to Hispanic Heritage |
"Para un hombre, su palabra es
todo." |
Dear Primos, If you sent materials recently for the February issue, please send it again. With an Oops,I wiped out most of the February issue and I don't even know what I lost! United
California |
East of
the Mississippi Spain's Louisiana Patriots Sperm Donors Children Mississippi Flag Oral History Conference Veterans Set Sail Mexico Genealogy of Mexico Jerez, Zacatecas Catholic Mexico Caribbean/Cuba Puerto Rico Census Cuban Cigarette Industry International
News History Miscellaneous |
Society of |
Click on
the following for: http://members.aol.com/shhar Information about SHHAR Community Calendars Beginning Family History/Resources Networking through Online email listing SHHAR Networking Meetings are held the last Saturday in the months of March, May, July, and September at the Orange Family History Center, 674 S. Yorba, Orange, CA Saluting our thoughtful submitters: you to |
Board Members: Bea Armenta Dever Edward B. Flores Mimi Lozano Holtzman Gloria Cortinas Oliver Peter E. Carr Teresa Maldonado Parker Laura Arechabala Shane Questions: 714-894-8161 |
Alvarez Ruben Barrales Leslie Brown Peter E. Carr Johanna de Soto Ken Gaillot Anthony Garcia George Gause Michael Gonzalez Eddie Grijalva |
Gutierrez Laura Hanson Lorraine Hernandez Sergio Hernandez Win Holtzman Carol Martinez Ruben Martinez Ken McGinnis Al Milo Gloria Oliver |
Quito Padilla Sandra Perlmutter Lillian Ramos Wold Crispin D. Rendon Andrea Savada Lewis Stokes Tejano Association Pancho Vega Marge Vallazza Beth Zeleny |
Primos has maintained a non-partisan approach to national events,
focusing instead on Hispanic-related and diversity issues, historical incidents, and
Latino leaders. Pancho Vega, a long time Somos Primos reader
asked if he could send a tribute to his dear Hispanic Republican friend
who surprisingly ran for President of the United States in
1978. At this time in history, I surely thought it would be of interest to everyone. It
is a beautiful, inspiring summary of an amazing Hispanic leader who
against all odds rose to high national positions.
A personal farewell from Francisco "Pancho" M. Vega
"I met Ben in 1967, in Washington, D. C. At this meeting were Manuel Lujan (NM, and later a Member of Congress, and appointed by President George Bush to be Secretary of the Interior; Fernando Oaxaca (CA,
"Benji", and later National Chairman of the Republican National Hispanic Assembly
(RNHA), and a very active supporter of candidate George W. Bush, 1999-2000; Martin Castillo, Esq. (CA, the attorney for the
RNHA, and later was the National Chairman of the Committee on Spanish Speaking Affairs; and I, Francisco M. Vega (MI, Historian, organized RNHA Chapters in the Great Lakes states and Missouri; RNHA State Chairman for MI; Michigan State Chairman The Hispanic Finance Committee to Re-Elect the President, 1972; RNHA Midwest Vice Chairman, 1983-1984; RNHA National Committeeman from MI, 1987-1989; and MI Hispanic State Chairman for Senator John McCain, January 2000. |
Stopping Gang
Violence |
About 30 years ago, when my husband and I had just moved to Orange County, I read a newspaper account that still moves me to tears. In celebration of a son's 18th birthday, the Latino father took his son to a bar to introduce him to what men do, and to do it together. Tragically, but not unexpectedly, an argument broke out with some of the men at the bar, which lead to a fight. The fight escalated and both the father and son were killed. I visualized the mother, receiving the news - both her son and husband dead. Feeling helpless in the tragedy, I remember putting my head on the kitchen table and sobbing for her, for them, for us. When, I thought, is it going to stop? Yesterday, an Orange County article brought that memory back, it read, Son's fatal path tragically familiar. A 21-year old, Guido Nicholas Viera, Jr. died, 21 years after his own father, Guido Nicholas Viera died, both killed in gang-related drive-by shootings. The father and son had never met, but both were members of the West Side Anaheim, California street gang. "It's overwhelming," said Gina Williams, aunt of the younger Viera and sister-in-law of the elder. We can't believe he died the same death as his father. I don't think we'll ever get over this pain." The elder Viera "was very well-known and respected in the gang," Williams said. "I think (Viera Jr.) admired the fact that his father was so respected. He admired the status." Sadly, this young man had guided his life on the concept that his father, who died in gang related warfare, was a role model to emulate. About 10 years ago I read another tragic newspaper account which was actually very responsible for my own involvement and dedication to promote family history research among Spanish- language heritage people. The article was about two young Latinos who had killed each other in a gang-fight. At that point, I had been doing family history for about five years and looked closely at their surnames. I wept when I saw that I had both of their surnames on my pedigree charts. They could have been my primos. They could have been primos themselves. It suddenly struck me, these young men were killing their own family and didn't even know it. I reasoned that if they knew who they were, their history, their heritage, perhaps the bloodshed and tragic waste of a lives could be stopped. Perhaps instead of dying at 18 or 21 in the streets of their neighborhoods, or in prison, they could live and add strength and support to their families. In all honesty, I don't understand why drinking is considered manly, or why drive-by shootings are considered acts of bravery. We can exam the history of liquor distribution, the media, traditions, social conditions, economics, etc. for clues and make all kinds of suppositions. But these tragedies will only stop when Hispanics/Latinos pass on changed values, when we take control of the future by sharing new images of what constitutes being a man. To my grandfather, Alberto Chapa Sanchez, it was being a man of your word, taking care of your family. To my father, who drank himself to death at 45, it was being the rough drinking man that is the common Latino image. In a previous Somos Primos we carried an article about círculos de hombres, meetings of Latino support groups, who talk about what it really means to be a man. I was grateful to read that the effort of this group is expanding. A recent Los Angeles Times carried an article by Jennifer Mena called, Creating the New Macho Man, (12-12-00). In 1987, Alejandro Moreno and Jerry Tello and a dozen other social workers from around the southwest developed the círculos concept. They also formed a nonprofit organization, The National Compadres Network, to act on their ideas. Organizers say there are now between 2,000 to 3,000 men in formal círculos in the United States. The website is under construction, but Jerry Tello can be reached at tellojt@nlffi.org . I had always understood that macho came from machar se, to stand firm. Both men and women could have the strength of character to stand firm as the situation required, to endure without complaint. Matthew Gutmann, author of the book "The Meanings of Macho" said the task of changing attitudes about what (the current meaning of ) macho means is formidable. Alejandro Moreno, a hulking 6-foot-7 inches man, a native of Mexico is the leader of the newest círculos chapter in Orange county. Moreno says "A macho man can be someone who is strong, but he should be a person who wants to be the backbone of his family, support his wife, help his children and be sensitive to their needs and his own." But becoming this quintessential macho is not easy, in part because men of all ethnicities are often conditioned to be rough and even uncaring, Moreno says. He hopes the meetings will help men unravel this conditioned behavior and "reconstruct manhood." Meetings are based on the tribal traditions of the indigenous people. All decision-making in such tribes came after meetings during which men brought their thoughts before the group. Each círculos session starts with each member of the circle offering a prayer for better relationships with their wives, children, and parents. Tello, runs one of the three círculos in Los Angeles, said the word macho has been twisted so that it has become unnecessarily negative. "The true machismo is being a man of palabra, of honoring women, men, children. The false machismo is the man who rules, dominates and drinks." Tello said. Maybe these men looking to the future, will return to the strength and nobility of their heritage. Maybe the task of changing attitudes is challenging enough to bring out their true manhood, a male strength needed by their wives, sons, daughters and community. Surely then, young men will not die in the company of their fathers, nor in the footsteps of their fathers. |
Money-Transfer Case Final Settlement Approved Years of litigation against the nation's biggest money-transfer companies has finally been ruled upon. The suits alleged the firms charged hidden and exorbitant fees to some of the country's most vulnerable consumers - Mexican immigrants wiring money home. At issue was the companies practice of earning substantial profits on the foreign exchange spread - the difference at which they buy and sell pesos - without disclosing that to consumers. An estimated $7 billion flows from Mexican immigrants here to family back home, much of that from California. (Editor's comment: These are men!) The class-action settlement could soon put hundreds of millions of
dollars in discount coupons into the hands of consumers who wired money
through the companies over the last 13 years. It also compels Western
Union, MoneyGram and Orlandi Valuta to disclose to
consumers key information previously withheld regarding foreign exchange
rates. The companies will also pay $4.6 million into a fund
managed by Latino community organizations for Latino causes. Orange County Register, 12- 22-00 Return to Table of Contents |
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS FOR 2001 Remember, applications must be postmarked by Feb. 26, 2001. (No
email, fax or disk-based applications, please.) Notification letters to
all applicants will be mailed the week of April 23, 2001. Send inquiries
to Andrea Savada at asav@loc.gov
or (202) 707-8148. |
The President's Council on
Physical Fitness and Sports PCPSA Somos Primos received a request from Sandra Perlmutter, Executive Director to promote the Physical Fitness and Sports program among Hispanics. PSA was developed in 1972 to motivate Americans of all ages to be physically active on a consistent basis. Nearly 200,000 individuals have earned awards over the last ten years. With a nominal charge of $8. per award and with more than 60 categories to choose from, all fitness levels and sports interests can be met. If you are a youth leader, you may want to get your young people involved in this very positive program - a national program. Poster, progress charts and program guides are available. Sandra Perlmutter, Executive Director |
From 1997-1999, mortgages issued
to minorities leapt 31% in Orange County. Orange County Register, 12-28-00 |
Among Hispanics, denials for loans increased 70%, while among Asians and blacks they rose 41% and 40%. |
Publisher's Orange County Register leads the Way An instructional unit on Hispanic heritage suitable for grades 4-12 was prepared by teacher/author Caroll Jordan Hatcher. In coordinated with Lisa Davis, Educational Coordinator for the Orange County Register, the free materials are being distributed and available only to Orange County schools. The organization of the units allows for year-around use. In addition to the units, 30 free copies of the Orange County Register are delivered on Wednesdays to participating classrooms. (Editor's note: Directly following this article is a listing of the Freedom publisher daily newspapers. If you would like this free Hispanic heritage materials to be provided for students in your community, contact your community newspaper and ask them to provide a similar service. Freedom publisher has many daily newspapers. In the spring, a
Freedom Publisher conference will be held, at which time the Orange
County Register's project will be presented to all their affiliated
It is my hope that the newspaper lessons in
this book will provide a foundation for the student not only in Hispanic
American history and sociology, but also by opening the door to a
lifetime of education through a lifetime of newspaper reading. . .
. Caroll Jordan Hatcher Twelve categories for Trailblazers: |
Pelli Marisol Carlos Callejo Evelyn Cisneros Super-Stars (3) Joseph A. Unanue Roberto Goizueta Eduardo Aguirre, Jr. Mary Rodas Super-Stars (4) Cesar Chavez Rudolfo "Corky" Gonzales Delores Huerta Jose Gutierrez Linda Chavez Louis Fuertes America Paredes Roman Cortines Elizabeth Martinez Super-Stars (7) Walt Disney Anthony Quinn Rita Moreno Gloria Estefan Super-Stars (5) Octaviano A. Larrazolo Joseph M. Montoya Antonia C. Novello Henry B. Gonzalez Federico F. Pena Nicholasa Mohr Richard Rodriguez Oscar Hijuelos Gary Soto Cristina Garcia Santos Benavides Elwood Quesada Horacio Rivero Everett Alvarez, Jr. Hispanic Heroes (6) Ritchie Valens Jose Feliciano Joan Baez Selena Super-Stars (7) Jose M. Hernandez Miguel A. Otero Edward R. Roybal Henry G. Cisneros Political Leaders (13) Luis Alvarez Richard Tapia Elroy Rodriguez Ellen Ochoa Super-Stars (4) Roberto Clemente Angel Cordero Jim Plunkett Nancy Lopez Baseball Greats (14) Super-Stars (11) More Super-Stars (4)
Architect Sculptor Artist, Muralist Prima Ballerina In Design & Visual Arts President of Goya Foods Chairman/CEO Coca-Cola Co. Banking Executive Business Consultant In the Business World Union/Labor Rights Pioneer Professor, Master Illustrator Gov., Congressman, Senator Author, Illustrator Rock & Roll Singer |
Example of Units, Activity #1, Cesar Pelli, Architect César Pelli was born in Argentina in 1922, and is today one of the contemporary architecture's leading lights. He apprenticed with the celebrated Eero Saarinen and in 1977 cofounded a firm of his own and later became Dean of the Yale School of Architecture. In the early 1980s, Pelli rose to prominence with such works as Manhattan's World financial Center - with its arching, 124-foot high, glass enclosed public hall, and the renovated Museum of Modern Art. Among his other projects are the Pacific Design Center in Los Angeles, Herriing Hall at Rich University (Houston, Texas), the Norwest Center in Minneapolis, San Bernardino city Hall, Indian Tower in Indianapolis, and the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo. In 1991, César Pelli became the first U.S. Hispanic to be named by the American Institute of Architects as one of the ten most influential living architects. (Editor's note: two tasks are suggested which tie in to math concepts and career development. These are distributed on worksheets with lined spaces to complete the assignment.) 1. Pelli's World Financial Center and Winter Garden at Battery Park
in News York is considered one of the ten best works of recent American
architecture. This nearly perfect structure is truly a
"symphony" of geometric shapes. Look through today's
newspaper for examples of geometric shapes. Clip as many different
shapes as you can find. Create a poster display with your
newspaper clippings to show how architecture relates to mathematics.
