Commandant of Arkansas Post.
Villiers and his wife, Francoise Voisin Bonaventure, arrived in
September, 1776. The outpost
had shrunk to 61 civilians and 16 soldiers.
With the assistance of the Quapaw Indians and the newly arrived
Kaskaskia tribe, which had been displaced by the British and their
Iroquois allies in Illinois, Villiers, in October, 1776, was able to
capture the hides of British trappers and run them out of Arkansas
territory.[332] Commandant De Villiers wrote to
Governor Galvez on March 2, 1779 that he was leading a contingent of new
settlers to Arkansas Post to its new location at Ecores Rouges.[333]
There was a substantial number of Anglo-Americans who had
originally planned to settle in or near the British settlement of
Concordia. Upon arrival in
1778, they had found Concordia deserted.
They petitioned the Spanish government to be allowed to settle at
Arkansas Post on February 20, 1778.[334]Together
with some upland hunters, they doubled the population of Arkansas Post.
Steps were started, but not legally consummated to confer title
to the land upon which these settlers were to cultivate.
Once war was declared by Spain, Arkansas Post became the most
vulnerable of all the Spanish forts in the Mississippi valley because of
two factors: its remote
location and the small size of the military garrison.
After reinforcement by 12 soldiers in 1781, it was manned by only
one officer and 32 soldiers.[335] On November 22, 1780, Villiers and
his military detachment and civilian volunteers crossed the Mississippi
and attacked Concordia. The
British had departed, leaving the settlement totally uninhabited. Having
been informed that a group of former British soldiers, loyalists and
allied Indians planned to disrupt Spanish use of the Mississippi,
Villiers set to strengthen the fort.
By July 1781 the new stockade was 13 feet high and 75 feet
square. Villiers renamed the
new fortress at Arkansas Post in honor of the Spanish king.
It became Fort Carlos, III.[336]
Short of an attack by canon, Villiers felt confident that his fortress
would successfully defend against all attacks.[337]
Captain James Colbert led a group of about 100 English loyalists, fur
traders and Chickasaw Indians in harassing the Spanish up and down the
Mississippi. They regularly attacked Spanish boats on the Mississippi
River. Due to frequent
floods followed by dusty droughts, the residents of Arkansas Post were
almost entirely dependent upon being provided food by river traffic.
On May 2, 1782, Colbert’s pirates captured a Spanish boat near
Chickasaw Bluff (present day Memphis, TN).
Onboard was the wife of the Lt. Governor of St. Louis, and their
four sons. Colbert held them
for 20 days in an unsuccessful attempt to exchange them for British
prisoners being held in New Orleans.
As a result of this event, Governor Esteban Miro dispatched
artilleryman Second Lieutenant Antonio Soler to Arkansas Post,
with two swivel guns and a supply of ammunition, and orders to put the
fort in a state of readiness.[338]
On June 19, 1782 Villiers died in
New Orleans after an unsuccessful liver surgery.
Governor Esteban Miro appointed Captain Jacobo Du Breuil as the
new commandant of Arkansas Post. Breuil
and his family arrived at the post in January, 1783.
At that time the Spanish garrison consisted of only 14 soldiers.[339] Just a few months later, on April
17, 1783, British supporters under the command of Colbert, attempted to
raid the Spanish Fort at Arkansas Post, which had been named Fort San
Carlos, III.[340]
The British force sent about 100 into combat.
The settlement and fort were located at the confluence of the
Mississippi and Arkansas Rivers. The
attackers came quietly by river by boat from downstream, arriving about
2:30 a.m. Everyone was
asleep, allowing the British to capture all the houses outside the fort.[341]
Two Spanish soldiers were killed.
They seized Lieutenant Villars and his family.
Four of the other leaders of the settlement and their respective
families, together with six other settlers escaped.
Many of the residents were hunters.
At the time, they were off on a hunting trip.
Their wives and children fled to the commandant’s house at the
fort. The small army
detachment fought a short battle with the English, resulting in two
soldiers being killed and six were captured, along with a cannon.[342] Jacobo du Briel, the commandant of
the garrison declined the demand for surrender contained in a letter
from Captain Colbert. Breuil
said that he would never surrender to the “Captain of the
Highwaymen”. Ten soldiers
and four Indians were selected to attack while making a din of noise.
The gun battle continued, resulting in the retreat of Colbert and
his party. Later that day
the friendly Quapaw Indians came to the assistance of the garrison.
Having been shamed by Breuil for allowing the Colbert party past
the Quapaw village, Chief Angaska led a party of 100 warriors, soldiers,
and settlers in pursuit of Colbert and the hostages.
Overtaking Colbert downstream of the Arkansas River, Angaska
forced Colbert to release all the prisoners.[343]
A historical marker honors the 26 patriots who participated in
this battle. That marker is
now hanging on the Arkansas County Courthouse in DeWitt, AR.[344] Arkansas Post (Fort San Carlos, III)
had been a great crossroad of exploration:
DeSoto in 1541; LaSalle in 1682; and de Tonti in 1686.
It was the first permanent settlement in Arkansas and the first
territorial capital of Arkansas. On
July 4, 1976, the Arkansas DAR donated a reproduction of a corner of the
fort, referred to as the “Arkansas Post National Memorial.
It is near the location of the 1783 battle.[345]
This was the last land battle of the American Revolutionary War.
It was one of only two such battles west of the Mississippi, both
of which resulted in Spanish victories.
The Spanish record reveals that Breuil requested a “cask of
brandy to revive the troops”.[346] A close review of the dates will
reveal that this battle actually occurred after peace had been declared
in Paris. Word of that peace
however, had not yet reached Arkansas Post.
Technically, the British in West Florida had surrendered to
Galvez in 1781. This left
Colbert as a pirate. He
escaped trail for piracy and sedition when he fell from his horse and
died.[347] 1783
In 1783 there was an official census of Texas.
The population at that time was 2,819, most Spaniards.
The bulk of the population lived along the San Antonio River, in
six of the 23 towns in New Spain between the Nueces River and Laredo.
This population center was in a diamond shape with San Antonio in
the north; Brownsville in the south, Laredo on the west and Old
Indianola on the east. May 20, 1783
Bernardo de Galvez was named Vicount of Galvestown. Jul. 2, 1783
Due to the surrender of Cornwallis, and the destitute financial
status of the Commonwealth of Virginia, it was unable to provide General
George Rogers Clark with the arms, ammunition and supplies needed to
continue the war against the British sponsored Indians. On July 2, 1783
Virginia Governor Harrison relieved Clark of command, saying that under
the present conditions the services of a general officer was no longer
need. He also thanked Clark
for the
great and singular services you have rendered your country in wresting
so great and valuable a territory out of the hands of the British enemy,
repelling the attacks of their savage allies and carrying on successful
war in the heart of their country, this tribute of praise and thanks so
justly due….[348] 3 Sep. 1783
With the signing of the Paris Peace Treaty, peace was declared
between England, the United States, Spain and France[349].
To reward Spain for its assistance during the conflict, Spain was
ceded East and West Florida, including all lands south of Natchez,
Mississippi, and east of the Mississippi River.
Not only had Spain reached many of its war goals, it was left
satisfied that it had successfully navigated the nation through
treacherous waters, while at the same time obtaining increased
independence from France. Simultaneously,
it had left Britain humbled. Spain
had shown the world its power with the victories of Bernardo de Galvez
in the Gulf and up the Mississippi and the victories of his father
Matias in Central America. Spain
was left with control of most of South America, Central America and New
Spain, plus the return of the Floridas, and because of its diplomacy had
an excellent relationship with its neighbor, the United States.
Galvez returned to Spain, where he spent the following year.[350] Oct. 20, 1783
Due to financial bankruptcy, and the desire for military support
to protect its citizens, the Commonwealth of Virginia’s legislature
ceded the lands of the Northwest Territory to the United States on
October 20, 1783. Nov. 25, 1783
The last of the British troops evacuate New York. 12 Dec. 1783
Gen. Washington met with his senior officers at Fraunces Tavern
in lower Manhattan to say goodbye. During
his remarks he rendered a toast to Spain for its assistance during the
war. 1784
The U.S. Congress formally cited Gen. Bernardo Galvez and Spain
for their aid during the American Revolutionary War.
On April 8, 1997, the Maryland State Senate, in a Joint
Resolution, praised the efforts of Bernardo de Galvez, other Spanish
heroes of the American Revolution, and gave thanks to Spain for its
assistance. The full
resolution is found in Appendix 3. The
city of Baton Rouge, LA in its 200th anniversary celebration
of the independence of our nation dedicated a bas-relief depicting his
September 1779 march to Baton Rouge, together with a free standing
monument to Oliver Pollock. In
the old Governor’s Mansion there is a painting of Galvez’ birthplace
in Spain. In Mobile, AL at
Fort Conde,[351]
the visitor’s center features a diorama by Caldwell C. Whisler, which
depicts the Spanish siege of Mobile in 1780.
At Spanish Plaza in Mobile there is an elevated life size statue
of Galvez. In New Orleans, LA there is an equine statute of Bernardo
Galvez in the Riverwalk Marketplace.
His life size bust placed on a stone pillar at Pensacola, with
the inscription beneath of “YO SOLO”, was dedicated on May 3, 1981,
by the Galvez Bicentennial Commission.
Nearby are a series of bronze plaques commemorating the Siege of
Pensacola, one of which contains his image and a brief description of
his leadership in the battle. In
Natchez, MS, the DAR has placed a large bronze marker to memorialize his
heroic acts that led to the independence of the US.
There is a large equestrian statue honoring Galvez in our
nation’s capital at the intersection of Virginia Ave. and 21st
Street. The magnificent
statue was presented to the US by HRM King Juan Carlos I de Borbon on
June 3, 1776 Many SAR and
DAR chapters are named in his honor in Texas, Louisiana, Alabama and
Florida. SAR medals honoring
him have been minted in Texas, Louisiana and Florida.
A US commemorative postage stamp was minted in his honor. Oct. 1784
Bernardo de Galvez assumes the position of Captain General of
Cuba.[352] 1785
Upon his father’s death, Gen. Bernardo Galvez was named Viceroy
of New Spain. 30 Nov. 1785
Gen. Bernardo Galvez died in Vera Cruz, Mexico at only 38 years
of age. Subsequently, his
remains were entombed in the walls of the San Fernando church in Mexico
City, Mexico. In 1980 the U
S Post Office honored Galvez for his victory at Mobile with a
commemorative 15 cent stamp. Conclusion: Clearly,
Spain was a valuable ally to the colonists.
Its support was considerable in terms of both manpower and
financial support. The
American Revolution was in fact the first global war, in which the
colonists played only a small part.
Britain was forced to spread its navy very thin along the
Atlantic seaboard, through the Caribbean, and along the Gulf coast.
Between 1779 and 1781, at least 17,000 Spanish soldiers and
sailors fought the English in direct confrontations on what was to
become American soil.[353]
This doesn’t count the many thousands more Spanish military who fought
the British on the distant shores of Europe, the Mediterranean, South
and Central America, the Philippines and India. War
with the Colonists in the 13 original colonies taxed England to provide
an army 3,000 miles from home, and to supply it with arms, ammunition,
food, and supplies across seas that sometimes were treacherous.
General George Rogers Clark kept the British busy in what was
then described as the northwest territory.
Spain’s involvement created a third front, which diverted men
and supplies from Washington’s army.
France and Spain combined to divert British attention away from
the colonies and toward defending its claim to Gibraltar, Majorca,
Minorca; and distant battles in the Philippines, Central and South
America, the Caribbean, Cape Verde Islands, Canary Islands, Azores, and
India. The threat of
invasion of Great Britain by France and Spain caused King George to
retain men, ships and material at home rather than send it to the
colonies. A Spanish merchant
even supplied John Paul Jones and enabled his naval and land attacks
around England. An army
travels on its stomach. With
the August 1778 hurricane killing most of the livestock in lower
Louisiana, the Texas cattle were a life saver that allowed the Spanish
army and militia to effectively wage war against the British.
The foremost expert on the cattle drives from Texas to Louisiana
is my good friend, Judge Robert H. Thonhoff of Karnes City, Texas.