Freedom Newspaper ChainFreedom Newspapers is a
libertarian-owned media company with many daily newspapers, thirty
weekly newspapers, two magazines, five television stations and a cable
television news service. http://boogieonline.com/revolution/express/freedom.html Freedom's daily newspapers include:
Kwanzaa Festival in Santa Ana Celebrated December 26 to January 1st Kwanzaa was created in 1966 by a California State University, Long
Beach, professor to address the absence of non-heroic holidays in the
nation's black community. Recognition of Kwanzaa has grown as more
blacks around the country have embraced the holiday as a way to come
together and empower themselves. Willia Edmonds, president of the African Cultural Arts Council, said people of any race can incorporate these principles into daily life. At the same time, the holiday is meant to show African-American children they "come from kings and queens," she said. Abstract from article by Jenifer Mckim, Orange County Register, 12-31-00 |
Dual-language Programs
The U.S. Department of Education has awarded about $1.4 million to Santa Ana Unified School District to expand dual-language programs. Santa Ana charter School for the Arts and Sciences, which opens next school year, will receive $1.2 million over five years to start a program to educate English-speaking and limited-English speaking students in two languages. An additional $175,000 will be used to start other classes in the district. This is the first year of the nationwide grants, totaling $15
million, which aim to have 1,000 dual-language programs by 2005. |
"Hands On English"
A $250,000 state grant will help the Children's Museum of La Habra to help young students through the Southland learn English. The money, to be spread out over three years, will help pay for a "Hands On English," which will used museum exhibits and programs to get kindergartners and first-graders excited about speaking in English. The program will use props, puppets and activities. Museum Director Jennifer Boxer explains, "If English isn't your first language, you might be a little more comfortable when it's the puppet speaking instead of you." The program will serve Los Angeles and Orange County. Los Angeles Times, 12-28-00 |
Santa Ana School District Board of
Agustin Gurza writing about the political shifts in the city of Santa Ana, wrote that eight years ago when he first came to Orange County "there was only one Latino on the five-member board of trustees for the Santa Ana Unified School District, the county's largest, with a student enrollment that's more than 90% Latino. In a startling reversal, the board is now 100% Latino." Los Angeles Times, 12-23-00 |
1451 International So far, 1451 International has reproduced about 100 works. Some of which can be seen at the Patricia Faure Gallery in Santa Monica. The collection is not exclusively religious. The collection is secular, multicultural, and all about the world. Reproductions can be purchased. The Vatican wants the art to reach everyone. For more information, call: (310) 449-1479 http://www.1451.com |
Mexican Indians Olin Texcatilpoca who heads the movement, legally changed his Spanish name to Indian. "This whole Latino-Hispanic agenda destroys our identity as indigenous people. It's like the Spanish empire lives again." . . The movement means teaching their own people and others that to be Mexican or Central American - and to be Indian is often the same. Dr. Refugio Rochin, director of the Smithsonian Center for Latino Initiatives in Washington, D.C. said, "Many Latinos who are Spanish-speaking don't even know that Latinos include Indians and that sometimes Spanish is their second language, We're talking about populations with different cultures, different interests, different networks than the traditional immigrants that come to the United States. It's a community that hasn't been studied or understood or known." Associated Press article by Pauline Arrillaga via Orange County Register, 12-31-00 Editor's note: In support of Dr. Rochin's comment that the Mexican Indian community "has not been studied or understood or known," when I wanted my grandsons to have the benefit of participating in their high school's Indian programs, I was told that indigenous heritage in Texas did not count. "We only include American Indians, not Mexican Indians." I reminded her that Texas was in the United States. She responded, "Well, we just don't have any information about Indians in Texas." |
Routes to Roots Article in Turning Point,
Connecting the Black Diaspora In the introduction to this excellent article, Dr. Reilly answers the question, "Why preserve a long history when ambition demands a short memory? The answer can be stated more simply than apprehended: IDENTITY. By knowing our ancestors, we more than less come to know ourselves. Who we were is who we are, who we are is who we will become. The past informs the present, the present informs the future. . . . By rape or marriage the blood of much of the human world flows through our veins. Each drop signifies a milestone of struggle, whether forced upon us or chosen by us. Each struggle shapes our character, both individual and collective. To know the blood in toto is to know the total struggle. To know the total struggle is to know ourselves completely: the African, the slave, the master, the Indian, the Indian killer, the black and the white. We are the one and the many, the specific and the universal, Africa and the world. Editor's
note: Hispanics, Latinos, Mexican Indians, by whatever name, we
too are that mix. I strongly urge you all to obtain a copy of this
Nov/Dec/Jan issue of Turning Point, the issue is devoted to Black
and Brown alliances with many articles touching on that subject and
black family genealogy. |
Ritchie Valens
Ritchie Valens, the teenage rocker from Pacoima, California, who was killed in 1959 plane crash, will be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in March along with six other 2001 honorees. More than 40 years after his death, Valens - born Richard Steven Valenzuela, will finally be recognized. Valens became the first Latino rock star with the hits of "La Bamba," "Donna" and "Come On Let's Go." The 1987 biographical film "La Bamba," continues to win Valens new fans. A message posted on Ritchie Valens Fan Club's Web site: "When people have told me that Latinos has no place in rock `n' roll, I have him to turn to." Los Angeles Times, 12-13-00 |
Michael Gonzalez Congratulations to Michael Gonzalez, chosen as one of the outstanding professionals in his field. Wellpoint/Blue Cross Multimedia Producer Michael Gonzalez was inducted as one of the TOP 100 Producers in the Nation. AV Video Multimedia Producer magazine has nominated and recognized by a jury of his peers Michael Gonzalez as one of outstanding professionals in his field. His effective conceptualization and presentation of ideas through technological innovation, artistic excellence and market leadership make him one of the TOP 100 PRODUCERS IN THE NATION. MORE INFORMATION: Each year for the past six years, AV Multimedia Producer magazine has chosen 100 individuals who they believe represent the best producers in our business. Each spring they call for nominations from their peers and clients. Several criteria are considered, including success in growing a business and in fulfilling a client's demands, especially, a demonstrable passion for producing dynamic media for business. The editorial staff reviews the nominees before turning them over to a panel of judges who each year includes veteran producers with extensive in-house corporate experience as well as knowledgeable independent producers and executives from key industry associations. ON PICTURE Multimedia Producer Michael Gonzalez receives award from AV Multimedia Producer magazine publisher Sam Kintzer. The award ceremony took place on Dec. 11, 2000 at the Museum of Modern Arts in San Francisco. Return to Table of Contents |
Los Angeles Family History Center General Holdings and Collections NOTE: This description only
covers the main highlights of the general record areas in the library on
film, microfiche or in books of possible interest to Hispanic
researchers. Consult Sources
for Research and make a methodical study of your ancestor using the
library collection. Be aware of the common
errors often made.
Ancestral File™ Ancestral File™ contains a compilation of genealogies
of families from around the world and records that have been
contributed by thousands of people, including users of the
Church's Family History Library and Family History Centers.
The information--mostly data about people who have died--is
linked into pedigrees to show both ancestors and descendants
of individuals. The file contains over 35 million names. The FHLC lists and describes the records available at the
Family History Library in Salt Lake City, many of which are
available at the Los Angeles Family History Center. You can
search the microfiche version by surname, locality, author,
title, or subject. The computer version may be searched by
locality, surname, or film numbers. Most films and
microfiche my be ordered to use here at the library.
The International Genealogical Index® (IGI) The International Genealogical Index® (IGI) contains
over 320 million records that list dates and places of
birth, christenings, and marriages for over 600 million
deceased persons. It includes people who lived any time
after the early 1500s up through the early 1900s. These
names have been researched and extracted from thousands of
original records. Most of these records are compiled from
public domain sources. The SSD index consists of 49.3 million records of deaths
reported to the Social Security Administration and have been
made available through the Freedom of Information Act. Most
of the deaths in this file date from 1962 through 1994,
however some records are as early as 1937. This index lists individuals in the United States
military service who died or were declared dead in Korea or
Vietnam (Southeast Asia) from 1950 to 1975.
This index lists nearly 10 million names primarily from
the Church of Scotland (Presbyterian) parish registers and
similar records. Records from a few other denominations are
also included. The index contains entries dating from the
late 1500s through 1854, with some entries as late as1900.
Information on the index includes given name(s), surname,
parents or spouse, gender, birth, christening or marriage
date and place, and source information. This is also
available on microfiche as the Old Parochial Registers (OPR)
Index for Scotland.
Personal Ancestral File® 2.31, 3.0, and 4.0 are
currently loaded on the Los Angeles FHC computers for patron
use in the library. Versions 2.31 and 3.0 are available for
sale at the FHC. Personal Ancestral File® 4.0.2 (the latest
upgrade and bug fix) is being offered free for home use when
downloaded from
1850: Kentucky Index 1850 (and other records)
1860: Census Index: Connecticut, Virginia, West Virginia,
For a complete explanation of the Los Angeles FHC
passenger list records available, see U.S.
Collection of marriages 1960-1981 CALIFORNIA - SUTRO
Tribal Police
Of about 100 California tribes, at least nine have full-fledged police departments, and many others have rangers or security forces. A coalition of 67 California tribes is negotiating with state authorities to give tribal officers full law enforcement authority. Authority to allow them not only to pursue, arrest and book suspects, but also to conduct investigations and share crime information with other agencies. The current laws limit tribal police officers to crimes committed on the reservation. Those tribes who have formed police units have been funded by casino generated wealth. Cabazon Police Chief Hare said, "We have 1.7 million [people] coming onto the reservation properties over a year for the entertainment venues, and we only have this citizen's arrest power, which means that once we are detaining these people, then we have to wait for the sheriff to arrive." Sheriffs say that any plan should hold tribal police to the same standards as other officers. It should provide means for citizens injured due to police misconduct to get redress, they say, noting that tribes are immune to civil litigation under U.S. law. And it should map out how tribal officers, whose pay comes largely from casino revenues, would fairly probe crimes associated with such businesses. Extracts from article by Deborah Sullivan Brennan |
"The Emperor's New
In an experimental attempt to reach more Latino movie-goers, Disney Motion Pictures released both English and Spanish versions of ""Groove" last week at more than a dozen theaters across in Southern California. The Spanish-dubbed version is not doing as well as some anticipated. The simultaneous release of two version sof "Groove" in major theaters - a first for Disney - is part of a larger effort by the entertainment industry to reach the growing, yet sometimes elusive, Latino market - the fastest-growing population in the country. One manager said the Spanish version was attracting about 10% of the audience that the English version was pulling in. With its Latin American characters and themes, "Groove" has sparked some interest among Latino movie-goers. But many of the G-rated movie's younger viewers have opted for the English version. Certain approaches, such as bilingual presentations for live shows, do seem to work, while others, like Spanish dubbing over mainstream movies, do not seem to be catching fire. In August, Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus produced 10 well-attended, bilingual circus performances at the Los Angeles Sports Arena. And Disney on Ice has hosted bilingual shows in Chicago, Dallas, Miami and New York. "It has been a very successful initiative for the company," said Eric Stevens, head of marketing for Feld Entertainment, which promotes the circus and Disney on Ice. Abstract from article by Richard Chang, Orange County Register, 12-22-00 |
Population in California |
1847 150,000 |
1870 30,000 |
1900 16,000 |
California Flood 1955 The Christmas flood of 1955, was the greatest disaster of its kind to occur in California history. The loss of life was put at 64 persons. The financial loss was staggering. The California Division of Water Resources gave a tentative estimate at the time of $200,000,000 in flood losses. Governor Goodwin J. Knight directed the California Disaster Office to prepare a complete account of the flood. It was issued in July, 1956. Samuel B. Jackson was the editor. He organized the photographs, and wrote the text. His words are used throughout this presentation. INDEX TO PHOTOGRAPHS
Source: Bill Roddy, webmaster for America
Hurrah at |
Effective use of technology in education Math teacher Pam Ensign thought a computer program was the
last thing she needed for middle- school students who still were
struggling to add and subtract. But, desperate for new ideas, she signed
on to help develop and test classroom software. The change in Ensign's thinking reflects a national shift in the debate surrounding technology in classrooms. While some still question whether computers belong in schools, most educators say computers have become so widespread that the issue no longer is whether they're used, but how. The computer-drill programs that many schools continue to use to teach reading and math actually hurt test scores, according to some studies. And the ubiquitous laboratory setups that allow students to get onto computers just a few times a week are inadequate, according to a growing consensus.
``I've had kids who would come in at lunch and say, `I've got to get this done,' '' Ensign said. ``I've had kids I couldn't get out of the building at night.'' Such programs are rare, however. Bay Area initiatives such as the research-station project are among just a handful nationwide recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as the right way to use technology in the classroom of the future. Because there is very little time for teacher training, and more than 80 percent of technology money is spent on software and machines, most educators continue to teach the computer to children, rather than using the computer to teach. ``Too many schools are still doing it the old way,'' said
Judy Powers, manager of technology/ curriculum for the Santa Clara County
Office of Education, which each summer trains nearly 400 teachers how to
develop multimedia projects like the Antarctic research station. Locally,
``I would guess 10 to 20 percent of teachers know how to use technology
effectively, and that percentage wouldn't be far off nationwide.'' The Challenge 2000 project provided grants and training
for teachers to develop their own classroom technology projects that are
curriculum-based, have a real-world connection and allow students to work
in groups, make decisions about what they're learning and use the
technology during a weeks long period. According to her students, that excitement doesn't end with her class. Shera, who worked on the earthquake project, now has Ensign for seventh-grade math. Hearing she might be designing an Antarctic research station, she raised both hands in the air. ``I know I can nail that,'' Shera said. Address of original story: |
Birth Index, 1905-1910 Vital records in California have been kept by the state registrar of vital statistics since July 1905. This database is an index to the birth records in California from 1905 through 1910. The database provides such valuable information as first, last, and middle names of those born; birth dates; gender; mother's name; father's name; and birthplace. To search this database, go to: http://www.ancestry.com/search/ rectype/inddbs/5247.htm Sent by Lorraine Hernandez |
Informate Project The Informate project, funded by a California State Library federal Library Services and Technology Act grant award, is enabling the Oceanside's Latino community to become comfortable with using the OPL online library catalog, Microsoft Word, and finding information on the Internet. For more information, see http://www.library.ca.gov/newsletter 2000/CSL_Connection_Nov00.pdf Source: Al Milo |
The Human Remains of Ishi, a
Yahi-Yana Indian, Report and Recommendations for Repatriation Stuart Speaker Department of Anthropology National Museum of Natural History April 21, 1999 The National Museum of Natural History (NMNH), following consultations with Northern California Native Americans, will repatriate the human remains of Ishi, a Yahi-Yana Indian, under the repatriation provisions of the National Museum of the American Indian Act of 1989, as amended, 20 U.S.C. §80q et seq. Contrary to the commonly held belief that Ishi was the last member of his tribe, the Yana people of California, his closest relatives, have survived more than a century of warfare, disease, displacement, and cultural destruction. The museum has sought out the Yana people and consulted with them on issues of Yana language, culture, and history necessary to properly complete the repatriation process under the law. We offer to repatriate the remains of Ishi to the sovereign tribal governments that represent these Yana descendants. Over the last two months the Repatriation Office of the National Museum of Natural History has consulted with Native American representatives of the Butte County Native American Cultural Committee, the federally-recognized Redding Rancheria and Pit River Tribe, as well as members of a number of California tribes not presently recognized by the federal government. Consultation is an essential element of the repatriation process and is mandated in the federal legislation governing repatriation. Consultation ensures that all concerned Native American groups have the opportunity to voice their concerns, contribute to the repatriation process, and secure their legal rights. This process has allowed the NMNH to provide information on its collections, policies, and repatriation efforts while at the same time ensuring that Native concerns and interests guide the repatriation of Ishi's remains. The return of Ishi's remains to California represents a first step in the much broader process of consultation and repatriation to return ancestral remains, funerary objects, sacred objects and objects of cultural patrimony of these and the other culturally affiliated tribes of Northern California. The Museum looks forward to continuing this important work and the positive steps that now have begun to take place with the tribes. The National Museum of the American Indian Act provides that cultural affiliation is the basis for the repatriation of human remains and objects. The law prescribes a process of information gathering, through research and consultation, so that all perspectives, including Native and scholarly, will be included in the repatriation process. The law also mandates that determinations of cultural affiliation must be based on a "preponderance of the evidence" standard. This report summarizes available information on Ishi's cultural affiliation. The information includes anthropological and linguistic evidence on the culture of the Yana tribe, oral traditional information on the surviving Yana people of today, and historical records that document the Yana survivors who found refuge among other California tribes. Clearly, the Yahi band to which Ishi belonged was part of the larger tribal grouping known as the Yana or Noso. These lines of evidence support the findings of cultural affiliation and the decision to return Ishi's remains to the living Yana descendants and the representatives of their tribal governments. The Smithsonian Institution acknowledges and respects that many California Native Americans feel a powerful connection with Ishi and consider it their responsibility to see that his remains are united and given a proper burial. The Smithsonian, too, shares the goal of returning Ishi's remains to California in a timely manner, provided that such return is consistent with the rights of living Native Americans who share a cultural affiliation with Ishi. Although the process of identifying the possibility of living relatives has taken some time, the Smithsonian now is in a position to return Ishi to living relatives. Like so many Native American tribes, the Yana were almost entirely destroyed, and as their numbers became smaller, they found refuge among their neighbors. Ishi was the last of a small band of Yana Indians who strived to survive in their homeland despite prolonged attacks. But Ishi and his band shared very close cultural ties with the larger Yana tribe who's descendants today continue living in their territory along the upper reaches of the Sacramento River in Northern California. These are Ishi's closest relatives and the communities that must lead the way in his return. Ishi's immediate family can never be known because we are missing so many of the most important details of his family history. It is to his people, the Yana of northern California, that we now turn for guidance. The great majority of people of Yana ancestry live today in Shasta County, where most are members of the Redding Rancheria and the Pit River Tribe. These two federally-recognized groups therefore stand as the closest culturally affiliated Native American tribe, the tribes which share the strongest links of identity, culture, and history with Ishi. The Repatriation Office recommends that the Smithsonian Institution repatriate Ishi's remains to the Redding Rancheria and the Pit River Tribe. The National Museum of Natural History is prepared to return Ishi's remains to the Yana people at the time and place, and in the manner, of their choosing. Sent by Johanna de Soto Return to Table of Contents |
Spanish California Landscapes
Sent by Johanna de Soto Return to Table of Contents |
Spanish Beginnings in California
This is a revised version of a paper presented at, a 1991 Santa Barbara symposium on "Spanish Beginnings in California." It concerns three women of the colonial period: Eulalia Callis, wife of Pedro Fages; Josefa Sandoval, wife of José Antonio Roméu; and Maria Magdalena Urquidi, wife of Diego de Borica. Since Roméu served as governor of the Californias for such a short period, the work really deals with Eulalia Callis and Josefa Sandoval. As Nuttall observes, this examination is "long overdue." Though the situation is currently changing, the historiography of Alta California has traditionally paid little attention to women, even elite ones like these "first ladies." Apart from the tensions between Eulalia Callis and Pedro Fages in 1784 and 1785, these women have received little notice from historians. Nuttall devotes a good part of his analysis to that famous martial conflict. When Callis asked her husband to resign the governorship and return to Mexico City with her, he refused. She then ceased all communication with him, and eventually accused him publicly of adultery with an Indian girl and demanded a divorce. After considerable commotion among the province's governing circles, Callis softened her position, and seems to have abated her anger by fall 1785. She remained in California for another five years, and had a reputation for charity towards the poor and sick. No such conflict punctuated the time Maria Magdalena Urquidi spent in Monterey. She was reputed to have been very popular in the capital, and she gave birth to three children, two of whom survived, while she lived there. She remained with her husband throughout his tenure, and when he died in Durango, she returned to her home in Nueva Vizcaya.The differences between the backgrounds of the two women were striking. Callis had been born in Spain, and did not arrive in New Spain until the early 1770s. She married Pedro Fages under the apparent assumption that he would be stationed in Guadalajara. His transfer to Sonora and then to Alta California came as a sudden shock to her, and she was ill prepared for the rough life of the frontier. Her first sighting of the California Indians shocked her, and she spontaneously began to distribute her own clothing to them. When she was pregnant, she found herself in chilly, damp, and uncomfortable San Francisco. The missionaries refused to let her spend the time until the birth of the child at more commodious Santa Clara. Her experiences, in short, were severe, and more than enough to account for great anger at her station and resentment at the one who had brought her there. Whether she had a "nervous breakdown, " as Nuttall speculates, will never be known, but her behavior is quite understandable on its own terms.Maria Magdalena Urquidi, on the other hand, was a woman of the frontier. Bom to a wealthy landowner in Nueva Vizcaya, she was used to living the life of the frontier gentry before she married at the age of fifteen. She and Diego spent another fifteen years close to her home before he was posted to the Californias. She arrived in Monterey, therefore, as a seasoned frontier woman and spouse. Monterey was merely another station, and adjustment to it not all that difficult. In bringing together all that the sources tell us of these women, Nuttall has performed a signal service. The literature on women in colonial and Mexican Alta California is steadily growing, and Nuttall's contribution is a fine addition to that trend. it will also be a major building block for future investigators as they try to piece together the entire fabric of California's social history. http://www.ca-missions.org/nuttall.htmlSubmitted by Johanna de Soto Return to Table of Contents |
Las Vegas Spanish traders en route to Los Angeles along the Spanish Trail in the early 1700s sought a route that would pass through the then unexplored Las Vegas Valley. At the time, the Spaniards referred to the route through the Valley as "Jornada de Muerte," journey of death. A young scout named Rafael Rivera was the first person of European ancestry to look upon the Valley. His discovery of a valley with abundant wild grasses growing and a plentiful water supply reduced the journey by several days. The valley was named Las Vegas, Spanish for "The Meadows." In 1931, three events occurred that would forever change the face of Nevada and the City of Las Vegas. * On March 19, 1931 gambling was legalized in the State of Nevada. One month later, the City issued six gambling licenses. * Divorce laws were liberalized in the State of Nevada, making residency easier to attain. A "quickie" divorce could be attained after six weeks of residency. These short-term residents stayed at "dude ranches" which were the forerunners of the sprawling Strip hotels. * Beginning in 1931, the construction of Hoover Dam brought an influx of construction workers which started a population boom and gave the Valley's economy, which was in the grips of the Great Depression, a needed boost. Submitted by Win Holtzman Return to Table of Contents |
Personal Ancestral File 5 available FREE. Download from the LDS Church's genealogy site: http://www.familysearch.org Sent by Lorraine Hernandez |
FamilySearch Website More User-Friendly The 18-month-old "FamilySearch" website sponsored by the LDS Church has been redesigned so that it will be easier to use by novice family history enthusiasts. A virtual genealogist and a customized tour are available. "FamilySearch has always provided a wealth of information, but with the virtual research assistant, novice genealogists can now learn how to use it and find it," said Becky Kemp, product manager for FamilySearch Internet. Source: Gloria Oliver |
Personal Ancestral File, Advanced Video released In “Personal Ancestral File Advanced - Notes and Sources”, Stephen Lemmon demonstrates how to record detailed source and data information. He also demonstrates how to: •Create source lists •Add sources to individual records •Add sources to marriage records •Use multimedia in sources •Use citations •Effectively use notes •Manage notes In addition to the PAF video training series, available also is entire library of training videos designed specifically for the genealogist, regularly. Order by calling toll free at 877-263-2267 or visit website at: http://www.123genealogy.com/dbstore/shopping Source: info@123genealogy.com (Webmaster) |
BYU DONATES RECORDS OF POLISH NOBILITY http://www.byu.edu/news/releases/Dec/polishmanuscripts.htm
During a ceremony on Tuesday, Dec. 19, LDS Church and BYU representatives
will donate to the Poland national archives historic documents of the
distinguished Potocki family, a prominent Polish family, that were
scattered during the WWII upheaval. The papers, some of which date back to
the 16th century, are in excellent condition. "These documents will help
(the Polish people) have a sense of who they are, of their roots, of where
they come from, of the challenges that their forefathers faced and the
successes that they had as well," said Brent Griffiths, Europe area
manager for the Genealogical Society of Utah. |
Database If you have Tex-Mex roots and have entered your data on a computer, you may want to contact Crispin Rendon to have your family data added to his Tex-Mex database. Crispin is a computer whiz and has accumulated 46,000 Tex-Mex records. The beauty of his database is the inter-relationship between these records and families. Crispin was able to tell many contributing SHHAR Tex-Mex researchers to whom and to what degree we were literally related, such as 5th 6th or 7th cousins. He has been a wonderful help to many of us. Thank you Crispin.
Crispin D. Rendon CRISRENDON@aol.com |
http://home.sprintmail.com/~cfmartinez/books.html (Editor's note: Carol Martinez has offered to help Tex-Mex researchers. Her website lists her extensive collection. I've only listed a few. What a generous spirit! Thank you Carol.) Carol Martinez's Books, CDs, Journals, and Magazines I Own During the last year of my research, I have continued to build my genealogy library. Listed here are the books, journals, magazines, and CDs that I own. Please contact me if you would like more information or need a lookup. Books Ancestry
Family Historian's Address Book -
Juliana Szucs Smith |
Ventura Alonzo Ventura Alonzo, a noted accordion player who popularized South Texas Ranchero-style music in Houston. Alonzo died December 14. She was 96. Born in Matamoros, Mexico, Alonzo, also known as "la reina de la acordeón," or Queen of the Accordian, burst onto the traditionally male-dominated Mexican music scene in the 1930s. With a remarkable ear for music and her accordion strapped to her 5-foot tall frame, Alonzo was considered a sensation. She and her husband, the late Francisco Alonzo, started the eight-member orchestra, Alonzo Y Sus Rancheros, which went on to release a few albums in the `40s and `50s. Her passion for music grew from casual jam sessions with her siblings to professional performances throughout Texas at radio stations, cantinas, dance halls, churches and the Rice Hotel. In the mid-1950s, the Alonzos opened La Terraza, a ballroom on McCarty drive where they performed regularly. In 1996, she was immortalized in a mural painted on the Firestone store at 1601 Harrisburg. The mural depicts Alonzo, accordion in hand, standing in front of a panoramic view of Houston. Alonzo is survived by her sons Alonzo H. Alonzo and Oscar Gallegos, daughter Maria Alonzo Sanchez and numerous grand-children, including state Sen. Mario Gallegos Jr. Alonzo Y Sus Rancheros, 1930's-1969 Frank and Ventura Alonzo were a popular band/orchestra formed in the late 1930's. The community would hire them for dances and they played boleros, cumbias, waltzes, mambos, and rancheras. Their popularity spread to many areas in Texas and they played in Forth Worth, Austin, Kingsville, and about forty locations in between. In Houston, Alonzo Y Sus Rancheros played at The American Legion Hall, The Union Hall, The Acapulco, El Tropical, The Log Cabin, Salon Juarez, The Palladium, The Blossom Heath and the Azteca Theatre. In 1956, they opened La Terraza, a ballroom located at 1515 McCarty Drive. Frank and Ventura Alonzo retired in 1969. After retirement she worked at the Ripley House teaching crafts and playing the piano and Mr. Alonzo played for the senior citizens of the Denver Harbor community every Friday at the Centro Alegre. Mrs. Alonzo represented one of the first lady big band musicians in the state of Texas. A mural was dedicated in her honor on August 14, 1996 at Firestone Tire located 1601 Harrisburg at Macario Garcia Dr. Their music enriched our lives and left us with many memories. The Tejano Association for Historical Preservation salutes these Early Pioneers of Tejano Music. <surf_bum@mindspring.com> Return to Table of Contents |
(Update adding Atascosa, Glasscock, Lipscomb, Llano, Newton, Pecos, Runnels, Rusk, and Wheeler counties) Establishing an important family relationship, marriage records can be among the most informative type of records available to family historians. This database is a collection of marriage records from several counties in Texas in the latter half of the nineteenth century. This update adds marriage records from Atascosa, Glasscock, Lipscomb, Llano, Newton, Pecos, Runnels, Rusk, and Wheeler counties to the counties of Comanche, Denton, Erath, Frio, Hunt, Kendall, Rains, and Somervell. Taken from microfilm copies of original county documents, each record provides spouses' names, marriage date, and county of residence. Source Information: Dodd, Jordan, Liahona Research, comp. "Texas Marriages, 1856-1900." [database online] Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 1999-. Original data: See Extended Description (at the Web address below) for original data sources listed by county. To search this database, go to: http://www.ancestry.com/search/rectype/inddbs/4325.htm Sent by George Gause |
A Personal Research Adventure of
a Scots-Irish Mexican American by Marge Vallazza
For most of my life, I knew little of my personal Mexican heritage. I
knew a lot about Mexico and its history but because my Scots mother was
our primary caretaker, I knew and cared more about my Scots and
Anglo-Irish heritage than my Hispanic one. After my trip to Mexico last In his book, had run across some of the same surnames, I have
discovered in my own family tree! Included in that family tree was the
name de Llamas, which means the Flames and Saldivar, which is a Spanish
name from the Basque region of Northern Spain. De Llamas was the maiden
surname of the maternal grandmother of one of the most famous poets in
Mexico, Ramon Lastly, because my grandmother's provincial town was so small,
families have intermarried over the centuries. However, I have read a
quote that "war is the great equalizer" or words to that
effect...several revolutions in Mexico have provided new blood (despite
the shedding of it as well) and scattered the people as they fled north
for their lives. That's what happened to my grandmother and her family.