His landmark book, The Texas Connection With the American Revolution,[354]
is the primer on this period of our history.
He summarized the number of cattle provided to Galvez as follows: 1779 2000 –
(ordered by Francisco Garcia) 300 -
(ordered by Maria de St. Denis) 970 -
(delivered by Joseph Felix Menchaca) ???? -
(ordered from Mission Rosario) 1780
???? - (delivered by
Francisco Flores, Joseph Felix Menchaca, & Juan de Ysurieta)
1234 - (delivered by
Marcos Hernandez)
2000 - (ordered from
Mission Espiritu Santo)
???? - (escorted by
soldiers listed on October 20, 1780 muster roll)
???? - (ordered by
Francisco Rose’) 1781
200 - (delivered
by Vizente Flores)
1069 - (delivered by
Joseph Antonio Cuirbelo) 1782
1200 - (delivered
by Antonio Blanc)
8973 + - Total Number Ordered and/or Delivered.[355] In
addition to this number there were probably many more head of cattle
delivered for which no record exists.
We know that many bulls were also delivered to propagate the
herd. As a cow can bear a
calf each year, we can assume that hundreds, if not thousands of calves
were added to the herd over the four year period.
To these credit should also be added for the large number of
steers and bulls in transit that were rustled by the Commanche Indians. The
Massachusetts Historical Society in its 1910 – 1911 Pr0ceedings made
the following statement: The part
played by Spain and Spaniards in our Revolutionary struggles has hardly
received the place it deserves. The
Spanish government contributed liberally toward the fund for the
purchase of supplies and munitions of war and individual Spaniards also
gave largely. Arthur Lee
managed this business for America and did it well, while Joseph Gardoqui,
acted as agents for Lee in Spain, not only in dispersing funds, but also
in collecting them. They
shipped great quantities of supplies from Bilboa.
In 1778 there were 18,000 blankets, 11,000 pairs of shoes, 41,000
pairs of stockings, besides quantities of shirtings, tent cloth, duck
and medicines, all amounting in that year to nearly 600,000 riales of
vellon. Besides transacting
this business, the Gardoquis served as agents for American shipping
firms. . . . [T]he
(American) private commerce with Spain and with the Spanish West India
Islands was extensive and important.
. . . In the
years 1777 to 1785 their dealings were quite extensive.
These included the disposal of prizes taken by privateers in
which the Cabots were interested, as well as more regular commercial
dealings. Among the vessels
mentioned in the accounts between the Cabots and the Fardoquis, is the
“Rambler”. She appears
to have been a “letter of marque” rather than a privateer or regular
merchant vessel. She made
several voyages, one in 1777, another in 1781 and another in 1783.
On her homeward trips she carried iron, brandy, blankets,
window-glass, gunpowder, cordage, silk handkerchiefs, and tea.
Her cargo, including commission and expenses, on the 1781 voyage
amounted to 170,726 riales of vellon, and that of 1783 to 383,512 riales.[356] What
was the total Spanish contribution, in terms of money?
We will probably never know the full amount.
North American sources reflect that “remittances from Spain
reached 187,500 Pounds in 1777, and the same quantity in 1778.”
On September 19,1792, William Carmichael, Secretary to the
American embassy in Madrid, sent a letter to Count Aranda, in which he
advised that the United States was prepared to pay its war debts.
He gave thanks for Spain’s valuable assistance, and asked for
an accounting of the US debt to Spain.
Aranda did not have the figures, so he forwarded the request to
Don Diego Maria de Gardoqui, who by then was Spain’s Secretary of
Finance. Gardoqui responded
that from the Iberean peninsula alone the amount would be “several
millions.” To that amount
it would be necessary to add the amounts provided by Bernardo de Galvez
in New Orleans and the amounts from Havana.
In a letter from Jose de Galvez dated September 3, 1780, he
reported that 390,971 pesos had been advanced from New Orleans, and an
additional 14,424 pesos loaned by Havana.[357]
Additionally, there was a loan of 15,960 reales from Don Joseph
Torino.[358] The
best evidence of the pure finance support rendered from Spain can be
found in a letter from Gardoqui to the Duke of Alcudia, in which
Gardoqui stated: The
benefits that the Americans received from Spain were very important, in
that they were helped by money and effects by the Spanish government in
1776, ’77 and ’78 with the considerable amount of 7,944,906
reales and 16 copper maravedies, plus the delivery of 30,000
blankets sent to them at a moment of absolute and complete need of that
aid to keep their army from perishing. . . .
To these aids or assistances must be added those which the Conde
de Galvez provided in America, which naturally should be taken into
consideration, for in those domains we have always given most
generously. With these facts
being steadfast, and Congress’s not having paid at present more than
174,011 pesos fuertes for which Mr. Short has been commissioned, the end
result is . . . that . . . these States owe us seven
million reales, including as is fair, the interest, nevertheless
discounting that which they have already paid, and without adding to
this the debt from America, which will certainly be considerable . . .
Regarding the matter . . . what I understand, it seems to me that, with
respect of the amount being endorsed by our representatives, equals,
74,087 pesos fuertes.[359] To that
7,944, 906 reales, must be added the direct support from Bernardo de
Galvez, which exceeded 1,399,220 reales; the 284,480 reales advanced to
the ship squadron chief in Southern California; the 9,612 pesos sent to
Miralles; or the abundant deliveres to John Jay.[360]
Not counting the use of Spanish vessels, and the amounts expended on its
Army and militia in fightening against the British, it appears that the
Spanish financial outlay for American Indepenence totaled about
10,000,000 reales. These
figures include nothing for support received in 1779, 1780, 1781 or
1782. If one includes the
financial support rendered after Spain declared war on England, the
amount including agree upon interest totaled 37,000,000.00 reales. To
that sum can be added loans by Havana merchants 1781, totaling 4,320,000
Looking at the contribution from a different perspective the
total revenues for Spain in 1777 was 422,821, reales.
Spain’s donations to the Americans totaled that year 2,489,906
reales, or 5.9 percent of its revenues.[362] In
1779, there were 58 Spanish ships directly supporting the Revolution,
with France providing 63. In
1780 there were 48 Spanish ships were engaged against the British in
North America, with France using 69.
In 1781 it was 54 for Spain and 70 for France.
The following year, Spain utilized 54 ships and France sent 73.
From 1779 through 1782, the combined French and Spanish war ships
outnumber those of England in the conflict. In
addition to the above contributions Spanish privateers were also an
important factor in the conflict as they helped to cripple English
transportation and communications. Today,
the service of Spanish patriots is recognized as qualification by
descendants for membership in
the National Society Sons of the American Revolution, National Society
Daughters of the American Revolution, National Society Sons of the
Revolution, and the National Society Children of the American
Revolution. Each has recognized service between the period 19 Oct. 1781
and 3 Sep. 1783 as “qualified” patriotic service.
These dates should begin with the 1776 date when war supplies
were first provided by Spain. Only the large city of Galveston, Texas (and the Bay
where that city lies) and the small town of Galveston, Louisiana bear
his name. There are statues to his memory in Washington, DC, New
Orleans, LA, and plaques or busts in Mobile, AL; Natchez, MS; Baton
Rouge, LA; and Pensacola, FL. In
1990, the Florida legislature passed a resolution acknowledging his
contributions. The
cities of Jacksonville and St Augustine proclaimed July 23 to be "Gálvez
Day" in 1993. In 1996, the Maryland Congress recognized the role of
Gálvez and other Hispanics in American Independence with a resolution.
is time that historians recognize the important contributions of Spain
and Texans to American Independence. Appendices Appendix 1 The Morning Chronicle and London Advertiser, London,
England, April 3, 1780, (From the London Gazette of Saturday, April 1,
1780). Extract of a letter from Major General Campbell at
Pensacola to Lord George Germain, dated December 15, 1779. “What a grievous mortification
must it be to me to have to related to your Lordship, for my
Sovereign’s information, the conquest of the western part of this
province, by the arms of Spain, in consequence of their early
intelligence of the commencement of hostilities.
Having in my dispatches of the 14th of September
(1779), prepared your Lordship for the events which have followed.
I shall refer for particulars to Lieutenant-Coplonel Dickson’s
letter to me of the 20th of October from New Orleans, to the
Articles of Capitulation between him and his Excellency Don Bernardo de
Galvez, Governor of Louisiana at Baton Rouge, the 21st day of
September, to the list he furnishes of the killed, wounded and
prisoners, and to a paper containing the reasons assigned by him for
preferring Baton Rouge for a post whereat to make a stand, as comprising
all the additional intelligence that appears to be requisite, of this
unfortunate disaster. “I cannot help observing, that
facts have demonstrated, that Spain had predetermined on a rupture with
Great Britain long before the declaration made on the 16th of
June last by their Ambassador at the Court of London; had laid their
plans, and prepared all their Governors abroad for such an event; and it
would appear, had even fixed the day, or at least nearly the time, on
which it was to take place; for we are here informed, that war was
declared at Porto Rico in a few days after the 16th of June.
English vessels are known to have been carried into the Havannah
(sic) as prizes in the beginning of August last.
And from New Orleans I have the Governor’s own acknowledgment
of his being apprized of the commencement of hostilities on the 9th
day of August last (1779); but how much earlier his intelligence of that
event really was, is uncertain. However
that be, it is now uncontrovertibly known, that he has long ago been
secretly preparing for war. That
having previously collected the whole force of the province of
Louisiana, the independency of America was publicly recognized by beat
of drum at New Orleans on the 19th day of August; and
everything being in readiness for that purpose, he immediately marched
against our forces of the Mississippi; and he so effectually succeeded
by the capture, by stratagem, of a King’s sloop in Lake Pontchartrain,
by the seizue of a schooner in the river Mississippi on her way with rum
and provisions for Manchack, and of six other small vessels on the lakes
and in the river Amit (sic). One
of these left with troops of the regiment of Waldeck, and another with
provisions, and by preventive precautions in the stopping and
communication of intelligence of his movements, being sent to this
place; that he had nearly effected the reduction of the Western part of
this province, before we at Pensacola were apprized, or had the smallest
communication of his having commenced hostilities; the information of
that event having only reached me on the 14th of September,
as intimated to your Lordship in my letter of that date; and
Lieutenant-Colonel Dickson, it appears, was forced to capitulate on the
21st day of that same month.” Note:
British forces at Fort Bute in Manchak and Baton Rouge had
knowledge of a state of war between Spain and England at least by August
21, 1779. So, the inference
in the above report that the attack on those facilities was a sneak
attack, is untrue.[363] Appendix 2 Report Letter[364]
of Don Bernardo de Galvez in New Orleans to Captain General Don Diego
Joseph Navarro in Havana, dated October 16, 1779.[365] “My dear Sir: “I enclose herewith copy of the
letter I am addressing to the Court, reporting the expedition I have
made in this Province against the Forts and Establishments that the
English had here, from which you will be circumstantially informed of
the favorable success and happy enterprises that he armies of our King
have achieved. “May God keep you many years. “Yours very truly, “Bdo. De Galvez “New Orleans, October 16, 1779” Enclosed with his letter to Navarro
was the following report for King Carlos, III: “My dear Sir: “I have the satisfaction of
advising you of the success of a happy Expedition, not only for the
advantages that we will obtain, but vecxause same has been against
enemies of superior forces, located in a more advantageous position,
accustomed to war, and n fact veterans.
It would make you tired if I had to tell you one by one of the
operations of the company, and the difficulties that we had to surpass
before executing the enterprise. Be
it sufficient to tell you, and may you with your wonderful intelligence
infer it, that foreseeing the war from the orders that I received by the
mail previous to that which brought the declaration, I called to a
meeting all the commanding officers and Captains of the Garrison and
having demonstrated to them the plans of the Province with the exact
information of the forces that the English had in this River which
exceeded 800 men of the veteran army, and with the knowledge that mine
only reached 500 men, the 330 recruits just arrived from Canaries
(Canary Islands) and Mexico; it was decided that if a reinforcement
would not be coming to us from Havana, it was necessary to be fortified
in this city and take a defence in case war would be declared.