The French in Texas Web Site is a work in progress administered by the Department of French and Italian at The University of Texas at Austin. It was launched on October 1, 1999 and will be expanded continuously. Contributors are invited to submit material related to the Research Project to the Directors .
[ accueil (home) | directory and links | enquête | conference announcement | bibliographie | chronologie | documents | project director: lagarde@mail.utexas.edu | technical support: frenchtx@www.utexas.edu ] Copyright © 1999-2000 The
University of Texas at Austin. All rights reserved. |
The 1755 French and Indian War
Webpage: http://web.syr.edu/~laroux/index.html |
Humane Borders
A coalition of about a dozen churches in Arizona has emerged with two goals: to provide humanitarian help for those migrants crossing the deserts, and to try to change U.S. immigration policy. Members of the Humane Borders will provide blankets, coats, food and shelter during winter months and desert water stations in the summer. There were 106 deaths through fiscal 2000. The humanitarian aims have the Border Patrol's blessings. The group plans several hundred stations, each with a few sealed gallon jugs of water, placed about a quarter-mile apart. At least once a week, organization members - many of them church parishioners - will replenish the water. The stations will be marked by 30-foot-tall metal poles flying blue flags that depict the Dib Dipper and the North Star - the insignia of the historic underground railroad. In this instance, the dipper will be shown with water in it. David Aguilar, chief of the Border Patrol's Tucson sector said that agents performed 1,300 desert rescues this year. Their mission is to enforce immigration laws humanely and compassionately, and "to protect the lives of those who enter our country." "Well-meaning, law-abiding citizens providing lifesaving assistance to illegal immigrants are doing what the Border Patrol is doing to prevent tragedies. Abstract from Associated Press article via Los Angeles Times, 12-27-00 Return to Table of Contents |
Phoenix based Quepasa.com to liquidate. The bilingual website geared towards U.S. Hispanics was introduced in 1998. Other .com companies targeting the Hispanic markets were targeting Latin America. Orange County Register, 12-28-00 |
Bridging the Digital Divide ~
Tuzona.com Tuzona.com at: http://www.tuzona.com is e-commerce, Latin style. Founded in February 1999, tuzona.com is located in San Francisco’s thriving Media Gulch in the Women's Technology Cluster, the nation's first incubator for women entrepreneurs www.womenstechcluster.org Tuzona.com also has additional offices in San Jose, California
and Guadalajara, Mexico. Inspired by the uniqueness of Latin culture,
tuzona is focused on the goal of providing businesses and individuals in
the United States and Latin America access to technology products,
information and services through tuzona’s bilingual, English-Spanish
site. Brazilian-Portuguese will be implemented in early, 2001. |
New Mexico Death Index
Let me introduce you to a project which I am heading called the
NMDI (New Mexico Death Index) Project, hosted by the Rootsweb
organization. At the moment, this project is in dire need of assistance
to complete the project. for further information, click on the address
below: |
Publishing Company and Clearfield Company Good Morning to those associated with SHHAR You are invited to look at the Genealogical
Publishing Company and Clearfield Company are the world's largest
publishers of genealogy reference books. You can subscribe and will
receive monthly notification of new publications. The site will be
launched on 15 January 2001.
Until 15 January, please continue to visit our present site at http://www.genealogybookshop.com |
http://www.cahe.nmsu.edu/pubs/resourcesmag/spring96/camino.htmlTHE CAMINO REAL:
New Mexico
Box |
Folder |
Contents |
1 |
1 |
Last will and testament of
Antonio Severino Martines, father of Antonio Jose Martinez. 1827
June 8 |
2 |
Autobiography of Antonio
Jose Martinez. 1838 |
3 |
Proclamation, "Obispo y
su Oficio, " 1859 July 18 |
Box |
Folder |
Contents |
1 |
4 |
Inventory of the estate of Jose Ygnacio Gonzales, resident of Taos. List of possessions, especially tools. ca. 1853 |
5 |
Agreement of exchange of lands between Francisco Gonzales and Pedro Mares, heirs of the deceased Ignacio Gonzales. 1853 Mar 17 |
6 |
Morning Report. 1855 Mar 31 |
7 |
Order to Captain Gonzales from Headquarters, New Mexico Mounted Volunteers. Sangre de Cristo. 1855 Apr 1 |
8 |
Account of Captain Gonzales. Fort Massachusetts, New Mexico. 1855 Apr 18 |
9 |
Morning report. 1855 Apr 30 |
10 |
Order to Captain Gonzales
from Headquarters, New Mexico Mounted Volunteers, Red River. 1855
May 29 |
11 |
Order No. 2.1855 June 24 |
12 |
Letter from Quartermaster-General, Washington, to Captain F. Gonzales, New Mexico Volunteers, Taos, New Mexico. Announcement of property audit. 1855 Nov 8 |
13 |
Letter from David V. Whiting, Office of the Surveyor General, to Francisco Gonzales, Ranchos de Taos, to clarify right to land in Conejos, whether he has a grant or other papers. 1857 Jan 26 |
14 |
Sale of bounty land by Marcos Tafoya to Francisco Gonzales. 1858 May 14 |
15 |
Appointment of Francisco Gonzales as Justice of the Peace, County of Taos, signed by A. Rencher. 1858 Nov 13 |
16 |
List of articles purchased by Francisco Gonzales from Juan Bautista Garcia. Includes groceries, clothing and "juisque" with prices. 1859 June |
17 |
Letter from O.P. Hovey,
Santa Fe, to Governor A. Rencher. 1860 Aug 9 |
Letter from O.P. Hovey,
Santa Fe, to Captain Francisco Gonzales. 1860 Aug 10 |
18 |
Statement by Salvador Garcia concerning payment of debts to Francisco Gonzales to be paid in land. 1860 Dec 14 |
19 |
Statement by Francisco Gonzales, Mora County, owners must claim three steers found on ranch. 1861 Jan 27 |
20 |
Monthly rations for officers, in accordance with Part 2, General Orders, No. 44, Headquarters, Department of New Mexico. List of food with prices. 1861 Nov 9 |
21 |
Fuel requisition for Captain Gonzales, Co. A, 1st New Mexico Volunteers, received at Albuquerque, NM, includes some names of volunteers. 1862 Jan 10 |
22 |
Accounts due Ignacio Medina, Rafael Medinca, Juan Medina, and Serafino Montoya, engaged in battle of Valverde, dated May 31, 1862. 1862 Feb 21 |
23 |
Captain A.W. Evans, 6th
Cavalry, Office of Acting Assistant Inspector General, Santa Fe to
Francisco Gonzales, late Captain, 1st New Mexico Volunteers, Mora,
NM. 1862 Dec. 1 |
24 |
List of soldiers who owe Bautista Gonzales for horses and equipment. (See Evans to Gonzales, 12/01/1862.) 1862 |
25 |
Capt. A.W. Evans, letter to Asst. Adj. General, Hg. of New Mexico, citing irregularities in the muster-rolls and discharges of New Mexico militia. 1863 Jan 31 |
26 |
Francisco Salas Martinez, transfer of all his personal property to his wife, Maria Dolores Gonzales "en recompensa de los muchos trabajos y privaciones que ella ha sufrido..." 1874 Jan 28 |
27 |
Marriage proposal. 1876 Jan
4 |
28 |
Letter from Ben M. Thomas, U.S. Indian Agent, Pueblo Agency, to Juan de Dios Gonzales, alguacil mayor, Taos, complaint that Gonzales has illegally impounded Taos Pueblo livestock. 1880 Sept 28 |
29 |
2 postcards, pension claim, Mrs. Maria A. Montoya de Gonzalez, Ranchos de Taos. 1895-1896 Sept. 30-May 12 |
30 |
Otero y Gonzalez, undated invoice of goods. n.d. |
Forms for quarterly returns of clothing, camp and garrison equipage, Eben Everett, Adjutant. n.d. |
Box |
Folder |
Contents |
2 |
44 |
Ramo Civil. Legajo #C-59-14. Copies of documents relating to Juan de Onate. 1712-1714 |
45 |
Ramo Civil. Treaty of peace with the Mescalero Apaches. 1787 |
46 |
Ramo Civil. Legajo #C-223-28. Bishop of Durango, order re: the secularization of the missions in New Mexico. 1803 |
47 |
Ramo Criminal. Proceedings against Juan Domingo Romero for the murder of Josefa Martin, Taos. 1805-1807 |
48 |
Ramo Criminal. Proceedings against the Laguna Indian Nicolas Perea for the murder of a Navajo woman. 1810-1811 |
49 |
Ramo Civil. Legajo #C-267-18. Commission of Felipe Sandoval as Protector de los Indios. 1813 |
50 |
Ramo Civil. Legajo #C-267-19. Proceedings in the measurements and boundaries of the lands of the Indians of Cochiti and Santo Domingo Pueblos. 1816-1820 |
3 |
51 |
Ramo Civil. #261-15. Proceedings by the Indians of Cochiti against Luis Maria Cabeza de Baca for illegal sale of a rancho. 1818 |
52 |
Ramo Criminal. Proceedings against Jose Eleuterio Martinez for bestiality, San Miguel del Vado. 1818-1819 |
53 |
Ramo Civil. Libro de correo del ano de 1819, incomplete. 1819 |
54 |
Ramo Civil. Legajo #1-1818-1821. Ygnacio Maria Sanchez Vergara to the Real Audiencia re: the treatment of the Indians of the Pueblo of Jemez. 1821 |
55 |
Map showing lands and boundaries along the falda of a sierra, case involving settlement of lands in the Rancho de San Antonio de lal Pena (Siera de la Pena). Records of the Real Audiencia, Ramo civil, hojas que no estan en indice, 1815. 1815 |
56 |
Autos formados en virtud de Real Cedula de su Magestad sobre y en razon de que se le informe del buen tratamiento de los Indios, 1740. Records of the Real Audiencia, Ramo civil 1740 |
57 |
Arancel formado por el Ilustrissimo Senor Obispo de este Obispado de la Nueva Galicia para los Pueblos de Indios, 1727. Records of the Real Audiencia, Ramo civil. 1727 |
58 |
Cedula of 1697 directing that Indians be given equal honorable treatment "como los de mas vasallos de mi corona." Records of the Real Audiencia, Ramo civil. 1697 |
59 |
Order of the Real Audiencia appointing Protector de Indios in Sonora with lists of Indians to be protected, 1805. Records of the Real Audiencia, Ramo Civil. 1805 |
60 |
Governor Fernando Chacon petition to Real Audiencia, involving Fray Isidro Cadelo and Jemez Pueblo, October, 1803. Records of the Real Audiencia, Ramo civil. 1803 |
61 |
Correspondence with Real Audiencia re: Governor Juan Bautista de Anza and Governor Teodoro de Croix, 1779. Records of the Real Audiencia, Ramo Civil. 1779 |
62 |
Case of Juan Domingo Romero, Taos Pueblo, 1805-1807. Records of the Real Audiencia, Ramo civil. 1805-1807 |
63 |
Case involving appointment of Jose Manrrique as Governor of New Mexico with Lt. Col. Albert Maynes to serve if Manrrique is detained, 1809. Records of the Real Audiencia, Ramo civil. 1809 |
64 |
Request by Indians of New Mexico for a Protector de Indios and appointment of Felip Sandoval, 1810. Records of the Real Audiencia, Ramo civil. 1810 |
65 |
Fray Cadelo case at Jemez Pueblo, 1800. Real Audiencia, Ramo civil. 1800 |
66 |
Investigation of the murder of a Navajo woman in Pueblo of Laguna, 1810. Records of the Real Audiencia, Ramo criminal. 1810 |
67 |
Treatise of measurements of
lands and ordinances for New Spain, 1699. Fondo Franciscano, Tomo
III, 30, Manuscritos Diversos. 1699 |
68 |
"Ventas, camposiciones y confirmaciones de Tierras y Aguas, " in Historia General de Real Audiencia, Mexico: Inpuesta de Vicente Garcia Torres, 1851, Tomo IV 398-428. 1851 |
69 |
Manual of Definitions, no date, from Fondo Franciscano, manuscritos, 18 century. n.d. |
70 |
Opinion and discursion by Real Hacienda members on property belonging to Indians, from Fondo de Derecho con que los trabajo el Real Audiencia, compiled in 1800, Volume I. 1800 |
71 |
Instructions involving the authority of the Real Audiencia over the Comandantes Generales of the Provincias Internas, including the Governor of New Mexico, 1794. From Fondo de Derecho con que los trabajo el Real Audiencia, compiled in 1800, volume II.1800 |
72 |
Protectores de Indios, who and how they are named, 1791. From Fondo de Derecho con que los trabajo el Real Audencia, compiled in 1800, Vol. III. 1791 |
73 |
More on the Fray Cadelo case, 1799. From Fondo de Derecho con que los trabajo el Real Audiencia, compiled in 1800, Vol. III. 1799 |
74 |
Papel sellado, 1799. From Fondo de Derecho con que los trabajo el Real Audiencia, compiled in 1800, vol. III. 1799 |
Spain's Louisiana
Patriots in it 1779-1783 War with England During the American Revolution by Granville and N.C. Hough Those who contributed to Spain's 1779-1783 War with England, as it related to Louisiana, directly or indirectly, included individuals, groups of citizens, militia, merchant mariners, Spanish naval ships and privateers, French naval ships and privateers, American naval ships and privateers, Spanish Army units, French Army units, and other American groups. There were those who risked their lives in pre-war clandestine activities supporting the Americans. There were background planners in Havana, Mexico City, Madrid, Paris, and other places who saw no combat, Burt whose roles were absolutely essential as government officials, financiers, and expediters for those who fought. There were militia groups which saw no action, but were ready for it. Many ordinary men and women who were asked to make donations to defray expenses of the war did so. There were even the priests, who in the declaration of war were enjoined to pray for success against the English. The following is a listing