The Declaration (of war) arrived in the following mail with the
order of H. M. (His Majesty) to attack the English, with which
disjoining myself of the opinion of the Congress and being confident of
the help that the inhabitants could give me, I made my preparations and
decided to leave on August 22nd, with intentions to aske the
individuals on the 20th to follow me; but on the 18th,
such an impetous hurricane came upon us that in less than three hours
all vessels in the River had perished, the war vessels as well as the
Mercantile ones, among which there were also sunk the galliots and
gun-boats that I had built for the defence of the River; many houses of
the town being found on the ground, the dwellings located at twnty
leagues in the vicinity were destroyed, the trees uprooted, the men
terrified, their wives and children scattered in the deserted fields,
exposed to the roughness of the weather, the grounds inundated, and in
the River everything sunk, just as well as my resources, help and hopes
were all lost. “You may consider now how I could
feel under such terrible circumstances.
The instructions to attack still subsisted, adding to this the
fact that if ample time was given to the English to call their Indians
and gather their inhabitants, they would be able to prepare an Army
twice as large as ours, and come down to this town with all confidence,
as in view of the destructions caused by the hurricane (which damage did
not reach their establishments) they could suppose we were almost
conquered. “These reflections, which will be
my answer when the King should ask me to give account of the Province he
had entrusted to me, and preferring to be accused of being rash rather
than to stand any other sort of accusation, I went back to my original
resolution of seeking the enemies right in their forte and
establishments, believing that if I would not do this, they would
come to look for me; but as I was lacking all means, and to go
only with the army would be to walk to death, I made use of some means
to encourage the inhabitants to nothing less than to abandon their
families right at the time of the general desolation in which they were
and the damage suffered in their properties, to follow me to the front,
and believe that to this step we owe our success. “Together with the news of the war
I received the advices to the effect that His Majesty had appointed me
Governor, which fact I had tried to keep silent, so as not to show that
I had received mail. I
called the inhabitants and made an argument to them as pathetic as
possible on the unfortunate situation of the Colony and the sad time in
which were received the instructions from Havana, to protect the
Province, as having Spain declared the Independence of the Americas, it
was to fear that the English would start the hostilities as they had
done with the French without any other cause; that peace subsisted and
that Spain wished to maintain it as long as England would not disturb
it. This was the pretext of
which I made use in order to hide the rel object of the movements that I
should do in sight of everybody, and which had the desired success,
because until I took the fort But of Mancheck, the enemies did not know
that the war had been declared, as you will later see from their own
letters. I added to the
Inhabitants that I had other news to tell them, and taking out the
Government title, I explained to them the new favor I owed to H.M. (His
Majesty) possession of which title could not be verified without first
making in Church the Oath of protecting the Province; that I did not
need to make an Oath to give my last drop of blood in sacrifice of my
King, but not being able to insure the protection of the Colony, due to
the small size of the army I had, they should neither expec t me to take
possession nor to make such an Oath if they would not promise to help me
fulfil same. Please allow me
to go ahead without mentioning the expressions I received from this
public, as it is no for me to repeat them; I will only say that they
almost took me on the shoulders to the Capitulary Houses - - they broke
the doors instead of waiting for the keys, and I had the satisfaction of
being received with the grea test acclamations of joy, illuminating that
very night, these unfortunate people, the ruined walls of their houses,
after having promised me to sacrifice their lives in service of the King
and that they would do the same thing with their estate had they not
lost same. “Having at last verified the
truthfulness of the promises that these inhabitants had made to me, and
of which I could only doubt during the general panic in which they were.
With this, I regained once more the lost hopes of going into the
campaign. I gave
instructions in order that the canoes that might have remained free from
the damages in the coasts, where the destruction of the hurricane were
less, be sent to me. One
Galliot and three gunboats were taken out from the bottom of the river.
I shipped in those vessels the ammunitions and ten cannons, one
of 24 (24 pound cannon ball), five of 18 and four of 4, giving charge of
this expedition which was to go by water, to Lieutenant of Artillery Don
Julian Alvarez, who is an officer of great activity and fervor, in spite
of his very bad health. On
the 26th, having decided to leave, I gave charge of the Town
to Captain Don Pedro Piernas, who had the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel,
leaving the Militimen to protect said Town.
The affairs of the administration were taken care of by
Quarter-Master Don Martin Navarro, and the army that was to follow me,
under the command of Colonel Don Manuel Gonzalez, and as second to him,
the Lieutenant-Colonel Don Estevan Miro, and as Major of the Expedition,
Captain Don Jacinto Panis, first Assistant of the Town.
I left on the 27th in the morning, with the intentions
to take from the German Coast as many people as I could.
That same day in the afternoon, our small army left the town,
composed of 170 Veteran Soldiers, 330 recruits, 20 Musketeers, 60
Militiamen or inhabitants, 80 free negroes, and Mulattoes, and Don
Olibero Polock, Agent of the Congress who was by my side during the
whole campaign with 2 Officers and 7 Volunteer Americans, all of whom
were 667 men of every class, nation and color without an Engineer, and
the Artillery Officer, as before said, very sick. “With these men willing to walk 90
leagues through thick woods and impracticable roads, without tents,
baggage and other indispensable aid, we started, as it is said, at a
venture. “It will make you as tired as the
army was when arriving at Mancheck, if I would tell you of all the
difficulties that we had in the way from this city to that place.
I would say for your information, that the same desire shown by
the people in the City, was expressed by all the individuals in the
German Coast and from this coast, Opelousas, Atacapas and Punta Cortada
(Point Coupee), about 600 men were added to us, with 160 Indians whom
voluntarily offered themselves; but it is to be observed that although
our army should be composed of 1427 men, according to the number of
soldiers quoted, however, due to sickness and weariness I had already
lost more than one third of the men when I arrived at English Manchack,
which fort we took on the morning of September 7th by
surprise and assault, without meeting any misfortune on our part. - -
Captain Don Gilberto Antonio Maxent (Galvez’ brother in law?) being
the first to enter through one of the embrasures.
There was only one Garrison, a captain, a lieutenant and a
second-lieutenant with 24 men of whom five escaped with the
second-lieutenant taking advantage of the little day light - - another
one was killed and the rest were made war prisoners; two days
before, having left for the Fort at Baton Rouge, 110 Grenadiers
of the German Army of Waldeck, two
companies of fusileers of the same, and another two of the Regiment 16,
after having sent their Artillery, Tools, Ammunition and Provisions.
The inventories were made the next day.
I gave six days of rest to the army that continued to get sick,
and on the 13th I left for Baton Rouge, and on the way we
made five Prisoners of an advanced guard.
I arrived at the suburbs with only 200 men of the Battalion, the
other Bodies having been proportionally lessened. “I recognized the English Fort
(which since that day began to make fire against us) constructed of
rammed earth, and in view of the same being 18 feet wide and 9 feet
deep, I understood they had moats. The
height and the steepness of the walls surrounded by palisades in the
shape of Frissa (?) horses protected by 13 cannons and guarded by 500
men, four hundred of whom were veterans and regular army men, and the
rest inhabitants and armed negroes, made it impossible to take the fort
by assault without first opening a way that would facilitate doing so,
and considering at the same time that as the greater portion of my small
army was composed of plain men, and that any misfortune would bring a
complete mourning to the Colony, I decided to make a trench and
establish the battery for which purpose having examined two appropriate
places, I chose the less convenient with the hope of deceiving the enemy
in this way, and call their fire to a different spot from that in which
the works would be done. In
fact, I was able to realize this, as being the most appropriate spot the
point of forest that came near to the fort, I destined to same a number
of troops composed of white militiamen, colored men and Indians, so that
at night and hidden with the trees, some could work with the axes,
others would dig the ground and the rest would make fire to the fort in
order to protect those who were working.
The result was that the enemies were in vain getting tired of
making fire with their cannon toward that place without having been able
to hurt anyone; in the meanwhile, silently and without the least
inconvenience, it was possible to make the trenches and form the battery
behind the fence of an orchard that hid same.
The last night, due to the indispensable noise made by the
hammering of the pickets, they found the real spot from which they were
attacked, and since this moment they changed direction of their shots,
but it was so late that our people were already in shelter. “The following day, the 21st,
in the morning at 5 and ¾ (as a thick fog did not allow it before) we
started fire directed by the above mentioned Mr. Julian Alvarez, with
such success that notwithstanding the skill with which the enemy served
their cannons, three hours and a half later their fort ws so dilapidated
that they made a signal and went two officers with proposals for
capitulation. I did not
accept this and asked for my part, that the Garrison remain as war
prisoners as well as the Fort of Panmure of Natchez be given to us,
which garrison was composed of 80 grenadiers and their respective
officers. They agreed to
everything, and after the 24 hours that I gave them (in which time we
saw them bury their dead, numbr of whom they did not tell us and which I
have not been able to find out), they came out with military honors to
the distance of 500 steps where 375 men of the regular army (because I
allowed the negroes and inhabitants to go to their homes) threw down the
arms and gave up the flags remaining as war prisoners, whom I placed
under the custody of four cadets while the rest of the troop entered to
take possession of the Fort, sending at the same time, a captain with 50
men to occupy that of (Fort) Panmure of Natchez which is the most
advantageous, and which would have been the most difficult to take on
account of being constructed on a sloped elevation. “In the meantime, the Expedition
had the best of luck in the operations - - not less was the luck that
followed from everywhere. Not
one of the arrangements was left unfulfilled.
The Americans commanded by their captain, Mr. Pickle, took in the
Lake a cruiser of H.B.M. (His Britannic Majesty) which was of more power
than the one they had and which I gave them because of their war vessel
“Rebecca” had perished in
the River on account of the Hurricane.
We, on our part, also took away from them the Tompson Barrack,
and that of Amit together with their respective garrisons.
As we passed Galveston, we took three schooners and a brig that
were returning to Pensacola after having brought provisions and
ammunitions; three Bilanders that that were coming from that place with
54 Army men, a captain and a lieutenant, and in the river another
schooner with provisions. Therefore,
the booties made are eight: three
forts taken, one by assault, the other by capitulation, and the other
one by cession; 28 offices of veteran army of the British Regiments, 60
and 16, and of the Waldeck German Regiment; that is to say, one
Lieutenant-Colonel, five captains, ten Lieutenants, five
Second-Lieutenants, one Quartermaster, two Commissaries, one
Store-keeper, and three first Surgeons, 550 prisoners of Regulars and
Veterans, besides Marines of the eight spoils and the people and negroes
were found armed at Manchack, Baton Rouge and other places, who,
according to Military Law, should be treated like soldiers and who have
been more than another 500, to whom, however, liberty was given as an
act of mercy of our benevolent Sovereign, owing also to the fact that it
would have been impossible to properly watch them as it would have
happened with those who still remain if the Second Battalion of Spain
would not have arrived from Havana, as there are no more than 50 men in
this place on account of there being so many new positions to be filled,
and, nevertheless, all the numerous advantages obtained, did not cost us
more than one dead and two wounded. “This was the end of our
expedition, and the troops of His Royal Highness had to return as there
were no more conquests to be made. It
resulted in the acquisition of 430 leagues of the best lands, of the
most fertile and richest of the Mississippi with better establishments,
and with more inhabitants devoted to the furriery business than on the
other of the River where all our possessions were formerly. “The zeal, the activity and the
patience shown by our office and troops, verterans as well as
militiamen, cannot be expressed in words.
To the latter, two months pay was given, believing that I would
be obliged to go up to Natchez at 90 leagues distance from this capital,
and that therefore it would have been necessary to spend three or four
months to conclude the war on the river; however, as fortunately it took
only one month and one day to finish it, in the name of the King I
allowed them the other month which they received, and which action I
hope will be approved by His Majesty, considering that the zeal of these
people, their spirit, their bravery, their steadiness and the good will
with which they defended their Sovereign, cannot be told in ordinary
words, and that besides their having scorned with utmost valour all the
risks, they have been the ones who had the hardest labour in the
Artillery service, and all other hardships.