of the summaries included in the book about each major campaign:. This much awaited study is now available from SHHAR Press. The book, 198 pages, lists alphabetically individuals who were involved in any of the above events or activities. The authors have designated with an asterisk those whom they believe would be suitable applicants for membership in the Sons of the American Revolution or Daughters of the American Revolution. SHHAR Board encourages its members to pursue this goal as living examples that our ancestors were involved in the development and freedom of the United States. Single copy
$14. (+$1.50 p/h) |
Sperm Donors Children Children of early sperm donors seek out their biological fathers with hope and trepidation. At Xytex Corp. In Augusta, Ga, customers can get not only a 10-page medical history about their donor, now standard in the industry, but an essay written by him, a photograph ($35), baby picture ($35), and in some cases a videotape ($100). This fall, the company joined the handful of banks that offer a "known donor" option allowing the offspring to learn the father's identity at age 18. In the meantime, the child can send photos or paste mementoes in a donor's album through the bank. Nationally, there are approximately 200 sperm banks. Advocates of openness argue that telling children the truth early helps them incorporate the information into their sense of identity. Some of the donors want to meet their offspring, but some do not. "Right now we act in the best interest of the sperm donor," said George Annas, a medical ethicist at Boston University. "It's time to start acting in the best interests of the child." Extracts of article by Sally Jacobs, The Boston Globe, via Orange County Register, 12-5-2000 |
Mississippi Flag A state commission recommended that Mississippi hold an election next year and vote to get rid of the Confederate symbol in the state's flag. The commission said the state could heal old wounds by eliminating an emblem many blacks feel is synonymous with segregation. The legislature approved the flag now in use in 1894. The state of Georgia also has the Confederate battle flag in its design. "It's political correctness, and it's at the expense of history," said John Thomas Cripps, who plans to run for governor of Mississippi in three years with a Southern heritage platform. Rep. Ed. Blackmon, a black commission member said that if the Mississippi defeats the new flag, "the economic and public relations consequences will be disastrous." Orange County Register, 12-13-00. |
Oral History Association
Conference Bearing Public Witness Documenting Memories of Struggle and Resistance The Regal Riverfront Hotel St. Louis, MO October 16-21, 2001 The Oral History Association recognizes that documenting historical and cultural memory brings with it questions, debates and responsibilities regarding process, standards and ethics. In focusing on these themes, the Association welcomes presentations that consider the challenges of collecting and documenting memories and histories that reflect trauma, genocide, violence, or social/political disorder. Specifically, what are the philosophical and practical strategies for documenting individual and collective memories especially those that are in danger of being ignored, erased, or forgotten because of silence or denial? How might we document stories of action and reaction, survival and loss, perseverance and endurance, dislocation and migration, advocacy and justice, perpetrators and victims? Can public discourse and personal experience be transformed by the collective memory of struggle, once made visible? What role should oral historians play in these processes? The rapidly changing worlds of media and technology bring another set of questions for historians. Do historians face new or different sets of ethical issues in new environments when confronting stories and memories of trauma, violence, or disorder? How might oral history and oral historians participate in setting standards for the collection and dissemination of narratives of trauma, oppression and genocide in digital environments? What kinds of distinctions should be drawn between public and private narratives? What is the role of visual oral history, including still and moving photography, in performing documentary work in the 21st century? Finally, how should oral historians respond to the new challenges of accessibility, collection, and cataloguing brought by a digital age? How will dissemination be affected by understanding the users and their needs? How will the uses of oral history change with new forms of dissemination? To facilitate a broad discussion of these important issues, the Oral History Association encourages students and faculty from the arts, the humanities and the social sciences-along with independent scholars, activists, museum professionals, filmmakers, radio documentarians, photographers and journalist-to submit proposals for panels, plenaries, workshop, roundtables an media- and performance-oriented sessions. We encourage participants to focus on ethical and methodological issues in collecting, producing, disseminating and using this genre of work. We particularly encourage presentations and panels that cross disciplines, cultures, nationalities and institutions. We welcome proposals from other professional organizations, particularly those dealing with the themes of the meeting. Please submit five copies of proposals. For full sessions, submit an abstract of no more than two pages and a one-page vitae for each participant. For individual proposals, submit a one page abstract and a one-page vitae or resume of the presenter. In all cases, please include the full name, mailing address, institutional affiliation, phone number and e-mail address for each session participant. Although proposals were suppose to be submitted by December 15, 2000 , if you are interested for queries about the conference, contact co-chairs: Leslie Brown Washington University, St. Louis e-mail: lbrownb@artsci.wustl.edu (314) 935-7279 Anne Valk Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville e-mail: avalk@siue.edu (618) 650-3660 Jessica Wiederhorn The Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation, Los Angeles e-mail: jwieder@vhf.org to: Oral History Association Program Committee c/o Professor Leslie Brown Program in African and Afro-American Studies Washington University One Brookings Drive St. Louis, MO 63130-4899 FAX: 314-935-5631 Dr. Annie Valk Department of Historical Studies Box 1454 Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, IL 62026-1454 (618)650-3660 avalk@siue.edu Source: : shinojos@library.berkeley.edu (Susana Hinojosa) Return to Table of Contents |
Set Sail
All fueled up and bound for Alabama, 29 American war veterans - average age defied warnings and set off December 12 to cross the Atlantic, from Gibraltar, in an aging tank transport vessel with shaky steering and no safely equipment. The vessel - an LST, or landing ship, tank - was designed to land troops, tanks and other equipment directly onto a beach. It participated in the invasions of Sicily and Salerno and reached Normandy six days after D-Day in June 1944. It was decommissioned in 1946, put back into service in the Arctic in the 1950s, then lent to Greece in the 1960s. The United states LST Assn. has fought since the 1980s to repatriate it. Each veteran contributed $2,000 to cover meals and expenses, while British Petroleum Co. donated more than 50,000 gallons of fuel. Los Angeles times, 12-13-00 |
The Genealogy of Mexico http://members.tripod.com/~GaryFelix/index1.htm Site Contents The Conquistadors - A list of over 760 individuals that served the King with Cortes and stayed in Mexico (with some notable exceptions). The conquest of the Mexica lasted from 1519 to 1521. 5 pages The Conquistadors of the Yucatan - A list of 160 of the individuals that served the King with Francisco de Montejo from 1526 to 1546. 1 page The Conquistadors of Nueva Galicia - A list of 280 of the individuals that served the King with Nuno de Guzman in 1530. Many went on to settle the area and had links to the earlier Conquistadors. 1 page Early Settlers of Nueva Galicia - 137 settlers arriving after the Conquest of the area. Some had links to the earlier Conquistadors. 2 pages The Coronado Expedition - A list of 322 settlers that served with the Captain Francisco Vazquez de Coronado. The expedition set out for New Mexico and Arizona but made it as far north as Kansas from 1540 to 1542. 1 page The Onate Expedition - A list of the 336 settlers that served with the Captain General Juan de Onate. The expedition set out to settle New Mexico in 1598-1600. 1 page New Spain - 433 surnames of the early settlers making their way north into Northeastern Mexico. Many decendants of the early Conquistadors. Their date of first mention in public records for the area is listed in most cases. 8 pages 1700-1726 - New wave of settlers to Northeastern Mexico. Some details are given on 81 surnames. 2 pages Surname Research - Here are Hispanic resources traceable to 320 surnames found in the American Southwest or Mexico. 3 pages Personal Genealogy - Personal family surnames of Felix, Loera, Santoscoy, Moran, Vejar and Castro are discussed or mentioned. Additional links of cousins doing research on these names are provided as well as other links. 1 page Photo Gallery - Old family photos. 1 page Sent by Crispin Rendon Return to Table of Contents |
Jerez, Zacatecas
I would like to share the information below with my fellow Somo
Primosanos. Jerez
was an interesting Pueblo during the colonial period with its haciendas
and ranchos. Its inhabitants were predominately of European stock. There
were two interesting ranchos, Susticacan and Barrio de San Miguel where
the majority of the Indian population resided. |
http://home.att.net/~Local_Catholic/Catholic-Mexico.htm Mexico History, Genealogy, Directories and Local Catholic Church History and Ancestors
HISTORY ] [ Mexico
History, Genealogy, Directories and Links ] |
December 27th, Sila Maria Calderon became Puerto Rico's first female governor. |
Rico Census Records Hi, My name is Jon McInnis. I own a website named Allcensus. I would like for you to place my site in your links list. I will be including your site in my links page shortly. We make CD-ROMs containing images of the Federal Census pages of Puerto Rico for the years 1910 & 1920. Most records are or $9.95. You can just type in our name and link to: http://www.allcensus.com/stockpr.html |
The First Cigarette Factory in Cuba by Peter E. Carr Although the island of Cuba has always been world famous for its cigars, not much is heard about its cigarettes. The first cigarette factory in Cuba was started by Bernardino Rencurrel in Havana in 1810.1 Although not much is presently known about this family's early economic history, it appears that they were quite wealthy. This is suggested by the fact that, as a 20-year old, Bernardino was financially able to start his enterprise while his brother Marcos studied medicine. Not much more than a `chinchal' or rudimentary factory, its first location was at 10 Cuna Street corner of Mercaderes Street in Havana.2 This location probably was also Bernardino's home. This location was strategically placed across a marketplace known as the `Plaza Vieja' and, later, as the `Plaza de Cristina'. Early Cuban cigarette manufacturing was completely done by hand. After `rolling' or `wrapping' the paper around the tobacco filler, the ends were crimped shut to prevent the spillage of the tobacco. This crimping was necessary since the wrapper did not have glue to seal it into shape.3 Two type of cigarettes were manufactured, one was think and the other thick, like a small cigar. They were sold loose or in bundles. The bundles sold for five cents each or three bundles for twelve and a half cents. Each bundle contained 32 thin or 20 thick cigarettes. Either kind was much larger than those made today.4 Evidence shows that Bernardino's business was not limited to
cigarettes only. The Havana city directory of 1841 shows him as the
owner of the cigarette factory as well as a tobacco and cigar warehouse.5 By 1859, the two main brands of cigarettes being produced were `Rencurrell' and `Astrea'. The 1866 Almanaque Mercantil (mercantile almanac) shows Bernardino as the owner of a first-class cigarette factory at 39 Merced Street in Havana. At the same time, there were four other first-class cigarette factories and fifteen second-class ones in the city of Havana. During this time, the tobacco leaf was grown in a plantation located
in the `Vuelta Abajo' region of Pinar del Rio Province, Cuba.