It is with this in mind that I appeal to you so that you may
explain to His Majesty that this very Province that in other times was
of doubtful adherence to the Spanish Nation, has now given the most real
evidence not to yield even to the very Nationale in the affection and
loyalty of its Sovereign. “May God protect you many years. “Yours respectfully “Bernardo de Galvez” Appendix
3 The Governor, Lieutenant Governor, President of the
Senate and Speaker of the House of Delegates of the State of Maryland,
surrounded by Hispanic leaders -many of whom were instrumental in the
passing of the resolution- on the day of the signature of the Joint
Resolution of the State of Maryland on the Role of Hispanics in the
American Revolution. The
following Joint Resolution was introduced on March 16, 1996, and was
adopted on April 8, 1997. MARYLAND
IN THE ACHIEVEMENT OF AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE WHEREAS, in spite of being an important factor
in the victory, the participation of Hispanics in the War of
Independence is not mentioned in the history textbooks of this nation,
and WHEREAS, thousands of Hispanics fought the
British and their allies during the American Revolution in what today is
the United States, winning crucial battles which eased the pressure of
the Crown's forces against the armies of General George Washington, and WHEREAS, Spanish Louisiana Governors, don Luis
de Unzaga and don Bernardo de Gálvez, provided assistance to the
revolutionary governments of Maryland, Pennsylvania and Virginia in the
forms of arms, war materiel and funds to wage campaigns and protect
themselves against the British, and WHEREAS, this assistance allowed American
General George Rogers Clark to wage his successful campaigns west of
those colonies and also was instrumental in preventing the British from
capturing Forts Pitt and Henry in Pennsylvania and Virginia
respectively, which guarded the last leg of the only remaining major
patriot supply route at the time; that which originated in Spanish New
Orleans, traversed the Mississippi and Ohio rivers and ended overland in
Philadelphia, and WHEREAS, don Juan de Miralles, a wealthy
Spanish merchant established in Havana, Cuba, was appointed as a royal
envoy of King Carlos III of Spain to the United States in 1778, and
while traveling with his secretary, don Francisco Rendón, to the
revolutionary capital of Philadelphia, he initiated the direct shipment
of supplies from Cuba to Baltimore, Maryland; Charleston, South
Carolina; and Philadelphia, aside from making significant stopovers in
Williamsburg, Virginia and in North Carolina, and WHEREAS, after Spain declared war on Britain in
June, 1779, the victories of General Don Bernardo de Gálvez in the
lower Mississippi and at Baton Rouge, Mobile and Pensacola dismantled
British resupply of close to 10,000 Native American warriors who were a
major concern for General Washington because of the raids they had been
carrying out in the western areas of the colonies, and WHEREAS, the Maryland Loyalist Regiment, a
force comprised of Marylanders from the Eastern Shore, was also defeated
and captured during the campaigns of General Gálvez, and WHEREAS, the victories of General Gálvez
resulted, additionally, in the capture of four other British Regiments
including the Pennsylvania Loyalists, the elite British 60th Foot also
known as the Royal Americans, the British 16th Foot, and the German
Waldeck Regiment, and WHEREAS, fighting under the command of General
Gálvez were men from Spain, Cuba, México, Santo Domingo, Puerto Rico,
Venezuela, Costa Rica as well as from the United States, France,
Germany, Italy and Native American Nations such as the Choctaw,
Chickasaw, and Creek, and WHEREAS, the United States Senate has
recognized that the actions of those men and their brave commander were
very important for the triumph of American efforts in the Carolinas and
Georgia, and also for the final victory against Lord Charles Cornwallis
in Yorktown, Virginia, and WHEREAS, the success of the French and American
armies at Yorktown would have been difficult to achieve without the
donation of 500,000 pounds tournois that were collected in six hours by
prominent citizens of Havana, Cuba, for the campaign, and without an
additional 1,000,000 pounds that were subsequently donated by King
Carlos III of Spain for the same purpose, and WHEREAS, the Yorktown campaign not only
consisted of a siege by land but also by sea, undertaken by the French
fleet under Admiral de Grasse, whose ships had been readied and supplied
with 100,000 pesos from the Spanish colonies of Santo Domingo and Puerto
Rico that were handed over by Spanish authorities to the French for said
purpose, and WHEREAS, an important element in the French
naval victory at the Battle of the Virginia Capes, which sealed the fate
of Lord Cornwallis’ army at Yorktown, was the numerical superiority
enjoyed by Admiral de Grasse's fleet, which resulted from a Spanish
naval squadron taking over the protection of the French colonies in the
Caribbean to allow the Admiral the benefit of maintaining his fleet
intact, and, thus, obtain the superiority in numbers deemed necessary to
defeat the British, and WHEREAS, hardly any of these Hispanic
contributions to American independence are mentioned in the current
history textbooks of this nation, be it RESOLVED,
that the Legislature of Maryland acknowledges the pivotal role of Spain
and Spanish America in the triumph of the American Revolution, and also
recognizes General Bernardo de Gálvez and his men for their significant
contributions and achievements in this respect, and, be it further RESOLVED that the Legislature of Maryland
hereby urges historians nation-wide to a deeper examination and
dissemination of the role played by Hispanics in the accomplishment of
American Independence as well as in the development and progress of the
United States in general, and that the study of these contributions be
made an integral part of the Social Studies and History courses taught
in the State of Maryland. Appendix 4 Royal
Decree of Carlos, III Requesting “Donativo” of August 17, 1780,
translated from the original Spanish into English: “The insulting tyranny of the
English nation has precipitated me into a war, the exorbitant cost of
which has forced me to raise the revenue exacted from the provinces of
our Spanish homeland by a third. I
had hoped not to have to extend this burden to my loyal subjects in
America, even though they would seem to be the principal target of the
grasping avarice of my enemies. Nevertheless,
I have always been able to count on the faithful generosity of the
voluntary contributions of those vast and wealthy colonies.
To make this burden as light as possible, I have resolved to ask
for a donativo of one peso from every freeman who is an Indian or of
mixed blood, and two pesos from every Spaniard and those of the higher
class. These last may also
pay for their servants and workers and later discount the amount from
their salaries or daily wages. “Therefore, I command all of my
royal officials in the Indies to announce and explain my royal decree so
that all of the inhabitants of the Indies will once again have
opportunity to show me their love and gratitude for the benefits I have
bestowed on them. I also
charge all of my church officials there to expedite this project by
their persuasion and good example, for this is my will. “All copies of this decree, duly
signed by my Secretary of state and Universal Office of the Indies, who
also signs below, shall have the same force as the original. “Given at San Ildefonso, on this
seventeenth day of August of the year seventeen jhundred and eighty. “Signed by I, the King and Jose de
Galvez (Minister of the Indies), and certified as a copy of the original
by Jose de Galvez”. Appendix 5 Letter from
Virginia Delegates to Bernardo de Gálvez
We have the honor of Enclosing to your Excellency a
Resolution of the General Assembly of our State, by which your
Excellency will see that the Accounts of Mr. Oliver Pollock, are
Liquadated, and the balance put into a due Course of payment.(1) We think it proper to give your Excellency this
Information for the benefit of such of the subjects of the King of Spain
as are in Possession of the Bills drawn by the said Mr Pollock on
Penette, Dacosta, Freres & Co. These Bills will be paid agreeable to
the Inclosed Resolve, upon thier being presented at the Treasury of
Virginia. We beg leave to recommend Mr Pollock to your
Excellency's protection, as one who has suffer'd much and who has
discharged his duty both to the Publick & to his Creditors with Zeal
& Integrity. We have the honor to be with sentimen[ts] of the
highest respect, Your Excellencys Most Obedient and Humble Servts. (Copy) Sign'd Arthur Lee Theok. Bland Jr J. Madison Jur. John F. Mercer delegates in Congress from the State of Virginia.[366] Appendix 6
Significant Historical Figures From Spain Who Assisted the United
States Carlos de Borbon, III, King of Spain Jose Monino y Redondo, Count of
Spain’s Secretary of State Pedra Pablo Abarca de Bolea, Count
of Aranda
Spain’s Minister to France Francisco de Saavedra y Sangronis Bernardo de Galvez Jose de Galvez Diego de Gardoqui (1735-1798) Count de Vergennes Masserano
Spain’s Minister to England [1]
Both he and King Juan Carlos de Borbon had previously written
letters of appreciation to me. [2]
Gen. George Rogers Clark first built a fortified settlement on Corn
Island in the middle of the Ohio River, just above the falls of the
Ohio. Subsequently, he
moved onto the southern shore and constructed Fort Nelson. [3]
Other than the flagship, the others were Elizabeth,
Swan, Marigold and Benedict. [4]
The Pelican was the newest and most modern English ship. [5]
Spain’s New Mexico Patriots
in its 1779-1783 War with England During the American Revolution,
Part Four of the Spanish Borderlands, Granville W. and N.C. Hough,
Sharrar Press, Midway City, CA (1999) p. 1. [6]
Spain and the Independence of the United States: An Intrinsic Gift,
Thomas E. Chavez, U. of NM Press, Albuquerque (2003), p. 4. [7]
Spain’s Arizona Patriots in
its 1779-1783 War with England During the American Revolution,
Third Study of the Spanish Borderlands, Granville W. and N.C. Hough,
Sharrar Press, Midway City, CA (1999), p. 6 [8]
Carlos, III of Spain was the uncle of the king of France.
Spain’s Patriots of
Northwestern New Spain from South of the U.S. Border in its
1779-1783 War with England During the American Revolution,
Granville W. and N.C. Hough, Part 8, Spanish Borderland Studies,
Shhar Press, Midway City, CA (2001), p. 1. [11]
In 1521, Ferdinand Magellen was the first European to visit the
Philippines. By 1565
there was a Spanish settlement in the Islands, which were named for
King Philip, II of Spain. [12]
Spain’s Patriots of
Northwestern New Spain from South of the U.S. Border in its
1779-1783 War with England During the American Revolution, ibid. [13]
Spanish Observers and the American Revolution, 1775-1783, Light
Townsend Cummins, LSU Press, Baton Rouge (1991), pp. 7-9. [14]
Benjamin Franklin, Autobiography
and Other Writings, Russel B. Nye, ed.Houghton Mifflin Pub. Co.,
Boston, (1958), p. __. [15]
Spain’s Arizona
Patriots in its 1779-1783 War with England During the American
Revolution, id at p. 6. [16]
Spain’s Patriots of
Northwestern New Spain from South of the U.S. Border in its
1779-1783 War with England During the American Revolution, id at
p. 2. [17]
“California in the Revolutionary War”, Granville W. Hough, SAR
Magazine, (Winter 1999), Vol. XCIII, No. 3. [18]
Letter from De Clouet to General, 14 August 1769, AGI, P, lrg. 107. [19]
Texas in 1776, A Historical
Description, Seymour V. Connor, Jenkins Pub. Co., Austin (1975),
insert map. [20]
Spanish Observers and the American Revolution, 1775-1783. Id at pp.
17-18. [21]
Spain and the Independence of the United States, id at p. 28. [22]
George Rogers Clark, Miitary
Leader in the Pioneer West & Locust Grove, Gwynne Tuell
Potts and Samuel W. Thomas, Historic Locust Grove, Louisville
(2006), p. 21. [23]
Western Lands and The American
Revolution, Abernathy, p. 175. [24]
Letter from Clark to Jonathan Clark, April 1, 1775, Draper
Manuscript, MSS, 1L16. [25]
Spain’s Texas Patriots in
its 1779-1783 War with England During the American Revolution, id
at p. 5. [26]
The Fisherman’s Cause, id at
p. 166, citing letter to Joseph Gardoqui from Joseph Swett, jr. and
Robert Hooper, Jr. in Marblehead dated May 27, 1741, MUMHA. [27]
Massachusetts Shipping Records, 1686-1785, Part III, pp. 916-1143,
box 3, MHS. [28]
Elbridge Gerry was a signer of the both
the Articles of Confederation and the Declaration of Independence
and a major political figure of colonial Massachusetts. He died in
office as vice president under James
Madison, but not before inventing the political trick which
became known as "gerrymandering." A graduate of Harvard
College (1762), Elbridge Gerry was a shipping merchant who used his
procurement skills to aid the colonists in their revolt against
England's King
George III. He served in the Continental Congress (1776-81) and
was elected to represent Massachusetts in the House of
Representatives in the new government, serving from 1789 to 1793.