This region has always been considered as the prime tobacco growing land
in Cuba and, probably, the world. Rencurrel's planatation was known as `El
Hato de San Luis'. It was located immediately south of the town of
San Luis.7 During the period of 1874 to the 1890s, the products of the factory
were exported to ports in Venezuela, Honduras, Costa Rica and other
countries of Central and South America. The shipments took place in
barrels.8 The tobacco industry was one of the mainstays of the Cuban economy during the 19th and early 20th centuries. At that time, tobacco and its products helped to bring Cuba to a place of prominence in world markets. 1 Directorio de Artes, Comercio e Industrias de la Habana, 1859.2 Rivero Muniz, Jose. Tabaco: Su Historia en Cuba. Institutio de Historia, Academia de Ciencias de la Republica de Cuba, La Habana, 1965, Vol. II, p. 196. 3 Op.Cit., pp.196-197. 4 Op.Cit., p. 197. 5 Directorio de la ciudad de La Habana y estramuros para el ano 1841. 6 Newspaper `Alta California', dated February 4, 1852. 7 Military Map of Cuba, 1907 8 From newspaper, `Diario de la Marina', dated May 23, 1944 titled, "Viejas Postales Descoloridas-La Calle del Aguila" by Fedrico Villoch. 9 Information supplied by the author's father, Pedro E. Carr Rodriguez, and grandmother, Debora Rodriguez. Return to Table of Contents |
doesn't matter what (ancestry) you are. It matters what you are on
the inside." - Miss America 2001, Angela Perez Baraquio, the first Asian-American to win the title. Guideposts, January 2001 |
Spanish Names from the Late 15th Century by Juliana de Luna (Julia Smith, julias+@pitt.edu) © 1999-2000 by Julia Smith; all rights reserved.Household accounts give a wealth of information about the lives of people in the past. These records of expenditures allow us to deduce a great deal about life: what goods were produced in the household and which were purchased, how many workers a family employed, and even the colors and kinds of fabric used in clothing. The account books of Isabel of Castilla (Isabella in English), the queen whose marriage to Fernando of Aragon united Spain and who sent Columbus on t his voyages of discovery, are also a wonderful source of data about naming practice. The names of 1957 men and 456 women who received money from the queen are mentioned. From this data, a picture of Spanish naming practice in the last
quarter of the 15th century can be drawn. Fifteenth century Spanish
names reflect both traditional names that had been used for centuries
and new names that were beginning to come into use. Names are fairly
simple, with the vast majority of people having a single given name and
a single element surname. Moslem and Jewish names appear in small
numbers, and are identified separately. Table of Contents
Published by Arval Benicoeur. HTML editing by Mari Elspeth nic Bryan & Arval Benicoeur |
de leyes de los reinos de las Indias Ley primera El Emperador D. Carlos y la Reina
de Bohemia G. en Valladolid Para servir a Dios nuestro Señor, y bien público de nuestros Reinos conviene, que nuestros vasallos, súbditos y naturales tengan en ellos Universidades y Estudios generales donde sean instruidos y graduados en todas las ciencias y facultades, y por el mucho amor y voluntad, que tenemos de honrar y favorecer a los de nuestras Indias, y desterrar de ellas las tinieblas de la ignorancia, criamos, fundamos y constituimos en la Ciudad de Lima de los Reinos de el Perú, y en la Ciudad de México de la Nueva España, Universidades y Estudios generales, y tenemos por bien y concedemos a todas las personas, que en las dichas dos Universidades fueren graduados, que gocen en nuestras Indias, Islas y Tierra firme del Mar Océano, de las libertades y franquezas de que gozan en estos Reinos los que se gradúan en la Universidad y Estudios de Salamanca, así en el no pechar, como en todo lo demás: y en cuanto a la jurisdicción se guarde la ley 12 de este título. Sent by Johanna de Soto
From Conquest to
Colonization: Spain in the Mariana Islands 1690-1740 The Marianas, a chain of volcanic islands running north-south with Guam at the southern tip, were the first Pacific group colonized by a European nation. Magellan had touched there in 1521 on his celebrated voyage across the Pacific, and other expeditions flying the Spanish flag visited the group later in the 16th century. Although Legazpi formally took possession of the archipelago in the name of the Spanish Sovereign in 1565, Spain had neither the resources nor the inclination to establish a colonial government there and for a century the island group served as nothing more than a re-provisioning stop for Spanish galleons on their yearly run from Mexico to Manila. It was in 1668 that the first steps were taken to colonize the archipelago, and then only at the insistence of Jesuit priests and their influential advocates in Madrid. In June of that year Fr Luis Diego Sanvitores, with five other Jesuits, a group of lay catechists and a company of troops, came to establish a permanent mission in the Marianas. Almost from the first the mission met with opposition from segments of the local population, and violence erupted within a few months of the arrival of the Spanish. The next several years were marked by sporadic outbreaks of fighting occasioned by local political intrigues and rivalries, grievances suffered at the hands of the Spanish troops, and the program of cultural reform initiated by the missionaries. This initial troubled period of Spanish colonization ended with a final major uprising in 1684 and a concerted effort on the part of hostile Chamorro factions to drive out the Spanish once and for all. After some months the Spanish garrison suppressed the uprising with the help of their Chamorro allies, and by 1685 all hostilities were concluded. Twelve priests, perhaps 20 of their lay helpers, and an uncounted number of soldiers and Chamorro warriors died in the periodic skirmishes that occurred over a 17-year period, but the Spanish had completed the first stage of the conquest of the islands.(1) On Guam, the largest of the islands and the headquarters of both the Jesuits and the troops who came to protect them, Spanish presence had been most strongly felt during these early years. By the late 1680s Spanish administrators began the formal 'reduction' of the island--that is, the relocation of people from the scattered hamlets that they had formerly inhabited into villages, where they were to live under the spiritual care of a priest. Over the next several years, at the insistent urging of the missionaries, Governor Damian Esplana, battle weary and increasingly timorous, made a few desultory attempts to subdue the islands to the north, but with no real success. Within months of Esplana's death in 1694, however, Jose Quiroga, commander of the garrison for 15 years and now interim governor, struck out for the north in a series of expeditions that brought the remaining islands to submission. Quiroga first took Rota in a bloodless campaign; a year later he subdued Tinian and Saipan, the next in the chain of islands, resettling the people of Tinian on Guam as a punishment for their armed resistance. In 1698 the Spanish mounted a final expedition to demand the submission of the northernmost islands, collectively known as Gani, whose inhabitants were subsequently relocated on Saipan and Guam. By the turn of the century, 30 years after the onset of Spanish colonization, the reduction of the Marianas was complete and the entire Chamorro population was concentrated on three islands: Guam, Rota and Saipan. Although the story of Spanish colonization in the Marianas as presented in the scholarly and popular press usually concludes here, it had in truth only begun. The second stage of colonization, between 1690 and perhaps 1740, has been generally neglected by historians, partly because it is less richly documented than the preceding years and partly because it lacks the high drama of the conquest. Nonetheless, this period is vital for an understanding of the Spanish colonization of the Marianas, for during this time were established the essential patterns of foreign administration and colonial village life that would survive in the archipelago for another two centuries. This article is an attempt to rescue this period from the obscurity in which it has hitherto been buried.(2) Spanish interest and presence in the archipelago was confined to Guam after the pacification; the indigenous population on Saipan dwindled away by mid-18th century and Rota's small colony was left without priest or administrator to fend for itself in virtual isolation. Ever eager to group the local population into manageable units, the Spanish divided Guam into six partidos, or districts, each containing a modest settlement that could loosely be called a village. These villages consisted of little more than a church and rectory surrounded by a sprinkling of houses, almost all built of nipa thatch, with 200 or 300 inhabitants.(3) The local people, who continued to support themselves by subsistence farming and fishing, divided their time between their ancestral estates and the village settlement, where their lives were increasingly regulated by the church bells that tolled for morning mass, afternoon rosary, the Angelus thrice a day, and the De Profundis at a death. Agana, the seat of government and site of the presidio, rapidly grew to a town of over 700 and took on some of the features of a Spanish provincial capital. Ringing the town plaza were a coral-block church, the governor's palace, a wooden frame building that housed 14 Jesuit missionaries, a boys' school run by the priests, the military barracks, and a building that served as the government storehouse.(4) The administration of each village was carried out by an alcalde mayor appointed by the governor whose main responsibility--since Chamorros were exempt by royal decree from all tribute and tax--was to oversee the use of the extensive Crown lands within each partido and supervise work projects. The alcalde, normally chosen from among the Spanish and Filipino retired soldiers, shared authority in the village with the parish priest, who not only provided for the spiritual needs of his flock, but often for their economic and social welfare besides. The peaceful village life in the
colony may have been a welcome respite after years of intermittent
warfare, but it did nothing to reverse the serious population decline
from which the islands had suffered since the coming of the Spanish in
1668. It is impossible to measure the early population loss with
precision since the figures given by the early Jesuits for the size of
the pre-contact population are so wildly improbable.(5) Data for the years around the turn of the century when the people had been gathered into villages are far more reliable, since the Jesuits were required to keep a strict count of infant baptisms (in effect, the number of births) and those who died each year.(8) Between 1698 and 1702 there were an average of 240 births and 600 deaths a year, yielding a net loss of 1,800 people during these five years alone.(9) Although figures for the following years are much sparser, it appears that there were about 200 births and 350 deaths yearly with an annual population loss of 150. Thus, the decline for the years 1703-20 would have amounted to another 2,700 inhabitants.(10) If these computations are accurate, the Marianas saw a population loss of 4,500 between the final reduction of the islands in 1698 and 1720. Or put another way, the local population decreased by 70% in a matter of 23 years--and this during a time of peace in the islands."(11) The major cause of the precipitous decline in population is no great mystery, if we are to believe the Jesuit sources from this period. The Chamorro people, already weakened by the years of sporadic warfare and flight and now required to adjust to an unfamiliar mode of life, were repeatedly subjected to the sorts of illnesses that decimated many indigenous peoples at early contact. To make matters worse, they were beset by other demands made by priests and civil administrators alike at the very time that their powers of physical resistance were at their ebb. For years epidemics broke out in the islands shortly after the visit of the annual galleon--with such regularity that the illnesses were known as 'sickness of the ship'. One such epidemic, which appeared after the arrival of the ship in 1688, was characterised by a 'bloody rheum and fever' and infected virtually the entire population of Guam.(12) Another, more deadly outbreak followed the galleon's arrival the next year, this one bringing with it diarrhoea, chills and high fever. Twenty people died of the sickness in a single week, and by the end of three months more than 80 had succumbed to the disease, we are told in a Jesuit letter.(13) By this time the missionaries, well aware of the frequency of these epidemics and their own powerlessness to provide medical assistance, added to their staff a Jesuit brother trained in pharmacology who treated victims of these periodic illnesses for nearly 50 years. The outbreak of influenza-- if it was indeed influenza--that raged on Guam from June to December 1700 was probably one of the most severe epidemics of the entire period, 'worse than anything Br. Chavarri had read about in his medical books or seen in the hospitals of Europe', the Jesuit annual report states.(14) There were over 650 deaths reported that year, and though not all resulted from the flu, tradition has it that the corpses were left unburied for lack of people to inter them.(15) Again in 1709 the islands were struck with a serious illness that took many lives, while lesser contagions continued occurring with some frequency throughout the remainder of the period.(16) One of the early governors, whose judgments on many other matters were highly questionable, stated the truth with stunning simplicity when he wrote that 'epidemics are destroying the people of the islands'.(17) Although open hostility between Spanish and Chamorros had ended, the colony was not without its troubles during the early years of colonization. In 1702 three men who had been resettled in Guam from other islands conspired to catch the Spanish off guard and seize the government boats, with which they planned to return to their homes. Their hope was that this would trigger a widespread revolt and that the Spanish would be wiped out in the uprising. In their attempts to recruit sympathizers for their cause, word of the plan was carried to one of the priests, who relayed the news to the governor. The watches on the ships were doubled, the plot checked, and the conspirators apprehended and hanged.(18) Some years earlier, at the shipwreck of a galleon off the coast of Guam in 1690, there was similar trouble but from a different source. Twenty convicts from Mexico who were being transported to a penal colony in the Philippines when they were stranded on Guam plotted to seize weapons from the presidio, slay the soldiers and missionaries, and flee the island in one of the government boats. Just a few days before the plan was to have gone into operation the conspiracy was discovered, again by one of the priests, and the convicts were executed by firing squad in Agana.(19) Incidents like these, although rare, only confirmed the worst fears of some of the missionaries as to what might happen if the garrison were ever reduced in size, much less disbanded completely. Hence, the troops remained on Guam in as strong a force as during the years of actual fighting: two companies of Spanish soldiers, drawn in large part from Mexico, and another company of Pampangos from the Philippines. Even if they were needed, the troops were a constant irritant for the Chamorro people and their pastors through the years. In a strong indictment in 1681, a Jesuit charged that the soldiers were 'Spaniards in name only--cowardly, spoiled, and good for very little . . . The crimes of these soldiers are too long to recount . . . They robbed the mission and violated the Indian women.(20) To judge from reports in later years, the soldiers then were no more virtuous than their earlier counterparts. In 1720 Jose Quiroga, retiring commander of the garrison, judged the 'licentiousness of the troops' to be one of the main scourges imposed by God on the local people as a retribution for their earlier resistance to the faith.(21) The missionaries, no doubt, fully agreed with his assessment, for they related numerous attempts of soldiers to compromise the local women. Often soldiers went so far as to threaten the husbands with physical harm if they did not leave the house and surrender their wives for their pleasure.(22) Even those who retired, married locally and were appointed alcaldes often used their influence and relative wealth to seduce women they fancied and, when this failed, simply raped them with impunity.(23) Back in 1681 Fr Manuel Solorzano had complained that most of those inducted into the garrison were actually criminals from Mexico. This complaint was echoed 40 years later by Quiroga. The latest recruits, he wrote, 'are scum--some chased out by their parents, others simply exiles or vagabonds'.(24) The truth is, however, that a good many of the soldiers seem to have been recruited on shipboard from among the passengers on the galleon who were seeking their fortunes overseas. According to the Archbishop of Manila, who himself crossed the Pacific in 1698, the captains paid to recruit and train troops for the Marianas and Philippines all too often pocketed the money and stayed at home, appointing substitutes to muster whomever they could from the ship's complement to fill the requisite positions.(25) Under such conditions it is no surprise that the troops made as bad a showing as they did. As garrison commander, Jose Quiroga appears to have taken repeated and rather heavy-handed measures to reform barracks life: he had the troops say morning and evening prayers in common each day and marched them to mass and confession regularly.(26) After one such attempt in 1688, however, the soldiers, who had no desire to live like monks, rebelled and locked up their commander until the return of the governor from the Philippines.(27) At its roots the problem of the unruly soldiery went far beyond poor recruitment and lack of discipline. For years the soldiers had been underpaid and left to fend largely for themselves in the matter of clothing and other necessities. The salary of the ordinary soldier in 1711 was 315 pesos a year, and the amount of subsidy received from Mexico each year was dependent upon the number of positions, or plazas, funded by authorities there, regardless of the actual number serving in the garrison.(28) In 1681 there were only 40 salaried positions for a garrison that then numbered 115 men.(29) Each soldier, then, received an equivalent of one-third of his stipulated wages; to make up the difference he was left to his own devices. Thirty years later, in 1711, the situation had not improved despite the addition of 20 more salaried positions, for the strength of the garrison had been increased to 168.(30) Governors and missionaries pleaded with the King and his ministers to redress this unhappy situation, and the latter issued decrees from time to time ordering an increase in the subsidy, but all to no effect. As the financial pressure on the colony increased, the clothing allotment that the soldiers had once received was withdrawn and they were compelled either to buy material from the government store at very high prices or to beg clothing from the priests.(31) They were a ragtag outfit, not only without uniforms but many of them shirtless and barefoot as well. The lot of the common soldier in the Marianas was not a happy one; and one could readily understand how they might be tempted to prey off the local populace just as they were preyed upon by others. Not the least of the burdens the colony had to bear during much of this period was the corrupt administration of the governors themselves, who shamelessly exploited troops and local people to make their own fortunes. The governors were probably little different from many higher officials in the Philippines, who seem to have been conspicuously unable to resist the temptation to use their privileged position to enrich themselves through the lucrative galleon trade.(32) Three of the governors--Damian Esplana (1683-94), Juan Antonio Pimentel (1709-20), Luis Antonio Sanchez de Tagle (1720-25)--were especially notorious for their corruption, as the documents of the period well attest. The judicial investigations that were held at the conclusion of a governor's term of office turned up damning evidence on Pimentel and Tagle, while Esplana was spared this disgrace only because he died while still in office. The three of them governed the Marianas for a total of 27 years. Little is known of the practices of the other governors during this time, but many of them were interim appointees who, whatever their proclivities, did not have time to work out the contrivances that the three successfully employed for their own gain. Underlying the corruption of these years was the attraction that speculation on the galleon trade held for provincial governors such as these. Each year one or two galleons left Manila with valuable cargoes of Chinese silks and other luxury items bound for Acapulco, where the goods were sold at a handsome profit in the annual bazaar. On their return voyage to Manila the ships carried payment for the goods in the form of silver bullion, officially limited to twice the declared value of the goods but nearly always in fact many times more than this. Speculators in the Manila trade, then, stood to make profits far beyond the 100% ceiling that was imposed by law. One authority relates that governors of the Philippines, although forbidden by law to engage in trade for personal profit, sometimes accumulated between 300,000 and 500,000 pesos through their investments by the end of a five-year term.(33) Would-be speculators had to obtain tickets (or boletas) for shipping freight packages to Mexico, but these could be procured for a price from those Manilenos who were entitled to them but lacked the capital to invest in the trade themselves. A reliable agent in Manila and good political connections there--advantages that Esplana, Pimentel and Tagle enjoyed--were all that were needed to take advantage of this lucrative opportunity.(34) Finding the wherewithal to invest in the galleon trade was a problem easily solved by a governor with even the slightest imagination. The same galleon that brought speculators from Manila the return on their investment stopped at the Marianas to drop off the yearly subsidy from Mexico to finance the administration of the colony. This yearly subsidy usually amounted to about 20,000 pesos, besides the special mission subsidy of nearly 10,000 pesos, all of it earmarked for salaries: the governor's own salary of about 1,600 pesos, and the military commander's salary of half that amount, as well as the salaries of the troops of the garrison.(35) Since there was no trade to speak of in the colony other than the small amount that was conducted with the galleon for food and other provisions, the annual subsidy constituted the total yearly income for the Marianas. The main objective of the trade-minded governor, therefore, was to work out ways, short of stealing it outright, by which the greatest possible portion of that subsidy might remain in his pocket so that it could be sent on to Manila and invested in the galleon trade. According to later authors, some of the governors were extremely successful in this regard--successful enough to re-acquire nearly the entire subsidy within a matter of weeks.(36) If the governors could make a few extra pesos through the re-provisioning trade during the short layover of the galleon in Guam, so much the better. The ease with which governors could gain possession of virtually the entire yearly subsidy for personal investment was due to their direct control of the government storehouse, the only channel of imported goods into the colony. It was left to the discretion of the governor whether the troops were to be paid in currency or materials; but whatever the case, the net result was about the same. Soldiers who needed foreign-made items were forced to buy from the government store at prices determined solely by the governor. In a letter to the Crown complaining of the abuses by the governors, Quiroga reports that the mark-up for the normal food items--chocolate, sugar, biscuits, tobacco, honey and wine--was ordinarily as high as 400 or 500%, and more than double that in years of scarcity when the galleon did not arrive.(37) Cloth, too, fell under the government monopoly, and the sad condition of the troops' dress was attributed to the exorbitant prices that were charged for even the simplest items of apparel in the government store. The governors found excuses to withhold even the small allotment of cloth to which the soldiers were entitled, thus forcing the latter to buy this from the store. The profits from the store went to the governor, who at such prices soon found nearly the entire payroll back in his coffers ready to be reinvested in personal ventures. Governors even as early as Esplana were quick to discover that their own profit margins could be increased by buying supplies at relatively low prices in Manila rather than the more expensive Mexican imports. This undoubtedly accounts for much of the interest that Esplana showed in building boats capable of making the Guam-Manila run, as well as the fact that Pimentel's first request upon becoming governor was for a ship to handle traffic between the two ports.(38) At Esplana's death, nearly 10,000 pesos were discovered to have been sent by the governor to his agent in Manila for the purchase of items that were needed for the garrison.(39) Aware of the potential for abuse in the transfer of large sums of the royal subsidy to business agents, Spanish authorities soon explicitly forbade the practice.(40) Like so many other regulations designed to check government corruption, however, this became a dead letter. Damian Esplana, the man whom one of the Jesuits referred to as 'God's scourge to the people of the Marianas',(41) accumulated enough wealth during his 11 years as governor to keep his relatives busy contesting his estate for another 10 after his death. Born in Peru and a veteran of over 20 years of military service there, Esplana first arrived in the Marianas in 1674 as military commander for two years and returned in 1683 to assume the governorship of the colony.(42) After he was attacked and nearly killed in an uprising the year after he became governor, Esplana begged to be relieved of his duties and allowed to return to the Philippines. When permission was not forthcoming, he left anyway in a small boat that he had built (and later sold for a good profit in Manila), pleading the need for urgent medical attention. The fact that the galleon had not touched at Guam for the two previous years must have added to the governor's distress. Not only was the colony without subsidy and supplies during this period, but Esplana had no way of getting the large share of the subsidy of earlier years that had found its way into his pocket into the hands of his investment broker so that it could be parlayed into even larger gains. Esplana was tried for desertion of his post, but was acquitted and allowed to resume his position as governor. After a year in the Philippines, Esplana's strong desire to find a replacement suddenly cooled and he seems to have been happy enough to return to Guam where he again took up residence in Umatac, the main port and a splendid vantage point from which to oversee his trade interests in the galleon.(43) From then until his death in 1694 his investments appear to have been his sole absorption, even as his relationship with Quiroga and the missionaries, never very warm, deteriorated still further. The man's avarice had overcome the almost pathological fear of a violent death at the hands of the islanders that he showed in later years, and he established an unhappy pattern of commercial manipulation for future governors of the colony. GovernorJuan Antonio Pimentel, who took office in 1709 and held it for 11 years, had a good deal in common with Esplana. Like him he was Peru-born, a long-time resident of the Philippines, and appointed to his position by the Court of Madrid. The two had been old friends, shared a deep dislike for Quiroga, and were unequalled in the degree to which they exploited the poor Spanish colony.(44) Pimentel, if anything, only refined and perfected the methods employed by his predecessor for bilking the troops out of their share of the subsidy. During the fair that followed the arrival of the galleon, according to one of his contemporaries, he had his servants hawking chocolate, biscuits, and other goods at the usual inflated prices.(45) To loosen up those married troops who might have been inclined to put away their savings for their families there was also aguardiente, a local fermented drink made from the coconut palm by Chamorros and bought by the governor for a pittance. The governor was also said to have organized gambling among the troops, despite the fighting that invariably resulted, with a good percentage of the earnings going into his pocket. For those who had spent their salary Pimentel gladly arranged loans at 100% interest. The governor deliberately encouraged indebtedness among the troops, Quiroga charged, so that he could conveniently withhold part or all of their salaries at the arrival of the next subsidy. As a matter of fact, those who refused to go into debt to the government store ran the risk of having their names withdrawn from the muster list and losing their salary altogether. Consequently, nearly all the Filipinos and Spaniards in the colony were in debt to the store--in effect, of course, the governor--and Pimentel had little trouble claiming for himself virtually the entire government subsidy to use for his own financial ends. The Chamorro people themselves suffered no less than the troops from the corruption of their governors. Although the natives of the Marianas were expressly exempted from the royal tribute that colonial populations normally paid, the governors routinely imposed labor demands of their own on the people. The villagers were required to plant and tend fields of rice, corn, melons and root crops on royal land, as well as raise pigs and poultry--all of which was supposedly for the support of the troops, but in fact was used for the governor's own table or sold to the galleon or the garrison for his personal profit.(46) Even the women had their compulsory work: they collected copra to feed the pigs, made salt and oil, and plaited sleeping mats and canoe sails of pandanus to be sold in the Philippines.(47) For both men and women this meant perhaps two days a week, and in some cases more, of intense labour at the behest of the governor and the alcaldes. As compensation for a full day's work, the villagers were given merely two or three leaves of tobacco grown in the Philippines and priced at double its value.(48) The daily wage amounted to about a 20th of a silver real, or an 80th of a peso. At this rate a Chamorro would have had to work four to six months to buy enough cheap cloth for a pair of pants.(49) It was no wonder that the missionaries themselves had to give out clothes to keep their people dressed in what they regarded as a proper manner. In his letter of 1706, Fr Gerard Bouwens was already complaining about the excessive labour imposed on the islanders. Between the work that was required to rebuild their own houses after the frequent typhoons, the cultivation of their own crops, and the additional demands made by the government, 'their toil is almost continuous', he wrote.(50) A few years later, soon after his arrival in Guam, Governor Pimentel, himself one of the worst offenders, commented on the excessive burdens borne by the local people, but he attributed much of the misery on the island to the resettlement of the population in villages at the urging of the missionaries and the corvee labor that he claimed was imposed by Quiroga.(51) Pimentel's own excesses, which were documented in vivid detail by Quiroga, led to an outcry on the part of the Jesuits in sermons and through their letters to their superiors in Manila and Mexico City. For their denunciation of these abuses from the pulpit two of the missionaries--Fr Ignacio Ibarguen and Fr Antonio Cantova--were banished to the outlying villages by the governor on the charge of sedition.(52) It was only the lack of means to convey them to Manila that prevented their expulsion from the Marianas altogether. Widespread reports of Pimentel's oppressive measures elicited a flurry of correspondence from Spanish authorities in Spain and Mexico and an extensive investigation of his misconduct, although the strongest censure against him at the end of it all was his failure to defend the colony against the British privateers who put in at Guam unchallenged in 1710. Governor Luis Tagle, Pimentel's replacement in 1720, was admonished by superiors to correct the injustices committed by his predecessors, but the report at the conclusion of his five-year term reads like that of Pimentel. He continued the practice of forced labour under terms very similar to those during Pimentel's time. If anything, the work load seems to have been increased under Tagle, for the missionaries were forced to rescind the church ban on manual labour on feast days so that the people could rebuild their houses after storms and provide sustenance for their families.(53) The charges against him at the end of his term were familiar enough: he had commandeered the government wares and sold them for personal gain; he had forced the islanders to work in the fields for the government in return for a few leaves of tobacco; and he had requisitioned poultry and eggs for private purposes for next to no payment. His major crime, by Spanish standards of justice, however, was to fire upon a Spanish ship in an effort to force it to return to port, and when threatened with arrest he surreptitiously left the Marianas for the Philippines and slipped into a monastery where he found refuge from the authorities. Tagle died before he could be prosecuted.(54) Throughout all this the Chamorro people were steadily depleted in numbers and strength. So worn down were they by the burdensome work schedule, something to which they were unaccustomed, that some of those who fell ill were reputed to have said that they would prefer to die at once rather than to live a life of slow attrition.(55) Spanish reforms, as was often the case in the distant royal colonies, were slow in coming and often ineffective when they were finally imposed. For years Spanish authorities in Manila, Mexico City and Madrid argued over the merits of paying all local people in currency in an effort to standardize wages. In the end this proposal was rejected, although some of the missionaries suggested that a standard salary scale and rates for island products be established, whether the payment be made in money or goods.(56) The governor who succeeded Tagle in 1725 began paying the soldiers each month in cash, which they were to use to buy food from local farmers as well as imported goods from the government store; but this reform did not survive very long.(57) Neither did the elimination of the alcaldes and the relegation of their functions to the local Chamorro leaders, another reform initiated at this time. The local leaders evidently proved unequal to the task of organizing relief work in the wake of a typhoon that did serious damage to the island in December 1725.(58) An expansion of the role of the church in the administration of the colony was also contemplated as a check against future abuses: the Archbishop of Manila was to be consulted on the choice of future governors of the Marianas, and the Jesuit mission superior was to monitor the distribution of the annual subsidy.(59) Ecclesiastical law, however, forbade the latter and the badly strained church-state relations in the Philippines during this period ruled out the former. Most of the proposed reforms, then, were never implemented, and those that were had a very short life-span. Even so, the mere show of concern to correct the injustices of the past two decades represented a significant step forward. Many of the abuses reappeared throughout the century and later, but the worst was over for the colony. Spanish attitudes towards the tiny colony in the Marianas had been ambivalent from the very beginning. The Queen Regent Mariana, who lent her name to the island group, had overridden the objections of lesser officials to the initial missionary venture there on the grounds that Spain had a sacred obligation to provide for the spiritual welfare of the inhabitants of these islands. There was a certain quaint nobility in the axiom of Spanish imperial policy of the day that maintained that 'a king holds some states because he needs them, and others because they need him'.(60) This principle, which was invoked often enough to justify retaining Spanish interests in the Philippines, was all the more applicable to the Marianas. More than once throughout the early years of armed struggle in the Marianas, the Crown had found it necessary to remind its representatives in Mexico City and Manila that any expenses, no matter how great, must be weighed against the main purpose of their endeavor: the conversion of the islanders.(61) http://www.micsem.org/pubs/publications/histwork/concol.htm nmar%231960-029_m6.html![]() View Access Terms Sent by Johanna de Soto Return to Table of Contents |