Gerry worked under President John
Adams as a negotiator with France (1797-98), then returned to
Massachusetts, where he ran unsuccessfully for governor four times
(1800-1803) before finally getting elected to consecutive terms
(1810 and 1811). His deepest groove in history comes from one of his
last acts as the Massachusetts governor: prior to the 1812 elections
he signed a bill that restructured voting districts to give his
party, the Democratic-Republicans, a majority in the legislative
body. Since then, carving up voting districts for political gain has
been known as "gerrymandering.
Elbridge Gerry was chosen as a vice presidential candidate in
1812 to bring the northern votes for Madison, a Virginian who'd been
picked to follow Thomas
Jefferson into the presidency. Elbridge
Gerry died while serving as vice president. [29]
The Fisherman’s Cause:
Atlantic Commerce And Maritime Dimensions of the American Revolution,
Christopher P. Magra, Cambridge University Press (2009), pp. 26-27. [30]
The War of American
Independence: Military Attitudes, Policies and Practice, Don
Higginbotham, Northeastern University Press, Boston, (1983), pp.
29-53. [31]
In Irons: Britain’s Naval Supremacy and the American Revolutionary
Economy, Richard Buel, Jr, Yale University Press (1998), pp.
31-32. [32]
Legacy: Spain and the United
States in the Age of Independence, 1763-1785, id at p. 70. [33]
Ibid, citing the National
History Archives, Madrid. [34]
Empresarios espanoles en el
proceso de independencia norteamericana: Las casa Gardoqui e hijos
de Bilbao, Reyes Calderon Cuadrado, Union Editorial, Madrid
(2004). [35]
Letter from Joseph Gardoqui & Sons in Bilbao, Spain to Jeremiah
Lee dated February 15, 1775, NSDAR
Magazine, Vol. 1, p 401. [36]
Letter from Elbridge Gerry to Joseph Gardoqui and Sons, July 5,
1775, NDAR Magazine, Vol.
1, p. 818. [37]
The Rockingham had made previous transatlantic trips to Bilbao,
Spain. Log Book Schooner
Rockingham, Ship’s Logs, box 1, Loan, MDHS. [38]
Letter from Elbridge Gerry to Joseph Gardoqui and Sons, July 5,
1775, ibid. [39]
The Fisherman’s Cause, id
at pp. 166-167, citing examples. [40]
The Revolutionary Diplomatic Correspondence, Vol. 2, (1777), p. 290. [41]
The Revolutionary Diplomatic Correspondence, Vol. 2, (1777), pp.
292-293. [42]
Letter from Arthur Lee to Joseph Gardoqui & Sons, dated
September 1, 1777, Letters of
Delegates to Congress, Vol. 7 (May 1, 1777-September 18, 1777,
p. 583. [43]
Letter from Captain Burchmore to Gardoqui and Sons, dated October
17, 1776. [44]
The Fisherman’s Cause, id
at p. 168. [45]
Journals of the Continental
Congress, Vol. 14, (1779), p. 836. [46]
Legacy: Spain and the United
States of American in the Age of Independence, 1763-1848, id at
p. 72. [47]
Empresarios espanoles en el
proceso de independencia norteamericana: Las casa Gardoqui e hijos
de Bilbao, id at p. 188. [48]
“Spanish Financial Aid for the Process of Independence of the
United States of America: Facts and Figures”, Reyes Calderon,
Legacy: Spain and the
United States in the Age of Independence, 1763-1848, p. 65. [49]
Letters of Delegates to Congress, Vol. 15, (April 1, 1780-August 31,
1780), pp. 348-349. [50]
Spain and the Independence of
the United States, id at p. 61. [51]
Spanish Observers and the American Revolution, 1775-1783, id at p.
30, citing a letter from Masserano to Grimaldi, Dec. 15, 1775, no.
150. [52]
The original of this letter was obtained from the South Carolina
Department of Archives and History. [53]
Notice two different spellings of the Captain’s surname in the
original letter. [54]
Spanish Observers and the American Revolution, 1775-1783, id at pp.
31-33. [55]
Flood Tide of Empire, Cook, p. 81.
See also Spanish Bluecoats, The Catalonian Volunteers in
Northwestern New Spain, 1767-1810, Joseph P. Sanchez, Univ. of NM
Press, Albuquerque (1990), pp. 70-71. [56]
Spain and the Independence of the United States: An Intrinsic Gift,
id at p. 11. [57]
Tribute to Don Bernardo Galvez, id at p. xxii. [58]
Dairy of John Adams, Feburary 16, 1779. [59]
Spain and the Independence of the United States, id at p. 49. [60]
Spain and the Independence of the United States, id at p. 29. [61]
There is some authority for the proposition that Linn did not depart
until later and did not acquire the gunpowder from Spain until
September 22, 1776. The
citation for that thesis comes from The
Blackpowder Journal, June/July 1997, Vol. 2, No. 3, a
non-historical publication, which according to its web page ceased
operations less than a year afterwards.
This 7 ½ page article cites no footnotes and states that the
information was taken from the Jan. 1965 issue of “The Virginia
Magazine of History and Biography.”
In a second article found in
Chapter V of the Westmoreland
County Genealogy Project, Nathan Zipfel asserts that Linn did
not leave Ft. Pitt until July 19, 1776 and obtained the gunpowder on
September 22, 1776. There
was only one citation for three full pages of text:
Pages 31-36: Old
Westmoreland, A History of Western Pennsylvania During the
Revolution, by Edgar W. Hassler, J.R. & Co., Pittsburgh,
1900. No sources were
provided for this assertion in Hassler’s article of over 100 years
ago. It is possible that
the latter article was the basis of the assertion in the first.
Spain and the Independence of
the United States, id at p. 29. [63]
The Revolutionary War in
Virginia, 1775-1783, John E. Selby, U. of VA. Press,
Charlottesville, 1988, p. 170 [64]
Oliver Pollock, id at
p.69. [65]
Spain and the Independence of
the United States: An Intrinsic Gift, at p. 31; see also Spanish Observers and the American Revolution, 1775-1783, id at pp.
49-51. [66]
Spanish Observers and the
American Revolution, 1775-1783, id at pp. 41-43. [67]
The promise of secret support from both Spain and France
surely gave confidence to the colonists prior to the signing of the
Declaration of Independence. [68]
Spain and the Independence of the United States, id at p. 47. [69]
Spain’s Patriots of
Northwestern New Spain from South of the U.S. Border in its
1779-1783 War with England During the American Revolution, id at
p. 2. [70]
Caughy, John W. (1998). Bernardo de Galvez in Louisiana 1776-1783.
Gretna: Pelican Pub. Co.. ISBN 1-565545-17-6. [71]
Oliver Pollock, The Life and
Times of an Unknown Patriot, James, p. 69. [72]
Ibid. [73]
The Longest Siege of the American Revolution:Pensacola,
Wesley S. Odom, ISBN 978-0-615-29023-2 (2009), p. 6. [74]
Ibid. [75]
Ibid. [76]
Spanish Observers and the American Revolution, 1775-1783, id at pp.
50-51. [77]
Letters from Congress. [78]
Now, the Netherlands. [79]
Spanish Observers and the
American Revolution, 1775-1783, id at p. 60 [80]
Spain and the Independence of
the United States, id at p. 71. [81]
Spain’s Louisiana Patriots
in its 1779-1783 War with England During the American Revolution,
Part Six, Spanish Borderlands Studies, Granville W. and N.C. Hough,
Shhar Press, Midway City, CA, p. __[81]
Spain and the
Independence of the United States: An Intrinsic Gift, Thomas E.
Chavez, Univ. of NM Press, Albuquerque, 2002, p.49. [83]
Spain and the Independence of
the United States, id at p. 61. [84]
George Rogers Clark’s diary, Draper MSS 48j12. [85]
Spain’s Louisiana Patriots
in its 1779-1783 War with England During the American Revolution, id
at pp. 2-4. [86]
Mitchell, Barbara (Autumn 2010). “America’s Spanish
Savior: Bernardo de Galvez marches to rescue the colonies”. MHQ
(Military History Quarterly): pp. 98-104. [87]
Tribute to Don Bernardo de Galvez, Ralph Lee Woodward, Jr. ed., The
Historic New Orleans Collection, p. xviii. [88]
Bernardo de Galvez, Guillermo Porras Munoz (Madrid, 1952), pp. 6-7. [89]
The Indies were divided into two Viceroyalties:
New Spain and Peru. New
Spain’s southern boundry was the northern border of Panama.
The Vicroyalty of Peru covered all of Central and South
America, except Brazil, which was governed by Portugal. [90]
New Spain was divided into five provinces:
1) La Provincia de
Nuevo Mexico, which included present day New Mexico and the
western portion of Texas around El Paso; 2) La
Provincia de Nueva Vizcaya, which included the Big Bend area of
Texas, the capital of which was Chihuahua (Mexico); 3) La
Provincia de Nueva Estremadura, often called Coahuila , whose
capital was at Monclova (Mexico), which included the land along the
Rio Grande River to present day Laredo; 4) La
Provincia de Nuevo Santander covered a strip of land from the
Rio Panuco on the south to the Nueces River on the north and from
the Gulf to Laredo; and 5) La
Provincia de Texas o Las Nuevas Filipinas extended from the
Nueces River on the south and west to the Red River and from the
Gulf coast to the “Arctic snows” to the north.
From 1773 until 1821, the capital was at San Antonio. Drama
and Conflict: The Texas Saga of 1776, Robert S. Weddle and Robert H.
Thonhogg (Austin,1976), p. 14. [91]
Bernardo de Galvez in Louisiana, 1776-1783, Walton Caughey, Univ. of
California (1934), pp. 62-64. [92]
Id at pp. 65-67. [93]
Ibid. [94]
Letter from Thomas Jefferson to Joseph Martin, January 24, 1780,
Draper MSS 46j57. [95]
Letter from Thomas Jefferson to Clark, January 29, 1780, Draper MSS
50j7. [96]
Jose de Galvez to the governor of New Orleans, Dec. 24, 1776, royal
order, draft, AGI, Santo Domingo 2596; Jose de Galvez to the
president of the Casa de Contraction, Jan. 14, 1777, AGI, Cuba 1227.
See also Spanish Observers and the American Revolution,
1775-1783, id at p. 78. [97]
History of Texas, 1673-1779,
Part 2, Fray Juan Agustin Morfi [translated by Carlos Eduardo
Castaneda], The Quivira Society, Albuquerque (1935), p. 426. [98]
Spain and the Independence of the United States, id at p. 79. [99]
Spanish Observers and the American Revolution, 1775-1783, id at pp.
57-60. [100]
Sparks, Jared (1829-1830). The Diplomatic Correspondence of
the American Revolution. Boston:
Nathan Hale and Gray & Bowen. [101]
Fernandez y Fernandez, Enrique (1885).
Spain’s Contribution to the independence of the United
States. Embassy of
Spain: United States of America. [102]
Spanish Observers and the American Revolution, 1775-1783, id at p.
60. [103]
Letter from Aranda to Floridablanca, 13 April 1777, AHN, Estado,
leg. 3884, exp. 3, folio 26. [104]
The Revolutionary Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States,
Volume 1, CHAPTER XII., p. 517. [105]
Spanish Observers and the American Revolution, 1775-1783, id at pp.
80-81. [106]
See infra. [107]
Legacy: Spain and the United
States in the Age of Independence, 1763-1848, id at p. 68. [108]
“Olive Pollock, Financier of the Revolution in the West”, James
Alton James, Mississippie
Valley Historical Review (1929), Vol. XVI, p. 67. [109]
Since the colonies had not obtained their independence from [110]
Letter from Floridablanca to Aranda, 3 June 1777, AHN, Estado, leg.