The forgotten people The Irish in Argentina and other South American countries by GUILLERMO MacLOUGHLIN In memory of Edward A. Coghlan, 1997 As an introduction, we must emphasize that Argentina was the destination of the largest Irish emigration to a non-English speaking land, where nowadays more than half a million people could claim some Hibernian origin. It is also important to point out that the Irish migration to Argentina, as well as to South America, is different to those that took or are taking place world-wide, as we will see in this work. The very earliest Irish presence in South America For many years we have tried to find out if there was any Irish presence in Admiral Cristobal Colon’s armada (1) or in any other Spanish or Portuguese naval expedition that contributed to the discovery of the new World. We do not accept the theory of the first Irishman to place a foot on South American soil was Father Thomas Field, a Jesuit missionary, native of Limerick, who arrived at Brazil on December 31st., 1577. Anybody we could also mention Saint Brendan’s voyages, but it seems that he has visited mostly North and Central America, rather than the South. As we announced in Dublin during the first Irish Genealogical Congress in 1991 (2), there were three natives of Galway members of the crew of the Spanish Admiral Hernando de Magallanes who arrived in South America in 1520. We consider them the first Irishmen to arrive to South America. Immediately after this event, some documents revealed more Irish presence. For example, in the foundation of Buenos Aires city in 1536, the names of John and Thomas Farel (Farrell) are well documented. Other Irishmen seemed to have been present in the foundation of other cities, like Asuncion, in Paraguay, or Corrientes, in North-Eastern Argentina. Also we must point out, as Thomas Murray indicates in his work regarding the Irish in Argentina (3), that it is hard to establish the exact origin of various conquerors, such as Moran, Martin, Colman or Galvan, whose surnames could be as much Spanish as Irish. During the early Spanish and Portuguese colonial administration many Irishmen came to South America as soldiers, officers or members of the administration, as well as priests of the Dominican, Franciscan or Jesuit Orders. The largest group of priests were Jesuits, spread through the entire continent until their expulsion in the second part of the XVIIIth. century. Among many others, we can mention Frs. Thomas Browne and Thaddeus Ennis and Br. William Leny in Paraguay; Frs. Richard Carey and John Almeida (Martin) and Br. William Lynch in Brazil; Frs. Francis Lea and Robert Kyne and Br. Thomas Lewis in New Granada -at present Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador-; Brs. Ignatius Walter and Maurice O’Phelan and Frs. John Brand and James Woulfe in Peru; as well as Fr. Michael Lynch in Bolivia. The first attempt to establish an Irish settlement took place in the Amazon region as of 1612. Phillip and James Purcell, Irish traders, established a colony in Tocujos, on the mouth of the Amazon river. They were interested in tobacco, dyes and hardwoods that they could obtain and that they could later sell with good profits. Another settlement, leaded by Bernard O' Brien, was established nearby in 1620, in an area with English and Dutch establishments as well. But the prosperity did not last much time due to the Portuguese government that wanted the total control of the trade in that area. The importance of these Irish settlements are well documented in Joyce Lorimer’s "English and Irish Settlements on the River Amazon, 1550-1646" (4). In Colonial times. Many Irish held important positions in the military and civil administration during the colonial period, in areas that were ruled by the Spanish monarchy, due to the warm treatment Irishmen received from their "cousin", the Spanish king (5). Undoubtedly, the most outstanding Irish of this group was Ambrose O’ Higgins, a native of Co. Sligo, who fulfilled important positions in two different countries. He was the Governor General of Chile in 1787 and subsequently, he was appointed Viceroy of Peru -the most powerful government position in South America- in 1795 until his death in 1801 at the age of 80. He was also named Baron of Ballenary and Marquis of Osorno in recognition for his services. He was also the originator of the first Irish-American political family dynasty, as his son Bernard later became the Liberator of Chile and its first Supreme Director (President). Many others Irish immigrants, like the Murphys, O’Haras, Carrs and O’Donnells were in military capacities in Argentina and other neighboring countries. Merchants and members of local governments were Irish born who came after spending some time in Spain, or were descendants of distinguished 'Wild Geese'. Among them, we can mention the Lynchs, Butelers (Butlers), Sarsfields, Cuelis (Kellys), O’Ryans and other families and specially Michael O’Gorman (1749-1819), a physician from Ennis, Co. Clare, who was appointed as first chairman of the Medical School of Buenos Aires in 1799. We can also trace other Irish families who came through Spanish possessions, as the Cullen family, who came from the Canary Islands. In Brazil, there were also similar cases, as Lawrence Belfort, a Dubliner, who had a very respectable family which is still remembered in that country with one of Brazil’s most highly-prized soccer award that is named after one of his descendants. There was also a different form of Irish migration to South America. As a result of political affairs in Europe, for many years, Spain and England were at war, so it is not surprising that there were some British colonizing attempts in Colombia or in the River Plate, which were rejected by the local people. One of them, commanded in 1763 by captain John MacNamara, an Irishman under the British service, was defeated in the Colonia del Sacramento, presently located in Uruguay, where 262 men were killed and 78 taken prisoners and confined into the country. These English, Scotch and Irish people, after sometime, raised local families and their descendants signed a presentation to general Jose de San Martin, the Liberator of Argentina, Chile and Peru, when he was forming his army in Mendoza in 1817. In this document they declared they were "grateful for the good hospitality and full of enthusiasm for the rights of men, and that they could not see with indifference the risks that threatened the country, and they were ready to take up arms and give their last drop of blood, if it was necessary, in its defense" (6). Some of the signings were John Heffernan, W. Manahan, Timothy Lynch, John Brown, John Young, Thomas Hughes, William Carr, Daniel MacGeoghegan and others. Another British attempt, and successful for a short period of time, took place in Buenos Aires in 1806. It was commanded by the Irish-born general William Carr Beresford, who was proclaimed Governor of Buenos Aires. Bereford, who afterward was named Viscount, acted as British Minister in the court of Rio de Janeiro. The following year there was another English expedition under the command of general Whitelocke. In both British armies, many officers and soldiers were of Irish origin, such as Browne, Nugent, Kenny, Donnelly, Murray, Mahon, Cadogan and Duff. The last one, was in charge of the 88th. Connaught Rangers Regiment, entirely formed by Irishmen (7). Among the "criollos" (Spanish people born in South America) who fought against the invaders we can recall Domingo French and Ignacio Warnes, who belonged to Irish families established in Spain, whose descendants came to America, as well as general Juan de Pueyrredon, whose mother was a Dogan (Duggan). Here we have clearly a case of Irish fighting against Irish as-we will see many times in South America. Some prisoners of these frustrated military adventures, as well as many others who deserted from the British, decided to establish themselves in the River Plate. The most famous was Peter Campbell, who became later a prominent figure in Uruguay. We must also mention other British expeditions to South American shores, as those commanded by Admirals Anson and Vernon, with military presence in the northern part of the continent, with Irish soldiers among their crews. In the Spanish side there were also Irish presence, as Brigadier John Baptist MacEvan, who was in charge of designing the defense of the fort of Cartagena de Indias, in Colombia (8). Also, it is worthy to mention that among the pirates who devastated Spanish fortifications in Colombia and Venezuela there where many Irish, men and women, some of whose descendants later came to South America through the Antilles. In this period, and in subsequent years, there was an active trade between Irish and South American ports. It was not surprising to see in Cork or in Belfast merchandise consigned to several places, as Mejico, the West Indies or South America. At the time of independence. The different movements for independence in the world, as the French and North American revolutions, as well as the Napoleonic war, affected the Spanish and Portuguese crowns. They also influenced the citizens of South America, where the new ideas towards the independence of the colonies began to flourish, specially in the Spanish possessions. The Irish, totally integrated into the local communities, where not an exception to these ideas. At the beginning of the 1810’s different Irishmen held important positions in the newly independent countries. As a brief example, we can mention that James Roth (Ross) was President of the first government formed in Venezuela; general John Mackenna -born in Clogher, Co. Tyrone (1771-1814) and John Michael Gill where signators, respectively, of the Chilean and Paraguayan declarations of independence; and Joaquin Campana (Campbell) demanded the dismissal of the Spanish Viceroy in the town council held in Buenos Aires in 1810. The following year he served the local government. Not only in politics the Irish were involved. They had a very active participation in the struggle for independence, with remarkable presence in the military and naval forces. Generals Jose de San Martin and Sim6n Bolivar were the two most important leaders in the wars of independence of the former Spanish South American colonies. They both had large armies in which there was important Irish presence. One of San Martin’s officers was general Bernard O’ Higgins, the son of Ambrose O’ Higgins, who also was a politician and became the first President of Chile. In this nation he is regarded as the father of the country’s independence. Among many other officers of Irish origin, we must also recall general John Thomond O’Brien, who was aide-de-camp of general San Martin. We must pay attention to this man, native of Co. Wicklow, who after the war ended dedicated his personal efforts to business, specially in the mining sector, in Peru and Bolivia, as well as promote Irish immigration to America. In 1824 he signed an agreement with the Argentine authorities to establish 200 compatriots in this country, but the proposal failed due to the opposition of the British government. Also, in 1828, general O’Brien gathered in Buenos Aires a group of distinguished Irish people to decide how they could best help the struggle for Catholic Emancipation in Ireland. But the most important Irish contribution for independence was in Bolivar’s army. In 1818 general John D’Evereaux organised in Dublin a famous "Irish Legion". Many ships left Irish and British ports, carrying some 6.500 men, mainly Irish, for service in the Liberator’s force, where they played an active role in securing the independence of Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. General Bolivar had a notable inclination for Irish officers. For many years several countrymen acted as his aide-de-camp. We must mention the names of Charles Chamberlain, James Rooke, William Ferguson -who died in Bogota saving the life of the Liberator in an assassination attempt in 1828-, and finally, the greatest, general Daniel Florence O’Leary, another Corkman, who is the author of "Memorias" (9) a monumental work that -describes in 32 volumes the events of those days in the northern countries of South America. He was also involved in politics and in the diplomatic career in both the Venezuelan and British services. In 1852 he visited, once again, Ireland, donating a collection of South American minerals, plants and birds to Queen’s College, which is now University College Cork, where this Migration Conference is taking place (10). Although many Irishmen died due to war or bad climatic conditions or returned to their homes, many others settled in South America, raising important families. The most prominent was general Francis Burdett O’Connor, from Connorville, Co. Cork, to whom we pay homage here in this county where he was born. After serving with generals Bolivar and Sucre he settled in Bolivia, marrying a distinguished local lady. He became Minister of War and wrote his famous "Recuerdos" (memoirs) (11). His descendants are still important members of Bolivia’s ruling class. One of his great-grandsons is Ambassador Edward Trigo O’Connor, at present Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. Other similar cases are those of Charles Minchin, from Co. Tipperary, who settled in Venezuela and integrated the cabinet of this republic, and Arthur Sandes, from Co. Kerry, a politician and educational innovator in Ecuador. The numerous participation of Irish people in the campaigns for independence are well documented by the Irish historian Eric Lambert (12). Among others, we must also add the surnames of Phelan, French, Reynolds, MacLoughlin, Byrne, Thomson, Hogan and Keogh as well as Maurice O’Connell, a relative of Daniel O’Connell, with whom Bolivar exchanged correspondence. In the navy there was also a very important Irish participation. Undoubtedly, the most prominent was Admiral William Brown (1777-1857), a native of Foxford, Co. Mayo, and founder of the Argentine Navy, whose biography is now available in English, thanks to the contribution of Dr. John de Courcy Ireland (13). He won the naval battle of Montevideo, on March 17, 1815, which assured the independence of Buenos Aires from Spanish rule. Brown began the action with the band playing the song "St. Patrick’s Day in the Morning" in homage to the Saint’s day. This song is now one of the officials in the Argentine Navy. Brown also fought against the Spanish forces in Peru and Ecuador and was Commander-in-Chief in the war against Brazil which ended with the independence of the Republic of Uruguay. He was also Governor of Buenos Aires, in 1828, which was at the time equivalent to be President of the Argentine Republic. In his numerous campaigns, Admiral Brown was accompanied by many Irish officers, such as Craig, King. Kearney, Turner and others. We must not avoid mentioning Admiral Thomas
Charles Wright, who after fighting against Napoleon and in the
Anglo-American War, offered his services to Bolivar. Later on, he
founded the Ecuadorian Navy, as well as Peter Campbell, from Co.
Tipperary, who fought with general Artigas and founded the Uruguayan
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