3884, exp.3, folio 27. [111]
“Resolved, That Bills of Exchange to the amount, of Five
Millions of Spanish or Mexican silver Dollars be drawn on the
American Commissoners at the Court of France, by the President of
this Congress, in favour of the several Continental Loan
Officers.” Journals of
the Continental Congress, 1774-1789, p. 454. [112]
Spain and the Independence of the United States, id at p. 64-65; AGI,
Santo Domingo, leg. 2596, no. 168. [113]
John D. Barnhart, Henry
Hamilton and George Rogers Clark in the American Revolution
(Crawfordsville, Ind., 1951), 29, 30. [114]
George Rogers Clark and the War in the West, Lowell H. Harrison,
Univ. Press of Kentucky, 1976, p. 85. [115]
Tribute to Don Bernardo de Galvez, Id at p. 137. [116]
The famous “Rodrigue Hortalez and Company” discussed in the
Summer 2009 edition of the SAR
Magazine, served as the conduit for Spanish assistance.
It’s main director was the French playright and statesman,
Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais. [117]
Oliver Pollock, Financier of the Revolution in the West, id at p.
72. [118]
Spain and the Independence of the United States, id at p. 64. [119]
Letter from Morris and Smith to B. Galvez, 24 October 1777, York,
Pennsylvania, AGI, Santo Domingo, leg. 2596. [120]
Spain and the Independence of the United States, id at p. 71. [121]
Cecil Johnson, British West
Florida 1763-1783, (Yale: Archon Books, 1971) p. 206.
See also The Longest
Siege of the American Revolutionary War, Wesley S. Odom, ISBN
978-0-615-29023-2 (2009), p. 13. [122]
Spain’s Louisiana Patriots
in its 1779-1783 War with England During the American Revolution, id
at p. 2. [123]
Spain’s TexasPatriots
in its 1779-1783 War with England During the American Revolution, Granville
W. and N.C. Hough, Shhar Press, Midway City, CA (2000), p. 6. [124]
Caughy, Id at pp. 98-99. [125]
Bernardo de Galvez Services To
The American Revolution, id at p. 368. [126]
Oliver Pollock, Financier of
the Revolution in the West, id at p. 72. [127]
Letter from Miralles to J. de Galvez, Feb. 13, 1778, AGI Cuba 1281. [128]
“Resolution of the Treasury Office, Apr. 15, 1779” (Papers of
the Continental Congress, item 136, III, 244, Naional Archives. [129]
Thoughout his travels and during his time in Philadelphia, Miralles
was given the status of an official Spanish diplomat, although he
never made any such claims. [130]
Note the similarity of this proposal to that of Gen. Charles Lee
which was delivered to then Governor Unzaga in New Orleans in May
1776 by Captain Gibson. [131]
Spanish Observers and the American Revolution, 1775-1783, id at p.
116. [132]
Letter from Conde de Floridablanca to Aranda, Jan. 13, 1778,
reserved, no. 2, ibid, II, 192-193. [133]
New Spain was described as that land north of the Isthmus of Panama
and west of the Mississippi River to the Arctic snows. [134]
Spanish Observers and the American Revolution, 1775-1783, id at p.
94. [135]
Spanish Observers and the American Revolution, 1775-1783, id at pp.
196-203. [136]
Spain and the Independence of the United States, id at pp. 83-84;
citing letter from Patrick Henry to B. Galvez, 14 Jan. 1778, AGI,
Santo Domingo, leg. 2596. [137]
Spain and the Independence of the United States, id at pp. 82-83;
citing letter from Aranda to Floridablanca, 23 Feb. 1778, AHN,
Estado, exp. 8, folio 90. [138]
The almost 10 month delay in the Continental Congress seeking the
handover of these much needed supplies is inexplicable. [139]
Spain and the Independence of the United States, id at p. 106. [140]
Spain and the Independence of the United States, id at pp. 106-107;
citing McDermott, “Leyba and the Defense,” 329-34. [141]
Spain and the Independence of the United States, id at p. 85. [142]
Spain and The Independence of the United States, id at p. 15. [143]
Letter from B. Galvez to Don Joseph Briones dated May 6, 1778, Papeles
Procedentes de Cuba, General Archive of the Indies, Seville,
leg. 53, no. 1. [144]
Fort San Gabriel was the Spanish fort just across the bayou from
British Fort Bute at Manchak, Louisiana. [145]
Letter from B. Galvez to Don Raymundo DuBreuil dated May 18, 1778, Papeles
Procedentes de Cuba, General Archive of the Indies, Seville,
leg. 50, no. 3. [146]
Letter from Governor Chester to Galvez, May 28, 1778, AGI, Santo
Domingo 2547. [147]
Caughy, Bernardo de Galvez, p. 123. [148]
“Making of a Myth: George Rogers Clark and Teresa de Leyba”,
Nancy Son Carstens, The Filson
History Quarterly, vol. 76 (Spring 2002), pp. 126-127, 139. [149]
Letter from B. Galvez to J. Galvez, 9 Jun 1778, AGi, Santo Domingo,
leg.2596, no. 169. [150]
James, “Oliver Pollock:Financier,” 72. [151]
Letter from Navarro to J. Galvez, 13 June 1778, AHN, Estado, leg.
3884, exp. 1, folio 14. [152]
George Rogers Clark and the War in the West, Lowell H. Harrison,
Lowell H. Harrison, The Univ. Press of Kentucky, Lexington (1976),
p. 15 [153]
Ft. Massac was located near the confluence of the Ohio and Tennessee
Rivers. [154]
Spain and the Independence of the United States, id at p. 114. [155]
Letter from de Leyba to Clark, 8 July 1778, AGI, Cuba, leg. 1. [156]
Clark’s Memoir, in James Alton James, ed. , George
Rogers Clark’s Papers, 2 vols. (Springfield, Ill., 1912,
1924), 1:209. [157]
Spain and the Independence of the United States, id at pp. 113-115. [158]
Consul W. Butterfield, History
of George Roger Clark’s Conquest of the Illinois and Wabash Towns,
1778 and 1779 (Columbus, Ohio, 1904), 28; Petition of June 20,
1776, in James, ed., Clark
Papers, 1:14-16. [159]
“Long Knife” by James Alexander Thom, Ballentine Books, New
York, 1979. [160]
Spain and the Independence of the United States, id at p. 115;
citing Carlos M. Fernandez-Shaw, Presencia
Espanola en los Estados Unidos (Madrid: Ediciones Cultura
Hispanica, 1987), 28, 74, 373. [161]
McDermott, “Leyba and the Defense”, 329. [162]
McDermott, “Leyba and the Defense,” 330-331; James, “Spanish
Influence”, 207,; and Bond, “Oliver Pollock:An Unknown
Patriot,” 137. [163]
McDermott, “Leyba and the Defense,” 331. [164]
The History of Louisiana,
Martin, p. 235. [165]
Oliver Pollock:Financier, ibid. [166]
Letter from Don Raymundo DuBreuil to B. Galvez dated October 11,
1778, Papeles Procedentes de
Cuba, General Archive of the Indies, Seville, leg. 50, no. 9. [167]
Letter from Raymundo DuBriel to B. Galvez dated October 13, 1778, Papeles
Procedentes de Cuba, General Archive of the Indies, Seville,
leg. 50, no. 12. [168]
Letter from Raymundo DuBreuil to B. Galvez dated October 14, 1778,
Papeles Procedentes de
Cuba, General Archive of the Indies, Seville, leg. 50, p. 13. [169]
Letter from Galvez to Henry, October 19, 1978, AGI, Santo Domingo,
leg. 2596. [170]
Letter from B. Galvez to Villiers dated October 21, 1778,
Papeles Procedentes de
Cuba, General Archive of the Indies, Seville, leg. 33, no. 11. [171]
The Canary Islanders of Louisiana, Gilbert C. Din. [172]
Letter from Raymundo DuBriel to B. Galvez dated December 2, 1778, Papeles
Procedentes de Cuba, General Archive of the Indies, Seville,
leg. 50, no. 23. [173]
Report from Jose Bazquez to B. Galvez dated December 4, 1778, Papeles
Procedentes de Cuba, General Archive of the Indies, Seville,
leg. 58, no. 2. [174]
Report from Jose Bazquez to B. Galvez dated December 5, 1778, Papeles
Procedentes de Cuba, General Archive of the Indies, Seville,
leg. 58, no. 3. [175]
Letter from B. Galvez to Raymundo DeBriel at Galveztown dated
December 13, 1778, Papeles
Procedentes de Cuba, General Archive of the Indies, Seville,
leg. 50, no. 27. [176]
Letters from Henry to de Leyba of December 13 and 15, 1778, AGI,
Cuba, leg. 1. [177]
It is interesting to note that almost a year after France declared
war on England in Feb. 1778, some French settlers in the northwest
territories were still allied with the British.
Switching loyalties was commonplace in the frontier, even
with American frontiersmen. The
reader should realize that conditions on the frontier were harsh,
and the struggle for survival was a daily affair. [178]
George Rogers Clark and the War in the West, id at pp. 39-43. [179]
Letter from Raymundo DuBriel to B. Galvez dated December 31, 1778, Papeles
Procedentes de Cuba, General Archive of the Indies, Seville,
leg. 50, no. 32. [180]
Revolution, 1775-1783, Spanish
Observers and the American id at pp. 124-125, 127; citing letter
from Miralles to Navarro, May , 1779, AGI, Cuba 1281. [181]
George Rogers Clark, id at p. 30. [182]
A History of the Commonwealth
of Kentucky, Mann Butler, (Cincinnati, 1834), reprinted Berea,
1968, p. 40. [183]
Merchants in Philadelphia,
1754-1798, Byars, Barnard and Michael Gratz, p. 356. [184]
George Rogers Clark and the
War in the West, Id at pp. 47-63. [185]
Spanish Observers and the
American Revolution, 1775-1783, id at pp. 113-114. [186]
Letter from Raymundo DuBriel to B. Galvez dated December 31, 1778, Papeles
Procedentes de Cuba, General Archive of the Indies, Seville,
leg. 50, no. 45. [187]
Letters from Raymundo DuBriel to B. Galvez dated December 13, 1778;
December 30, 1778; and January 17, 1779, Papeles
Procedentes de Cuba, General Archive of the Indies, Seville,
leg. 50, no. 27; leg. 50, no. 31; and leg. 50, no. 37. [188]
Letter from George Washington to Navarro, 4 March 1779, AGI, Santo
Domingo, leg. 1233, no. 82. [189]
Letter from Raymundo DuBriel to B. Galvez dated March 5, 1779, Papeles
Procedentes de Cuba, General Archive of the Indies, Seville,
leg. 50, no. 47. [190]
Franklin, The Essential
Founding Father, id at p. 338. [191]
Contained in a letter from Croix to Cabello, October 7, 1779, Bexar
Archives (BAT, 2C36, vol. 88, pp. 22-25. [192]
A formal document issued by one country authorizing one of its
private citizens to take possession of goods, or sometimes citizens,
belonging to another country. [193]
The Morning Chronicle and
London Advertiser and the London
Gazette of April 1, 1780 carried an extract of a letter from
Major General Campbell to Lord George Germain, dated Pensacola,
December 15, 1779. The
newspaper account is included in its entirety in the appendix to
this book. [194]
The Texas Connection With The American Revolution, Robert H.
Thonhoff, Eakin Press, Burnet, Texas (1981), pp. 45 et. Seq. [195]
Letter from Croix to Cabello, August 16, 1779, Bexar Archives (BAT
2C342), vol. 85, pp.
112-114. [196]
Letter from Luis Jean Cesaire Borme’, Commandant of Nachitoches to
B. Galvez, Athanase de
Mezieres and the Louisiana-Texas Frontier, 1769-1780, Vol. II, Herbert
Eugene Botlon, (Cleveland, 1914), pp. 266-267. [197]
Letter from Cabello to Croix, October 19, 1779, Bexar Archives (BAT
2C36), vol. 88, pp. 60-66. [198]
Act of Obedience, December 10, 1779, Bexar Archives (BAT, 2C36), vo.
88, pp. 25-27. [199]
Drama and Conflict: The Texas
Saga of 1776, Robert S. Weddle and Robert H. Thonhoff, p 171. [200]
Ranching in Spanish Texas,
Faulk, p. 264. [201]
Los Mestenos: Spanish Ranching
in Texas, 1721-1821, Jack Jackson, Texas A & M University
Press, College Station, p. 313. [202]
Letter from Governor Cabello to B. Galvez, December 20, 1780, BAT,
106, pp. 61-68. [203]
Spain’s Texas Patriots in
its 1779-1783 War with England During the American Revolution, id
at p. 9. [204]
Ibid. [205]
Oliver Pollock:Financier, ibid. [206]
Letter from Lewis for the Commercial Committee of Congress to B.
Galvez, dated July 19, 1779, , Papeles
Procedentes de Cuba, General Archive of the Indies, Seville,
leg. 52, no. 3. [207]
Letter from Francisco Bonet de Arsein to B. Galvez dated Aug. 12,
1779, , Papeles Procedentes de
Cuba, General Archive of the Indies, Seville, leg. 58, no. 33. [208]
Letter from Francisco Bonet de Arsein to B. Galvez dated Aug. 12,
1779, , Papeles Procedentes de
Cuba, General Archive of the Indies, Seville, leg. 50, no. 78. [209]
Letter from B. Galvez to Raymundo DeBriel at Galveztown dated August
16, 1779, Papeles Procedentes de Cuba, General Archive of the Indies, Seville,
leg. 50, no. 79. [210]
Bernardo de Galvez Services To The American Revolution, id at pp.
364-365. [211]
Letter from Raymundo DuBriel to B. Galvez datedAugust 22, 1779, Papeles
Procedentes de Cuba, General Archive of the Indies, Seville,
leg. 50, no. 84. [212]
The Texas Connection With The American Revolution, id at p. 54. [213]
Letter from Bernardo de Galvez at New Orleans to King Carlos, III,
via Captain General Diego Josef Navarro in Havana, dated October 16,
1779, General Archive of the Indies, Seville, Spain, Papeles
procedentes de Cuba, leg. No. 2358, document No. 229 (translated
into English). [214]
A large number of Germans had been colonized under John Law and
settled in Louisiana on the Mississippi just upstream of New
Orleans. Their colony
was called “Costa des Alemanes”. [215]
Previously, following long struggles in Nova Scotia, in 1756 the
King of England banished the French speaking Arcadians.
Thousands of these Arcadians migrated to Louisiana, many of
whom settled in Achafalaya, which
is sometimes referred to as New Arcadia.
These people are commonly referred to as “cajuns”.
They hated the British and readily volunteered to join Galvez’
forces. [216]
Six Louisiana Militia units participated in the march against Fort
Bute at Manchak and Fort Richmond at Baton Rouge.
They included the five French Arcadian units: The Opelousas
Post, with four officers and 107 enlisted men; The Attakapas Post,
with four officers and 85 riflemen; The Iberville Coast Militia,
with three officers and 60 riflemen; the Iberville Coast Militia,
with three officers and 49 enlisted; The Acadian Coast Militia, with
an unknown number of officers and men; and The Pointe Coupee
Militia, with four officers and 79 enlisted.
Also on the march was the German Coast Militia with its three
officers and 97 soldiers. For
the names of the participants see The
March, John Francois, Attakapas Press, Lafayette, LA (1999), pp.
153-164. [217]
Ibid. [218]
Gayarre’, History of
Louisiana, III, p. 135. [219]
June 2, 1780-July 3, 1780, Bexar Archives (BAT, 2C40, vol. 97, pp.
31-37. [220]
The Texas Connection With The American Revolution, id at p. 52. [221]
Letter from Bernardo de Galvez at New Orleans to King Carlos, III,
via Captain General Diego Josef Navarro in Havana, dated October 16,
1779, ibid. [222]
“The Spanish Regiment of Louisiana”, Thomas DeVoe, Bull Schott, Vol. 2 (March 1979), pp. 45-47. [223]
of Louisina : The Spanish domination, Volume 3, Charles
Gayarré, Widdleton Pub.
(1867),New York, pp. 130-131 [224]
The Texas Connection With The American Revolution, id at pp. 45-46. [225]
Letter from Bernardo de Galvez at New Orleans to King Carlos, III,
via Captain General Diego Josef Navarro in Havana, dated October 16,
1779; confer, John Walton Caughey, Bernardo
de Galvez in Louisiana, 1776-1783 (Reprint, Gretna, Louisiana,
1972), pp. 61-62. [226]
Order from B. Galvez to subordinate at New Orleans dated September
20, 1779, General Archive of the Indies, Seville, Spain, Papeles procedentes de Cuba, leg. 67. [227]
“In a
cunning and brilliant move, de Galvez included in the terms of the
British surrender of Baton Rouge that the British also surrender
Fort Panmure at Natchez to Spanish control. Defeated and on the
verge of utter annihilation, the British had no other choice but to
accept the terms. This
Day in History,”. [228]
“Return of the different detachments of his Majesty’s Troops,
Prisoners at New Orleans, and the Posts where taken”, Bernardo
de Galvez Services To The American Revolution, Charles Robert
Churchill, Louisiana Society Sons of the American Revolution (March
4, 1925), p. 358. [229]
Bernardo de Galvez Services To
The American Revolution, id
at p. 372. [230]
Bernardo de Galvez, Services
to the American Revolution, Charles Robert Churchill, Louisiana
Society Sons of the American
Revolution, New Orleans, March 4, 1925, p. 352. [231]
El Dorado, id at p. 3. [232]
See “Congress Appoints John Jay Minister to Spain” (editorial
note), JJSP, 1: 709-16; "Distinguished Gentleman"
(editorial note), and
letter from John Jay to the Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 28 Apr.
1782. [233]
Ibid. [234]
Franklin, The Essential
Founding Father, James Srodes, Regney Pub. Co., Washington
(2002), pp. 345-346. [235]
The big advantage of a keelboat
boat over its predecessor the flatboat was its ability to travel
upstream against the current. The keelboat had a sleek hull and a
pointed prow and was often equipped with a mast and sail to ease the
ascent. If the wind was uncooperative, the ship’s crew, known as
keelboatmen, took to the oars or more frequently to long poles. In
the 18th century the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers were not
as deep as they are today. These
they used to row or “pole” the boat up the river,
while other crewmen helped to drag the boat forward by pulling on
overhanging tree limbs. If such backbreaking work still failed to
propel the vessel upstream, a party of men would be forced to land
on the riverbank, secure a rope to the keelboat, and tow the craft
by hand. Sometimes oxen or mules were used to tow the boats
upstream. Despite the
arduous nature of their return journeys, the keelboat was a more
advanced and less expendable vessel than the flatboat. Its design
often sported a covered superstructure or even cabins for the
passengers and crew. This at least made the long, slow voyage back
up the Mississippi or Ohio a little
more comfortable. For
additional information see “River to Rail”, Jefferson County, IN
Historical Society. [236]
George Rogers Clark and the
War in the West, Id at p. 68. [237]
Letter from Don Bernardo de Galvez in New Orleans, to Captain
General Don Diego Josef Navarro in Havana, dated October 16, 1779,
General Archives of the Indies, Seville, Spain, Papeles
procedentes de Cuba. Leg. No. 2358, document no. 229, ; fully
translated to English in Appendix. [238]
“Spain in the Mississippi, 1765-1794”, Lawrence Kinnaird, ed. (Annual
Report of the American Historical Assn., Washington, 1949), Vol.
II, pp. 241-242, 248-250. [239]
Spain’s Arizona Patriots in
its 1779-1783 War with England During the American Revolution,
Granville W. and N.C. Hough, Third Study of the Spanish
Borderlands,, Sharr Press, Midway City, CA (1999), p. 2. [240]
Ibid. [241]
Spanish Observers and the
American Revolution, 1775-1783, id at pp. 187-188; citing Otero,
“Gardoqui”, p. 23. [242]
Caughy indicated in his treatise that Galvez was ready to leave on
Jan. 11, 1789. [243]
The 754 men were comprised of 43 men of the Regiment of Principe of
the Second Battalion of Spain; 50 from the fixed Regiment of Havana;
141 of the fixed Regiment of Louisiana; 14 artillerymen, 26
carabineers, 323 white militiamen; 107 free blacks and mulattoes, 24
slaves; and 26 Anglo-American auxiliaries.
Caughy, Bernardo de
Galvez in Louisiana, 1776-1783, pp. 175-176. [244]
The Texas Connection With The American Revolution, id at pp. 45-46. [245]
Carmen de Reparaz, I ALONE, Bernardo de Galvez and the Taking of Pensacola (Madrid:
Ediciones de Cultura Hispanica – AECI_ICI, 1993), p. 42. [246]
Pensacola: Spaniards to
Space-Age, Virginia Parks, Pensacola Historical Society (Rev.
ed., 1996), p. 34. [247]
Kinnaird, Spain in the
Mississippi Valley, II, pp. 368-370. [248]
Caughy, id at pp. 187-191. [249]
In the Christian Church, a solemn prayer or supplication. [250]
Letter from Croix to Cabello, February 18, 1870, Bexar Archives
(BAT, 2C39), vol. 93, p. 72. [251]
“George Rogers Clark’s Fort Jefferson, 1780-81”, Kenneth
Carstens, The Filson Club
History Quarterly, vol. 71 (July 1997), pp. 259-284. [252]
Letter from Jefferson to Clark, January 29, 1780, Draper MSS 50j7. [253]
George Rogers Clark Papers, 1771-1781,
James, ed., pp. 996-997. [254]
Letter from Cabello to Croix, April 20, 1780, Bexar Archives (BAT,
2C39, vol.93, p. 73). [255]
George Rogers Clark and the
War in the West, Id at pp. 71-72. [256]
Bernardo de Galvez Services to
the American Revolution, id at pp. 363-364. [257]
Named for King Carlos, III, the Span [258]
This attack was part of the British plan adopted in early 1777 to
attack down the Mississippi River to expel the Spanish and deny the
Mississippi to the colonists.
See Commerce Committee, U. S. Congress to B. Galvez, 12 June
1777, AGI, Santo Domingo, leg. 2596, no. 168. [259]
Many members of the Spanish militia at Fort Carlos were French
trappers and merchants, who had sworn allegiance to Spain. [260]
That tower was located at Walnut and 4th Street in St.
Louis. Lamentably, it
was demolished in 1819. [261]
Many of the Spanish militia were Frenchemen who had sworn allegiance
to Spain. [262]
Spain’s Louisiana Patriots
in its 1779-1783 War with England During the American Revolution,
Part Six, Spanish Borderlands Studies, Granville W. and N.C. Hough,
p. 6. [263]
Missouri: A Guide to the Show Me State, American Guide Series, NY,
1941, p. 42-43. [264]
George Rogers Clark and the War in the West, id a p. 37, 72. [265]
Spain’s Louisiana Patriots
in its 1779-1783 War with England During the American Revolution, id
at p. 6. [266]
In 1775 John Hinkston and other settlers built fifteen crude cabins
on a broad flat ridge above the South Fork of the Licking River,
along an old game trail from McClelland's Station (Scott County) to
Lower Blue Licks. This site is now in Harrison County. Simon
Kenton and Thomas Williams helped build a blockhouse at the
station in the winter of 1776-77.
Indian threats then caused its abandonment.
Isaac Ruddell enlarged and fortified the station in 1779.
After that, the site was interchangeably referred to as Ruddell's or
Hinkston's fort – sometimes “Station”.
See Destruction of
Ruddle's and Martin's Forts in the Revolutionary War,
Nancy O'Malley (Frankfort, Ky., 1957).
Station was located 20 miles eastward of Cumberland Gap. It was the
halfway house between Virginia and Kentucky.
It was one of the most famous Central Kentucky stations, and
was established by John Martin, an early Ft. Boonesborough
resident (Draper, MSS. 12CC6478).
Grant’s Fort was located in Bourbon County, near the Fayette
County line and was built in 1779 by Col. John Grant and Capt.
William Ellis, the military leader of the Traveling Church, for the
use of twenty or thirty families who had come to Bryan Station. A
group of sixty Indians from Byrd's war party attacked it in June,
1780, and burned the fort without taking prisoners. [269]
Spain’s Louisiana Patriots
in its 1779-1783 War with England During the American Revolution, id
at p. 190. [270]
Id at p. 191. [271]
Tribute to Bernardo De Galvez, Id at p. 137. [272]
“George Rogers Clark’s Service of Supply”, James G. Randall, The
Mississippi Valley Historical Review, (December,
1921), pp. 251-262. [273]
Letters from Cabello to Croix, May 30, 1780; June 1, 1780, June 23,
1780; October 12, 1780; and October 13, 1780; Bexar Archives (BAT,
2C40, vol. 96, p. 49-62). [274]
Id at pp. 63-64. [275]
One of four missions on the San Antonio River just south of San
Antonio. [276]
Letter from Cabello to Croix, July 10, 1780, Bexar Archives (BAT,
2C41), vol. 100, pp. 16-20. [277]
Ibid. [278]
Chatrand, Rene (2006). Gibraltar
1779-1783: The great siege. Ospreyu Campaign. ISBN 1841769770. [279]
The complete text of the royal decree can be found in Appendix 4. [280]
Alcaldes were multifaceted leaders of towns, who served as the mayor
and city judge. All
decisions relating to a town had to be approved by the Alcalde. [281]
Spain’s Texas Patriots in
its 1779-1783 War with England during the American Revolution,
Granville W. Hough and N.C. Hough, (SHHAR Press,Midway City,
California), Part Five, Spanish Borderlands Studies, pp. 9-10. [282]
Spain and the Independence of
the United States, id at pp. 187-200; The
Vital Contribution of Spain in the Winning of the American
Revolution: An Essay on a Forgotten Chapter in the History of the
American Revolution (Privately published in Karnes City, Texas,
200), pp. 4-5. [283]
Archives of Santa Barbara, MS, vol. ix, pp. 277-280. [284]
Seven ships of the line, 5 frigates, 1 packet and one armed lugger
– a small coastal sailing vessel. [285]
Caughy, id at PP. 194-195. [286]
Muster roll for Calvary Company at Presidio San Antonio de Bexar,
October 20, 1780, Bexar Archives (BAT, 2C43), vol. 104, pp. 53-55. [287]
Letters from Cabello to Croix, November 20, 1780, and December 6,
1780, Bexar Archives (BAT, 2C44, vol. 106, pp. 15-16 and 47-49. [288]
Id at p. 60 [289]
Letter from Cabello to Croix, December 20, 1780, Bexar Archives
(BAT, 2C44), vol. 106, pp. 61-68. [290]
Ibid. [291]
Caughy, id at pp. 198-200. [292]
Originally named the Presidio
San Miguel de Panzacola. See
Pensacola:Spaniards to
Space-Age, id at p. 26. [293]
British West Florida 1763-1783, Cecil Johnson (Yale University
Press, 1942; reprinted by Archon Books, 1971, p. 205. [294]
Fort San Carlos at Pensacola should not be confused with Fort Carlos
at St. Louis. [295]
“A Talk to the Daughters of the American Revolution, March 13,
1985”, Elizabeth Vickers (Unpublished mss., Pensacola Historical
Museum). Caughy reported
infra that British defenders numbered 2,423. [296]
Diary of Bernardo de Galvez, pp. 62-63. [297]
The History Channel stated that the fleet was “more than 40
ships”. [298]
The Texas Connection With The American Revolution, id at pp. 59-63. [299]
“Major – General John Campbell in British West Florida”,
George C. Osburn, The Florida
Historical Quarterly (April, 1949), vol. XXVII, p. 337. [300]
Pensacola: Spaniards to Space
Age, id at p. 36. [301]
El Dorado, id at p. 4. [302]
“Born to Destiny: Bernardo de Galvez”, Siege!
Spain and Britain: Battle of Pensacola, March 9-May 8, 1781
(Pensacola Historical Society, 1981). [303]
According to Caughy, id at p. 38, the French force numbered 725. [304]
By comparison, Lord Cornwallis total command when he surrendered at
Yorktown was about 6,000. [305]
The Longest Siege of the
American Revolution, Id at p. 170; see also Diary
of Bernardo Galvez, pp. 66-67, where he estimates his force at
over 7,000; and the Diary of Francisco Miranda, who stated that the
Spanish army at Pensacola totaled 7,803, at p. 38. [306]
Diary of Bernardo Galvez, id pp. 73-74. [307]
Diary of Bernardo Galvez, id at p. 75. [308]
Caughy, id at pp. 194-195. 6
It should be noted that to a lesser degree, the colonists
received aid and assistance from [309]
AGI, SD, exp. 191, Caja Cuenta de 1781.
Ignacio Penalver y Cardenas, Havana, 30 June, 1782. [310]
Writings of George Washington, Vol. 8 7
Although the hostilities between the American and British
forces were halted by the surrender, the Revolutionary War was not
over. Indians aligned
with the British continued to fight in Missouri, Ohio and Indiana.
Quoted in Stephen Bonsal, When
The French Were Here (Garden City, N.Y.; Doubleday & Co.,
1945), 119-20. [312]
Letter from Juan Manuel de Cagigal, Governor of Havana to Don Joseph
de Galvez dated February 16, 1782 contained in Bernardo de Galvez
Services To The American Revolution, id at pp. 405-412. [313]
Proceedings, May 4 – July 30, 1782, Bexar Archives, (BAT, 2C47)
vol. 112, pp. 10-13. [314]
Caughy, id at pp. 245-246. [315]
Spain And The Independence of The United States, Thomas E. Chavez,
Univ. of NM Press, Albuquerque, (2003), p. 15. [316]
“Captain John Barry & The Last Naval Battle of the American
Revolutionary War” by Lindsey Brock, SAR Magazine, ____, pp.
__ to ___, at p. ___ (XXXX). [317]
Ibid [318]
Ibid. [319]
Ibid [320]
The Arkansas Post Story, Arkansas Post National Memorial, Roger E.
Coleman, Eastern National (1987), rev. Division of History, South
Cultural Resources Center, Southwest Region (2002), p. 3. [321]
Id, at pp. 6-11. [322]
Id, at pp. 12-14. [323]
Id, at pp. 43-44. [324]
Id, at pp. 46-47. [325]
Known in the United States as the French and Indian War. [326]
Id at pp. 25-27. [327]
Id at p. 51. [328]
The Imperial Osages, G.
Din and A. Nasatir (1983), p. 58. [329]
Colonial Arkansas, 1686-1804:
A Social and Cultural History, Morris S. Arnold, Univ. of Ark.
Press, Fayetteville (1991), pp. 112-118. [330]
Unequal Laws Unto a Savage Race: European Legal Traditions in
Arkansas, 1686-1836, Morris S. Arnold, University of Arkansas Press,
Fayetteville (1985), p. 68; see also “Arkansas Post of Louisiana:
Spanish Domination”,
Stanley Faye, Louisiana
Historical Quarterly, vol. 26 (July 1943), pp. 639-642. [331]
The Arkansas Post Story, id at pp. 59-60. [332]
The Arkansas Post Story, id at p. 59. [333]
Letter from De Villiers to B. Galvez, March 2, 1779, AGI, PC, leg.
192. [334]
Their petition for asylum appears in AGI, PC, leg. 191. [335]
Colonial Arkansas, id at
p. 162. [336]
Not to be confused with Fort Carlos at present day St. Louis. [337]
Archeological Assessment,
Arkansas Post National Memorial, William A. Westbury, Southern
Methodist University Archaeology Research Program, Dallas (1976), p.
29. [338]
The Arkansas Post Story, id
at pp. 63-64. [339]
“An Attack upon the Arkansas
Post, 1783, id at pp. 261-267. [340]
Fort San Carlos, III at Arkansas Post, should not be confused with
Fort Carlos, located in St. Louis. [341]
The Arkansas Post Story, id
at p. 65. [342]
“An Attack Upon the Arkansas Posy, 1783, pp. 263-265. [343]
Ibid. [344]
Arkansas Historical Markers
including Revolutionary War soldiers commemorated and placed by
Arkansas State Society Daughters of the American Revolution
(2002), pp. 14-15. [345]
Id at p. 18. [346]
“Some Spanish Letters Written from Arkansas Post”, Anna Lewis, Arkansas
Historical Quarterly, 2 (March 1943), p. 56. [347]
“Arkansas Post in the American Revolution”, G. Din, 40 American Historical Quarterly, no. 3, (1981)p. 10. [348]
Letter from Governor Harrison to Clark, Draper MSS, 52j88. [349]
Although the hostilities between the American and British
forces were halted by the surrender, the Revolutionary War was not
over. Indians aligned
with the British continued to fight in Ohio and Indiana.
France and Spain continued their hostilities against the
British. [350]
Bernardo de Galvez Diary, id at p. 247. [351]
The Spanish name given to Fort Charlotte. [352]
Bernardo de Galvez Diary, id at p. 247. [353]
El Dorada: The Regiment of Louisiana and the Spanish Army in the
American Revolution, Thomas E. DeVoe and Gregory J. W. Urwin, p. 2 [354]
Supra. [355]
Id at p. 75. [356]
Proceedings, October 1910 –
June 1911, Massachusetts Historical Society, Vol. XLIV, Boston
(1911), pp. 373-374. [357]
AHN, E, leg. 3884. [358]
AHN, E, Leg. 3898. [359]
Letter from Don Diego Maria de Gordaqui to the Duke of Alcudia,
dated October 26, 1794. [360]
Legacy: Spain and the United
States in the Age of Independence, 1763-1848, id at p. 74. [361]
AGI, SD, 1849, exp. 191, Caja Cuenta de 1781 [362]
Legacy: Spain and the United
States in the Age of Independence, 1763-1848, id at p. 75. [363]
Letter from Raymundo DuBriel to B. Galvez datedAugust 22, 1779, Papeles
Procedentes de Cuba, General Archive of the Indies, Seville,
leg. 50, no. 84. [364]
Obviously this letter was written in Spanish.
It has been translated into English, with an attempt to
convert 18th Century Spanish idiom into current day
English usage. Errors in
translation may have occurred. [365]
General Archives of the Indies, Seville, Spain, Papeles procedentes de Cuba. Leg. No. 2358, document no. 229. [366]
Archivo General de Indias:
Cuba, leg. 2370. Madison, Papers (Hutchinson), 7:9-10.
For this December 27, 1782, Virginia resolution and a review
of the state's efforts to settle Pollock's claims against it, see
ibid., pp. 8-9, 10-12. On an earlier attempt to settle Pollock's
accounts as commercial agent for Congress and Virginia in New
Orleans, see also John Hanson to Estevan Miro, October 31, 1782,
note 1. In the
meantime, Pollock had again presented a memorial and his accounts
against the United States to Congress on February 24, 1783. They
were assigned to a committee chaired by Thomas FitzSimons that
reported March 26. Considering the report on April 10, May 1 and 2,
Congress ordered Robert Morris to pay Pollock that portion of his
account that could be authenticated as soon as "finances will
permit." On May 1 Congress also allowed Pollock $5,000 -- half
the sum he requested -- for his five years of service as agent at
New Orleans and on May 30 appointed him as an unsalaried U.S.
commercial agent at Havana. See JCC, 24:234-38, 266, 318, 323, 372,
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Judge Edward Butler |
Robin Collins | ||
Dr. Carlos E. Cortes, Ph.D
Professor Emeritus,
Department of History
University of California,
900 University Avenue
Riverside, CA 92521
Phone: (951)-827-1487
Fax: (951)-827-5299
Jack Cowan |
Gary Foreman |
Delia Huffman |
Al Kemp |
Mimi Lozano P.O. Box 415 Midway City, CA 92655 714-894-8161 |
Overview: Mimi has been involved in genealogical research and family history since 1982. Co-founder of the Society of Hispanic Historical and Ancestral Research. (SHHAR). Editor of Somos Primos: as a printed quarterly from 1990-1999. mounted online in January 2000, now in its 18th year, as |
Maria Angeles
O'Donnell Olson |
Perez |
Michael Perez |
Pena Rodella |
Monica Smith | ||
Gilberto Quezada |
Robert Walton
and Nancy Walton |
Phil Valdez |
Lozano P.O. Box 415 Midway City,
CA 92655-0490 |
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